welcome back -- discussion.

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welcome back -- discussion.

Postby puppypillar » Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:17 pm


xxxxYou know school? Some people hate it, some people love it. Some people feel like the summers are the bests but some others disagree. Whatever you think, almost everyone has went to a type of school. But you wouldn't expect to be put back in when you're an adult, or be suddenly transferred from the one you're already in? It doesn't seem probable, but guess what. It happened. Wherever you were, whatever you were doing, you were knocked out some way or another and woke up in a strange.. dorm? A bed? It looked like something from a boarding school. Across from you is another sleeping person, another one that was taken to this weird place.

Along with that, there are no windows. It is only two beds, a desk and an empty bookshelf, and a rug laid in between the beds. Nothing else but a white painted wood door. You open it. Outside, there are many other heads peaking out from poorly painted different color doors, looking just as confused as you do. The hall is lit with candles, a warm light coloring the maroon based area burnt orange. A woman in a white suit walks down the hall, her high heeled shoes making little thumps against the thick carpet. "Come on, come on!" She shouts, an urgency but also excitement ticking in her voice. "You are going to be late for the admission!"

Now, you are forced to follow, as the candles start going out as the lady in white gets further down the hall. Something warns you that the darkness behind the candles isn't so friendly..

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Re: the academy of..? -- discussion.

Postby Zyn » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:28 pm

“How is it when I ask for someones help they never say sure no problem. No strings attached.”

        Name: Alexander "Alex" Shepherd
        Affiliations: The Alliance, Cerberus, Specters, N7
        Age: 28-30(He is thirty if you count the two years that he was dead/being rebuilt)
        Gender: Male
        Species: Human
        Fandom: Mass Effect
        Cannon/Oc: OC
        Room: Green
        Height: 5'
        Weight: 105lbs
        Defining Features: His hair is so fluffy that at times it kind of looks like his has cat like ears
        Appearence: Alex is very small and slim which makes it that much more surprising that he was able to be a part of the Allience, he was only admited because of his VERY powerful biotic abilties. He is very young looking and appears to be closer to the age of seventeen or eighteen instead of his actual age of twenty eight. Along with his baby face he also has chipmunk cheeks and looked quite feminine for a guy. His black hair is very fluffy and frames his face with bangs. His skin is quite pale and he has large purple eyes.
        Sexuality: Homosexual Panromantic
        Powers: Alex is a biotic who outfited with a L5n implant made for Vanguards like himself. His ablities include, Barrior, Biotic Charge, Biotic Slash, Lift, Throw, Pull, Reave, Shockwave
        Personality: He is a full on Paragon though even he has moments when he snaps and makes a renegade move. Most of the time he is just really passive about things. Will Rp the rest out
        Positives: He has very strong morals
        Negatives: He can be a bit to passive
        History: Colonist/Sole Suvivor
        Mass Effect 1(Only I saved Kaiden not Ashley) & Mass Effect 2
        Voice: Antony Del Rio
        Theme Song: Trouble by Coldplay


“The Milky Way was so... been-there-done-that. Even if I hadn't done it, someone had.”

        Name: Valesska T'Lotis
        Nicknames: Loki, Lotis, Vodka(A play on her name and a way to irritate her)
        Affiliations: The Initiative, The Commandos
        Age: 167(The Asari equivalent of being 16 almost 17 in human years)
        Gender: The Asari are a mono-gender species but she views herself as female
        Species: Asari
        Fandom: Mass Effect
        Cannon/Oc: OC
        Room: Uknown
        Height: 5'4"
        Weight: 120lbs
        Defining Features: She has a strong scottish accent.
        Family: Lineka(Mother, Deceased), Treeythia(Father, Deceased), Saloteia Varimius(Bond Mate, Deceased), Nariythea(Sister, Deceased) and Siithis(Youngest Sister, Deceased)
        Appearence: Valesska is about average height for an Asari which means she is a bit shorter than the average female human. Her skin is a medium blue grey color and she has blue-green eyes with white markings on her crest and where her eyebrows would have been.
        Sexuality: Pansexual
        Powers: Valesska is a biotic much like Commander Shepherd however her's are much more powerful and she has much better control over them. Her abilities include, Annihilation Field, Barrier, Biotic Charge, Dominate, Lift, Pull, Reave, Shockwave, Singularity, Slame, Stasis, Throw, Warp
        Personality: Valesska is lighthearted and bright though she can be a bit childish sometimes. She is always quick to joke and comment lightly upon any situation that she may find herself in. Which is less about being cheerful and more because she tends to use humor to hide all her flaws and problems. She would rather bury herself alive than talk about her feelings, if she feels cornered she will deflect questioned with worse and worse puns. She also tends to talk a lot, the only time she is completely silent is when she is asleep which is rare. She is often extremely impatient and impulsive, Valesska possesses an inclination toward recklessness, to the point of jumping into situations without forethought. Despite her goofy nature, Valesska is a certified genius. She is very protective of her family despite her carefree attitude and will ignore her own needs in favor of her friend's needs. Often she is the best at hiding when she needs help and tends to go days on end without sleeping, somehow she still manages to keep a bright beaming grin on his face.
        Positives: Genius, Upbeat, Cheerful, Natural tactical thinker, Adaptability, Exuberant, Witty, Impressive formidably
        Negatives: She uses overwhelming amounts of humor, and terrible puns to avoid talking about her feelings and she is also Hyperactive, Impulsive and Impatient
        History: Timeline - Stardate(Valesska's age)
        2019 (0): Valesska was born from the uncommon and taboo union of two asari
        2049-2052 (30-33): She has earned four doctorates is Geology, Anthropology(forensic), and Biology(genetics and environment) which makes her a genius even among the Asari, most Asari collect multiple masters over their long life spans. However after a few years in the field she took a break and became a commando instead. She had plans of returning to her studies and research once she was older because no one would listen to her findings due to her age. She is still a child by Asari standards
        2073 (54): She leaves Asari space for the first time and meets her first Turian.
        2099 (80): Her sister Nariythea is born thus ending her time as an only child. She starts visiting home more often.
        2106 (87): Her second and youngest sister Siithis is born. Her visits home become even more frequent.
        2107 (88): Her parents were killed in a raider attack leaving her to look after her two younger siblings, ages 8 and 1. She quit being a commando to look after her siblings full time.
        2178 (159): She meets Saloteia for the first time
        2179 (160): Saloteia and her become bond mates
        2183 (164): Her siblings were both killed while they were visiting the Citidel when Saren and his geth attacked. She watched them die in front of her and was unable to save them, this still haunts her.
        2184 (165): She heard about the Initiative from Saloteia, and chose to follow her to Andromeda.
        2185 (166): The four arks and the Nexus depart the Milky way for the 600+ journey to Andromeda.
        2785 (166): The Nexus arrives in Andomeda and encounters the Scourge many were lost and only a few were woken up from stasis, Valesska was one of them. A few months latter Saloteia was killed during the mutiny.
        2785 (167): The Human Ark Hyperion finally arrived and the Pathfinder secured an outpost on Eos where she was sent to research the Rem-Tech.
        Voice: Katy Townsend
        Theme Song: Silhouette by Owl City and When Angel's Fly Away by Cold

{ Face Claim - James McAvoy }

“I always hate getting flashbacks from things that I don’t want to remember.”

        Name: Azriel
        Affiliations: Castiel, Seraphim
        Age: Unknown but it is known that he was created a few hundred years prior to Castiel, Vessel is Twenty Six
        Gender: Male
        Species: Angel
        Fandom: Supernatural
        Cannon/Oc: OC
        Room: Black
        Height: 5'3"
        Weight: 125lbs
        Defining Features: He has a very strong Scottish accent
        Sexuality: Asexual Homoromantic
        Powers: Low-tier powers: Angelic Possession, Astral Projection, Dream Walking, Electronic Manipulation, Immortality, Invulnerability, Localization, Regeneration, Reality Warping, Sedation, Super Stamina, Super Strength, Super Senses, Supernatural Perception, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Flight, Temporal Awareness, Voice Mimicry, Protective Charm, Terrakinesis, Resurrection, Teleportation
        Mid-tier powers: Advanced Smiting, Biokinesis, Memory Manipulation, Advanced Pyrokinesis, Soul Reading/Channeling, Power Negation, Advanced Healing, Holy White Light, Hypnotism
        High-tier powers: Immunity(Limited immunity to Holy Fire - It only hurts him rather than being fatal, The Colt)
        Specialized powers: Super Speed
        Weakness: Lucifer's Cage, Enochian sigil, Hexbag, Brain Penetration, Horn of Gabriel Sigil, Angel trap, Angel Imprisoning Sigil, Alcohol, Grace Removal, Angel Depowering Spell, Weak Vessels, Blood Seal, Exorcism Chant, Expelling Angels Spell, Vessel Expulsion, Eve, Lack of independence, Magic, Weapons of Heaven, Hand of God, Anti-Christ, Magical Brass Knuckles carved with Enochian Sigils, Angel Depowering Sigil, Hyperbolic pulse generator, Archangel Blade, Death's Scythe, Naomi's torture implement, The First Blade, Energy Focusing Sigil, Primordial Entities
        Personality: He is a quiet, so quiet people sometimes forget he is even in the room. That being said the quiet is what he likes best, his strengths are extraordinary observational skills. He is constantly calculating variables and using cause and effect to determine his newt course of action. With that he also plans a few steps ahead, this is because he is a pretty paranoid and has trouble with believing that nothing is an accident, therefore everything is done with a purpose which more often than not makes him feel like people are out to get him. He does not however act upon these instincts unless he is forced to or it has a high probability of injuring either himself or one of his friends. He has an extremely level mind, and a calm cool and collected in any type of situation. He has a hard to really expressing his emotions and his version of facial expressions is vastly different from everyone else around him in the aspect that his face shows very little difference between happy or sad or mad or interested ect.
        Positives: Serious, Doesn't get upset or angry easily, Can adapt to almost any situation
        Negatives: Has no qualms with killing, Will sometimes take observing to far
        History: In the past he was a lesser known Seraphim however when prompted he becomes Castiel's main battering ram in battles. He has exceptional speed and prefers to use two angel blades as opposed to one which is what now makes him well known. Prior to being forced out of heaven he was all but unknown to the hunters due to the fact that he spent very little time on Earth. However after he was forced out of heaven he just wandered aimlessly and in turn turn ended up running into many hunters and in a few rare occurrences was known to join a hunt for an angel gone rouge. He still spends most of his time on Earth even though Heaven is once again open to angels and souls, mostly because he is searching for Castiel.
        Voice: James McAvoy
        Theme Song: Bird with a Broken Wing by Owl City & Please by Staind

{ Face Claim - Matt Bomer }

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."

        Name: Jason Stark
        Age: Twenty Two
        Affiliations: The Avengers
        Gender: Male
        Species: Human
        Fandom: Marvel/The Avengers
        Cannon/Oc: OC
        Room: Gray
        Height: 5'9"
        Weight: 158lb
        Sexuality: Bisexual Panromantic
        Powers: Jason is a regular human being, however like his father he is genius and has a knack for building things. With a little assistance from his father he had built several suits for himself and for his other siblings thus taking on a version of the Iron Man Mantle. His own suit was a silver grey with highlights of cobalt blue, which resembled The War Machine in color. However when he supposedly died his things were placed in a bunker in New York. Without his power suit he is nothing more than a very talented martial artist.
        Weakness: Jason is completely human meaning without his suit he can be injured pretty easily. Well if one can manage to catch him. Due to years of torture he has a severe fear of needles. He is also very withdrawn and is a little behind on current events.
        Personality: Jason is calm cool a collected all the time, he always has a plan for everything though he is chill enough to deviate from said plans if the need arises. He is not very talkative and prefers to let others do the talking but if prompted he is willing to share his thoughts, however it has to be prompted. He will not give out his ideas and thoughts unless it is necessary. He is very smart and often it seems as though he is much older than he really is just due to his wisdom. likes to refer to it as having an old soul which while doesn't believe in such things agrees that it makes some sense. He has become even more serious and withdrawn in his years being held by villains. It is also the only reason he is even alive.
        Plus traits: Calm, Cool, Collected, Has a plan for everything
        Negative traits: Can be a bit oblivious, Has trouble fitting into the current world
        Family: Tony Stark
        History: He was kidnapped by a group of villains who wanted to have some Stark tech for themselves. Prior to being kidnapped by a group of villains he was very close to his father, perhaps the closest of all his siblings. In order to keep the other hero's from pursing after them the group of villains faked Jason's death. He only just recently escaped which is why nobody will be looking for him, he is also not at all surprised to have ended up here. To be honest he has started to expect things like this to happen.
        Voice: Brian Bloom
        Theme Song: On My Own by Ashes Remain & Titanum By Boyce Avenue
Last edited by Zyn on Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: the academy of..? -- discussion.

Postby puppypillar » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:31 pm


    ( Name ) Amaros
    ( Nicknames ) none, he hates nicknames, but hunters who he affiliates with often call his ross, contriary to the actual pronunciation of his name.
    ( Age ) Unknown, probably a couple millennia, one of those first few angels after the archangels.
    ( Gender ) Male, but doesn't mind female or male vessels.
    ( Looks ) amaros's vessel, a 24 year old man, has fluffy brown hair with a noticeable quiff at the from, and odd light brown eyes that appear quite golden to people. his skin is fair colored and light freckles are splayed across his nose and cheeks, noticeable against his light skin. he's 5'11, a tiny bit above the average height for males.
    ( Species+Powers ) angelic possession, astral projection, dream walking, electronic manipulation, immortality, slight invulnerability, localization, regeneration, reality warping (only strong angels), sedation, smiting, advanced stamina, advanced strength, super senses, telekinesis, telepathy, voice mimicry, pyrokinesis, and terrakinesis. of course, only some of the powers are available to amaros, since he isn't a seraphim/seraph, and the abilities have been nerfed due to the fall of the angels. being at the mansion itself will nerf them even more.

    ( + Traits ) curious, quick-witted, excitable, and loyal.
    ( - Traits ) distrustful, tempered, obsessive, and hateful.
    ( Sexuality ) asexual panromantic
    ( Family ) all angels, god, amara
    ( Crush ) none yet
    ( Other ) amber room


    ( Name ) ruel
    ( Nicknames ) none
    ( Age ) 16
    ( Gender ) Male
    ( Looks ) ruel is a naturally dark blue-green headed boy, since that's normal in pokemon. the color of his hair is often compared to that of a snorlax's, and he was always teased about it. contrary to his hair, his eyes are a dark chocolate brown. He has pale skin and usually wears pale reds and blues.
    ( Species+Powers ) no powers, but his dragonair and stufful can use their own moves. he is a human, more commonly referred to as a pokemon trainer.

    ( + Traits ) to be rped
    ( - Traits ) to be discovered
    ( Sexuality ) asexual heteromantic
    ( Family ) his mom and dad joseph and terra
    ( Pokemon ) Ruel uses a 87 level female Dragonair and a 65 level female shiny Stufful, both holding Everstones because he isn't fond of their evolutions. He always carries around his Stufful (part out of pride for his shiny, but mostly affection) and sometimes keeps the Dragonair in the pokeball.
    ( Other ) purple room

    ( Name ) The Author, or Architelephlazoporitus, but that's a bit hard to pronounce.
    ( Nicknames ) The Author, or Archite from close Time Lord friends. (ex, the only one he knows exists, his best friend the Nemesis)
    ( Age ) 794
    ( Gender ) male
    ( Looks ) The Author has fluffy black hair with a noticable quiff at the front, and gray-brown eyes. His skin is a fair tone, normal for people who live in London. He's tall and skinny, and quite energetic.
    ( Species+Powers ) The Author is a Time Lord, a race that died out long ago in a great war called the Time War. Before the Doctor did his thing, the Author and his best friend the Nemesis escaped in her TARDIS, having been chased away by Daleks threatening their lives. The Nemesis, who had gotten her TARDIS quite recently, didn't know how to pilot it, so they landed on Earth in the shape of a red phone box. The TARDIS was essentially useless and drained of all it's energies, so the Author and the Nemesis hid. They heard of Gallifrey's (their home planet) demise from aliens who also had taken refuge on Earth, only knowing of the Doctor as an enemy since his reputation on Gallifrey wasn't the best. They requested for UNIT to protect them from him, I'm return for them to help defend Earth. Unbeknownst to them, they told the pair of Time lords that the Doctor brought the aliens to Earth, putting them against him. Time Lords can regenerate when fatally injured, which basically gives them a new body, face, and basic personality traits. Time Lords also display slight telepathic abilities, allowing them to enter people's minds and letting people enter their's.

    ( + Traits ) eccentric, energetic, excitable, clever/witty, caring, and likes to see the beauty in everything (a trait most old Time Lords lacked)
    ( - Traits ) stubborn, tempered, protective, pessimistic, and often gets really bad migraines if he doesn't know how to solve something.
    ( Sexuality ) asexual biromantic
    ( Family ) he counts the Nemesis as his family
    ( Information ) nothing much
    ( Other ) gray room

    ( Name ) foster mcallister
    ( Nicknames ) mcallister, fost
    ( Age ) 15
    ( Gender ) male
    ( Looks ) foster has messy gray-brown hair with dull blue eyes. his skin is pale, probably from living in a remote town near the top of the uk, where it the sun never seemed to shine. he wears baggy jeans a t shirts. wolf looks. his wolf form is day grey with fur that never seems to lie completely straight. it has shocking golden eyes, and a dark gray-pearl colored underbelly.
    ( Species+Powers ) foster is a wolfblood (werewolf) from the tv series wolfblood. he can't shift easily on his own will, since he's just a juvenile. anything that gets his heartbeat up will make him change, and fire will make him almost change, but it can easily be overpowered by will. wolfbloods are terrified of fire. they way they change is different, also. they're eyes irises turn a glowing golden yellow and their veins turn black, looking gray under their skin. usually on their hands, but if held back too long, could creep onto their face. after that they turn into wolves; slightly larger than normal ones, but not that much. as humans, they have advanced senses and if someone takes a photo with their direct eye contact, their eyes make a flash so you can't really see much.

    ( + Traits ) shy, quiet, swift, ambitious, clever, sly, and cunning
    ( - Traits ) tempered, indecisive, anxious/nervous, paranoid, and distrusting ( i feel like all of my characters have these traits lol )
    ( Sexuality ) asexual panromantic (again, all of my characters have this sexuality)
    ( Family ) adoptive. he has a sister named rylee, who is also adoptive
    ( Information ) fandom is wolfblood
    ( Other ) green room
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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby GoodbyeYall » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:19 pm

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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby puppypillar » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:55 am

accepted! welcome to the roleplay.
what room do you want her to be in?
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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby GoodbyeYall » Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:28 pm

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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby Daisygurl28 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:09 am

Heloo there! I'd like to join! Can I be the AU of my favorite Character? It's fine if not, I just normally use my AU instead owo
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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby puppypillar » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:01 pm

.. uh, sure? i think it'll classify as an oc, though. just give a little explanation of your au in the history section of your form.
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Re: welcome back -- discussion.

Postby FaerieBoy » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:28 pm

Mark, if you don't mind.
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. my characters .

Postby Vixen Luo » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:43 pm

    name;; sorey
    gender;; male
    age;; 17
    species;; human
    sexuality;; bisexual
    personality;; sorey is an incredibly trusting person; being raised by seraphim, he has not known betrayal in his life yet, and therefore is far too eager to get to know someone without taking a moment to consider trickery or anything of the sort. as such, the only danger he knows in his life are monsters or beasts, and not people or their emotions. he is a very careful and observant boy, one with an adventurous and reckless streak, and an undying passion for history. he can be a lot to handle sometimes when his passion flares, but nonetheless he is sweet and pure to a T; surely the epitome of untainted. that being said, he can let things get to him easily, especially when regarding close friends or anything he has not experienced before. he continues to be fascinated by people, however, as they are somewhat of a new thing in his life now. despite his kind streak, he can be a dangerous opponent, although rarely is he one to go picking fights; his battles are only of the defensive or protective nature.
    history;; from birth, sorey was raised by seraphim (elemental spirits / deities) and thus granted resonance, which allowed for him to be able to see them. he grew alongside his best friend, a seraph child named mikleo, and lived in peace in his village for seventeen full years before he ventured out after meeting a human girl by the name of alisha. not long after his journey began, sorey wound up in the position of the shepherd, a powerful one who shared the power of the seraphim to eliminate malevolence from the world and purify the consequential hellions caused by the sins and impurity of the people who lived in it. from then on, he set out to purify the world of malevolence; that's pretty much all i should say.
    fandom;; tales of zestiria
    abilities;; normally, sorey is granted the power of armatization (a temporary fusion of himself and one of his four elemental seraph allies) but since he does not have any of his friends present, he is only able to use his own artes (magic abilities) and personal skill with the sword. he is well-trained at hand-to-hand combat as well, but much rather prefers a sword if fighting a hellion. he is capable of using the power of purification, even without his seraphim, although for the sake of the rp his artes will be down to a minimum or left unused since i doubt it would be necessary.
    room;; white

    name;; eizen
    gender;; male
    age;; he's lived for about 1000 years, but his mental age is about early to mid twenties.
    species;; malak / seraph
    sexuality;; ehh....questioning i guess idk. i'll say heterosexual for now. ^^
    personality;; eizen is relatively stoic in person, hardly one for much conversation unless something or someone happens to spike his interest or mention something he has words to say for. He can become impassioned, of course, when talking of things he knows about, especially when it comes to theiron historical values; as such an aged being, he has come to learn of many historical backgrounds and legacies. He rarely gets too angry about something, although it's easy for him to get annoyed or disinterested in someone. For the most part, he can act as a powerful confidant for anyone he travels with, and holds the utmost respect for those who return it to him -- or he deems them worthy of it regardless.
    fandom;; tales of berseria
    abilities;; he's an earth malak / seraph (same thing really), so he is capable of casting different sorts of spells (earth, revival/healing, wind, etc.) as well as hand-to-hand combat, what he excels at. He, like every seraph, possesses a blessing--but his blessing is a curse, quite literally named the Reaper's Curse. It grants him awful luck, and as such anyone who may travel with him may end up meeting a foul end or unfortunate situation.
    dorm room;; red

    wip! finishing shortly, switching to mobile
Last edited by Vixen Luo on Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
    please stop asking me to give you my viscets. thank you!
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