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Postby vaell » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:15 pm



served as an interrogation
overseer in the bureau of
intelligence and research


a conclave tactical intelligence officer

xx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



001. jazmín seco 002. thirty-three years old 003. pure-blood st
atus 004. born to the governor of new california, ricardo seco a
nd her mother elena kovacs, the current director of the office o
f management and budget. when her mother relinquished custo
dy of her it became her father's sole responsibility to raise her a
longside his wife and her step-mother, olivia seco. she grew up
with her half-brother cassian and her step-sister mariana 005. h
ungarian maternally and spanish paternally with her family's pr
e-war roots hailing back to budapest, hungary, and madrid, spa
in, respectively 006. born on the tenth of january in the year 2
400 007. stands at five foot four, weighing one-twenty five pou
nds 008. she has a scent of black and red currants, violet, cher
ry, plum, pomegranate and fig over a foundation of leather and
mahogany musk 009. bisexual/rom 010. accompanied by her sa
nd-cat soraya 011. jazmín possesses a notably forthcoming pers
onality, bordering on overbearing and clingy. talkative, sociable
and outgoing, it's not uncommon for other people to find her m
annerisms less than appealing. she's someone who becomes insp
ired after spending time with others, and rather than becoming
exhausted from social interactions she actually gains energy fro
m conversation. too much time spent alone even drains her ene
rgy and makes her feel more listless than anything else. jazmín
truly thrives being the center of attention and as a result, she's
quite comfortable in unfamiliar or unconventional situations. st
riking up conversations with even total strangers is enough to br
ing her joy as she can often speak to explore and organize her t
houghts. of course, those who are less socially adept might dee
m her an attention-seeking, exhausting person to be around. ja
zmín often spearheads group outings and other social events she
attends. it's quite rare for her to turn down an invitation to any
sort of party or gathering. adaptability is her greatest strength,
and as a result she tends to welcome spontaneous decisions in h
er life. she is the definition of a "people person" and she has a w
ide range of befriended colleagues to prove it. truthfully, she wi
ll do almost anything to escape being on her lonesome, even if t
hat means entertaining the wrong crowd. despite her mother on
ly having been involved in her life for a rather short period of h-

-er childhood, the impact her absence has had on jazmín is
profound. she has always struggled with accepting her moth
er's departure and thus, grew fearful of other people in her
life leaving her as well. she's quite willing to sacrifice her o
wn comfort if that means ensuring other people will choose
to remain in her life. it's not uncommon for her to do things
at her own expense, driven by a deep-rooted fear of abando
nment. jazmín has a tendency to form strong attachments w
ith the people in her life. in fact, she finds it quite challengi
ng to respect the traditional boundaries two friends might h
ave for one another. she has absolutely no qualms prying int
o the affairs of others and she has an even harder time unde
rstanding why other people might not appreciate her intrusio
ns of privacy. she is quite meddlesome and will insert herself
into situations that do not even remotely involve her. she wa
nts to have control of her personal relationships and adjacen
t to that, be an important figure in the lives of her closest co
mpanions. as someone who is quite observant however she is
rather sensitive to any attitude changes other people might h
ave. she tends to overanalyze behavior and reads into things
far too deep, which usually only causes unnecessary turmoil
on her own end. jazmín is not particularly the best person to
handle conflict either. she can be tricky to communicate with
when she thinks she has been wronged and it finds it difficul
t to reconcile in such circumstances. regardless, those who h
ave worked with her can speak for her diligent work ethic.

. . . . . . . . . .


currently designated to the
bureau's covert operations

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Postby vaell » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:15 pm




entj-t personality type. . . six wing five enneagram. . .
capricorn sun, aries moon, gemini rising. . . lawful neutral
. . .fc rachel weisz. . . hungarian/spanish descent. . .
extended masterpost

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

012. jazmín grew up having a rather troubled homelife. her mother chose not to remain in her life
at a very young age following her divorce with her father and she has been all but estranged from
the woman since her departure. she and her step-mother were quick to get off on the wrong foot
too. having been cruel to her since the day she married jazmín's father, she has never truly the fu
lfilled the role of a mother figure like she needed. coming from a family of great wealth jazmín h
as always been rather materialistic, particularly because her father didn't know how to support he
r emotionally so he often fell back onto throwing money at their problems to try and consolidate t
heir failing relationship. as a result, she never grew out of her lavish spending habits. the initial ta
lk of divorce between her parents was initially viewed as something as a scandal within the concla
ve's innermost ring of elites. as a prominent politician, whispers of unfaithfulness and sightings of
her father frequenting casinos plagued her family name and attracted considerable scrutiny from
the public eye for a time. it was well known that her parents had their issues, but people came t
o wonder how he could move on so easily, for only a year after their divorce he would marry olivi
a. some media outlets have speculated that it was possible he was having an affair with her while
he was still with elena, however he has vehemently denied such accusations if not refused to ans
wer such 'absurd' questions altogether. after all, it was elena who left him, not the other way aro
und. that seemed to be enough to calm the media. it was always in her father's interests that jaz
mín one day too take up a career in the field of politics though it came to pass that her half-brot
her cassian would become her father's protégé, now serving as a congressman. she was often pitt
ed against cassian as a youth as per her step-mother's delight which only brewed unhealthy comp
etition between the two of them. her father's insistence that she follow his footsteps into politics
by forcing her to do things outside of her interests like join the high school debate club only creat
ed a cesspool of resentment that led up to her decision to enlist in the military to begin with. her
involvement in the conclave army was a choice that surprised her family and especially her father
who deemed her decision erratic and irresponsible. coming from a family solely holding ranks in t
he conclave government there was an expectation for her to uphold a similar career path. jazmín'
s father was certain she was throwing away what potential she had for a laughable 'career' in the
military. he never believed she was cut out for the army let alone the harshness of the wasteland.
as a result, when she entered the military she did so without her father's approval and without an
y familial support 013. jazmin was recruited by the bureau of intelligence and research (inr) and
has worked with the bureau since she first enlisted. she first gained valuable experience in tactic
al organization and field work during her early twenties as a staff officer before later landing her
self a position as an interrogation overseer. charged with overseeing interrogations, she has been
a key decision maker in the process of many innocent people losing their lives. in the year 2424
she participated in one of her first large-scale missions, the extermination of a bandit gang kno
wn as ten knives, bringing a tentative end to their terror to conclave-operated farms across new
california. during this time, many wastelanders were deemed to be in connected with the ten k
nives gang based on local suspicions, witnesses or gang activity alone. a number of cities and se
ttlements were targets for random abductions for interrogation where they would end up in a


holding cell before jazmín. the conclave was so keen on eradicating the threat the ten kn
ives gang posed on their operations in the wasteland that they did not mind that some wa
stelanders would be collateral damage. of course, a majority of locals refused to speak on
the ten knives situation given the fact they did not want to see their family hurt (most of
the people abducted by the conclave in this mission had witnessed or stumbled upon a ba
ndit massacre but did not want to risk implicating themselves in the events that transpire
d at a wrecked settlement). as a result, jazmín has been responsible for the deaths of ma
ny wastelanders and their families, innocent or not. unsurprisingly, jazmín's position in the
military required that she be sworn to secrecy given the people who she might come acros
s while interrogating those under detainment by the inr. when she is not actively deployed
in the wasteland, she typically operates out of prominent conclave prison establishments
or remote conclave outposts where she is assisted by the likes of itc-000 bots. these robo
ts were designed to help coax sensitive information out of detainees through the infliction
of extreme yet precise pain. additionally, jazmín has come to be well versed in handling a
number of pharmaceutical drugs created by the united states military in order to extract i
nformation from captured bandits and criminals that refuse to talk. the torture tactics oft
en employed by the conclave military can be quite severe and typically even lead to signif
icant trauma or adverse reactions should the detainee survive 014. she typically dons the
m20 power armor frame 015. a habitual smoker, she picked up the habit when she was yo
unger 016. jazmín has felt like the side character in her own life since childhood, watchin
g her family from afar. when she joined the military she finally adopted a sense of self an
d for once in her life she felt she was important to the functioning of a greater cause. she
is a prime example of the perfect conclave soldier. the military was able to take advantag
e of her more callous tendencies and inherent mercilessness to mold her into someone ca
pable of sleeping at night despite the cruelty she has enacted. her strong prejudice towar
ds wastelanders means she holds little sympathy for their struggles to begin with too.

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Postby vaell » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:15 pm



skilled in hunting
and foraging


a wastelander





001 julian moreno 002 twenty-four years old
003 tainted-blood status 004 maternal cousi
n to valentina kalajian 005 born to wastelan
ders louis moreno and grace moreno 006 eng
lish speaker. speaks bits and pieces of spanis
h 007 born on the second of march in the ye
ar 2409 008 stands at five foot ten, weighing
one-sixty three pounds 009 currently unaffili
ated, later joins the rebellion 010 accompan
ied by his sand-cat morris as well as he and v
alentina's horse mars 011 lost both of his par
ents and his aunt and uncle to android hyster
ia 012 he's a fiercely independent person and
tends to struggle against anything that may i
mpede on his freedom 013 detests the concl
ave and what forces the government exerts o
ver the wasteland. he has no love for the gro
ssly privileged followers of the conclave eith
er, people who go unaffected by the threats
lurking outside the capital city 014 grew up
with his parents as well as his maternal ext
ended family, living alongside his cousin val
entina since youth 015 after the loss of both
of their parents he has since stuck together
with his cousin 016 he tends to be rather re
luctant to face the past and avoids lingering
on unresolved trauma or any adversities he
has faced 017 over the years he has develop
ed the tendency to avoid confronting his mo
st potent emotions and memories in order t
o survive 018 due to how unpredictable life
in the wasteland can be, he often rationali
zes any negative feelings away to evade ad
dressing his problems head on 019 most of
his life has been spent resolving to focus o-

-n the present and its current challenges r
ather than giving any thought to mulling ov
er the past 020 he is still haunted by what
has transpired in his past though rarely ex
presses the fact 021 instead of discussing
things in a healthy manner he instead disp
els them within the depths of his being 02
his troubled thoughts are hidden beneat
h laid-back, witty attitude 023 though he
was raised in the faith of the akir, he doe
s not rely on the gods to offer him any gu
idance. his mother was once a devout fol
lower of the akir but her gruesome death
signaled the end of his attempts to integr
ate religion into his life 024 despite his ra
ther sour relationship with the akir, he ha
s kept his mother's white scriptures as a k
eepsake 025 his skepticism toward the ak
ir gods is rooted deep. he is wary that en
trusting too much faith in the gods will h
inder a person's survival more than it will
bring any good fortune 026 his connectio
n to faith is complicated because he tied
his mother to the very notion of belief a
nd he still refuses to accept the implicat
ions of her death 027 he has a knack fo-

. . . . . . . .


later becomes affiliated
with the rebellion

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Postby vaell » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:16 pm



enfp-a personality type. . . seven win
g six enneagram. . . pisces sun, tauru
s moon, aquarius rising. . . chaotic go
od. . . fc miguel herrán. . . hispanic a
nd french descent. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-r collecting and identifying various types of vegetation growing out in the w
asteland to utilize them accordingly. he learnt much of this knowledge from
his mother since she used to take note of the healing properties of different
plants and their applications in cooking food. in corners and empty spots of
her scripture she would take notes of the flora she encountered 028 he poss
esses a unique steel-bladed dagger which he typically carries on his person.
there is some sentiment attached to the weapon since his father gifted it to
him on his fourteenth birthday 029 his dagger belongs in a leather sheathe e
ngraved with detailing from an arcadian vendor his father acquired it from a
fter some extensive bartering 030 the majority of his youth was spent huntin
g alongside his family and traversing the wasteland 031 he's become a season
ed expert of navigating the land as well as tracking down animals 032 profici
ent with a shotgun and in archery 033 the experiences he has endured throu
ghout his life have ingrained a sense of perseverance into his very being 034
he is not someone who gives up easily nor does he readily let other people d
ictate his fate for him. regardless, he is a team-player rather than a lone ran
ger since he has become so accustomed to sharing decision making processes
with his cousin valentina 035 incredibly adaptable and resourceful. he knows
how to use his environment and life experience to wiggle himself out of trick
y situations 036 his sand-cat morris was originally adopted by his father thou
gh since his passing he has taken care of the creature 037 he has a strong se
nse of morality and cannot bear to witness the suffering of others, whether
it be under the conclave's command or by the hands of bandits or thieves 03
though hospitable to other wastelanders, he has retained a healthy amou-

-nt of wariness toward the intentions of strangers. in the wastela
nd you always have to be looking out for yourself and your kin fir
st and foremost, and such a notion does not go over his head 039
has a habit of trying to lighten up even the most dire of situation
s with humor even when it may not be the most appropriate 040
the rebellion has always intrigued him since his youth, though his
parents often warned him and valentina to avoid getting themsel
ves involved with such organizations 041 he's as interested in the
rebellion as he is skeptical of their alleged help to the average w
astelander 042 owns an amulet his mother used to wear. it bears
the symbol of argus og etched into its surface. she used to wear
it in the belief that it would protect her from the evils of the wo
rld 043 despite being tethered to the dixon wasteland for the m
ajority of his life, he has always wanted to see the rest of the co
untry. he and his cousin have never had much opportunity to set
out and explore due to the obligations and responsibility they bo
th share at their settlement, laurel oaks 044 he can be quite the
convincing person given how frequently he negotiates with seller
s who set up at marketplaces 045 he and valentina's lifestyle mak
es it hard to reflect on the loss he has endured in life because th
ey are always trying to get by through making their livelihoods by
hunting or taking on tasks to acquire some caps 046 he feels as th
ough the death of his parents and his uncle and aunt are an indire
ct fault of the way the conclave has developed and introduced th
eir technological advancements into the world 047 he has sought
the comfort of community in the place of holding faith in religion

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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:02 am



of an airship


a conclave chief warrant officer → a commissioned officer






001 mina parekh 002 twenty-four years old 003
pure-blood status 004 born to general adhar pa
rekh, head of the seventeenth airforce, and gov
ernment figure sonia parekh 005 english speaker
006 pre-war family roots hail back to the united
kingdom 007 born on the twenty-fourth of june
in the year 2409 008 stands at five foot ten, we
ighing one-forty nine pounds 009 affiliated with
the conclave 010 accompanied by her blood ea
gle sheeva 011 since the onset of her younger
brother ishaan's successful military career she
has felt completely overlooked by her parents
012 her cain complex has instilled a sense of e
xtreme envy and rivalry in her relationship wit
h her brother, which eventually morphs into a
gross hatred that begins fueling her desire to
watch him fail rather than thrive 013 she is far
more reserved than what her ambitions sugges
t. she often struggles over deciding what is the
best for her and finds it easier to let other peo
ple sway her judgement 014 her compliant nat
ure makes her someone who is easily imposed
upon, and because she is not very assertive she
will often go with the flow 015 she leads a rath
er stagnant career, facing several rejections for
a promotion on separate occasions 016 what mi
ght be considered right or fair often eludes her.
her willingness to please other people causes h
er to cast aside her better judgement as well a
s her ability to commit to what is truly consider
ed just or not 017 smells of smoky oud wood,
damask roses and clove 018 she feels her emot
ions on a deep level and falls victim to her feel
ings. she acts on her instincts, believing that j
ust because an emotion carries intensity, it mu-

-st be acted upon 019 she has a vicious te
mper and when things don't go her way, s
he is quick to become foul 020 the further
she ascends the military ranks, the more s
he begins losing a grip on her ability to ha
rness her own anger, making her extremel
y volatile and unpredictable to be around
021 around the time when her brother ish
aan becomes a missing person, she teeter
s on the edge of her own sanity and beco
mes an edgy, erratic individual plagued by
severe bouts of paranoia and mistrust beh
ind closed doors 022 she grows suspicious
of the world, other people and their inte
ntions and whether or not they can see r
ight through her 023 by the height of her
career when her hatred has been exploit
ed to its fullest, she is a person far remo
ved from who she was once was 024 her
efforts in the air force become concentr
ated on colonizing the wasteland and su
bduing unruly residents, a similar yet un
forgiving mission that would eventually s
ucceed her father's own work 025 due to
her ambition she becomes the poster chil
d behind the suffering of many wastelan-

. . . . . . . .


currently designated to
the aviation field

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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:03 am



intp-a personality type. . . four wing
enneagram. . . cancer sun, sco
rpio moon, libra rising. . . true neutr
. . . fc anya chalotra. . . south asia
'n and british descent. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-ders losing their homes or land 026 during one of her most notorious coloni
zation exploits in the wasteland she loses her left arm to a rebel-initiated a
mbush 027 her severed arm is replaced with a mechano-arm, a piece of high
ly advanced technology that serves as a custom-made prosthetic. though it
has the capability of using imagery devices to make artificial skin appear or
ganic, she chooses to display the raw machinery of the prosthetic 028 after
the incident she weaponizes her injury against the rebellion to further publ
icize anti-rebel rhetoric and push tainted-blood stereotyping in the capital
on a widespread scale by appearing on talk shows or radio programs 029 her
goal is to avert the average wastelander from seeking aid from the rebellion
or supporting their cause, and to instill fear into the citizens of the capital
030 she was born into upper conclave society. her father is a general in the
conclave air force, a man who possesses control over one of the ten airships
in existence. he is most notable for his colonization endeavors in the waste
land, currently pursuing the agenda to increase civilization in the odawa de
sert. her mother was formerly an official serving on the conclave intelligen
ce committee, however she has since been appointed director of national i
ntelligence due to her expertise and qualification 031 her mother has faced
an alarming amount of pressure after stepping up to the former director gar
cia's position, and as such her new job has taken a toll on her family and str
ained her relationship with her daughter further 032 growing up, her mother
was strict and policed how often she could hang out with her friends or go o
ut 033 when she entered the conclave military her pilot training began relat
ively early in her career. she transitioned from non-tactical environments t-

-o becoming a member of an airborne squadron handling light car
go and supply runs runs to and from different military forts 034 s
he has attempted to appeal her request for admission into the ne
xt warrant officer rung however her captain won't budge. she has
become convinced that he wants to hold her back due to a person
al vendetta 035 as she has progressed very little through the milit
ary rankings, her brother has proved himself a great asset to the
conclave 036 ishaan was awarded the position of major general,
becoming one of the youngest recipients of such a ranking. his im
pressive promotion has been overshadowed by the looming animo
sity between her family and the loukanis bunch though 037 once
she does begin climbing the rigorous ladder of the military, she g
rows from a woman with passive resentment to an assertive and
domineering figure with little remorse 038 at the height of her c
areer she begins to suspect that her brother ishaan is plotting a f
orm of sabotaage against her, and that he now harbors feelings o
f jealousy toward her the same way she once felt about him 039
around this time her brother disappears and becomes presumed
dead 040 her beliefs about reality become so fixed that nothing
can convince her that what she thinks or feels is not true 041 co
nstantly in fear that people are spying on her or plotting to harm
her 042 plagued by delusions of persecution 043 once she comes
into control of an airship called the gauromydas heros her erratic
behavior is displaced on to the wasteland, assuming authority ov
er her father's campaign to displace residents and clear wildlife f
or mass conclave-mediated construction and expansion efforts

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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:25 am



a skilled violinist
known as floyd


an entertainer affiliated with the rebellion





001 edwin albrecht 002 twenty-eight years old
003 tainted-blood status 004 proficient in a nu
mber of different instruments alongside the vi
olin 005 born to former conclave technicians a
nd rebels elias albrecht and emmeline albrecht
006 english speaker. speaks bits and pieces of
german 007 born on the fifth of october in the
year 2405 008 stands at six foot one, weighing
one-eighty pounds 009 affiliated with the rebe
llion 010 accompanied by his sand-cat richard
and his bulbdog bernard 011 he primarily serv
es in reconnaissance and information extracti
on missions under the guise of a performer ap
pealing to various conclave military fortresses
012 though he possesses a flair for the drama
tics and tends to be an eccentric character o
n stage, he is actually a grounded individual 0
guided by a strong set of moral principles,
he doesn't veer from his own beliefs unless t
here is good reason to do so 014 he can be q
uite persistent in his ways because of this, of
ten trying to make sure that any given situati
on caters to a positive outcome for the majo
rity involved 015 an excellent conversational
ist, he is open to new ideas and finds it stimu
lating to listen to the opinions other people h
old 016 having lost both of his parents at a you
ng age during their involvement in the rebellio
n, he has a deep-rooted desire to prevent unn
ecessary brutality or bloodshed throughout the
wasteland 017 though sometimes it's impossible
to avoid improvising, if there is anything he can
do to make sure things run smoothly and as pla
nned, then he will go out of his way to minimiz
e any creases in a plan 018 when things compl-

-etely spiral out of his control though he t
ends to become very intent on damage co
ntrol 019 his first instinct is to prioritize t
he lives of those around him above all else
020 he has the heart of an idealist but his
endeavors are usually practical 021 he is
the type of person who has no trouble sa
ying things that other people might be u
ncomfortable hearing, no matter how de
spairing or direct his observations may b
e. this makes him appear quite insensitiv
e to others at times 022 a true collaborat
or, he thrives off working alongside other
people and values the input of his compa
nions 023 he's been involve in the rebelli
on ever since he was a child, both of his
parents having been a part of the organi
zation since before he was born 024 his
parents were an invaluable duo to the c
ause due to the ever-progressing advanc
ement of the government's technonology.
they had the training to deconstruct and
understand complexities that could pote
ntially aid the revolution instead of the
conclave 025 he's picked up some skills
from his parents although his knowledg-

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currently designated to
reconnaissance missions

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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:25 am



estp-a personality type. . . three win
g two
enneagram. . . libra sun, capri
corn moon, aquarius rising. . . neutra
l good
. . . fc jensen ackles. . . germa
'n descent. . . extended masterpost

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


-e is rather limited. he only dabbles around in tampering with technologies
026 he grew up around some of the longstanding members of the rebellion
027 music and art was a large part of his adolescence as his father before h
im was a violinist. he however did not have the chance to follow wherever
his own artistic career might have led him because he was far too valuable
to the rebellion as a technician 028 his father could decipher and dismantl
e conclave technology so well that his skills would have been wasted if he
were designated to being an undercover agent in the entertainment indust
ry 029 in his youth he was gifted his first violin from his father, an instrume
nt he has not yet parted with since receiving. it's one of the few pieces of
his parents he still has left 030 both of his parents perished when he was s
till a boy, a tragedy that occurred while they were deployed on a mission 0
though his parents were well versed in common conclave convoy routes
at the time and knew typical security protocol due to their time formerly s
erving the government, they met their demises during an interception gone
awry. what was intended to be a successful hijack of conclave goods and eq
uipment ended in disaster 032 rebel headquarters initially expressed warine
ss over the mission because the target convoy was projected to be heavily g
uarded based on the sheer number of supplies being transferred between m
ilitary forts but the mission was approved regardless, costing the rebellion t
he lives of many rebels 033 the early loss of his parents hardened his resolut
ion against the conclave but it has also solidified his apprehension 034 all th
e opinions he holds closest to his heart have been influenced by the experie
nces he has had in life 035 he tries to veer on the side of caution when it c-

-omes to revolutionary endeavors because he has seen firsthand w
hat recklessness and impulsiveness can bring forth 036 he refuses
to be a passive instrument to needless death or casualty and as s
uch he can be very persistent and unyielding in his ways 037 he w
on't back down from conflict so long as he believes he has good r
eason to object another person. this can make him appear rather
resolute but in truth he can entertain different perspectives whil
e remaining confident in his own judgement 038 while he has shi
fted through different positions in the rebellion throughout his li
fe, the atmosphere of the stage has always been his calling 039 s
ince he has dabbled in different areas of music from the piano to
the cymbals he has been fortunate enough to be able to bring in
a variety of youths under his wing to help guide them in their ow
n creative interests through he and constance's caravan crew 040
the crew is like family to him. though he serves as a mentor in th
e eyes of many he is always learning new things from those he wo
rks alongside 041 he goes under the rebel code name vuledo desp
ite his stage name being floyd 042 exceptionally skilled in the art
of deceit, unsurprisingly given how much experience he has sourc
ing information out from under the conclave 043 tends to be very
critical of his environment, constantly analyzing what is going on
around him 044 he's good at managing other people and catering
to their needs. he knows how to work his guise and his ability to
think on the spot helps him turn situations to his advantage shoul
d the need ever arise 045 makes an effort to keep morale high w
hile working with others even when the situation is rather grim

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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:25 am



new hollywood supermodel
and fashion influencer



xx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



001. vivienne bandini 002. twenty-six years old 003. pure-blood
status 004. born to dario bandini and celine marrazzo-bandini.
her family is renowned for their impact in both the fashion a
nd the modeling industry in new hollywood 005. english and it
alian speaker 006. pre-war family roots hail back to florence,
italy 007. born on the fourteenth of january in the year 2407
008. stands at five foot nine, weighing one-thirty pounds 008.
affiliated with the conclave 009. smells of a black cherry, da
mask rose and jasmine sambac blend that penetrates the se
nses. always wearing a teasing full-bodied perfume 010. at t
he age of twelve she started modeling, and in an industry ri
fe with advantages for those who are well-connected or co
me from wealthy families she had no troubles getting signed
to cmg models by the influence of her mother 011. a year la
ter she made her first fashion week debut, walking for zanz
. in the same month she made her break in high fashion
on the cover of the daily magazine which named her one of
the ten breakout models of the year, stepping in to the lime
light as the tabloid-proclaimed successor to her mother and
former renowned runway model celine marrazzo 012. as her
publicity continued to expand exponentially throughout her
adolescence she began working with the fashion house her
family gained their reputation for, named the face of a ban
dini-bancroft campaign at fifteen. for the next twelve mon
ths she would dominate the modeling industry, reinventing
her mother's legacy in her own name 013. the cmg modeling
agency, known for managing a number of the highest paid s
upermodels in new hollywood, hides their sinister and unscr
upulous motives behind the guise of their clients success. e
xploitation, fees and expenses that eat away at earnings as
well as stolen pay are common for those signed with the ag
ency. her career has been managed by her agent antoine du
pont, a well-known socialite and modeling industry intellect
ual. he's been siphoning money even from the earliest stages
of her career, disguised by his strangely passionate desire to

see her succeed. emotionally abusive and quick to resort t
o threats, he's been earning a larger cut for his expertise t
han ever before 014. by the time she was eighteen she was
named brand ambassador for laurence williams, securing h
er position as model of the year for the second time in her
career since she was fifteen 015. during her early twenties
she became the national brand ambassador for douceur, f
ronting campaigns for their luxurious fragrances. she rece
ntly co-designed a capsule collection with douceur, dubbe
d vivi by douceur. her other collaborations include brands
such as aria cosmetics and bantu jewelry 016. her social m
edia presence has grown alongside her successful modelin
g career, giving her a large platform to share her takes on
fashion. she's a vivacious and bold personality and people
find it hard to look away 017. a primadonna at large, her i
nconstant and provocative tendencies make her queen of h
eartbreak and disappointment. others often get enthralled
by her aura of mystery; she doesn't remain anywhere for lo
ng, and no one really gets to know her. serious questions w
ill get coy answers. it keeps people on their feet and keeps
them wanting more too 018. so possessed by her own hyper-
independence she has the tendency to treat other people i
n her life as though they are disposable. in other words, if
you're not worshipping the very ground she walks on she wi
ll bore of you quickly 019. thoughtlessly causing hurt or inco
nvenience to others is an unavoidable byproduct of her pla-

. . . . . . . . . .


the face of bandini-bancroft and
brand ambassador for luxury
perfume brand douceur

Last edited by vaell on Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:02 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby vaell » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:26 am




estp-a personality type. . . three wing two enneagram
. . . capricorn sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising. . . cha
otic neutral. . . fc catherine zeta-jones. . . italian and
welsh descent. . . extended masterpost

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-yful persona 020. it's certainly no easy undertaking capturing her genuine interest to begin with.
she's a passionate person with a creative mind whose thoughts rarely rest, and having been imme
rsed in the luxury fashion scene surrounded by flamboyant personalities since her youth, she dism
isses most people as drab or unexciting. she's drawn toward those who possess their own flair and
individuality, people who deviate from the norm and push the boundaries of what is socially accep
table. fashion is the hallmark of all things bold, filled with endless possibilities and her mind is onl
y stimulated by those who can keep up with her own ingenuity 021. unlike her mother before her, s
he's been a relatively thorny presence in the new hollywood social scene. she's catty and stubborn
and as a client it makes her inherently difficult to manage and contain. under the weight of stress
and exhaustion, irascibility and touchiness have grown more common for her. she's clashed with ot
her models backstage such as her own maternal cousin giorgia marrazzo and her melodrama has be
en plastered all over speculative magazines and articles. she unintentionally lashes out and causes
a slew of backlash her pr team has to clean up 022. she behaves the way she does because it feel
s like the only way she can exert some control over her life, even if it is trivial and child-like. her c
areer and her lifestyle is micromanaged to a tee and her agent dictates the people she can publicly
associate with. she shields herself from vulnerability by projecting a self-confident and assertive im
age 023. more traction in the tabloids is a sure way for her to receive scrutiny from her father. as
dimentico's heiress she's expected to adhere to a modicum of self-respect and awareness, and the s
aying that all press is good press has been highly inaccurate in her experience. she shares a unique
relationship with her father dario, who is the current ceo of the national corporation and conglome
rate dimentico which specializes in luxury goods. the two have a close and loving relationship, and
he's spoiled her since the day she was born. their bond is durable, built upon a strong foundation of
mutual trust and respect. his business genius has not eluded his daughter and together they have e
nvisioned a grand future for the company. her father is hardly meddlesome in any of her affairs tho
ugh, having pushed her into self-reliance and critical thinking at a young age. her mother celine on
the other hand is far from restrained. she makes a habit of checking in on her eldest daughter regu
larly, consistently concerned about her treatment in the industry or her wellbeing. as a former run
way model herself she's well versed in modeling culture and its unpleasant qualities, and her own e
xperiences have made her rather protective over her daughters and their involvement in the indust
ry. vivienne appreciates her mothers efforts but besides a few loose reassurances, she typically avo
ids divulging anything of substance to her since she doesn't want her to fret 024. she has two you
nger sisters, both of which are currently high school students. her youngest sister gianna is an aspir
ing actress, while her other sister carmen is a commercial and catalog model looking to make her r
unway debut. she absolutely loves her sisters to bits and they're both used to being doted on and s
mothered by her affection whenever she sees them. being the eldest it's easy for her to forget to t
reat them their age, and to them her coddling can come off as patronizing. due to this both gia an
d carmen often find her frustrating to deal with and its helped contribute to the resentment the y
ounger bandini sisters harbor toward vivienne 025. while the paternal side of her family is highly in
volved in business endeavors in luxury fashion, her maternal side has built a modeling dynasty in n-


-ew hollywood. the marrazzo family have been muses for the biggest fashion houses, m
ajor fashion collaborators and social media heavyweights that produce some of the most
influential models of the moment 026. most of her time in the public eye is captured in
fashionable social circles, accolade events or exclusive premieres 027. a self-indulgent p
erson, she frequently attends extravagant, lavish parties hosted by figures considered t
o be some of the most elite in new hollywood. they often brim with hedonistic displays
of luxury and affluence, infested with other recreational activities guests are eager to p
artake in. she's notorious for her audacious presence in the social scene, often found at
the heart of any party buzz 028. fussy and vain, she often prioritizes her own needs over
that of other peoples. you may be there for her whenever she's in a bad spot, but nine t
imes out of ten she won't return the favor. she's full of excuses and stubborn enough tha
t she won't readily admit to her own faults or shortcomings. she's something of a textbo
ok hypocrite who expects the rest of the world to live up to her standards but doesn't fe
el obligated to do the same 029. the continual success she has garnered throughout her li
fetime has all but made her the queen of hubris. there's very few situations that could p
ut a damper on her confidence let alone bypass her uncaring front. being deeply affecte
d by other people or things is not a look she likes to wear because it betrays her otherwis
e nonchalant and insouciant attitude 030. her wardrobe is filled with dramatic designer p
ieces from a variety of luxury brands ranging from haute couture to prêt-à-porter. as a d
iehard fashionista and a style icon, she expresses herself through her clothing and can of
ten be spotted wearing articles that are chic and daring enough to draw just the right a
mount of attention to herself 031. her artistic view of the world makes her a bit eccentri
c and thus an inspired business partner. she dabbles in fashion design when she's not wal
king the runway or promoting a certain label and keeps all of her ideas and sketches in
a small notebook. as soon as someone brings up the topic of anything fashion-related h
er enthusiasm practically jumps out at you. she's truly passionate about what she does

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