SoL - The Mare's Meadow (CLOSED)

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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby jesdar16 » Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:01 am

Username jesdar16
Horse Number #9
Species Horse
Age 6 years
Name Puawai Koraha (means "desert flower" in Maori) Nickname is Koraha
Koraha is a very family-oriented mare and forms strong bonds with those who are physically related to her or are close friends. She doesn't trust easily outside of her own blood and is very independent, often running with her nose high in the air. She carries herself regally and can be sassy or disobedient. She expects a lot out of her foals and may sometimes force them to follow her wishes rather than their own, but is willing to give her life for them.
Koraha likes to make a big entrance and likes to be the center of attention, enjoying the spotlight and letting others know that she's here and that the party can start. She can be very defensive of her foal especially around other mares, often causing unnecessary fights to protect them. She can be self absorbed and will think of her foals first and then herself before anyone else,
including the good of the whole herd. She doesn't like relying on anyone for anything and will sometimes break the rules just to defy orders, as long as she knows said rules won't harm her or her foal. Koraha has a keen sense of hearing and will be able to alert the herd of danger before anyone else, because it puts pride in her heart and gives herself and her foal a greater chance of survival. She prides in anything that makes her or her foals better or different than the other herd members, like special markings or abilities. Koraha was used to lots of attention as a foal and it stayed like that throughout her life, she hates being alone and always wants the company of someone, usually her own foal but sometimes someone she trusts. She does not forgive easily blows things way out of proportion, making what would be a simple disagreement into a full blown fight. Koraha was used to being coddled as a foal, sheltered from the world around her, and that's how she treats her foals. She hides them from the world around them and only lets them do incredibly safe or things she wants them to do, she rarely lets them explore or play with other foals.
She is very protective of them and over her friends, and her loyalty to her herd is not very strong, but she knows that if she wants to surround herself foals she'll need a herd. Koraha loves collecting and hoarding things such as plants or tiny rocks. She keeps her collection in a small stump of a dead tree in her herd's grazing lands.
Overall Koraha is a very self-absorbed, attention-loving mare with a motherly instinct towards her foals and close friends and no one else. She has no drive to protect anyone except herself and her family and may sometimes not give them a second glance as long as her own family is safe. She takes pride in lots of things and likes and can act sassy and snooty most of the time. She really has no loyalty to those around her if they're not blood related to her.

What Part Did Her Ancestors Play In The War?
Koraha's ancestors were simple folk - they did not do much travelling, they mostly stayed in one place, and because of that did not interact with other herds much, so they were never really up to date on the news of Arraspel. One particular ancestor, a simple stallion by the name of Noite, which means "dusk" in Galician. He was the best friend of one particular mare,
a level-headed black mare by the name of Corvo, a name meaning "raven" in the same language. Together they made up a little herd, just them three - and their daughter, a sweet young filly named Flor, which means "flower". The whole little family was simple, they all cared about one another and were close bonded, but all had one thing in common. They didn't like outsiders.
They deliberately moved away from the other herds and kept to themselves, they had no other non-related horse in the herd.
When the alicorns first showed up asking for help, obviously no one knew what to make of it.
"War? What war? Who says we're fighting in it? We have plenty to do here, don't we, Noite?" Corvo said defensively, placing herself between her daughter and her mate. The alicorns just sighed and spread their wings to fly away, but one stayed.
"I am called Aivah. Some of us have gone rogue and tried to take over the world.. we are losing the fight and our evil brethren will soon dominate this world if we cannot stop them. Please, will you help us?"
"I'm sorry Aivah, but us? Fighting? We have no skills! We can't fight! Right, Flor?"
"Right, momma.." The little filly seemed disappointed that she could not help her land and later that night while her parents' backs were turned, asleep on the floor, Flor left her mother's side and galloped away into the night. She had gone for quite some time when she found the traveling alicorns. The dawn was beginning to rise.
"Miss Aivah?" Flor said hesitantly, scraping her hoof against the stone in apprehension.
Aivah groggily lifted her white marked head and gazed at her with bleary eyes.
"I remember you.. we asked your family about fighting yesterday. Why are you here?" Aivah said after she had stood up and stretched her large white wings. "I.. I decided that I want to help fight. Against the evil alicorns. This is my home too and it feels wrong not fighting to keep it." Aivah tilted her head at the young filly's generous offer.
"I am proud that you wish to fight, but you are just a weanling! If a full grown mare were to tackle you, you'd have no chance.
I don't want to send you to your death, young one." Aivah said reasonably, rustling her wings. "Do you really wish to do this?"
"Yes, ma'am. I will learn to fight. I may be just a horse, but I can prove to my family that this world is worth fighting for."
"Good. Then I will be your personal protector." Aivah winked as Flor's eyes lit up.
"Oh, thank you miss Aivah!" Flor pranced around the older mare, her little tail flapping.

Flor said goodbye to her parents the next day without telling them where she was going and left in a hurry. She met up with the elemental alicorn to where the fighting was. Aivah had given her a crash course in fighting and had already placed the strongest possible defensive shield around the young filly as she could. Flor watched as Aivah flung herself into battle, her horn blazing as she used her earth, water and light powers to grow a vine trap around a group of enemies. Flor weaved between equines squealing and kicking, narrowly missing a kick to the head as it bounced off her shield. She bent past a large rock being flung at her by a unicorn and caught up with Aivah. The mare was fighting a black unicorn stallion whose horn was glowing green. The stallion's ears were pinned and he slashed his hooves. Flor slid beneath him and nipped him wherever she could reach, causing him to squeal. She bit him in the leg and laughed when Aivah's eyes twinkled.

"Thanks. Thanks a lot." Aivah said later, after the fight. "You helped a lot."
"Thanks, Aivah. And you're welcome." Flor said sheepishly. "I'm glad I could help." She groaned at a scratch on her shoulder and Aivah gently used her warmth element to warm the spot.

Flor spent many more months fighting in the war and won many a battle as she grew up. She got a mate and had foals of her own,
who would eventually become the ancestors of Koraha. Flor defied her family's traditions and general personality to defend something she loved.

What Is Her Relationship With Her Herdmates?Koraha keeps an indifferent attitude towards most of her non-related herdmates and begrudgingly accepts the rule of Hamada the lead mare and more reluctantly the herd stallion Saulains. She only stays with them for protection and the ability to have foals, and nothing more. She has no close friends in the herd particularly,
and she is willing to be supportive as long as there's something in it for her or her foals.
She doesn't particularly have enemies but she isn't exactly the herd's favorite due to her self-absorbed disposition. She doesn't really like the other mares but will begrudgingly respect them.

A Story
Koraha snorted as she grazed at the meager pickings she had to choose from. When another dirt bite sent her into a coughing fit, the young mare decided enough was enough and went up to the lead mare. Hamada was speaking quietly with the stallion, Saulains, and gave Koraha a look as she approached.
"We need a new grazing field. I can't keep swallowing dirt!" Koraha complained, interrupting their conversation. Saulains pinned his ears but was quickly calmed by Hamada. "No." The red dun said quietly and sternly. Saulains just groaned and trotted off. Koraha stomped the ground irritatedly with her hoof, forcing Hamada to pay attention to her.
"Yes Koraha.. I know.. I know.. but you know the drought's been getting worse! The water is drying up and there's no cool grass left! I'll move the herd tomorrow, okay? Please stop complaining!" Hamada snapped, and Koraha realized she was at her wit's end and decided to sit tight unless she wanted to get more yelling. "Ugh... fine." The black mare groaned, trotting away and digging at the meager pickings again.

"You know what?" Koraha said to herself the next day when Hamada brought them to the "next great place". "I'm sick of going to dud grasslands! I want better quality grass. If Hamada's not gonna find it, then I am!" The black mare galloped off when no one was looking that night.

"Fresh grass. Fresh grass... fresh grass!" Koraha said happily upon seeing the fresh shoots. They were still miraculously alive. Koraha did not realize nearby that there was an alicorn mare watching her. The mare's black coat was marked strongly with the signs of the main four natural elements, air, earth, water, fire, and a white mane and tail flowed from her body and blended into the four elemental colors at the tips. Blue eyes blinked delicately from her fair face and a long, sharp blue horn of the same color rose to a deadly tip from her forehead. White wings lay folded neatly against her back.
"Can I help you?"
Koraha snorted and reared, surprised to see her. "Oh, I'm.. sorry, is this your grass?" Koraha asked, too surprised to respond with a sarcastic comment.
"Oh, no.. I've been practicing, trying to bring life back to Arraspel. I can only keep grass alive for so long before it dies again." The mare said, proving her point as the grass began to fold and wilt. She closed her eyes and her horn began to glow a bright blue color, the aura weaving around her horn. The grass slowly began to come back to life as the mare caused a rainstorm with her air and water magic.
"If you're looking for food, I don't mind you trying some.. but it's gonna take a lot more than me to bring this place back to life." The mare said softly, opening her eyes as the aura faded from her horn.
"Thank you.." Koraha said, digging in and eating most of the grass, leaving nothing for the mare herself.
"I never caught your name.." Koraha said with a mouthful of food. The mare winced but responded politely. "I'm Aivah, one of the few remaining alicorns in Arraspel. And, um.. you are?"
"Koraha. Puawai Koraha." Koraha said instantly, swallowing. "Well I best be going if I wish to return to my herd before nightfall. Thanks!" Koraha disappeared as fast as she had come,
leaving poor Aivah perplexed.
Koraha returned home to an angry Hamada.
"I'm sorry that I can't give you the perfect, watered world you expected! Fresh grass is the hardest thing to find around here and you need to know that I can't cater everything to you!
You're not the only herd member here! If I could find actual grass then I would lead us to it!
From what you told me you ate an alicorn's entire stash of grass! That can't feed a whole herd and we don't want to get on their bad sides! They started the war you know! And you can't go running off like that! I was worried sick about you!" Hamada tossed her head, her mane in a frizz.
"Look, Hamada, I'm sorry that I.. ran off or whatever, but I couldn't live on these stupid dried up twigs anymore! I need some real food, k?" Koraha stamped off in a frenzy, lashing her tail.
Hamada just groaned again and trotted off to a lone dead tree for time alone.

Koraha didn't return to Aivah's little grass field out of fear of another scathing consequence from the red dun mare.
She didn't notice Aivah watching her from her place in the scant grasses.


𝔘𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢 jesdar16
ℌ𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔢 𝔑𝔲𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 #7
𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔰 Horse
𝔄𝔤𝔢 6 years
𝔑𝔞𝔪𝔢 Sinar Matahari (means "sunshine" in Indonesian) Nickname is Matahari
Matahari, as she's called, is very open-minded and soft-hearted. She is incredibly gentle and considered "innocent" by most of her herd, and because of that she is often shielded first, like she is considered weaker. She is often wise and surrounds herself with herdmates she trusts, and enjoys giving advice to younger horses. She has no intention to gain power and doesn't really even have a harsh side, she has a hard time defending herself and can usually never get the upper hand of a fight or argument. Matahari can be shy and dislikes the spotlight, she feels much more comfortable around younger horses like foals. She is very intelligent and has the brains to think of the right answer but doesn't like to show it. She dislikes anything that singles her out from the crowd but also hates being sheltered and treated like she's not ready or she's weak. Matahari's family-oriented, she can be very protective of her foals and is not afraid to come out of her shell especially for them. She only gives advice to those she trusts and she is always happy to help her close friends, but anyone else she may come off as though she is giving the cold shoulder. She has a hard time introducing herself and starting off a conversation, but once she does she is able to tell a lot about a horse just from the way they speak. Matahari takes a lot to get comfortable with someone, and she often needs multiple meet ups just to feel comfortable enough to tell her name. Matahari spends most of her time away from the most of the herd in someplace nice with her foals where she can be with just herself. Matahari's always been happy-go-lucky and optimistic, she just has a hard way of showing it. She has a habit of building a mental wall around her mind that she only opens up to close friends and family. Matahari is not a loud mare and enjoys peace and quiet,
away from the herd and attention and socialization. She rarely speaks at all unless she's spoken to or the situation is dire. The light colored mare was always a little shy but as time went on she believed more and more in hiding herself from the world and treating her foals the same way.
All in all, Matahari is a gentle, open-hearted mare with a very shy, timid and reserved disposition. She is very intelligent and usually has good advice to give, when she wants to give it. She's very family-oriented and loves her foals, and has a protective side that comes out around her foals. She doesn't trust easily and she has only a few close friends that she treats similar to her foals. She is willing to be a little more out-there for her foals, but nothing more than that. She is considered "innocent" by the other horses and dislikes how she's sheltered by them sometimes. Matahari enjoys the quiet and is never very loud, she enjoys keeping herself away from the others where she can enjoy the nature.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔇𝔦𝔡 ℌ𝔢𝔯 𝔄𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔓𝔩𝔞𝔶 ℑ𝔫 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔞𝔯?
Matahari's ancestors were nomads, they traveled around Arraspel without any proper home. They saw the land in its glory before the war began, and sadly after it as well. They were busy travelling to Albarari after their travels, deciding it was time yet again to see their homeland. It was at this time that they were called upon to fight. They had a small herd, mostly related to the same mare and stallion with a few outsiders. They were close knit and friendly, but had never spent much time in the same place and were always on the move.
The little herd was never particularly good at any one thing, each one was just about as skilled as the next. They were.. average.
Simple folk, really.
So obviously to them the war was startling news. They had seen the beauty and wonders of this land and many of the equines who had inhabited it, but have never thought of them as power hungry and cruel. But due to their undying love for the land, they agreed wholeheartedly to fight. It is said that Matahari has the Earth element somewhere in her blood, from an unknown ancestor,
due to her ancestors' close connection with the land itself.
Her ancestors really did not do much to change the direction of the war itself, being just simple horses, nothing fancy like a pegasus or unicorn, often serving as messengers to and from the battles. Sometimes if the need was dire they were called upon to actually fight, but that was rare. They best served the war telling the generals and alicorns how the other side was pushing on their lines.
There was one little colt named Gelap, meaning "dark" in Indonesian. Gelap was the newly weaned son of the mare and stallion pairing in his herd. He would be leaving soon to start his own herd, but wanted to pay one last debt to his family for his travels.
One day when his father was fighting another stallion, a pegasus, little Gelap saved him from the crushing blow from a flying equine by pushing him out of the way and allowing himself to be taken. The pegasus was unaware he had hit the little colt until he realized that Gelap was on the ground, not the stallion he had intended to hit.
"Gelap!" The colt's father nudged him urgently. "Gelap, get up!"
Gelap's eyes opened and he groggily stood, holding one hind leg oddly. The colt's father helped him limp out of the battlefield towards their shelter.

"Thank you, Gelap. You saved my life." The stallion dipped his head in the most generous of thanks.
"It was no problem." Gelap replied, whinnying.

𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭 𝔇𝔬𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔯 ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔡𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰?
Matahari's only true close friend is in Hamada. The red dun and her will converse a lot, talking quietly to each other, Matahari often giving wise advice to the lead mare. Matahari wouldn't want to be in such a position herself of course, the attention would be too much for her to handle. But she truly cares about her friend, almost as if she was a foal. They are very close.
As for any other herdmates, Matahari is very shy around them. She likes them, but sometimes she just needs to get away. She has no grudges or relationships, she doesn't particularly like the stallion, Saulains, and instead prefers being by herself.

Matahari's ears flicked as she grazed beside her favorite red dun.
"I was telling Saulains the other day that he wasn't allowed to go off and chase beetles when we're right in the middle of the worst drought we've seen." Hamada said, rolling her eyes. "You'd think he has the mind of a yearling!"
Matahari made a laughing noise. "I'm not surprised, he hasn't exactly been the most helpful." The mares joked and laughed, feeding on the scant pickings left.
"Hey, I think I saw some water.. that way!" Matahari said, shaking her thick, heat-collecting black mane. "My throat is parched!"
The mares trotted off, leaving the stallion and the other mares to themselves for a moment while Matahari found the water she had spoken of.
"How did you find it?" Hamada said, overwhelmed.
"I saw it on our run in here. I just.. forgot." Matahari said between sips.
"There isn't enough water for the whole herd, but, just.. give me a second.." Hamada galloped off towards the herd again, leaving Matahari there by herself.
The mare wandered around, checking for fresher grass, keeping one eye on the watering hole. The puddle was soon going to dry up Hamada needed to hurry if the herd wanted a drink.

"Guys.. the water's gone.." Matahari said as they returned. "It dried up."
"No!" Some mares said, tossing their heads.
"Look everyone, I'm sorry! But we're steadily running out of places to drink. We can't drink here anymore, let's just go." Hamada said, downcast. Matahari trotted beside her, her eyes half closed.
"I'm sorry Hamada.. I thought at least some of them could drink but.. I guess not." Matahari's head dropped low enough that she was breathing in dust.
"No, don't worry.. it's my job, not yours. We'll find another place. Okay?" Hamada said, nudging her friend's side.
"Okay.." Matahari replied, lifting her head a little. "Thanks."

Art lines by EmberWolf and preppy paws
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Round 2 Results - Week 3

Postby Keen » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:02 am

Round 2 Results

Horse: 009
Character development: 516 Words
I really like this mare's personality and how you included a Staff Alicorn in both the history and in the current events. I like the little filly in the war history as well.
Congrats, #009 is yours!

Horse: 007
Character development: 518 Words
There was a bit of repetitiveness toward the end of the personality section. Try to have less of that in future forms.
The character you have created for 007 seems very sweet and gentle, which is nice to see. I also look forward to seeing how you develop her further.
Congrats, #007 is yours!
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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby Keen » Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:06 am

Round 3 - Week 4 has begun!

Since this week is short, the word minimum for the personality section is reduced to 300!
Plushie Comms || Discord: KeenBTF || deviantART
Autistic || ADHD || Adult || Social Anxiety || Collector || Mental Struggles

"Life's a grind, then you die. Bad things come for you whether you want them to or not. So you have to fight your hardest to survive and seek out the good in the world. What little of it there may be."

"It's never a mistake to help others. One of the most important things you can
do in this life is to let other people know they're not alone."
-Bastian Hallix

Mostly Inactive here. Contact me on Discord or DeviantART. May still respond to trades if I can just log on and accept them as fair.
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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby jesdar16 » Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:45 pm


𝖀𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 jesdar16
𝕳𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖊 𝕹𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 #6
𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘 Horse
𝕬𝖌𝖊 6 years
𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊 Rayas (means "stripes")
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖉 Tsiranoka Herd
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖉 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 Member

Rayas is a very intelligent mare, she learns quickly and easily, things comes swiftly to her. She has a sharp memory and won't forget usually anything. Of course this does come with a price, she can be very hotheaded and loses her temper just as easily. She has a hard time controlling herself and holds grudges. Once something makes her even a little bit angry it can escalate quickly from there.
One little quirk Rayas has is that she is ticklish. Her body in general is sensitive to touch so it is easy to make her laugh. Rayas often comes off as cold and distant at first, but once she warms up to you she is kind. She does not trust easily and it takes a while to prove yourself to her. She is also very independent and will often challenge the leadership, just for the sake of it if not for an actual reason. She can come off as self absorbed or self centered. She hates the idea of being "controlled" and often tries to "lead" with the lead mare to put herself in a position of power. She likes the idea of others being dependent on her rather than her being dependent on them, so she enjoys having foals.
Rayas may seem unreasonable especially when it comes to leadership but she does know when to back off, particularly when someone is in peril, but she will butt in if she thinks the lead mare is making the wrong decision. She can come off as rude at times, but all she really wants is respect and to not be ordered around. She has a soft spot for young creatures such as foals and her demeanor changes entirely with them, more gentle and quiet than loud like with adult horses.
Rayas is also adventurous and will defy leadership to explore a little, but she knows the risks and does not stray too far.

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕯𝖎𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖞 𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗?
Rayas's ancestors were mostly oriented towards the "evil" side of the war, Kṣamatā's side. One mare in the herd that are the ancestors of Rayas was a close friend to the alicorn stallion. She followed after him like a lost puppy, completely ignoring her own lead stallion and staring googly-eyed at Kṣamatā. She agreed with everything he said with an enthusiastic nod,
even though she had her own misgivings about the war, she didn't voice them.
When the fighting broke out Kṣamatā called upon this mare's herd to fight. She went proudly, glued to his side like a leaf glued to a tree by sap. She fought and fought, taking valiant efforts to win the war and earn Kṣamatā's admiration. He really paid no attention to her at all. During a break, this mare, whose name is unknown, came up and asked Kṣamatā for a promotion to a higher rank in the army. Kṣamatā refused of course, leaving the mare sad and angry. The next day Kṣamatā found himself with a new enemy.
The mare had convinced her entire herd to join the opposing side.
Of course this made Kṣamatā angry and he fought harder against them. The mare's valiant efforts were even more valiant now that she had a cause, an actual cause, other than her now broken heart. The mare went on later to strengthen her bloodline and produce foals who would go on and become Rayas's ancestors.

𝕽𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘
Rayas doesn't really like any of her herdmates, but she really doesn't like Hamada due to the lead mare's controlling nature. Rayas sometimes feels like a slave or a lesser with Hamada. Rayas doesn't really pay attention to Saulains much because he doesn't really do anything. The other mares she is willing to ignore, she doesn't have any close friends in the herd, but has close friendships with any foals of hers.
Rayas enjoys alone time often, to give her a chance to cool down, if needed. She does trust her herd but only to guard her, nothing more.
Rayas can sometimes be crude or impatient with them, but she knows she needs to keep their trust in order to stay with them.

Rayas sighed contentedly under the early morning sun. The sun wasn't nearly as bad as it was peaking the horizon and it felt nice on her coat. She dipped her nose in the grass to look for the freshest shoots. One ear was angled at the lead mare Hamada, who was grazing nearby, hoping the red dun would make the call soon to move to a new area. The stubby grass here was worn out from the herd. Hamada was rolling her eyes as another herd mare, Koraha, pestered her again about the lack of water.
Rayas flicked her ear away, hoping she wouldn't have to listen to the argument. She nipped at the grasses, chewing the rough stems in her mouth before swallowing. She was busy halfway through a nip when she heard the lead mare's call.
"We're moving!" Hamada reared and turned midair, landing sharply on her forehooves and pushing off into a gallop. Koraha's face was that of relief and satisfaction as she thundered after the lead mare. Rayas kicked into high gear and followed, her long black tail flowing out behind her. Adrenaline pumped through her body as she lowered her neck, she felt her legs eating up the ground and the wind lift her mane into a blowing mass of hair. Saulains was cantering along on the outside, seemingly distant and not paying attention, as per usual. Rayas breezed past him and into the center of the herd. She was right behind Hamada, and narrowly avoided getting a mouthful of red hair from the red dun's tail. Hamada veered to the left and the herd followed. Rayas slowed down to a canter and eventually a trot to catch her breath, and because something shiny had caught her eye. She kept one ear on the herd but found herself distracted as she gazed at the shiny spot. She trotted closer and realized that it was just a stone with a reflective bit on it. When she turned around, the herd was out of sight.
"Oh no!" Rayas whinnied, rearing up on her hind legs and slashing the air with her hooves in despair. "Hamada? Koraha?"
Rayas's ears were flicking back and forth, catching all the sounds coming towards her, but none were the thundering sound of many hooves hitting the ground at once. They were long gone by now.

Rayas walked along with her tail hanging low and her nose down by the dirt. She kept her ears pricked for any sign of her herd but alas nothing. She was a lone mare yet again. "If I can at least find Elwyn.." Rayas scanned the horizon but it was totally bare.
Of anything but the scant grasses.
"Greeaaat!" She said to herself, shaking her head. She snorted in anger.
Rayas did not hear Hamada's call until they had gone past.

"We need to find her. She couldn't have gotten far." Hamada said urgently. Matahari nodded, sticking close by her friend. "Come on,
little one!" Matahari nudged along the little black and white filly, Salah. Salah galloped alongside the mare, after Hamada.
"Rayas?" They called, their voices ringing in the air. "Rayas?"
"Hamada?" Rayas called back at the top of her lungs. "Koraha? Saulains? Is that you?"
"Rayas!" Hamada galloped towards her, skidding to a halt in a cloud of dust and circling her. "Rayas! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Hamada! I'm glad you found me!" Rayas pressed her muzzle into Hamada's shoulder in appreciation.
"I'm glad you're safe. Now let's go!" Hamada turned the herd in the direction of the next grazing area while Rayas galloped alongside, careful not to lose them again.

Lines by Neara
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Round 3 Results - Week 4

Postby Keen » Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:59 am

Round 3 Results

Horse: 006
Character development: 323 Words
This mare's personality reminds me of a mare I used to have XD I like it. There are no contradictions and everything flows well.
In the history section about the war, just remember that Kṣamatā' had no friends. He had allies, but their connections were tenuous at best.
I enjoyed the story as well.
Congrats, #006 is yours!

Last edited by Keen on Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Round 4 - Week 5 - Open

Postby Keen » Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:19 am

Round 4 - Week 5 has begun!
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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby TheUnsinkableShips » Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:03 am

Username: ~*Warrior Cats*~
Horse Number: #1
Species: Horse
Age: 6
Name: Zahasa
Herd: Whispering Legends
Herd Position: Member

(Lines by Neara)

Personality: Zahasa is a rather shy mare, who doesn't really talk much to others. She keeps to her own devices, and prefers to spend her time admiring the beauty around her, as opposed to socializing with other horses. She is usually very kind and polite, since she doesn't like to let herself impair on anyone else. She tends to push the blame on her self for a lot of things, and she isn't very confident. She easily loses her nerve, and try as she might she's not very brave. She would love to be though, and will sometimes try things that are out of her comfort zone by even a small bit. She is very good friends with Bhinabi, and Bhinabi has helped her through a lot of her struggles, often encouraging the timid mare to try new things. Zahasa enjoys exploring all of Arraspel, and will often accompany Bhinabi when the lead mare goes scouting. Zahasa is very curious about the world around her, and though not very ambitious in general, when it comes to exploring you'll see a whole new side of the little mare you've never seen.
Though Unicorns were the only healers of Arraspel, Zahasa studies as many herbs that she can find, or what's left after the war, and attempts to use them for healing purposes. Zahasa would love to be a healer if only she knew how, or had any training. She knows Unicorns are the only true healers, but it's a dream of hers to one day be visited by one, and for it to perhaps teach her the ways of how they heal.
Zahasa, the poor dear, has a very hard time with the truth, her nerves often overtaking her and confusing her. She doesn't mean to be dishonest, but she cracks under pressure, whether for the better or worse, and ends up relaying lies or untruths. None are intentional of course, and she will apologize mercilessly afterwards, but it still happens. Bhinabi is working to help the poor mare out with her nerves, and so far, it's actually been working. Over the years, while Zahasa still has her moments, she has been able to grasp her nerves a bit better, and has a much higher accuracy rate when answering questions. Sometimes, after a particularly hard day, Zahasa will just break down. Since she often puts the blame on herself, the stress will occasionally come crashing down on her and she has a small mental breakdown. Again, with the help of Bhinabi, and sometimes even Ra'id, she is calmed and reassured. Of course, throughout the years, her fits have lessened, and are now only occasional.
Zahasa, though you may not think it, is actually quite the flirt once you get to know her. She has her moments of confidence around someone she likes, and you better hope you'd be around to witness it. Zahasa's flirts are out of this world amazing, and can make any stallion fall to his knees. When loving a stallion, Zahasa is very affectionate and romantic.
Overall, Zahasa is quite a quiet filly, who has a loving side to her that any stallion should hope to uncover. She understands her place in the herd, and understands her responsibilities as well, making her a very valuable herd member. (547 Words)
(Lines by palindrome.)

What part did his or her Ancestors play in the war?
Zahasa's ancestors were neither on the front lines, nor a background player. Her family was very headstrong, but had little official training. They were so desperate to be a part of the war that they'd do anything to gain some practical military and first hand experience. Zahasa was raised to be an independent mare, but to rely on her friends as well. Though Zahasa may not have quite taken after her ancestors, there's no doubt the lineage behind Zahasa is one of ambition and determination.

What relationship does she have with her herd stallion and other herd mares, if there are any?

Zahasa and Bhinabi are very close, and have been since foalhood. Even their ancestors ran into each other occasionally. As above, Bhinabi has helped Zahasa through a lot of her problems and issues, and is very patient with her. She somewhat mentors the small mare in a way. Zahasa and Bhinabi are quite the pair, Bhinabi being the only horse Zahasa would dare open up to. The two mares share a bit more in common than you'd think, and Zahasa gives Bhinabi flirting tips all the time.

Zahasa and Ra'id have a limited relationship, as they don't much interact. They both share a deep sense of responsibility, and Ra'id does occasionally help with Bhinabi in assisting with Zahasa's problems.
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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby Keen » Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:28 am

Closed for Judging!
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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby CCrow » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:27 am

Winner Announced

Due to Keen being busy today, I'll be the judge for this competition ^^
:~*Warrior Cats*~
Horse: 001
Character development: 547 words
Aww poor little nervous mare! Her personality is adorable and very well rounded! I did not see any contradictions, so nice job!
Interesting idea for her ancestors. Bhinabi and Zahasa also have a cute relationship. I love the fact that Zahasa gives Bhinabi flirting tips hahaha
Congrats, #001 is yours!


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Re: SoL - The Mare's Meadow

Postby TheUnsinkableShips » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:28 am

Thank you so much!
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