coldclan -- discussion + form thread

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coldclan -- discussion + form thread

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:02 am



    this if the thread where the forms for any cats, as well as any discussion goes for coldclan.
    other information found on this thread will also be the territory and prey, as well as links leading to other important stuff such as the warrior code and a list of herbs that are used.

    please make sure to be nice to everyone on here, and this roleplay will start once I think there are enough cats to make up a clan.
    If you wish to reserve any spots, make sure to post here so I can put that those places are indeed reserved.
    also make sure to take a look on the roleplay thread for the rules, as they apply here in most cases as well.

    if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask/pm me

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coldclan -- territory

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:02 am

    since coldclan does happen to be the only clan within their territory, the clan has managed to keep a large amount of the snowy forest they reside in to themselves. sometimes it can take a full day to fully patrol all the borders, looking out for rogues, kittypets and other threats. their territory is more often than not a snowy wonderland, and only in greenleaf do the cats see that short, frozen grass that is underneath the melted snow. much like ancient thunderclan, they are forest dwellers, but some of their territory does have fields of snow and ground, and, along with rivers and creeks being in large supply with fish all over the forest.

    as for coldclan camp, it is in the middle of their bordered territory, protected around the back by a semi-circle of boulders, and protected at the front by a cluster of trees, which most bigger predators can't squeeze through, however cats can come and go as they please. the warriors den is closest to the front of the camp, made from carved out boulder, and the top being sheltered by a fallen, rotten tree. they're placed by the front in order to hold back any dangers almost right away. the apprentices are located on the other side, and a bit further back. this den is smaller in size, and has shrubs and bushes surrounding it in order to prevent much cold air from getting within the den. the medicine cat den and elders den come next, closer to the back to ensure their safety. the medicine cat den, also a boulder-cave, is big enough to hold the med cat, their apprentice, the herb store as well as two to five injured cats, depending on their size. the elders also have the same den structure of the others, although this den goes much deeper into the boulder, and the walls padded with other material to keep the den as warm as possible. a small creek also runs between the medicine cat den and the elders den, providing a fresh water source for the old and sick. as for the nursery, this den is partially underground, making it safer for kits too young to venture out, but also making it possible to still view the entirety of the camp. the den itself is still very spacious, with enough room to house a few queens and their kits comfortably. lastly, the leaders den is located in the center of camp, made put of a broken and hollowed out log, the peak breaking point making it possible for the leader to sit upon and call a meeting.

    as for outside of the camp, the apprentices and mentors have two places where their apprentices can be trained in both sparring and hunting - these are clearings as surrounded with scratched up trees, the trunks of which have been trained upon by many cats. these clearings are also the home to mice burrows, proving many opportunities to hunt if the mice come out - although they are often aware of the cats presence, and wait until they leave. the main river, which cuts through most of their territory, is one of the best places to hunt, as fish often have to go through in order to reach the smaller rivers and creeks that are connected to it. as for their connection to starclan, every moon the medicine cat and their apprentice, if they have one, will visit the moon rock, as its called. it happens to be in the center of their territory, surrounded by thick bushes and thistles. being such a small space, it is surprising that the moon rock is just a giant clump of ice, which the medicine cat and their apprentice - or the leader, if they need to speak to their ancestors, touch their nose to before falling asleep. this place is sacred, but regardless, most apprentices see this rock at least once, as per tradition before becoming warriors - they do not touch it themselves however.

    to the south outside their territory, there is a twolegplace, which is where rogues and kittypets alike usually reside. protected by most of the harsh weather, clan cats who are caught in a snowstorm often try to make their way there in order to shelter themselves from the snow, if they aren't close enough to camp. however, hunting is poor as most prey avoids the twolegplace, making it a hard place to live for any cat who isn't a kittypet.

    despite it being cold, and with snow almost all year round, coldclan territory holds a variety of prey for the cats to hunt and eat. this includes the smallest, and most common of prey, such as mice and voles. other small prey will include small species of birds, with there also being bigger birds. harder prey for them to catch includes rabbits and squirrels, as the cats have to deal with the snow under their paws - unless they come across a rare patch of clear land to hunt on. fish is also another big part of the coldclan's diet, as there are streams and rivers scattered throughout their territory. on rare occasions, they may also attempt to hunt hatchlings of bigger birds, even those that come from what may try to prey on them - such as owlets and eaglets, if they happen to come across a nest without the parents around, and are able to climb the tree. full-grown owls and eagles are extremely difficult and dangerous to take down, and shouldn't be attempted unless there is no way to escape, and to save a clanmates life.

    the cats also come into contact with many other animals which won't be considered prey. the more common animals, which are direct enemies to the cats are foxes and badgers, who will often try to take away their prey or chase them off. eagles and owls, as mentioned above, also pose a threat to patrols of cats, especially young apprentices and smaller cats, these birds of prey will attempt to hunt them. its not uncommon to see them circling above camp, so kits and apprentices are told to be very alert. coldclan also comes into contact with stoats, although this is uncommon, and most cats go without seeing many in their life. the two species don't often pose as competition to each other, except for when prey is scarce - in leaf-bare, cats may even resort to hunting these creatures if the chance arises. stray dogs and even the rarely seen wolf can be scented among the territory - however, there are usually never any encounters, as cats are told to warn camp or go into hiding if they are to catch the scent of either of these predators.

    in coldclan, it is currently the beginning of greenleaf. prey is plenty during this season, and snowstorms are a rare occurrence, going along with the fact that there is not as much snow around during the warmest months. but predators can also become plenty during this time, so it is best for the cats to keep alert.
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coldclan -- other

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:03 am

    warrior code -- medicine and herb guide -- ceremonies -- prefixes and suffixes

    the current threat that this clan faces are unknown to the cats themselves, and so far, they have not received word from starclan about the impending danger they will face in the future. as for who they face, a group of rogues who call themselves 'the shadows', once headed by an old grey tabby named jett. after jett's death due to old age, his three children took lead - _____, _____ and sorrel. as for the identity of these cats, they are half-clan cats themselves...being the lost kits of the late wrenheart, robinfrost's deceased sister. however, due to their father taking them at a young age, they remember nothing of the clan, and nothing about their only mother. their father took advantage of this, putting into the young cats mind that their mother had been a rogue like them, and had been killed by the clan when the kits were young. the young cats, along with their followers, are out for vengeance, believing the clan to be the making of evil. the rogues wish to take the forest for themselves, and drive the clan out in the process, as they believe that the clan doesn't belong there.
    will the clan be able to overcome this danger, and face cats who at one point were their clanmates, or will the rogues have the upper paw, and put an end to them?
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ivystar -- swiftflame -- tinysong -- weaselpaw -- rainstep

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:06 am

none of the below photos belong to me

    ivystar - tom - sixty moons - leader (six lives left)
    >> ivystar happens to be the fourth leader of coldclan, following in the pawsteps of coldstar, the founder, as well as the two leaders after him, named icestar and hawkstar. this tabby is very proud of his rank, and very proud of what the clan has accomplished so far. serving as deputy for hawkstar before proved to teach him many lessons, changing ivystar into the cat he is today in the few short moons he was deputy for.
    ivystar was born into the clan, born to two warriors called volestripe and deerflight. he was one of two kits in his litter, having a stillborn sister who his parents fondly named tinykit. growing up as a kit, and into an eventual apprentice, ivykit was proven to be a hot-headed cat, someone who would act before thinking, and this often got the kit into trouble. as an apprentice this only got worse, it seemed as if ivypaw never gave his pranks any rest, and he even got younger kits - specifically willowkit - to join in.
    his attitude changed one day however when he was training with his mentor, messing around as always, and a yowl came from within the forest. the two cats had ran over, ivypaw thinking that perhaps the other apprentices were trying to freak the warriors out and act injured - but it was far beyond this. his own brown-pelted mother, deerflight, lay still at the paws of a fox. this enraged the young apprentice, causing him to almost take the fox head-on. if his mentor, honeyfrost, hadn't been there he would've surely died from his wounds. the tom turned rotten inside, and this made him become much more reserved and rude when addressing other cats. this included his father, who left the clan a moon after the incident, as volestripe believed that with his mate gone and his son turning wild, he did not belong.
    after moons of recovering, ivypaw did return to his training. but he was no longer the same hot-headed, fun tom. he seemed to have changed for good, to be empty inside, and to be a cat destined for a life of hatred and cat, however, pulled him away from this fate. a lovely black and white she-cat, willowkit - now willowpaw by the time he healed - could see him struggling, and thus tried to help him through. no matter how much he pushed her away...she didn't listen, if anything, she came closer, and cracked the dark shell he had cast over himself. this proved to bring him out, it made ivypaw open his eyes to see the world for what it was for, and made him into a stronger-willed cat. this made it able for him to become a warrior, taking the name of ivypelt, and becoming a young, respectable warrior of coldclan. once willowpaw became a warrior herself, with the name willowsong, it seemed the two acted upon their unspoken feelings, and soon became mates. it was only two moons after that ivypelt recieved his first apprentice, tawnypaw. his life was perfect enough for him, he had a loving mate and an apprentice who looked up to him as a young cat would look to their parent. he managed to train his apprentice successfully, with the name tawnywing being given.
    soon after, willowsong was expecting their first litter of kits - however, despite how excited everyone was, the kits ended up all being stillborn, given the names of deerkit, brackenkit and darkkit. the parents were very distraught, especially since this was in a time where coldclan was running low on cats. after this, the two had decided to not have kits again, not wanting to face the same heartbreak, and so ivypelt and willowsong devoted their time to making up for the loss of cats, becoming the best warriors that they could. after moons of this, and while ivypelt held his second apprentice, rainpaw, he was named after deputy after the previous cat, redmask, was found drowned in one of the rivers.
    it was soon after that willowsong gave an announcement - the fact that once again, she was expecting kits. however this was a surprise to ivypelt himself, and once time had passed, the two had a single kit. ivypelt was given the choice of name, to which he decided on tinykit - the tiny kit looked much like his deceased sister, and so he believed that this kit was to become stronger than she which she did. however, due to complications afterwards, willowsong died, curled around her newborn kit and with her mate by her side. hawkstar lost his last life on the same night, causing ivypelt to believe that it all happened for a reason, that starclan intended it, no matter how upsetting it was.
    so he was called ivystar, and with him being the leader of the clan, from then to now he has done his best to not only be the best leader he can, and provide the best life. but to make sure his clanmates are safe, and to risk his lives before theirs - this is partially the reason why he has only five lives left.

    swiftflame - tom - thirty-seven moons - warrior
    >> swiftflame, although an ordinary warrior, is the great-grandkit of the founder of coldclan, coldstar, through his fathers side. coming from a strong line of cats, swiftflame has a big legacy to live up to - and as expected from some cats, to carry that legacy on himself. while the tom has no mate or current kits, he believes that he can just take his time with this, since he does happen to be in the prime of his life, and one of the strongest warriors that the clan currently has. he's an approachable cat, although he's never afraid to stand up for what he believes is right, and even if another cat disagrees, he will make his own opinion known, and he wont change his mind. he is a strong warrior, but sometimes he doesn't act the smartest.
    swiftflame was born to his father, larkstrike, and his mother poppyfur. being a spitting image of his father, a lot was expected from him as a kit. he was rather well behaved as a kit, as a matter of fact. although everyone seemed to figure that he would want to follow in the pawsteps of his kin, coldstar. this, at first, was true. swiftkit always wanted to be leader, and whenever he and his friend played games, he always wanted to be the leader so he could rule over everyone. this kit had a pretty happy childhood.
    however, as an apprentice, his mother was attacked by another clanmate - who said it was an accident - leaving his mother limping and blind in one eye. since his father seemed too proud to want to help out, swiftpaw at the time stepped up to help his mother, always making sure that she wasn't alone, and not allowing her to leave camp without someone with her, even for an apprentice. as this happened, it appears swiftpaw began to feel hatred towards his father, or at least displeased by the fact he wasn't going to help his own mate with the injuries she had received...while he was almost like a copy of his father, swiftpaw knew his ego was too big to try and pay his mother too much mind...and thats what separated swiftpaw from larkstrike. even once he became a warrior,
    swiftflame made sure to always remain there for his mother, mostly as moral support, as his father drifted more apart from them.
    however, several moons ago, his mother and father decided to have kits again, and it seemed their relationship was patched back together. they soon had little weaselkit to care for, and while swiftflame was still unsure of his fathers true intentions, the tom came to love his little brother who thankfully took more after their mother in appearance. weaselkit reminded swiftflame about all the time he had as a kit, and how his kithood was - and he hoped his brother would get the same result.
    ever since both their parents died by a surprise bought of greencough in the previous moon, while swiftflame is grieving, he somehow remains strong for his brother as well as his clan. he makes sure that his brother has all the support he needs, as he is still such a young cat. despite missing his parents - even his father - a lot, he pushes that back in order to be there for the clan, to shoulder all the weight he must as a warrior, and to take care of his responsibilities as he should, continuing as if it never happened. but on the inside, he is broken about his mothers death, considering the fact that he felt the closest to poppyfur.

    tinysong - she-cat - fifteen moons - warrior
    >> despite being a young warrior, and the only living kit of the current leader, ivystar, tinysong is much different in both looks and personality to her father. this may be why she is considered to be so precious to her father - she is almost just like how her mother, willowsong was, in both ways. she is a very bright, bubbly, and friendly cat, which may have to do with the fact that she is still a young she-cat, only having been a warrior for a single season so far. while she does lack experience and while she isn't a very mature cat, she is very fun and loves to get all into the clan business. despite what any cat may say, she does her best to become friends with everyone, to let them all see the good side of the clan, and to not be so down. she does know that a few cats may be watching her - her father included - as she is ivystar's kit. but despite her fathers constant coddling, she gets along as if it doesn't happen, often ignoring her father and the rules he sets for her. this makes her look rather rebellious. despite this however, she does love him, and just hopes that he would tone it down a bit.
    despite how coddled she is, tinysong did have what she would describe as a great kithood - since she never really got to know her mother, she doesn't tend to miss willowsong all that much - although the fact that ivystar compares her to be so much like her mother did put a lot of pressure on the young cat, feeling like she had to make her father proud of her. because of how much her father tended to be 'over the top', she was also secluded much as a kit. she wasn't able to go outside and play with the other kits as much as she would've liked, being restricted by her father and often made to stay by his side, except for when she was placed in the deputies care when he went on patrols. her father however, thankfully loosened his grip on the young cat, letting tinysong, who was tinypaw at the time, get out there and meet others apprentices. this allowed the cat to really shine, and she took on the normal overly excited apprentice persona like many of the other apprentices.
    and now as a warrior, tinysong has accepted the fact that her father wont loosen anymore than he has, that she is forever under his watchful eye, and that with him on guard, it would be hard for anyone to get too close to his precious daughter. while she does get annoyed by the constant protectiveness of the leader, she has to respect the fact that he just wants to make sure she doesn't end up having the same fate as her mother. she will grow and become more experienced and mature, and as she does, hopefully she'll be able to see just how much she was to her father, as well as see just how much she didn't appreciate him for everything he did, which was for her in the end.

    weaselpaw (tuft) - tom - eight moons - apprentice
    >> although he is one of the youngest cats in the clan, weaselpaw is already destined for a great fate - because as it states with his brother Swiftflame, he is a descendant of the original coldclan leader, who was named coldstar. while neither of the two look like the tom who came to lead the beginning of their clan, it is said that weaselpaw holds a great resemblance to the great cat in terms of personality, much more than his own brother does. being an apprentice, he is expected to train to his fullest potential, and as a young cat he can come off as being very playful. however, when it does come to more serious matters he does stay quiet, and is a good cat to talk to if you want someone to just listen - he can be goofy, but if his friends need him, he will put that aside.
    weaselpaw was born much later than his older brother swiftflame, to his father larkstrike and mother poppyfur. since his mother had been injured in a fight moons previous to his birth, he was always sure to be careful whenever playing with his mother, as he never wanted to hurt her, even by accident. while he did love his mother, it appears that unlike his brother, weaselpaw looked up to his father, and wanted to be what his father was - one of the best warriors coldclan has ever seen. he wanted to turn out just as his father did, just as successful as he was. weaselpaw is much more invested in following the pawsteps of larkstrike, and in turn, coldstar himself.
    although he has only been apprenticed for two moons so far, weaselpaw has done his best to keep at the top of his game, to com out on top as the best if possible. he loves to have friendly competitions with the other apprentices, no matter if they're trained more than he is, and he even offers to race and spare with very young warriors - cats around the same age as tinysong, as they still aren't exactly fully fledged and experienced warriors yet. however, with the recent passing of his parents in such a short amount of time, the young cat has become heartbroken, having lost his mother and his father, two cats who he had the utmost respect for. no one, in his mind, will ever be able to replace them.
    the only cat weaselpaw seems to talk to his problems now is his brother, swiftflame. seeing as this tom is one of the only kin he has left, and the fact he is his brother, the two are very close. weaselpaw will often go to swiftflame when he wants to perfect a technique that his mentor taught him. in return, it appears that swiftflame just wants to spend time with his young brother, before he becomes a warrior like swiftflame himself, before the two brothers may begin to part ways. as for the other living kin he has, robinfrost, he always loves to go see his grandmother. while the older she-cat insists she really isn't that old, weaselpaw treats her as so. she has almost become a secondary mother figure to him, after his mother passed. he tries to bring her the freshest prey, cleaning her nest and the den. he also tends to keep her company, since there are currently not any other elders.

    rainstep - she-cat - twenty-eight moons - queen
    >> rainstep appears to be a very reserved, quiet she-cat, unlike most cats she has met within coldclan. having joined the clan when she was barely apprentice aged, even after spending moons with these cats she has still come to fear them. with no kin, or any cats she feels that she can truly trust, it is hard to get to the real emotions of this she-cat, as she often tries to hide herself away from the rest of the clan, almost as if she is ashamed of herself, for the fact that she was once a loner and for the fact that her unborn kits are from a passing rogue or kittypet - the scent of which, at the time, was hard for her to tell. although if someone was to get through to the insecure she-cat, they could reveal how loyal she may really be.
    rainstep's life started out as a loner, having been given the plain name of rain by her mother, opal. the young she-cat never knew her father, and she never tended to ask her own mother about him. she was born into a litter of four kits, the other three dying within the first four moons of life due to starvation, as their mother had been extremely young. despite this, rain was happy for the first few moons of her life, her mother made her feel as if she was loved, and in return she absolutely adored and looked up to her mother. at the same time, she was unaware of the fact of how bad her mother was struggling, and in the end, what caused her mother to make the rash decisions that she made for her only kit.
    at the age of six moons, rain and her mother had come across the snowy environment of coldclan, and scenting other cats, opal actively began to seek them out. this confused the young rain, but she didn't ask questions, not even when her mother confronted a dark tabby, not when she pleaded him to take her daughter - to take rain - away from her. rain was confused, she was distraught, but no questions were asked. she could see the pain on her mothers face when the mystery cat - revealed to be hawkstar - agreed. she could see how much it hurt her mother to leave her behind, and rain figured that she had a reason, that she felt rain would have a better life with these strange cats, although this made no sense to young rain at the time.
    while many cats in the clan were unsure, rain was apprenticed to ivypelt, who was soon to be made deputy while she was under his wing. while she does trust cats like ivystar himself a little more than most others, due to what she experienced, she often kept to herself. even as an apprentice, she would stay away from most other apprentices if she had the choice, mostly due to the fact that she believed they would make fun of her heritage, despite the fact that the first cats of this clan were also loners and outsider cats. she doesn't want others to think she is just some waste of space, and so kept her distance and kept to herself, so they wouldn't have the opportunity to do so.
    things went smoothly when she was by herself, and by the age of twelve moons, rainpaw was made a warrior with the name rainstep. and even with her new name and rank, she kept her distance from most other cats, only interacting when it came to going on patrol, or if another cat really insisted that much on communicating with her. not only that, but a few moons after she became a warrior, she happened to meet a loner on the far border of their territory. he was weak, frail and starving, and unlike most cats who would've chased him away and acted hostile...she was different. she saw herself in the tom, and after catching prey for him, she made him a makeshift nest hidden away, hard to detect for other cats...she felt a strong connection to this tom, and that is where their relationship was formed, this is when rainstep met frog. even after the tom recovered, for moons he stayed, rainstep visiting whenever she could. she enjoyed his company, and the two seemed to understand eachother on a level far greater than any other cat rainstep knew.
    however, as rainstep soon discovered, this was not the best idea. she soon came to be expected the loners kits, much to her dismay. she doesn't believe that she is the best choice for a mother, and as such, went to confront frog about it, to ask for his help in taking the kits once they were born, for she didn't want her clanmates to become angry and disappointed in her...but when she went to visit him, the next time they were suppose to meet...the tom didn't show. his scent was stale, and after days of no contact, rainstep accepted the fact that he had left, likely running from the impending responsibility that he had created.
    as of now, rainstep's kits are due very soon - as soon as a few days and as late as a half-moon. prepping herself and settling into the nursery hasn't been the easiest for this she-cat...but she has managed, and it has helped her keep away from the rest of the clan, when she can help it. but she can't help but feel a little proud. for no matter who is the father of her kits, they can grow up safely in coldclan.
Last edited by wolf ;; on Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:06 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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robinfrost -- sorrel -- javier

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:06 am

none of the below photos belong to me

    robinfrost - she-cat - one-hundred and twenty moons - elder
    >> robinfrost is a rather hot-headed elder, having a short fuse to blow - however, it is rather hard to get her to that point. although this cat isn't all that old, for if she wanted to she could've stayed as a warrior for a while longer, and as such tries to act as if she isn't an elder, doing what she can to help around camp at least. although due to her rank, she knows how difficult it can be to actually help, as the warriors and other cats just want her to rest. this cat, if given the chance, will give her life for her clan. but for now, residing in the elders den, she feels as if she can relax. she loves to tell kits and young cats all sorts of stories - especially those about her late father, coldstar. and now, it appears her old bones are finally catching up to her.
    robinfrost was born into a litter of three - her father, coldstar, had already been dead for a moon, losing his last life to old age, meaning this she-cat was born during the beginning of the reign of icestar, who happened to be her elder sister. her mother, named yewwhisker, passed on after birthing robinkit and her littermates wrenkit and sparrowkit due to age complications. all the kin the three kits had left was icestar, along with her own littermates - flamesnarl, riverstripe and patchthroat. robinkit and her sisters were able to grow up with their loving siblings, although by the time they became apprentices, both flamesnarl and patchthroat had left the clan to become kittypets. by this point riverstripe had become deputy, meaning that robinpaw and her littermates didn't see much of their two older sisters, since they were so busy running the clan. during their apprenticeship, sparrowpaw's life was lost to a snowstorm. in the end, it was only robinpaw and wrenpaw who got their names, robinfrost and wrenheart. both riverstripe and icestar lost their lives in a battle with stray dogs when the two new warriors were on patrol with them, causing the whole clan to almost fall into panic. this is when the next leader, hawkstar, was elected by the current medicine cat to become the new leader.
    moons later, robinfrost managed to find herself a mate, berrysplash, and together they only ever had one kit, larkkit, before her mate left her for another she-cat. not thrown off, robinfrost raised her single son with her sisters help, able to watch him become larkpaw, and finally, larkstrike. and she got to see him have kits of his own - wrenheart introducing her son to one of her fully trained apprentices, poppyfur. and three moons after larkstrike's first kit was born, swiftkit, wrenheart revealed that she was also expecting kits while robinfrost was excited - for she would have more kin running around her paws, this was short lived. wrenheart's mate was a rogue, and once she had the kits and took them to see their father, he killed the she-cat and took the three kits for himself. robinfrost, overcome with grief, left the clan for five moons in an attempt to find the kittens of her sister, and bring them back - however, she was not successful, and eventually returned to the clan.
    poppyfur got injured soon after, causing her son to drift from his family, and robinfrost constantly tried to convince larkstrike to go back, as his mate and kit needed his which, thankfully, he did eventually listen, reconnecting to his mate. only less than a year ago, again, did she get to experience new kin being born. little weaselkit was brought into her life, and since the young kit reminded her so much of her sister wrenheart and the kits own mother, she seemed to favor him in his young life. she got to watch the tiny kit grow. once weaselpaw became an apprentice, robinfrost saw everything fall into place - the only thing she did not see, however, was how sick larkstrike and his mate became. only a moon after weaselpaw was made an apprentice, the two were found lifeless and still by the main river. it was suspected that they were taken by greencough, and when later confirmed, the old cat was put into a state of grief once more.
    only after the death of her son and his mate, did robinfrost decide to retire and become an elder. seeing as swiftflame and weaselpaw had neither parent, the she-cat wanted to make sure that she was there for them, at least until weaselpaw became a warrior. that's a promise she made to herself, and her deceased kit, to look after them while they watch from starclan. this cat holds her grief, seeing as she has had to deal with a lot of it over her life, and instead makes sure she is there for other, younger cats in their time of need.
Last edited by wolf ;; on Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:04 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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future post

Postby wolf ;; » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:07 am

just in case i need anymore space

now posting is open to others
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Re: coldclan -- discussion + form thread

Postby eff » Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:56 am

    mark ! getting my form done for my rp right now.
    might just repost here when done ^3^
    edit- made my cat
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Re: coldclan -- discussion + form thread

Postby honey, » Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:57 am

personality. willowtail is a naturally mothering
she-cat, and has always prided herself in that.
she is soft spoken and timid, and can get
snappy when under pressure or frustrated. she
will defend those she loves with her life, but
often doesn't think before she acts.
    name. willowtailage. 36
    rank. queendescription. petite,
    sleek fur, lynx-point siamese, blind
    in left eye.
    other. will have three kits.

    name. palepaw age. 10moons
    rank. medicine cat apprentice
    description. small pale ginger tabby
    with bright amber eyes
    other. sibling is foxpaw
personality. palepaw is a very energetic and hard-
working she-cat. she loves her role as med cat
apprentice but gets ahead of herself rather
easily. she is stubborn and stern, and often wont
take no for an answer. she is very close with her
brother and gets jealous easily, but truly cares
about those in her clan.

personality. foxpaw is a rambunctious and
playful tom who has trouble focusing on
his set tasks. he is rather hot-headed
and defensive and has trouble taking
criticism but is usually kind. many say
he still acts like a kit but his sister is
helping him with that.
    name. foxpaw age. 10 moons
    rank. apprentice description.
    slightly muscular ginger tabby tom
    with pale green eyes
    other. sibling is palepaw

    name. raggedheart age. 67 moons
    rank. warrior description. large,
    muscular old tom with ragged
    gray tabby fur and green eyes.
    other. none
personality. raggedheart is a kind-hearted
old tom. he doesn't have much patience but
does his best to keep his composure. he tries
to keep serious and doesn't like to play around
much, but he loves to tell stories of his past.
Last edited by honey, on Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:08 pm


|Past Name;; SpiritPaw|
|Age;; 43 Moons|
|Gender;; Male|
|Rank;; Med Cat|
|Mentor;; LynxTail|
|Apprentice;; -|
|Mother;; DappleFeather|
|Father;; HawkStar|
|Scent;; Herbs, Moss|
Walk Beside Them

So shoot a star on the
boulevard tonight I think
I'll figure it out with a
little more time. But who
needs time...?



Educated, Distant, Complex, Peaceful, Decisive, Honourable

They chose my path, I walked it

DappleFeather and HawkStar brought their son into the world on a warm spring morning. He was a chubby bundle of fuzz who at his very first breath was swept up in a destiny greater than him. Not long after he was born the medicine cat of the time, LynxTail, was struck with a vision of a grown SpiritKit leading the medicine cat den and saving lives. Immediately he informed the new parents of their child's destiny and the new born kit was immediately given a name; SpiritKit. Naturally he was given his name because his destiny was aligned with that of their spirit ancestors.
Time moved swiftly and it wasn't long before SpiritPaw was side by side with LynxTail studying in the medicine cat den, learning about herbs and studying his mentors movements as the older tom healed the sick. It was strange, SpiritPaw thought to himself as he mended his first injured paw. It was as though his actions were familiar as if he was born for this exact purpose and it hit him; he had been born for this exact purpose. That night he could not sleep, pride swelling in his chest with the honour he felt at his destiny.
As time went on this pride slowly seeped away into doubt; what would he have been if his life hadn't been decided for him? He questioned if he would have made a good warrior, sneaking out of camp to watch mentors teach their apprentices. He was envious at times but mostly curious. It was an academic curiosity; was it stressful to have to learn to fight? Did it scare the apprentices that they would at some point be face a great danger more powerful than they could ever be? He asked some apprentices and they would give him odd looks before going off on excited rants about how strong they were. It puzzled him deeply that they could think so strongly about themselves, yet he had seen them all in the medicine cat den with sore shoulders and tiny scratches that were almost insignificant.
It was in this that he found a greater revelation; while the warriors and apprentices were strong physically they lacked in strength of mind. They didn't have what it took to understand the herbs, to understand how their own body worked, yet the medicine cats did. He also understood that he did not understand the intricacies of postures and tracking. They were two sides of the same coin, dependant on each other for survival. It was only with this revelation that he truly became at peace with who he was. He was chosen at birth to be what gave the clan strength in health; to be the one who saved the ill and aided the weak. A moon later her received his full name; SpiritStep, because he stepped in harmony with his own nature and with his ancestors. It wasn't long before he lead the medicine cat den alone, skirting the edges of camp with purpose and speaking wisdom to those in need. If he wasn't helping the clan physically he was lifting the emotions of those down or lost for their purpose.
Last edited by ataraxic_gone on Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: coldclan -- discussion + form thread

Postby wolf ;; » Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:36 am

just gonna put here that I've gone and added new things - the territory, prey and such can be found in one if the above posts, as well as most of my forms finished, robinfrost will be completed sometime tomorrow.

as for 'shadows' hinted at on the main roleplay threat, I will develop the meaning behind it and what they are.
the other free post I have on this thread will have this plot when its written out, as well as some other things that I need to put somewhere.

spiritstep has also been added to the cats list on the main thread. welcome!
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