CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

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i can't believe i've done this...

Postby indigo' » Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:36 pm




-Corey Brooks

-non-binary (they/them)

-sixteen (August 31st)


-3 beads



-weapons: maul with celestial bronze spikes on either side

-godly parent: Kymopoleia (claimed)

-powers: hydrokinesis - can control/manipulate water and
-it's cooler than that but i can't think of a better way to word
-right now
-aerokinesis (minor)
-toxikinesis (minor)

Corey is best described as the physical embodiment of chaos. They live to be difficult and cause problems, always doing the exact opposite of what they're told, finding ways to push buttons and get under people's skin. They have a bit of a superiority complex (or so it seems) and will do anything for their own amusement. They can be reckless and impulsive, and usually acts like they don’t care about anyone or anything. Underneath it all, they are actually incredibly insecure and sensitive to rejection. They hate when people dislike them and are afraid of losing those they’re close to, so they try to avoid getting hurt by not letting people get close, being in control of whether or not people like them. It seems almost impossible to get to them, their cocky, upbeat attitude never wavering as insults just glance right off of them, taking everything with a smile.

Corey never had a very good life at home or at school. Luckily, they had two close friends that made it somewhat bearable. The three of them always supported each other, and when things got really bad, they decided to run away together. They didn’t make it very far before they were attacked by a monster, and one of the friends was killed. The other friend was scared by this and decided they didn’t want to go out on their own again. She chose to go back and live with her grandparents, leaving Corey on their own. Eventually, they found their way to Camp Half-Blood and have stayed there since.
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:03 am

All accepted!
I'll try to read through & get up a post later today; life has been BUSY as of late and it's not calming down anytime soon.

Important announcement
I am going through and removing any inactive individuals from the characters section of the main thread. Anyone who has not been active for 2 weeks without any sort of communication to me will be removed. That isn't to say that they won't be added back if requested; I am flexible when it comes to these things! I just want to open everything up for more active individuals; specifically the Big Three spots because those are limited. If you have communicated your absence to me in any form or are still active in the (unofficial) discord or this discussion thread your characters will not be removed. Thank you all! <33
Last edited by WitchHazel on Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Liv Keary

Postby WitchHazel » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:36 am

General Information
Full name: Olivia Violet Keary
Nicknames: Liv; call her Olivia and you'll get a fist to the face
Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her
Age: 15
Birthday: April 2nd
Sexuality: Bisexual

Camp Information
Godly Parent: Iris
Claimed?: No
Cabin: Cabin 11
Number of Beads on Necklace: 0

Her fists None yet!

Artistic Prowess
    Not exactly a superpower, but inherited from her godly mother nonetheless. Liv can draw and paint with great skill, in almost any style. That isn't to say she enjoys conventional styles... far from it. Liv's idea of art is making a mosaic out of smashed mirrors and broken glass. Apart from her more abstract work, Liv greatly likes using spray paint. Not necessarily in the most societally beneficent ways... she can often be found vandalising both public and private property. Her graffiti is much more than just bad words, though - it is often very artistic and thought-out.
    Liv can manipulate most mediums involved in visual art, such as paint and ink. In addition, she can also change the colour of objects at will. She uses this ability mostly to shift the colour of her hair and eyes or change up her tattoos.
    The ability to control light. This mostly applies to the creation of rainbows in Liv's case, but she is also capable of temporarily blinding people with bright flashes of light if she's feeling threatened. Due to the fact that she can create rainbows at will, she can also send Iris messages without the use of water or mist.
    The ability to create and manipulate illusions. This only applies to visual effects; Liv cannot create sound for her illusions on her own. It is technically tied in with photokinesis; Liv bends the light around her to create an illusion.

    Liv has always loved to sing, ever since she was young. She has no problem performing in front of people, but doesn't go out of her way to do it. Her voice is lower-pitched; an alto, though she has a huge range and can belt some insanely high notes. She's a fairly decent guitar player to boot, though she's never had the chance to play electric like she's always wanted.
    Though Liv might not be professionally trained in combat, she's been starting fights and kicking people's butts for most of her life. As a result, she's scrappy. She probably couldn't hold her own against a well-trained opponent, but anyone else would have a hard time beating her in a fight.

Physical Description
    Standing at 5' 1" (approx. 156 cm), Liv is short and bitter about it. She makes up for her height in her muscle content, however. Years of getting in fights and running from cops have kept her lean and wiry. Her skin is relatively pale, with no visible marks or blemishes apart from the occasional scar. Liv's hair is naturally a mousy brown, but she is always dyeing it one colour or another. Black makes a frequent appearance, often with dark blue, teal, purple, or sometimes red streaks. It is currently dyed black with dark teal ombré. It is naturally straight, though she'll occasionally curl it or style it when she feels like it. She parts it far to the side, and wants to potentially shave part of her head one day. Her eyes are a stark silvery grey, often described as "intense" or "off-putting". She will sometimes wear coloured contacts, but doesn't make a habit of it. Liv is typically covered in cuts and bruises due to her tendency to get in fights, usually with colourful band-aids covering any open wounds.
Identifying Marks
    Liv has a decent amount of tattoos; her mortal mother is incredibly lax when giving permissions. Plus she believes that tattoos will protect her daughter from being detected by government spies, so that helps. Her first was a death's head moth beneath her collarbone; she's loved moths and butterflies since she was a small child. She now has full swallowtail wings across her back, a skeletal unicorn surrounded by various moths and butterflies on her right shoulder, a sleeve of various butterflies with focus on swallowtails on her left arm, matching butterflies around her right ankle, a death's head moth surrounded by smaller moths on her left thigh, and a tiny unicorn behind her left ear.
    Liv's body is littered with scars, mostly concentrated around her knuckles, knees, legs, and outer arms. Some are certainly more notable than others, however. She has a scar across her right hip area where her appendix was removed a few years back, as well as a thin scar over the right side of her collarbone. Two long clawmarks stretch across her left shoulder from an "escaped zoo animal" that was probably a monster in retrospect. A small scar slices through her right eyebrow, no doubt a trophy from the many fights she's gotten herself into.
    Liv's style can best be described as a mixture of punk and goth. She dresses mostly in blacks or other dark shades, often showing moths, butterflies, or skeletal print and other morbid imagery. Band t-shirts also make an appearance in her wardrobe. Hoodies, sweaters, crop tops, leggings, and ripped up jeans are not uncommon amongst her clothing choices. She'll even wear pleated skirts on occasion. She likes to layer clothing as well, if it's cold enough for that. Her prized possession is a spiked black leather jacket, which she is often seen wearing around. Her collection of steel-toed boots are excellent for kicking things. She tends to wear platform or heeled boots in particular to make herself seem taller and more intimidating. When painting, she usually wears an old black shirt and jeans covered in paint, or even an old sweatshirt if it's cold enough.
    Liv's fingernails are always painted black, and often chipped. Her hands are usually crusted with dried paint in a variety of colours. Her eyes are constantly framed with dark makeup; typically thick black eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. In addition, she always wears black lipstick.
    Liv has a collection of chokers which she'll often wear, usually spiked. She'll sometimes layer longer necklaces over them. Her left eyebrow is pierced twice, usually porting silver or black rings or occasionally spiked barbells. She has a septum piercing, in which she often wears a curved barbell with spikes on the end or a simple silver ring. Snakebite ring piercings wrap around her bottom lip. Liv's navel is also pierced; typically ornamented by butterfly or moth-shaped jewellery. Her right ear sports a double helix, an orbital, and four lobe piercings, while her left ear has only the helix, daith, and singular lobe piercing. She likes wearing earrings that are connected by chains, as well as chain bracelets and spiked jewellery. She is almost always seen in a pair of fingerless gloves, showing off the assortment of rings upon her fingers. Some of her favourite rings include a fanged skull, a death's head moth, and a unicorn with a surprisingly sharp horn. She only removes her gloves and rings when creating artwork.

Digging Deeper
    Liv can best be summed up as a... difficult person. Snarky, mean, cynical, and impulsive; she tends to attract a lot of negative attention from those around her. She has a dry, dark sense of humour and can be bitingly sarcastic at times. Liv often says exactly what she thinks, regardless of the feelings it may hurt. Though she may act aggressive and harsh on the outside, she does have a few soft spots. If anyone manages to push through her wall of insults and fierce attitude, they'll find a sensitive person who deep down just wants to be loved and accepted. She has a lot of difficulty expressing her emotions in a healthy way, save through art and music. Liv's temper is the only thing shorter than she is; she's quite the hothead. Liv also has strong opinions about most things in general, and will not hesitate to argue them.
    When it comes to those she cares about, Liv can be very possessive - to the point of threatening people or getting physically violent if she feels a friend has been harmed. In addition, she can be petty and vengeful if she believes she or her loved ones have been hurt in any way. It takes a lot of time and patience to win her loyalty, but it's worth it in the end.
    Likes to watch cut flowers die; thinks its a beautiful process - is a street artist under the moniker "Renegade" - pretends to hate hugs but actually really likes them - often cuts objects apart to relieve stress - steals cars despite having no formal driving training - is a picky eater - a horrible liar - collects skeleton keys
    metal music - bands like Paramore, Halestorm, Evanescence, Tonight Alive and Nightwish - unicorns - knives - moths - butterflies - scissors - contact sports - breaking things - singing lead vocals - performing - big dogs - dried flowers - cold weather - punching bags - turning broken objects into art - stuffed animals; secretly - revenge - scars - tattoos - piercings - the ocean - horror genres - musicals; secretly - black coffee - black licorice - arguing
    Most people - singing back-up vocals - being told what to do - little yappy dogs - the colour yellow - cheery or peppy people - small talk - talking about feelings - taking criticism - perfume - mayonnaise - people who aren't scared of her - being ridiculed - lace - authority figures - being called short - signs - billboards - parades - waiting in line - indecisive people - her alarm clock - tomatoes - disco - dancing - astrology - people who think they're cute - "you should smile more" - rule-followers - white chocolate - peacemakers - the colour pink - cherries and cherry-flavoured things - know-it-alls - most people in general
    Thunderstorms - losing her mind - escalators - dentists - intimacy - vulnerability
Fatal flaw
    Liv's fatal flaw is her irascibility. When angered, she loses all reason and logic and will all too readily put herself in harm's way just to prove a point.
    Liv was born in Washington state, but she has moved around so much over her life that she doesn't really have a home state at this point. Liv's mortal mother was a moderately successful oil painter; selling paintings to galleries and private collectors alike. The house they lived in was modest, but it was something. However, their luck was about to change. Around the time Liv was five years old, her mother's mental state started deteriorating. She sold the house and bought an RV, filling it with her painting supplies and other various items the two might need before they began their Journey cross-country. Liv and Madeline were on the move almost constantly, fleeing from some unseen source that Liv would later learn was all in her mother's head. It worked in her favour as a demigod, however - all the travelling made Liv more difficult to be tracked by monsters. Unfortunately, it also made it harder for satyrs to find her.
    When she got older, the nature of her mother's mental state became more clear. Liv started acting out, if only to garner her mother's attention. She got kicked out of schools for her violent behaviour, which only added to the reasons to keep moving. She even spent some time in juvenile detention for stealing cars and defacing property. By the time she was let out, a local satyr had caught her scent. He explained her demigod heritage to her and her mother, though her mother simply proclaimed "bats! They're everywhere, spreading lies and sharing our secrets!" much to Liv's frustration. The satyr; a shrimpy guy by the name of Glenn, promised to get Liv's mom the help she needed if Liv would come to Camp Half-Blood with him. There was a decent amount of arguing at first, but Liv eventually gave in after Glenn Iris-messaged Chiron to confirm everything. Liv still can't help but feel like she's losing her mind a little, even as she is settling in to camp.

Personal Relationships
ϟ - neutral║✔ - positive║✗ - negative║✖ - enemy║✩ - friend║★ - close friend║♡ - love int.║♥ - romance║♤ former love int.║♠ former romance

None yet
None yet
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby tawneypelt0504 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:39 am

General Information
Full name:Cricket
Nicknames: Cricki,button,puffball,ket (feel free to add)
Age:immortal looks around 14-15

Camp Information
Godly parent:None they are a Dryad
Plant:Common buttonbush
Weapon(s):A wooden boomerang with flowers and leaves painted all over it. It's not the greatest weapon but it's good at distracting monsters And Hitting unsuspecting campers
Cabin:Honorary pan cabin member
Powers: Can control plant life as well as communicate with animals. They also have some medical knowledge.
Number of Beads on Necklace: Has lived at camp their entire life so has several

Physical Description
Cricket has a very small build they are 5'2 and are stick thin haha get it. They have hardly any muscle to speak of and aren't all that interested in gaining any. Their skin is a pale green that fades into a darker green around their arms legs and neck. They also have dark green freckles that are spread around their body. They have short poofy curly white hair and bangs that hide their eyes. Their eyes are very pretty Not that you'll see them they are hazel with golden flecks around the pupil.
Cricket's clothing style is very much comfort over style (Although they are quite stylish in their opinion). They typically wear sweatshirts, weather, and other oversized clothing. They typically go barefoot but will either wear flip flops or sneakers if shoes are needed.

Personality & Background
Cricket is very much a go with the flow kind of person, they don't sweat the small stuff and just choose to relax and enjoy life. They are one of the most easy-going people you with ever meet barely anything gets under their skin. This can make it appear as if Cricket doesn't care about things but that isn't the case. They are very helpful and caring and are very willing to listen and offer advice. Although Cricket's advice will probably be something like "Hey it'll be alright besides you've already made it through 100% of your worst days so take a nap and chill". They are a tad lazy and like to spend a lot of their time napping or cloud gazing. They are also rather cowardly and choose to hide in their bush or just run away. This is connected to Cricket's fatal flaw which is their avoidance. They don't like dealing with problems or conflict and will often choose to ignore them so they'll go away. They are very loyal though and wouldn't leave a friend behind even if they are scared out of their mind. They are also very caring and affectionate, they love getting hugs or being cuddled. Cricket does have a bit of a mischievous side but doesn't have the motivation to be mischievous a lot but will certainly watch chaos unfold.

Cricket has a pretty average history their bush sprouted next to the river that flows into the lake and that is where they just kinda popped up. They are taken care of by some of the surrounding nymphs and they just vibe. It's nice and Cricket is very proud of their bush and makes sure to take good care of it. As well as the animals that will often hang out around the bush which includes a pair of geese and a great blue heron. Cricket will often help out with arts and crafts painting and clay being their favorite. They will also help teach basic first aid to campers as well.

Likes: Naps, cloud gazing, painting, oversized clothes, nature, animals, and their bush.
Dislikes: Loud noises, conflict, monsters, litter, fire, and crowds.

Personal Relationships
Surrounding Nymphs: Cricket gets along well with the nymphs that surround them and some of them helped to take care of them when they were just a sprout.

Oswald and Isabella: These are a pair of geese that have chosen Cricket's bush as their nesting site, Cricket calls them Ozzie and Izzie for short. Cricket has dubbed them "Their geese" and has carried them around to show them off. The pair is rather friendly for geese anyway but they mostly keep to themselves. They have been known to retrieve dropped items in the lake from time to time. Cricket is the only person they trust with their babies and Izzie can be quite protective of her nest. Cricket will often help to take care of the goslings and you can often find their little heads poking out of their pocket or resting on top of their fluffy hair.

Herold: A great blue Heron that will often hunt fish nearby and Cricket's therapist. Cricket has dubbed the heron "An emotional support bird" and will often talk to him about their feelings and day and so on. Herold is a rather grumpy bird who doesn't really like people but he likes his dryad friend especially since they give him treats.

Other relations will go on the google doc here

Anything Else

Feel free to pm me about relations!!!!
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:12 am

HECK yeah accepted
It seems it is new character season here again
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby sweet.peaches~ » Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:56 am

this isn't that important to announce or anything but my laptop has been really wonky (mostly the reason why i was inactive yesterday) and i can't get into discord so just contact me via chicken smoothie if you need to!! :]
edit; all is well now


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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby sunhorsestar » Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:13 pm

I’m completely lost on what’s going on. Is anyone waiting on relies from me? (Kade, Satchi, Hunter, Karter)
Born female, identify as Genderfluid, any pronouns.
Chorus director and founder, black belt in Taekwondo, writer, actor, playwright, enjoys horseback riding, RPing, playing Howrse, animating, big projects, singing, reading, any kind of storytelling.

Autistic, mood disorder, pansexual, and proud! Feel free to talk to me about anything!

Note for any RPs I'm in: I love building up relationships, so feel free to approach them, but I DO NOT do arranged relationships in general. (May make a few exceptions, depending on circumstances)

Current Main Fandom: One Piece
Other Notable Fandoms: Attack on Titan, The Maze Runner, Soul Eater

Link on my profile is to a new Warrior cats RP site I started because I can.

Update: Considering quitting, not immediately, but overtime, things have just gotten to be a bit much, so we'll see what happens.
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:45 am

Questers are in the van; there's also a brief synopsis of events on the front page now ^^
I have no idea if anyone is waiting on replies tbh
I do not have the headspace nor time to give a more detailed recap as of right now; life is rather hectic currently jshdjsdj
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ollie (not skateboard trick)

Postby sammy, » Mon Jul 05, 2021 11:50 am


ottoline beatrice engel | im
mortal, appears sixteen | o
llie | cis female | heterosex
ual | b: july twenty-sixth | i
stp-a | daughter of aescula
pius | hunter of artemis | le
o | melancholic-choleric | l
awful neutral | durban skies

self-reliant independent brutally honest disciplined cold critical innovative orderly rational unforgiving l
eaderly coarse stubborn solemn tactful destructful often vindictive hostile strong-willed intelligent perc
eptive restless dependable slow to trust uninhibited sometimes sly domineering allegedly fearless industriou
s courageous quiet brooding taciturn emotionally withdrawn judgemental steadfast hot-headed protective

brown hair | brown eyes | five foot six | indonesian, german,
american | no tattoos | scar from left shoulder to navel from
car accident | health manipulation | healing | unhealing | ill
ness inducement | celestial bronze hunting knife named dewi
ottoline was born in connecticut in 1993 to mother intan, a cardiothoracic surgeon who
had caught the eye of aesculapius. raised an only child, their relationship was somewha
t strained by the nature of intan's work, but otherwise pleasant. when ottoline was ten,
the two of them ventured a trip to montana to visit intan's father, manfred - but on the
journey, her mother swerved to miss a deer and rolled the car. the effect was the near i
nstantaneous death of her mother and great injury for ottoline. left leg and right arm se
verely broken, a wound from shoulder to navel, and no other drivers on the road, she w
as, in essence, left for dead. she recalls little of what followed, but when the emergency
services finally arrived, it was due to her grandfather's fretting over their late arrival. biz
zarely, though, when the paramedics checked ottoline over, she was fine aside from a w
ound on her torso that had scabbed and healed in the course of a few hours. aside from
aches and grief, there was nothing wrong with her. shortly after arriving at her grandfat
her's, she was picked up by a satyr at her new school. camp half-blood was beckoning.

she spent three years at camp half-blood, unclaimed, and in the midst of this, met a boy
named dominic, an equally unclaimed son of hecate. the two of them, bitter teenagers, w
ere offered glory in kronos' army, and they took the offer. smitten with one another for th
e next two years, it was in the battle of manhattan where dominic fell as a result of one o
f kronos' fissures, and finally, the spell was broken. bereft, addled with loss, she ran as fa
r as she could, later discovered by a wandering group of the hunters of artemis, long afte
r the battle had subsided. as a self-inflicted penance for her betrayal of the camp and the
loss of the one that she loved, she joined them, acting as their healer in the battlefield.
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:05 pm

Hell yeah accepted!
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