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Lucas || The Boy from Nowhere

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 7:45 am


    ➳name; lucas
    ➳age; 13
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; blonde
    ➳eyes; black
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳build; smallish and frail
    ➳height; 4'11
    ➳weight; 100 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; lucas is a child that has psi abilities. unlike most psi users, lucas lacks much offense power and relies heavily on his special move pk love which only he and claus have access to. however he also learns pk flash which boosts his offensive power. where he truly shines though is in his defensive abilities. outclassing most users when it comes to defensive moves, lucas' variety of moves include healing multiple people at once, curing any kind of status effects or injuries (even some fatal wounds, but not all), creating protective shields that sometimes can reflect attacks back, and boosting attack power of fellow psi users. he does have the potential to learn offensive psi moves such as pk fire, pk freeze, pk thunder and pk starstorm, but he hasn't discovered that within himself quite yet
    ➳weapons; lucas has a stick that he used when he is unable to use his abilities. it may seem like just a simple stick, but it packs quite the punch and is quite durable. he also has a rope snake that helps him swing to places he cannot reach on his own, grab objects far away or even coil around others

    ➳personality; lucas is an emotional boy who is often seen as a crybaby rather than a fighter. he is rather timid and shy, but does have his moments of being courageous and brave when he needs to be. he is a sweet boy most the time and is quite easy to get along with. lucas tries his best not to show much weakness in front of others, but often will break down in an emotional fit when he's by himself. unlike his twin, he is very levelheaded and tries his best to stay calm even when in the worst situations though struggles to make friends because of his shyness, but is a very lovable young child who is loyal and obedient to those he finds attachment with. the boy has a very close relationship with his brother and even though he is the younger of the two, he strives to protect his reckless brother whenever he can

    ➳history; after the loss of his mother, lucas and his brother claus went to avenge her and kill the drago that killed her, though along the way claus told him that he was too weak. that day claus went missing and lucas' family was torn apart beside him, his father, and his pet dog. soon the town he lived in was revamped by an evil man named mr. fassad and anyone who didn't reform to his ideals had their house zapped by lightning. lucas eventually teamed up with one of the town elder's sons name duster, a princess, and his dog to stop fassad from ruining their peaceful city anymore. along the way he learned his psi abilities from the magypies. after infiltrating fassad's men and taking disguise as the commander, lucas was able to destroy the lightning tower and bring an end to the lightning strikes on his town. however, fassad was after more than taking over the city and had a boy by the name of commander going around trying to locate the 7 needles that kept the dark dragon in its slumber and pull them to release the beast. soon lucas found he had the power to pull these needles as well and began to race against the commander to pull them so the dragon would be under his command rather than the boy's. after 6 of the 7 needles were pulled lucas is invited by the pork king to come to new pork city where he find out the true history of the islands they live on. him and his team then infiltrate the pigmask army headquarters and soon met the pig king himself whom they defeated after he told them where the last needle was located. on his way to the last needle, lucas encounters his father on the ground and he tells him that the masked man that went by the name commander was actually his twin brother, claus. when the the boy finally reached the needle, he came face to face with his brother, but was unable to attack him, taking hits from the other boy without fighting back until claus finally realized who he was. immediately the boy electrocuted himself and told lucas that he was sorry for what he had done and that he was going to where mom was now. after "losing" his brother, lucas mustered up the courage to pull the last needle and recreate the world, filling it with peace with the dragon's help.
    (headcanon to match claus')
    once the new world was created, lucas was surprised to see that the dragon had spared claus' life after he had requested it, though it had been unable to completely eradicate the masked man persona. he has tried hard to help his brother to get a grip on it, but has found it a much harder task than he expected, even with the help of kumatora and duster.

    ➳other; none
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Kumatora || Tomboy Princess

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 7:47 am


Don't treat me like some wussy princess! I can hold my own!

    name: princess kumatora
    nicknames: none
    gender: female
    age: 16
    sexual orientation: pansexual
    crush: none
    family: none known
    species: human


    hair: pink
    eyes: black
    skin hue: slightly tanned
    body type: average
    height: 5'5"
    weight: 120 lbs
    scars: none known
    birthmarks: none known


    weapons: Kumatora has no weapon, but she is a powerful physic
    skills: Kumatora is a psi user and is one of the more powerful users known. She has access to all offensive attacks except PK Rockin and PK Love. Her attacks include PK Fire, PK Freeze, PK Thunder, PK Flash, and PK Starstorm. She also has access to PSI shield which is one of her only defensive moves. Unlike most PSI users, she doesn't tire as quickly and is able to constantly use her abilities in battle

personality and background

    personality: True to her tomboyish nature, Kumatora is tough, to the point where she refuses to cry until the game's ending. She is also rude, calling Wess by the term, "old geezer" and quickly commenting on Duster's bad breath . She can also be rather impulsive - while trapped in Osohe Castle, she seriously considers cutting off her leg while it was caught in a bear trap and took the Egg of Light before Wess could warn her about the trapps attached to it. However, during rough situations, Kumatora does prove to be nice and caring in regards to the rest of the party, and also to others- as she went on to help Salsa escape from Fassad's abuse. She also has a resourceful streak, using her waitress disguise to remain undercover after the Pigmasks take over Nowhere Islands (though she expresses a firm distaste for them).
    history: Kumatora first arrived on the Nowhere Islands via the White Ship when she was an infant, and had no parents to take care of her. The Magypsies, primarily Ionia, decided to raise her and teach her various skills, including PSI. Her role in Tazmily Village's "story" was to be the princess of Osohe Castle, with Duster and Wess being her retainers. She first appeared in person in Chapter 2, during Duster's search of Osohe Castle for the Egg of Light. He first saw her briefly dropping down from the ceiling and running off, but had dropped her special pendant. On Duster's second trip to the castle with Wess, the two later found Kumatora with her leg caught in a trap. She did not recognize the two at first, firing off PK Freeze in self-defense, although she quickly noticed Wess and apologized for the confusion. Wess freed her leg from the trap, and she decided to go with them to make sure the Egg of Light was safe. In Chapter 3, she appears later with Wess and frees Salsa of his shock collar, and helps him out against the Pigmask Army. Kumatora also briefly meets Lucas for the first time in this chapter, after he calls for a Drago to destroy various Pigmask tanks. Three years later, Kumatora has started working as a waitress for Club Titiboo. She hates the job, however, having to act very feminine and dress up in a slightly-revealing outfit. Kumatora puts up with it, only working there to get more info on DCMC's mysterious bassist, Lucky. Lucky heavily resembles Duster, who has gone missing for three years, and she was concerned if it really was him. She also meets with Lucas again, who has grown stronger since they had last met. After the chapter's events, she decides to travel with Lucas and accompany him on his journeys.
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Ness || The PSI Powerhouse

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 7:49 am


    ➳name; ness
    ➳age; 13
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; bisexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; black
    ➳eyes; black
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳height; 4'8
    ➳weight; 98 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; being a psychic of sorts, ness is able to control different elements simply using his mind and generate them through various parts of his body such as his hands and feet. his two strongest elements are fire and lightning though he can control ice as well all which is learned after his adventures via his close friend paula. he also has two special psychic abilities that he rarely uses due to how much energy they drain from him and those are his pk flash and pk rockin. pk flash is a sudden burst of light that is used to blind opponents, though it can be fatal if triggered under the right circumstances and pk rockin is a special move that allows ness to change his weapon into a psychic energy guitar and launch psychic energy waves at his opponents. he can also summon "shooting stars" in a powerful attack known as pk starstorm. ness also has healing abilities as well as being able to levitate himself and other objects. to some extent he can teleport as well.
    ➳weapons; ness by no means uses a typical weapon, but instead carries a baseball bat and a yo-yo that are both fit for combat. he is very reliant on his bat to dish out damage, but he struggles to have any killing power with it which is where is abilities come in handy. this does not mean he isn't a strong fighter with it. he has much practice put into fighting with his two weapons and can be relied on to only fight with them

    ➳personality; ness is considered a fairly quiet kid who has quite the sense of humor. he is a very brave teen who will do anything to protect his friends, though he can get rather reckless with his psi abilities and put himself and the others around him in more danger. even though he is reckless, he is a kind boy with a big heart and is willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself as a hero. he always takes others opinions into mind and is always open for criticism. for the most part he is willing to put his own life on the line in order to protect others. he tends to not follow the usual ways of doing things and likes to take matters into his own hands when he can. ness is known to be a pacifist at heart and on his journey never killed anyone or anything except giygas proving that it takes a lot to get him to use his abilities for bad. he is also very sensitive of his small stature and often get offended when it is brought up.

    ➳history; a boy born in the town of onett, at a young age ness showed that he wasn't a normal child. this was proven when he became one of the chosen four to save eagleland from the evil alien known as giygas. becoming the leader of his own little ragtag team, ness learned how to hone the psychic abilities he possessed and how to fight using rather simple weapons. his journey took him across the entire continent and forced him to grow up much faster than he wanted to. becoming a bit more mature than the average thirteen year old, ness experienced many hardships on his adventure which left him longing for home more times than not. he traveled with his friends to the seven sanctuaries and was able to collect their power to help himself grow strong enough to defeat giygas and his former neighbor, porky. after having his soul transferred into a robot body to allow himself to travel through time, ness and his friends were able to defeat giygas and were lucky enough to return home safely. after his adventure, paula helped him expand his psi abilities.

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Paula || The Psychic Girl

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 7:54 am


    ➳name; paula
    ➳nicknames; none
    ➳age; 11
    ➳gender; female
    ➳species; human
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; none
    ➳relationship status; single
    ➳family; unnamed parents

    ➳weapons; paula's main weapon is her frying pan which is uses to whack her opponents, but she is also able to use it to channel her psi abilities through
    ➳abilities; paula is a powerful psychic child, though she is much less durable than her friend, ness. however, she has many of the same abilities he possesses such as pk fire, pk freeze, and pk thunder. she also is able to make psychic shields that can deflect attacks back at others though after taking enough damage. she also has a special ability that of her own. she is able to speak telepathically to others

    ➳personality; often looked at as weak and fragile, paula is a kind hearted girl who is always willing to lend a hand when needed. though she isn't entirely independent, she still is able to hold her own in a fight and can even be more forceful than ness. some say she is far more violent than her cutesy appearance lets on, but she truly doesn't wish to hurt the innocent and would much rather stay out of a fight if possible. paula is also seen as the one that keeps ness level-headed and in check from losing control of himself completely.

    ➳history; paula is a resident of twoson in the country of eagleland, and the daughter of the owners of the local polestar preschool, when she joins the adventure. ness is made aware of her existence when he goes to sleep at any location after visiting the "your sanctuary" location at giant step, when she contacts him through her telepathy in a dream. she was kidnapped by a masked boy and pokey minch, and brought to peaceful rest valley to become the high priestess for happy happyism (although everdred claims she was kidnapped to be a human sacrifice). she gifts the franklin badge to ness so he may challenge and defeat carpainter, get the key to where she is imprisoned, and free her. after she is freed, she joins ness's party. she is later kidnapped by geldegarde monotoli, but as before, ness rescues her, this time with the help of jeff. paula's praying is ultimately what defeated giygas in the final battle.
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Ninten || The Original Hero

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 7:56 am


Well, now that the Earth's crisis is finally over, I think I'll just lay down for a moment and Zzzzzzzzz

    name: ninten
    nicknames: ninny
    gender: male
    age: 12
    sexual orientation: bisexual
    crush: none
    family: unnamed father, carol (mother), minnie (sister), and mimmie (sister)
    species: human


    hair: black
    eyes: black
    skin hue: white
    height: 4'7
    weight: 93 lbs
    scars: none
    birthmarks: none


    weapons: Ninten's main weapon is a baseball bat though he also carries around a slingshot and a boomerang
    skills: Ninten can learn a variety of different PSI ablities. Among the Assist abilities are 4th-D Slip which allows him to escape from battles, Defense Down, Defense Up, Hypnosis, Offense Up, Power Shield, PSI Shield and Quick Up. Among the Other abilities are Telepathy and Teleport. Finally, among the Recover abilities are Healing and Life Up. The only offensive attack he has is PK Beam.

personality and background

    personality: Ninten is a rather quiet and reserved young boy. He doesn't mind speaking when he must and he actually is quite mature for his age, far more mature than the likes of Ness, though much like the other boy, he is reckless and brave. The downside however is he often has a lack of self control and can make rather dumb decisions. However, he is always willing to sacrifice himself and is kind of greedy, caring more about rewards than others. He is quite protective though and often seen as weak, especially due to his asthma problems, but he isn't a half bad combat fighter.
    history: Ninten lives in a small house north of Podunk with his mother and father (although the latter is rarely at home, and does not appear in-game until the epilogue), and his two twin sisters. Ninten's adventure begins when a poltergeist causes some objects in his home to become animate and violent. After Ninten routs the poltergeist by defeating a possessed baby doll, he begins to investigate the origin of these strange phenomena, which have begun occurring across the countryside. The cause of these events is later revealed to be a group of alien invaders led by Giygas. He soon takes to an adventure that takes him across the land with his friends
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Gold || Johto's Finest

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 8:23 am


    ➳name; gold
    ➳age; 18 (as of the oras chapters)
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; bisexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; black
    ➳eyes; gold
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳build; kind of scrawny, but tall
    ➳height; 5'11
    ➳weight; 140 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; none
    ➳weapons; his pokemon: ataro (ambipom), explotaro (typhlosion), politaro (politoed), utaro (sudowoodo), sintaro (sunflora), & togetaro (togekiss). he also carries around a billiard cue which he uses to shoot his pokeballs from time to time, but could very easily use it as a weapon

    ➳personality; gold is a fiery young man who loves into get in the middle of things. he is mischievous yet can be quite friendly when he wishes. most of the time he likes to get in people's faces and anger them until he gets what he wants from them. when in battle, sometimes he rushes into action without a real plan and ends up regretting it later. he always believes that he can do it by himself without much planning when in reality it's better for him to have a plan to execute. when it comes to his pokemon he cares deeply for them and would do anything to protect them from harm. they are his friends and partners and he knows that they need to be strong together to succeed in winning. he has quite the ego to him and often let's it show through far too much and it often keeps him from admitting when he's truly hurt or is unable to accomplish something. some say he is unfit to be a dex holder due to his childish ways and his overly egotistical attitude, but he has proven again and again how strong he truly is. though he may not seem like the type to lay it all on the line, he is willing to sacrifice whatever he must to protect not only the region, but those that he holds close to him. this boy is also quite the flirt, especially toward women, though don't put it past him to get flirty with a guy he might find attractive.

    ➳history; Gold's adventure began when Joey took Gold to Prof. Elm's lab and sees Totodile being stolen by Silver. Gold used Cyndaquail to try and stop him. Along with the new protagonists, his rivals Silver and Crystal, they fight with Red's team against Masked Man, and in the end, was able to cure Pryce (the true identity of the Mask of Ice) of his sadness with the help of Celebi. After Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Silver are petrified into stone by the after-effects of the energy blast caused by Deoxys, Gold and Crystal re-appear in the Battle Frontier saga, where the new protagonists Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire are battling against Guile Hideout, in hopes of achieving a goal that the current main characters are clueless about; reviving their old companions, who are statues trapped at the end of the top room of the Battle Tower. Later, they are surprised when Red said that why won't they hold a match and each and every Pokédex Holder will join, it is known that Emerald won it. Three years after the events in the Emerald arc, the story starts when Gold arrives in the Pokéathlon Dome, looking for a person with information he is supposed to meet with. The person never shows up and Gold starts investigating. The disappearance of the person in question might have something to do with the sudden recent sightings of Team Rocket. Silver, Gold and Crystal carry out investigations to see who the mastermind behind all this is. Their investigations lead them to the Sinjoh Ruins where the mastermind's plan, involving the legendary Pokémon Arceus, is unfolded.

    ➳other; none
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Blue || The First Heroine

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 8:25 am


    ➳name; blue
    ➳age; 20
    ➳gender; female
    ➳sexuality; demisexual
    ➳crush; none / open

    ➳hair / fur color; brown
    ➳eye color; blue
    ➳height; 5'6
    ➳weight; 138 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; none
    ➳weapons; pokemon; blasty - ♂ - blastoise - torrent -hydro cannon, hydro pump, mega punch, & ice beam
    granbull - ♂ - granbull - quick feet - take down, charm, bite, & scary face
    clefy - ♂ - clefable - cute charm - metronome, hyper beam, comet punch, & minimize
    jiggly - ♀ - wigglytuff - cute charm - sing, tri attack, disable, & double edge
    nidory - ♀ - nidoqueen - poison point - double kick, sludge bomb, thunderbolt, & ice beam
    ditty - genderless - ditto - limber - transform

    ➳personality; blue is shown as very flirtatious and mischievous in her debut arc. she likes to trick people, stole her original starter from professor oak, and even sold faulty items for a short period of time. blue is also known to nickname her pokémon, using "-y" for a cute and affectionate effect on her pokémon's names. it is later revealed she was kidnapped as a young girl and used by masked man as one of the masked children, who used her and the other children to do his evil bidding, which resulted in her troublemaker personality. she has a phobia of birds due to being kidnapped by ho-oh from the mask of ice when she was a young girl. over time, blue has matured to become a more serious woman and has lost some of her mischievousness over the years though she still likes to have plenty of fun. she takes her role as a dex holder pretty seriously though and has become pretty quick witted in order to help her friends out in case they find themselves in a less than desirable situation

    ➳history; a native of pallet town, blue was kidnapped by a bird pokémon when she was only five years old, on the orders of the masked man. she was taken to a secret hideout and was trained with several other masked children. there, she met silver and learned about evolution. eventually, they managed to escape into freedom. blue spent years traveling alone until she discovered she was from pallet town, where two boys her age had each received a starter pokémon, a pokédex, and set out on a journey. frustrated, she broke into professor oak's laboratory and stole a squirtle. this would later lead to her becoming the third dex holder of kanto and eventually teaming up with red and green to not only stop team rocket, but to stop lance as well as the masked man that had been behind her childhood kidnapping

    ➳other; none
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Green || Professor Oak's Grandson

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 8:39 am

Green Oak

Smell ya Later!

    name: green oak
    nicknames: none
    gender: male
    age: 20
    sexual orientation: bisexual
    crush: none
    family: samuel oak (grandfather), unnamed mother, & daisy oak (sister)
    species: human


    hair: brown
    eyes: green
    skin hue: white
    body type: average
    height: 6'1"
    weight: 164 lbs
    scars: none known
    birthmarks: none known


    weapons: Green has six Pokemon which would be considered weapons. They are Charizard, Scizor, Porygon2, Golduck, Rhydon, & Machamp
    skills: Green is an extremely skilled Pokemon trainer and has proven this by becoming Gym Leader of Viridian City.

personality and background

    personality: Green Oak is the grandson of Prof. Sammuel Oak, and plays the role of Red's main rival in the Pokemon Special manga, always slightly ahead and better than him. Due to his family heritage, he started out as a cocky trainer, and mechanically trained his Pokemon to become powerhouses within short periods of time. It is only after his many interactions with Red that he finally learnt the importance of companionship shared between trainers and Pokemon, and this further perfected his ability in raising Pokemon, earning him the title the Raiser. Among the Kanto Pokedex Holders, Green is always the calm and poised one, who knows his limits and sets his priorities straight. Despite their initial marked difference in personality and attitude towards Pokemon and battling, he and Red have become best companions while remaining good rivals to each other over the years. As shown in their final match at the Pokemon League Tournament, Red learnt to recognize his boundaries from Green, and Green learnt how to empathize with his Pokemon and stop treating them like machines. Green constantly shows disdain towards Blue's mischief, often calling her the pesky girl, but actually shares a close bond with her. During the Kanto Elite 4 incident, Green personally trained Yellow to equip herself with better battling skills for assisting her journey in search of Red. Afterwards, Green took up the position of the Viridian Gymleader, and learnt a lot from a book left behind by the former gymleader, Giovanni, named 'The Mysteries Of The Earth', which assisted him in training up his Rhydon, and also hinted that it is still capable of further evolution. Green has therefore a strong respect for the man despite his evil doings. When Green is away from the gym, he uses a virtual image of himself to control a team left behind to accept challenges, in order to continue fulfilling his duties as a Gymleader while giving himself the opportunity to explore the world. Another Dex Holder which Green shares a complicated relationship with is Silver. Their first encounter unfortunately took place with a mutual misunderstanding, leading to an instant fight. When Green later learnt of the fact that Silver stole Totodile from Prof. Elm, it further worsened his impression of the red-haired boy and even made him decide to arrest him, which was tactfully thwarted by another of Gold's mischief. However, in the FRLG series, when Silver had trouble accepting Giovanni as his father, it was Green who talked senses into him and made him open up to the man. This was probably due to the empathy he felt for the boy after nearly losing his grandfather to Team Rocket once again. Afterwards, Green recognized Silver's qualities as a Dex Holder and accepted him as one of them. Green has strong connections with many key figures in the Pokemon world. Apart from having a renowned professor as his grandfather, Green's elder sister, Daisy, is Prof. Oak's personal assistant and also a famous Pokemon Contest coordinator. During his childhood, he was raised and trained in Johto under the Cianwood Gymleader, Chuck, which allowed his Scyther to learn many attacks not known to the Kanto region at that time. On many occasions, Green was shown to care deeply for his family and friends despite his usually cold exterior.
    history: Green set out on his journey after returning from the faraway land of Johto, and battled the mirage Pokemon, Mew, in the western woods of Pallet on his first evening. Knowing his own limits, he withdrew from the fight, but a reckless Red soon barged in and ended up embarrassing himself. Later, Red showed up to mess up Green's capturing of a wild Kangaskhan again, but this incident allowed Green to heed the emotions of a Pokemon. The two boys became official rivals since then, and Green, with his heightened raising ability, was often a step ahead of Red. At Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower, Green became possessed by the wild Gastlys, and after being rescued by Red, the two collaborated in defeating Koga of Team Rocket. Following an accidental mix-up of their Pokemon, Green and Red did not encounter each other again until Prof. Oak was kidnapped by Team Rocket, and they had to crack the barriers surrounding Saffron City in order to gain entry. At the Silph Co. building, Green faced off Koga, and narrowly beat the man. He then worked together with Red and Blue in battling the merged legendary bird, Zapmolcuno. Later, at the Indigo Plateau Pokemon League Tournament, Red and Green had their fateful battle in the final match, where both boys demonstrated their growth and everything they have learnt from each other. Despite being defeated at the end, Green recognized Red as an important companion and continued their friendly rivalry. After the Kanto Pokemon League Tournament, the three Pallet trainers went separate ways to further their training, and Green was on a personal journey to better himself when he learnt of Red's disappearance 2 years later. Using Pidgeot as a means of communication with Prof. Oak, Green gathered information as he searched across the land. With his experience of battling the Kanto Elite 4's Agatha back when he was training for the League Tournament, Green solved a crisis caused by Agatha's Gastly at Celadon. As requested by Yellow, Green personally trained the young girl to become stronger, while being constantly astonished and mortified at her obviously sub-par skills and knowledge. Afterwards, on Cerise Island, Green partnered up with his former foe, Koga, and had a bitter battle with Agatha once again, finally claiming victory with the help of Koga's Arbok. Green then reunited with Red and Blue to provide support to Yellow in facing off Lance. 1 year after the Kanto Elite 4 incident, when Red gave up his chance to become the new Viridian Gym leader due to his injuries from Lorelei's ice handcuffs, Green offered to take up the position for him. Green learnt of the therapeutic effects of the Mt. Silver hotsprings, and lent Charizard to Red to handle the tough flying required at the perilous mountains. Later, the Pokemon Association held a Gym leaders' Exhibition Match between the Kanto and Johto gym leaders at the new round of Pokemon League Tournament, and Green was fatefully set to battle his teacher and master during his childhood times, the Cianwood Gym leader Chuck. Using the battle techniques he learnt from a book left behind by Giovanni at the Viridian Gym, 'The Mysteries Of The Earth', he emerged victorious with his newly captured Rhydon. When Neo Team Rocket raided the Indigo Plateau, Green along with the other gym leaders were tricked and sent away on the Magnet Train while battling the grunts. After Red narrowly saved the train from crashing, Green and Red set off for the final battleground at the Ilex Forest where they fought Lugia and Ho-oh, and finally the Mask Of Ice himself. 2 years have passed since the Mask Of Ice incident. When Red and Green returned to Pallet Town upon Prof. Oak's request, they were surprised to find the professor missing despite the message he left behind to confiscate their Pokedexes. As they followed clues to solve the mystery, they found soon themselves on the Sevii Islands where they learnt of Team Rocket's resurrection and their kidnapping of Oak, as well as the organization's schemes pertaining to Deoxys. After learning the ultimate fire attack, Blast Burn, from the old lady Brinca, Green had his showdown with Oca of the TR Beast Trio on Six Island. Together with Red, Blue and the psychic mutant Mewtwo, they eventually ended up at Seven Island's Trainer Tower, where they successfully rescued Prof. Oak and Blue's parents. Green knew that their fate hung on Red's inevitable clash with Giovanni, and thus left behind to deal with the swarm of Deoxys-Divides, while giving Charizard to Red to assist his pursuit of Team Rocket's Battle Airship. He later used Rhydon to rescue Silver and Giovanni, and also helped Red steady the failing TR Battle Airship. However, just when the crisis seemed to be over, a mysterious attack sent out by Storc turned Green into stone along with the other four Pokedex Holders. 2 months later, Mr. Briney shipped the five petrified Dex Holders, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Silver, via the S.S. Tidal to the Battle Frontier. The five were placed on the top floor of the Battle Tower at the Pokedex Holders' corner in the disguise of actual statues. From a report Brinca snatched from Team Rocket at the Trainer Tower, Prof. Oak learnt of the wishing powers of the mirage Pokemon Jirachi, which appeared to be the only way to revive the Dex Holders. Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Gold and Crys were dispatched to the Battle Frontier in stages to capture Jirachi and safeguard it from the evil Guile Hideout, who was also after the wishing Pokemon. Emerald eventually managed to come to terms with his own feelings with Pokemon, and channelled his wish to Jirachi, reversing the petrifaction of the five seniors. Green promptly recovered after the petrifaction reversal and got himself into condition for the battle. He teamed up with the other 9 Dex Holders to defeat Guile Hideout's giant sea monster by a combined ultimate attack. His Charizard unleashed the Triple Blast Burn along with Gold's Explotaro and Sapphire's Chaka.
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Yellow || Protector of Pokemon

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 8:48 am


    ➳name; yellow
    ➳age; 19
    ➳gender; female
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; red
    ➳species; human
    ➳fandom; pokemon special / pokemon adventures (canon)

    ➳hair; blonde
    ➳eyes; brown
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳height; 4'9
    ➳weight; 87 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; being born with special abilities, yellow has demonstrated several over her time as a trainer. her abilities demonstrated include: limited telekinesis, enough to manipulate a pokéball on a string. the ability to read the minds, emotions, and memories of pokémon. healing abilities, thus far only used on pokémon. able to "synchronize spirits" with her pokémon to boost their levels into the mid 80s in times of need.
    ➳weapons; her pokemon: ratty (raticate), dody (dodrio), gravvy (golem), omny (omastar), kitty (butterfree), and chuchu (pikachu)

    ➳personality; yellow is quite naive, and acts very much like a little child. she hates it when Pokemon are injured, hers or her opponent's, and has developed a style of battle in which neither her nor her opponent's pokemon are hurt unless it is absolutely necessary. she is very kind to Pokemon and friends alike and never gives up on anyone or anything. yellow is a very loving girl, who loves her pokemon dearly. she can be quiet at times, and sometimes is a little slower than the rest when it comes to training and battles. she gets caught in a trance often due to her psychic abilities, and will often be seen speaking to the pokemon. even though she seems like a gentle hearted girl, yellow can be fierce in battle especially when her friends or pokemon are harmed. however, she tends to rarely reach this level of anger and often prefers to avoid battles if she can do so. like the other dex holders though, yellow sees it as a responsibility to protect the regions, especially kanto given that is her homeland, but she has no problem reaching out to help other regions like she has done with johto and hoenn. among the dex holders, she is considered to be the healer and as such she is often looked as the weak one in their ranks although she could easily be considered the strongest right behind red. she absolutely hates being seen as weak and believes it is because she is a girl that she is seen as such thus she has no problem disguising herself as a boy and has done so in the past. yellow highly respects red and the other kanto dex holders. she is always willing to learn from them and others that have gained her overall respect. overall yellow is a happy-go-lucky girl who is very close to her pokemon and to nature

    ➳other; none
Last edited by Ploegy on Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Ruby || Contest Champion

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 01, 2017 8:54 am


    ➳name; ruby
    ➳age; 17
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; black
    ➳eyes; ruby red
    ➳height; 5'7
    ➳weight; 134 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; none
    ➳weapons; his pokemon: swampert (zuzu), mightyena (nana), delcatty (coco), milotic (mimi), castform (popo) & gardevoir (ruru)

    ➳personality; ruby is a young man who tends to act bit shallow at first, but eventually opens up and allows his true personality to shine through. he is a strong-willed, yet kind-hearted boy. being the son of a gym leader, he is a very confident kid, but he always worries much about his appearance which is quite the downfall for him. however, he loves his pokemon very much and considers them to be his best friends thus having a strong bond with them. beauty is very important to him, but so are his friendships. he does have a habit of avoiding the truth at times and sometimes will lie in order to keep it hidden if he really must do so. his intentions are however very justified, and he only does it to protect others and to an extent protect himself. for the most part ruby is a cool-headed trainer who hides his strength behind a façade to lead others off from expecting more of him. he is actually afraid of his own power and prefers to lead a more casual, laid-back lifestyle. however, if he must he will step up and prove himself and protect those around him. ruby also likes to play off his feelings most the time, especially around those that he may have a romantic interest in. around these people he tends to become a bit shy and can be a mess though he will play it off or try to slip himself out of such a situation if he can. overall, ruby is a stubborn individual who does what he must to get the job done

    ➳other; none
Last edited by Ploegy on Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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