[☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

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Postby Squiggs » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:50 am



Age: Three Years and two months
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Feline or canine?: Feline
Physical Description: Squiggy's stocky little body is colored in various greys and browns including a little black on the head, legs, and tail as well as a snowy white chin. She isn't too thin and not too far, just average with a small, round head and decently short tail. Her eyes are a stunning mint green and complement the plain colors that blend her fur.

Personality: This she-cat always comes across as a bit tough and intimidating. She doesn't talk much when you first meet her and she always seems like she would rather not get to know you and no matter how hard you try to start a conversation with her you will always receive sarcastic and aggressive behavior. When she gets used to you and you manage to survive the serpent like attitude for the first few days, she retains the same sarcastic tongue and shows a more wild, crazy, and daring side. Beneath that tough exterior she really can be a good friend, strong and loyal there to protect and help those she decides she likes. But to see this level... you would have to be one of her long time favorites.
Family: Father(Smoke), mother(Mary), sister(Corina) all deceased.
Mate: ---
Crush: ---
Offspring: ---

History: Squiggy has known nothing but the struggle for survival, when she was born the world was already falling to shambles. Her father was a strong tom, large, fluffy and grey with eyes just as stunning as his daughter's. He didn't believe in the weak having a choice. He killed the runt of his own litter and killed Squiggy's brothers when they showed too much competition for him. His own mate chased him away when Squiggy and her sister reached six months. Her mother tried to teach the two remaining kits love. Mary was a kind, scrawny tortie cat who believed everyone should have a chance to survive. While Squiggy agreed, she grew to realize her father was the more realistic and logical one... as much as she wanted her mother to be. Once the sisters reached a year old, their mother passed from illness and her and Socks split up, neither agreeing with each other on how to view this broken world they were entering.

Scent: Warm summer night
Voice: Lindsey Morgan (Raven from the 100) - xxx
Theme Song: Just Like Fire - PINK


Roleplay Example: This particular she-cat has never really seen the truly beautiful sight of a colorful morning sunrise. The vibrant mix of pinks, oranges, and purples. Heard the calls of the morning birds as a beautiful new day began. No, this feline has only known the foggy, muggy look of the new world. The world the humans left to their once beloved pets. So as she crawled out from under the rusty, broken contraption once known as a car, and took a deep breath, her lungs sucked in the rancid air that filled the broken city. Scents of canine and feline alike filling her little dark red nose. She curled her lips and huffed, heading out onto the cracked pavement in search of food, hoping for at the very least, a starved rat today. Or a dumb dog easily tricked out of his food. Either way, getting her yellowed teeth on something juicy and warm was her only plan this morning. Didn't matter how she sunk her claws into it.
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Postby Squiggs » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:52 am



Age: Two years and seven months
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Feline or canine?: Canine
Physical Description: Rocky is a rather coyote or wolf looking mutt. Like most dogs in this world, he's a mutt with saarloos Wolfhound and some other breeds mixed in. Given his slender looking face and large pointed ears and all around feral like look, he most likely has coyote in his bloodline. His medium, scruffy looking fur is covered in greys, browns, black and white. His body is very lanky and just average sized. Nothing strong or special about it. Just a skinny little guy with long stick legs. His eyes are rather wild like, golden and intense.

Personality: The feral certainly matches his personality. Rocky is friendly to most at first, especially if you're female, but be cautious, he's a crafty fellow. That sly, handsome smirk isn't just for show. This fella usually gets his way and uses his charm and looks to get it. But if things go down hill he isn't all about brute strength. He uses his intelligence to win and stay alive. He always has a plan B and the layout of the surrounding area kept in mind. He's fast and agile, always preferring to outsmart his foe like a fox other than fighting. But if you are a friend and not just someone he's trying to steal a meal from, then he is a very loyal and self-less alt with an over-protective and romantic side for the females.
Family: Father(Fox), mother(Naomi), sister(Jinx), brother-in-law(Shade) all deceased
Mate: ---
Crush: ---
Offspring: ---

History: Rocky grew up in this broken world without a mother or a father. He was only six months when his parents passed from illness and his siblings were picked off. But an old, female golden retriever by the name of Noel took him in as her own and raised him to be the way he is now. She could never feed him enough to grow big and strong due to her age... so instead, she taught him to have patience and follow the craftier route in life. But soon she too passed from illness, leaving him to be just one of the forty remaining canines left.

Scent: Wet dog
Voice: Grant Gustin(The Flash) - xxx
Theme Song: Cant think of one right this moment....


Roleplay Example: The sleek figure leapt nimbly over the fallen rubble, a small lump creature hanging from his long muzzle. His heart was pounding in his ears and his lungs stung from the long sprint. He couldn't quite shake the large male he had stolen the limp rat from. Peering over his shoulder he chuckled quietly to himself to see that the last hurdle he cleared had lost the big lug. Slowing to a trot he began planning his route to a further location when a large weight slammed into his flank sending him sliding into the side of the building that loomed over the dark ally he had thought he listed the male in. Gasping for the air that had been forced from his lungs, Rocky scrambled to his feet, having lost his small meal, his brain was now screaming 'abort' and after a quick bite to the slowly approaching male's muzzle, he whipped around and disappeared through a thin hole in the base of the building. Oh well... better luck next time he thought as a sought out an exit.
Last edited by Squiggs on Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby Squiggs » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:54 pm

{{ Why thank you c:
I also finished my canine's form as well, hope he is accepting and everything is in order ~
Can't wait to start
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby TidalCurrent » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:59 pm

// he's accepted as well c:
hoping to start this roleplay when all 80 slots are filled, but may start sooner if that seems to take quite a while.
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[❃] - ❝BELLADONNA❞ - [❃]

Postby TidalCurrent » Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:56 pm

// Echo (canine)-(bisexual) is finally finished and open for relationships. Mostly brother or crush/mate. Willing to change the age/some history of hers if needed

Shio (feline)-(bisexual) and Sakura (feline)-(pansexual) are still open for crushes/mates, while Wish (feline)-(pansexual)is still open for siblings.

// Reserving this post for the form of the canine "belladonna"



belladonna, named after the flower also known
as nightshade, is a very confident young dog.
she has a rather sharp tongue when others an
noy her, and doesn't mend well with those wh
o talk themselves higher than her. but, like al
most all other animals, she does show a softe
r side to those who take the time with her. th
e reasons for her personality are in her history.


female ▪ bisexual ▪ black husky & wolf mix
purple eyes ▪ 3 years ▪ named after the flower

belladonna was abandoned the mom
ent she was able to eat solid food. h
er parents weren't killed by the surr
ounding conditions, nor brought dow
n by sickness like most others. they
merely abandoned her because she
was just "weighing them down". is b
elladonna ashamed of herself? does
she feel like she was a mistake? no.
she believes that the dog and wolf t
hat raised her are as good as dead.
this is probably the reason why she i
s so confident, and unforgiving. she
has nothing left to live for, nor to fig
ht for, except herself. so now, free f
rom restraints, she wanders around t
he forsaken grounds they were left b
ehind. she mostly stays around the c
ity, as it is rather easy to scavenge fo
r much needed supplies. she will go t
o the flood daily, though, as all anim
als need water to survive, despite the
creatures that lurk in it's navy-blue de
pths. though she has a rather sharp p
ersonality, deep down she hopes to fi
nd someone who shows some care for
her well-being. after-all, is not like w
e have that long of a life-span anyway.

Last edited by TidalCurrent on Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby clarke, » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:44 pm


↠ Leia
↠ Canine
↠ 2 ½ years old
↠ Female
↠ Heterosexual
↠ Leia is wise beyond her years and prefers to stick to small groups. She is paranoid that disease will inhibit any dogs that stay together and breed together. She would feel like she's simply giving food to a virus and encouraging it to grow: However, she also knows that if the dogs cannot stay together, their kind will die. Her conflicting thoughts leave her paranoid and suspicious.
↠ Her only living kin is her brother Shade.
↠ She has no mate and no crush, nor does she have offspring.

↠ History : "Leia!" A familiar voice called, and immediately her ears stood tall. She quickly groomed her crazy fur, attempting to keep it from going everywhere. "I'm in the bramble thicket," She whispered, anxiously kneading the ground. The owner of the familiar voice burst through and gently pressed his muzzle against hers.
"I thought I'd never find you! Your territory is so-" He broke up, coughing roughly. It was only now that she realized he was drastically thinner than he was a week ago.
"We should go get food." She said, knowing too well there was none.
"No, if our father finds out we're meeting, and taking food for ourselves, it'll only be worse for both of us."
"Shade, father is dead. Mother is dying, her new pups have already perished! There's not enough food for any of the dogs anymore. We'll die if stay here." She murmured, sitting down again. "We must leave, Shade." She said with conviction.
"You mean leave mother, while she lays dying?" A growl arose in his throat. "You're crazy, Leia. We cannot abandon her!"
"She abandoned you when she forbid you from coming into your own territory!" She retorted, her fur standing up.
"That was father and you know it! She didn't want me to leave!" He protested, his ears flat against his head.
"Well she certainly didn't try to stop him from making you leave." She growled. "It's your fault, what you did. I shouldn't even be talking to you!" As soon as the words were out of her muzzle, she regretted them instantly. Pain flashed through his eyes, and grief glazed his amber gaze.
"She was in pain..." He whimpered, weakly trying to defend himself.
"Don't you try to justify it. She was our sister!" Leia barred her teeth, and stepped back again. "I'm leaving. I'll find more food somewhere. You can stay here and die with mother and have no one to bury you. Crows can eat your flesh when you die." She said, looking at him. For the first time, her gaze softened. "You're my brother. Should we ever meet again, I will welcome you." Then, as a final farewell, she told him; "I'm going to the city. The humans will have food there, after all where would all this prey be going? They must be taking it for themselves. Goodbye, my brother. May we meet again." Briefly pressing her muzzle to his, she left a thin, scared wolf in the bramble thicket by himself and didn't look back.

Her history is a brief synapsis, as to not to reveal too much. I hope it's alright! Let me know if I should add or change anything. Her brother's signups and my cat signups will be done later today!
Last edited by clarke, on Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby Squiggs » Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:36 am

{{ Oh my, it may take a long while to fill all 80 slots, a lot of people have trouble filling even 6 slots with how slow this role play forum has become ;-;

But to help out a little on the numbers I wouldn't mind playing a sibling or two of someone looking for one c:
I can normally handle up to 4-6 characters
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby hirundiiniv » Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:29 am

Ah, yes it might xD Sadly, I'm just too lazy to fill out another application for my feline character;;
Looking forward to fill it out soon though. ;w;
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Re: [☣]❝THE CITY OF ASH❞ || ᵈᶤˢᶜᵘˢˢᶤᵒᶰ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ

Postby clarke, » Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:11 am

↠ Shade
↠ Canine
↠ 2 ½ years old
↠ Male
↠ Heterosexual
↠ Shade is a deeply guilted dog; He carries around his past on his shoulders and wears it like a battle-wound. Without the forgiveness of his family, who are now dead or lost from him, he cannot forgive himself. Shade is a rather secretive dog; avoiding socializing. He spends his spare hours searching for his sister in the toxic city, risking his life everyday and he fears for the worst; That she's dead. But, like he is guilty, he's also determined.

↠ History : The same history as his sister, so, I'm not going to rewrite it in his perspective.
Last edited by clarke, on Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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