The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

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Postby King Andre » Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:30 pm

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      The quickly darkening sky gradually swallowed crimson sunlight and gave way to the moon. A hike? The idea piqued the interest of the silver haired young man, a smirk growing upon his features. Dante was nothing if not courageous, so the title of the hike did nothing to dismay him; instead the very nature of this adventure proved to excite him. A quick glance around the curly haired boy however told him that others were not so sure, and he offered words of encouragement to some with an amiable smile in their direction. Dante's was an aura of impenetrable calm and a charismatic friendliness that inspired, even soundlessly persuading those who may have second guessed themselves.

      As a demonstration to those that may have been more apprehensive, he signed his own name without a degree of hesitation. "It'll be a great experience, I'm certain. You don't have to worry either, the counselors will make sure you're fine." About that, the brown haired one seemed rather eccentric to a degree, but nonetheless just as capable as the other one. As for his own reasoning towards participation, the idea of a hike itself was enough to warrant joining. He was an athletic kid, and no challenge, physical or mental ever proved to be more than a lesson or adventure for him. He was certain this hike would be fun, whatever they had in store for him.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby ufos » Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:30 pm

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    translate your love into action
    mac or joel he/him adult

    great cs artist @pyjamac
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby Yuroshi » Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:36 pm

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Sal danced around, a large grin on his face. He hadn't been able to stop smiling since he met the two in the woods. Well, if he was being honest with himself, which the blue and orange haired boy almost always was, he'd been smiling ever since he first arrived at Kamp. It wasn't often that he had a chance to potentially make friends... even though he was far too shy to attempt to make them on his own.
Yet, he would still swiftly admit that he was especially excited for this... Test of Courage? Or was it Fear? Either way. Sal knew there was nothing homework was more excited for.
He tried to remember where the sign-up sheet was, and on his way there, he found himself- well, as usual, hopelessly lost. He wandered around, his bright yellow Sunflower Kamp shirt causing him to be brighter than he usually was with his obnoxiously colored hair. So, it was far later than he intended when he finally found the sign-up sheet. In fact, it was almost too late!
If he was here, he wasn't going to pull out any stops.
Quick as a whip, he ran behind the treeline, stripping his bright yellow shirt off to reveal a dark colored one, and pulling a ninja-like beanie from his bag, slamming it on his head. He knew he stuck out like a beacon in the dark, and was determined to not ruin it for anyone. If he was going to do this, he would be all in.
Now ready, he walked towards the sign-up sheet. He pulled the pen down, switching it to a bright orange and signing his name with his trembling penmanship. To anyone else, it would've looked like he was quivering in abject fear. But really? He was shaking in repressed excitement.
As he walked away, a little skip in his step as he unconsciously avoided most of the rest of the group, his face actually started to hurt from the large grin he was sporting. He absolutely couldn't wait for this test of courage.
After all, what's a little more fear when you live in a constant state of it?
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby sentimental » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:08 pm

sɪɢɴ ᴜᴘ ᴛɪᴍᴇ !
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Alastair sighed as he set down the pen, glowering at the brightly colored names scribbled up and down
the sign up sheet. If he wasn't so irrationally bored he really wouldn't have bothered signing up in the first place.
Judging by the earlier interaction he shared with the two counselors on the hill, this seemed to be a cheap set of traditionally
spooky tricks set up to fool less skeptic kals. His eyebrow twitched slightly at the names scribbled all over the
sign-up sheet- he hated when people used colored ink. It was always red, pink or lighter pink. Why couldn't people
leave colors in fashion where they belonged? Grumbling under his breath, Alastair selected the black ink cartridge and
wrote his name in elegant cursive - the kind that feels condescending to look at. He set the pen down and turned
to head back to the main area in camp. Maybe he would get lucky and find someone less insufferable to waste time
with. As he headed down the path, he began to wonder which of the two at the top of the hill decided to start this
kid-scaring business anyways.

I'm thinking it was the red-head. What was his name again? Barry? Ben? Beni sounds about right. He seemed
pretty gung-ho about the whole fiasco.
As he glanced at the side of the path, he noticed how late it was
getting. An owl hooted softly as it began it's evening's first hunt. Shivering, Alastair turned back around hurriedly
and quickened his pace.

I bet, oh gosh what was his name? Ibis? Isis? Iphis, maybe? The silent one. I'll call him grumpy.
Grumpy seemed to be along for the ride. Well. Maybe he's trying to scare someone he hates? Seems like
the kinda fella to hold a grudge of some sort.

As he slowly walked back into the main clearing, he noticed a couple
kits hanging out and smiling. Staring quietly for a second, Ala suddenly whipped around and headed towards his cabin.

Well, whatever. Really isn't any of my business anyways. Hell, I'm pretty curious to see what those weirdos can cook
up to scare the snot-nosed brats running about, it'd be funny to see them scared.
I just hope it doesn't involve anything physical- I really don't want to break a nail.

it's going to be christmas soon, keito

> loml > fern
>msg > charas
>mayo > trello
lyn senti
i'm in my
cringe era
right now.
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The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby Gladis » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:12 pm

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    Val had been fairly upset when she found out that camp activities didn't involve Sasquatches, ghosts, or sacrificing other kalons. She had been strolling through the woods like a grumpy bridge troll when she came across this opportunity. Though Val hated hiking, the words "TEST OF COURAGE" piqued her interest & curiosity. Test of courage? Is it gonna be like those escape rooms where they scare you & stuff? Do they torture people until their courage breaks? Is it gonna be like those janky TV shows I've seen? I'm SOOOOOO in!!
    Val's heart pounded as she imagined all the possibilities. Clearly, she has been watching too many horror movies recently. Val scribbled her name in without any hesitation. Val pursed her lips as she stared proudly at her messy handwriting.
    "If this hike turns out to be lame, I'm going to go on a cooler adventure by myself. If I die... I die."

    There was a reason her friends worry about her safety 24/7, & it wasn't because she was "brave".
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby Neon sparks » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:17 pm

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Ferris narrowed his eyes at the little paper, courage? how was walking a test of courage? the mere thoughts of how in the world this could possibly be a courage bringing endeavor was enough to make him curious. being curious was all he really needed anyways. so he signed his name on the crude little paper and sat down beside it to watch who else came to sign up. his mind racing threw ideas of the forest they would be visiting. could it be beasts? a bear or maybe wolves? or could it be demons? his tail tip wagged showing he was enjoying thinking. he noted the kalons who signed up, silently judging them, wondering how they could handle a monstrous bear or demon or whatever this walk would hold.
finally one of the counselors came, it was getting dark by now so he guessed that they were ready to take the walk. he stayed silent and stared them down like he always tended to. he didn't like talking, observing was much preferred by him. he didn't really care that others found him creepy. he watched the counselor walk away to the trailhead. he glanced up at the moon rose and finally decided it was time. he followed the counselor's paw steps to the trailhead and sat down in front of where they seemed to be waiting and he stared, again. he only looked away to see what kalons came to join the hike, he recognized many he had observed before. he was quietly excited to head off into the darkness and courage related or not, he loved the dark woods.
xXXXXXXXXXXzzzxxzXXxxxxxxUsed to be Lieutenant sparks


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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby heartleafed » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:32 pm

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          This was a terrible idea. The worst idea he'd probably had in his entire young life maybe. René was already slightly reeling from every sight, sound, smell, and feeling he was getting from Kamp, and a hike in the middle of the night was probably the last thing he should have been doing right now, but, that was why he was here right? If nothing else he could think of it as a research trip, he would have few other chances to experience the flora and fauna at night, much less doing so with other people voluntarily there. Besides, wasn't this trip to push himself? To get himself out there? He knows how much it would upset his father, but he also knows how proud he'd be of René finally taking some initiative.

          He takes in a steady breathe, speaks the first sentence he's said aloud since getting there, "I can do this." René tries to ignore how he still sounds a little unsteady. "Besides, la nuit porte conseil, maybe she'll have good advice for me tonight." He grips the notebook he's been carrying with him a little tighter and straightens himself out, if he couldn't actually be brave, he could at least make everyone around him think he was.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby deerbroken » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:09 pm

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby chunkypeanutbutter » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:16 pm

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby oriole » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:29 pm

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    Calypso, age 11-12

    She heard whispers about the revered "Test of Courage" hike while in canoeing lessons in the afternoon, while barely making it up the wall in the evening's rock climbing session. Rumors of giant hairy spiders, of monsters lurking in dank bogs, of strange calls in the dead of night were attached to "Test of Courage" like a military-grade magnet. Calypso couldn't wait to sign up.

    Throughout the day, as she struggled with activities most were having fun with (although she tried her best not to mind), she daydreamed about the hike.

    I'm going to discover the monster in the woods! And...and I'm going to befriend it! It's probably just misunderstood and lonely, a good friend would cheer it right up. Hmm, how would I do that though? I've heard that the monster lurks in the swamp, I could catch some frogs at dinnertime today and give them to it so that they could be pets to keep it company. Hey wait, I remember seeing some Venus Flytraps in the science center today, I don't think they would mind missing a couple...

    "Calypso, what exactly will the Science Center be missing?" someone snapped in an accusatory tone -- a counselor. She immediately whipped around, and realized that she had been musing aloud. For how long, she had no idea. Heat rose to her face and her heart raced, but she tried to play it cool.

    "Oh! Uhm...those educational brochures! You know, like the animal guides and stuff. I usually read before bed, but I forgot to bring a book and there's no library here," she said quickly, only a half-fib. She examined the counselor's face, trying to make out whether or not they believed her.

    "...Alright kid," they said, and clapped her on the back, "just don't be staying up past lights-out, you'll need the energy for another big day tomorrow."

    "Yup! You won't catch me falling asleep during the Test of Courage!" (321/150)
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