♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:30 am


just Sorrel
18 or so
tall and lean
her horse
katie mcgrath


♞ better to fight for something than live for nothing ♞
basic appearance
Sorrel is tall and pale, with clear grayish blue eyes. She has long hair that is extremely dark brown, and appears black in anything but direct sunlight. She is thin, but well muscled, and built for fighting or physical activity. She has a soft voice, when she uses it, but she isn't afraid to give orders if she thinks something should be done. She does have a scar across her jawline from a brush with wolves when she was traveling from Anvard to Cair Paravel.
Sorrel was born in Archenland to a young widow, the wife of a shoemaker. Just after Sorrel's mother found out she was with child, Sorrel's father was called to fight for Aslan against the White Witch. He never returned, leaving his poor wife and child alone at a small village outside of Anvard. Sorrel did not have a bad childhood, however. Her mother raised her herself, without the help of any man, and put within her the belief that anything can happen, any dream can come true if only you try hard enough for it. Sorrel was only ten when tragedy struck her family yet again. Her mother fell extremely ill, and was forced into bed and away from the shoemaker business. Not only did Sorrel have to start picking up the business, but she had to take care of her dying mother. The two had no remaining family, and couldn't afford a doctor. Two years later, Sorrel's mother passed away in the night, truly orphaning the confused young girl. Sorrel couldn't make shoes all by herself. She truly had no one to guide her or tell her right from wrong. The only thing she had left from her family was a young horse named Feather that they had used to ride back and forth between Anvard and their village. So Sorrel took Feather and her few belongings and ran. She ran away from her old life, from the poverty that was about to befall her. Sorrel ran away from her loneliness to make a new life for herself. The only place Sorrel could envision herself living was Cair Paravel. She had heard tales of the bravet knights, the wealthiest kings flooding the gates, and knew she had to find a way to get there. She rode across the continent to the city, knowing that that they would find help there, and be welcomed with open arms. She got to the court a year and a half later, starving and disheveled. A kind old woman took her in, grooming her up. But Sorrel didn't, couldn't ever trust again. She had spent too much time alone in the wilderness, turned away time after time. So she shut herself out. But she did watch. Sorrel watched the kings and the knights for four years, living and working as a barmaid to save up to buy a sword. When the blacksmith wouldn't sell to a woman, she made one herself, using years of pent up anger and ambition to craft a blade so unique that only she can wield it. On her eighteenth birthday, Sorrel walked into the King's throne room, demanding to show her skill. It was apparent that she had a natural talent for fighting, and was quickly knighted. The kings and queens of Narnia have never seen such a devoted knight, but yet also one so shut away and silent. She is loyal, but she is lost.
Because of her tragic past, Sorrel does not easily make friends or form relationships. She has this constant need to prove herself, and spends much of her time training or working with the other knights to defend and protect. She is an excellent ally, but a quiet and judging person. She is very intelligent, and contains a fair amount of "street smarts" as well as book knowledge. She doesn't speak much, and mostly observes, learning all she can about her enemies to somehow exact revenge. Sorrel is not a mean person; she is just distant, and hard to read. She has trust issues, and it takes a while of slow interaction for her to accept someone's advances, romantic or platonic.
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:05 am


ladies' man
woefully single
dark brown
deep blue
free man
traveling merchant
a bother


♙ those who don't believe in magic will never find it ♙
basic appearance
Finn has dark brown hair that never seems to lie down flat. He has dark blue eyes and is very tall and muscular from years of living on the road. His face is handsome and void of blemishes, and his smile is charming. He has tan skin and wears a lot of leather and cloths he traded for while selling his own wares.
Finn has been an orphan for as long as he can remember. His only memories of any sort of family were a clan of badgers who took him in as a child and raised him like one of their own. Finn's best friend, the badgers' true son Barnaby, was also Finn's partner in crime. The two of them would find themselves in trouble all over Narnia, kicked out of a tavern here, washed out of an inn there, anything you could possibly think of, they've probably done it. Finn set out for Cair Paravel when he was sixteen, saying goodbye to his charming badger family. Barnaby decided to go with him, and the two started to wander the land, picking up magic tricks and scamming people along the way. Their journey wasn't rushed; it was more about the trip than the destination, and they got into all sorts of trouble up and down the coast before finally making their way to Cair Paravel a few years later. Finn sets up shop on street corners, selling people little talismans or performing magic tricks. He does know real magic, learning it from various people during his travels, but he doesn't really know how to fight with it, and prefers to use his gift to scam people. Barnaby and he usually spend their nights in one in or another, Barnaby cashing in on the day's earnings and Finn wooing some barmaid or another. He talks big when it comes to women, but has never really had a solid relationship. He's quite the charmer, but he's too much of a loner to really stick around much.
Finn is a loner. He doesn't stay in one place for very long, and it would be hard to earn his allegiance. He likes girls, though it's easy to tell if he just holds a physical attraction or if he's actually interested in a person. Unlike Sorrel, Finn is a very open book. His face is easily read, and he's very open with his emotions. He talks big and brags, but he's not very loyal and he doesn't know how to fight. He is clever, however, and would probably make a good spy or strategist. He likes to pull pranks on people, and he's quite social and all around charming. He can be a romantic when he wants to be, but mostly he will spend time trying to scam people out of their hard earned money. At his core, though, he's a good man, and would help Aslan in a heartbeat.
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:19 pm


friends - Chloe North
currently single
mother - Carolina Jaxo
father - Marcus Jaxo
dark brown
pretty blue
best friend
acts without thinking
karen allen


You can't do this to me, I'm an American!
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wip posts

Postby qwill. » Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:39 pm

[color=#------]Image - cat's name[/color]
gender • rank • activity • tags

    rp post here
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:49 am


⋆ Even the longest con was never more than an assortment of moments that were in themselves very, very short ⋆

    it's meg. just meg. please, don't ever call me megaera; that was my mother's name.
    I'm twenty, and it feels like I've been twenty for a really, really long time.
    I'm female, last time I checked.
    I met a man once. We had a...strange relationship. It was four years or so ago, and I was young and stupid then. I'll never forget how much he broke my heart. Even now that he's gone he plagues my thoughts. I need to find a way to see him again, if only just once. For closure. His name was Jason, and he lied to me.
    Label? Well, I was a serving girl a while back. That's how I met Jason. After he left me to return home, I became a sort of runaway. I guess the best word to describe me would be thief. I'm the best pickpocket around, and don't you forget it. In fact, I just stole your coin purse. Here, you can have it back. The knowledge that I tricked you is the only treasure I need.
    Meg is small and built for stealth. She stands about 5'4" and weighs only around 115 pounds. She is set like the thief she is. She has long reddish brown hair that is often tied up or plaited in some way, and her skin is pale with a few freckles on her shoulders and nose. She carries with her a set of knives and a purse of stolen trinkets and treasures. Meg has pretty brown eyes that would shine even more brightly if she smiled more often than she does. Her voice is skeptical and cynical, and she has dimples that don't often appear.
    Meg was born in Athens and raised in a poor family. She had two older brothers who served in the king's army, and died at relatively young ages. She herself became a maid in the palace at age fourteen, working to support her last remaining family member; her ailing mother. Meg had never really gotten on all that well with her mother. Meg wanted to travel and to make a place for herself, but that was never possible for girls, and her mother strongly vetoed it. So she served the nobility begrudgingly. Her name does mean 'grudge,' after all. Two years later, a dark stranger came to the palace. He was handsome, and spoke of places to the far east and enchanting encounters with gods. Meg was entranced. She hung on his every word, and though he was visiting to court the princess, the two often had stolen moments alone, and soon developed a steamy, yet forbidden romance. Meg, young and innocent at the time, believed she was in love. She wanted to run away together, but he denied her affection, saying that the time just wasn't right. A few months later, he left, leaving only a farewell note for his besotted lover. Jason Ere, the mysterious traveller, had left for the underworld. Meg couldn't believe it. They had been visited by a god! Had it really been Hades himself? Was it she he was after? Meg tore herself up inside, wondering at what had caused such a mysterious visitor. But it was his absence that led her to never trust again. She ran away, leaving everything she had know behind, and started to get into pickpocketing and thievery. But she could never forget Jason, and never stopped wondering if he truly was the god of the underworld.
    Meg is cynical and sarcastic, always seeing the bad in things before the good. She hates to have fun unless it's at another's expense, and never, ever asks from help from a man. She is untrustworthy and flighty, but at her core she is brave, and that's what matters most, does it not? She is hard to explain, and easy to misjudge, but an excellent ally to have. Meg would rather be thrown in a pit of snakes blindfolded and forced to navigate her way through a labyrinth of flames than stoop to being rescued or helped by anyone. Basically, Meg hates everything.

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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:49 am


⋆ Without darkness, one cannot truly know light. ⋆

    Call me Jason.
    I look to be in my early twenties, but I am truly ageless.
    I am male. I am half mortal, half olympian; I am a demigod.
    I have had many over the course of my time on the earth. The most memorable was an affair with an athenian serving girl. She was made of fire, but alas, I had to leave her. If my father would allow me, I would have made her my queen under the earth. But alas, I live in eternal darkness, overseeing the toils of the underworld under my father's orders.
    I am a child of hades. Well, I am the child of hades. The only one that ever amounted to anything, that is. I was mortal once, but my father granted me the life of a minor god when I died, so I am now the god of grief and also recovery. I aid souls on their journey to the afterlife, and help to pass judgement on their actions as a living being.
    Jason is tall and muscular, built like a great battle hero, as that's what he was in life. He has curly dark brown-black hair and warm blue eyes. He has a knowing smile, and appears sensitive and charming. He stands around 6'2" and weighs about 195 pounds. He is protective and strong, and he has a charming smile. Often, before girls even know him or his personality, they will melt just because of his good looks. Jason, of course, finds this rather embarrassing, but that just makes him even more attractive.
    Jason was born to a young woman in the city-state of Athens and raised as a normal child. His mother never told him of his true parentage, but Jason always knew something was a little off. He never made friends, and he was always more interested in the earth than he was in people. Death or despair never saddened him, and people thought him strange because of it. As he grew to be a teenager, Jason realized his own strength. Being the child of a god, he was unnaturally talented in areas like battle strategy and brute strength. In an effort to fit in somewhere, he became a member of the king's army. It was later on the battlefield that Hades first appeared to him. He was fighting, swing his sword with grace and power when he made the finishing blow upon his opponent. Jason watched the man die, but at the same time he didn't. The other soldier's spirit lifted away, still solid, but obviously in pain, and lost. Jason was terrified, and felt like he had just made a horrible mistake. Hades appeared then, momentarily slowing time to speak to his son. He showed Jason all of the fallen souls on the battlefield, and how they were his burden for who he was. At first, Jason tried to escape this. He hated his mother for keeping this from him, and fled the army to learn the art of healing; Jason wanted to save lives rather than ruin them. He travelled all over Greece, picking up new skills and courting women he met along the way. When he turned twenty, Jason was drafted into the army. He couldn't escape this time, and the king knew of his skill in battle, and guessed at him being part god. He fought in battle, leading the armies and wincing as he watched tortured souls escape to the underworld. On the final battle, Jason was about to plunge his sword into the heart of the opposing general when a foot soldier plunged a knife into his back. Hades, too proud of his son to see him die, saved his soul from judgement, and made him a minor god for his noble actions, overseeing grief and recovery after death. Jason was allowed a home in the underworld, helping spirits cope with their fate. He visits the surface every so often to help people he sees grieving. It was on one of these visits that he met Megaera. She was the greatest mortal he had ever seen, in all his time of living. But his father disapproved, not wanting to lose his loyal son. He called Jason back, never to return to the surface world. Jason lives, lost and alone, stuck in a rut of grief himself, wishing only to be reunited with his seemingly true love.
    Jason is quiet and kind, with a willingness to help everyone he comes across. His job is to make people feel welcome, and he performs it well. He is a hopeless romantic with a yearning for a normal life, despite the honor of being a god. He has never met anyone who captured his heart so much as Megaera, and doesn't see himself with another woman until she is many years dead and gone. He may be silent, but he cares deeply for all those he comes into contact with. In spite of his seemingly perfect exterior, Jason is distant and distracted, making it hard to break his shell. He is also shy, and doesn't desire conflict.

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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:33 pm



    Castella Winthrop. Usually goes by 'Cass' or 'Cake.' Cake is a pet name, though, and it takes a lot to get her to let you call her that.
    Cass is sixteen, but she's very mature for her age.
    Cass is mostly heterosexual, but she keeps an open mind about such things, and doesn't really form relationships based on such menial things as looks. There's probably a label for that somewhere, but she doesn't really spend her time thinking about it. She hasn't had any solid relationships romantically, and is currently single.
    Cass has mousy brownish-blonde, honey-colored hair, pale skin, and pretty blue eyes. She has dimples and cute freckles across the bridge of her nose. She is not overly tall, and very thin. Perhaps thin isn't really the word for Cass' body type. She's more scrawny, and built for speed over strength. She usually wears black stockings and a dark pink skirt and hat with a black bow. Her style can only be described as charmingly dapper with a hint of preppiness thrown in.
    It was always Cass' dream to leave her hometown, where her parents owned a barry. She wanted to make a name for herself, and her avenue for that was science, and later pokemon training. She received her letter and Xerneas from Sienna when she was only thirteen, and it was then that she decided to pursue a career in training pokemon. She started by studying the creatures, and many befriended her. She was quiet and docile, and most of the pokemon currently on her team are her friends, rather than merely her pokemon. They approached her; she didn't actually capture any of them. That's why she's so good with fairy pokemon; she just understands them, and she is able to help them use their unique magic to the best of their abilities.
    Cass is extraordinarily intelligent, but she doesn't respond well to social cues. She does her best to help those around her, but she does it in such a way that she can come off as rather cold. She loves animals and pokemon, and loves studying the land around her. Sometimes she can get confused and overwhelmed if put in a situation that she isn't comfortable in, and she often retreats into a sort of shell. She is a very useful ally, however, and will always stand for what she believes is right.
    name Xerneas
    species Xerneas
    type legendary fairy pokemon; life pokemon
    about Xerneas was Cass' first real pokemon, and is her best friend. It is genderless, and doesn't show much emotion, much like Cass herself. They get along well in that they are both silent, and yet at the same time caring. Cass will often ride around atop Xerneas, and rarely ever is the pokemon in a pokeball. The two are inseparable, and bring out the best in each other.

    name Vee
    species Sylveon
    type fairy pokemon; intertwining pokemon
    about Vee took a liking to Xerneas before she ever trusted Cass. The two fairy pokemon got on stunningly, and as Cass sat reading or studying, would often play with Xerneas. Not wanting to end a wonderful friendship as Cass began to travel around, Vee followed the two for a while, and finally settled with Cass as a member of her team.

    name Incus
    species Audino
    type normal-fairy pokemon; hearing pokemon
    about Incus found Cass when she was first starting out as an actual trainer. He was wandering around as a wild pokemon, when he saw Vee get hurt in a practice match. He immediately moved to the rescue, taking a liking to the spritely sylveon. Since that day, he has sort of helped out Cass as a healer, always on the look out for a wound to tend to.

    name Trill
    species Clefairy
    type fairy pokemon
    about Trill likes to do exactly what her name implies: trill! She often sings and hums, and was attracted to Cass and her growing fan club after hearing Cass humming to herself along the road. Trill likes to jump and dance, and is often the entertainment for the little family.

    name Boxer
    species Togekiss
    type fairy-flying pokemon; jubilee pokemon
    about Box is a proud, adventurous pokemon, and the only member of Cass' team that she actually battled to train. He doesn't like to follower orders and has been trouble for Cass to train. However, she still tries, and is very patient with the ornery pokemon. His name is Boxer because he's always looking for a fight, and he isn't afraid to put up his dukes, despite his small size. He definitely has a lot of personality.

    name Gardevoir
    species Gardevoir
    type psychic-fairy pokemon; embrace pokemon
    about Gardevoir once again was not captured by Cass. She helps the young trainer as more of a friendship than a master type thing, and acts as a self-promoted sisterly figure to Cass. She is a powerful pokemon in her own right, however, and isn't afraid of a fight. She does not get along with Boxer at all.

    name Mist
    species Altaria
    type dragon-flying pokemon; humming pokemon
    about Mist is almost as quiet as the mist in which she flies, save for the fact that she hums beautiful songs. She took a liking to Cass and her team, and followed them around a bit before saving Cass herself from falling off a cliff. After that, the two were fast friends, and Mist decided to help the team out, rounding the little family out at a total of eight members.
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:34 pm



    Jason, but he usually goes by Jay, or sometimes Marcus, but he doesn't like that one very much.
    Seventeen, but a child at heart.
    Jay is a big softie and a straight guy, but he's never been in a solid relationship. He tells himself that he just hasn't found the right girl. He is too goofy to really make long-lasting friendships either, so he's open for both a romantic interest and a few solid friendships.
    Jay is tall and gangly with a sort of awkward demeanor about him. He has black hair that never seems to cooperate or go the way he wants it to, so he often wears a baseball cap to cover it up. Jay tends to wear a lot of blues and reds, and he has a favorite navy blue hoodie that he wears all the time. His mom hates him for it, and is always trying to hide it. He likes sneakers, and basically anything that makes him feel comfortable.
    Jay literally has done nothing exciting with his life. He grew up a relatively normal child with the relatively normal dream of becoming a pokemon trainer. The first pokemon he ever obtained was a Dratini, which has now evolved into a lovely Dragonite. This was a chance encounter, and the two are now best pals. Jay received his legendary a year after he began his journey, and has fostered a great relationship with it ever since. His team may not be the most cohesive type-wise, but it really is built around friendship and trust more than anything else, and that's what makes Jay a successful trainer.
    Jay is soft-spoken and rather awkward, but he really is a sweetheart. He often does or says things without thinking, and regrets them immediately. He is a social person, despite his quirks, and makes friends easily. Jay is not necessarily the life of the party, but he contributes to it by making jokes and laughing good-naturedly. He is kind and thoughtful, and values family and friends over science or discovery. He is also rather unassertive, and rather easy to manipulate. But he tries to stand up for what is right, which is what counts.
    name Aura
    species Suicune
    type Legendary Water Pokemon; Aurora Pokemon
    about Aura is a genderless Suicune. It was given to Jay when he was only thirteen, and the two didn't get on very well at first, both being too unassertive to contribute to the bond. But when Jay was trying to run drills with Peach and his new legendary friend, a swarm of Beedrills attacked. Aura saved the three of them out of a pure will to protect its trainer. Their friendship has only grown stronger since.

    name Pearl
    species Milotic
    type Water Pokemon; Tender Pokemon
    about Pearl is very vain. She would rather spend her time admiring her reflection than fighting, but knows how to get it done when the need arises. Jay caught Pearl shortly after winning his first badge, and asserting to his hometown that he was a serious dragon=-water type trainer.

    name Ozzi
    species Goodra
    type Dragon Pokemon
    about Ozzi is, well. Ozzi. There isn't really a name for it, other than that he's a total dork and not very intelligent. His heart is in the right place, though, and he works extraordinarily hard. He hangs on Peach's every move, and would do anything to please her. He latched on to Jay's team mostly because of the Dragonite, but has learned to love Jay just as much.

    name Peach
    species Dragonite
    type Dragon-Flying Pokemon
    about Jay's first-ever pokemon, Peach will stay by his side truly until the very end. Both trainer and pokemon were young when Jay saved her from poachers, and that just began a steady friendship. It was Peach's guidance that helped Jay decide where he wanted to focus his abilities as a trainer, and Peach's unwavering friendship that helped Jay learn the lessons he needed to learn to become a strong young man. Peach would rather die than let Jay get hurt, and is very protective of him.

    name Torro
    species Buizel
    type Water Pokemon; Sea Weasel Pokemon
    about Torro is the jokester of the group. Peach disapproves of him greatly. The little buizel was the first pokemon Jay truly caught after he decided he wanted to become a trainer. It was a stormy day as Jay started on his journey, still chipper and happy as ever. But nothing was going his way. No pokemon, no other people, nothing. The only thing that had happened was that someone had stolen his sunglasses. That someone turned out to be Torro. When Jay found them and retrieved them, he battled the wild buizel into submission, and the two became fast friends.

    name Banjo
    species Squirtle
    type Water Pokemon; Tiny Turtle Pokemon
    about What kind of water trainer are you if you don't have a squirtle? Banjo is technically Jay's starting pokemon, but he had Peach long before the tiny turtle. However, Banjo is a strong part of the team, and Jay wouldn't replace his spunk with anything else.

    name Sai
    species Vaporeon
    type Water Pokemon; Bubble Jet Pokemon
    about Sai is...urbane. He is powerful and suave and a pompous little Vaporeon. He knows he has power, and he is not afraid to use it. He is also a flirt, and definitely not quiet. He does come off as charming, however, and is a strong member of the team.
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:44 am


ageless; appears about 20
all deceased
dark brown
deep brown
some flecks of gold
home country
patron god/goddess
holds grudges
throwing knives
was scepter
sonam kapoor



❝ a cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion ❞

basic appearance
    Kedi, turkish for cat, is a stunningly beautiful young woman. She has long, wavy brown hair that shines a sort of chestnut in the sunlight. Her skin has a sort of olive complexion, and her almond shaped eyes are a warm brown. Her pupils are almost slit-like like a cat's because of her link with Bastet, and she is tall and slender. She tends to wear a lot of earthy tones, with the occasional pink or orange tossed in to liven things up.
    Kedi was born in Istanbul in 1906 and grew up as a rather poor child in the city slums. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father was a simple shoemaker in the inner city. When Kedi was fourteen, her father was shot in the chest as a random act of violence on the street, leaving her and her younger sister to fend for herself. Kedi was devastated at this lost, and soon turned to petty theft and burglary to make enough money to just scrape by. However, she never forgot the face of her father's attacker. A year later, Kedi's younger sister died of a nasty virus, and Kedi was truly alone in the world. She fell into a deep depression, losing hope in her search for her father's killer and missing her sister terribly. It was on the 26th of november, 1922 that the spirit of Bastet found Kedi. She felt it like a new beginning, a new start to a rapidly dwindling life. Kedi was a new girl, even at only sixteen. She dropped her given name Kadira and started only going by Kedi, or cat. The spirit of Bastet guided her to her father's murderer, and Kedi killed him with no regret. However, in the years afterward, Kedi looked back on this decision forebodingly. She felt that it was not her, but Bastet that had committed these crimes (which now included theft, meaningless seduction, and more murder). It was when news of the amulet shards appeared almost one hundred years later that Kedi felt motivated enough to rid herself of the spirit of Bastet.
    Kedi moves with a catlike grace only a true feline could achieve. Her senses are heightened as well, and she can take the form of any feline she choses, be it lion or simple house cat. Because of these feline traits, Kedi is quite finicky, and often hard to truly trust. She is ruthless in battle, as well, and can speak to most felines.
    Before Bastet entered the picture, Kedi was soft and kind, but lacked a predatory spirit. She was quiet and unassuming, almost vulnerable in her ability to accept concepts and ideas offered her. She was caring and motherly, and protective of those fitting enough to call her 'friend.' When she merged with Bast, however, this became her exterior. She appears as sweet, precious and well-read, as well as fun and seductive. However, on the inside, she is a true warrior and huntress, and also a trickster. She is charming, but her charm is often what gets her into trouble. She is scheming and is not afraid to use someone to get what she wants. There remains still some of the old Kadira within her spirit, but mostly she is simple "Kedi," or the daughter of the cat.
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Re: ♕ Character Forms ♕ -- {no posting}

Postby qwill. » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:54 pm


ageless; appears about 21
all deceased
deep blue
infused with grey
home country
patron god/goddess
inherently good
egyptian sword
left shoulder blade
right shoulder blade
lorenzo richelmy



❝ if by my life or death I can protect you, I will ❞

basic appearance
    Xan is tall, muscular, and incredibly good-looking. He has dark brown almost balck wavy hair that falls gently above angled eyebrows, giving him a serious look. When he does smile, though, it lights up the room with his charm, and he has adorable dimpled cheeks. He is not clean shaven, but rather hosts a scruffy stubble. His eyes are dark, but warmly so, and he exudes a feeling of honor and protection wherever he goes.
    Xan was born into a privileged family living in Athens, Greece in 1904. His father was a wealthy merchant and his mother a beautiful heiress. He had two siblings and three purebred Alopekis. It really was the good life. When World War One hit, however, Xan's family lost all power. He was sent to a school on Crete, being too young to fight, and lived there as a sort of charity program for much of his childhood. It wasn't until he was eighteen that he returned to Athens to find his siblings and father dead from warfare, and his mother extremely ill. On the night of November 26, 1922, Xan's mother left him and the spirit of Horus found him. Fueled by grief for his mother and family and guided by Horus, the king of the skies, Xan started training. He didn't know what he was training for, but he knew that he had to build himself up. He needed to become greater, more than just a pretty rich boy. As the years passed, Xan grew to appreciate the link between himself and the falcon god, but he also wanted to stay true to his roots as a greek. He made it his goal to also learn music, and is very adept both on the battlefield and in song. He had a sun, a symbol of apollo, and the eye of horus tattooed on his back in homage to the two forces that truly shaped his life. He has been with many women over the course of his extended life, but he has never made a solid bond with anyone.
    Being bonded with the god of the sky has held many advantages for Xan. He can transform himself into a falcon or other bird of prey, and has a natural sense of navigation among the stars. He also has a natural talent with the sword, and an affinity for leadership. Xan is also prone to fits of anger, such as the god Horus, but will always feel remorse afterwards and is overall the image of a dutiful son.
    The best word to describe Xan is charming. He is definitely smooth with the ladies, but he also cares for everyone he bonds with, and will do anything to protect them. He is selfless, though slightly arrogant, and his tendency to just take charge can be rather irritating. Overall, though, Xan is sweet, and an excellent ally. He is noble, and will do anything to protect the gods. Unlike Kedi, he loves his godly half, and believes that it makes him who he truly is. The spirit of Horus believes the same, and this unity creates a powerful, nearly unstoppable individual.
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