Carolina Shepherd Genetics - Do Not Post

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Carolina Shepherd Genetics - Do Not Post

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:23 am

Carolina Shepherd Coat & Color Genetics
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Carolina Shepherd Marking Rarity Guide

Genetics loosely based on this guide and this paper

Genotype Order:
A // B // C // D // E // H // K // L // M // S // T // U
F // O // P // R
Lu // Ml // V // Z

The first line of the genotype describes the color of the dog, the second line describes the physical appearance of the dog's ears, tail, and coat, and the third line describes any special coat color modifications.

A Locus Genes:
Ay - Sable
at - Points
as - Saddle
atas - Blanket
aw - Agouti
awE - Emperor Agouti
atS - Siam Points
achP - Pigmented Chipper
achW - White Chipper
achPachW - Chipper
Ab - Banded
aR - Ridged
a - Recessive black

B & D Loci Genes:
B_ - Black
D_ - Black
bb - Liver
dd - Blue
bb + dd - Isabella

C Locus Genes:
C - Red
cch - Tan
ce - Cream
cs - Silver

E Locus Genes:
E - Extension
Em - Masked
EmX - Extended Mask
EmC - Cloaked
e - Recessive Red

H Locus Genes:
HH - Lethal
Hh - Harlequin
hh - No Harlequin

K Locus Genes:
Kb - Dominant Black
KbS - Seal
ky - A Locus Expression
kbr - Brindle
kbrD - Dun Brindle
kbrT - Thylacline Brindle
kbrDkbrT - Tiger Brindle

L Locus Genes:
l - No Flecking
L - Flecked
Lw - White Flecked
Ls - Savannah Flecked
Lsw - White Savannah Flecked

M Locus Genes:
M - Merle
Mh - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
Mb - Bone Merle
Ma+ - Atypical Merle
Ma - Atypical Merle
Mc+ - Cryptic Merle
Mc - Cryptic Merle
m - No Merle

S Locus Genes:
S - Solid, No White
si - Irish White
sp - Piebald White
sw - Extreme White
sl - Solid White
sf - Fawn White
sn - Snowcap White
spD - Panda White

T Locus Genes:
T - Ticked
Tr - Roan
Td - Dal Ticked
t - No ticking or roaning

U Locus Genes:
U - No Urajiro
u - Urajiro
uX - Extended Urajiro

F Locus Genes:
F - Shorthaired
fe - Feathered
fl - Longhaired
fh - Hairless
flfh - Maned
fefh - Crested

O Locus Genes:
OO - Full Tail
Ooh - Half Tail
Oob - Bob Tail
ohoh - Lethal
obob - Lethal
ohob - Lethal

P Locus Genes:
PP - Pricked Ears
Pp - Flopped Ears
pp - Folded Ears

R Locus Genes:
RR - Straight Tail
Rr - Straight Tail
rr - Curled Tail

Lu Locus Genes:
LuLu - Not Leucistic
Lulu - Not Leucistic
lulu - Leucistic

Ml Locus Genes:
MlMl - Not Melanistic
Mlml - Not Melanistic
mlml - Melanistic

V Locus Genes:
VV - No Vitiligo
Vv - No Vitiligo
vv - Vitiligo

Z Locus Genes:
ZZ - No Albino
Zz - No Albino
zz - Albino

There are two random mutations that can occur in any dog, somatic mutations and chimeric mutations. These are not inheritable mutations, so they do not have a gene associated with them.

Examples of somatic dogs here, here, and here.
Examples of chimeric dogs here, here, and here.

Amor markings are a special modifier (*) that cause markings to resemble hearts for our Valentine's day event. Amor markings can be flecked (L*), white flecked (Lw*), merle (M*), herding harlequin merle (Mh*), atypical merle (Ma+* or Ma*), irish white (si*), piebald (sp*), extreme white (sw*), and/or ticked (T*).

Examples of amor markings here, here, and here.
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Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:24 am

Some gene combinations are at risk for health issues leading to blindness and/or deafness. Dogs that are blind or deaf may participate in some sports at a penalty, but may not participate in conformation or Search and Rescue. Dogs that are both blind and deaf are sterilized and not allowed to breed or participate in activities.

There are other genetic causes of impairments as well.

Albino (zz) - 35% chance of blindness
Extreme white (spsl, swsw, swsl, swsf, swsn, slsn, slsf) - 15 % chance of deafness
Solid white (slsl) - 25% chance of deafness

Merle dogs have risks for blindness and/or deafness based on their genotype.
(Ma+Mc+/Ma+Ma+/Mhm/MhMc) - 15% chance of blindness and/or deafness
(MMc+/MhMc+/) - 20% chance of blindness and/or deafness
(MMa/MhMa) - 25% chance of blindness and/or deafness
(MMa+/MhMa+) - 30% chance of blindness and/or deafness
(MM) - 75% chance of blindness and/or deafness
(MhMh/MhM) - 80% chance of blindness and/or deafness

Inbreeding is allowed, however it is not without risk. Two dogs that are bred together with shared lineages will have puppies with varying degrees of impairments and/or empty litters.
1 shared ancestor between parents: 25% chance of impairments
2 shared ancestors between parents: 50% chance of impairments
3 shared ancestors between parents: 75% chance of impairments & empty litters
4 shared ancestors between parents: 100% chance of impairments & empty litters
5 or more shared ancestors between parents: 100% chance of empty litters
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A Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:25 am

Ay - Sable
AyAy - Sable
Ayat - Sable
AyatS - Sable
Ayas - Sable
Ayaw - Sable
AyawE - Sable (white belly)
AyachP - Sable
AyachW - Sable
AbAy - Banded Sable
AyaR - Sable
Aya - Sable

Sable is a marking where the majority of the dog's coat is the C locus color usually with some light shading of the pigment color. Sable presents as clear sable (no pigment on coat), tipped sable (small amount of faded pigment along the dog's back), or shaded sable (large amount of faded pigment along the dog's head, back, and tail). What kind of sable your dog has is at the artist's discretion!

at - Points
Ayat - Sable
atat - Points
atatS - Points
atas - Blanket
ataw - Points
atawE - Points (white belly)
atachP - Points
atachW - Points
Abat - Banded Points
ataR - Points
ata - Minimal Points

The points marking has the majority of the dog's body the pigment color with their legs and part of their face the C locus color. There also may be small marks of the C locus color on their shoulders. Some examples of points, more points, even more points, and minimal points.

atas/asatS - Blanket
atas - Blanket
asatS - Blanket

The blanket marking covers the dog's back with pigment leaving a strip of C locus color along the underside of the dog.
Some examples of blanket and more blanket.

atS - Siam Points
AyatS - Sable
atatS - Points
atSatS - Siam Points
asatS - Blanket
awatS - Points
atSawE - Siam Points (white belly)
atSachP - Siam Points
atSachW - Siam Points
AbatS - Banded Siam Points
atSaR - Creeping Siam Points
atSa - Minimal Siam Points

Siam points are an inverted version of the points marking based off of Siamese cats. The dog's body is mostly their C locus color and the pattern on their legs and face pattern is pigmented. The dog's tail may also be pigmented.
Some examples of siam points, more siam points, and even more siam points.

as - Saddle
Ayas - Sable
atas - Blanket
asatS - Blanket
asas - Saddle
asaw - Saddle
asawE - Saddle (white belly)
asachP - Saddle
asachW - Saddle
Abas - Banded Saddle
asaR - Saddle
asa - Saddle

The saddle marking is a patch of pigmented fur along the midsection of the dog with the rest of their coat being their C locus color. The dog may also have a pigmented tail.
Some examples of saddle, more saddle, and even more saddle.

aw - Agouti
Ayaw - Sable
ataw - Points
awatS - Points
asaw - Saddle
awaw - Agouti
awawE - Agouti (white belly)
awachP - Agouti
awachW - Agouti
Abaw - Banded Agouti
awaR - Agouti
awa - Agouti

Agouti markings have the majority of the dog's coat pigmented with C locus color along the underside of the dog. Often there are patches of C locus color on the face and neck and patches of pigment above the dog's feet.
Some examples of agouti, more agouti, and even more agouti.

awE - Emperor Agouti
AyawE - Sable (white belly)
atawE - Points (white belly)
atSawE - Siam Points (white belly)
asawE - Saddle (white belly)
awawE - Agouti (white belly)
awEawE - Emperor Agouti
awEachP - Emperor Agouti
awEachW - Emperor Agouti
AbawE - Banded Agouti (white belly)
awEaR - Emperor Agouti
awEa - Emperor Agouti

Emperor agouti is a marking that mimics emperor penguins. The majority of the pigment on the dog's coat is diluted with the exception of the pigment on their head and a stripe on their neck. Dogs also have a large amount of white on their belly and legs, and carriers of emperor agouti will show a white belly.
Some examples of emperor agouti, more emperor agouti, and even more emperor agouti.

achP - Pigmented Chipper
AyachP - Sable
atachP - Points
atSachP - Siam Points
asachP - Saddle
awachP - Agouti
awEachP - Emperor Agouti
achPachP - Pigmented Chipper
achPachW - Chipper
AbachP - Pigmented Chipper
achPaR - Pigmented Chipper
achPa - Pigmented Chipper

Pigmented chipper is a marking based off of melanistic chipmunks - the majority of their body is pigmented with faint white markings on their side and face. Pigmented chipper combined with the white chipper gene changes the dog's coat pattern to chipper.
Some examples of pigmented chipper, more pigmented chipper, and even more pigmented chipper. Chipper can also result when the pigmented and white chipper genes are combined - see this example and this example.

achW - White Chipper
AyachW - Sable
atachW - Points
atSachW - Siam Points
asachW - Saddle
awachW - Agouti
awEachW - Emperor Agouti
achPachW - Chipper
achWachW - White Chipper
AbachW - Banded White Chipper
achWaR - Chipper
achWa - White Chipper

White chipper is a marking where the dog's coat is their C locus color with a jagged streak of white down their face and the side of their body. White chipper combined with the pigmented chipper gene changes a dog's coat pattern to chipper.
Some examples of white chipper, more white chipper, and even more white chipper.
Chipper can also result when the pigmented and white chipper genes are combined - see this example and this example.

Ab - Banded
AyAb - Banded Sable
Abat - Banded Points
AbatS - Banded Siam Points
Abas - Banded Saddle
Abaw - Banded Agouti
AbawE - Banded Agouti
AbachP - Pigmented Chipper
AbachW - Banded White Chipper
AbAb - Banded
AbaR - Banded Ridged
Aba - Recessive Black

Banded is a codominant marking that adds bands of pigment to a dog's coat. An AbAb dog will be their C locus color with bands of pigment, while a dog that is Ab_ will be banded _marking_ (ie banded saddle, banded points, etc) and adds bands of pigment to the dog's other marking pattern.
Some examples of banded, more banded (saddle), and even more banded.

aR - Ridged
AyaR - Sable
ataR - Points
atSaR - Creeping Siam Points
asaR - Saddle
awaR - Agouti
awEaR - Emperor Agouti
achPaR - Pigmented Chipper
achWaR - Chipper
AbaR - Banded Ridged
aRa - Minimal Ridged

Ridged is a marking where the dog's coat is mostly pigmented with a strip of C locus color along the topline of the dog.
Some examples of ridged, more ridged (banded), and even more ridged.

a - Recessive Black
Aya - Sable
ata - Minimal Points
atSa - Minimal Siam Points
asa - Saddle
awa - Agouti
awEa - Emperor Agouti
achPa - Pigmented Chipper
achWa - White Chipper
Aba - Recessive Black
aRa - Minimal Ridged
aa - Recessive Black

Recessive black/blue/liver/isabella does not show any pattern and the dog's entire coat is pigmented. The color of the dog (black/blue/liver/isabella) is based on the B and D loci.
Some examples of recessive black, recessive isabella, and recessive blue.
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B & D Loci

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:27 am

BB DD - Black
Bb DD - Black
bb DD - Liver
BB Dd - Black
Bb Dd - Black
bb Dd - Liver
BB dd - Blue
Bb dd - Blue
bb dd - Isabella

Examples of black dogs here, here, and here.
Examples of liver dogs here, here, and here.
Examples of blue dogs here, here, and here.
Examples of isabella dogs here, here, and here.
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C Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:27 am

C - Red
CC - Red
Ccch - Red
Cce - Red
Ccs - Red

Examples of red dogs here, here, and here.

cch - Tan
Ccch - Red
cchcch - Tan
cchce - Tan
cchcs - Tan

Examples of tan dogs here, here, and here.

ce - Cream
Cce - Red
cchce - Tan
cece - Cream
cecs - Cream

Examples of cream dogs here, here, and here.

cs - Silver
Ccs - Red
cchcs - Tan
cecs - Cream
cscs - Silver

Examples of silver dogs here, here, and here.
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E Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:29 am

E - Normal Extension
EE - Normal Extension
EmE - Masked
EmXE - Masked
EmCE - Masked
Ee - Normal Extension

Dogs with a normal extension have no additional pigmented masking on their coat.
Some examples of normal extension, normal extension, and even more normal extension.

Em - Masked
EmE - Masked
EmEm - Masked
EmEmX - Extended Masked
EmEmC - Extended Masked
Eme - Masked

Dogs with a masked have additional pigmentation on their head and sometimes ears.
Some examples of masked, masked, and even more masked.

EmX - Extended Masked
EmXE - Masked
EmEmX - Extended Masked
EmXEmX - Extended Masked
EmXEmC - Extended Masked
EmXe - Masked

Dogs with extended masking have additional pigmentation on their head, undersides, legs, and tail.
Some examples of extended masked, extended masked, and even more extended masked.

EmC - Cloaked
EmCE - Masked
EmEmC - Extended Masked
EmXEmC - Extended Masked
EmCEmC - Cloaked
EmCe - Masked

Dogs with cloaked have additional pigmentation on their head, neck, front legs, shoulders, and back.
Some examples of cloaked and cloaked.

e - Recessive Red
Ee - Normal Extension
Eme - Masked
EmXe - Masked
EmCe - Masked
ee - Recessive Red

Dogs with recessive red/tan/cream/silver lose all pigment from their fur and only show the C locus color.
Some examples of recessive red, recessive cream, and recessive tan.
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K Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:30 am

Kb - Dominant Black
KbKb - Dominant Black
KbKbS - Seal
Kbky - Dominant Black
Kbkbr - Dominant Black
KbkbrD - Dominant Black
KbkbrT - Dominant Black

Dogs with dominant black/liver/blue/isabella only show the pigment color and no C locus color (or A locus patterning).
Some examples of dominant black, dominant liver, and dominant isabella.

KbS - Seal
KbKbS - Seal
KbSKbS - Seal
KbSky - Seal
KbSkbr - Seal
KbSkbrD - Seal
KbSkbrT - Seal

Dogs with seal are mostly pigmented with a faint A locus pattern.
Some examples of seal, seal, and even more seal.

ky - A Locus Expression
Kbky - Dominant Black
KbSky - Seal
kyky - A Locus Expression
kbrky - Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrDky - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrTky - Brindle & A Locus Expression

Dogs are able to express their A locus pattern and see both pigment and C locus colors.
Some examples of normal a locus expression, normal a locus expression, and even more normal a locus expression.

kbr - Brindle & A Locus Expression
Kbkbr - Dominant Black
KbSkbr - Seal
kbrky - Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrkbr - Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrkbrD - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrkbrT - Brindle & A Locus Expression

Brindle is a codominant marking that shows with the A locus pattern in the form of pigmented stripes on their body.
Some examples of brindle, brindle, and even more brindle.

kbrD - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
KbkbrD - Dominant Black
KbSkbrD - Seal
kbrDky - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrkbrD - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrDkbrD - Dun Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrDkbrT - Tiger Brindle & A Locus Expression

Dun Brindle is a codominant marking that shows with the A locus pattern with a thin stripe of pigment down the topline of the dog. Striping on the legs of the dog may occur in a dog that is kbrDkbrD.
Some examples of dun brindle, dun brindle, and even more dun brindle.

kbrT - Thylacine Brindle & A Locus Expression
KbkbrT - Dominant Black
KbSkbrT - Seal
kykbrT - Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrkbrT - Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrDkbrT - Tiger Brindle & A Locus Expression
kbrTkbrT - Thylacine Brindle & A Locus Expression

Thylacine Brindle is a codominant marking based off of Thylacines that adds pigmented striping along the dog's back and tail.
Some examples of Thylacine brindle, Thylacine Brindle, and even more Thylacine brindle.

kbrDkbrT - Tiger Brindle
Tiger brindle is a codominant marking based off of tigers that adds pigmented striping resembling a tiger to the dog's body.
Some examples of tiger brindle, tiger brindle, and even more tiger brindle.
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L Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:33 am

l - No Flecking
ll - No Flecking
Ll - Flecked
Lwl - White Flecked
Lsl - Flecked
Lswl - White Flecked

Dogs with no flecking do not have any spots of pigment on their fur.
Some examples of no flecking, no flecking, and even more no flecking.

L - Flecked
Ll - Flecked
LL - Flecked
LLw - Pigmented and White Flecked
LLs - Flecked
LLsw - Pigmented and White Flecked

Dogs with flecking have small spots of pigment on their body.
Some examples of flecking, flecking, and even more flecking.

Lw - White Flecked
Lwl - White Flecked
LLw - Pigmented and White Flecked
LwLw - White Flecked
LwLs - Pigmented and White Flecked
LwLsw - White Flecked

Dogs with white flecking have small spots of white on their body.
Some examples of white flecking, white flecking, and even more white flecking.

Ls - Savannah Flecked
Lsl - Flecked
LLs - Flecked
LwLs - Pigmented and White Flecked
LsLs - Savannah Flecked
LsLsw - Savannah Flecked

Dogs with savannah flecking have small spots of pigment on their body resembling a cheetah or hyena.
An example of savannah flecking.

Lsw - White Savannah Flecked
Lswl - White Flecked
LLsw - Pigmented and White Flecked
LwLsw - White Flecked
LsLsw - Savannah Flecked
LswLsw - White Savannah Flecked

Dogs with white savannah flecking have small spots of white on their body resembling a cheetah or hyena.
There are no examples of white savannah flecking yet!
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H & M Loci

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:34 am

Hh and Merle
If a dog is harlequin (note: not herding harlequin or Mh), then all of the diluted pigment areas are changed to white. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern can be overlaid by the white patches.
Some examples of harlequin merle, harlequin merle, and harlequin merle.

Certain gene combinations with merle put the dog at risk for blindness or deafness. Read more about impaired dogs and the risky merle genes here.

m - No merle
mm - No Merle
Mcm - Cryptic Merle
Mc+m - Cryptic Merle
Mam - Cryptic Merle
Ma+m - Cryptic Merle
Mm - Merle
Mhm - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
Mbm - Bone Merle

Dogs with no merle do not have any of their pigment diluted to a lighter color.
Some examples of no merle, no merle, and even more no merle.

Mc - Cryptic Merle
Mcm - Cryptic Merle
McMc - Cryptic Merle
Mc+Mc - Cryptic Merle
MaMc - Cryptic Merle
Ma+Mc - Cryptic Merle
MMc - Merle
MhMc - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MbMc - Bone Merle

Mc+ - Cryptic Merle
Mc+m - Cryptic Merle
Mc+Mc - Cryptic Merle
Mc+Mc+ - Cryptic Merle
MaMc+ - Cryptic Merle
Ma+Mc+ - Atypical Merle
MMc+ - Merle
MhMc+ - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MbMc+ - Bone Merle

Dogs with cryptic merle do not show any signs of merle patterning in their fur, however they may have blue eyes or heterochromatic eyes (also known as odd eyes or eyes with multiple colors).
Some examples of cryptic merle, cryptic merle, and even more cryptic merle.

Ma - Atypical Merle
Mam - Cryptic Merle
MaMc - Cryptic Merle
MaMc+ - Cryptic Merle
MaMa - Atypical Merle
Ma+Ma - Atypical Merle
MMa - Patchwork Merle
MhMa - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MbMa - Atypical Bone Merle

Ma+ - Atypical Merle
Ma+m - Cryptic Merle
Ma+Mc - Cryptic Merle
Ma+Mc+ - Atypical Merle
Ma+Ma - Atypical Merle
Ma+Ma+ - Atypical Merle
MMa+ - Patchwork Merle
MhMa+ - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MbMa+ - Atypical Bone Merle

Dogs with atypical merle do not show the usual merle pattern, instead their pigmented fur is mostly diluted with a few small spots of non-diluted areas. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern is unaffected.
Some examples of atypical merle, atypical merle, and even more atypical merle.

MMa/MMa+ - Patchwork Merle
Dogs with patchwork merle show patches of merle dilution and ocasionally some small patches of white restricted to a few parts of the dog's body instead of their entire body. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern may be overlaid by the white dilution (if present).
Some examples of patchwork merle, patchwork merle, and even more patchwork merle.

M - Merle
Mm - Merle
MMc - Merle
MMc+ - Merle
MMa - Patchwork Merle
MMa+ - Patchwork Merle
MM - Double Merle
MMh - Double Merle
MMb - Double Merle

Dogs with merle have a speckled and spotted appearance to their fur where merle dilutes some but not all of the pigment. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern is unaffected.
Some examples of merle, merle, and even more merle.

Mh - Herding Harlequin Merle
Mhm - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MhMc - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MhMc+ - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MhMa - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MhMa+ - Herding Harlequin Merle or Minimal Merle
MMh - Double Merle
MhMh - Double Merle
MhMb - Double Merle

Dogs with herding harlequin merle have patches of pigmented fur that is diluted with two or more different shades, including white. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern may be overlaid by the white dilution.
Some examples of herding harlequin merle, herding harlequin merle, and even more herding harlequin merle.

Dogs with herding harlequin merle can also express as minimal merle, where only a small part of the dog's pigment is diluted, however this is based on the artist's discretion and is not common.
Some examples of minimal merle, minimal merle, and even more minimal merle.

Mb - Bone Merle (20% pass rate)
Mbm - Bone Merle
MbMc - Bone Merle
MbMc+ - Bone Merle
MbMa - Atypical Bone Merle
MbMa+ - Atypical Bone Merle
MMb - Double Merle
MhMb - Double Merle
MbMb - Double Merle

Dogs with bone merle show a diluted merle pattern resembling their skeletal structure.
Some examples of bone merle, bone merle, and even more bone merle.

MM/MMh/MhMh/MMb/MhMb/MbMb - Double Merle
Dogs with double merle have most of their coat turned to white with small patches of pigment and diluted pigment. They are often affected by health issues. The dog's C locus color and/or pattern can be overlaid by the white patches.
Some examples of double merle, double merle, and even more double merle.
Last edited by taikunfoo on Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:44 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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S Locus

Postby taikunfoo » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:48 am

Dogs with extreme white or solid white are at increased risk for deafness. Read more about impaired dogs and the risky white genes here.

S - Solid, No White
SS - Solid, No White
Ssi - Minimal White
Ssp - Minimal White
Ssw - Minimal White
Ssl - Minimal White
Ssf - Minimal Fawn White
Ssn - Minimal White
SspD - Minimal White

Dogs with no white do not have any white markings from the S locus on their fur. Dogs may be SS and show white markings due to white flecking or merle.
Some examples of no white, no white, and even more no white.

Dogs with minimal white have small amounts of white often on their face, the underside of their body, legs, and tail.
Some examples of minimal white, minimal white, and even more minimal white.

si - Irish White
Ssi- Minimal White
sisi - Irish White
sisp - Irish White
sisw - Pseudo Piebald
sisl - Pseudo Piebald
sisf - Dappled Irish White
sisn - Irish White
sispD - Irish White

Dogs with irish white often have white markings on the dog's face, underside, legs, and tail.
Some examples of irish white, irish white, and even more irish white.

sp - Piebald
Ssp - Minimal White
sisp - Irish White
spsp - Piebald
spsw - Piebald
spsl - Extreme White
spsf - Dappled Piebald
spsn - Piebald
spspD - Piebald

Dogs with piebald markings have large areas of uneven white markings across part or parts of their body.
Some examples of piebald, piebald, and even more piebald.

sisw/sisl - Pseudo Piebald
Dogs with pseudo piebald markings have white markings that resemble piebald markings, however they are restricted to a mostly white face, neck, legs, and belly rather than scattered unevenly around the dog's body.
Some examples of pseudo piebald, pseudo piebald, and even more pseudo piebald.

sw - Extreme White
Ssw - Minimal White
sisw - Pseudo Piebald
spsw - Piebald
swsw - Extreme White
swsl - Extreme White
swsf - Dappled Extreme White
swsn - Extreme White
swspD - Piebald

Dogs with extreme white have most of their fur covered by white markings, with a few patches showing the rest of the dog's patterning.
Some examples of extreme white, extreme white, and even more extreme white.

sl - Solid White
Ssl - Minimal White
sisl - Pseudo Piebald
spsl - Extreme White
swsl - Extreme White
slsl - Solid White
slsf - Dappled Extreme White
slsn - Extreme White
slspD - Extreme White

Dogs with solid white are entirely white.
Some examples of solid white, solid white, and even more solid white.

sf - Fawn White
Ssf - Dappled Minimal White
sisf - Dappled Irish White
spsf - Dappled Piebald
swsf - Dappled Extreme White
slsf - Dappled Extreme White
sfsf - Fawn White
sfsn - Dappled Snowcap White
sfspD - Dappled Panda White

Dogs with fawn white have dappled white markings resembling that of a fawn across the side of their body and tail.
Some examples of fawn white, fawn white, and even more fawn white.

Dogs carrying fawn white often show dappled white markings across the dog's hip.
Some examples of dappled extreme white, dappled irish white, and dappled minimal white.

sn - Snowcap White
Ssn - Minimal White
sisn - Irish White
spsn - Piebald
swsn - Extreme White
slsn - Extreme White
sfsn - Dappled Snowcap White
snsn - Snowcap White
snspD - Piebald

Dogs with snowcap white have white markings along the topline of the dog and include a mostly white tail.
Some examples of snowcap white, snowcap white, and even more snowcap white.

spD - Panda White
SspD - Minimal White
sispD - Irish White
spspD - Piebald
swspD - Piebald
slspD - Extreme White
sfspD - Dappled Panda White
snspD - Piebald
spDspD - Panda White

Dogs with panda white have white markings resembling those of a panda.
Some examples of panda white, panda white, and even more panda white.
Last edited by taikunfoo on Fri May 17, 2024 11:46 am, edited 10 times in total.
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