For Future Reference [xXLizzzieXx's form and charries]

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For Future Reference [xXLizzzieXx's form and charries]

Postby Princess Porcelain » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:38 am

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[center][size=85]Full Name || Nickname || Age || Species ||[/size][/center]





[center][size=85][b]DESCRIPTION[If there is no pic available.][/b][/size][/center]


[center][size=85][b]HOME LIFE[/b][/size][/center]


[center][size=85][b]FEARS, STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES[/b][/size][/center]


[center][size=85][b]LOVES, HATES, ENEMIES & FRIENDS[/b][/size][/center]


[center][size=85][b]EXTRA INFORMATION[/b][/size][/center]

Last edited by Princess Porcelain on Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
    Oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go!
    Everything that I want, I want from you
    But I just can't have you!
    Everything that I need, I need from you!
    But I just can't have you!

    "Stray Heart" - Green Day

    -Red/Porcelain-genderfluid[no pronoun preference]-panromantic demi-pansexual-Christian-infp-likes dark corners-avoids sunlight-has fabulous hair-harry potter fanfiction-

    Name's Porcelain, but I used to be -Red the Wolf-, so Red is fine too. Please excuse long periods of absence as my parents are currently in the middle of a divorce and basically my only reason to get on is to try and write my fanfiction. Link is above, feel free to check it out and comment if you're feeling nice.
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Re: For Future Reference [xXLizzzieXx's form and charries]

Postby Princess Porcelain » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:39 am


Harmony Aerie Jackson || Minnie, Harmony, Jackson, Aerie, Ari || 18 || Human with Dragon Wings/Powers ||


Harmony is generally a happy person, and is the exact opposite of her sister. She is trusting, somewhat gullible, and overly optimistic, always expecting the best to come of the plans people make. She is always there when you need a friend, and is encouraging to those around her. She listens to advice and always has a back-up plan in case something or other doesn't work. She always looks for the best in people and enjoys the bright, cheery, and friendly aspects of life, almost completely ignoring the depressing, grouchy side of life that her sister has taken to heart. She is always one to speak her mind, but she does it in a nice way, so as not to disturb others. She is very comforting to be around, and has somewhat of a protective air around her. She oozes confidence, and she is not easily insulted, most of the time ignoring the things other people say, because she knows they're probably just jealous.

She is also somewhat prideful, and she enjoys her good looks and charming physique. She can always manage to catch at least one boy's eye, because she is very flirtatious and humorous, and she loves to make people think she likes them, when she really just considers them friends. Harmony loves to gather to herself as many people as possible, and would make a good candidate for the popular crowd. She is smart, hilarious, kind, and absolutely adorable. She could spend ages talking to people, as she has a sort of talent for collecting friends.

Other than that, though, Harmony has a passion for books of every genre, nonfiction, fantasy, history, and anything else you could name. She aspires to become an author, but laments the fact that that position is unavailable to her. She is extremely determined, and when she wants something, her determination will see to it that she gets it, because she and her sister share their stubbornness. She absolutely loves to argue with her sister about anything and everything, just to annoy her because she knows it will. Even though she knows her sister is probably right about some of the things they discuss, she refuses to give up ground to a pessimist.

Harmony is also very athletic, and early in the morning, she takes the opportunity to run through the forest. She is never caught without a good pair of combat boots or running shoes on, so she is always ready to go. She, unlike her sister, is quite clumsy, though -- she couldn't keep from knocking everything over even if her life depended on it. As well as being the class clown, she is also the class klutz, which is one thing her sister finds amusing.


Harmony Jackson was born at 12:28 AM to Iris and James Jackson in a hospital in Orlando, Florida, the eldest of a set of fraternal twins. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her twin sister, Aimee, and her father became very depressed. When Harmony and Aimee were two, her father remarried and had a third child with his new wife, though he had almost an entire year as a drunkard in order to hide his pain at having lost Iris. On the night of Harmony and Aimee's fifth birthday, he came home in a drunken rage and began to abuse everyone in the house until he passed out of exhaustion.

Over the next five years, their father's abuse got worse and included insults about Harmony's "mutant" wings. One night when she was ten, their father returned from Charlie's Bar enraged and fresh from a fight. He beat his son and their stepmother to death before shooting himself with a pistol. Harmony and Aimee hid in the attic until the police came. Harmony was sent to the laboratory, while Aimee was put up for adoption. Eventually, Aimee got a job as an assassin for the same laboratory, and Harmony was released onto the island shortly afterward.


Harmony is a very attractive girl. She has long, straight-as-a-pin pale golden-blonde hair that reaches her waist and long bangs that reach her eyebrows and cut straight across her forehead. She has large, bright sapphire-blue eyes with ice-blue and neon green flecks framed by long eyelashes that dominate most of her face. She has slightly pointed ears and lips and an oval-shaped face. She has pale, creamy white skin and a lithe, flexible build that makes her movements seem almost catlike. She has silver dragon wings that span twelve feet to either side and she is and average height, being about 5'7".


Since she has been released, Harmony has lived in a cave, where she has set up a little laboratory of her own and is constantly experimenting with different things. She lives alone and rarely has visitors, except for when her sister, Aimee, comes to stay the night while she is on a mission. She catches food, cooks, and cleans for herself and rarely has anything to do with the outside world.


She is a brilliant writer and an expert with a traps and nets; she is an excellent florist/herbalist and she can identify poisonous plants from edible ones. She is also brilliant when it comes to making clothes. She can also control any hunting tools with her mind.

She is not a brilliant fighter, and she is a klutz.

Harmony fears snakes, spiders, and wolves.


Harmony is amazing when it comes to flowers -- she can tell you the name of almost any flower in existence. She also arranges flowers rather well, and she aspires to become a florist, though he once again laments that this is not open to her, either. She also loves the sounds of nature -- the clear, laughing sound of a river rushing by, the rustle of leaves in autumn, and the happy sound of chittering animals in the spring.

Harmony has never been partial to weaponry -- combat of any sort takes all of her energy, and, last time she was in combat with anything -- person, animal, or plant, I will not say which -- she suffered serious wounds, and would have bled to death, had someone not found him.

Harmony has very few enemies, seeing as she is open and friendly toward everyone she meets.

Harmony loves her sister, Aimee, and if anyone hurts her, she will take her revenge.


Harmony's power is the ability to control weapons with her mind, though it is not of much use, now is it? X3 Also, as for her sexuality, she is definitely straight, and as for her relationship status, she is single at present. :) She is from this RP.

Aimee Emory Jackson || Aimee, Emory, Jackson, Em, Mimi || 18 || Normal Human ||


Emory is a tough cookie with a long and complicated history, and she doesn't trust anyone except herself with her past, present, or future. She prefers to spend most of her time in a dark room, alone, where she can sit and think in solitude, and she won't listen to anyone's opinions on her life, as she doesn't care for them, anyway. She can't stand the company of any other animals or humans, and if you walk into the room, you had better have a good reason, because she is the kind of girl to bite your head off if you're just looking for something to do. She evades most questions about her life, and, should she ever want to speak with you, don't get cocky, because she will just as soon kill you as become your friend. She rarely speaks, and she won't let anyone do anything for her, even if she's sick and she knows she's on the verge of death. She is very prideful, but not vain, and if you insult or hurt her or one of her friends, prepare to die, because she will kill you if she gets the chance.

She is as stubborn a a mule, and when she makes up her mind, she won't change her opinions. She can be called somewhat bossy. She isn't afraid to say what others won't, she has even said things that could get her killed before.


Emory Jackson was born at 12:43 AM to Iris and James Jackson in a hospital in Orlando, Florida, the youngest of a set of fraternal twins. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her, and her father became very depressed. When Emory and Harmony were two, her father remarried and had a third child with his new wife, though he had almost an entire year as a drunkard in order to hide his pain at having lost Iris. On the night of Emory and Harmony's fifth birthday, he came home in a drunken rage and began to abuse everyone in the house until he passed out of exhaustion.

Over the next five years, their father's abuse got worse and included insults about Harmony's "mutant" wings. One night when she was ten, their father returned from Charlie's Bar enraged and fresh from a fight. He beat his son and their stepmother to death before shooting himself with a pistol. Emory and Harmony hid in the attic until the police came. Harmony was sent to the laboratory, while Aimee was put up for adoption. She was then adopted by Kate and John Banning, and lived with them for eight years, before getting a job at the laboratory as an assassin.


Emory has flowing, glossy, silky ebony hair that reaches just below her knees, which is usually in a braid, she has vivid, large bright green eyes that stand out against her extremely pale skin, so pale that moon-white does not describe it correctly, framed by dark eyelashes and curved eyebrows that taper of at a parallel to her eyes. She is lean, muscular, and well-built, and she stands at around 5'7", an average height for one her age. She has soft facial features and pale, baby pink lips, that make her seem the opposite of who she really is: a fierce warrior, who walks alone on life's path. She never wears dresses -- her wardrobe consists of shirts, pants, and boots. She is never caught without some type of blade, whether it be an ivory dagger or a steel sword, and she always keeps her gun at her back, and often keeps weapons up her sleeves, in her boots, or under her shirt. She is the exact opposite of her sister in every respect.


Emory lives at the laboratory with the scientists, and usually keeps to herself, keeping her door locked so that no one can come in. She never leaves her home unless she is sent on a mission, and when she is done with her mission, she goes straight back to her house and stays there.


Emory is excellent with all types of weapons; she can kill anything if she puts her mind to it, which spells doom for those that get on her nerves. She is excellent at hiding and spying, and she can lie in wait for hours if she has to in order to catch whatever she might be hunting, whether it be person or animal. She can stay completely silent for hours on end, never speaking so much as five words, and she is brilliant when it comes to stalking things.

The downside to that is that she is extremely hot-tempered and often kills whatever causes her to be in a bad mood without a second thought; she is also extremely antisocial and socially inept. Her social ineptitude is quite strange, though it is to be expected. She can't stand any children, and she has been known to lock particularly annoying children in closets.

Aside from that, her fears are the death of her adopted parents, Harmony being put in any danger, period, and Harmony being hurt by anyone or anything. If anyone hurts her sister, she will kill them, no questions asked. Though she may consider Harmony annoying, she loves her sister very much and will never want to see her hurt.


Emory likes being as far away from organic life forms as possible. She cannot stand being near anyone or anything for more than five minutes, and holding a conversation for more than a few seconds is unheard of for her. If you ask her a yes or no question, she is likely to respond with a nod or a shake of the head, and if you ask her any other type of questions, she will likely either ignore you or tell you to 'shut your trap'(a direct quote from her). Emory loves to bide her time practicing with her blade, bullets, and dagger. With her blade, she is nothing short of an expert, she is the best swordswoman in the entire country. She has an infallible aim with her bullets, daggers, and sword -- she never misses her mark, which is usually either a human's chest or an animal's eye.

On the other side of the coin, Emory despises large crowds, and she will never be near one for more than a few seconds at a time. Festivals, however, are worse, as she sometimes lashes out at people nearby when she is at a festival. People who say obvious things are another one of her dislikes, and they often get killed if they annoy Emory and ignore her threats. Emory never has, and never will, make idle threats. If she says she is going to kill you, watch your back, because soon you'll have a knife in it if you don't. Emory also cannot stand small children, as she considers them annoying and impractical. She does not like to hear them yell and scream, as it gives her headaches and she does not like headaches. She has vowed that she will never have a child, and, should she go back on this vow, it will only be for an extremely brilliant reason. Emory is not one to like having her weapons confiscated, as a matter of fact, she will kill you if you touch her blade, dagger, arrows, or any other sharp, torturous objects she might have.

Emory has many enemies, though one of her capital enemies is her ex-best friend, Jason, whom she knows seeks to destroy her, should he ever see her again. His sister, Alex, is another enemy, seeing as she tends to take Jason's side on everything and despises Emory because Jason does.

Consequently, Emory has a very small circle of friends. Her adopted brother, Jasper, is one of her best friends and for the past few years, she has considered him more than a friend. Seeing as they are not related, they already know it would be a sensible idea to just get married when they're older, though most people laugh at the thought, since Jasper is younger than Emory. Emory would do anything for Jasper, because she loves him very much and thinks the world of him. Emory's second-favorite person is her biological sister, Harmony, whom she would do anything for. Emory's third-favorite person is her adopted sister, Suri, whom she enjoys more than anything because Suri is cute, talkative, and fun to be around. The five-year-old is one of the three people Emory would protect with her life, Jasper included. Mrs. Banning is also one of Jade's friends, seeing as she took her in when she was ten. She loves Mrs. Banning as if she were her real mother, and would do anything to please her.


Emory is straight, and as for her relationship status, she is definitely single, though it would be very hard to make her fall in love with anyone. She is from this RP.


Artemis Alistair Johnson || Alistair, Alice || Seventeen || Demigod ||


For the most part, Alistair seems like a cold, distant, and somewhat mean girl who can't stand anything on the planet. She is a cynic, a skeptic, and extremely pessimistic, rarely expecting anything good to come of the plans that she or anyone else made. She deals in the cold, hard truth, and she delivers only pain to those who expect her to comfort them. She never jokes around, and is always dead serious, even when you think she might be joking. She leads everyone to believe that being disappointed and expecting the worst will be better than expecting everything to go perfectly and thinking that plans are infallible. She can be extremely persuasive in her own pessimistic way, and could probably convince a snake it was a stick if she could talk to it. She is sarcastic, and often makes witty remarks, headstrong, and she never listens to advice or asks for help, even if she knows she's likely to die if she doesn't, and she is somewhat cruel, in such a way that she is able to inflict pain on others without speaking. Just one look into her eyes, and most instantly find her intimidating.

She never has, and never will trust anyone except herself with her past, present, or future, and she never tells secrets. Once something enters her mind, it never leaves. When she has the mind to do something, there is no stopping her, she will hold onto that thought as if her life depended on it. She can't be bothered to tell the difference between one person and the other half the time, as she is not that brilliant with names, and can only remember faces. She is quick to become angry, quick to react, and quick to become calm again, but if she becomes angry and her revenge is not carried out, she will hold a grudge against you until either you die or she gets what she wants. She can be described as somewhat antisocial or stuck-up, but that's just because she finds people on the whole unintelligent and not worth her time. She holds everyone to a certain standard, a standard which she holds herself to as well, and if someone falls short of her standards, she is quick to turn her back on them.

It would be extremely hard for someone to gain Alistair's trust, even if she knows you well, she will often try to find something you're keeping from her, a secret you're holding back, a lie that you told, anything that will justify her distrust of you. Sometimes, she will spend days, months, or even years just watching you to see how you act around others, and only when she's found enough information will she approach you. This might be considered cowardice, but she's just making sure you're not going to stab her in the back if she turns her back on you for three seconds. She is also an extremely brilliant actress and an even better liar, and she is able to get almost anything she wants with her acting and persuasion skills combined.

Evelyn is not vain -- as a matter of fact, in her opinion, she looks like the ugly duckling who never grew up. Because of this, she usually wears black eyeliner and a little bit of blush just to make her stand out a little bit. She wears mascara sometimes, though very rarely, and often spends her time before school fixing her makeup. She does not believe she is superior to anyone else, though she can easily outmaneuver an opponent in a debate and seem that way.


"Ask, and you're not likely to wake up in the morning."

DESCRIPTION[If there is no pic available.]


Alistair lives with her fiancee, Jasper, and their triplets, Saphira, Timothy, and Joseph in a small house in Greece. She loves her family very much and would do anything for them, though she is currently battling Aphrodite [yes, the goddess], who is jealous of her and wants to steal her youngest son, Timothy.


Alistair is afraid of heights, due to the fact that when she was three, she was in a treehouse her father had built her, and when he had his back turned for a second to look at something, he accidentally elbowed her and she came tumbling out of the tree. She probably would have died, were it not for the trampoline below the tree.

Alistair also fears snakes, due to the fact that when she was six, her little sister Anajali was bitten by a snake and died within minutes.

She also fears loud noises, because her father once shot a gun and didn't realize she was standing close to him, and it busted her eardrum so that she had to have 3 surgeries on her ear.

Alistair is brilliant at keeping secrets and telling lies, and she is extremely intelligent. She is cunning, and she can think of almost anything quickly if she is confronted directly. She can easily talk her way out of almost any situation and is brilliant at coming up wit things on the spur of the moment.


Alistair loves reading and being left alone. She also loves her three children and her fiancee, Jasper, who is her best friend.


Alistair is straight and is engaged to Jasper. She has three children and she is a demigod. She is at the mansion because she apparently killed someone and didn't remember it. She is from this RP.

Saphira Kayla Crawford || Saphira, Kay || Newborn || Cursed/Immortal Child ||


Saphira is a strong-willed, stubborn child who is extremely persistent when she wants something and will make sure her will is carried out at all costs. She prefers to do things for herself and would rather die than be waited on hand and foot, as she is claustrophobic and doesn't like being crowded. She is friendly and helpful when she wants to be, and is generally an optimist/realist, and is somewhat of a pacifist and tries to avoid confrontations when she can, though when she is in the mood, she can start an argument and win it, too. She is cunning and intelligent, and can outwit almost anyone in a debate and make their subject null and void, thanks to her mother's brilliant training in that area.

Saphira hates to travel, though she is forced to by a curse placed on her the day she was born. The moment she is able to crawl, she will not be allowed to stay in any one place more than a few days at a time. She will be compelled to move to a different location. She hates this curse and detests the fact that it is there, and will stop at nothing to find a way to defy it.

Saphira is also very romantic and loves to dance and sing, and she is very flirtatious when she decides she wants to be. She loves talking to people and making friends, though she is nervous around new people and crowds make her hyperventilate unless someone is with her that can talk some sense into her.


Saphira was born at 3:06 PM to Alistair Johnson and Jasper Crawford in a small hospital in Greece. When she was born, the Greek goddess Aphrodite placed a curse upon her that forces her to mature rapidly, and once she is fully mature, she will be immortal for all eternity, but she will be in constant pain. The curse can only be broken if she finds love and doesn't betray it.


Saphira has short, glossy black hair that reaches her shoulders and curls inward toward her neck. She has long bangs that reach her eyebrows and cut across her forehead in a straight line. She has her mother's facial features, except for her eyes, which are a shimmering bright blue and are framed by long, dark eyelashes. She has her mother's pale skin and athletic build, and she has a black six-pointed star on her forehead that shows she is cursed.


She currently lives with her parents and her two brothers, Timothy and Joseph, in a small house in Greece, and is happy there.


Saphira is brilliant at debating and/or arguing, and could outmaneuver anyone in a debate. She is extremely persuasive and could probably convince a snake it was a stick if she tried. She doesn't like fights, but it confronted she is a brilliant warrior and could kill pretty much anyone on sight. Like her mother, she is excellent with weapons of all types and can aim with accuracy every time she shoots. She is extremely intelligent and cunning, and can think up anything on the spur of the moment.

Saphira is not that brilliant around people, as she tends to get nervous around new people and large crowds, which causes social ineptitude unless someone is there that can control her. She is easily tired of social gatherings and does not enjoy being crowded, seeing as she has claustrophobia.

Saphira is afraid of crowds, ducks, and the number eight.


Saphira loves having friends around to talk to, and she could spend all day with her friends. She is always sensible and loves thinking of plans and such. She loves practicing with her mother's weapons and being out in the country, where she can be away from the cities. She loves being at parties and such, though she isn't usually invited. She also loves black cats, broken mirrors, and the number thirteen. She absolutely adores her black cat, Silver, and would do anything for him.

To start on her hates, Saphira absolutely despises ducks. For whatever reason, she never liked the sound rubber ducks make, and therefore started hating all ducks. She also hates large crowds, due to the fact that she had claustrophobia, and the number eight is not one of her best friends, either, for whatever reason. She finds it strange that anyone would want to hang a horseshoe on a wall, and she doesn't like the idea of keeping rabbits' feet around.

As for her enemies, I would definitely say the goddess Aphrodite and the goddess Hera.

Saphira's friends are the goddesses Artemis and Hecate, and her mother, Alistair.


Saphira is straight and is from this RP.

Kaile Bianca Jenkins || Kaile, Bianca || 16 || Human With Wings/Avian Hybrid ||


On the surface, Bianca seems like a very antisocial, cold, and distant girl who refuses to go anywhere where other people are, and only comes out at night, when the other inmates are already asleep. She hates being around others and could care less about the entire planet, the only thing she wants is to be left alone. She despises the human race, and wishes she could be anything but human. If you delve a little deeper into Bianca's heart, you may find a goody-two-shoes who does not like to get her hands dirty and seems a rather unsavory character to be around. She never steps out of line and is somewhat of a snitch, telling those in power the errors of those below her and of her own rank. She never does anything bad, and keeps many secrets that she won't tell anyone except a select few. If you do the one thing no one ever does, and dig still deeper into Bianca's life, you will find a shy, scared girl who does not hate the world, but thinks it safer to stay away from others so that she does not harm them or hurt them on accident. She is the kind of girl who just needs a shoulder to cry on, a friend to joke with, and, much later in life, a spouse who cares. Once you've learned all of Bianca's secrets, you will find a funny, charming girl who only wants to be a friend and mentor to those around her, but doesn't quite know how. She is a devout Christian, and fiercely loyal to what she believes in and her friends and family. She would die for those she loves, and she is one of the very few that still believes that love is not an emotion, but a gift given to us by God to share with others.


Bianca was born at 2:28 PM to Jim and Amy Jenkins in the lab's infirmary room. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to her and her father was electrocuted to death by the scientists within days of her birth. She spent several months in the infirmary room, where she was cared for by the scientists. When she was five, she started showing signs of wings, and thus was put in a cage. Since then, she has spent most of her life in a cage, being tested on.


Bianca's skin, due to her lack of sunlight, is an extremely pale color that is nearly moon-white, though it does retain part of its health, so as to not look too disturbing when viewed by others. If, however, she did manage to get more sunlight, her skin would be either a peachy color or tan, depending on how much sunlight she got, and what season it was, as her skin tone is slightly lighter in the winter. Bianca's hair is an extremely dark brown, which, from a distance or in dim light, can seem black. Her hair cascades down her back, reaching her calves, and is extremely thick, so thick that almost nothing can hold it back. It also has curls, wonderfully beautiful curls inherited from her mother. Bianca's hair is quite lustrous, shining and beautiful when viewed by others. It also almost never seems ruffled or messed up, a fact which baffles many people. Bianca's eyes are a very light moss-green, so as to almost be emerald green, but just barely missing it. They have flecks of gold, dark blue, and brown in them, and remind one of a peaceful forest in the middle of the countryside. The light in them most often contradicts the things her eyes remind one of, because Bianca's eyes either seem cold, distant, and uncaring, or they are cast in an eerie light that tells of hardships unknown. Very rarely do they ever seem to hold a tone of kindness or friendliness in them, as Bianca has seen too much to be expected to believe that anyone could care for her. Bianca is quite short, being only 5'3" and weighing around 120 pounds, not including her extra appendages. She makes up for her lack of height with extreme strength that one would not expected to be harnessed in her fragile frame. Though she looks quite skinny and fragile, as if touching her might make her disintegrate, she holds untold strength in her slight figure, strength that can bend iron and destroy opponents completely, the kind of strength that shows through when she had resorted to anger. Besides that, though, she always seems graceful and agile, almost adding catlike qualities to her movements. Bianca usually wears tee shirts and a pair of ripped jeans, as well as either a pair of boots or tennis shoes. Bianca is an avian hybrid, with bluish-black wings that span just over six feet to either side and easily lift her slight weight off of the ground. Her feathers are glossy and beautiful, and her wings actually seem to be over-sized crow wings.


Bianca spends her time in the laboratory's gym, where she is constantly trying to figure out escape plans.


Bianca is brilliant at evading questions about her own life, while also learning more about another person, thus insuring that they are trustworthy before telling them anything about her. In a way, she is also good at comforting others, though there is not one way she could comfort herself. She sometimes wonders how this works.

Bianca is not a talented liar, and therefore often cannot keep things secret for very long unless she is extremely determined to do so. She is also quite small and can be easily hurt.

The scientists are Bianca's worst fear. During feeding time, she will wrap herself up in her wings and refuse to move until the scientists have left the vicinity. Her second-greatest fear is of thunder and other loud noises. During a storm, she often goes ballistic, falling into a rage of some sort which prevents her from moving or making sound, she just sits there, staring into space with a haunted look in her eyes.


Bianca's best friend is Blaze, her boyfriend who disappeared from the lab several months ago with his brother, Alec. HEr second-best friend is Kane, a Neko, and her third best friend is Treacy, a werewolf. Her greatest enemies are the scientists.


Kaile is straight and she is from this RP.
Last edited by Princess Porcelain on Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
    Oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go!
    Everything that I want, I want from you
    But I just can't have you!
    Everything that I need, I need from you!
    But I just can't have you!

    "Stray Heart" - Green Day

    -Red/Porcelain-genderfluid[no pronoun preference]-panromantic demi-pansexual-Christian-infp-likes dark corners-avoids sunlight-has fabulous hair-harry potter fanfiction-

    Name's Porcelain, but I used to be -Red the Wolf-, so Red is fine too. Please excuse long periods of absence as my parents are currently in the middle of a divorce and basically my only reason to get on is to try and write my fanfiction. Link is above, feel free to check it out and comment if you're feeling nice.
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Re: For Future Reference [xXLizzzieXx's form and charries]

Postby Princess Porcelain » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:40 am

    Oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go!
    Everything that I want, I want from you
    But I just can't have you!
    Everything that I need, I need from you!
    But I just can't have you!

    "Stray Heart" - Green Day

    -Red/Porcelain-genderfluid[no pronoun preference]-panromantic demi-pansexual-Christian-infp-likes dark corners-avoids sunlight-has fabulous hair-harry potter fanfiction-

    Name's Porcelain, but I used to be -Red the Wolf-, so Red is fine too. Please excuse long periods of absence as my parents are currently in the middle of a divorce and basically my only reason to get on is to try and write my fanfiction. Link is above, feel free to check it out and comment if you're feeling nice.
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Re: For Future Reference [xXLizzzieXx's form and charries]

Postby Princess Porcelain » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:41 am

    Oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go!
    Everything that I want, I want from you
    But I just can't have you!
    Everything that I need, I need from you!
    But I just can't have you!

    "Stray Heart" - Green Day

    -Red/Porcelain-genderfluid[no pronoun preference]-panromantic demi-pansexual-Christian-infp-likes dark corners-avoids sunlight-has fabulous hair-harry potter fanfiction-

    Name's Porcelain, but I used to be -Red the Wolf-, so Red is fine too. Please excuse long periods of absence as my parents are currently in the middle of a divorce and basically my only reason to get on is to try and write my fanfiction. Link is above, feel free to check it out and comment if you're feeling nice.
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Princess Porcelain
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:02 am
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