The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:51 am

Furrydogs12 Characters


Age: 5 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Healer

Power: Ability to heal but the bigger the injury, the more energy taken from her. Can’t heal a dead wolf.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Despite her rank, Isla is not at all conceited or aloof. In fact, she is rather sweet and adventurous. This graceful wolf loves the feeling of the wind on her muzzle and the sand or grass against her paws. She has a heart of gold, is trustworthy, and is willing to get her hands dirty and help those in need, although around strangers she might be distant and wary to a point. If you manage to get to know her better, she might be the most loyal and good-hearted friend you would ever have. She is willing to stand up for justice and is not afraid to voice her opinion on what she thinks is right.

Isla is calm to a degree, often preferring to observe, then think before she acts. She is highly intelligent and cunning even in a battle, never attacking till the opponent goes offensive, never defending or striking till she was ready to defend that attack. When given a responsibility, Isla would never shirk it, but rather she would put in all her heart and soul. Passion and courage are what she prides herself in, and together with her graceful gait and warm sparkle in her eyes, Isla is truly a captivating wolf. She takes her healing duties very seriously and tries to execute her jobs with the utmost perfection. she has an excellent memory, useful to remember various herbs.

However, Isla can have a temper. Her sometimes brutally honest nature can be a downside, and so can her inability to forgive. It is hard to win her trust, yet even harder after you have lost it once.

History: Isla was born to two very talented healers, both who had served the pack for many years. Isla looked up to her parents and followed in their pawsteps.

Relatives: Open

Crush: Open

Mate: Open


Age: 6 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Alpha Mate

Power: Turn invisible

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kara is a large grey wolf. Her body is slim and muscular, her fur sleek and kept clean. Her body holds many scars from battles and her left hind paw is missing two claws. Her fur is a misty blend of greys that makes her practically invisible once the mist hits. The only way you can spot her is her eyes. Her eyes are dark and bright at the same time. They reflect kindness and love, but also look like the eyes of a killer. Kara's eyes can go from sweet to icy hard in a single moment.

Personality: Kara is sweet and quiet and she is quite guarded. she is loving and protecting toward her pack and does everything she can to keep them healthy. this beautiful alpha she-wolf can also be very dangerous. she won every challenge ever thrown at her and has no problem carrying out punishment on those who deserve it. But Overall she is a quiet, protective alpha. one not to be reckoned with.

Relatives: open




Age: 4 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Scout

Power: Extreme speed

Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Maiara has always been close to her mother, like her brother has. She was closer to her father, shutting her family off when he died, blaming herself for the death. She stays away from them, thinking if she avoids them, she won't get them hurt.

Relatives: Zane-Brother, Jeena-Mother, Hal-Father(Deceased)

Crush: open

Mate: open

kind and compassionate, maiara refuses to act without solid evidence. she believes that only compassion can turn a wolf around. don't let that fool you into thinking that she's a pushover, though- brave, fiery, and intelligent, she can defeat you with both her smarts and her battle skills, and is unforgiving if you betray her. she has jumped into the battle fray many times, steely eyes and claws flashing with no mercy. she's also very determined and independent, 'if i can dream it, i can do it,' she tells herself for inspiration. another trait of hers is that she's very stubborn and blunt: she tells you what it is, like it is. though she's friendly and diplomatic, if you lose her trust, you'll lose it forever.


Age: 5 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Fighter

Power: Ability to heal self wounds, only small ones though

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Tamaska isn't like every other female wolf. She has a very lively tongue that seems to be as sharp as her pretty white K9s. She isn't afraid to say or do as she pleases, and doesn't care about the consequences like most would. Tamaska lives in the present, doing the most daring things most wouldn't. She is courageous, quick-witted, and open minded to just about anything you throw her way. She enjoys challenges, whether it be doing something daring, or sparring with someone. Her rank as fighter works perfectly for her, her medium body which seems to be smaller then most females gives her huge advantages with swift movements and her quick thinking. Of course just like everyone else, Tamaska has her little faults. She can be very hotheaded and protective when she feels threatened. Another big fault is the fact she doesn't like to share her emotions with anyone, for she believes it makes her weak. For that, Tamaska isn't a force to be reckoned with if you're nothing but a stranger, or an acquaintance to her. Underneath all the sass and courage, Tamaska is kind. Most of the time she does selfless acts by putting her pack before her own wellbeing and even deep down, there might be a heart of gold...

Relatives: open

Crush: Open

Mate: open

Age: 6 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Hunter

Power: Lie Detecting

Sexuality: Homosexual

History: meet theodore, a laid back yet inquisitive male who probably won't be able to help much in a fight, but will try his absolute best! he's an insanely loyal wolf, who will always stick by the ones he loves. even the ones who wrong him will realize that theo's not got a bad bone in his body, and will probably still be positive towards the ones who's hurt him. he's very curious, yet cautious. because of his ranking he's learnt to be careful with his emotions yet when he does show them, it's very easy to hurt his feelings. he's smaller in stature, straggly and scrawny yet agile and lithe. his fur is a creamy, white apricot color, and he has darker amber eyes. he loves his mate, he kind of just given up hope on ever finding love until Vik came around.

Relatives: open

Crush: n/a, Loyal to Vik

Mate: Vik

Age: 4 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Loner

Power: Shield, she can make a shield around herself and/or anyone else, but it can only get so big and the longer it is up, or the bigger it is, the harder it is to maintain.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Mei has been a loner her whole life, knowing the ropes and knowing how to survive. She has experience with what is edible and what isn’t. She is intelligent, knowing when something isn’t hers to tell or is to big for her to hunt alone. Mei eventually met another loner and they fell in love. She learned she was carrying his pups half a year later. She now is very protective of her pups, not letting anyone close to them. This newly made mother loves them with her whole heart; they are everything to her. She seems to know where they are at all times. Mei is also the one to normally break up fights between her pups.

Relatives: Thunder-Son, Yuki- Daughter, Maybe another two pups.

Crush: open if no one makes mate

Mate: could be a fling or ex unless someone wants to make him.

Age: 7 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Warrior

Power: Telekinesis

Sexuality: Bisexual

Massive and dense fur pretty much sums up this brute's body frame. He is actually quite larger then most wolves as he has Alpha's DNA in him. The Alpha's DNA is from his grandfather, Lobo. His long legs are used well to move swiftly in fights. His pretty whites are extordinarly sharp, while his bite power is pretty impressive. It's best to try to stay away from his mouth if you don't want to lose an ear or a chunk of your face. Being a grey wolf, his pelt is a dark, well-maintained grey color with white and black smudged into it. Most find his fur quite extraordinary, and he takes pride in it, coming from the most purest grey wolf lineage there is.

History: You've probably already realized that this brute is quite different then most. Going by the name of Alois, he is known for being quite the fighter. He is well known for his skill tactics in conflicts as well as being the peace keeper of the pack. Though he is known for this, he is still quite the mystery of the pack so most are still quite curious about this brute. You would probably most likely find him off by the river or far into the pack territory away from others, as he tends to think better alone.

As far as most curious eyes can tell, Alois tends to act like a timid brute to avoid any wolves getting too nosy with his business. He absolutely hates nosy wolves and will probably give them a good snap to the face as a warning if he's had enough. Alois is actually a good-hearted and a great temperamental brute most of the time, though when you anger him it's best to keep your distance. Luckily, for the most part Alois is a kind, generous male full of curiosity and childish behavior.

Love hasn't actually been big in Alois' life. For a while some would flirt with him and he'd be a gentleman and take them out on a lovely little adventure or even a small prey hunt, even if he sucks at hunting. Even though he hasn't had much of a love life, Alois is literally the biggest sweetheart and tries to be romantic for the wolf he likes. If you plan to go for Alois, be sure you know that he is loyal to his mate and will never cheat or run off with another. He will expect the same from you.

Relatives: Lobo, open

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Age: 4 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Scout

Power: Flirtation jk jk, Seeing future( only up to a week ahead and he doesn’t know the sequence of events as they just come as scenes in his mind)

Sexuality: Pansexual

History: introducing the one and only, sebastian. eldest child of four. ranking of scout because that is the rank he strived for. both of his parents and siblings were actually rouges their whole lives,never belonging to a pack. sebastion is of the age of four and a half. probably the most cockiest brute on the continent.

sebastion is a major player. probably has been in more relationships then your great grandparents. most ladies love his smooth talking and his piercing amber eyes. not to mention his famous grin.

yes, hes overconfident, infuriating, and just down right idiotic. but, he does have a soft side, which i know is very hard to believe. deep down he is compassionate and gregarious, though it is very hard to see this side of him. usually he is always the player, making it hard for anyone to really get close to him. heck, its been hard for anyone to after the murder of his parents and siblings. but, if youre down for a painful challenge, go for this brute.


Crush: open

Mate: open

Age: 2 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Warrior

Power: Bird sight (she is able to have a birds eye view of surroundings.

Sexuality: Pansexual

History: Lark was born with a blind right eye. She was cast away and hated for her blind eye. She was teased and bullied as a pup. Being called ‘creep’ and ‘monster’ by her peers. She was kicked out of her pack and left to fend for herself. She was taken in when she was 6 months old. She still has some trust issues from the trauma.

Relatives: open

Crush: Vixen

Mate: n/a


Age: 6 months

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Pup

Power: Teleportation

Sexuality: Questioning

History: Jagar was born in the woods where he now lives. He was the only pup born due to his mother being malnourished but he was given the best life he could possibly have. Though his mother had barely any milk, he was able to successfully nurse Jagar until he was six weeks old. She taught Jagar early how to hunt and by two and a half months Jagar was able to catch his own small prey. He would bring back mice, voles, and small birds (often previously injured) when they went out hunting together. Jagar was never a troublesome pup and surprisingly has never acted quite pup-like. He has always been more mature and controlled than most pups and it is obvious in the way he carries himself. By four months, his mother and him had found the pack and from that moment on they stayed with them, contented with the care and protection they received from pack life. His mother died a few weeks afterward.

Relatives: Lark(Secret Cousin)

Crush: open?

Mate: too young


Age: 6 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Hunter

Power: Power over color

Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: See Lizzie's

Relatives: Ciel- brother, Dare-son, Justice- daughter

Crush: N/A

Mate: Lizzie


Age: 2 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Hunter

Power: Color absorbtion

Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Same as Dare's

Relatives: Dare-Brother, Skylar- Father, Lizzie- Mother


Mate: too young


Age: 2 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Scout

Power: Disapear into shadows

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: khione... is quite hard to read and he barely speaks. even those he truly trusts aren't capable of understanding what he's feeling or thinking. it usually doesn't take much effort for him to tell off another wolf. a simple ice cold glare could send them fleeing. he's loyal to his pack and respects his alpha, and will do anything he tells him to, period. when khione speaks, his words are normally short and lacking of emotions. if a wolf gets to see even a glimpse of his smile or even a second of his laugh... let's just say they're considered lucky.

History: khione's mother died from an illness that wasn't curable while his father had died about a month ago from an accident. moving on to khione's appearance, he stands at 33 inches (at shoulders) and weighs around 107 pounds. he has a not too muscular, not too lanky build; just right for him. his eyes are a golden-amber in colour, contrast from his dark coat which includes various shades of coal, tan and so on. he has a black nose, long sharp canines and claws, and a strong jaw. overall, khione is... well, a handsome and mysterious wolf.

Relatives: n/a

Crush: Dare

Mate: too young

Name: Jynx

Age: 5 1/3 years

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Fighter

Power: Ability to cast thick fog around her so her enemy's cant see her. Yet she too cant see, she would just run in a certain direction.

Sexuality: straight (Only like guys)

Appearance: dark grey coat with a grey-fading into-tan on her tail, has bright green eyes.

History: Parent (Unknown), has a brother (Not playing as him but if someone else wants him you can have him), if no one wants him then Ill say he died in battle.

Relatives: Maybe Deceased

Crush: None

Mate: None yet

Name: Astral

Age: 3

Fodder(Yes or No): No

Rank: Hunter

Power: The ability to blend into her surroundings yet she still can be heard just not seen. She usually blends into the background because shes shy and likes to observe others.

Sexuality: straight (Only like guys)

Appearance: Light grey coat with dark brown eyes and part of her muzzle is colored black.

History: Born into this pack, she has been out on hunts has been in a couple wars with cougars, coyotes, and tigers. Her pack did survive. Still not much of a history. She spends a lot of her time in the forest exploring or in a cave she found with mushroom. (She loves mushrooms). She would also observe others history instead of making her own.

Relatives: Unknown (Anyone can be her relative)

Crush: Kovi

Mate: None

Images if you want to use them or needed them Isla, Maiara, Askara, and Tamaska are on page 1
Theo page 2
Mei page 5
Alois page 10
Sabastion page 11
Lark 16
Skylar and Justice page 37
Khione page 38
Jagar image had been taken down
Jynx and Astral didnt have images because they were originally Moons characters and they didn't have images for them
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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby ChevyTheQH » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:53 am

haha, uhm when you get a chance could u do mine? I only have stormy and Alaska
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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:56 am

ChevyTheQH wrote:haha, uhm when you get a chance could u do mine? I only have stormy and Alaska

Name: Stormy

Age: Almost 3 years

Gender: Female

Fodder(Yes or no) Nope

Rank: Hunter

Power: Nature manipulation

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Dark grey/black, scar along face and left shoulder.

History: She is the only sibling of Alaska. She ran away from her and Alaska’s parents when Alaska was only 2 months old. She is the not same age as Alaska. She is much older than him.

Relatives: Alaska

Crush: Possibly Juden

Mate: N/A


Name: Alaska

Age: 6 months

Fodder(Yes or No): no

Rank: Pup

Power: Water manipulation (very minor, can't control more than a drop of water for now)

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance: Alaska is grey and white, he wears a dark gray bandana around his neck. He has a scar across his left eye and is also blind in that eye. His eyes are blue.

History: Alaska has no parents, the pack found him very weak and on the brink of death along a river. No wanting to leave him they adopted him into the pack. At this point in time he has been with the pack for about a month.

Relatives: unknown


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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:28 am

Thank you, Dark!
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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:39 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:Thank you, Dark!

No problem!
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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby ChevyTheQH » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:02 am

Is there I still new thread that I should move mine to orrr...
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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ Sign Up & Chat(Not accepting)

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:18 am

DarkBloodMoonRising wrote:So we have two votes for yes on a new thread and 4 saying they don't care. So I guess I'll get working on the new threads! :)

And it's done :) check things out and make whatever edits you would like to make to your currents characters

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Re: The Night the Moon Fell ~ (Closed)

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:51 am

New RP link

Everything is linked together from the new rp to the old rp and chat :)
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