🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [closed]

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:52 pm

exploration results:

hunny.milk.tea wrote:
let's go exploring!
username: hunny.milk.tea
beardog(s) I'm sending: Image. Image
gumball / just "jp" peachy
amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 17 | 17
amount of times that places have been explored:
outskirts: 15
city: 1
farmlands: 2
location: the city
link to last exploration: here !
extra: (3

Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 50 meat! wow double loot! Image While exploring the City you did a really good deed and got given 90 meat! just peachy stares at himself like a broken mirror. he has seen all walks of lives, maybe this is him from a different time line. he'll never know for sure, as he turns his head and continues on.
dragoness129 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: dragoness129
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 8
Location: the city
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: β™₯

Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 50 meat! wow double loot! Image While exploring the City you came across a Orange Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone!
Adam Stanheight wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Adam Stanheight
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 10 & 14
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: looks under a rock
Extra: leslie tries to crab walk thankfully animal bones dont bend that way

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #18 - Ladybug! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? just peachy gives you a wide girth, not only cause of the creepy crab walk impersonation but also due to the gizmo you seem to be carrying back.
Strawberry.Wyne wrote:
Let’s go explore!
Location: The City
Link to last exploration: x
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mirtilo & Malibu & Lyra
~ Mirtilo’s happy smile only grows wider whenever he spots Melon. He throws a glance back at him with a happy swish of his tail as he goes off to explode again, wondering what Melon had in store for the next time they got to see each other.

β™‘ Lyra
Outskirts: 0
Farmlands: 0
City: 1st Trip
β™‘ Mirtilo
Outskirts: 5
Farmlands: 10
City: 3rd Trip

β™‘ Malibu
Outskirts: 0
Farmlands: 0
City: 3rd Trip

Image While exploring the City you came across a Red Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! wow double loot! Image While exploring the City you came across a Orange Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! upon your return you see just peachy working on some things in the garage, making quite the racket. curious you wonder over, trying not to get caught. you see just peachy handing something to melon, it looks like... a poster? however before you can get a closer look just peachy whips his head around and spots you, narrowing his eyes. with a gulp you quickly trot back over to your friends. whatever it is, you just have to wait till tomorrow to find out!
onion wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: onion
Explore stats:

exploring stats;;
the city- 4
the outskirts- 8
the farmlands- 0


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 5
the farmlands- 0


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 1
the farmlands- 0

Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: xxx
Extra: spicybo and oblakoe come back with a collar, nothing either are too terribly excited about, and simply pass just peachy with a nod from each of them. neither had the energy to say anything today.

but that was because they were preparing heavily for some renovations at the hive! and the next day, spicybo and oblakoe came out looking refreshed as ever- and with a new beardog trailing nervously behind them!
"hey jp! next time, do NOT call me squirt! totally uncool!" oblakoe simply laughs and then proceeds to beckon the third beardog.
"anyway check it out, we have a new friend! why dontcha introduce yourself over there bud?"
"h-hi... im luko..." the beardog says. oblakoe and spicybo both smile. spicybo even gets behind luko and pushes her forward towards jp a bit.
"h-hey dont do that spicybo!! sorry, im not the best with words but... um... well, we should go now- right oblakoe?"
"youre right- wouldnt wanna be late for your first trash raid now would you luko?" oblakoe teases. lukos ears flipped back as she started towards the outskirts and both spicybo and oblakoe follow into the sunset.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Pay Ur Respects Magnoot! A collectable. You can put it on your fridge. just peachy watches as the newly formed trio prances up, giving you a sideways grin. you have become quite the exploration expert it seems, braving the outskirts. as your new companion is introduced just peachy gives a bark of a laugh. "alright, careful out there luko, these two are a bit on the wild side when it comes to raiding the trashcans!" just peachy jokes with you. with slight confusion you hurry off to explore.
Music_Lover wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Music_Lover
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Imagine, Foster, & Sherbet
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
City: 1 | 1 | 0
Outskirts: 3 | 3 | 0
Total: 4 | 4 | 0

Location: Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Boop!
Extra: The newly formed trio donate their latest find to the museum before taking a stroll back into the Outskirts.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 20 meat! just peachy greets the trio with a nod, seems he is proud of you for donating collectables to the local museum.
Eevee55 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Eevee55
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 14, 10, 3
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: They smile back at just peachy, all three excited about the idea of being experts. They seem impressed by how the garage looks, complimenting the design. Today, they're heading to the outskirts again.
(Thank you!)

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #24 - Pride! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? at this point just peachy's heart about drops to his stomach. usually he loved seeing all the treasures you collect out there in the wastes, however this colorful gizmo just about sent jp over the edge. he gave you a wide girth, decidedly not wanting to get within 20 feet of the creepy critter.
Julie_PiscesGirl wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Julie_PiscesGirl
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 14
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: Thank you! :)

Image While exploring the vast Farmlands you came across a Pink Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! (3
Melybelly wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Melybelly
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Nougat & Envy
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 4 (ea)
Location: Outskirts
Link to last exploration: xx
Extra: Thank you! 7.19.22

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #12 - Dally! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? (3
Mossclaw3706 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 16, 13, 8
City: 2, 1, 1
Outskirts: 10, 8, 3
Farmlands: 4, 4, 4
Location: City
Link to last exploration: last adventure
Extra: The three skip down the street with a pep in their step, laughing together.

Image While exploring the City you came across a Orange Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! wow double loot! Image After a fruitful day of browsing the City, you've returned with a new bandana, snazzy! just peachy is humming a soft tune to himself, seems he enjoys seeing you all be good friends and share some laughs together.
Coolfellow wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Coolfellow
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 0
Location: City
Link to last exploration: N/A
Extra: Sullie is excited to see what he can find in the city streets

Image While exploring the City you came across a Red Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! wow double loot! Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 30 meat! just peachy narrows his eyes at you, he doesn't recognize you as someone he has seen before. a crooked grin crosses his snout. "ahh fresh meat out exploring huh? well best of luck out there, try not to lose your head!" just peachy cautions, a bit of a teasing tone heard in his voice.
S h e b s t e r wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username:S h e b s t e r
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: 0
Link to last exploration:N/A
Extra: Sunflower is excited to see the city for the first time!

Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 50 meat! just peachy's eyes turn to slits, so many new faces popping up. however he seems to brighten in joy, appears he loves having new explorers try and brave the unknown. he gives you a curt nod and wishes you the best of luck on future endeavors.
shortstop wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: shortstop
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 11
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop
Extra: City: 6 || Outskirts: 6 || Farmlands: 0

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Letter A Magnoot! A collectable. You can put it on your fridge.
Ivypaw<3 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: ivypaw<3
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 8
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: XxXxX
Extra: Freeshavocado has gotten really into making youtube videos of their explorations, good for him!

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy grunts as he sees a newcomer making a 'vlog' as the young ones called it of your exploration. just peachy doesn't quite grasp the concept of it so he decides to let you pass with few comments.
owl, wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: owl,
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Heinz & ???ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
# times exploring wrote:the city - 0 | 0 | 0
the outskirts - 5 | 0 | 0
the farmland - 11 | 10 | 9

Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: thank you both so much <3

ImageWhile exploring the Outskirts you came across a Green Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! (3
honeycreeper wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: honeycreeper
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mister Rorschach Cassatt | Signor Valentino | Dreamsicle
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
- Mister R. ( the city 2 | the outskirts 3 | total 5 )
- Signor Valentino ( the city 2 | the outskirts 3 | total 5 )
- Dreamsicle ( the city 2 | the outskirts 3 | total 5 )
Location: farmlands
Link to last exploration: with the trio
Extra: The trio woke up suddenly; Mister R had fallen down the hill again and yelled a little too loud in shock while Dreamsicle and Signor startled awake at the sudden sound. It didn't take much to get up and going though ! Dreamsicle folded up the blanket that mysteriously appeared on them during the night and they were on their way further out than they'd been before (she'd have to question JP about that and probably force SIgnor to make him cookies as a thank you).
The small building in the distance was slowly getting bigger and the trio was getting more and more excited to see what lies ahead. These adventures are turning into an experience like no other !

Image While exploring the vast Farmlands you came across a Blue Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy had wished you all best of luck in your adventure out to the farmlands. he had passed some information along to you in hopes it tips you off to the right idea. he explains how another exploration group had found a mysterious sign not too long ago, and that there may be more mysterious happenings in the future. with this information in mind, you keep your eyes peeled.
ob0321drxzx wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: ob0321drxzx 701565
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
city, 0
outskirts, 0
farmlands, 0
Location: city!
Link to last exploration: n/a
Extra: melbin decides existence has let him persist long enough, so he sets out away from his friends from far lands in search of... well- he's not quite too sure yet!

Image While exploring the bustling City you came across a Green Slonky! A collectable. Sproing. just peachy gives a wide smile to the newcomer, he seems to have a joke to tell but holds it in. he hopes you have a good first trip, giving you a 'best of luck' as you pass.
chaotic creativity wrote:
    Let's go exploring!
    Username: chaotic creativity
    Beardog(s) I'm sending: scribbles & stitches & mango & amalthea
    Image Image Image
    Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
      The City: 0 | 0 | 0
      The Outskirts: 6 | 7 | 2
      The Farmlands: 0 | 0 | 0
    Location: the outskirts
    Link to last exploration: here
    Extra: scribbles, stitches, and mango are quite happy to carry around their two gizmos.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 20 meat! just peachy gives you some space, staying far away from the gizmos you seem to be harboring along for the trip. he shivers, looking distrustfully at the gizmos.
yutashu wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: yutashu
Beardog(s) I'm sending: goog
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 12 in the outskirts
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone!
_mirage_ wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: _mirage_
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Twizzler 0.0
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 12x!
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here!
Extra: Now it's Twizzler's turn to keel over with laughter, barely able to keep his footing as he shakes with mirth.
"A... gummy bear..." he wheezes. "Good.. one!"

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy beams as you laugh over his dad joke, seems he is very proud of his work. he gives you a shake of the paw before letting you go, hoping you come back with more jokes soon.
Melsride wrote:Username: Melsride
Beardog(s) I'm sending:ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Stan -12, Jen -12 Ally -12
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: Looking for another Beardog!

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 20 meat! no beardog today but just peachy says to keep faith!
Yawnicon wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Cesium | Koal | Damien
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
Overall Scavenges: 0 | Overall Scavenges: 0 | Overall Scavenges: 0
| TC: 0 | TO: 0 | FLs: 0 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 0 | FLs: 0 | | | TC: 0 | TO: 0 | FLs: 0 |
Location: outskirts
Link to last exploration: Ba-dum, TSS!
Extra: Stupid question. Over complicated/ Silly response. A little bit of bickering or even a quarrel. Silence. Repeat.. This has been going on for the past few hours between the trio. Cesium would constantly snap and bark at Damien for his questions and would practically squash Koal for his sarcastic and smart remarks. In the distance now, the trio would be at a halt and can be seen. Its faint, but with how loud Damien is, you can tell the topic was something about water and its wetness. After a few long seconds of silence, Cesium can suddenly be seen chasing the 2 boys down with murder on the mind.

ImageWhile exploring the Outskirts you came across a Green Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy watches up on the nearby hill the commotion and utter chaos that unfolds before him. as you run around like chickens with their heads cut off just peachy gives a grunt and a light sigh, shaking his head before giving a scoff. he seemed to think it was beginners luck that had kept you alive through your exploration trip!
Skollrous wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: Skollrous
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
[Olive] - [Acai]
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone:
[4] Olive Tracker
[2] Acai Tracker
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: N/A

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 40 meat!
werepickle wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: werepickle
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Pine ~ Eclipse ~ Koda
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
Pine 5 - Eclipse 1 - Koda 1
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: n/a

Image After a tiring day of wandering the Outskirts, you've returned with a beautiful new tail bow!
Zubers wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Zubers
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Will Wood Beardog.
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 5
Location: Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Click!
Extra:didnt forget didn't forget

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Grey Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! oh zubers-

end of exploration results! this was posted after rollover so feel free to post for next exploration!
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby LittleMaple » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:53 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: LittleMaple
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
Callie she/her
City: 0
Outskirts: 6 (this is 7th)
Farmlands: 6
Total: 12 (this is 13th)
Xandra she/xem
City: 0
Outskirts: 1 (this is 2nd)
Farmlands: 6
Total: 7(this is 8th)
"Prince" Jinx he/him
City: 0
Outskirts: 0 (this is 1st)
Farmlands: 2
Total: 2 (this is 3rd)
Location: the outskirts!
Link to last exploration: beep
Extra: Callie decided that Jinx needed to learn his place, so she took the group back to the outskirts! Xandra is excited to be back in the comfort of the outskirts and Jinx is furious, per usual.

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby yutashu » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:54 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: yutashu
Beardog(s) I'm sending: goog
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 13 in the outskirts
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop
hello! hope your having a good day :)!!

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:57 pm

let's go exploring!
username: hunny.milk.tea
beardog(s) I'm sending: Image. Image
gumball / just "jp" peachy
amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 18 | 18
amount of times that places have been explored:
outskirts: 15
city: 2
farmlands: 2
location: the city
link to last exploration: here !
extra: (3
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Eevee55 » Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:03 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Eevee55
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 15, 11, 4
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: The group feels bad when they see just peachy's reaction to the gizmo they found. The three work together to hide it from his sight as they pass by and apologize, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. They hope that their journey today will result in finding something just peachy will like better.
(Thank you!)

I'm here to donate a collectible!
Username: Eevee55
Item You're Donating: Gizmo #24 - Pride
Proof: Here
Total amount of collectibles you've donated: 1 (this is the first)
The trio decides to take the little gizmo to the museum
Despite everything,

Image Image Image
Heya, I'm Eevee!
Thank you so much to twinkle! for the adorable avatar!

It's still you.

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby onion » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:08 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: onion
Explore stats:

exploring stats;;
the city- 4
the outskirts- 9
the farmlands- 0


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 6
the farmlands- 0


exploring stats;;
the city- 0
the outskirts- 2
the farmlands- 0

Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: xxx
Extra: everyones paws hurt from exploring so hard. maybe theyll have something to say after they rest up!...


I'm here to donate a collectible!
Username: onion
Item You're Donating: f pay ur respects magnoot
Proof: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4754569&p=138954909#p138954432
Total amount of collectibles you've donated: this is numbah 6
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Mossclaw3706 » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:14 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 17, 14, 9
City: 3, 2, 2
Outskirts: 10, 8, 3
Farmlands: 4, 4, 4
Location: City
Link to last exploration: last adventure
Extra: The trio stop to take some pictures in the street under the brushstroke-cloud sunset!
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby shortstop » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:33 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: shortstop
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 12
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop
Extra: City: 6 || Outskirts: 7 || Farmlands: 0
we do the best we can with what we have
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby S h e b s t e r » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:35 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username:S h e b s t e r
Beardog(s) I'm sending:Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring per zone: Cityβ€”1
Outskirtsβ€” 0
Farmland β€” 0
Link to last exploration:xxx
Extra:Sunflower is such a wanderer! She’s fearless.
Click to check-out Senegal Zebra AdoptsImage
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Strawberry.Wyne » Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:50 pm

Let’s go explore!
Location: The City
Link to last exploration: x
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mirtilo & Malibu & Rhea
~ Mirtilo’s paws had not been carrying him as quietly as he thought, causing JP to see him. With an almost silent huff, he retreated back to him friends. His shoulders sagged a bit at the thought of waiting until tomorrow to see you. Rhea nudged her friend to try and cheer him up, joking quietly to the group to boost the mood.

β™‘ Rhea
Outskirts: 0
Farmlands: 0
City: 1st Trip
β™‘ Mirtilo
Outskirts: 5
Farmlands: 10
City: 4th Trip

β™‘ Malibu
Outskirts: 0
Farmlands: 0
City: 4th Trip
Last edited by Strawberry.Wyne on Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Strawb~β€’~She/Her~β€’~Law Student
Remember to stay hydrated! x

Image Image
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