Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

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Prompt 8: 1073

Postby -Isabella- » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:15 am

Username: Isabella45
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Khalida, Nthanda, Ravi, Valerius
Link to their pride or group: xxXxx
Prompt level completion: Level 5

Story A
After the surprise attack, your cats find their way to safety to get patched up and rest. They're left alone to regain themselves, before being roused again by the evening when the army is gathering its forces "The time is nearing... The real army is coming" A soldier tells them solemnly. "If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed." They're stoic and though obviously restless- the soldiers native to this odd world between worlds seem resigned to their fate of battling or facing doom. As if they'd done this many times before. "Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting." the cats are ordered. "Find somewhere you will be most useful."

This is your cats chance to flee in the chaos, to try and find a way home, join the other army, or to find their place among the ranks of soldiers gathering in the meager light of dusk in this strange world. The roots and tree around them seems to shudder in anticipation of the battle to come. Who's told to be left behind? Who isn't ready yet? Who can stand with solidarity, and who second guesses their every move and preparation?

The creatures lurk, staring unblinking. Former friends gather among them, watching them in silence. As if they're not the ones who have chosen in error.

Story B
"We rise at midday" The haphazard and withered tree had declared, to the excitement of the creatures around it. And so it had- its creatures (At least coherent to some degree of its words) All stood at precisely midday, and began to move. They didn't order or command, or even address the cats who chose to stay with them. They simply stood...and left, beckoning them to follow, if so loyal they'd remain. As they approached the tree of life, they spread. Into a haphazard army, with no real organization. For all their numbers and the strange beings at their disposal- they followed no leader and followed no plan. They were there to attack, and that was all they knew.

Could your cats become a leader? Could they stand up and organize creatures who do not know how to do so themselves? Would they slip into the ranks, even seeing obvious flaws, and let it work itself out? Can they fare with the sight of their friends turning on them? Would they try to convince them to switch sides? Who would?

In the two sides prepare for a war of life and decay, there is the faint smell of rain.

"We rise at midday."

Khalida was uncertain this bunch was ready to face any kind of fight. She had done her best, along with a few other lions and cats, to get everyone in shape. But right now he wasn’t feeling too confident in their chances.
The creatures at best could rely on their brute strength but they had no real sense of organization or unity. But perhaps their numbers and strength alone would end up being enough.

Of course, she didn’t really want them to win, if only because for all she knew her sister was still there with the tree. But really she wasn’t sure she wanted either side to win. Though she had tried she had failed to gather any real, positive information on either tree or their followers. Because of that she felt no less reluctant then before to pledge herself to either side completely.
No, she intended to remain neutral, inwardly at least. For now she was outwardly a loyal followed of this dying tree and the decaying army that led them back to the great tree.

As they got closer to the tree they began to spread out in an almost random fashion and Khalida sighed, shaking her head. Someone had to do something about this.

“Wait!” She flew up above them, hovering above the ground before the army. “We must have some order here or all of this is for nothing.”

A few lions and cats seemed to agree and one lion came to stand at the front of the group near her. “The forces we go against are well organized by now, trained and efficient. We stand no chance in this disorderly fashion.”

“What do you suggest we do?” One cat asked in an ill-tempered way. “We can’t train these beasts, I doubt they understand a thing we say.”

“Even if they can’t understand our words we can still show them what to do,” Khalida interjected. During their time with the army she had observed that, as long as they were allied, the creatures were not too hard to persuade into doing what they wanted.

“Sounds like an awful lot of work to put in at the last minute,” the same cat said, still not seeming convinced.

“Would you rather not even try and just die here?” The lion retorted. “No? I thought not. So let’s at least try. We all want to go home to our worlds, our prides, I assume. To march in like this is madness.”

The cat begrudgingly dipped their head in acquiescence and the lion who had been speaking, along with Khalida, Valerius, and a few others who joined them, they began trying to bring some semblance of form and order to the army.


"The time is nearing... The real army is coming."

Nthanda shuddered a little at those words. She wasn’t sure she was really prepared. Not even sure Ravi who was trained mostly for fighting, was really prepared for a threat like this.

“It seems too soon,” she murmured to him, wincing a little as she moved and upset an injury to her shoulder.

“We had little time to prepare,” he replied quietly, his gaze turning to the speaker at his next words.

"If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed."

“I wonder if they can hurt her just by touching her,” Nthanda mused. “We didn’t find much information on her weaknesses. But…where there is death there is life. I wonder what might rise up in her place.” She spoke quietly, not wanting the citizens to hear her and take her words as offense or threat.

“I find our lack of information disturbing and suspicious,” he muttered.

“As do I. But we have done our best to find out more and been misguided or turned away.” Nthanda glanced around as she spoke. She couldn’t help wondering why these soldiers already seemed resigned, almost expectant. Had this happened before? If it had, had some escaped? Or if not, where did all of them come from?

"Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting."

Those words jolted Nthanda out of her thoughts and she followed Ravi to the surface, unable to help wondering if this was all worth it and this fight was one worth the risks they faced.

As they got to the surface she was disheartened to see the sheer number of creatures gathered before them in the army. And even more so to see how many lions and cats were among them.
Without thinking she found herself looking for her sister and Valerius among the crowd. It took her only a moment to spot the winged lioness, and the prince not far from her side.
Was she joining the other army? Or was this all part of some plan of hers?
Nthanda couldn’t help but wonder, but as much as she wanted to approach her and see what she was up to she stayed back, waiting as the two sides faced off and wondering who would be the first to attack.
Briefly Ravi had glanced back at the tree, wondering if the ever so great goddess would say anything, make any remarks, or leave them all to fight it out without any guidance or wisdom.

Truthfully he suspected it could go either way. He had serious doubts about her, perhaps due to his usual wariness of strangers and ‘higher powers’ like her. Whatever the reason he couldn’t help feeling irritation as her lack of real information thus far. Following blindly by faith didn’t sit well with him, and nothing she had done during their time here had especially assured him of her honesty or purpose.

Now as he looked back out over the army he wondered not for the first time why such a goddess couldn’t just defeat them herself, or with her own forces, rather than dragging mortals and other-world lions into her messy affairs. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered that mortals and supposed gods didn’t mix well. He’d always had that deep seated belief, but had no idea where it had come from or what had brought him to it, only knowing he couldn’t shake it. Especially not now as he faced down a decaying army and had to face the prospect of losing members of his group to battle he wasn’t entirely convinced they needed to take on.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby wucaian » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:02 am

Username: wucaian
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Vaknoir
Link to their pride or group: Mountain Pass Pride
Prompt level completion: [Lvl. 5/1055 words]
Prompt: -June 8 (B)-
The order came far quicker than Vaknoir expected. The god had gathered them all in the clearing around the tree. Their eyes had shown bright and their branches twittered with excitement.

“The time has come. Tomorrow we will strike. No more will we let the goddess ignore us. They will see that we are necessary. They will see our worth.”

A racket rose in the wood at the god’s words. The horde stomped their feet and quivered with eagerness.

“We rise at midday.”

Vaknoir rises in what passes for morning in these woods. Nothing much has changed since last night. The woods are still quiet and shadowed. But there’s just something in the air. They get to their feet and put on the armor they had made on their first full day here. The armor maker had worked surprisingly fast for how well done it is. The shoulder and back plates are tightly woven and not too heavy. Metal armor could have covered more for the weight, but there are less pieces to get in the way like this.

Once dressed they walk from the sleeping area to the clearing. Three days is only enough time to get so familiar with a place, but Vaknoir feels they’ve learned some. The main clearing is, loosely, a central hub. Wandering into the trees reveals more stations and gathering areas. There was one particular place they found where crystals of all manor and color were stacked on shelves of rock and wood and into the branches of the tree. The central hub has the most basic of things: food, forge, and trade. That’s another thing they’ve come to notice: these creatures aren’t unified. Sure, they’re all being of rot and embody different aspects of death and decay. But they have no clear leaders or agendas. The only rule is the dictate of the god.

Vaknoir stops a creature heading to the food store and requests a small piece of meat. They’re still not able to push through the overwhelming stench of rot there, and they don’t think they ever can. The creature, one that walks mostly on its hindlegs and has twisting vines draped over their body, returns with a hunk of meat that’s less than the flank of an antelope. It’s dropped at Vaknoir’s feet and the creature wanders off as if it had never been interrupted. They bend and tear the food apart methodically, into small pieces. The small amount is fine, it’s what they asked for. Can’t go into battle hungry. But also can’t go stuffed too full.

They decide to take a few laps around the clearing to warm up. It’s still early yet but it wouldn’t do to wander too deep into the wood and miss the order. More creatures gather in the clearing as Vaknoir begins their second lap. Many are stopping by the forge to pick up weapons or the sparring ring to go through the motions. Today is not the day for practice. Their skills are where they’re going to be for this battle, so last minute practice is pointless.

Finally the call goes up. It’s felt as a wind coming from the direction of the tree, growing ever stronger. The compulsion is carried within it. All creatures in the clearing stop. Then they start walking slowly in the direction of the tree. Vaknoir gets swept up in the rank and file. This compulsion isn’t as strong at the one that brought them into the death god’s realm. But it’s still enough to cloud the mind and smother their doubts. The whole horde gathers around the tree, stalk still and silent once again.

“It is time,” the god says. Not a shout. Not a battle cry. Just a simple statement, like the sky is blue or the sun will set. Like it is simply inevitable.

The gathered creatures rise and start walking away from the tree, away from the central hub of the wood. The compulsion greatly eased, but remained just enough to guide Vaknoir and the other’s from the other worlds across the border between the domain of the god and the domain of the goddess. The first sign they were approaching the border was the lightening of the sky. No longer pitch black but with an almost dark green tint, the sky began to turn blue. Then the stars came out. The light took over the sky and chased the shadows away until they were only following, not consuming. Much as Vaknoir had committed to siding with the god of death, being under the deep blue of the sky and light of the stars, they finally felt like they were able to breathe again.

The walked through the starlight wood until they came to the tree line. Through the branches and around the mass of bodies, Vaknoir could see the light of the tree, and catch their first glimpse of the goddess’s forces. The horde stepped out of the trees and spread haphazardly in front of the tree line.

Their force could easily be broken through, Vaknoir thought, if someone only aimed carefully.

But their goal here was not to contain, only push forward. They needed to reach the goddess and make her listen to them. Vaknoir could only hope their impassive heart could be moved.

The lions and other creatures standing between them and the tree stared at them with barely contained rage. Not all of it was for the creatures of rot, Vaknoir noticed with a sinking heart. No, the most furious snarls were for the living standing among the horde. The army glowed with the goddess’s magic, painted runes standing out against their fur. Magic gathered so thickly in the air it was like breathing humid air.

Vaknoir searched the line of faces until she found the ones she was looking for. The champions from her own world. They seemed to catch sight of her at the same time. Their faces twisted with hurt before new fury lit their eyes.

“How could you?!” they screamed at her, their cries not the only ones of their kind.

Vaknoir did not look away. It made sense that they would hate her. But she needed to do this. She could not let forces of death be destroyed. She had to make them see how necessary they all were.
Last edited by wucaian on Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby minifun990 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:06 am

Username: minifun990
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt:Ladon Melli
Link to their pride or group:Mystic Isles
Prompt level completion: 4 (767 words)
Prompt: June 8th
Last edited by minifun990 on Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Firedancer77 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:07 am

Username: Firedancer77
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Envy, Kina, Cole
Link to their pride or group: Isle of Roses and Graveyard of Gods
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Envy perched on a branch, sitting in a tree that overlooked the field the fight was set to unfold on. The preparations for this fight had been halfhearted on many of the champions' parts; after such a large number had been lured away, Envy couldn't completely blame them. They had no way of knowing what had happened to the rest of their friends (not that any were Envy's friends, but she was sure some had companions go off into the unknown and leave them behind), which was disheartening enough, and then on top of that, there had been another attack, one the golden she-cat was still relieved to have gotten out of.

When the goddess had sent them out, the citizens had tried to leave several felines behind. Envy had been one of those who was told to stay, with several citizens saying that she was not fit for the fight. They were quite surprised when she agreed to this sentiment, apparently expecting her to argue for why she should come along (why would she argue to willingly put her life in danger when they were offering her an out that she could take simply by following their instructions?). However, this meant they were far more receptive to hearing her out about her own suggested strategy. Despite her distrust for the goddess (though perhaps distrust was too strong of a word. Perhaps saying her concerns about the goddess would be a better way to put it?), Envy had no reason not to share what she had learned about the army of decay with those that were still around, especially the citizens, who were having to defend their homes and livelihood. They deserved a fighting chance.

And Envy was happy to give it to them, presenting the strategy she had formulated and basking in the praise she received for it. That was why she was now seated in the tree overlooking where the fight seemed destined to take place; she had won their respect with her observations and plotting, something she was sure she could use to her advantage after this fight, provided they weren't completely decimated, and now she was here to watch things play out (and to potentially be referenced if there were any opportunities to regroup and formulate new strategies, or update the ones they were already using).

The army that gathered to face the goddess' was not what she was expecting. Envy anticipated the arrival of more beasts, the mindless wooden, rotting, oozing monsters that they had faced in both of the fights they had so far. The golden she-cat was not anticipating their fellow champions, many of the ones who had been lured away with no sign of where they'd gone once they left, to be among their ranks, staring down the goddess' army and preparing to fight alongside the beasts. Though she could not tell for sure thanks to the distance between her and the battlefield, Envy got the impression that they were not like the beasts, whose eyes were lifeless and who seemed to be mere puppets for some other force. They all seemed to be present and standing on that side of the battlefield not because they were being forced to, but rather of their own volition, actively making the choice to side against the goddess they originally stood beside as the one who summoned them there.

What could have possibly swayed them? Had they found answers when they left that Envy did not find, answers that she couldn't find because she had not followed the call and so had never had the opportunity to speak with whoever they had spoken with. That was a disappointment, to be sure, but then again, there was no way to guarantee that they hadn't been tricked. Still, Envy was curious as to what they could have been told that would sway so many of them so easily. From what she'd seen, many of them were fairly dim-witted, reminding her of the cats that followed Pride and the rest of them that posed as their gods like sheep, but there had to have been something told to them. They had to be given something to convince them that they should side against the goddess who they'd been told had summoned them here, because everyone required at least some proof to switch sides in a fight (especially after already being attacked by the other side). Most cats didn't even follow Pride blindly, just with their eyes squinted so much that they were almost shut; Envy called him a charlatan for a reason, and that was because he knew how to spin tales and fake miracles. As much as she disliked him, he knew what he was doing when he proclaimed himself to be a god, and Envy had no qualms riding on the coattails of his success if it meant that she had that much better of a life while barely having to lift her paw.

"This development makes things quite interesting," Envy whispered to herself as she leaned forward just a bit more, actually intrigued to see what way the tide would go in the battle. And during this
Cole was terrified as he trailed the army, watching as everyone slowly but carefully fell into line for the battle that was coming. Kina bounded forward with no fear, joining alongside the others with a look of fierce determination on her face. It was crazy, how quickly the champions had believed the new tree, and now Cole didn't know what to do.

He still had no proof as to which side was telling the truth. If he was being honest, Cole didn't trust either of them. Each felt like they had some ulterior motive that wasn't disclosed with the champions. The goddess simply had been silent and distant, never sharing much (if anything) with them while Cole and Kina had been at the city. Meanwhile, the gnarled, decaying tree had been more than willing to answers any questions.

[ 1000/1000 words ]

likely will be continued when I have time

Isle of Roses | Valley of Kings

One of these days a-coming, I'm gonna take that boy's crown

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I am, I am
Hands red, hands red just like he said

I am a little wicked

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby MySpoons » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:23 am

Story A
After the surprise attack, your cats find their way to safety to get patched up and rest. They're left alone to regain themselves, before being roused again by the evening when the army is gathering its forces "The time is nearing... The real army is coming" A soldier tells them solemnly. "If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed." They're stoic and though obviously restless- the soldiers native to this odd world between worlds seem resigned to their fate of battling or facing doom. As if they'd done this many times before. "Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting." the cats are ordered. "Find somewhere you will be most useful."

This is your cats chance to flee in the chaos, to try and find a way home, join the other army, or to find their place among the ranks of soldiers gathering in the meager light of dusk in this strange world. The roots and tree around them seems to shudder in anticipation of the battle to come. Who's told to be left behind? Who isn't ready yet? Who can stand with solidarity, and who second guesses their every move and preparation?

The creatures lurk, staring unblinking. Former friends gather among them, watching them in silence. As if they're not the ones who have chosen in error.

Story B
We rise at midday" The haphazard and withered tree had declared, to the excitement of the creatures around it. And so it had- its creatures (At least coherent to some degree of its words) All stood at precisely midday, and began to move. They didn't order or command, or even address the cats who chose to stay with them. They simply stood...and left, beckoning them to follow, if so loyal they'd remain. As they approached the tree of life, they spread. Into a haphazard army, with no real organization. For all their numbers and the strange beings at their disposal- they followed no leader and followed no plan. They were there to attack, and that was all they knew.

Could your cats become a leader? Could they stand up and organize creatures who do not know how to do so themselves? Would they slip into the ranks, even seeing obvious flaws, and let it work itself out? Can they fare with the sight of their friends turning on them? Would they try to convince them to switch sides? Who would?

In the two sides prepare for a war of life and decay, there is the faint smell of rain.

Username: MySpoons
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: MAR'S CHAMPION, Samael, Isolde
Link to their pride or group: The New Guard
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: [1037/1000]


    After seeing the decaying inner heart of the goddess' tree and surviving the following ambush, Samael is resigned to fighting a war he does not understand. But, it is not necessarily his duty to know why he fights. Mars benefits from war, the bloodier the better. Samael returns for some sleep after the failed ambush, emotionally weary even though the power of his patron god still runs strong in his veins. Even after being here for days, there is little Samael understands about this place. He doesn't know who this goddess is, or who the opposing forces are. Just 'the army of decay'. Are they seeking to turn everything to rot? Or just some things? Who leads the army of rot? Is dialogue impossible?

    Samael does not sleep well. The power gifted to him makes it harder for him to sleep well anyways because he feels restless and rested after just a few hours of sleep. Eventually, he chooses to sleep fully armored to the weight discourages him from twitching and moving around.

    Just after dusk, Samael and the rest of the soldiers are woken up. Told to prepare themselves for the looming battle. Samael shakes, hears his armor clatter against itself and trots out. He is tired of trying to ask questions when no one will answer him. The general-- the one who had them tend to the sprout gardens-- talks about how they will be doomed, ruined if the decaying army is allowed to get too close. The goddess' silence is strange. Maybe she really is taxed by the close proximity of the opposing army.

    As Samael takes position towards the front, he realizes that this is not like most battles he's seen. Even the younger felines do not seem to be taken over by nerves or terrified of what is about to befall them. It is... bizarre. Is this a repeated event, so commonplace that not even the youngest among them are scared? When Samael casts his eye over the forces surrounding him again, he doesn't see any scars or injuries. They don't look like battle-hardened cats. No one has mentioned repeated battles over this...

    Samael feels doubt begin to grow even more in his chest. Especially to see the missing cats and lions approach with the army of decay, scattered in with the mud and stone golems. Looking... resigned to this conflict. What pulled them away and convinced them to come back and fight the very place that asked for help?

    No matter. Samael flexes his claws and rolls his powerful shoulders. A fight is all he's after, curiosity be damned.

    - -- --- -- -


    Isolde wanders around the forest until midday arrives, too restless to sleep-- and besides, she is still technically dreaming. No one is very chatty on the immortal plane-- so Isolde stays still and wills herself into her corporeal form. Her collar of ice forms around her neck, her bells ring now for mortal ears. She no longer leaves pawprints of frost behind her unless she is consciously thinking about it.

    Isolde comes back-- and these cats, whoever they are, don't seem too surprised by her sudden appearance. Or strange looks. The felines in this place can be blue like her. Some of them, though, look like they are not from here. A very drastic change of appearance. Isolde is not talkative, instead very shy and quiet even among company. No one tries to talk to her, so she doesn't engage in conversation. Some felines are chatting about 'home' and 'what are they going to think/say when they see me here?'. Similar concerns are echoed by others.

    Isolde makes her way to the old tree. The power around it is very faint even when she stands right next to it. She pushes out with some ice, snaking coldness and magic into the ground right near the tree's failing roots. Nothing.

    The sky here is beautiful. Usually the nights in Skaldi's realm are cold and empty with stars staring down in the endless winter's silence. Daytime is a crisp blue without clouds, still with the chill covering the realm. Isolde lays down and gazes into the beautiful nebulous sky until the creatures around her grow restless. Without chatter, everyone beings to move against the direction Isolde took into the forest. Back out.

    The large trees creak and the ground rumbles when the large golems take heavy steps. Isolde keeps pace, her bells making her embarrassed for their loudness. It is actually quite peaceful, among this half-dead forest. As they reach the outskirts the flora becomes greener and smaller until the forest spills into a large rich field. There are thick paths cut into the grasses and dirt which become trampled as the group moves onwards. Isolde realizes those paths are the same left by the golems. Have some already left to confront the goddess?

    Yet, as a large tree emerges from being hidden on the horizon-- Isolde picks up her pace in horror. An army of felines is standing there ready to face them. The ice spirit glances around to the mortals, who looks as resigned as their opponents. Surely they don't mean to fight?

    Alarmed, Isolde tries to talk to the mortal nearest to her. "We aren't hear to fight them, are we? I thought this was a... confrontation, a protest. Not the beginning of war!"

    "There is no other way, it's been like this... for generations. I'm so tired of it. We all are." The lion says, head half-lowered as he picks his way across the field. With an unspoken order, the golems stop in a loose line so the sides can size each other up.

    "There must be another way! Why can't the two gods meet? I don't sense--" Isolde reaches out to feel for this infamous life goddess-- and gets a mind full of bubbling frustration and bloodlust. The god of war she sensed earlier. Well, a spirit. When Isolde blinks her vision back into the mortal plane, instead of a blinding light of red and gold simmering magic, she sees a dark-colored lion adorned in darker-colored, heavy armor.

    His presence is foreboding.

    The wind picks up some, bringing a faint rumble and the rich scent of rain.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:23 am

Username: TheSongOfTheStars
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Bryva Hayes Lost Shard
Link to their pride or group: HOD Dark of Mists
Prompt level completion: 5
1,005 words

Story A
The real army is coming.
Bryva feels sick.
She cannot focus, she feels feverishly hot, an alien feeling for a fire element who was supposed to feel comfortable with the heat, the burning.
Fire elements were notorious for their passion, their battle fervor. Bryva really only found her powers useful for the impromptu fight and lighting ovens.
She was not a warrior, she was not a warrior.
What was she doing here?
She stared down over the wall, at the encroaching ranks of death and thought of the decay within the tree. was hopeless.
This was ridiculous, this was not her war, her fight, her home.
Panic swelled in her bones as she saw that the soldiers of decay had added new numbers to themselves. Cats and lions, who, just a few days ago had stood on the opposite side of the field. Cats and lions, who, with their help, the eternal tree had barely been able to stave off the attack of decay.
She caught sight of Lost Shard amidst the mud, blaster unsheathed and braced against her shoulder.
She remembers the lioness's trail she tore across the field.
Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless.
She can not stand it.
Bryva Hayes is not a warrior or a soldier or a champion.
She is barely anyone at all.
She is a coward.
She turns and she runs and she does not do it subtly.
Flames burst around her arms, lifting her into the air and carrying her off the wall with a flash of light.
There are shouts and yells of surprise and anger behind her, but she ignored them all as they called for her to return.
This was not worth it.
She wanted to go home. She had no idea what she would tell them, but it would most certainly not be the truth.
Run, run, run away, she was a coward and she did not care. If the Home of the Drowned wanted a tale of heroics then they should have sent out a real warrior.
She landed clumsily on the roof of a nearby house, smoke wreathed about her face, ash in her throat, her claws burned down to nubs.
She hesitated only long enough to gather her balance before taking off through the air again, leaping across streets and from house to house. She had no real plan other than escape. She aimed for the direct opposite side of the city, she hoped that if she took off into the wilds from that direction that if the army did decide to track the deserters down that it would take them longer to pick up on her trail.
One more pyrokynetic burst and she was at the far wall, balancing on the tips of her toes as she peered down at the wild tangle of forest.
Surely within all that strange vastness there was a way home. If she knew anything about the deep souls of ancient woods, there was always more then you expected hiding within them.
She glanced back over her shoulder.
Her last chance to go back.
To prove she was not a coward.
Story B
Lost Shard did not feel good about the oncoming battle.
There was not enough solidarity to the ranks. They would not be able to overcome the refortified walls.
Not like this.
She sighs, hitches her siege blaster up to the shoulder, and marches onwards.
There was not really any choice that this point was there. She had chosen her side, her decision reinforced by what she had seen at the oasis and the desperation of the decrepit tree. There was something wrong, something off balance. Lost Shard did not know if she trusted the old tree entirely, but it made more sense than whatever was going on with the eternal tree.
"Hey, you guys!" she shouted at a group of five or so of the decayed soldiers "Can you lot back me up? I am going to go for the gates, that is the wall's weakest point. It is also gonna be the most heavily guarded so I can't do it by myself."
There was a growling and grumbling from the soldiers, but she knew they understood her and they knew she knew, so there really was not a choice and they slowly lumbered after her as she marched steadily across the field.
Atop the walls the forces of the eternal tree gathered, a blur of faces at first, but they slowly grew into individuals with faces full of nervousness.
Lost Shard caught a glimpse of red fur and realized that Bryva was up on the wall, she caught a glimpse of white as the little cat's eyes flashed with fear, then there was a burst of smoke and flame. Lost Shard realized that Bryva had fled, turning her back on the battle field and using her elemental ability to flee.
Definitely not the bravest decision, but Lost Shard could not blame her, this upcoming battle was going to be nasty whichever way it went and she was glad for the medical kit she had picked up for she was most certainly going to need it, for herself and for others before this day was anywhere near over.
As she and her tiny entourage marched closer, Lost Shard began to count the steps until they would be within firing range, twenty paces, then fifteen, ten, five.
Nerves shook through the lioness though she tried to deny them and for a second she was tempted to join Bryva in her flight, run back to her broken ship and try to repair it before the tide of battle swept over her and escape this madness, but she resisted the urge, taking a breath to settle herself.
The air tasted fresher than she would have thought and Lost Shard realized she could smell rain hanging above her.
There was a storm brewing, she supposed.
She wondered if it was mere coincidence or if one of the trees had conjured it up.
Or if it was something else entirely.

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby SurgeFire » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:34 am

Username: SurgeFire
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: orpheus, lucian
Link to their pride or group: Vallis
Prompt level completion: Level 5

Prompt 8 apparently i wrote prompt 5 twice once oops, theres 8 in total so far wrote:
Prompt A.

The real army is coming.

Those words stuck with Orpheus as he thought of what he was going to do. He had a bit of time to think about his actions and the actions of the goddess, he had time to think about what the future held for him...
Were the soldiers telling him the truth?
He had to think about that for a moment. He still wanted to believe in the goddess.
He really, truly did. He was called here for a reason, and that was to serve her. He still felt as if he was tied somehow to her - with his nature magic - he still felt that obligation.

But he didn't feel motivated anymore. He didn't feel as if he trusted her completely.
He could only look at the soldiers and wonder; was it the commitment to the goddess that made them speak those words? Was it the fact that they already faced many battles, many time where they had to face doom, that made them so resigned to this fate?
He knew that if he had already risked his life for this cause many times over, he'd feel as if there was no use going against the goddess...

He second guessed everything.
Hell, he didn't know if he should try to find a way home. Orpheus had no idea if any of this was worth it anymore; he didn't know if he should just... find his way back to Vallis, and have everything be the same as it was before.
He wouldn't be a champion, but he'd be safe.

But... no. That was what a coward would say, wasn't it?
A weak cat would just.. run away and not face the conflict at hand, to him. He didn't want to be one anymore; he was done acting that way for a long time, and he felt as if he had to make his decision then.

And he knew, with a start, what he wanted to do.
He didn't want to fight for the goddess anymore. He couldn't; not when she hadn't even responded to his questioning, as if the cats who had left did not matter anymore. There was no search for them, there was no wondering.
And he was sick of inaction.

He didn't honestly care if the side of decay was the side of wrongdoing anymore; if it meant beating the goddess that seemed to be indifferent, what mattered of it? Perhaps... she wanted to destroy the weak.
Perhaps what Orpheus had been told of all this time was wrong.

And... he couldn't bear to face Nereus on the opposite side of the battlefield, had he gone to the side of decay. There was a good chance he was out there with them, and he felt that he came before fighting for the goddess. He couldn't be divided anymore.

He took one last glance at the soldiers of life behind him, and he fled in the direction of the other army; he finally made up his mind, and he was going to commit to it.

[510 words]

Prompt B.

He was ready.

Lucian was entirely ready to fight for this army of decay. His whole entire mindset on this mission had changed completely; once so determined to fight for the goddess of life, he had dismissed that notion entirely.
Now, his end goal was still the same - he wanted to prove himself as the true champion of Vallis, the one who should have been called for the mission at hand. He still wanted to one-up Orpheus and cast him aside as he deserved to be, in Lucian's eyes.
But he felt as if he could do this all in a different way.

Lucian believed that the maintaining of the balance of life and decay was much more important than just following the words of the goddess of life. He wasn't sure how many other cats back at Vallis would think of the same, but he was sure he could convince them somehow.
After all, the bigger picture was what mattered. If decay was destroyed, then the balance would be destroyed. It was as simple as that. Lucian no longer could fight for this imbalance having heard the god of decay's words on the matter; he felt as if it weren't trying to trick him.
He felt confident in his actions.

He felt no urge to command the creatures as a leader of sorts; although he saw it as a tactical disadvantage to be so disorganized, he felt as if he had little right to try to take that role. Besides, it was somewhat nice to not be ordered; gods knew he was already ordered enough in Vallis, it was like a break from that here.
He saw the flaws in this system of organization, but he elected to just watch; he decided just waiting and slipping in the ranks would be much better than just trying to take things in his own paws.
Now, he wasn't used to that. But like he said; it was odd when they weren't even cats, and this was their own realm. He felt wrong.
How would he feel if a creature from another realm ordered him around?

Alev was bad enough, but this?

And to convincing any of the other cats to join their side... he had no interest in that whatsoever. He didn't know any of them asides from Orpheus, and he already knew that he was joining the side of decay in order to get away from him.
If he wanted to join his side, he could. But he was going to encourage nothing.

Where was Orpheus, anyways?
He did not recognize the cat anywhere on the side of life; no matter where he looked, there was not the familiar shape and color of the black tomcat. He seemed as if he were missing.
Had he truly joined the side of decay? That was annoying, somewhat, but he could deal with it. It was only a matter of proving himself more efficient than Orpheus, then.
Just like his original mission when they both fought for life.

[505 words]

1015 words total

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:06 am

After the surprise attack, your cats find their way to safety to get patched up and rest. They're left alone to regain themselves, before being roused again by the evening when the army is gathering its forces "The time is nearing... The real army is coming" A soldier tells them solemnly. "If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed." They're stoic and though obviously restless- the soldiers native to this odd world between worlds seem resigned to their fate of battling or facing doom. As if they'd done this many times before. "Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting." the cats are ordered. "Find somewhere you will be most useful."

This is your cats chance to flee in the chaos, to try and find a way home, join the other army, or to find their place among the ranks of soldiers gathering in the meager light of dusk in this strange world. The roots and tree around them seems to shudder in anticipation of the battle to come. Who's told to be left behind? Who isn't ready yet? Who can stand with solidarity, and who second guesses their every move and preparation?

The creatures lurk, staring unblinking. Former friends gather among them, watching them in silence. As if they're not the ones who have chosen in error.

Username: Tiger♥Bear
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Suha
Link to their pride or group: Pekee Pamoja
Prompt level completion: 5 (1,001 Words)

SPACEAlong the way back to her tent, she ran across Mandla. The lion smiled and waved as he approached her. When he got closer, his smile faded and his expression changed to one of concern. She gave a nod of acknowledgment as he came to her side. "Mandla. It is good to see you."
SPACEHe gestured toward her with his head. "What happened? Are you okay?"
SPACEShe looked over at her side and noticed the open cuts that were still left unattended. Right. Of course. She forgot to tend her wounds after the fight. "Ah. This? It is nothing, I swear it." With a wave of her paw, the cuts closed up and there was no sign of injury. She ignored the strange look the general gave her. "I happened to be exploring the tree and happened upon something intriguing. But it has been dealt with so there is no need for concern or worry. I planned to return to my tent and take a moment to rest. I had used a bit of my abilities."
SPACE"Oh! Of course. Perhaps I can catch up with you later. We still haven't finished our sparring." She took noticed that he hadn't questioned her about fixing her wounds or asked about what exactly it was she took care of, but she wasn't about to complain. It was nice to know he wouldn't pry.
SPACE"Absolutely. I look forward to it. You know where to find me." She bowed her head in way of departure which Mandla returned before going his own way. The rest of the trip to the tent was uneventful. She lay on the ground in her usual pose; her head was lifted high with her ears alert, her body ready to take off at a moments notice. The rest of the day had gone by uneventful as well. Feeling rested enough to take to the sparring rings, she got up and stretched out her limbs. Though when she exited the tent, she was met with Mandla. She gave a smirk. "I was just about to head to the sparring ring."
SPACEHer smirk was quickly replaced with a neutral expression when she took in his posture. His usual smile and friendly demeanor had been replaced with a solemn look. "It is time. We are assembling the soldiers and forming our ranks."
SPACE"How much time do we have?" She kept her tone even, to the point. This was it. This was why she was here.
SPACE"Not long. They could be here any moment." He took a moment to look at Suha as if contemplating saying more. She raised a brow hoping to get him to continue. After a small sigh, he seemed to give in. "If you do not wish to engage in the war... now may be your only chance to back out."
SPACEShe was touched by his concern but more surprised that he would give her the option to back out of the fight. She gave him a genuine smile. "I do not fear the fight. I was brought here for this and I will see it through. Whatever happens, I will be sure to keep the balance."
SPACEMandla gave her a small smile in return before nodding his head. With that, they both made their way to the tunnel. The rest of the soldiers, guardians, and champions that had remained here were also making their way out of the tunnel and to the field between the great tree and the dark forest beyond. They were soon out on the field themselves. "I must take my leave. I have a unit to command. Perhaps we shall see each other again when this is over."
SPACE"I will hold you to that, dear friend. We have a sparring session to finish after all." He bowed deeply before taking off and she continued making her way through the felines toward the front lines. She might not really be a front line fighter but this did give her the best vantage point. She could see just beyond the trees and fog the army approaching. Familiar creatures of wood, mud, and soil could be seen shambling along. Among their ranks stood soldiers she had seen around the city days before. Those that had been lured away from the tree. Something must have happened for them to be standing on the opposing side.
SPACEStanding between the two armies, she was getting a better understanding of the situation. The goddess and her tree was promoting life, those under her influence very much for life and living. Of course there was nothing wrong with that. But it seemed they weren't for the circle of life and more for the everlasting life- which went against everything that Suha knew to be true. Then there was the proclaimed enemy. The army of decay stood without coordination but fighting for...something. But what? Surely if their only goal was to attack the tree and the goddess they wouldn't have been able to sway so many to their cause. What if they were fighting for their right to life? What if they were only in shambles because the goddess was hoarding life in her tree? But then there was the attitude of the locals as they had made their way out to the field. As if this wasn't the first time this has happened. What if they were trying to fight the balance of life? Why would they do that? It was nature. Things lived, but also died. It was just the way of things. There was so much left unknown and so much left unexplained. So many pieces to this puzzle and she didn't have the time to fit them all together. War was coming. In that moment, she made her decision. She wouldn't pick a side for it seemed that no matter what the situation was, her true purpose could still be fulfilled: to keep the balance. If that meant fighting the army of decay and the army of light- so be it.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Goddess Sword » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:30 am

Username: Goddess Sword
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Mitko (Major character), Beatrix (Major character)
Link to their pride or group: The Wayfarers
Prompt level completion: Level 5 (1,637 words)

Story A
After the surprise attack, your cats find their way to safety to get patched up and rest. They're left alone to regain themselves, before being roused again by the evening when the army is gathering its forces "The time is nearing... The real army is coming" A soldier tells them solemnly. "If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed." They're stoic and though obviously restless- the soldiers native to this odd world between worlds seem resigned to their fate of battling or facing doom. As if they'd done this many times before. "Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting." the cats are ordered. "Find somewhere you will be most useful."

This is your cats chance to flee in the chaos, to try and find a way home, join the other army, or to find their place among the ranks of soldiers gathering in the meager light of dusk in this strange world. The roots and tree around them seems to shudder in anticipation of the battle to come. Who's told to be left behind? Who isn't ready yet? Who can stand with solidarity, and who second guesses their every move and preparation?

The creatures lurk, staring unblinking. Former friends gather among them, watching them in silence. As if they're not the ones who have chosen in error.


Story B
"We rise at midday" The haphazard and withered tree had declared, to the excitement of the creatures around it. And so it had- its creatures (At least coherent to some degree of its words) All stood at precisely midday, and began to move. They didn't order or command, or even address the cats who chose to stay with them. They simply stood...and left, beckoning them to follow, if so loyal they'd remain. As they approached the tree of life, they spread. Into a haphazard army, with no real organization. For all their numbers and the strange beings at their disposal- they followed no leader and followed no plan. They were there to attack, and that was all they knew.

Could your cats become a leader? Could they stand up and organize creatures who do not know how to do so themselves? Would they slip into the ranks, even seeing obvious flaws, and let it work itself out? Can they fare with the sight of their friends turning on them? Would they try to convince them to switch sides? Who would?

In the two sides prepare for a war of life and decay, there is the faint smell of rain.

To say that Beatrix had been surprised by the ambush would be an understatement. She was grateful to have gotten out of there when she did, and glad to have alerted those more capable fighters than her, certainly, but... she felt like she might have had a heart attack, panicking so.

Regardless, the incident was handled and dealt with, and for once that day she felt like she might have done something right, noticing them... or at least, noticing Ragin noticing them. And so she rewarded herself by hiding out in the city beneath the tree's roots, resting from the recent excitement.

But, of course, her rest wouldn't last long. When evening came, she was awoken by the gathering of troops, one of whom had strode her way and nudged her up. "Wake up, girl. The time is nearing... The real army is coming," they said, and Beatrix sighed and rose as she was told. No breaks. Never any breaks...

When she joined the rest of the gathering forces, she heard someone at the front of the pack speaking of how they would corrupt their goddess if not stopped, that they would wither and rot her until there was nothing left, and they would all be doomed.

They would all be doomed. She already felt doomed. She couldn't fight, couldn't hunt, couldn't garden, couldn't do anything right here. At least back in her world the others looked out for her as she led them on their journey. At least there she could lead them. Here...

Here she was just a kid in way over her head who had gotten dragged into a war she had no stake in. A child soldier pulled from her family, fighting for a chance to get away, get to safety.

"Quickly, to the surface," a cat ordered. "Find somewhere where you will be most useful." And the cats around her obliged, her following blankly behind.

Useful, she thought, the word echoing hollowly in her skull. The most use she had been here was when she found that ambush. When she had offered comfort to the little cat, Cormac, who had claimed to be cursed. But this... this was a proper battle, not an attempt to sneak into the core of their base and strike them with their guard down. This was fight, not talking down a scared child. She couldn't face their enemies head on. She couldn't face them at all. What use could she really have except bait, a distraction?

As she stepped out into the dusky light of sunset, she gazed out over the fields. Somewhere out there was an army waiting to destroy her. Who might have already destroyed her companion. She turned to Ragin, following close behind, and he whimpered quietly. He seemed to feel the same way; he was just a fox, a simple hunter. He was no warrior, either. He was just someone who had noticed something shiny and gone for it, and found himself torn from everything he ever knew, trapped in a world that stole his best friend away from him.

As the others marched ahead, she fell back, the fox by her side, and gazed out into the fields. "...C'mon," she whispered. "Let's get out of here."


"We rise at midday."

That was what the voice of the tree, the god of death and decay, had said. Its armies seemed to cheer, their roars breaking through the quiet of the murky forest in response to its words. And when midday came, they indeed charged ahead, cats and lions alike following in their footsteps towards the goddess's tree, some more enthusiastic than the others. But Mitko...

Certainly, he followed after them, as expected of him, but... he was a bit slower. While the others took a direct path, as much as they could in the twisting, brambled forest, he followed a different trail, one that was fresh in his mind and familiar, where a cool breeze carrying the scent of flowers cut through the dankness of the woods. And there...

He wasn't the spiritual type. But he still felt the need to say something. "Hey," he whispered to the fallen soldier. "I'm sorry to disturb you like this. But I need your help. I hope you don't mind." And the decayed yet blooming head of the warrior of rot slipped into a satchel woven of bark, grass, and leaves, leaving only its body left behind, the climbing ivy reaching up its arms rustling in the breeze.

And then he was back, following the footsteps of the others as they spread out in... Whatever sort of formation this was. He didn't know if this had a name, really. Each of them seemed to have their own plans. A few tried to direct others, another handful grouped together, still more wandered out in their own directions, preparing for the battle. Mitko gazed out from the edge of the forest towards the direction of the tree, where a growing group of felines stood opposite them, watching. It was hard to say from this distance, but he got the impression that even with the tree's soldiers and all the cats that had joined them, the forces he had chosen to stand with remained outnumbered.

He hoped they would be alright. He hoped the ones who had sided with the goddess would be alright. He hoped that he, Beatrix, and Ragin would be alright.

And he slipped away into the fields, away from the forces of death, the forces of life; a roundabout path towards the tree where its forces, with any luck, wouldn't see him coming. Not an ambush or a sneak attack, but... simply a path with less confrontation.

And it was out in the fields that he found them. Beatrix's coral eyes met his, her ears perked up. And Ragin dashed forward, nearly knocking him over with the force of the pounce, so overjoyed he was to see his friend again at last.

"...Mitko," Beatrix said, dumbfounded. "You... You're here. You're alive."

He winced as the fox licked his face, and he patted his snout and pushed him away. "I was right," he said.

"Right? Right about what?!" And suddenly Beatrix's shock turned into her glaring at him, eyes beginning to water. "You disappeared! I though you might have died! I climbed the tree with a dislocated leg trying to get a better view to find you and there was nothing!" She huffed. "I nearly died! There were soldiers from the other army in the tree, trying to rot it from the inside they tried to ambush me! I barely got away! I had to come out here because I can't handle myself in a fight well enough to not just get in the way! You were right, I shouldn't have come here! And then you just disappeared and left me here where I don't belong and can't do anything! I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep since you vanished! Where were you?!"

Ragin whined, and for a moment, Mitko was taken aback by the normally sweet girl's shouts. But... he supposed, from all she had said, he couldn't blame her stress. He had disappeared and left her to fend for herself when she was injured. And it sounds like things had only gotten worse for her from there. As much as she frustrated him... he guessed she had a right to be frustrated with him, as well.

But something stuck out to him in her rant. "You said there was rot inside the tree?" he asked in return, not a single answer to her own questions meeting her ear, much to her chagrin.

"Yeah, and they almost killed me!"

"...I was right," he said.

Beatrix growled, and then snapped. "Right about what?!" she demanded, jumping up to place her paws on his shoulders, a fire in her eyes. "What?! What was so important you would just abandon me like Lyssa's family did?!"

He watched as the tears filling her eyes spilled over, staining the fur on her cheeks. "...I'm sorry," he said. "I just... There was a call. From the other tree."

Beatrix lowered herself back down and sat, pawing at her face in a vain attempt to her her tears to stop. "What other tree?"

"There's another deity, like the goddess. One of death to go with the goddess's life." He untied the woven pack and revealed his cargo to her. "Look."

She did so. "...That's one of those soldiers," she said, uneasy. "But... it's flowering."

Mitko nodded. "You know that spot of rot in the goddess's tree? There's one in the death god's woods, too, but of life. A grove of fresh grass and trees in bloom. And there, I found this." He placed a paw on the decaying head. "This war can't happen. Life and death need each other, like the earth needs the night and the day. I just need to convince them."

Beatrix continued to gaze at the flower. She wanted to bristle up and flee, and yet... "...How?"

Mitko... didn't know. And he said as much. "But," he continued, "there's got to be a way. And I think we can use this. It's proof. Tangible, physical proof. Death becomes life. If we can convince them of that..."

"...I met with the goddess. While I was up in the tree, looking for you. She healed my leg. She... She seemed nice. But..." She turned towards the tree. "I don't know if she would listen to us alone. I mean, she healed my leg, but she healed my leg. Like, with powers. That's not nature. I don't think she cares about the nature of this stuff."

"...Then we'll find someone who can convince her," Mitko said, wrapping the skull up and hefting it over his shoulder again. "Together, this time."

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Jantzi01 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:40 am

Username: Jantzi01
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Kosa Helios Virtue
Link to their pride or group: The Ushirikiano Pride Here
Prompt level completion: 5
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