Blazeclan Information

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Blazeclan Information

Postby shimmerstream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:09 am

Blazeclan is a clan on Create a Clan
This storage is full of information about Blazeclan and the cats who live in it.
Do not post here, unless you're me

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Postby shimmerstream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:09 am

    Blazeclan's territory is still rebuilding itself. Many years ago, before the clan, it was destroyed by twolegs, turning the lush forest into a muddy wasteland. Old stumps still scatter the territory, which is now covered in shrubs and long grasses, with clusters of small trees here and there. Around a quarter of the land is a dry marsh, with a single river that marks their eastern border, that Blazeclan cats will not cross because of their distaste of water. They also have a pond, known as Turtle Pond, that is surrounded by the largest clearing in the territory. It's a very popular spot, where cats meet, train and sun themselves on the large rocks, half-in and half-out of the water.

      Just south of the center of Blazeclan's territory is their camp. Though it cannot be seen from the borders, it isn't hard to miss. The entire camp is protected by a two cat tall wall of sticks and brambles. The only way into camp is through a tunnel dug underneath a section of the wall, which is guarded from both the inside and outside at all times. Only three trees shade the camp, two birches and a small maple. So most of Blazeclan's cats' dens are underground. They're very sturdy because the dirt in their territory is mainly clay, but cozy because they are packed with moss and heather. The leader's den is dug beneath the roots of the "Forever Tree," a huge stump that grows all kinds of vegetation. It's flat, but with bark sticking up in the back in a jagged triangle. It's large enough for three cats to sit on it, and it is the traditional place for leaders to make announcements. It's roots cover most of camp, creating many comfortable nooks and crannies, but not much flat area. The medicine cat's den is built up against two rocks. Largely created by branches, brambles... and mud, it is large enough for eight cats to sit comfortably, or for five to sleep.
    Turtle Pond
      Though officially known as Turtle Pond, most simply refer to it as "The" pond, since really, it is the only one. The pond has the largest clear, flat space in the territory, making it the official place to train apprentices in battle, and the exposed dirt near the water is perfect for playing shells. Though much of their bases are in water, the sunning rocks are very tall and completely dry, not too rough, but with helpful divets to curl up in so as not to fall off and get uncomfortably wet.
    The Borders
      Blazeclan is flanked by four clans very different from itself. To the north it is bordered by Blueclan along shared fields, and marked on Blazeclan's side by a holly bush, an uprooted tree stump and a birch that leans at a dangerous angle. Blueclan cats are most often harmless, they are smart and quirky, potentially more of a friend than a danger.
      To the west is Sandclan, also with a border of fields. Though technically the two clans' territories border, Sandclan lives on an island in a lake several fox-lengths from Blazeclan land, so it is uncommon to encounter a Sandclan patrol, and is therefore the least patrolled border.
      The southern border edges right up against the forest owned by Pineclan. A dark, old pine forest, complemented by the old, shadowy clan that lives there. The tensions between Blazeclan and it tend to be rather low since both clans stay largely to themselves.
      The most hostile clan is Skullclan. Luckily they have the hardest border to trespass on. Across the fast flowing river the other clan lives in a burnt out wasteland. They have a nasty attitude and rely on the river shared with Blazeclan for food. The problem is that they are very protective of "their" river, and won't let anyone else touch it. Which makes it a good thing for the both of them that most Blazeclan cats don't swim.
    Walter's Meadow
      Walter's meadow was named by his sister Poppythorn. Walter was already dead when she found her way to Blazeclan territory, but as she stumbled across the idyllic meadow the medicine cat was overwhelmed by how much her brother would have adored the place. And he did. As only a partial member of Starclan, Walter spends a lot of time walking his kin's territory. Blazeclan cats have found that if they need guidance and counsel, Walter is always available to offer it, acting as a guardian spirit over the clan. Because of this association of the meadow with Starclan, it's become a sacred place to Blazeclan, and unless granted specific permission from Walter himself, it's bad luck to hunt in the meadow.
    Ancient Pine
      Jokingly referred to as "Humongo" by apprentices. It is by far the largest and oldest of any tree in the territory. It is the only of its kind around, and seems like a stray from over the Pineclan border. Pineclan apparently hadn't wanted to extend their border out of the forest to include this one tree, being as it is many fox-lengths from their border. Occasionally someone will try to climb it, but it's straight up a very long way before the first branches start and Blazeclan cats don't have a lot of experience climbing. With enough strength cats can pull their way up the Pine, but getting down is always the bigger problem.
    Deputy's Bog
      The bog is in the northeast corner of the territory. The ground is so marshy and soft that it isn't uncommon for cats to sink up to their stomachs in mud. Most cats would do anything, including rubbing mouse bile on elders' ticks, than have to trek through it. The name is really more of a running joke, meaning that your patrol will always skip over the bog unless you're being led by the deputy. However the bog is full of frogs and marshland herbs, so however much cats might despise the place, there is always reason to go there.
    Palesparrow's Cavern
      Named by said cat's brother, the cavern is hidden and beautiful. Located underneath a large wild rose bush, you have to know where it, and the path to it, in order to stand a chance of getting in. If you can get in, you'll be rewarded with a gorgeous sight. The walls sparkle with quartz, and run with veins of white, red and yellow stone. The large open space is filled with blue-tinted moss, a variety of mushrooms and purple wildflowers. It's cool and damp, but illuminated easily by sun or moon light.
      The cavern however, has a reputation for being a place where couples sneak off to be alone. This use was started by Palesparrow himself, after he discovered the cave and became infamous for using it as a place it woo she-cats.
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Postby shimmerstream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:12 am

    Blazeclan is a clan of dreamers and storytellers. A clan which treasures the past while building towards the future, since even events that will occur moons from now, will one day become stories themselves. They pride themselves on tradition, and prize traits such as curiosity, ingenuity and age. They are an honorable clan, very devoted to respect and the warrior code. Being so, they won't take an insult or back down from anything. Blazeclan does not make good first impressions, since they tend to treat strangers coldly and with suspicion, yet they do prefer a diplomatic approach over tooth and claw. Even so, Blazeclan makes an excellent ally and a terrible enemy because they will remember everything others have ever done, to or for them.

    There are two major holidays that Blazeclan cats reconize. The Festival of the Sun and The Celebration of the Moon. They're very important in the eyes of the clan, so much so, that every apprentice must participate in one or the other before they get their warrior name. When they become warriors, they are sometimes known as either sun or moon warriors, depending on which celebration they were a part of. It generally doesn't affect their lives much, but it does have a superstitious affect. Similar to zodiac signs, the type of warrior they are can "determine" certain traits the cat possesses. Many Blazeclan cats do believe in this, even if half the time it may not be true.

    The Festival of the Sun
      On the longest day of the year is the festival of the sun. It's a day of competition and merriment. Everyday duties are put on hold for the day in order for everyone to participate in the events. The festival is centered around turtle pond, with most of the announcements and competitions taking place there. It's such a big deal that even kits are allowed out of camp to go there, as long as they have proper supervision. The main point of the holiday is competition, which Blazeclan cats revel in. There are certain competitoins that are held every year, such as the shells tournament, the race around the borders, the stalking competition and the hunt for juniper stone. The juniper stone is a paw-sized, purpleish rock. It is annually hidden by the previous year's winner anywhere in the territory. Cats are free to search for it all day, if it isn't discovered, the cat who hid it won, though they have to be accompanied by at least one witness as to where they hid it to assure that it was within the territory and not in a moving position. Other competitions are planned days or weeks beforehand and open to everyone, yet some others are grudge matches or just plain silly. Most anything is accepted, if you really wanted to hold a staring contest or see who can walk around on two paws the longest, you can. Apprentices that take part in the Festival of the Sun must participate in at least three serious contests, as well as help set up, witness and/or judge two others.
    The Celebration of the Moon
      Celebrated on the night of the winter solstice, it's a very bittersweet holiday. The goal of the celebration is reflection, as it represents the end of their year. Here is where the storytelling side of their personality comes into play, a time for them to tell tales by the fire. Yes, they always have a fire. Their founding leader Soaringstar used to watch twolegs as they camped in the wilderness. He learned from observation and trial after witnessing a troup of boyscouts make their own flames. Soaringstar always creates a small, controlled fire for the festival of the Moon, the apprentices tend to it and keep it contained. The leader or medicine cat will start with an overview of the previous year, than all night the clan tell legends and stories from their pasts, they reminisce about good time and bad times. Blazeclan cats believe that the spirits of their dead clan members stay around for up to a year. There they will confront the bad choices of their past, and forgive the cats that did them wrong. Here they hold a faint influence over the clan in ways of leaving small omens or transferring a feeling for a short time to still living cats. As the moon sets on the Celebration, loved ones will brings talismans forward, objects to represent those who they lost. They will place these in the fire as a symbol of letting their loved ones go. As the objects burn, the dead cats' soul will rise with the sparks to join their ancestors in Starclan.

      Shells is a game that was brought to them by a warrior that used to live by the sea. In Blazeclan it keeps the name of Shells, but here it is mainly played with stones of different colors. There are three sets to play Shells down at Turtle Pond. It's a stategic game, popular with milder warriors. Most apprentices are taught the game, which their mentors use to teach logic, or to just drop their apprentices off someplace to make them be quiet.
    Bears and Badgers (The Warrior Test)
      Bears and Badgers is a training game. The clan is fond of it largely because it requires their warriors to use many skills at once. The warriors and apprentices participating split into two teams, the bears and the badgers. These teams should be close to even, with extras always going to the badgers' side. A section of the territory is established as the boundaries for the game and then the badgers get a three minute head start. The goal of the bears then is to catch and pin the badgers, thereby taking them out of the game. The badgers only goal is to not get caught until the scheduled length of time is up. Any strategy on either side is allowed as long as they stay within bounds and don't hurt anyone. The medicine cats hate the game, because while claws must be sheathed, it doesn't stop players from getting a bit... enthusiastic. Of course, any blood spilled means immediate disqualification.

      Unlike normal warrior assessments, Blazeclan cats have "The Warrior Test," a giant version of bears and badgers. It is played throughout the entire territory and lasts from dawn to moonhigh. Every apprentice going into their twelfth moon or older participates. (however there must be at least three to play, so younger apprentices can fill those spots, though they cannot receive their warrior names) The apprentices play the badgers, and their mentors play the bears. The leader and deputy are neutral, quietly monitoring the apprentices, watching for skills and circumstances that could earn them a meaningful warrior name. Every apprentice that makes it to moonhigh automatically earns their warrior name. The ones that don't have to wait until next moon. Apprentices that become warriors after their first warrior test get to be a special type of warrior, a Flame Warrior. If an apprentice reaches their sixteenth moon without winning their test, they are given a normal exam and can earn their full name that way. It may be a bit embarrassing, but roughly ten percent of apprentices have to do this, so it isn't like it doesn't happen.
      Catmint is a freezetage-esk game played by kits and apprentices. The cat whose "it" is Ice. Once they're chosen, they have to go off somewhere so that the other players can pick a "catmint," a cat that can melt frozen players, because in a kit's point of view, catmint makes everything better. The Catmint has to keep their role a secret, because if they get caught the game is as good as over. Once a game, a full grown clan member can call out "thaw!" And every frozen cat is free until caught again.

    Sun Warriors
      Personality: Sun Warriors are known to be the most energetic in the clan. They tend to be friendly and impulsive, but quick to anger. They gravitate towards others and enjoy competition. If they have their mind set on something however, forget it. There is no one more stubborn than a Sun Warrior.
      Skills: Sun Warriors are fighters. They are the strongest, fastest and don't care much about anything else. They work best in groups.
    Moon Warriors
      Personality: Moon Warriors are the quiet type. They don't speak often, but when they do it's worth it to listen to what they have to say. They are renowned for being the wisest and most intelligent cats in the clan. They have excellent memories and are the ones to really shine during their celebration since they weave the most excellent tales of anyone.
      Skills: Moon Warriors are natural hunters. They are skilled in stealth and work best on their own. They are very resourceful and good at solving puzzles and figuring out impossible solutions.
    Flame Warriors
      Only approximately one in five warriors get to be an illustrious Flame Warrior, a title not just named for a festival, but after the spirit of Blazeclan itself. They have to earn their title by completing their warrior test before their twelfth moon, which is not an easy thing to do.
      Personality: Flame Warriors are the most honorable. They are kind, honest and trustworthy to a fault. They will never break their word or the warrior code. They have more ambition than other cats and are less likely to just accept things as facts, since they believe they have the power to change things.
      Skills: Flame Warriors make the best leaders. They are well-rounded, and rarely are the "best" at any one thing, but are skilled at leading others. They are flexible, and work well under stressful situations, either with a group or by themselves. Flame Warriors are also inherently lucky. Starclan just seems to be more on their side and coincidence is more likely to work in their favour than against.
    Morning Doves
      Morning Doves are bad luck for new couples. If one of these birds calls out during an outing before the cats are mates, or while they announce to the clan their intention to become mates, it is a bad omen. Being so, many couples combat this obstacle by meeting only at night or late evening. Of course, if a dove sings during that late hour, it is a clear sign from Starclan that this pairing should never be.
      Lightning is always a good omen to Blazeclan cats. Even if it brings with it death and destruction, it is still a good sign. That is because lighting does not signal prosperity for a single cat, but general happy times for the entire clan down the line.
      Snakes are a complex omen. There are not many snakes in Blazeclan territory, so one crossing your path is a sure sign. A sign of what is a harder question. Whereas an adder passing by a pregnant queen may mean her litter will be stillborn, a garter snake eating a mouse as a warrior watches could mean that he will be the next picked for deputy. The type of snake, the action it performs, as well as who witnesses it, can all mean very different things. If you see a snake, it is best to inform the medicine cat about the details so they can predict as accurately as possible the meaning Starclan meant to reveal.
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List of Cats

Postby shimmerstream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:13 am

xxxxxxxxxxx(( leader ))
        Soaringstar | ♂ | ۵
xxxxxxxxxxx(( deputy ))
        Falconswoop | ♂ | ۵
xxxxxxxxxxx(( medicine cat ))
        Poppythorn | ♀ | ۵
xxxxxxxxxxx(( med. cat apprentice ))
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
xxxxxxxxxxx(( warriors ))
        Gorsewing | ♀ | ۵
        Featherwhisker | ♀ | ۵
        Velvetcoat | ♂ | ۵
        Stormshadow | ♀ | ۵
        Palesparrow | ♂ | ۵
        Sleetdive | ♂ | ۵
        Ravinepath | ♂ | ۵
        Flaxenheart | ♀ | ۵
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
xxxxxxxxxxx(( apprentices ))
        Luckypaw | ♀ | ۵
        Silkpaw | ♀ | ۵
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
xxxxxxxxxxx(( kits ))
        Talonkit | ♀ | ۵
        Echokit | ♀ | ۵
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
xxxxxxxxxxx(( elders ))
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]

xxxxxxxxxxx(( starclan ))
        Walter | ♂ | ۵
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
        name | ♂/♀ | [url=link]۵[/url]
Last edited by shimmerstream on Tue May 09, 2017 12:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Soaringstar, Founder of Blazeclan

Postby shimmerstream » Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:39 am


Name: Soaringstar
Gender: Male
Current Rank: Leader
Title: Founder of Blazeclan
Former Name: Peanut
Previous Photos: x
Arrival Age: 32 moons
Kin: Family Tree
Traits: Friendly, Optimistic, Rule-Abiding, Loving, xx
xxxCurious, Trusting, Faithful, Confident
Strengths: Strength, Understanding meaning
xxxbehind the obvious
Weaknessess: Tracking, His long pelt

    Soaringstar is doing the best he can for his clan. He's
    full of good intentions, and so far things are going
    pretty well. Of course, to Soaringstar, anything other
    than disaster could be considered "progress." Despite
    being a bit naive and occasionally flighty, he makes a
    surprisingly good leader. He understands (mostly)
    how other cats work and has the determination to
    run a clan. Soaringstar also has a very close
    connection with Starclan, he always takes their
    words to heart and follows their instructions to the
    Soaringstar was born to two kittypet parents,
    though he was never a kittypet himself. His mother
    was smart enough to realize that any kits born into
    her house would be given away and possibly never
    seen again. So, since she was already rather
    plump, Soaringstar's mother pretended she wasn't
    even pregnant. She gave birth to only one child.
    Her, her cousin and his children helped raise
    Soaringstar. He grew up in the lovely Milton Park, a
    large park surrounded by an out of the way twoleg
    town. As long as the cats were civil, the humans
    didn't bother them. It was an outdoor haven for
    both strays and kittypets alike. Soaringstar was ten
    moonsold when it all came to an end. The leaders
    of the town decided they didn't need the large
    park anymore, so they removed it. Many of the
    Milton Park cats were captured or killed; before,
    during and after the destruction. Most kittypets
    were locked up permanently in their homes and
    some strays went to the streets. Everyone was
    separated from someone they loved. Soaringstar,
    Poppythorn and Walter, along with half a dozen
    others escaped into the wild. After moons of
    wandering, during which several of them perished,
    Soaringstar got separated from them during a
    hurricane. He tried to locate them for moons
    without success. Eventually he stumbled across
    the moonpool, and Starclan encouraged him to
    start his own clan, which had always been a dream
    of his, so he did. He still holds out that as his clan
    grows, survivors from Milton Park will eventually
    find him.

Soaringstar and Poppythorn go way back. As well as
being actual relatives, they grew up together and she
has always been like an older sister to him. They get
along extremely well. The only problem, is that she
hasn't quite come to terms with not being the one in
charge anymore. Now that he is leader, and her
medicine cat, she does not now have the right to
bypass everyone, anymore.

    Whenever I get a long furred grey warrior, she will
    be named Featherwhisker, and Soaringstar will fall
    head over heels for her. Eventually they will
    become mates and have kits.

Soaringstar has incredible faith in Falconswoop. This
is largely because Falconswoop was sent to him by
Starclan but he has also seen for himself that
Falconswoop will do him good. He knows that the
deputy is the rational, strict cat he needs.

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Postby shimmerstream » Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:55 am


Name: Falconswoop
Gender: Male
Current Rank: Deputy
Former Name: Farley
Previous Photos: x
Arrival Age: 51 moons
Kin: Adopted Mother- Peppermint
Traits: Strict, Rational, Loyal, Respectful, Unsociable,
Strengths: Agility, Keen eyesight, Tactics
Weaknessess: Disrespectful cats, Speed

    Falconswoop is an orphan. He has never had any
    real family, and he gave up looking for them a long
    time ago. The only cat he ever had in his life was
    his adopted mother Peppermint. She was an old,
    unkempt cat from the start. She raised him and
    they cared greatly for one another.Though
    Peppermint was not one to overlook misbehaviour,
    and always had a punishment prepared to keep
    her ward in line. She died of old age when
    Falconswoop was still young. From the on he was
    on his own. He learned to avoid other cats and
    kept to himself. Many of the habits he developed
    during that time are still common with him today.

Poppythorn and Falconswoop haven't gotten along
since she joined. The two simply clash personalities
too greatly. The largest difference being their
treatment of rules, which Falconswoop deems
incredibly important, while Poppythorn barely pays
any attention to them. Maybe one day the two will
figure out how to live with each other. After all,
they're both only trying to back up Soaringstar.

    Falconswoop will never be leader. He also will
    never have a mate until he becomes an elder, and
    therefore will not have children.

Falconswoop greatly respects Soaringstar, though he
remains anxious for the vaguely childlike leader. He
knows Soaringstar has the backbone to lead, but that
doesn't stop him from being concerned. Soaringstar is
his closest friend, yet Falconswoop still doesn't
completely understand him. Partly because of self-
consciousness about that he continues to try and
prove himself to his leader.

    Falconswoop could probably be doing a much better job with his training of Flaxenpaw. Yet, much as she would deny it, he has taught her many useful things. He pushes her hard because he knows she can handle it. She is making progress, but their relationship has been greatly strained in the process. Falconswoop really is a good guy, and a good cat to be deputy, he simply has some problems with being to harsh. It isn't always easy to be friends with those you are in charge of.
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Postby shimmerstream » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:19 pm


Name: Poppythorn
Gender: Female
Current Rank: Medicine Cat
Former Name: Poppy
Title: First Medicine Cat
Arrival Age: 45 moons
Kin: Family Tree
Traits: Emotional, Stubborn, Friendly, Kind, Lovable,
xxxCharismatic, Misbehaving
Strengths: Talking, Persuasion, Sense of smell
Weaknessess: Stealth, Stamina

    Poppythorn grew up in Milton Park with her brother
    Walter and their father. He had run away from his
    twoleg home after his brother got hit by a monster
    and died. He later had children as a loner with an
    unknown she-cat. Later Soaringstar was added to
    the family. When Poppythorn was still quite young
    she fell for a tom, and he for her. They tried for
    moons to have kits together, but it was not to be,
    for Poppythorn is barren and can never have
    children of her own. Her mate and her father
    died during the destruction of Milton Park. She has
    experienced much more loss since then, spending
    over twenty moons wandering with other survivors.

Poppythorn considers Soaringstar her little brother.
She's ecstatic to have found him again. After their
long absence, she's a bit clingy. Also, her closeness to
the leader makes her feel like she has the right to
make certain decisions for the clan.

    Poppythorn knows that she's barren, and is more
    than likely to use that to her advantage and form
    a forbidden relationship. Eventually her dismissal
    of the warrior code is likely to make Starclan
    abandon her.

When Walter was alive the twins were inseparable.
After he died Poppythorn was heartbroken, she felt
like she had lost a part of herself. His lose is still
hard on her, but as medicine cat they still speak
often, and she knows that he's still hanging around.

    Poppythorn is one to bend the rules. She rather enjors finding loopholes and following them only when it suits her. Poppythorn does her own thing. She may be an expert at guiding mothers through birth, but she really only has a rudimentary knowledge of herbs. Currently she's avoiding even the prospect of taking an apprentice, because of her inexperience, as well as a selfish desire to feel important.
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Postby shimmerstream » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:54 am


Name: Walter
Gender: Male
Current Rank: Guardian
Former Name: n/a
Title: Guardian of Blazeclan
Age at Death: 43 moons
Kin: Family Tree
Traits: Wise, Quiet, Good humored, Easygoing, Brave,
xxxProtective, Untrusting, Self-conscious
Strengths: Listening, Intelligence
Weaknessess: Crowds, Pressure

    Walter, like Poppythorn and Soaringstar, grew up in
    Milton park. He had an idyllic childhood and was
    very close to his father. He was particularly shy
    when he was young and never got very close to
    anyone but his relatives. When he wasn't with
    Peter, Poppythorn or Soaringstar, he wandered by
    himself through the park. Through his exploration,
    he became increasingly close to the park itself. He
    knew every nook and cranny. Walter was the first
    one to know when the park was to be demolished.
    Unfortunately, even that knowledge couldn't save
    his father. Even so, the three adopted siblings, as
    well as eight other cats, made it out with their
    lives and their freedom. But the hardships didn't
    end there. Four cats died of starvation within the
    first two moons. With unfamiliar territory and
    more skittish prey, they couldn't feed everyone.
    Several other disasters struck the group, slowly
    picking them off. Eventually Soaringstar, and one
    other, each got separated on their own during a
    hurricane. No one knew whether they were dead
    or alive. Moons later, Walter and Poppythorn were
    separated as well. They made it on their own for
    awhile, but leaf-bare was too much for the
    littermates. Though Poppythorn was an amateur
    healer, Walter's fight with greencough proved too
    much and she couldn't save him.

Poppythorn has always been the most important cat
in Walter's life. Since birth she's known him best.
While he is dead, he communicates with her as often
as possible, attempting to keep her on the right path,
though that is becoming increasingly difficult to do.

    Walter is dead. It's important to know that. While
    Starclan has always been a belief of the Milton
    Park cats, though usually referred to as "the
    ancestors," Walter doesn't really hold a true
    position in Starclan. He was never a warrior
    himself and doesn't spend all his time in the sky,
    but instead spends much of his time as a guardian,
    watching over Blazeclan. Usually Walter keeps to
    himself, wherever he may be. However, he always
    keeps an eye or ear on his meadow. He has limited
    power over the living, though if a cat needs his
    counsel, he's always available to help.
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Postby shimmerstream » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:08 am


Name: Stormshadow
Gender: Female
Current Rank: Warrior
Former Name: Star
Previous Photos: x
Arrival Age: 23 moons
Kin: Family Tree
Traits: Shy, Short-tempered, Pessimistic, Courageous,
xxxClever, Agressive, Honest, Secretive
Strengths: Stealth, Hearing, Extra sharp claws
Weaknessess: A fear of water, Her relatively small size

    Stormshadow doesn't like others, she prefers her
    solitude. Even so, she joined a clan. Why? Partially
    as a debt to Falconswoop, who is working hard
    with Soaringstar to grow a strong clan. But also
    because, though other cats are infuriating, she
    grew up in a place where they were always around.
    Truth be told, she would go insane if she never
    had any company at all. Almost to her benefit,
    Stormshadow is not the easiest cat to deal with.
    She always sees the worst in life and has a fiery
    temper. It doesn't take much to anger her, and
    she's not afraid to act on that anger either.
Stormshadow has become almost friends with Velvetcoat.
They have grown much closer over the moons, and she would
spend time with him, second only to Palesparrow.

    Stormshadow has some heartbreak in her future.
    There is a young tom, Palesparrow, who will win
    her heart. They will have children, but when they
    are still young he runs off with another she-cat.
    Poor Stormshadow will try to raise her kits by
    herself, but her (by then) long time best friend
    Velvetcoat will step up to support her. The two
    will finally acknowledge feelings for each other
    and become official mates.

    After all that drama, Moon will eventually make
    her way to Blazeclan as well. Sucking the entire
    clan into the middle of their family's war.
    Stormshadow's story starts long before she was
    born, with the Kamen and the Kalani. Separated
    from the rest of the world in the Green Valley, the
    two kingdoms were enemies from the very
    beginning. Children of the sky, and their opposites,
    the children of the stones. Two wise rulers, in an
    attempt to bring peace to the kingdoms, arranged
    a union between their children. The Kalani king's
    daughter and the Kamen queen's son. The pair had
    twin daughters of the purest black. Named Moon
    and Star, seeing as they were obviously daughters
    of the night and not of either kingdom. The sisters
    were split apart early on and sent to grow up in
    different kingdoms; Moon with the Kamens and
    Star staying with her mother and the Kalani. For
    nearly seven seasons the leaders' scheme appeared
    to work. Mixing the royal blood did seem to add a
    sense of equality to the kingdoms. This serenity
    did not last. A group of young, low ranking Kamens
    had raided the kingdom's catmint supply. The trio
    staggered out of their territory, and old rivalries
    run deep. Not in their right mind, when they
    stumbled upon Princess Sky, heir to the Kalani
    leadership, they charged. Startled, the petite
    she-cat was chased to a steep drop. Cornered, she
    pleaded with her attackers, but showing no mercy
    they pushed her further back until she fell. The
    killers acted of their own acord, and were swiftly
    executed when their treachery was discovered.
    Even so, grief stricken over the loss of his only
    child, the Kalani king struck back. He didn't want
    to hear any explanations, this was war. And so it
    started. Blood was spilled and vengeances grew,
    both sides worked to trick and assassinate the
    others high ranking cats. Not a day went by when
    someone didn't die. The Kamen prince Mica tried
    to regain his daughter Star. Now that her mother
    was dead, he wanted to be her real parent. His
    heartfelt request was met with a "no way in the
    underworld." The king was not about to give up
    with only family left to some "badger-faced piece
    of crowfood." He swore that Star was a true Kalani
    and no murderous Kamen was going to lay a paw
    on her. The king placed his granddaughter under
    constant gaurd, fearful she would be taken or
    killed by the other half of her family. But the
    added protection only made Star more eager to
    leave. As the soldiers left to fight in a particularly
    large battle, she found her chance to escape. For
    the short time while nobody was watching she
    bolted. Star ran and ran, not just to the lonely
    corners of her kingdom, but out of the valley
    itself. It took days to pass through the mountains,
    but somehow she escaped without being caught by
    either the Kamen or the Kalani. Leaving the
    mountains for the first time in her life, Star was
    shocked to see just how much more there was to
    the world. She had wandered beyond her ancestral
    home for but a few days when the skies broke
    open. It was late in leaf-bare, but the blizzard
    lasted days. Already thin from days on the move,
    Star had no choice but to hunker down in a hollow
    log out of the wind and hope neither cold, nor
    hunger would kill her until the snow passed. It
    seemed that as soon as she felt that she truly
    would starve, her saviour appeared. A short-furred
    tan tom discovered her and took her back to his
    home. He fed her, and offered her a position
    within his own group. The black she-cat, warm and
    thankful accepted his offer and introduced herself
    as Stormshadow.

Falconswoop is Stormshadow's hero. He saved her life and
she feels tremendously in debt to him. She doesn't really
talk to him, even if she sometimes wants to, seeing as
neither of them are particularly social cats. Though she
stays to the background, she is still trying to quietly prove
herself to the deputy by being the top hunter in the clan.

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Postby shimmerstream » Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:10 pm


Name: Velvetcoat
Gender: Male
Current Rank: Warrior
Title: n/a
Former Name: Coal
Previous Photo: x
Arrival Age: 29 moons
Kin: Family Tree
Traits: Awkward, Friendly, Anxious, Selfless, Cowardly,
xxxKind-hearted, Trustworthy
Strengths: Tracking, Instincts
Weaknessess: Social Skills, Silence makes him

    Velvetcoat tries very hard to be everyone's friend,
    but he's just so awkward. He tries but he always ends
    up making a fool of himself. Among his peers he's the
    supporting friend, the butt of the joke. Even so, he's
    rarely bitter, Velvetcoat just wants to be liked, to fit
    in and be trusted.

Velvetcoat's relationship with Stormshadow is
complicated, almost entirely from his side. After
moons of wearingher down, they've become almost
friends. Yet, however much he denies it, even to
himself, he wishes they were more...

    Velvetcoat grew up in a tight-knit family. His
    mother and aunt were very close, "two-sides of the
    same coin," people used to say. They were referred
    to as the "Arson Sisters," which should tell you
    practically everything you need to know about Soot
    and Sorrel. Sorrel, more often than not going by
    Scorch instead to keep the theme going. They even
    had their children within a moon of each other,
    naming all three black cats Coal, Ash and Smoke,
    with Coal being the oldest by about two minutes
    over his sister Ash. The five cats roamed the land,
    causing mischief. This came easier to the younger
    two than to Coal, who didn't really enjoy messing
    with, and stealing from others. For his sister and
    cousin however, they enjoyed it so much, they
    would play pranks on him in their spare time. The
    family loved him, (he's pretty sure) but they
    showed it in inconveniently embarrassing and
    irritating ways. By the time he was 24, Coal was
    fed up with a wandering and unserious life. Smoke
    and Ash begged him not to leave, he was the best
    at knowing when things were becoming dangerous,
    and getting them out of trouble. Even so, he left
    to find his own place in the world, leaving on good,
    though sad terms with his family. Led through
    forests and meadows by nothing but his instincts,
    he found his way to Blazeclan's territory. It seemed
    like fate, a group that shares his beliefs, yet also
    his family's same affinity for fire. However, before
    he joined, he needed a new name. Coal always felt
    like his name was too hard sounding, it didn't fit
    "him," he didn't want to be Coalfur. So instead he
    chose the much softer name of Velvetcoat.

For as much as Velvetcoat wants to be on good terms
with absolutely everyone, he does not like
Palesparrow at all. Aside from his rather selfish
reasons to hate him, he has never trusted the tom.
He believes him to be a trickster and a coward, an
egomaniac and a hypocrite. Whether or not any of
this is true, he believes so, and in any matter, that
is really all that counts.

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