Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby MySpoons » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:30 am

Try as they might, the cats and army of decay fail in their efforts to stop the roaring, all consuming flames that engulf the ancient trees. Catching on wood, leaves, anything dry it could fall onto. Eventually, the soldiers are forced to leave by smoke and flame, and drag themselves into the fields and woods where they can only watch.

The rain comes, but it's too late. It does nothing but seem to anger the fire more. There is nothing but the pattering of rain as they all watch in silence, the water mixed with the falling ash and choppy plumes of smoke that blend in the sky with the dark storm clouds

In their anger and bitterness, their desires to be right, both sides have failed.

How does your cat try to keep up hope? Do they fear for the future- what this means? Do they keep trying desperately to save something? What's left in their heart when their goal is taken from them, what do they do when met with a grave failure? Where do they go, who do they become?

Username: MySpoons
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: MAR'S CHAMPION, Samael, Isolde
Link to their pride or group: The New Guard
Prompt level completion: Level 3
Prompt: [539/500]

    Isolde fights her hardest against the flames, but it isn't enough. Her ice powers are useless against a raging inferno with wood to fuel it. Not even the rain helps-- hissing like her ice when it gets too close to the heat. The ice spirit's mane of ice has melted off, only a few shards left as she battles the flames. Water runs off her, turning to steam every time she gets close to face the flames again and again. A losing battle.

    Most of the other felines are screaming or crying. Some are trying to help. Water is not scarce, but getting close enough to douse the flames is proving difficult. Despite everyone's best attempts, the tree continues to burn. Both trees, actually. The screaming and howling from the gods is awful-- the very ground shakes and the fire seems to dance in response.

    At some point, Isolde stands before the burning tree, resigned to watch it burn. Limbs fall off, covered in flames and crash into the ground. By some saving grace, the field does not catch on fire. In the city underground, Isolde hears wailing and crying. Many felines emerge to see their goddess' tree burn away.

    It feels as if it takes hours, but likely only takes a few minutes. The tree burns like rotted wood, not like a healthy tree. Stepping back, Isolde watches, numb and defeated, as the tree burns to a stump. Only then does she realize that the same glow is coming from the forest where the god of decay once was.

    - -- --- -- -

    The battle ends abruptly as each side realizes that the other's plan was the same as theirs: to burn the opposing god's tree to the ground. Some of the army of decay's members stay to express their anger-- or perhaps they don't yet realize that the same flames catching hold of the life tree are assaulting their own tree back on their side. Or they're staying to distract others from trying to put out the flames. No matter the reason, Samael does not care. He remains fighting until he physically cannot keep any enemies within his grasp. After enough time-- when it is obvious two fires are burning, not just one-- Samael runs out of combat opponents.

    With nothing better to do, Samael heads in the same direction as the army of decay. No one stops him, for they've already lost. Somehow, this pointless war ended with two losing sides. Not entirely unexpected, truly.

    Samael hadn't seen the tree of the decay god before, but he's sure it was more than a glowing depression in the ground and old smoldering roots. He walks around in the ash which is quickly turning to mud in the rain. No one lashes out at him for being here.

    The rain is nice. While it didn't put out the flames until it was too late, it forces the battle into a lull. Samael is interested in what will happen in the morning. Will this turn into a war of revenge? Will they wipe each other out now?

    Thinking to himself, pleased with the outcome, Samael heads back to the life goddess' tree. He won't mind if he has to sleep in the rain.
struggling mar. 14

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby EchoIre » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:40 am

Username: EchoIre
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Chetan and Kamala| Hazel
Link to their pride or group: Motoheri Pride | Hallow's Edge
Prompt level completion: Level 5

Chetan watched in confused, heartbroken silence with the rest of the cats. The rain that pelted their heads was a mockery, too late to save the goddess, and too little to prevent anything nearby from being burned. He fought to keep himself calm as he watched the forest continue to burn, anxiety and fury clashing. His heart thundered in his chest. Everyone was too close, it was too hot, the rain was too loud. It was all... so much.

Struggling to keep his calm, the leopard broke off from the group, his paws squelching in the soaked earth as he padded to the edge of the clearing. He found the driest place he could - between the roots of an untouched tree - and sat down to try to catch his breath. The scent of smoke alone made Chetan's heart race more than he would be willing to admit. How badly had the burning of the Kanaka Pride affected him?

Just as he asked himself that question, the winds shifted, bringing a hot smoke-scented gust of wind blowing across the clearing. Chetan scrunched his eyes shut, fighting off images of lions burning and fowl demons of embers and shadow.

Apparently, it had affected him quite a lot.

Squelching pawsteps alerted Chetan to someone's approach. The leopard looked over, and was surprised to find the same general that organized the splinter attack walking towards him. She didn't seem to notice him. Her eyes were glued on the other side of the forest, where the god of decay's tree apparently was. The surrounding forest, like the forest around the goddess' tree, was in flames.

Chetan shifted, uncomfortable, as she got closer. He didn't want to talk to anybody right now, especially her. The forest fire wouldn't be half so bad if she had listened to him.

"This is my fault." The lioness breathed, still looking off in the distance at the smoking canopies.

Chetan blinked, surprised. He could see the guilt in her eyes, hear the guilt in her voice. After a moment of silence, he scooted over, motioning for the general to share the dry spot with him.

The lioness looked just as surprised as she did. Still, she plodded over and sat next to Chetan all the same, though she kept a decent distance between them.

"...You can't blame yourself for all of this." He said tentatively.

"You tried to warn me." The lioness said. "I didn't listen. Now look at what happened." Her voice was heavy with grief. "I have brought so much more death than the army of decay ever did."

The leopard let silence hang between them. He didn't know what to say to the poor lioness. If he did - he would have said it to himself long ago. Finally, Chetan remembered something he had learned about fire in the Motoheri Pride.

"...Fire kills, but it clears the way for new life."

"What are you talking about?" She snapped.

"In the savanna, part of my pride's territory, fires are an annual thing. The Great Wildfires happen once per year, burning massive swathes of the savanna in a matter of days."

"How does anything live there?"

"The ash feeds the soil, making plants that grow in the newly-cleared area grow faster and stronger, providing more food for anything living there."

"This isn't the savanna, leopard."

"No," Chetan looked off at the horizon. The orange glow had faded from the canopies, replaced by large billows of smoke. "but maybe it can work in the same way. Maybe, after all of this, life will return again, nourished by what happened here today."

Hazel snuggled closer to Aimon, watching the fires smolder out in the rain. The screams of the gods had quieted long ago. She didn't know what to say, and apparently, neither did anybody else. Silence was almost as thick in the air as the smoke.

"What now?" Aimon murmured, his voice low and soft.

Hazel snuggled closer to her new friend. "I don't know..."

Kamala did everything she could to put out the fire burning the god of decay. In the end, another champion had to pull her away. She fought and protested, until she realized the only sound was the roar of flames closing in around them. The lioness hung her head and let herself be led away.

The lioness settled herself down on the wet grass, wheezing in rasping gasps of breath. Tears stung her eyes; she didn't know if it was from the smoke or what she just witnessed. Her paws stung with burns she hadn't noticed in the heat of trying to extinguish the god of decay. How she had kept digging with the state they were in was beyond her. Kamala bit her cheek, trying not to cry.

The god of decay and the goddess of life had burned today. If killing the god of decay would disrupt this world, then she couldn't even imagine what the absence of both deities would bring. The forest could recover, but could this world?

Kamala gasped. The goddess was the one who brought her and the champions here in the first place. With her gone, could they ever get back now? The lioness looked around the clearing, at the soaked lions and cats and the oddly grief-stricken beasts of earth and stone. Would they ever get back? Would they ever see their families again?

She sucked in a breath between her teeth as another wave of pain pulsed up from her burned paws. If there were any healers in the army of decay, they were too caught up in what was happening now to go around to check for any injured. Kamala couldn't hold back the tears this time, and began to cry in short, quiet sobs. She couldn't stop what had happened here today, couldn't do the right thing. And now, this world could fall apart, and she may never go back home. She had charged into this without thinking about what she was doing or what the consequences may be, and now-

Kamala buried her face in her paws and let herself cry.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Wet Bread » Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:59 am

Username: Wet Bread
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Worm, Aluraune Wormlet
Link to their pride or group: Rusted Daemons
Prompt level completion: Level 3
Wormlet was scared, so scared. Aluraune left her at the tree, promising her safety and a quick return with her mother. Wormlet believed her, she believed most people after all. Now, she was surrounded by flames and all by herself. If her mother, Worm (or even her other mother Solaris for that matter) were here, she'd be so mad at Wormlet for trusting Aluraune so easily. Worm was constantly preaching to Wormlet about how dangerous others were and how she should never, ever trust anyone except her mothers and sister. Wormlet didn't really take it seriously. She knew her mother always saw the worst in others, that wasn't Wormlet's style. She was beginning to think she should have listened though. As the flames grew closer, Wormlet's shadow magic reared up. The shadow creatures she could conjure at will were trying desperately to keep the flames away, however, there wasn't much shadows could do to fend off flames. Just when she'd lost hope, two vines catapulted over the fire, grasping Wormlet and pulling her clear over the flames. As Wormlet was set gently on the ground, she looked up to see a worried looking Aluraune examining her.

"Thank the ancestors you're okay. Worm and Bael would have my head if something would have happened." Aluraune commented. "Can you walk? We have to go."

"I-I can walk." Wormlet stuttered out, still shaken by the whole thing. Aluraune saved her? Was she really a good cat after all? Wormlet followed along on shaky legs. She was glad to be alive and she was glad that she was right after all. Aluraune may act like she didn't care, but Wormlet clearly saw how worried she'd been.

They took shelter with the other cats from the army of life and, the next day, everything was burned. Wormlet couldn't help thinking a bit about how bleak things looked. However, she remembered her mother telling her something about how quickly plants grew after a fire, like suddenly there was more room for them. Surely everything would grow back in no time. For now, Wormlet was mostly just concerned about how her mother was doing.

Worm could hardly believe it. Not only did she not catch the enemy, everything had burned. All of it. The whole fight suddenly felt worthless. They'd been so focused in this fight between life and death that they caused the deaths of so many cats, lions, and trees. They'd destroyed countless homes and for what?

Worm was suddenly angry. This whole war had been stupid and now all she wanted to do is go home and forget about all the foolishness that'd happened here. She wanted to be with her mate, Solaris, and her kits. Worm wanted to live a life without this destruction. But there were too many things keeping her here. She had no idea about the status of Aluraune for one. Calida was also keeping her here. Worm was glad she was safe. She was ashamed Calida's safety hadn't been the first thought in her mind when the fires hit. At least she had good cats looking after her.

[519 words]
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby snapshot » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:03 pm

Username: snapshot
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Mamba
Link to their pride or group: Lions of the Waves
Prompt level completion: 5 +1 (so far, will be adding)
Prompt: June 14
Last edited by snapshot on Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby albino polar bear » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:17 pm

Username: albino polar bear
Link to cat(s): Kara, Mara & Malcolm and Chadly
Link to group: X
Prompt level completion: Level 5
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - June 1st Prompt

Postby Kitten-Girl-500 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:22 pm

The trees burn, and the silence and somberness among the residents left feels like it lasts for hours. In reality, it might have been, though any passage of time felt moot. Eventually, finally sated- the flames began to die out. Leaving only ash, mud, and rain where once had been powerful beings. The ground murky with charred wood and soot.

Though the rain has stopped, a flash of light similar to thunder strikes both plots, where once the two trees stood. Though there is no sound, until a large spirit-like dragon appears in the field, above the cats and creatures of decay, holding in its claws two small seeds, glowing with life. "Well well. It seems the two eternal rivals have finally done it... haven't they." it says, its voice husky with age and wisdom. "An eternity of struggle and strife, and finally they've reduced themselves to nothing. Just as it was always destined to be. Though It pains me that they would entwine others in their strife.." it humms, perhaps laughing "Well, it was time for a change anyway..."

It seems to read the somber mood, eyeing them with sympathy.

"With every failure, comes rebirth...a new chance." it pushes the tiny seeds into the earth, this time- together, where they could grow up beside one another instead of so far apart. "...And a new learning experience." Its tongue coils out another seed to join them, dropping into the earth. "For life, death, and rebirth are one, and perhaps, they will impress me this time." The ground where the seeds were planted began to glow, and slowly three tiny sprouts curled from the soil. One purple, one green, and one blue. Curling around one another.

The spirit-beast chuckles "Thank you heroes for this lesson you have brought. Even the ancients could stand to learn a thing or two from mortals with hearts as brave as yours....though certainly you're tired of this place. Allow me to offer you the way home... those who call this place home will care for this world from here, as was their duty from the start."

Portals open behind each of the cats, summoned by this powerful creature, beckoning them to return to their homes, their lives.

What stories do they bring with them? Write about their homecoming and how they're received, Do they bring any new cats with them? How long were they gone, how does the passage of time flow differently in their normal world? How do they greet the ones they missed?

Username: Kitten-Girl-500
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt:
Ichyr | Ravah | Subira | Luina
Link to their pride or group: Summitfall Pride
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: Subira stared at the tree. What could she have done differently to save it? Even if she’d stopped one inferno, there still would’ve been the other to deal with. And she couldn’t really have lived with herself if she’d done that, anyway; balance was imperative. She sighed, shaking her head. The only thing that stood out to her was preventing both fires from being started, but she’d tried that, and look where that had gotten her: thrown right into a pit.

She was enjoying wallowing in her misery when there was a flash of light. Lightning arced through the sky and struck down onto the two stumps of the trees, but there was no thunder, or any noise at all.

Until a giant spirit dragon appeared out of the ether.

Subira shrieked like a little cub as she jumped off the ground, doing a full 360 before landing, pelt bushed and eyes wide. Cycad suddenly had a very large coughing fit that racked his whole body.

The dragon was wraithlike, with transparent scales and blue eyes that saw straight through Subira. It hovered right on the border between the forest and the field, straight between the two trees. Two small seeds, very much real, were clutched in its two forepaws. Both seeds were glowing with life and promises of the future. It was big enough that it could reach both trees with one forepaw on each stump without even trying.

“Well, well. It seems the two eternal rivals have finally done it, haven’t they,” it said, its voice raspy with age and wisdom. “An eternity of struggle and strive, and finally they’ve reduced themselves to nothing. Just as it was always destined to be. Though it pains me that they would entwine others in their strife.” It closed its eyes for a moment, sighing, as though the struggles and pain that had been dealt with in the past few days were its own burden to bear on its shoulders. “Well, it was time for a change anyway…”

The dragon paused, surveying the crowd of hiamoe, cats, and lions alike. It seemed to read the somber mood, and its eyes shone with sympathy for them all. It was like it had been a silent observer all this time, seeing everything that had gone on. And with it being otherworldly, it very possibly could have.

“With every failure comes rebirth… a new chance to begin again.” The Trinity Tree’s stump vanished, and the dragon pushed both seeds into the newly-formed covering of earth that sheltered Ikaika.

“...And a new learning experience.” The dragon’s jaws opened and a third seed dropped out of its tongue and into the earth with the other seeds. Subira wrinkled her nose; how long had the dragon had that thing in there?

“For life, death, and rebirth are one, and perhaps, they will impress me this time,” the dragon said. Subira got the distinct impression that this dragon was a parental figure of the goddess and the god of decay… but who was the third?

The ground where the seeds were planted began to glow. Slowly, a little faster than a snail’s pace, three tiny sprouts curled from the soil around each other. One purple, one green, and one blue. They were all intertwined.

The dragon chuckled. “Thank you, heroes, for this lesson you have brought. Even the ancients could stand to learn a thing or two from mortals with hearts as brave as yours… though, certainly you’re tired of this place.” It gave a loving smile. “Champions, allow me to offer you a way home… those who call this place home will care for this world from here, as was their duty from the start.”

Subira jumped as a portal opened behind her, summoned by this powerful creature. She could just vaguely hear the sounds of Summitfall through the blue light, with the cry of a new litter of cubs and a stern, reprimanding mother.

“Return to your homes, champions. Ikaika and the lands beyond it thank you for your service here.” The dragon dipped its majestic head in what could only be described as a bow. Subira bowed back, honoring the dragon for sending them home.

Ichyr gazed longingly into the portal. “I can’t wait to be back,” he murmured. He turned to face Kadiki, sitting down before her and gazing up into her green eyes. “Kadiki—I don’t know what your last name is—will you return to the Summitfall Pride with me as my mate?”

Kadiki’s grin was so wide, Subira was seriously starting to be afraid that she was going to implode. “Yes!” she exclaimed, tackling Ichyr to the ground and through the portal. Subira could still hear her repeated “yeses” on the other side.

Coho stood there, looking quite awkward. “Would it be alright with y’all if I tag along with? Ya see… I don’t have no pride no more, and I’ve gotten quite attached to the lot of ya.”

“Of course, Coho,” Sekhmet said, grinning. “We’d be glad to have you join Summitfall.” She blushed. “Well, as long as Yang says yes. But there’s no reason he wouldn’t!” she added quickly, seeing the ocean-colored lion’s sudden apprehension.

“Well… aight, I guess.” Coho smiled bashfully, then followed Sekhmet through the portal and back into Summitfall land.

Subira turned to Cycad, who was standing shakily behind her. Subira sighed, her voice suddenly shaking. “I suppose you’ll be wanting to stay here in Ikaika, then.”

Cycad tilted his head to the side confusedly, a pleased smile crossing his face. “What are you talking about? Summitfall will be my home now.”

“What?” Subira glanced up, shocked.

“You heard me right.” Cycad’s grin had gone nuclear now. “I’m coming home with you!”

Subira let out a shout of excitement and pulled him through the portal. She was met with a rush of fresh, clean air, a sharp contrast to the smoke and ash of the other dimension.

“Subira!” Subira was knocked down as Luina tackled her. “Me miss you so much!” Luina sat up on Subira’s chest. “Did you defeat baddie?”

“Yes, Luina, Ikaika is safe now,” Subira promised, nuzzling the little troublemaker.

There was suddenly a round of gasps from the surrounding lions. Subira sat up gently, nudging Luina off her chest to see what it was.

An Ikaikan lion stood there, one that Subira had never seen before. The portal closed behind it as it pulled its tail through. “Hi,” it said. “Room for one more?”
🝔 ᐧ ᐧ ☽ ᐧ ☀ ᐧ ☾ ᐧ ᐧ 🝔

“Ikaika is a place of wonder and amazement,” Subira said to Yang and Kiona’s new litter a month later. “There’s everyone from winged lions that can touch the sky to lions that are part of the earth itself. There are creatures that are grown from the trees, creatures of sky and water, and creatures of pure fire that cleanse the world.”

“Will we ever get to see Ikaika?” one of the cubs piped up.

Subira smiled. “When the Great Dragon calls, we must answer. And if you’re around when a portal appears, jump through and see what’s on the other side!”

───────── ❝ 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐁𝐄 xxxxxx
you'll never know what could be until you stand up and try. xxx𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 !! ❞─── ©

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Prompt #14: 1 Piece level 5 art 2751 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:42 pm

Username: Isabella45
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Khalida, Nthanda, Ravi, Valerius
Link to their pride or group: xxXxx
Prompt level completion: Level 5 (shaded fullbody with complex bg) + 11 (2751 words)
The trees burn, and the silence and somberness among the residents left feels like it lasts for hours. In reality, it might have been, though any passage of time felt moot. Eventually, finally sated- the flames began to die out. Leaving only ash, mud, and rain where once had been powerful beings. The ground murky with charred wood and soot.

Though the rain has stopped, a flash of light similar to thunder strikes both plots, where once the two trees stood. Though there is no sound, until a large spirit-like dragon appears in the field, above the cats and creatures of decay, holding in its claws two small seeds, glowing with life. "Well well. It seems the two eternal rivals have finally done it... haven't they." it says, its voice husky with age and wisdom. "An eternity of struggle and strife, and finally they've reduced themselves to nothing. Just as it was always destined to be. Though It pains me that they would entwine others in their strife.." it humms, perhaps laughing "Well, it was time for a change anyway..."

It seems to read the somber mood, eyeing them with sympathy.

"With every failure, comes rebirth...a new chance." it pushes the tiny seeds into the earth, this time- together, where they could grow up beside one another instead of so far apart. "...And a new learning experience." Its tongue coils out another seed to join them, dropping into the earth. "For life, death, and rebirth are one, and perhaps, they will impress me this time." The ground where the seeds were planted began to glow, and slowly three tiny sprouts curled from the soil. One purple, one green, and one blue. Curling around one another.

The spirit-beast chuckles "Thank you heroes for this lesson you have brought. Even the ancients could stand to learn a thing or two from mortals with hearts as brave as yours....though certainly you're tired of this place. Allow me to offer you the way home... those who call this place home will care for this world from here, as was their duty from the start."

Portals open behind each of the cats, summoned by this powerful creature, beckoning them to return to their homes, their lives.

What stories do they bring with them? Write about their homecoming and how they're received, Do they bring any new cats with them? How long were they gone, how does the passage of time flow differently in their normal world? How do they greet the ones they missed?


Nthanda watched in silence as every sign of the goddess and her tree faded as if she had never been there at all. The ground all around was black and the rain still fell, soaking those who stood in the field with no shelter.
Some didn’t care, some didn’t even seem to notice, and others looked as if they had gone into a state of shock, staring blankly at the tree as the flames began to die away.

Beside Nthanda Ravi was staring quietly at the ruin, his gaze unreadable. Valerius didn’t seem at all surprised or numb like some of the others did, his expression almost calm like that of a warrior used to the sights he faced after every battle.
Soundlessly Khalida landed beside them, her gaze on the tree.

“Khalida,” Nthanda spoke, half in a whisper. Her relief was plain for anyone to see.

“Don’t tell me you were worried about me?” The dark lioness offered a small smile to her sister. “I just wanted to check both trees and armies, that’s all.”

“So, the other tree is…gone too?”

“Yes.” She nodded slightly. “And…I believe it may be better this way. I do not believe that such conflicting forces could not bring real peace or balance to this land. And I think they would have used and wasted as many mortals lives as necessary to get what they wanted.”

To Nthanda her words seemed a little harsh, but not without merit. She hadn’t found herself able to trust the goddess in the least and from what Valerius said the god was no different.

No one had too much time to dwell on things before the rain stopped and a sudden quiet fell over them as lightning flashed through the sky, hitting the ground where each tree had once stood.

A dragon appeared above them, slender and graceful in its movements and yet radiating strength as well. The soft glow that surrounded the dragon and the way it almost seemed transparent at points when it moved was enough to show this was no ordinary dragon.
Of course, some lions and cats present had never seen or even heard of such a creature and seemed frightened or confused. Others regarded dragons as an ill omen and stood their ground as if ready to fight while others began to mutter or tremble.
But before anyone could react the dragon spoke, and all four lions hung onto its words. At first they feared this was another enemy, or god seeking to make them fight at his will. But as it spoke it became abundantly clear this was not the case.
None of them were surprised to learn how the pair had been rivals for, well who knew how long. And as the dragon expressed regret at their involvement in it all some lions and cats visibly relaxed or seemed just a little less wary.

Nthanda’s gaze had fallen on the seeds the dragon held in its claws. She felt almost hopeful, though she couldn’t have said why exactly or even what for.

As the dragon spoke and pushed the seeds into the earth, watching them sprout, the four companions gazed on with each having very different thoughts and feelings.

A way home. Those words sparked hope in Nthanda, and she could see it in Valerius’s eyes too. No matter how bad home could be, she wanted to be in her own world with her mother and brother. As nice as this place was, she couldn’t imagine staying here forever and potentially having to live through more conflicts of this sort.

As portals began to appear though Khalida said to them, “I’d like to stay a little longer, if I may. But you may all go if you wish.” Before they could respond she flew toward the dragon, not seeming intimidated in the least.
Nthanda couldn’t hear what she said, and she couldn’t tell if the dragon was offended by her sister’s approach or questions.
But when the winged lioness returned after only a few moments she said, “We have time. The portals will not close just yet, they wait for all of us.”

“What is it you want to do here? What’s left?” Nthanda questioned.

“Just…don’t worry.” Khalida offered one of her rare smiles. “You may go on home ahead.”

Nthanda glanced around and saw that some lions and cats were already eagerly entering the portals while others hung back. Some had made friends in the city and weren’t eager to leave them without a proper goodbye or a few more moments.

“I’ll stay with you,” Nthanda told her sister.

“And I with you,” Ravi replied.

Nthanda offered a small smile in his direction and Valerius spoke up. “Well, I don’t relish going back first alone and being the one to explain to everyone why their princesses aren’t here yet. So I’ll wait.”

“Good then, we are agreed,” Khalida said with a nod. “I’ll be going now, but I’ll be back later.”

“Be safe,” Nthanda said.

“I will,” she assured her before flying off.

Nthanda watched her as she disappeared then looked back at Valerius and Ravi.

“Well, we might as well go and see some lions before we leave or go rest or something, right?” Ravi smiled a little at her.

“Sounds good to me,” she replied.

“I’m just going to go sit a while I think,” Valerius said. Promising he’d meet them back here by the portal he left to do just that.

Once he was gone Nthanda and Ravi decided to head for some shelter before it rained again. They found shelter beneath a large tree that had been untouched by the flames earlier and settled there, looking out over the field.

After only a moment Ravi said, “So, are you glad, or relieved to be going home?”

“I will be glad to see my mother,” she replied with a slight smile that faded after only a moment. “But the king will not be happy with our lack of…results.”

“We’ll think of something to tell him,” Ravi assured her.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I know I’ve said this but...thanks again, for coming with me. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without you.”

“It was my pleasure.” He smiled a little, something not too common place with him.

Before she could second guess herself Nthanda said, “It was nice, just being friends for a while not worrying so much about being princess and guard.”

Ravi seemed surprised but after a moment nodded slowly. “Yeah, yeah it was.”

Nthanda nodded in return, quiet at first and not sure if she was relieved by his answer, or maybe disappointed.
Meanwhile Ravi was trying to figure out why he felt so conflicted, but at the same time he didn’t really want to know for both their sakes.

“You know, I heard there was a lion who lived here once and had a connection to other worlds and realms. She could see things beyond this world, even another world in which another version of herself existed.”

“Do you think that’s true?” He looked over at her.

“It doesn’t seem too impossible. It must’ve been odd though, being able to see herself living a totally different life.”

‘I suppose so,” he agreed.

“I wonder…if it was true if we all might exist in another world. It would be interesting if we did. I wonder how different our lives would be...” She trailed off a little, her expression somewhat pensive.

“I imagine, it might be very different indeed,” he murmured, unable to help picturing all the ways his life might be better in another world.

“Well, I guess we’ll never know,” she finally said after several moments.

“No.” He debated a moment over what to say next, not wanting to make things uncomfortable. But they would be leaving soon and this might be his only chance to say anything so he said, “All I know is that my life wouldn’t be even half as good in any otherworld unless you were in it.”

The comment and seriousness in which he said it was so out of character for him Nthanda couldn’t help seeming surprised. Ravi worried that maybe he had offended her but just as he was about to apologize she said, “I didn’t know you felt that way. But…I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to live in a world without you in it.”

Ravi was both relieved, and maybe a little pained to hear that. Her expression was one of genuine care, but he couldn’t be sure he saw anything beyond that and he was warring between being relieved or disappointed. In the end neither really won over the other.

“I’m glad,” he finally said, knowing it might sound lame but not wanting to ignore what she’d said. He wanted to say that he hoped they would never have to find out what it would be like, to be without each other. But with the ranking difference between them and the plans her father had for her, he knew it was all too possible they might and sooner rather than later.

For just a moment staying here in this world where they could be friends or whatever they wanted to be seemed all too appealing.
He was mulling over this when a lioness walked by their resting spot and paused, looking toward them.

“Well, hello,” she said in a friendly tone. “You are two of our visitors, are you not?”

“We are,” Nthanda replied, unable to help feeling wary at first in light of all that had happened. But the lioness simply approached them with a smile and said, “Well, I had hoped to meet some more of you, might I sit with you for a spell?”

Nthanda glanced at Ravi who, after a moment, nodded slightly. “Yes, of course,” Nthanda said to the lioness then.

“Thank you dears.” She came to sit near them. “Well, you are some of the few who have lingered here. Not thinking of staying are you?”

Not seriously anyway, Ravi thought to himself. But before he could voice an answer the lioness chuckled and looked at Ravi saying, “I can see why you might consider it not too seriously as an…interesting notion.”
Ravi’s confusion showed and the lioness said, “Ah, please forgive me. I can read thoughts you see. I sometimes can’t tell when a lion speaks out loud or not if I let myself get too distracted.”

Ravi wasn’t sure whether to be more bothered or intrigued by her confession but simply said, “Ah I see. Is that your only...talent?”

“Well, I have been known to see lions’ futures from time to time,” she replied. “If I am asked a specific enough question I can often sense at least some of the future regarding that matter.”

Ravi couldn’t help but wonder if she was truly that gifted, or only saying so. As if sensing his doubt the lioness said, “If you wish, ask me any question about your future, or even someone else’s. I will show you what I see. You need not even ask with words if you don’t wish to.”

For a moment Ravi was confused. Not ask with words? But then he remembered she could read his thoughts. “Very well,” he said slowly.

“Whenever you are ready,” she said cheerfully.

Ravi nodded then tried to figure out what to ask, many ideas came to mind involving the future and even the potential of possible other universes and versions of themselves, but then one stuck with him, and he chose that as his thought.

What will be the future for the princess and I together? He hoped that was specific enough, as he didn’t really want to know if they’d end up in the same place but rather where that place might be.

In your own world, or the one beyond? Her voice echoed in his head.

Ravi hesitated, not sure what she meant but then replied, Both I suppose.

The lioness was quiet for several moments and Ravi thought she might not say anything, but then without warning words and images flashed through his mind.

An arrangement, a contract, a deal, a trip, a marriage, and so much more beyond that. It was almost as if their lives played out before him, quickly and all at once yet at times almost agonizingly slow. He saw where they would go, how she would form a new life that he would still be a part of and yet…never really a part of at the same time.

But as those images faded he was surprised to see them replaced by a place, much different from what he was used to. And yet there they were, the pair of them and…

With a grunt he shook his head and it all disappeared, leaving Nthanda and the other lioness watching him, the former somewhat concerned and the latter serious but calm.

“Thank you,” he said calmly. “It is an extraordinary gift.” Inwardly his heart was pounding and his thoughts racing, but he was determined to remain calm.

“It is. And at times a weighty one,” she replied. “Now how about you dear?” She looked at Nthanda.

“I…” Nthanda trailed off, seeming uncertain. “I think I’d rather not know.”

Ravi was almost relieved to hear her say so honestly, but it didn’t show.

“Sometimes it is far wiser not to,” the lioness told her. “It can be a trial always knowing what is coming but not how to change it where you would like to.”

“I’m sure,” she murmured.

“Now, I think I have bothered you both enough. I’ll go.”

They both insisted she hadn’t bothered them and was welcome to stay, but she felt the need to leave nonetheless and assured them she had enjoyed their company but did have much work to do to restore this world.

As she left both lions were quiet, each now caught up in their own thoughts.
Meanwhile in the forest Khalida stood before a cloaked lioness.
“So, this is the future you see?”

“Yes child,” the lioness murmured. “But you must be careful, this future could be changed. Your choices will determine it all.”

Khalida nodded slightly in acknowledgement and thanked the lioness before turning to go, ready to go home now with an image of her future fixed firmly in her mind.

Once she found the others she noted that her sister and Ravi were very quiet while Valerius was his usual self. All of them agreed it was time to go, some perhaps less eagerly than others.

They stepped through the portal and emerging on the other side discovered it had been only hours in their own world since they had left.
Everyone had many questions to ask and the king demanded their private report and any dues they had brought back. Everyone was so distracted no one noticed when the portal didn’t immediately disappear and some small wisps of blue light entered the world before the portal faded.

Meanwhile on the other side of the portal the lioness they had spoken to stood quietly by their portal. “She will find him,’ she murmured. “When it is needed most.”

Satisfied her work was done she turned to back to her home, crossing the ashen ground and glancing up only once as the form of a dragon passed over her.
He might not have approved of her interference. But if she could help any mortal who had been brought here on this foolish quest she would. It would only be a matter of time now before the results of her help could be seen.

In their world time passed more slowly before Ravi could see the results of her help, and Khalida could see the future she had been shown playing out before her.
As had been the plan their memories of that time and place did fade some with the passing of time, but the feelings and thoughts that had made a real impact stayed whether they realized the source or not.
And though they didn’t know it a little of that world had come back with them and revealed itself at the right time, bringing forth memories and questions, leaving them searching for answers that they might never find.
And though they forgot the lioness who had spoken to them and showed them the future, she never forgot them and watched it all play out, having always known they did not have the easiest paths set before them.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Midnightkitkat » Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:20 am

Username: Midnightkitkat
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Suen, Mios
Link to their pride or group: Oasis Basin
Prompt level completion: 2
    Everything leading up to the dragons appearance had been nothing but one big panick filled blur to Mios. Trying desperately with those who joined to put out the raging fires. Efforts that would be entirely in vain despite even the arrival of the rain. Watching the new sprouts grow before him Mios wasn't sure how he should feel. Was the battle in vain. Had his friend ultimately died for nothing? Could this dragon not stop them before it had come to this? The words of the dragon not sinking in as his thoughts raced. What did he mean by learning from us? Would these sprouts know of the lives lost in this fight? As the portals open once more Mios went through without a word. Finding himself surrounded by his pride almost immediately as he appeared. Warm words of welcome and acknowledgment of his survival and safe return. Words that would eventually bring him back from the dark thoughts and worries, leaving them in the world he had left behind.

    Somewhere beside a god had already had his welcome hours before. A goddess guided a soul to her family, and another allowed themselves to feel relieved at last. Soma's disappearance had been shocking to his mate. Now curled together above Soma watched as the pride rejoiced the return of their pridemate. Sure in his recovery as the god felt Mios calm. The worry held fast to Soma however. He had promised answers to Mios, and he could only hope these tree deities had not destroyed his trust in the gods completely.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Firedancer77 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:53 am

Username: Firedancer77
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Kina, Cole, Gluttony, Maji. Galilee, Grimm
Link to their pride or group: Isle of Roses and Graveyard of Gods
Prompt level completion: Level 5 + 14
Prompt: here!
Last edited by Firedancer77 on Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Isle of Roses | Valley of Kings

One of these days a-coming, I'm gonna take that boy's crown

Cause I am, I am a little wicked
I am, I am
Hands red, hands red just like he said

I am a little wicked

No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby -wild- » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:56 am

    Username: -wild-
    Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Bigwig, Katara, Lander, Isolt + Fearne
    Link to their pride or group: Rosetinted Pride
    Prompt level completion: Level 5 + 2

      "Wow..." The beige lion trailed off, "I can not believe we were here to witness all of this." He said, still trying to comprehend everything that had happened to them here. The portals, the peoples, the goddesses, the trees, the forests, the fights, the army, the boss battles... everything seemed crazy. He could hardly believe he had been there to witness it all.

      "Mm," Katara muttered, "I told you guys it was bad news." She said, sing-song voicey while rolling her eyes.

      This made Bigwig laugh, "Oh Katara, you didn't enjoy or appreciate anything that happened here then, huh?"

      She sighed, "That's not it, of course not..." She said, swiping at the pride founder playfully, "I'm just saying I told you so is all!" She sat down in her place, feeling like she had proven her point enough so.

      "Typical, Katara always having the last word." Lander teased, coaxing the lioness to play fight with him. She swiped at his ears, which he hated, until he could take no more, "Okay, okay!" He laughed, "I yield, geez."

      Katara got up proudly and pranced back over to Bigwig's side, "So, we're ready to go home then? I really miss our sweet little valley..." She said, thinking fondly of her homeland.

      "Yes, yes, we're all ready. Just waiting for Isolt and Fearne is all." Bigiwg announced.

      "Oh yeah... so are you going to tell us how that came about boss?" Katara smirked, elbowing the founder lion and thinking back to how he had announced the two lionesses from the city in the tree would be joining their pride.

      Bigwig smiled, "Ah yes, I could tell you the story... It will be one of many that I will take back home with me. We'll all have stories that will live on for years and years in our pride after this."

      "Oh Yeah!" Lander exclaimed, "This whole event... This will go down in our history forever! And we got to be apart of it? How great is that?!" He said excitedly.

      "Yeah, amazing." Katara said bluntly.

      "Oh come on Katara! I know you loved some of it, no matter how much you try to say no," Lander winked at her, "Really though, what story are you going to tell to the lions back home? I have so many... I wouldn't know where to start!"

      Katara snorted, chuckling slightly as she spoke, "Well, I'll be telling the boss fight of course! We brought that creature down viciously! I think that's the best I've saw all three of us work together in... well, ever actually." She laughed, thinking back on the moment, "That made me really proud. Of us three, in that moment. We really all came together for this fight. As did the other felines who came to fight. It was an amazing thing to watch."

      The two male lions nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that story will be a great one for sure." Lander stated.

      "What about you Lander?" Katara asked, "What's some of these 'many stories' you're going to tell back home?"

      Lander's eyes lit up, "Well! Since you asked..."

      "Oh no, I've opened pandoras box..." Katara groaned, laughing, "Bigwig, where's his off button?" the two lions smiled but still listened contently to their friend who just ignored their jokes.

      "This one might seem kinda boring but... the very first time we all entered the city in the tree. How we all came up with the plan on what we would do to prepare for the first fight? Like Katara explored the city, listened to the healers and stocked on supplies. I went to learn some new skills while Bigwig learnt about the enemy before we all switched notes! that was good teamwork, you know? And of course the first battle story!" Lander explained, "Honestly, thinking about it? Just my entire time here is story worthy, I think I'll tell it start to finish!"

      The pride all laughed together. "Actually," Lander continued, "I think I'll tell the story of the citizens I met here. Some of them were really amazing. Like that time when I helped Tederick, then he went missing and Katara and I went looking for him and found him in an abandoned room alone? I wish I could of gave him more comfort or solace... but when I saw him today? Chatting with some of the 'army of decay' lions, he looked happy. Genuinely happy. And I think that's one of the best stories I have..."

      Bigwig smiled, putting a paw on his friends back, "You've always been a caring lion Lander. Wanting to help every feline you meet." He chuckled. Lander nodded and smiled back to him, "Yeah, I guess I've always cared more about others."

      Katara shuffled uncomfortably, this wasn't something she was able to relate to like Lander could. "What about you Katara? Any other stories?" Bigwig asked, making her gulp. "I, uh... I don't really think so. Just the battles really..."

      "Hmm," Bigwig hummed, "But you helped that mother cat find her son did you not?"

      Katara looked up to him with shock on her face, "W-, How did you?" Bigwig smiled, "I saw you running off and was worried, I followed to catch up and saw you help the kid. Seemed like you didn't need my help at all that day..."

      Katara smiled, her heart feeling a little more full, "Yeah... that day felt good. That kid, he was a good kid. I hope he's doing better now."

      "Look! Isolt and Fearne! Over here!" Ladner called, standing on his back paws to get their attention.

      The two lionesses trotted over happily, greeted the pride as they approached.

      "You two ready to see our home?" Katara said kindly, happy that she would no longer be the only lioness in the pride.

      "Most definitely!" Fearne exclaimed, "I've never been so excited... finally, some adventure from this place!"

      The pride all laughed. Bigwig spoke up now, "Well, we have to warn you, it's not as impressive as your home here. It's no city below a tree made of roots and glowing shrubs."

      "That sounds, perfect." Isolt said, her eyes gleaming. "We can't tell you how long we have ben waiting on a change like this..."

      Fearne cuddled up to her friend, "And it's finally happening." She looked up to Bigwig now, "We really can't thank you enough Bigiwg. A pride in another valley is a real dream come true for us."

      "It is my pleasure. You two really helped me out here, and I hope we can all repay you over time." Bigwig smiled.

      Isolt shook her head, "No repayment is needed. And we are so proud to become members of your pride."

      "Wait," Katara said, "That means we get to have an initiation for these two right? To determine their role and stuff?"

      Bigwig nodded, "It does indeed."

      Isolt and Fearne both looked curious, "Oh? That sounds exciting."

      "It is!" Katara exclaimed, "It's the best! I can't wait to see what you guys will become! Oh can we go home now? And get them started and prepared Bigwig? Please!"

      Bigwig chuckled at her enthusiasm. "We will be going very soon. I think there's a few more hours we have left so, ladies if you hve anything you would like to gather or any goodbyes left to do, now is the perfect chance."

      Isolt and Fearne nodded. Bigwig turned to Katara and Lander now, "Same goes to you both. I know you have made friends of the citizens of this place and if there are any you'd like to find and say your final goodbye to, you are both most welcome. This may be your last chance."

      Katara and Lander nodded solemnly.

      "I think... I think I'm going to go find Tederick. Make sure he's alright. Say goodbye. There's a few others I might look out for two, like the young stowaways." Lander spoke, looking back to the city.

      Katara nodded, "I'm going to go find a few peoples I to have met... There's a few I need to thank."

      Bigwig nodded, "I myself have some felines I would like to speak to before I leave. So let's say two hours? Try not to be too much later. But we won't leave with out you all of course." He gave them a wink and smiled.

      The four lions before him all nodded in understanding, eyes filled with excitement but also a little sadness. Nobody ever wanted to leave behind friends for the rest of their lifetime, it wasn't ideal at all. But it was the situation they were in, and they would all have to make the best of it.

      "Oh, and if you find any other lion needing or wanting a new home, they will always be welcome at the Rosetinted Pride. So don't be afraid to bing them back with you." The founder lion announced. His pride smiled back to them and broke off in different groups, ready to find the peoples they were close to in their time here. Bigwig sighed, looking back to the portal home before back to the city, making his way to say his final goodbye. Their time here was over, although it was short, it had impacted their lives for ever.
    ---> // 1,540 words
// use to be wildhorse027 //
-may be slow to reply to things as my irl can be hectic <3-


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