{ silentclan, rise clan }

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{ silentclan, rise clan }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:35 pm

"Walk with the shadows, young one."

Silentclan, a clan where misfits and cats seeking out an easy life migrate to.
Not following normal clan traditions, Silentclan has grown to have quite a
reputation for their treacherous tendencies. From mere blackmail to full on
murder, these cats can be coerced to do anything for the right about of
materialistic item. So long as you provide them with a good reason for your
desires and payment, wishes will be fulfilled. Silentclan can be viewed as a
clan genie, if you will.

Founded by Amberstar when she were merely 25 moons, Silentclan is
known to be a haven for cats who desire solitary conditions while prospering
without having to endure too many grueling hours of work. Many others may
view the cats of Silentclan as lazy, but they are merely privileged.
A large chocolate point approaches you, speaking boldly, yet welcoming. "Come on in! I'll give you the tour!""
Level: 29 | Cat Number: 35 (4 deceased) | Slots: 35/???

28. Ambersky
31. Embersnarl
32. Mantisdance
36. Tundrawhisper
37. Cindershade
41. Sassypaw
42. Sandpaw
47. Rainpaw
49. Maplenose

52. Doveflame
53. Wholesun
54. Thawstream
1. Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3796546&hilit=HM&start=10#p118525757
2. Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3792577&p=118878749#p118878606
3. Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=4007131&start=10#p123330750
4. Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3728749&p=123485961#p123485913

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{ silentclan, clan information }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:43 pm

Silentclan is a group of cats who have come together through various means. This group of cats has formed not only a clan to protect one another from threats, but a silent contract to make sure that other cats are never put in the same position Amberstar herself was put in as a young cat - and they are willing to prevent this through the most major of ways, including murder.

Silentclan's operation takes place in various sanctuaries scattered throughout the lands, where contracts are organized so Silentclan can aid others. The contracts have their own systems of rules, and the Sanctuary Holders are in charge of making sure these rules are upheld through every contract they organize. This operation, however, is masked. These functions are dark and secretive, and those they have business with know if they utter a word, Silentclan cats will come right for them. This secretive nature is where Silentclan's name is derived from; the silent operation happening beneath the surface.
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{ silentclan, rank information }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:21 pm

Clerics; These are the healers of the clan. They are in charge of tending to wounds, dealing with illnesses, and occassionally going out to gather their own wounds. With the interpreter rank being implemented, the clerics spend more of their time in their dens organizing and practicing herbs. They tend to address break outs and help any injured cats in the forest.

Interpreter; This rank is usually only held by cats as a punishment for something they have done. They are in charge of interpreting signs sent by Starclan, and are usually confined to the Moon den where cats bring them prey. They are only allowed out under super vision to go "dirt".

Sanctuary Holders; There are usually five of these cats at a time, and they are rarely found within Silentclan's camp. They stay in their respective sanctuaries, and are in charge of organizing contracts. They visit the clan every quarter moon in order to discuss all the contracts that have been proposed with the current leader, and see which ones are going to be fulfilled.

Defenders; These fierce cats are the front line when it comes to battle. They typically do not hunt, and are instead in charge of marking the borders, and dealing with any cats who have stumbled across Silentclan and need to perish to prevent information from getting out.

Scouts; The scouts are cats who aren't used to fighting, and would instead like to utilize their skills in hunting instead. They are in charge of hunting three times a day in order to feed the many cats within the clan.

Goddesses; The goddesses are the mothers of the clan who provide milk for the young. These cats are in charge of looking over the kits and making sure they get to bed on time. There is usually three at a time, and one is always awake to guard the nursery.

Elders; These cats are ex. warriors who have retired due to injury or old age. They are praised by the clan for their time, and are usually in charge of keeping the apprentices busy while their mentors are out, giving them phony tasks to suck up their time.

Recruiters; The recruiters are in charge of seeking out loners and rogues in other places in hopes of recruiting them into the clan. They usually advertise Silentclan's ways and how clans bring prey to them to lure their potential recruits in. Recruiters are also in charge of determining if a cat that wants to enter Silentclan is fit for the clan.

Beginners; The students are young cats, ages 6-18 moons who are training to become warriors. They are mentored by a scout or defender depending on the route they want to take. They tend to be in charge of helping the elders outside of charging and spend a good chunk of time doing the chores around the camp.

Kittens; Often referred to as "kits", these youngsters are confined to the nursery and watched over by the Goddesses.

Ancients; There are five ancients in Silentclan, and they represent the five core traits of Silentclan's foundation. They look over Silentclan, and send signs whenever necessary. They often appear in the dreams of Beginners to give them more tips regarding their path.

Dwellers; There are three dwellers, and all of them despise Silentclan. They exist solely to mess around with Silentclan and aim to corrupt a few of the members in order to make Silentclan fall apart.
Last edited by dimi. on Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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{ silentclan, contract system }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:44 pm

The contracts in Silentclan all originate from Silentclan's members reaching out to a cat who seems to be in need. They are then directed to a Sanctuary, where they talk to a Sanctuary Holder about how they want to go about addressing the issue they are experiencing. These contracts can be anything. From sabotaging one's character to murder, Silentclan is open to doing anything so long as the reasoning and pay is justifiable/reasonable.

After the contract is discussed, cats typically wait about a week so the Sanctuary Holder can return home and discuss the contracts with the current leader to see which are valid, which need amendments, and which plain out aren't happening. After this process, each cat is tracked down, and their contract is discussed one more time before being finalized; payment is expected immediately after a contract is fulfilled. If the payment isn't received, Silentclan typically starts causing trouble for the clan that contracted them, whether it be kidnapping a kit as blackmail, stealing prey, or hunting on their territory, it doesn't matter.
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{ silentclan, reputation }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:06 pm

Silentclan's reputation is honestly unable to be determined. It all comes down to whether or not your clan has had a contract with Silentclan or not. If the clan hasn't, Silentclan just appears to be another ordinary clan to them, most of which admire Amberstar for her bravery after being exiled from her previous clan as a young warrior and founding a clan alone. However, if a clan has had a contract with Silentclan, their reputation is usually being known as very secretive and efficient at what they do.

Many non-murder contractors view Silentclan as non negotiable, and find their contract system to be filled with mostly good intentions, and have no qualms about the system. However, clans that do know about the contracts that permit murder are somewhat iffy to the concept. There isn't really a set reputation for Silentclan because of this.
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{ silentclan, traditions }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:10 pm

1. Contract Feast; The first day of each new season, all clans that have had a contract with Silentclan are welcome to come into Silentclan's training hill and eat prey that all the cats of Silentclan have spent most of the day gathering. Every single cat from each clan is welcoming, resulting in quite a large group of felines gathering. Thankfully, there are plenty warriors and hunters in Silentclan to accommodate for the numbers. The festival lasts from sunset to sunrise the next day, and most of the night is spent discussing affairs within the clans, and any problems that have come up, similar to a gathering but more casual rather than formal.
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{ silentclan, territory }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:23 pm

Not many are aware of Silentclan's location. They live in a forest in the center of a large plain, and in each direction for several miles, there is absolutely nothing significant. There are no other forests, trees, or large bodies of water that surround this clan; it just seems to be in the middle of nowhere. To their knowledge, they are the only cats within the plain, and their territory spans from their forest to each major landmark in each direction.

Because of their location, Silentclan has no direct borders, and instead has borders several miles away, and for this reaosn, they haven't dared to claim anything beyond the landmarks as they fear clans that may want to fight them are on the other side. It takes about half a day for the clan cats to get anywhere other than their forest, since most Silentclan cats have a tendency to just walk around idly.

The forest Silentclan has taken residence in has large, dense trees. The trees are layered in thick leaves that cause the forest to be shaded, allowing minimal sources of light to enter. The forest grows unbearably bright during Leaf-bare, however, since most Silentclan cats are used to being permanently in the shade as if the sun has already set.

The terrain surrounding Silentclan contains various landscapes. To the north of the forest, there is a large river, spanning about four miles in length. There is plenty of fish within the river, and many of the Beginners and Kittens are trained to swim within this river's waters.

To the south, several miles in the distance, there is a large mountain range, the mountains reaching several miles into the sky. They serve as a barrier of protection for Silentclan from their south, as cats rarely dare to make their trek over them, and usually die in the process.

In the east, the plain is surprisingly barren. The only notable landmark in this direction is an ashy forest, which was burned down early on in Amberstar's reign of Silentclan when Mallowshine successfully ignited a fire to lure two cats into the forest in hopes of killing them.

To the west, there is a large city full of twolegs. The city has several rogues and is a hotspot for the recruiters when they go out seeking new members.

North Border: ?
South Borders: Nocturneclan Hollowclan
East Border: Thistleclan
West Border: ?
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{ silentclan, camp }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:44 pm

The camp is placed in the center of the forest in a clearing. A jagged stone stands in the top portion of this camp, and is known as Leader's Ledge, where Amberstar stands during meetings. The dens that separated cats by rank begin by this jagged rock, and descend from the ones that need the most protection to the least.

The clan just beside the Leader's Ledge is the nursery, which is in the base of a hollow tree, the largest tree within the forest. Moss has grown on the side of it, forming a make-shift curtain to give the Goddesses privacy while they are birthing new kits for the clan. The den is dark for the most part, and is usually comforting for the Goddesses and kits trying to slumber peacefully. Just across from the nursery is the Elders' den. Their den is a large cavern which delves slightly under ground. Each elder has had a perfect nest made for them, and never switch beds.

The medicine den, which is found directly next to the elder's den. This den is comprised of several large sticks to make makeshift walls, and a roof drape made from sticks and tightly compacted moss. This allows for the herbs within to not be dried up, as the medicine den always has air circulating within it through the small patches between the sticks bound together to make the den. Inside, herbs are divided by sticks with symbols above them to identify what they are if a medicine cat apprentice needed a reminder.

Next to the nursery is the den for the apprentices. The apprentice's den is found between two large boulders with moss strung across the top to keep water from dripping into the den during rain. Inside, there are claw marks found on the walls from apprentices trying to show off.

Directly next to the entrance is the warriors' den, where all the defenders and scouts sleep. They are positioned close to the entrance so that in the event of an attack, they can be the front line and protect the young and old from the danger. Their den is another cavern which extends backwards several feet, and dives into the ground slightly. The cavern is covered by many leaves, and at a first glance, it doesn't really look like a den.

The leader's den is just behind the Leader's Ledge, and has two nests inside, one for the leader and the other for the deputy. There are lines of stars engraved in the walls, allowing for leaders to keep track of how many lives they have left.
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{ silentclan, the code }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:15 pm

1. Never tell anyone of Silentclan's location; only those chosen and mates/children of clan members are to know.

2. You are permitted to have relationships with cats in other clans, but do note that battle is still not off the table in the event your friends/mate's clan causes trouble.

3. Never trespass onto another clan's territory unless it is absolutely necessary.

4. Do not organize contracts that permit murder when the circumstances don't call for it.

5. Goddesses, kits, and elders are to be fed first; the leader and deputy will always eat last.

6. If anyone unwelcome comes into the camp, you are to kill them unless they are young or surrender to Silentclan.
I have quit this game as of September 15th, 2022 and will only be around on December 18th for pets to sell.

Please contact me on Flightrising should I have any adoptables floating around you would like to purchase for C$ should a species TOS allow it. You may message here, but chances are I won't see it for a while.
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{ silentclan, allegiances page }

Postby dimi. » Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:18 pm

Silentclan Members
Heatherstar; A long furred large bulky toffee brown tabby point she-cat with icy blue eyes.
Mooncall; A medium-sized long-furred black and white she-cat with one green eye and one blue eye.
Willowsong; A small and skinny long-furred ginger and white she-cat with deep blue eyes.
Peachpaw; A slender, long-legged chocolate ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with golden eyes.
Mallowshine; A tall, large upper-bodied fawn sepia she-cat with soft orange eyes.
Batwhisper; A maine-coon built long-furred she-cat with various body scarring, a torn left ear, and orange/green eyes.
Wolfwind; A large long-haired cream point she-cat with 2 scars on the right side of her face, a torn left ear, and icy blue eyes.
Shellstep; A short, wide-faced long-haired lynx point tom with frosty blue eyes.
Thistledawn; A short, pudgy solid white she-cat with a slightly pink muzzle, one gold eye and one blue eye.
Riddlemask; A tall and skinny leopard spotted brown tabby she-cat with mint green eyes.
Poppyflame; A large, broad shouldered cinnamon caliby she-cat with vibrant orange eyes.
Bananablossom; A tall muscular long-haired cream pointed she-cat with deep ocean blue eyes.
Sundrop; An abnormally small black, orange, and white tortoiseshell with vibrant yellow eyes.
Doeheart; An average sized skinny cream point she-cat with soft blue eyes.
Rabbitflight; A bulky long legged long-haired black mink tom with soft blue eyes.
Frozengaze; A slender average sized seal rosette she-cat shiny teal eyes.
Squirrelpool; A small long-furred ginger tabby she-cat with vibrant gold eyes and a scar on the bridge of her nose.
Ambersky; An abnormally tall and skinny cream tabby she-cat with hazel eyes.
Honeywish; A large and pudgy lilac-cream calico she-cat with bright amber eyes and a massive scar on her back right leg.
Applesong; A large maine-coon like tortoiseshell with a white underbelly, a torn right ear, a massive neck scar, and mint green eyes.
Embersnarl; A massive heavily white she-cat with orange spotting and deep orange eyes.
Mantisdance; A slender black and white she-cat with dark green eyes.
Morningdew; A tall, narrow-faced blue lynx tom with white spotting and one blue and one brown eye.
Brackenhaze; A tall and broad-shouldered long-haired brown tom with white spotting and amber eyes.
Mayflower; A slender average sized flame point she-cat with soft blue eyes.
Tundrawhisper; A tall, skinny gray and white tom with emerald green eyes and scarring over right eye and back left leg.
Cindershade; A heavy-framed black and white she-cat with vibrant yellow eyes.
Ebonystorm; A tall, bulky and wide-faced gray long-haired classic tabby tom with white spotting and green eyes.
Sagestrike; A large long-haired upper bodied silver spotted tabby with white spotting and stunning green eyes.
Sassybloom; A pudgy fawn classic tabby she-cat with deep amber eyes.
Acornskip; A small, narrow faced black and ginger spotted she-cat with white spotting and green eyes.
Maplenose; A tall and lithe white and ginger spotted tabby tom with green eyes.
Thawstream; A tall, long-nosed brown mackerel tabby she-cat with pale greenish yellow eyes.
Wholesun; An average sized golden spotted tabby tom with golden eyes.
Doveflame; A bulky narrow faced chocolate point she-cat with white spotting and soft blue eyes.

Silentclan Ancients
Suspect; An incredibly tall long-furred blue sepia she-cat with mint green eyes.
Shade; A slender average sized silver rosetted tom with hazel eyes.
Scorch; A long-legged narrow faced red ticked tabby she-cat with bright golden eyes and minimal scarring.
Strike; A small and pudgy solid black she-cat with vibrant yellow eyes. [NOT YET EXISTING!]
Sharp; A short and plump chocolate point she-cat with icy blue eyes.

Last edited by dimi. on Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:03 am, edited 7 times in total.
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