[☆] silentclan: a rise clan

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[☆] silentclan: mooncall, warrior

Postby dimi. » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:45 pm




name;; mooncall
past names;; moonkit, moonpaw
gender;; female
age;; 36 moons
rank;; warrior
body build;;

sexuality;; straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a

      Mooncall is a very hyper active cat, often found bounding around or fidgeting with something constantly, whether it be flexing her claws, constantly flicking her ears back and forth, or simply swaying side to side, this feline is always moving around. She almost seems to be incapable of standing still, and is somewhat jumpy and easily frightened/scared by sudden appearances. With her hyper nature, she is very playful and quite the prankster, often jumping onto others when they least suspect it to tackle them to the ground, which has lead to some unnecessary fights within Silentclan. To put it simply, Mooncall seems to have the nature of a fresh and excited apprentice when she is content/happy.

      Because of her hyper nature, she often loses memories or track of things she's supposed to be doing, so much so that she can say something and forget what she said directly after, often spacing out to try and remember. This also makes Mooncall incredibly tolerant of things, and it takes a lot to make her angry, and when she does have outbursts, her emotions are usually built up for weeks, moons, or even years. She is, at least according to the cats of Silentclan, one of the cats you should absolutely avoid if she is pissed off, because she has a bad habit of saying crude things or being incredibly rude/irritable when angry, often directing it at those she is not mad at.

      Mooncall's upbringing is one of Silentclan's most horrendous ones, if not the most horrendous ones. Mooncall was born into a litter of five kits, being the largest out of them all. Her parents, both loners at the time, had resided within a rogue pack's forest despite being given a multitude of warnings to exit the land or be persectued to face the consequences. After the kits were born, a patrol of rogue cats found the two parents watching over their kits, and merely let it slide for a couple of moons. Once the kits were strong enough to walk, talk, and have vision, the rogues struck in the midst of night. The kits, all except Moon slumbering at the back of the den were left stranded in horror as their parents were ripped from their grasps, howls and pleas for mercy ringing into the night. Mooncall never did find out what happened to them, but she knows that they most likely ended up dead.

      Moonkit had the ambition to wake up all of the kits, and guide them out of the forest to the best of her ability. The kits lost their parents near the end of Leaf-fall, the season soon to transition into Leaf-bare. The kits wandered for a couple of weeks, often finding a clan to temporarily reside at before moving onto the next. They learned how to hunt, but their catches were minimal, and soon the hunger began to set in. When Leaf-bare struck, Moonkit's siblings were not strong enough to survive, each plucked off one by one by the bitter cold snow and the crisp air. By the time Moonkit was within a mile of Silentclan's land, her siblings had all perished, and she had buried them all, the concept of death having become normal to Moonkit within a few mere moons of here life. She had to learn to grow up quickly, and so she did.

      Moonkit had began to grow weak as well, and felt as if she was going to succumb, eventually coming across Silentclan's large forest, which consisted of thick and tall trees that reached for the sky, the branches that stretched from each vessel almost clasping one another, shading the entire forest. Moonkit made her way through, but collapsed at the base of a tree, barely clinging to life. The medicine cat, Willowsong, found this kit and swiftly brought her back to the clan. Amberstar, since she had been abandoned in the snow, had a particular fondness towards Moonkit, and offered her a position in the clan, providing her with the necessary food, water, and herbs to get her nursed back to full health.

      When she was of apprentice age, she was to be taught by Willowsong to become a medicine cat. However, her hyper active nature had settled in, and she found it incredibly difficult to remember the herbs and their purposes, so Moonpaw was quickly changed over to a warrior apprentice, being mentored by the deputy of Silentclan Heatherpool. Moonpaw's erratic nature was something Heatherpool took advantage of, teaching her boundful apprentice swift attacks that would easily take down an opponent in a minimal amount of time. Moonpaw, due to being a few moons behind in terms of health, didn't officially become a warrior until she was 17 moons old.

      This history is finished until Silentclan's 3rd arc.
Last edited by dimi. on Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:22 am, edited 13 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: ripplesky, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:46 pm




name;; ripplekit, ripplepaw,ripplesky
past names;; n/a
gender;; female
age;; 3 moons
rank;; kit
body build;; large and bulky

sexuality;; lesbian
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; mantisdance
parents;; mooncall & orchidhowl

      Ripplesky is a feline who gets major joy from challenging the opinions and arguments of those within and outside of Silentclan She is incredibly confrontational and has a very strong passion for arguing with those around her. She isn't like some felines who will argue over minor or irrelevant things, but when it comes to things she is passionate about, she will butt into conversation between cats she doesn't even know and give her undesired opinion without a qualm in the world. This makes many perceive her as annoying and condescending, which is honestly probably not very far from the truth.

      She isn't really different around those she is friends with either, and don't forget about her family. Her way of showing affection is through being sarcastic or somewhat rude, otherwise she is incredibly bubbly and over energetic with strangers, making her seem incredibly fake or just really crazy in the head. Ripplesky isn't always mad, but she isn't exactly the bubbly type as her upfront persona may perceive at a first, second, or even third glance in her direction. She seems to have no respect for those that are on the same level as her, but she shows and displays most upmost respect when addressed by her superior, such as the deputy and leader.

      Ripplesky's history, admittedly, is not one of the most entertaining among the cats of Silentclan. In fact, most cats of the clan would consider her to have the least tragic or entertaining of histories in the entirety of the clan. Ripplesky was born into the clan merely a few moons after Mooncall had received her warrior name, born healthy alongside her sister Mantis. Ripplesky, as soon as she was able to hear and see, instantly began to show very strong and intense signs of strength and energy. She was often found bounding around the den, often having to be scooped up by one of the queens before she ran out of the den.

      She was a somewhat troublesome kit, often stirring up trouble in her youth, whether it be through starting arguments with her sister or the other kits in her den, or even actually managing to escape and getting caught up in some pretty major life or death situations. At one point, she ended up stuck at the top of one of the tallest trees in the forest, and had to be saved by the deputy of Silentclan at the time, Heatherpool. Even in her youth, she was always an argumentative and unpredictable shecat.

      Beyond this, she grew up like any other kit would. 6 moons passed, and she gained her title of apprentice. Because of her immense progress as a kit, her training was swift, but still lasted 6 moons like any other feline in the clan. She had been trained beneath her own mother Mooncall, who passed down more traits to make her a suitable fit for future leader.

      Ripplesky and her sister Mantisdance continue to grow as warriors through Heatherstar's reign of Silentclan. When Heatherstar dies and Mooncall takes over the clan, however, Ripplesky is devastated when her sister Mantisdance is picked to be the new deputy of Silentclan instead. She felt betrayed, after all the talk of Mooncall making her deputy. A rivalry sparked between Mantisdance and Ripplesky, which caused several random fights to occur. She began to grow more annoyed, and eventually decided to just essentially disown herself from the family.

      When the clan becomes more of a dynasty styled dictatorship, Ripplesky grows alarmed, and decides to team up with Doveflame, Heatherstar's own child in hopes of challenging the rulership. Their goal was to either kill Mooncall and Mantisdance, or scare them enough to revert back to Silentclan's traditional ways where the deputy wasn't picked based off of blood.

      This history is done for now as I try to decide which path to go.
Last edited by dimi. on Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:41 am, edited 5 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: mantisdance, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:46 pm




name;; mantiskit, mantispaw,mantisdance
past names;; n/a
gender;; female
age;; 3 moons
rank;; kit
body build;; slender snowshoe

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; ripplesky
parents;; mooncall & orchidhowl

      Mantisdance is an oddly serious feline, often sitting on the sidelines when all the apprentices and even warriors are playing and idly doing stuff throughout the camp. She often shows no interest in any of the activities occurring around camp, often hiding in her den until it is night time, which she then moves outside to sit and just observe the stars in the night sky. She is often found alone and seems to have absolutely no interest in interacting with those around her unless she is forced to or they initiate the first interaction. Mantisdance is incredibly introverted, which is why she is found alone so often, since being around others for too long drains her energy much quicker than she would like for it to.

      Although Mantisdance isn't social, she strives for her goals with all of her might and is 100% ready to throw those around her under the bus in order to accomplish her goals or protect the majority of the clan. She very heavily lives by the philosophy "act now, apologize later", which seems very reckless to everyone except for Mantisdance. She often fails to see the consequences that can occur after her actions and for this reason, she acts as if she doesn't care.

Last edited by dimi. on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:52 am, edited 27 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: doveflame, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:46 pm




name;; dovekit, dovepaw,doveflame
past names;; n/a
gender;; female
age;; 1 moon
rank;; kit
body build;; bulky snowshoe

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; owlwing
parents;; adderstar & heatherpool

      If you were to ask any member of Silentclan to describe Doveflame in one word, most of them would blurt out the word loyal. Doveflame has proven herself time and time again to be a loyal individual, aiding her clan mates wherever she can without even a moment's hesitation. She backs all of Silentclan's decisions, even if she herself doesn't fully support them, doing whatever it takes to make sure that the clan as a whole has good morale. She is often found going out of her way and checking in with every single clan member to see if they need help, which is a daily routine for her. Because of this, she is usually one of the busiest, but most admired cats of the clan.

      However, just because Doveflame is loyal, it doesn't mean she is perfect. Doveflame is actually somewhat argumentative, and absolutely despises being talked down to or forced to do something that isn't justifiable, such as cleaning up a mess that she did not make or volunteer to help clean up. She will often talk back if she finds that something is unfair, or defend someone else if something they are going through appears unfair as well. She is one who strives for everything to be fair and just, and is easily willing to argue for days, moons, or even years to get her point across. She isn't one to hold grudges, but she is somewhat petty after an argument, often refusing to directly help that cat for a while.

Last edited by dimi. on Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: rabbitflight, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:47 pm



name;; Rabbitkit, Rabbitpaw, Rabbitflight
past names;; n/a
gender;; Male
age;; 3 moon
rank;; Kit
body build;; Bulky, long legs

sexuality;; Bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; Lotuskit & Ashkit
parents;; Cindershade, Hareleap

      As a kit, Rabbitflight is a very envious and somewhat self centered cat. These are traits he has picked up on from his mother Cindershade, who is known for wanting to be the first choice and getting offended when she isn't. Rabbitflight tends to dwell on what others get that he doesn't have, and gets jealous when he isn't involved in everything. He often barges into the middle of a mossball game to join in, and while most of the kits don't mind, some of the apprentices and kits certainly do. He is unintentionally rude in this aspect, oblivious to the fact he is being rude when walking into things and joining in to feel involved with everyone.

      Thankfully, unlike some of the other kittens, this trait of his personality is merely a phase. As he grows older, primarily midway through his apprenticeship, he becomes humble. He often puts his own emotions to the side, prioritizing his clan mates since he finds little to nothing about him as important as keeping the clan bonded together. He is often found complimenting others on their stellar abilities, whether it be hunting, fighting, or just finding cats to get more contracts from. He goes out of his way to make sure everyone feels significant, unlike he himself does.

Last edited by dimi. on Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:10 am, edited 7 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: crowshadow, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:01 am



name;; Crowshadow
past names;; Crowkit, Crowpaw
gender;; Male
age;; 39 moons
rank;; Warrior
body build;; Tall and lithe, narrow face.

sexuality;; Homosexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Crowshadow is certainly smart, but his intelligence hidden by his selective silence. He is rarely found conversing with other cats, and often has to be forced into interacting with others, even with simple things such as going on border or hunting patrols. Many view the tom as introverted, or he perhaps has social anxiety. Crowshadow, however, is just incredibly selective when it comes to who he talks to. He typically only talks to those that intrigue him, and unless he is the one that approaches you for conversation, he usually doesn't have much of an interest in you or anyone around you.

      While he is quiet, Crowshadow is actually an incredibly intelligent individual. He often picks up on patterns that indicate deception, and knows when to trust or not to trust anyone talking to him. He can read through others as if they are transparent, and can typically deduce what a feline is like just from watching them interact with others a couple of times. He also has a fantastic memory, and lives by the philosophy that he can forgive, but he would never forget. Many use this expression not quite literally, but Crowshadow means it; he remembers every single interaction he has had with one cat, whether it's been minutes or many moons since he last conversed with the other feline.

      Crowshadow was a kitten born on the streets of the two-leg city just east of Silentclan's forest. Thankfully, his mother had decided to raise him, unlike many of the other unfortunate stray kittens within the alley. He was raised with his mother until he was about five moons old, and then he was shipped off to the alley gang, where he was brutally trained to be a warrior. His vigorous training sessions and ruthless arguments with adult cats are what crafted Crowshadow to learn when to be quiet and choose who to interact with. The brutality of his conditions is essentially what made Crowshadow intelligent and cunning.

      When Crowshadow heard word of Silentclan, he decided to seek them out in order to avoid the gang. When he reached Silentclan, he spoke to Amberstar. In exchange for safety within the clan, he would provide the clan with his intelligence when it came to hunting, as well as finding cats who would desire a contract to be fulfilled. Amberstar happily took up the offer, and since then, Crowshadow has resided in Silentclan. As a warrior, Crowshadow has a unique duty. About once a moon, he will leave the clan for two weeks, seeking out clans that may have trouble arising in them. He will then alert Amberstar of these conflicts, and send warriors to each camp in order to lock in potential contracts.
Last edited by dimi. on Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:36 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: ebonystorm, warrior

Postby dimi. » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:25 pm



name;; Ebonystorm
past names;; Ebonykit, Ebony, Ebonypaw
gender;; Male
age;; 66 moons
rank;; Warrior
body build;; Tall, bulky, wide face.

sexuality;; Straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Tattered by battle and somewhat tainted, Ebonystorm is a gruff and hard to get to tom. He is incredibly introverted, and skeptical of everyone who approaches him, including his own leader. He is viewed as a paranoid cat within the clan, but some believe it may be due to his history, which was laced with death and brutality. Ebonystorm isn't necessarily rude, but he isn't the nicest cat either. He will talk to someone, but he will always seem to be forcing the conversation or blatantly show that he is not interested in the topic. Overall, he is mostly devoid of emotion, and only talks to cats when they talk to him first. The only things that keep his attention long term are battle plans or battle stories, which intrigue him greatly.

      Ebonystorm isn't one to form long-term connections. He will often only be acquaintances with others he comes across in his life time. You could be around him 24/7, dedicate everything to him, and he could return the same affection, but he wouldn't necessarily put a label on it, and just deem you as an "acquaintance", since no one usually sticks around forever. This doesn't particularly bother Ebonystorm, as much as it may aggravate or displease those around him, but he was trained to not form long-term connections and the habit has carried on into adulthood.

      Ebonystorm was born into a clan that was very small, and as a result, incredibly weak. When he was of apprentice age, he acknowledged just how weak his clan was, and decided to leave. After he left, he made his way into a two-leg city, hoping to find some shelter so he could just thrive and live an easy, laid back life. However, as he later found out, the city was laced with rambunctious and reckless two-legs, who would often almost run him over when he was crossing the road. He decided this wasn't the life for him either, and decided one night to exit the city.

      However, a band of rogues found him, snatched him, and began to train him to be an arena cat. He was a weak feline, resulting in him often getting majorly injured during these battles, one battle leaving part of his ear torn off. It took Ebonystorm 30 moons of fighting before he was strong enough to fight off the other rogues of the clan and make his grand escape. He had darted out of the city and ran until his paws throbbed and his legs wobbled. This was the point where he came across Silentclan's forest, and he seeked shelter within.

      He awoke to a cream tabby standing over him, a glint of concern in her hazel eyes. She guided Ebonystorm to her camp, introduced herself, and offered a place within her clan, saying he wouldn't be harmed. For the time being, Ebonystorm has taken advantage of Amberstar's hospitality, but it is unknown how long he will put up with it until he takes off for yet another adventure..
Last edited by dimi. on Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[☆] silentclan: opalmist, warrior.

Postby dimi. » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:26 pm



name;; Opalmist
past names;; Opal
gender;; Male
age;; 50 moons
rank;; Warrior
body build;; Petite, siamese face

sexuality;; Straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Opalmist is a very defensive feline. At even the slightest social interaction, he is snarky, often rude enough to drive anyone wanting to talk to him away. He is very selective in who he talks to, and if he doesn't talk to you first, chances are he wants absolutely nothing to do with you ever. He is incredibly standoffish, and will often dart head first into an argument and take it one step too far by making it personal. He tends to disregard the emotions of those around him, and as a result, not many cats inside or outside of Silentclan are fond of him.

      However, there is only one way to weaken Opalmist's cold demeanor. Usually, he is only happy while interacting with one cat at a time, typically someone in his direct family or someone he has taken an interest in beyond just a friend base. Around someone who he adores or intrigues him, he becomes a soft giant. He would do anything for the one cat he loves in that moment, and would easily step over them in the line of fire without a second thought about it. Some of Opalmist's closest acquaintances find this trait endearing about him, but naturally he acts as if the bond he has with his closest friend is nonexistent, and the others are just "hallucinating."

Last edited by dimi. on Mon Dec 10, 2018 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: maplenose, warrior

Postby dimi. » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:26 pm



name;; Maplenose
past names;; Levi
gender;; Male
age;; 22 moons
rank;; Warrior
body build;; Tall and lithe

sexuality;; Straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Maplenose is a cat who doesn't know what the concept of boundaries is. He is essentially the embodiment of the phrase "curiosity killed the cat". He has no sense of when to stop, and often digs into things that he isn't necessarily supposed to get into. He isn't nosy or naughty intentionally, he is simply intrigued by everything that surrounds him. Because of his curiosity, Maplenose has a tendency to get into herbs or territory that could be harmful to him, resulting in a few cats of Silentclan believing he is sort of reckless. Most find this trait about him endearing though, and would stop what they were doing to just watch Maplenose get into another one of his shenanigans.

      While curious, Maplenose is also playful. He loves to play small jokes on the others in Silentclan, and especially enjoys play fighting. His primary habit is just nibbling on his playful opponent, which many find to be an odd fighting quirk, but no one particularly minds it since his habits don't involve pain or anything. When Maplenose isn't investigating something he shouldn't be, he isn't one to take things seriously, and is one of the types of cats who would laugh during serious situations.

      Maplenose was originally a stray cat. After being released by a family who didn't want him, he roamed the streets for about twelve moons, living off of scraps from the dumpsters that filled the city. Eventually, a different two-leg family took him in, where he went by the name of Levi. He lived there for another few moons, until he got bored of the two-leg life. One day, when his owners were about to head out to a restaurant for dinner, he slipped out of the front door, which had been just left barely a crack open, and vanished into the night.

      He ventured several miles to the west, unsure of what he was looking for in particular. He had just known he was bored of the two-leg life. He had heard tales of the clans, but was unsure if they were real. When he came across the forest of Silentclan, he decided to investigate, making his way in. When he came across a camp in the midst of the night with about thirty other cats in it, he had no doubt that this was a clan, he was just unsure what clan. One of the patrolling warriors, Sagestrike, came across the tom and interrogated him, asking who he was and what his business was. When he stated he was just a kittypet, Sagestrike took him into the camp, presenting him to Amberstar.

      Amberstar, as she always does, offered Maplenose a position within the clan. Maplenose happily took it, and became an apprentice beneath Amberstar. He quickly became a warrior, since his street experience had given him enough fighting experience for training to be a breeze.
Last edited by dimi. on Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: thawstream, warrior

Postby dimi. » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:27 pm



name;; Thawstream
past names;; n/a
gender;; Female
age;; 34 moons
rank;; Warrior
body build;; Tall, long snout.

sexuality;; Homosexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; Bonemarrow
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Thawstream is a compassionate and caring feline. With several moons of medicine cat experience under her paws, she has gained a significant amount of care for the lives of those around her. She often puts the needs of those around her before her own, and is willing to help anyone in need. With her compassionate nature, Thawstream is often someone who strongly goes against igniting the flame to any sort of conflict. She prefers to stay out of fights, and will only initiate or intervene with them if someone she loves or someone who is completely innocent is about to be attacked/being attacked. However, she is not afraid of fighting, she just prefers not to hop into the mess.

      She is also a big softie, and it's easy for cats to become friends with this kindhearted she-cat. When she isn't helping another clan member, she is kind of quiet, even when she is actually speaking. She has a way of calming cats with her soothing voice, a skill she picked up on while calming frantic cats in the medicine den back in Breezeclan. She is a huge lover, and very passionate about the concept of life, willing to do anything to defend it.

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Last edited by dimi. on Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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