[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [CLOSED]

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 OPEN]

Postby Vacant » Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:16 pm

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Postby AboveAspen » Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:30 pm

It felt like a weight had been tugging on the inside of Major's stomach when the time had gone off today. Typically by this point in the day, there were many, if not all, of the participants at the next marker. Today, however, there was only a handful of eyes beaming towards him and Naera. It looks like there was going to have to be a search party sent out after all. Good thing they had everyone sign a waiver before entering the escape room. Major chuckled to himself and shook his head. Nah, the kids would be fine. It was more likely they stuck together and took a wrong turn somewhere along the way. Least the were smart enough to stay as a group.

Whew! That was one wild ride. Thankfully it was over now, and word had it there was something special to go back to. How exciting!

We hope everyone has had a blast up until this point, but the fun doesn't end yet! We still have 2 more days ahead of us, so look forward to Day 6!

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 5 RESULTS]

Postby 76heart » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:35 pm

Thank you so much for everyone who came to spend the fifth day with us! <3

"Oh darling, thank the gods you're okay! We were so very worried."

It seems like there's something special at the end of today, maybe you should scroll to the bottom to see if it happened to you?

Use CTRL + F to find your name!

If you are not listed here and feel you have been missed in genuine error, please message either myself or AboveAspen and we'll get you fixed right up!

Status: Banked

Follow the Ocean Along the Beach
+ 1 Ticket

This really should have worked better, darn.

You feel like you've been following the ocean for hours, and you're so unbelievably sick of seeing sand, when finally, you see something different. There's someone over the crest of a sand hill and some sharp rocks you were approaching. You aren't alone anymore! You perk up and pause, and as they draw closer, you realize that the figure is Naera. You catch her pearls glinting in the false sunlight before you truly see her, but you have no doubts it's her the moment you see the silhouette of a long tail and even longer hair. At last, you've been saved! "Stay where you are darling, I'm coming!"
As patiently as you can, you wait for Naera to come to you, and when she finally gets to your side, she wraps you in a hug, her form sagging in relief as she lets you go. "I am so pleased to know you are safe. I have some words to share with who caused this, but for now, here is the only ticket I have on me to begin to make it up to you, and I'll get you back safely."

Khada Jhin
quiche cat!
rem sleep
Wiccan Witch

Take the High Road on a Mountain Pass
+ 2 Tickets

At least you're not last?

"You know that old saying 'if you're not first, you're last'? Well, that doesn't really apply here, not entirely. You most definitely are not first, but at least you aren't last." Never did you think these thoughts would cross your mind, but you're happy to hear Major's snarky remarks. Naera's beaming face was always pleasant of course, and definitely reassuring after being on the mountain ridge for so long. Sure, it was embarrassing to have to be picked up from the rescue team, but they made note of several others who had yet to be located. It's just one of those things where you count your lucky stars because you aren't 'those guys'... is the tough guy act working? No? I thought for sure tha- tears? No, I promise you! I wasn't scared at all! Major pats your shoulder in understanding. He even dares to spare you a smile. "Glad you're safe, kid."

APH Siantia
twinkle park
a u r o r a
uηsρεcifiεd ¢ryҏtiɗ

Walk Through the Dense Jungle
+ 3 Tickets

You... sort of? Found your way back?

Just when you thought you might have been done for, frantic waving and shouts of your name catch your attention, and any sort of anxiety you might have had on the walk here melts away. In the distance, you can see both Major and Naera, surrounded by several other participants and what looks to be some sort of team not previously seen before, all standing together. You can't be sure how long you were walking through that dense jungle, but a thought crosses your mind amidst the walk - how did they fit something so expansive in what seemed like a little arkade building? Oh, the mysteries this place held. Would they ever make sense to you? Likely not, but you're happy just knowing you made it back all on your own before an actual rescue team had been sent looking for you. And would you look at that! Tickets! Not only have you saved yourself from the embarrassment of getting lost, but now had some time to plan out what you would spend these tickets on.


Take a Shot at Retracing Your
Steps Through the Desert

+ 5 Tickets

How on earth did this work?

"I don't know how you did it kid, but I'm glad you did." You take a look around yourself and those around you or lack thereof. You could have sworn there were more in the temple with you before you decided to stare at duck rocks for hours and had to flee on your own. With a pang of concern, you make eye contact again with Major who seems relieved to even see you here. "Well hey, at least you're not one of many who need to be picked up by a rescue team. That's an accomplishment in and of itself." The weight of tickets being placed into your hand eases any sort of concern you might have felt previously. It can't be that big of a deal that more than have of the others you saw come in and out of the temple aren't here with you, right? Major and Naera most definitely knew what they were doing. More importantly, you had to figure out how you were going to get all of this sand out of your fur.


Special Event
+ 15 Tickets

Oh, what's this?

Something had caught Major's eye as everyone had slowly been brought back, and funneled into the next room. It was only chance that he had looked in your direction, but the paper hanging out of your pocket was unmistakable. It had been the note he had misplaced the day before and for some reason, you now had it in your possession. His heart sank and his face lit up in flames. Without a second thought, he darted off towards you and grabbed your shoulder, carefully and quietly pulling you off the side before you had gone in with the rest of the crew.

"Hey, you." His voice seemed wheezy and his demeanour was like nothing you had seen before. Was Major... flustered? No way! His eyes darted around as if on the lookout for someone, you had a good idea who, before his eye fluttered back to you. "Where did you find t-that note? Actually it doesn't matter... did you... did you read it?" You can't help but nod. Of course, you had read the note - it had been laying on the beach when you found it and you had good reason to believe it would be some sort of tool to lead you home. Unfortunately for you, it was just some sort of cheesy love letter addressed to-- wait a second! Everything seemed to snap into place and Major seemed to notice your sudden realization. O.M.G. Major had written a love letter for Naera! "Oh geez...this is so embarrassing... you didn't show anyone else did you? No? Okay well good." He seems to be a bit more at ease knowing you had kept it to yourself. Of course, you planned to show everyone once you got back and made sure it wasn't actually something that you be of importance, but that didn't seem like something Major needed to know.
"Here kid, take these. It's all I got on me right now, but you'll take it won't you? What good is a cheesy letter like that to you anyway?" Major hands you what looks like the largest handful of tickets you've seen in a while; It's a good thing you're such a kind-hearted individual. In exchange for the note, and likely Major's pride, you take his offering of tickets and happily pocket them. "T-thanks kid. You really saved me there." And with that, he was off again, this time folding up the note neatly and placing it in a pocket on the inside of his jacket. That was too close for his likings.

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[✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY SIX]

Postby 76heart » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:33 pm


As you walk through the tunnel Major and Naera directed you to go through once you were finally found- and given some tickets-, you can hear some voices in some room that had to be beside the tunnel, and you pause. They sound really angry, like really angry, and you don't want to eavesdrop and invade any privacy, but something tells you that it's important to listen. Quietly, in case the owners of the voices can hear you, you press your ear to walls, and begin your auditory spying. You can't make out everything at first, but finally you begin to get some clear threads of it. Did they move closer?
"-sorry ma'am, I forgot to check. There were so many out I didn't think I'd need to."
"Forgot? Didn't think?" You startle at the venom in the voice, and even more so at the fact you know that voice all too well. That's Naera's voice, it's undeniably hers, but instead of gentle birdsong, it's turned to ferocious waves of the ocean. What are they talking about though, why is she so mad? She's never been mad before, what's happening? You press your ear closer, now feeling that it's even more urgent to hear."They could have been killed!" Killed? You gulp.
"No, you had your chance to excuse yourself and your pitiful behavior, and forgetfulness does not amend your near fatal mistake. You said you did not think, so now it is time for you to listen and learn what your actions have wrought." Her voice has gone tempered, icy, cold. It's like a calm ocean, an ocean waiting to roar, that could erupt into waves at any moment. It's scary.
"You were given coin to do a task for us, to build this room so our players would be welcome with a warm hearted gift. You were not hired to put one under my care in danger. Go, you are welcome here no more and I have no wish to see you again. Any message we have for you shall go through the one who sent you to us." Hired... to build a room? Did they cause the shaking? Wheels in your head begin to turn, and you hardly notice the sound of Naera walking away. A bulldozer or something like that would make sense and explain what you went through, that had to be what it was for. You don't know whether to be angry at the distress that person caused you, or relieved that it probably wasn't a curse, but then again a curse could also have possessed the man to do that, so you have no idea what to think, or feel. Shaking your head, you pull away from the wall and begin to go back to walking down the tunnel, though not before you hear one final snippet.
"Darn lady, gonna cost me my-"

When you exit the tunnel, you're incredibly surprised to find that the island scene you've come to find familiar- which you very much expected to exit into-, is completely gone. You at least excepted some tropical themed room after hearing someone was hired to build one. In its place is the dark, gloomy room of an expensive manor with sounds of a vicious storm echoing outside, lit only by the flickering flames of a chandelier and candles placed on a table, and the occasional burst of lighting. And... are those glow sticks? The table is decorated extravagantly, complete with fancy, cursive place cards done undoubtedly in Naera's graceful writing you've seen a couple times before, and utterly filled to the brim with delicious looking food that has your mouth watering.
Your eyes rove over the table, but then a movement catches your eye, a very bright movement. Is that.. Beez? You snap your attention to movement, and upon seeing him, your eyes light up. It's Beez! He looks busy though, with all four of his arms working on something in the back obscured by some large, heavy looking draping curtains, so you can't say hi to him yet. Trying not to let your heart fill with too much disappointment, you keep looking, and your eyes happily land on Sorcha, who gives you a smile and a little wave. You instantly smile and wave back, but before you can go over to say hi, a voice stops you in your tracks.
"Major I- Oh!" She halts, clearly not expecting to see you here, but smiles, the warmth of it easing the memory of what you overheard. Major- who you notice is here for the first time- comes to stand beside her, clearly concerned, but doesn't say anything as he watches her. "I didn't notice you darling, I am so very pleased to see that you made it okay. Is there anything you find you are needing?" She asks, voice gentle and soothing. You shake you're head. You're fine physically, just a little confused. She seems relieved to hear that, and for the first time you notice how worn she looks, and the worry and tiredness in her eyes. "I need to exchange words with Major for a moment, why don't you go and talk with the others? Some friends wished to see how you were doing, and join us for this evening. We shall let you know when it's time." You nod, letting her know you've heard and understand, and then watch as the two walk to a corner in the far side of the room and begin to talk in hushed voices. They stand close, and Major's rubbing her shoulder gently to help comfort her. You see a blazing flash of anger overtake her eyes as you assume she recounts the conversation you eavesdropped on, and the sight of it reminds you of their words and the ferocity in her words, and makes your stomach drop. You know what you overheard is important, but you just want to push all thoughts about that day from your mind for a little bit and enjoy whatever's been orchestrated for you here, and if it's really as important as your gut's telling you it is, you're sure you'll remember it for a later time when you can consider it.

Forcing a shake of your head, you turn, and find that you've come face to face with Ichi! He practically popped up in front of you grinning widely with a sunny expression, and his sparkling aura can't help but make you smile, and put the darker thoughts out of your mind for a moment. "Wow, hi! It's great to see you here! It's a little gloomy, isn't it? I bet Kuon would like it, he should be here soon." You can't see his eyes, but you can tell he glanced towards the door, seeing if his boyfriend has a arrived yet. "Anyway, I heard you went through some things, I hope it's all better now!" Smiling, you assure him that you're fine now; your spirits are lifted by his presence. He grins wider in response, and the two of you continue talking for a moment more until Kuon walks through the door, and Ichi bids you a goodbye and rushes to his partner's side. Kuon only spares you a glance, but you don't mind, he doesn't seem to be the most talkative sort, and there's someone else you can talk to, Beez. Wait a minute though, where did Beez go? He's not in the room, but oh, there's a door open to another one, he's probably through there. You relax, and look around, your gaze soon falling on Zee. They must have come in while you were talking with Naera and Ichi.

Calmly, you approach them, and they notice you quickly, offering a soft smile. Compared to Ichi, they're a much gentler presence. Nevertheless, it's really good to see them again, especially free, and you can only smile at the thought. They're getting back out in the world and getting the break they needed after being trapped for so long, and you're really happy for them. "Oh, hey again. After escaping from my booth I thought coming back to join in the Escape Room might be fun. Or kind of cathartic? It's good to see everyone again! But... maybe I shouldn't be trapping myself on purpose..." It probably isn't, but at least this is a controlled trapping, one of their choice, and despite the follies you've been through, you've had fun, and you hope they do too. You express how good it is to see them here, though before either of you can say more, the sound of silverware gently clinking against a glass draws your attention to the sound, and you see Major and Naera standing at the end of the table, heading the room, clearly waiting for everyone to find their seats. "I guess we should get heading to our seats now, I'll talk with you more soon, it looks like we're seated across from each other." Zee nodded to the names on the place cards, and with a gentle dip of their head, went to their seat. You followed, going to yours, and smiled when you saw a shell with a little bow wrapped around it at yours. Awe, what a sweet little gift from Naera.

Major cleared his throat, and you looked up to him, and Naera, who was standing close to him again, the glass and spoon she was clinking together now set carefully down on the table. "Thank you all for coming," He began, addressing the room. "Today's a little different. After the... events of yesterday, we wanted to do something a little special." He turns to Naera, and you turn your gaze to her, her composure returned.
"We welcome you warmly to a dinner, dear friends. The puzzles will begin after we eat. Please 'dig in' as you say here, whenever you are ready." With that, she daintily sits in her chair, and smiles at Major as sits beside her, who smiles back.

You're about to take a bite of your garlic bread, when all of a sudden the lights flicker, and the candles blow out, and all conversation stops. What was that? Was that supposed to happen? You look to your hosts, and judging by the genuine confusion and worry on their faces, and lack of a concealed smile from Major, you decide that no, no it's not. Oh no. Another thing going wrong, great. You try again to take a bite of your food, at least wanting to taste something before it all goes wrong, but the lights go out, and this time they don't flicker, and you're plunged completely into darkness.
There's a burst of rustling and a loud thump and some clattering, and you feel the wind as someone behind you rushes by, and then, as suddenly as they went out, they came back on, and oh no, that's not good at all. Naera was gone, and several things were missing, including her gift of a shell.

It was hard to not be caught off guard by the events that had just occurred. One moment he had been adjusting to get comfortable in his seat, and then in the blink of an eye the light had flickered, shut off, and then Naera was gone by the time they had turned back on. Concern slowly spread to those sitting around him. They must have looked to him expecting to see his usual face of knowing, but instead saw him just as confused as the rest. He and Naera had been running the escape room for what seemed like forever; he was used to setting up surprises like this with her and getting the exact same reaction from those participating. What he wasn't used to though, was not being in the know - Naera never set up a puzzle on her own without at least letting Major in on it. That's what had really set the tone for Major that this was no joke. Naera wouldn't just run off like that without saying something before hand. Clearing his throat, Major did his best to keep his cool as to not further scare the others. "Everyone, remain seated. No one leaves until I figure out what is going on."

You swallow, trying your best to do as Major said and keep calm, but you can't help the anxiety and worrying rising within you. Curse or no curse, this isn't in any way shape or form a good omen and you can't help but feel like the blip of conversation you overheard was more important than you could have ever realized. Everyone else seems as stunned and worried as you are, and you don't know what to do. Where's Naera? What's going on? You look around, trying to see if you can spot anything that could give you a clue, and you see Sorcha staring off at something in another room. Before you can ask what they're looking at, the lights flicker again, and they're gone. Oh no. Not good. In no way is this dandy.

How are you going to fix this? There's no plan this time, no map to follow, not even some paths that could provide something. You're even more lost than you were before, when you were genuinely, well and truly entirely lost. You couldn't see or hear or discern anything important, or at least you think you didn't, but maybe the others did? Maybe you should ask?


So you just went on a whole adventure and only barely made it out alive of a crumbling temple and found your way back, and you finally get a reward of a dinner party with some Arkade staff, but Naera's disappeared, and then Sorcha, the lights are flashing, and it looks like someone's stealing valuable things? Will you ever be able to catch a break? Oh boy. Maybe you were cursed. Still don’t have any marks?

To find the culprit you must listen to the testimonies of the renaming staff and find out who did it before it's too late and they’re all gone. Read everything carefully and listen closely to what they say, some of them have the answer if you just press for it. It seems like you'll have to choose two and piece their stories together. The two who hold the key will be randomized, so choose carefully!
If you get it wrong, you can still come back for the final day tomorrow and have some fun with us! You just may look a bit incompetent and silly in front of your favorite staff member, provided they weren’t missing or napping, of course.

If you would like further explanation for how the day works, please see here!



"I'm not sure what happened, no fortune telling can help this time. When I looked down and saw my favorite silver ring was missing, I was so distracted I didn’t get a reading on the shadowy figure I saw disappearing... I don’t know who it was, or what they were feeling. I should've seen this coming, but my third eye still needs a clear image to get a reading. Maybe I should've stayed home after all."

❝ It's a bit disconcerting to see Beez pacing the room, he normally seems so unruffled. He spots you and gives a tight smile, running a hand through his hair [what, he has eyes!].

"It's nuts, yeah? Naera gone missing, someone nicking things. This is almost as bad as when the ducks got into the ballpit, man. I guess you're here to help? If y'all could figure out what happened that'd rock."

He takes a breath, visibly trying to calm down, a pair of hands on his hips and a pair of hands gesturing as he recounts what he remembers.

"Ok so, I was helping out move a couple of things and making the uh.. Fun Obstacles in the other room that Bullseye installed a bit less.. lethal.. when there was a a loud thump. I wasn't watching what was happening, and hey we were building for when y'all got here, but I tuned back in when Major started freaking out. Apparently he saw Naera getting dragged? Or maybe she was following someone? I dunno man he wasn't making a lot of sense. Then! To top it off my best nerf gun's gone missing. Why would someone take that? The absolute monster."

"Oh, okay, hmm. Well, I was talking with Kuon and sitting at the table, adjusting my seat to see better, and then all the lights went out, you know?" Ichi raises a hand, and but it brushes his hair, and his face falls a fraction, though he's not at all lost is telltale sparkle. "Oh no, one of my hair clips is missing, a really special one too. Can you see it on the floor anywhere?" You shake your head, and he looks around, coming up with nothing, and neither does Kuon. "Okay, well, I guess it's gone with the rest then? I didn't see anything, but I did smell something kinda funny. It was like.. gas and.. outside?"

Kuon stands off to the side with Ichi, who nudges him when he doesn't say anything right away. "..." Another nudge. "Wasn't really paying attention, but I thought I heard something move behind Ichi just as the lights went out... I'm just wondering how they got my choker without me noticing." It's not very helpful, but it's something, right?

"I'm not sure what happened; and I always know what happens. Like I said, she and I had escorted everyone back to the main room where we planned to have a more lowkey puzzle during the dinner party to wrap up the hectic events of the day, and then that's when it happened. The lights shut off for no longer than 15 seconds and then she was gone. No I know I look suspicious - of course I do! I'm with her 24/7 and the one time she isn't here I haven't a clue where she's at. It's not like her to forget to inform me if this was some part of the puzzle either. That's why you're wasting your time questioning me about her disappearance! Listen, I'm a sucker for games and puzzles. I like to take them to the extreme for the sake of a good riddle, but I wouldn't kidnap someone! There's no way I woulda had time for something like that! I was sitting next to her the whole time, and then I wasn't!"


You may only choose two, so choose carefully!

Please do not quote your forms from previous days!

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 6 OPEN]

Postby ford » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:50 pm

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Which two do you press for more answers?
ichi & beez

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 6 OPEN]

Postby Senbonzakura » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:55 pm

Username + Number: Yautja - 880548
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Which two do you press for more answers? Major and Ichi

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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 3 OPEN]

Postby -pidge » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:58 pm

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Which two do you press for more answers? Ichi and Kuon
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 6 OPEN]

Postby deerbroken » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:59 pm

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beez and zee
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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 6 OPEN]

Postby justamindset » Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:21 pm

Username + Number: DragonOfEmber || 695530
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Which two do you press for more answers? major and beez

[♡] ember / / [♡] justamindset


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Re: [✦] arkade - ESCAPE ROOM [DAY 6 OPEN]

Postby Missing✖ » Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:24 pm

Username + Number: Missing✖ / 670514
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Which two do you press for more answers? Beez & Major


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