Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - C l o s e d !

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Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - C l o s e d !

Postby ShadyBro » Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:01 am

Thank you to everyone for your participation in the event so far! We will be extending the official end date of the event to 10/15/19 - this is the date in which we expect most users to have completed their taming prompts properly.

- The original end date of 9/15/19 is when we will be closed to new forms - this means users may not post their first event form after 9/15.

- If you have a Scuffle page listed and are expecting to post a second event request, but have been unable to complete your first prompt due to the artist not creating your first Skepluvi until later in the event, you will be granted a secondary extension. This is to say that anyone who receives their first Skepluvi after 9/15 will be allowed to post their second form up until two weeks after the creation of their first. This can be privately discussed via PM with ShadyBro if you have any questions/concerns on a second post.

- Users who do not receive their event Skepluvi until a week before the new cut off date (10/15/19) will be granted a two week extension and be able to work until 10/30/19 to complete their prompts.

- No extensions will be granted past 10/30 unless there are any special circumstances - so any rescue Skepluvi with an incomplete prompt by 10/30 will be revoked and rehomed.

If you have any questions or need help with explanations on time constraints, please feel free to post here or on the main page, or PM ShadyBro!



The Skepluvia Sanctuary Needs Your Help...
"It had been mere hours since we got the call - a large group of discarded ex-racing Skepluvias had just been found, cramped into an old abandoned trailer shed. Not one of the rescue workers on our team would have been able to fathom the horrors beyond the doors of the dilapidated barn-like building. The doors were barely even there - the panels worn with hundreds of claw and tooth marks dragged across it. One would not think of any living creature actually managing to survive within the confines of this horrible place, but yet, here we were - and there they were. Even from across the fields as we approached we could recognize the fear in the pitiful squeaks and chirps of the animals inside; and standing in front of it, the sounds were heart-shattering. The team worked together with crowbars in hand, snapping the rusty hinges and broken nails away from the wood, prying the door panels open - it only a few precious seconds before the smell really hit us. Immediately we saw them; shadows shuffled around inside, their feathers fluffed up in frightful suspense. They were all tightly packed, some of the smaller rittens even stacked one on top of another, in what seemed to be sloppily handmade stalls and crates created with sheets of old chicken wire and broken mesh. With the little bit of sunlight that filtered in through the uneven and crumbling plywood walls around us, we could make out the reflection of what looked like hundreds of wide eyes staring back at us. They were filled with emotion - confusion, anxiety, curiosity, hope, desperation; but mostly terror. The shock we all felt would not be subsiding anytime soon, either, as every rescuer stood in grueling silence for a moment - it seemed almost unbelievable that anyone could possibly think this was acceptable treatment for these sweet and giving creatures. Our team members got to work as soon as the air cleared enough to dry their eyes and steady themselves. With bolt cutters in hand, everyone began to cut away at the caging and barbed wire, ripping out chains from the floors and walls, ensure this horror show would be nothing but rubble once they were done. With the wire between the fearful Skepluvi and the rescuers cleared away, the real work started, and it did so in a flurry. One by one each captive Skepluvi was gently yet anxiously coaxed out of their makeshift prisons, most not requiring much encouragement as they darted out of the doors and into the sunshine. As they passed through the exit, everyone acknowledged the sad sight; these Skepluvi all showed signs of their history, be it the scars from wearing illegal racing tack or the missing limbs and wayward gaits from long untreated injuries. From dawn to dusk, every last one was pacedly led through a sea of other Skepluvia, quick-handed veterinarians, and kind-hearted volunteers. With paperwork flying and organizers scrambling, the final Skepluvi was patiently loaded onto the last of the overfilled trailers just short of nightfall. The engines grumbled to a start as they began the long drive home on the journey that would take them away from this place once and for all, and safely to the eagerly awaiting handlers at the Skepluvias Sanctuary.."
Similar to the tragedies experienced by greyhounds and thoroughbreds, these Skepluvias have been neglected and treated poorly over the course of their lives, many showing obvious signs that they had been illegally forced to race for the entertainment of humans. The Official Skepluvias Sanctuary rescue team works tirelessly to ensure Skepluvias are treated well, one of their main missions being to stop the extortion of these gentle creatures by humans. As we know, a big issue with this is often competitive racing - which leaves hundreds of Skepluvias, a slow and clumsy animal by nature, discarded and broken down by cruel-hearted raceworkers. All of the rescued Skepluvias from this case have been taken in and cared for by the Skepluvia sanctuary, but they all carry with them the scars from their time on the track, some mental and some physical. They will require special care and patience from their new handlers, so that they can regain their trust in humans, feel at ease in their new homes, and relearn how to be a true-to-nature Skepluvi again. Handlers that wish to take on the kind-hearted task of rehabilitating one of these rescued Skepluvi must complete a special 'Taming' prompt in order to cater to their special needs - but handlers that fail to do so by the end of the rescue event will have their Skepluvi rehomed to a new handler; the sanctuary will not allow any of these darling Skepluvias to be left behind and uncared for, so be prepared to do your very best to help your rescue Skepluvi succeed!


NOTE: As with all of our events, users that have a Scuffle Page listed before submitting a rescue form will be granted extra opportunities. These will include:
- The allowance of a second rescue skepluvi once their first rescue prompt is fully completed.
- Having a higher chance at getting to take home one of the more difficult Skepluvis (extra body edits/possible mutations/more in-depth backstories).
- Having a higher chance at getting a breedable jack instead of a queen or gelding (if desired).

How To Participate

. First, fill out the rescue form and post it here. The form includes; the option of picking 2-5 desired basecoat colors (you may use hex codes or color pallets if you wish, but remember that the artist is not required to follow it exactly; these are not customs); the option of picking 1-3 desired white markings (remember - these must be chosen from our genetics list); and the option of picking a gelding if desired (geldings are non-breedable Jacks that do not count toward your total limit of owned Skepluvias).

. Second, wait for an artist to quote your form and reply with the comment 'Claimed!'. This means said artist will be the one to design your event Skepluvi (you do not get to choose your artist). Once the Skepluvi has been created, you will be messaged to notify you once the Skepluvi is posted. (Remember - you may NOT reply to this message asking for alterations/changes to the Skepluvi or its backstory in any way. The artist will not redo or change the Skepluvi. If you don't like them, you can request to put them up for adoption, but you do NOT get a second one or a 'redo'.)

. Lastly, to claim the created Skepluvi as your own you must complete the 'Taming' task prompt. The Taming prompt may be completed by writing a short story (minimum 150 words) or by drawing the taming task (must be fully colored and must be drawn by you - all skill levels and styles are accepted). This prompt must be completed before the end date of the event on September 15th (this may be extended) for the Skepluvi to be officially yours. If you do not complete the prompt, then the Skepluvi will be considered 'unclaimed' and will be put up for public adoption - you will not have a second chance to get them back after this date passes (though we will give plenty of reminders once it gets close to the end date and we will allow a one time extension if you need it <3).

Rules & FAQ

. You may only post one form.
(Users with a Scuffle page listed may post a second form once their first Taming Prompt is officially completed.)

. You may include no more than five desired base coat colors and no more than three desired white markings (of any rarity - selfs, albinos, and melanistics are allowed!) from our genetics list, however the artist is not obligated to follow your requests in any specific manner. Basecoat pattern/marking ideas/inspirations may be loosely suggested in this section but may be ignored if they don't suit the artists style or the species base rules. Remember that these are not customs.

. You may add to your form whether or not you would be interested in taking in a gelding (if yes, there is a 50/50 chance between a queen or a gelding being designed), and note if you have room in your Scuffle (per owner limitations) for a jack. Geldings are non-breedable jacks, but geldings do not count toward your total limit of owned Skepluvi, making them desirable for participants with a larger Scuffle already. If your designated rescue Skepluvi takes you over your ownership limit, that Skepluvi will be revoked and you will be unable to participate in the event any further. So keep track of your numbers and ensure you have officially tacked all your Skepluvi's if you don't have anymore room to add an event Skepluvi!
(Users with a Scuffle page listed have a fifty percent higher chance of acquiring a breedable jack than other users, if desired.)

. If you do not like the designed Skepluvi, you may choose to adopt it out instead of completing your taming prompt. You may also do this at any point during the event if you find you are certain you will be unable to complete the prompt in time. Remember that the artist will not change or alter the Skepluvi in any way (including design, colors, line edits, mutations, items, backstory, sex, ect) just because you don't like it. Keep in mind that if you choose to rehome the Skepluvi because of this reason, you do not get to try again for a different event Skepluvi - what you get is what you get, as goes the way of true animal rescue c;

. You may not request edits, mutations, backstory, ect.
(Users with a Scuffle page listed have a fifty percent higher chance of acquiring a more 'challenging' Skepluvi - this simply means you will be more likely to get one with more extreme edits/mutations and or more in-depth backstories, which may need more thought or creativity when completing the Taming prompt but does not actually require extra efforts or tasks.)

. The created event Skepluvi is not officially yours until after you have completed the required Taming prompt. Until then, you do not own the Skepluvi in any way and it is still considered to be 'Up for Adoption'. If you do not complete the Taming prompt by the event end date on September 15th (this may be extended), the Skepluvi will be put up for public adoption and you will be unable to get them back.

. Drawings and stories for your Taming Prompt must follow CS official rules; no blood/gore of any kind, and no specific mentions to animal abuse or violence. Be creative and stick to the storyline, but please be sure to keep these themes vague and family-friendly.

. You will not be judged on your skill level in order to consider your taming prompt completed. We are only looking for reasonable effort, time, and heart put into it.
(Users who put extra work into completing their taming prompt may be awarded with a special claimable surprise at the end of the event!)

. The taming prompt must be posted on the Skepluvi's creation page and reviewed by the artist. Once reviewed, the artist will post 'Task Complete' indicating that the event Skepluvi is then officially yours. At this point, you may post a Tack Submission Form (without needing to submit any of the usual tack prompts like first meet/first take/first ride) to receive free tack for your Skepluvi.
(All event Skepluvi who have their Taming prompt completed will be considered officially tacked in the records of the archives and future hatchery posts regardless if the owner posts the tack form or not.)

. Please do not pester the artist who claims your submission to finish creating your Skepluvi faster. Everyone will have more than enough time to complete their prompts and given extensions if needed.

. More rules will be added as needed or as new questions are asked. If you need any help please do not hesitate to post here or on the main page or feel free to PM ShadyBro with questions/suggestions. Do keep in mind our no-spaming rule however, and keep multiple questions/comments within one comment at a time.


The Prompt: 'Taming'
These Skepluvi have just been rescued from their awful past, having been locked away in an old barn shed for years, barely cared for, many of them now terrified of humans. You have decided, in a thrill of good will, to take in one of these rescued Skepluvi and do what you can to help rehabilitate them. The presumed history of your Skepluvi has been written out by the rescue worker (artist) that brought them to you. With this backstory in mind, please report back to the rescue about how you helped this Skepluvi heal from their past, and how they have settled into your home and day to day life. This report is very open ended and inclusive - you can be as open or to the point as you wish. Tell us things like; how did they react to you at first? How did you win them over? What issues might they have had that you helped them overcome? How are they doing now? And anything else you think has been a defining factor in their progress.
- The completed prompt must be posted on the Skepluvi's creation page and reviewed by the artist. "- Task Complete -" will officiate your ownership and tacking of the Skepluvi. Prompts can always be edited and or added onto after the artist reviews it if you wish, so long as no rules are broken within these edits.
- If you choose to write about this, you must simply follow the theme above, and use a minimum of 150 words (there is no max).
- If you choose to use art to describe this, you must simply follow the theme above, and ensure that the art (in whatever medium you prefer) is done by you and is fully colored.
- You may absolutely do both art and writing, or add other extra things to your prompt if you wish to.
- The prompt must be completed by September 15th (this may be extended).


Event Submission Form

Fill out this form and post it on this thread to request an event Skepluvi. Be sure to read all rules and How-Tos before posting. Those that fill out their forms incorrectly or break event rules multiple times will be banned from participating in the event. If your form is invalid for any small fixable issues, you will be PMd by ShadyBro and asked to fix your form. Once fixed, it will be able to be claimed by an artist as soon as its been reviewed.

You will be unable to post a form after the end date on September 15th (this may be extended) - any forms or prompts posted after the end date will be invalid.

Our Genetics List For White Markings Can Be Found Here. White Marking Suggestions Not Included On This List Will Be Ignored.
Code: Select all
(Please delete everything in parenthesis ().)
[b]Link To Scuffle Page (If Applicable):[/b]
[b]2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors (Optional - You May Suggest Marking Ideas):[/b]
[b]1-3 Desired White Markings (Optional - Any Rarity):[/b]
[b]Can You Take In A Gelding? (Yes or No):[/b]
[b]Can You Take In A Jack? (Yes or No - Check Ownership Limits):[/b]

Last edited by ShadyBro on Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby ShadyBro » Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:00 am

The Rescue Event Is Now Open For 2019!
Our Current End Date Is: September 15th
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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby toy20243 » Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:16 am

Link To Scuffle Page: Black Cherry
Username: toy20243
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors (Optional - You May Suggest Marking Ideas):
BlueJay, red cracker butterfly, dwarf gourami, red tail gold splendour asian arowana, African Wild Dog
1-3 Desired White Markings (Optional - Any Rarity): Up to the artist!
Can You Take In A Gelding? (Yes or No): Yes
Can You Take In A Jack? (Yes or No - Check Ownership Limits): Yes!

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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby Lady Mascaraed » Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:30 pm

Link To Scuffle Page (If Applicable):
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors: Image
1-3 Desired White Markings: tiger
Can You Take In A Gelding?: Yes
Can You Take In A Jack?: Yes


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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:25 pm

Link To Scuffle Page: Coming soon!
Username: SpartanAmethyst
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors: Surprise me. (Prefer something earthy for a gelding, and fiery for a jack. Ultimately up to the artist!)
1-3 Desired White Markings: Variegated rump, variegated roan, variegated harlequin.
Can You Take In A Gelding? (Yes or No): Yes
Can You Take In A Jack?: Yes
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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby Whovian5EVA » Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:15 pm

Link To Scuffle Page: N/A
Username: Whovian5eva
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors : Ultimately surprise me, but maybe inspired by the mantis shrimp if you feel up to it :P
1-3 Desired White Markings: up to you! :D
Can You Take In A Gelding? (Yes or No): No save those lovelies for the big scuffles :)
Can You Take In A Jack?: Yes

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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby •boo• » Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:29 pm

Link To Scuffle Page: Moontide Scuffle
Username: NightMareRose
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors: Here <3
1-3 Desired White Markings: Variegated Hooded, Variegated Harlequin
Can You Take In A Gelding?: Yes
Can You Take In A Jack?: Yes
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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby |Winter| » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:35 pm

Link To Scuffle Page: Winter's Hollow
Username: |Winter|
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors: Nicobar Pigeon - I love that iridescent red, green, and dark blue combo!
1-3 Desired White Markings: Preferably a smaller amount of white markings, but ultimately up to the artist!
Can You Take In A Gelding?: Yup!
Can You Take In A Jack?: Yup!
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Re: Skepluvias - R e s c u e E v e n t - O p e n !

Postby ShadyBro » Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:50 am

toy20243 wrote:Link To Scuffle Page: Black Cherry
Username: toy20243
2-5 Desired Basecoat Colors (Optional - You May Suggest Marking Ideas):
BlueJay, red cracker butterfly, dwarf gourami, red tail gold splendour asian arowana, African Wild Dog
1-3 Desired White Markings (Optional - Any Rarity): Up to the artist!
Can You Take In A Gelding? (Yes or No): Yes
Can You Take In A Jack? (Yes or No - Check Ownership Limits): Yes!

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