☢ Noт 100% Hυмαɴ // Discussion

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☢ Noт 100% Hυмαɴ // Discussion

Postby 200765 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:11 pm



A few people, once they turn eighteen, gain powers no one
has ever heard nor seen of before. Twelve people with these special
abilities are taken to a heavily guarded building on an island not
found on a map.

"It's for the good of the people," the guards tell them.

The people with abilities have stayed on that island for months,
going through the same schedule every day. Those people—the
people that aren't quite human anymore—are tired of staying in
the building, only allowed an hour a day outside.

They want to escape.

They'll have to make their way past armed guards, find a way to
get around the emergency lock down, and get off the island while
avoiding helicopters that continuously patrol the seas around the

With their new powers, how hard can it be?



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☢ Jocelyn Lucina Soleil // Form

Postby 200765 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:02 pm

Name » Jocelyn Lucina Soleil
Gender » Female
Age » 21
Sexuality » Heterosexual
Role » Light User
Crush » Open

Hair » Light brown, very wavy
Eyes » Green
Height » 5'6"
Build » Slender

Likes » Outdoors, daytime,
summer, cats, running, being active
Dislikes » Cold, snow, insects,
laziness, disloyalty
Fears » Being abandoned, not
being able to help people important
to her

Strengths » Keeping the mood
positive and happy, creating illusions
Weaknesses » Using weapons,
physical combat

Jocelyn is a very active person. She's
always aware of what's going on around
her, except for when she's creating an
illusion, and is very perceptive as to
what others are feeling. Once she gets
to know someone well, her sassy and
playful attitude shows. She's not easily
offended and is good at taking and
making jokes. She is very blunt and
says whatever she is feeling, though she
makes sure that it does not come out
the wrong way. Jocelyn is impulsive and
emotional. Her heart usually leaps in
before her mind can think of the dangers
of doing so. When angered, she can
hold a grudge for a long period of time.
Thankfully, she's not easily upset. One
thing that angers her the most is when
people are disloyal. Jocelyn is very loyal
herself and will do her best to keep
those she has gotten close to safe. She is
also very independent and tries to get
things done on her own so she does not
burden other people.


Fc.: Willa Holland

Pos. » Perceptive, Playful, Loyal
Neu. » Independent, Active, Sassy,
Blunt, Protective
Neg. » Impulsive, Stubborn, Emotional
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☢ Jocelyn Lucina Soleil // Relations

Postby 200765 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:03 pm

(✔) positive/friends (≣) neutral (✘) negative (♡) possible love interest (❤) current crush

[Fire] Serenity [✔] » Jocelyn cares about the younger girl. Serenity is
stuck in this situation and when they escape—when, not if,
because Jocelyn's determined to get Serenity out of this place—there
is no family for Serenity to return to. For now, all Jocelyn can do is
to help Serenity as much as she can and try to keep her out of danger.
She can tell Serenity is trying to keep her away, but Jocelyn will
push back because she won't let the girl get hurt.
[Water] Quinn Winter [✔] » The two of them share a sense of humor,
which is what gets them to connect in the first place. Jocelyn finds his
sarcastic comments amusing and can take the jabs Quinn says, often
firing back with her own joke. She doesn't mind that he tends to listen
more than speak. When he does talk, she tries to make sure she can
hear what he says, even if it is nothing more than a couple of words.
[Earth] Delsin Oswald [≣] » Jocelyn doesn't mind his jokes and remarks as
she is not easily affected by them. She doesn't like it when they hurt
other people's feelings though, and will not be afraid to tell him to
stop if they do. He's smart and resourceful, something that she
admires about him.
[Air] Angel d'Arc [ ] » Relationship here. Please PM me to discuss our character's relationship!
[Darkness] Amethyst Lilara [≣/✔] » At first, Jocelyn doesn't trust Amethyst.
Once they get to know each other though, they realize just how well
they can work together. She can rely on Amethyst to have her back
when creating illusions. She'll return the favor and be there for
Amethyst whenever she needs Jocelyn.
[Strength] Cerys Quin-Lee [✔] » World's best positivity team? Jocelyn
and Cerys are it! The two of them are always cheering everyone up,
to try to keep them positive and hopeful so that they can get off the
island. They're best friends and always support each other emotionally
and in combat. Jocelyn's always concerned when Cerys lifts really
heavy things but trusts that Cerys knows her limits.
[Speed] Gilligan Tucker [✔] » Both emotional and impulsive, the two
of them can easily find themselves in trouble together. But if they
work together, it shouldn't be too hard to get themselves out of it.
Jocelyn worries over Gill when he's moving at high speeds because
of the injuries that usually result from it. The two of them understand
how they're feeling and do their best to cheer each other up when
they are upset.
[Invisibility] Tyler Woods [✔] » Tyler seems to always try to include
everyone, and Jocelyn likes that. It amuses her to see how gullible
he is at times and it's nice how he's so trusting and is willing to
believe what others say. She looks out for him though, and lets him
know when he shouldn't believe something someone said if it will
get him into trouble.
[Flight] Morgan Kim [ ] » Relationship here. Please PM me to discuss our character's relationship!
[Telepathy] Octavia O'Hare [ ] » Relationship here. Please PM me to discuss our character's relationship!
[Telekinesis] Jonathan Windsor [✔/✘] » They have a bit of a like/dislike
relationship going on. They both have a sense of humor and she does
not mind his tricks and jokes as long as they don't hurt anyone. His
loyalty is another trait she likes, but the fact that he is unmotivated
gets on her nerves at times.
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Res for shadow gal

Postby Ghostarriver » Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:03 am


Name: Amethyst Lilara
Age: 21
Gender: Female
face claim: Sarah Shahi


Crush: none
Likes: Weapons and food
Dislikes: Everything else
Talents: Brilliant sniper,
Master assassin – bottom line
don’t fight her
+ traits: observant, intelligent
= traits: witty, sarcastic,
fairly apathetic
- traits: argumentative, provoking
Hobbies: not many, does
killing count?... making


Mother: Lisa Lilara
Father: Elias Morez
Sibling(s): None
Pet(s): None


Height: 5'3"
Skin: soft brown
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: violet
Build: fairly toned


═════ HISTORY ═════
Amethyst has been diagnosed with an Axis II personality disorder which is exhibited through her apathy and lack of concern for those around her, as well as an inability to connect with people on an emotional level, being quite pessimistic along the way.
Despite this, she can be easily provoked and is quite aggressive and destructive, often made worse with her sharp tongue and cutting remarks, creating more of a mess. She has also been known to enjoy inflicting pain on some people, finding it easy to kill without conscience or regret.
Sometimes, she is quiet and perceptive, while also proving to be quite cunning and, while she is often a terrible team player, she can prove to be a very valuable asset.
She’s almost always eating, yet has a good enough metabolism that she never gains weight.

Amethyst had an abusive adoptive father, who ended up attempting to murder her, because he considered her ‘unnatural’, leaving Amethyst with scars down her left cheek. It wasn’t until 6 years later that Amethyst realised what made her different.
At that point, Amethyst had been working her way up the chain of command in the CIA, becoming one of their top assassins, skilled in the use of all weaponry, but specialising with a katana, through she was also a brilliant sniper. One mission, her use of darkness emerged, as she had been sent on a covert kill. The task was an easy success, but little had Amethyst realised that she had been aided by her powers. When she had returned to base, she was immediately interrogated and sent to be experimented on. They embedded a device into her brain and a cochlear implant, in order to control her actions, creating another scar behind her left ear.
When Amethyst was transferred to the island, she showed no restraint, knowing that there were others similar to her. With this in mind, Amethyst has slowly been plotting escape and is waiting for the right moment to strike.
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Her relations

Postby Ghostarriver » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:55 am


✔ Positive ✘ Negative ☐ Neutral
ღ Possible Love Interest ♡ Crush ♥ Dating

{Fire} – Serenity ✔; Amethyst quite likes the fire girl, finding her a
decent sparring partner, certainly a worthwhile opponent. She will always
find a way to get even, when Serenity attempts to provoke her, but won’t
actually hurt the girl.

{Water} – Quinn ✔; Now this is one guy Amethyst can actually get along
with, their apathetic sarcasm being a main point of connection between the
two. Whenever they need to vent or insult someone or something, they will
often be found together doing just that. Overall, they get along quite well.

{Earth} – Delsin

{Air} – Angel ✔/✘; Definitely a love-hate relationship
here. On the one hand, Amethyst absolutely despises Angel
and plans to kill him one day. On the other hand, she
understands him too well, which is another reason she hates
Even though Angel's usually the one teasing her with nicknames
it's actually Amethyst who began calling him Bobby, simply
because he reminds her of a guy she once came across and
nearly killed.

{Light} – Jocelyn ☐/✔; Now, at first, the two were quite wary of each
other and one would never think that light and dark could get along, they
are so different in every way. But, it turns out the two actually click, Jocelyn
putting trust in Amethyst to have her back and Amethyst confiding some of
her deeper feelings in Jocelyn.

{Strength} – Cerys ☐/✘; There is just too much difference between these
two. Amethyst can’t stand Cerys’ positivity and despises her singing. Not that
Cerys can’t sing, Amethyst can admit that she is brilliant at it, but something
about it just rubs Amethyst the wrong way.

{Speed} – Gilligan ☐/✘; Amethyst acknowledges Gill and they have a certain
amount respect for each other, but any interactions are avoided as much as possible.

{Invisibility} – Tyler ☐/✘; Another one of those happy-go-lucky types that
Amethyst just can't stand. Maybe he does stay positive to lighten the mood,
but that is exactly what annoys Amethyst the most. Still, he does show her some
respect, so Amethyst leaves him alone, usually.

{Flight} – Morgan

{Telepathy} – Octavia

{Telekinesis} – Jonathan ✘; He infuriates her like you will not believe.
He continuously makes jabs about her being short and will do anything to
annoy her about it. Amethyst will get tranquilised six times a day because
she tried to fight him.
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Telekinetic dude

Postby Ghostarriver » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:55 am


Name: Jonathan Windsor
Age: 23
Gender: Male
face claim: Matt Ryan


Crush: none
Likes: Magic tricks,
just having a good time
Dislikes: sticks in the mud,
Talents: Hilarious?
Good with people?
+ traits: adaptable, intelligent
= traits: loyal, stubborn, abrupt
- traits: complacent, usually
Hobbies: just messing around
in general


Mother: Elizabeth Windsor
Father: Sir Blake
Sibling(s): Damien (brother,
Pet(s): None


Height: 6'2"
Skin: white
Hair: ashen
Eyes: black
Build: slightly


═════ HISTORY ═════
Born to Blake and Elizabeth Windsor, a line of nobles distantly related to the royal family, Jonathan has always had to live up to certain expectations of a ‘typical posh Brit’. Of course, he sounds and looks more like he’s been pulled out of the South West of England, showing no intention of acting higher than anyone. He always wears a tan overcoat and do is well known for his dry British humor and playful endearment, often referring to himself as ‘Sir Jonathan Windsor’ and others as either ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’.

At first, he was a lonely child, his parents usually off attending meetings, being invited to events of all sorts and basically giving no time to their only son.
This all changed when John was six and his brother Damien was born. His parents gave a lot of love and attention to their second born, though they did start to interact with Jonathan a bit more. Instead of getting jealous of his little brother, whom everyone adored over him, he started to grow an animosity with his parents, who had never had any time for him until now.
He absolutely loved Damien, becoming a responsible older brother. As such, Damien grew to idolise Jonathan, especially since John was always returning with an award of some sort for his incredible intelligence, though his parents never acknowledged it with anything more than a simple nod. They spent all their time together, as two brothers would.
Once Johnathan was twelve, his parents sent him to a private boarding school, where he continued to excel at his studies, but hardly ever received a visit or even a letter from his parents. Damien, on the other hand, would tell John everything his young mind could put down in writing.
When Johnathan was sixteen and had left secondary, his parents sent him straight to a university in New York to study economics and business, though John himself wished to study forensic sciences. But he had no choice and went to the university, begrudgingly, to continue setting a good example for his brother, who seemed to be following in his footsteps.
After a year, Johnathan was told that Damien was coming to visit during his holidays and Jonathan was ecstatic. He couldn’t wait to tell Damien about how different America was to home and show him around.
Damien was just as excited, literally jumping onto his brother when he saw him and the two quickly made their way back to John’s apartment.

The first week was fine, Damien had seen quite a bit and the two were starting to discuss matters at home. However, during the second week, the twain were attacked and John did his best to protect his little brother, but Damien foolishly tried to fight back. He was shot twice through the chest and the four assailants ran off, leaving Damien to die in his brother’s arms.
John relayed the whole ordeal to his parents, along with a side note about how much he hated them for being so neglecting of him and dropped out of school for a month, grieving.
Jonathan fell into depression and became quite ill for a time and was sent to hospital for a few weeks.
When he was released, he found a letter telling him that his parents had sent for Damien’s corpse and had already gone through with the funeral without him. Jonathan was furious.
He could care less that they hadn’t tried to look for him, what really angered him was that they had had his little brother’s funeral without him.
That was the last straw for John. He, promptly, returned to England for a couple of weeks to collect his brother’s belongings, ignoring his parents. He discovered a diary that Damien had written and found that on nearly every page, Damien had intimated how much he wanted to be ‘just like his amazing older brother’ when he grew up. Damien had written about everything Jonathan had ever done for him in detail. John sat, reading through it for two hours, crying in, what was once, their room. Taking that and some drawings they had done together, John returned to America to continue with his studies.
After completing university, he decided to stay in America a while longer, until he discovered his powers. Refusing to tell his parents, John kept them secret until he was taken to the island.
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His relations

Postby Ghostarriver » Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:56 am

✔ Positive ✘ Negative ☐ Neutral
ღ Possible Love Interest ♡ Crush ♥ Dating

{Fire} – Serenity ☐; Jonathan can tell Serenity is trying to get him
to be more active, and he finds that quite adorable, though they don’t
interact much on a daily basis.

{Water} – Quinn ✘;It's quite evident that these two just can't get
along. There's no particular reason why, maybe John is simply deterred by
Quinn's constant negativity.

{Earth} – Delsin

{Air} – Angel ✔; They have a unique, shared sense of humor and
tease the others together, much like Gill and John, but instead, their
main target is usually one certain little umbrakinetic

{Light} – Jocelyn ☐; Jonathan can get along with Jocelyn, they’re
both quite loyal and respect each other on that basis, as well as both
sharing a sense of humor. The only issue is John’s lack of motivation,
which seems to annoy her.

{Darkness} – Amethyst ✘; She’s too much gloom and doom for
Jonathan and he finds her too aggressive for her own good. He will do
pretty much anything to tick her off and is pretty lucky to be alive right
the Schuyler sistersssss

{Strength} – Cerys ✔/♡; HELPLESSSSS Jonathan is
such an Eliza like jeez undoubtedly in love with Cerys
finding her singing particularly enchanting, while Cerys herself is a
joyful soul and a pleasure to be around.

{Speed} – Gilligan ✔; Jonathan sees Gill as a pretty good friend,
one of the few people who simply accepts that maybe John isn't the most
enthusiatic guy around. They often tease the others together, having
several inside jokes that make sense only to them.

{Invisibility} – Tyler ✔/☐;While both Tyler and Jonathan are on quite
good terms, Tyler's hyperactivity and Jonathan's lack thereof, creates a
distinct divide between them. They're mostly quite friendly with each other.

{Flight} – Morgan

{Telepathy} – Octavia
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Octavia O'Hare - Telepath

Postby tigers breath » Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:13 am


the basics --
        name: octavia o'hare
        nickname: octavia
        age: twenty-two years
        gender: female
        power: telepath

the looks --
        hair color: brown
        eye color: blue
        height: five foot seven

the details --
        traits: loyal, stubborn
        strong willed, emotionless
        protective, little reckless

        likes: exercise, practicing fighting
        music, thunderstorms
        nature, hunting

        dislikes: not being honest
        books, arguing
        indoors, closed spaces

        strengths: combat fighting, weapons
        weaknesses: acting on impulse,
        more cold nature

the love life --
        crush: none
        significant other: none

the picture --

Octavia O'Hare is what you would a 'natural beauty'. She has an angular face, plump lips, with daunting blue eyes, a true beauty at will. Even though a beauty, Octavia is what we would call a warrior on the inside. She's not typically sweet or the one to suck up, but rather mutual. She treats everything with respect, and gets what she wants with hard work. She has always gotten things the long and hard way, and has came accustomed to it. When it comes to other people, Octavia is a little less hard working. She tends to be more closed off, and have a cold exterior.

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Re: ☢ Noт 100% Hυмαɴ // Discussion

Postby tigers breath » Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:13 am

Her relations
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Re: ☢ Noт 100% Hυмαɴ // Discussion

Postby aura- » Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:23 pm

    name: Quinn Aires Winter
    anickname: Quinn/Aires
    gender: male
    age: twenty two
    sexuality: pansexual
    face claim: cole sprouse

    power: water manipulation
    he doesn't really like to create water, not his specialty. It takes up too much energy and can harm him in the end if there isn't enough moisture in the air. so he tends to just stick to the good old water controlling, using what it around him. thankfully they all are on an island surrounded by water, what could be better?

    personality: Aires cruel and lonely childhood has formed him into the person he is now. cold, rude, and withdrawn from others. he is snarky and quick to judge others when he knows he is fully in the wrong. he could honestly careless about the people around him which causes him to be quiet and keep to himself. he often cracks a few jokes here and there when he attempts to join others in conversation. but most of the time he leaves everyone alone so he can sulk in his own pity. he's rather unstable, due to the confinement him and the rest have been in for some time now. his irregular childhood has also contributed to this. but like anyone he has a few things that keep him happy, like the water, and how he is lucky enough to be someone who has powers. even if he is locked up for it. with the little time they have outside he is normally over on the sandy beaches with the water, just relaxing and enjoying the waters presence.
    positive traits: quiet. good listener. has a gentle touch. actually has a heart
    negative traits: cold. withdrawn. rude. doesn't trust others. lonesome.

    strengths: using water (obvi), hand to hand combat, water healing, swimming,
    weaknesses: hot places/fire, being positive, using any form of a weapon, doesn't sleep to well
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