s u n s h i n e; 's characters- realistic rp forms

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s u n s h i n e; 's characters- realistic rp forms

Postby thisaccountisempty » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:49 am

Welp. I decided that Microsoft Word was being too much of a uncooperative butt when it came to housing my charries. Besides, threads are easier to manage~

Please don't post here. This is just a character thread and nothing more.

Character Form Skeleton

Code: Select all
[center][size=125][quote="Meaningful Words] something somewhat pertaining to the charrie[/quote][/size][/center]

[color=][center][size=150][u]About Me[/u][/size][/center][/color]
[size=85][color=]introductory words[/color][/size]
[size=85][color=]Name:[/color][color=] about their name[/color]
[color=]Nickname:[/color][color=] Nicknames n’ stuff"[/color]
[color=]Age:[/color][color=] Age[/color]
[color=]Birthday:[/color][color=] Birthday[/color]


[center][color=][size=150][u]Getting to Know Me[/u][/size][/color][/center]
[size=85][color=]More words[/color][/size]
[size=85][color=]Personality:[/color][color=]Personality stuff. Four-five paragraphs, one paragraph for each aspect of personality.[/color]

[color=]Likes:[/color][color=] More words
likes and stuff, at least six[/color]

[color=]Dislikes:[/color][color=] More words
dislikes and stuff, at least six[/color]

[color=]Fears:[/color][color=] More words
fears and stuff, at least four[/color]

[color=]Dreams:[/color][color=] dreams and aspirations. At least three sentences[/color]

[color=]Hobbies:[/color][color=]Hobbies and stuff. At least three.[/color] [/size]

[center][size=85][color=] Even more words[/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=85][color=]History: [/color][color=]History and stuff, at least five sentences[/color]
[color=]Family:[/color] [color=]Family and stuff. At least four sentences[/color]
[color=]Pets:[/color][color=] Pets and stuff.[/color]
[color=]Significant Memories:[/color][color=]Significant memories and stuff. At least three.[/color][/size][/center]

[size=85][color=]Witty quip.[/color][/size][/center]
[color=][size=85]Hair Color:[/size][/color][size=85][color]Hair stuff.[/color]
[color=]Eye Color:[/color][color=] Eye stuff.[/color]
[color=]Height:[/color][color=] Height stuff[/color]
[color=]Weight:[/color][color=] Weight stuff.[/color]
[color=]Build:[/color][color=]Body type stuff.[/color][/size]

[size=85][color=]Wordy words[/color][/size]
[size=85][color=]Sexual Orientation:[/color][color=] Sexual orientation stuff.[/color]
[color=]Crush:[/color][color=] Usually no.[/color]
[color=]Boyfriend:[/color][color=] Always no.[/color]
[color=]Exes:[/color][color=] Ex stuff.[/color]
[color=]Illnesses or Disorders:[/color] [color=]Illness and disorder stuff.[/color][/size]
Last edited by thisaccountisempty on Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
other things wrote:my dA
--Feeling; decent
--Wanting; a good PJO roleplay
--Listening; Clint Eastwood-Gorillaz

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Chrysanthe Foinikia Emmerich

Postby thisaccountisempty » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:56 am


Meaningful Words wrote:“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise.”



"I'm gonna start now, 'kay? Maybe you should write all of this down or something."
Name: "Um, my name is Chrysanthe Foínika Emmerich. Chris-an-thay Fo-ini-kah Em-er-rich. Quite a mouthful, I know. One time, I looked up my names; it said Chrysanthe was Greek for flower, Foínika was Greek for phoenix, and Emmerich is a form of a German word for royal people and stuff. I like my name. It has a nice ring to it."
Nickname: "Eeh, you can call me Chrys? I dunno. I prefer my full name, but I know it's a mouthful. People like to call me "dweeb", "freak", or other names a lot."
Age: "I'm sixteen."
Birthday: "My birthday is February 29th 1996. Yes, I already know it only technically comes every four years. No need to point it out."
Birthplace:"I don't know. I think somewhere in New York?"


"I'm not very interesting..."
Personality:"Hm, that's a toughie."
Awkward: Chrys definitely knows how to kill a conversation. It's not that she tries to, but she says the awkwardest things that make people say "Oh, look at the time! Gotta go!". She likes friendships and all, but for her, they're pretty hard to make. Keeping a conversation alive is quite difficult, and when she attempts talking, she stutters and acts like an idiot. She hates huge crowds without a friend by her side; they make her extremely jumpy and nervous.

Odd: Chrys is an odd little girl, no qualms about it. She loves to randomly sing and dance when no one is around, and she can be quite the space cadet. She does try her hardest to stay with the conversation, but if it's "boring" or she just gets lost, expect a comment about something probably unrelated to the conversation at hand. Her taste in clothing, music, food, just about everything is a little less than normal. It's hard to describe what "rank" she would ever be in; she doesn't really conform to anything. That lack of a social rank bothers her, however, and makes her feel like an outcast among her peers.

Kid-at-Heart: Spongebob or Scrubs? Chrys would pick a kid's show over an "adult" show any day. She loves cartoons and toys and play-pretending. She knows how to act mature, but she'd rather be over at the bouncy house goofing around and doing flips than talking with adults. She doesn't get many sexual innuendos, but when she does, she turns a bright cherry red and becomes almost completely quiet. She's oblivious to flirts and often tries to make an excuse before they start to throw themselves at her. Academically, she's pretty smart; romantically though, she's more dimwitted than a goldfish.

Nerdy: She's the kind of girl who you would find analyzing a fossil than getting her hair done. She loves science to no end, especially Biology and Chemistry. She's not very nerdy in the sense of tv-show fandoms, however. If Doctor Who comes up in a conversation, she'll most likely go "Who? You don't know your own doctor's name?". Chrys' pretty open to new things though. Math is probably her hardest subject, but the lowest grade she's ever gotten in that class was a B-. She's a bit too ditzy to help out a lot with homework, but she tries to help people whenever she can. Even though she's quite smart, her common sense is lacking. She often forgets to put things up, and does things without thinking them through.

Likes: "Oh! This'll be easy!"
- Chocolate. Just give her a little bar and she'll be pleased with you for the rest of the day.
- Animals. She thinks they're adorable, and loves stroking their fur.
- Sunshine. She loves the warmth of the sun, and will be outside as long as she possibly can.
- Japanese culture. Everything from the food to the music.
- Harry Potter.
- Greek Mythology.
- Bright colors. They attract her attention very well, and cheer her up.
- The color heliotrope. It's an odd, not very known color. It's actual color somewhat varies from person to person, and that's why she loves it. One day, she wishes to get heliotrope streaks in her hair.

Dislikes: "Ack."
- Driving.
- Storms. She's not exactly scared of thunder and lightning, but she wants them gone as soon as possible.
- Extremely cold days.
- The fact that she puts in lots of fillers in her sentences.
- Being considered a freak or a weeaboo. She knows that she would qualify as one to every person if she ever talked about it, and that unnerves her.
- Blood. It freaks her out.
- Homophobia. She doesn't only dislike it, she hates it with a passion.

Fears: "Um, if I tell you, you won't try to scare me?"
- Moths. She's not too fond of butterflies, and the fact that moths are just bigger, furrier, and uglier butterflies makes them terrifying.
- Natural disasters.
- Dying without ever falling in love.
- The dark.
- Planes. Something about the whole "flying thousands of feet in the air while being entrapped in some metal contraption" freaks her out.

Dreams: "I wish to be a chemist or biologist when I grow up. Those jobs seem so cool! Being a musician would be really awesome too. And if all else fails, then a job in the military would work. Don't know what though."

Hobbies:"Well, I like painting, practicing piano, and learning new languages. I'm currently attempting to learn German. My family and some of my friends say I'm good at singing, but I hate singing in front of others, and I'll only do it when I'm by myself. They just got lucky, or unlucky."



"Guh. That's a very, very awkward question."

History: "Um, is it really that important? It is? Well, okay then. I was abandoned at birth at a orphanage. The actual building was pretty crappy. The forests surrounding it were really cool and fun to explore. I lived there for six-ish years until a gay couple came in. They were almost a godsend, I swear I thought I was never going to get adopted. Like, ever. All the others always went for the babies. They're really cool people. We moved around once or twice because of my dad's job. We finally settled in good ol' New York City, which wasn't too far from the orphanage. It's really pretty over there, unlike what other people think. I loved watching the big ball drop on New Year's Eve.Somewhere in there, I wanted to learn a new language, I decided to learn Japanese. I never talk about it. I don't want to be called a weeaboo. So, um, yeah. There you have it."
Family: "Two dads. Andy and Dave Emmerich. One works at a bakery, the other works at a pretty successful company. Got a problem with the fact that they're gay? Then get out of my face, I don't want to deal with people like you."
Pets: "Andy and Dave don't really care for pets. I like helping out at the rescue shelter though."
Significant Memories:"Um, I dunno? Getting adopted was one. What, you want three? Fine, getting the final Harry Potter book in hardback? And learning Japanese? Are those good enough?"



"Um, do you have an eyesight deficiency?"

Hair Color:"My hair is a kinda dark blonde, with some gold and light brown streaks."
Eye Color: "I have heterochromia. My right eye is green-blue, the left hazel."
Height: "Erm, five foot four. Or five. Not totally sure."
Weight: "One hundred and sixteen pounds. "
Build:"I dunno?" Chrys has a relatively normal build, she's just a bit scrawnier than usual.
Heritage:Chrysanthe is British, American, German, Greek, and the smallest bit French. In all honesty, she doesn't know her true heritage, but it's believed that she's a big mix of everything.

"Me? Social? Yeah, not really."
Sexual Orientation: "Well, I'm demisexual bicurious."
Crush: "Nope."
Boyfriend: "No."
Exes: "Nuh-uh."
Illnesses or Disorders: "Th-that's none of your business!"

"So what, just more random facts?"

Favorite Food:"Spaghetti. So delicious and saucy and yum! I'm prone to making messes though."
Favorite Color:"Purple! Heliotrope, to be specific.
Favorite Genre of Music:"Alternative and Classical; I'm seriously caught between the two. I love both Gorillaz and Beethoven!"
Favorite Animal:"Humm, the fennec fox is adorable."
Least Favorite Food:"Velveeta. Absolutely disgusting."
Least Favorite Color:"Orange, bleh."
Least Favorite Genre of Music:"It's a bit cliche, but I despise Country."
Least Favorite Animal:"Goats. They freak me out, and they like to chew on my hair."
Last edited by thisaccountisempty on Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:00 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Alexander Demitrovich Lutrova

Postby thisaccountisempty » Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:03 am


Meaningful Words wrote:“Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.”


"Here it goes. Remembering this stuff would be nice."

Name: "Well, my name is Alexander Demitrovich Lutrova. Yes, it's long. I know."
Nicknames:"My father calls me Alex."
Age:"I'm eighteen years of age."
Birthday:"December 18, 1993. Yes, I understand that I share a birthday with Joseph Stalin. I'm not like him. How hard is that to understand?"
Birthplace:"Moscow, Russia. It's actually a very nice place."


"I'm about as bland as water."

Personality:"Ah, how to explain?"
Cold: At first glance, Alexander seems like a cold and calculating person who will try to usurp you every step of the way. He is always thinking, and often lost in his own world. Most of his thoughts, however, don't involve undermining others for his personal game, but instead theorems and the space-time continuum. He is quite cold and unwelcoming at first, but will open up eventually.

Shy: Alex is a very introverted soul. He usually never starts conversations with people, and will try to avoid them as well. He tries to blend in, which usually fails given his height and hair color. Because of his shyness, people often see him as a loner. In reality though, he enjoys having friendships; they're just hard to make and keep.

Zany: Once he warms up to you, Alex is a odd but fun friend to have around. He likes to goof around and do spontaneous things, like suddenly dancing in front of friends. If he gets extremely excited about something, he might accidentally start speaking a mix of Russian and English.

Classy: Alex is not shy to sexual implications. He's a bit of a pervert, but tries not to show it. He will always try to be as classy and innocent-minded as possible around women and people not very close to him. Out of habit, he will near-always refer to women he's talking to as his "lovelies". He enjoys a nice, intellectual conversation with others, and it would probably be more suiting to see him in a fine suit instead of jeans and a t-shirt.

Intelligent: He's very smart. His strongest points are Physics and Geometry, but will do well in any math or science course. His only weak point is English. In school, he only learned formal English, so he wouldn't understand most slang words, and ends up using bigger words than the average person. If you know him, he would be glad to help you out with homework, but he can be easily frustrated. Although he's quite smart in the academical sense, his common sense is a bit lacking. He often forgets to close or put up things, and does things without completely thinking them through.

Likes:"Ah, well. This will be easy."
-Speaking Russian. It confuses people greatly, which can be humorous at times.
- Cats. He likes how fluffy they are.
-Parakeets. Alex just thinks they're really pretty looking, and their chirps are cute.
- Chocolate. He is the biggest chocophille you will ever meet. Be it Godiva, Ghiradelli, or just plain Hershey's, he will analyze and pick apart at the flavor like there's no tomorrow. He once got in trouble for "accidentally" eating an entire box of Godiva chocolates.
- Snow. This should be a given. He did live in Russia.
- Video games. They help him relax and connect with friends.
- Bright colors. Spontaneous, neon colors catch his attention.
- The color orange. He is pleased with his hair color, aside from the teasing he sometimes gets. He loves using oranges in recipies -even if they're just decoration- and orange things whenever possible.

Dislikes:"It's a pretty big list, I apologize."
- People judging him because of his heritage.
- Bugs of all kinds, except ants. He finds them fascinating.
- Dogs. Bad experience as a kid.
- Campers and text-killers. And idiots who try to ruin the game for everyone else.
- Really hot days.
- The fact that he says "Ah." a lot.

Fears:"As long as you don't try to use them against me, I'll tell."
- Falling from great heights. He has no problem getting up there, but it might take a bit to get him down.
- The dark. He was often punished by being locked in a closet for thirty minutes.
- Moths. He thinks they're ugly, terrible creatures. And they fly, which makes them a lot more formidable in his opinion.

Dreams:"I dunno. I want to become a physicist one day and help out with finding the inner workings of the universe. I also want to become a famous drummer, but what are the chances of that happening?"

Hobbies:"Practicing my English -not so much a hobby, but a demand from my father- playing on my drum set, painting, learning more about physics, that kind of stuff."

"What, like history? Ah, that's a bit of an awkward subject..."

History:"Well, if you must know. I was born in Moscow, like I already said. I lived there for about fourteen years, and then my father got a job transfer over to America. My mom died soon after from influenza, and my dad just kind of ignored everything but his job. I struggled in school quite a bit, in all areas except for Science and Mathmatics. I learned English very, painfully slow. I often got made fun of it for it, and it didn't help that I was a ginger. But yeah. Nothing tragic."
Family:"All I have is my father. Demitri Ostchevich Lutrova. He's about forty-two. He's pretty..uh, big; he's a good two-hundred pounds, I believe. My mother died fairly young, at 39."
Pets:"None. Both of my parents were allergic to fur, and my father hated live fish. He thinks they're only good for eating. Mother used to like them, but she didn't have a way with animals."
Significant Memories:"Immigrating to America, getting teased a lot as a kid. Losing my mother. Finally being able to understand the Chaos Theory as well as the laws of thermodynamics. Understanding English. "


"Are you blind, per chance? I apologize if you are."

Hair Color:"I'm a ginger. Don't make fun."
Eye Color:"My eyes are a gray-green, if that makes sense. If not, they're the color of mold. Like the really nasty kind you see on bread. Pleasant, I know."
Height:"I'm six foot five."
Weight:"About 189? Sounds right."
Build:"It's average. Not too burly, not too skinny."
Heritage: Alexander is half-Russian, and half-Irish-American. Mum was pure Irish-American, father was pure Russian.


"What do you mean "Social"? People notice me about as much as the microscopic bacteria on your skin."
Sexual Orientation:"I'm straight. Well, I guess. I mean- aah, drat. Fine I'll admit it. I'm bisexual, slightly leaning more towards females."
Crush: "No."
Exes:"Nope. Never had a girlfriend. Don't say anything."
Illnesses and Disorders:"Ah, well..."



Favorite Food: "It's this odd Russian dish, a sort of beef stew served in a crispy bread shell."
Favorite Color: "Orange. Haven't we been over this?"
Favorite Genre of Music: "To be honest, I do like Dubstep. It's relaxing."
Favorite Animal: "Cats! I love Abyssinians."
Least Favorite Food: "Escargot. Absolutely nasty."
Least Favorite Color: "Green. It's just, I don't know, stupid."
Least Favorite Genre of Music: "That teeny-bopper Pop crud they have today."
Least Favorite Animal: "Dogs. They're just scary."
Last edited by thisaccountisempty on Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:10 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Carter Ryo Lewison

Postby thisaccountisempty » Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:07 am


Meaningful Words wrote: “I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.”


"Uh, hi, I guess. How long is this going to last?"
Name: "The name's Carter Ryo Lewison. Carter because my mum thought it was cool; Ryo for the same reasons as above and the fact that I was born in Japan; and Lewison, well, because it was my dad's last name, what else would it be? Oh, you want definitions? Oh. Well, Carter means "Transporter of Materials", Ryo means "Exceed", and Lewison is just a form of Lewi or something. Like "Son of Lewi"."
Nickname:"Don't really have any? Sorry to disappoint."
Birthday:"October 5th, 1996"
Birthplace:"U.S. Naval Hospital, Okinawa, Japan."



"...Why is this necessary?"
Personality: Quiet: You will probably never see him start up a conversation, ever. Carter prefers to keep to himself and likes to stay in his own private world. His parents often bother him about it, but he tries not to let it get to him. Even with friends or family, he's quieter than dandelion fluff hitting the ground. When he does speak though, his words are very mild and often filled with apologies, as well as being near-unintelligable. Carter has really bad habits of staring at the ground or sky, just generally not making eye contact with the person, as well as crossing his feet, which has gotten quite a few yelling-at's from teachers.

Cynical: Carter doesn't believe too much in miracles. A lot of his wishes and dreams were crushed because reality hit him, hard. He believes everything should have an explanation, and if it doesn't, then he'll make up one. Because of this, he doesn't believe in mythical creatures or beings, and can be seen as a terrible killjoy. Not many things are taken at face value with him, he explores every aspect of it and wants to know everything about it.

Pleasant: Once he opens up, which takes quite a while, Carter is a pleasant person to hang around. He's a good listener, really and truly. If you just need to open up and spill your feelings, he'll listen for however long it takes. If you're hurt, he'll carry you around and actually take care of you. He's still quiet, but not as much, and sometimes cracks a joke or two.

Brilliant: Carter is absolutely genius. Name a subject, he's probably got an A or even a A+ in that class. He absolutely despises answering questions and raising his hand unless necessary. He studies quite often, and for long periods of time. His mum also helps him with subjects he doesn't fully understand, as well as his dad. Carter isn't too fond of being smart, because even if he wanted to be friendly and sociable, no one wants to make friends with a nerd.

Lazy: He's one of those guys that would rather laze around all day than get up and moving. He rather enjoys not moving, and likes to "conserve energy" for nothing at all. Carter is often reprimanded for it by his parents, but he gives him a "look" and they stop. He does actually do as much exercise as possible, but it's usually in the morning or late at night.

Likes: "I do like things; I'm not a empty shell."
--Sweets. Carter has a really huge sweet tooth.
--Birds, especially pigeons. He just likes them.
--School. It's the only place where he can relax and not be hounded for being "antisocial".
--Reading. A favorite pastime of his.
--Playing video games. Helps him relax and be as social as he's comfortable with.
--Being wrapped up in blankets. They're fluffy and warm and really comfortable. He loved being a little "burrito" as a kid.
--My Little Pony. He is a major brony, and can talk for hours about Rainbow Dash, Princess "Trollestia", and Lyra.
Dislikes: "What? I'm only human."
--Cats and dogs. They kill birds, which puts them on his bad list.
--Most vegetables. All he enjoys is sweets, fruit, and meat.
--Loud, obnoxious people. Pretty straightforward.
--Being social. He prefers being in his own little world.
--Being somewhat cold. He despises the cold with a fiery passion.
--Homework. Carter does like school, yes, but he hates the "menial assignments that are followed after every lesson".

Fears: "..."
Carter is terrified of closed-off spaces with numerous amounts of people. If he's by himself, then as long as he can walk around, he's fine. With three or more people-numerous to him- he starts to panic. He also doesn't like bees or dragonflies very much; they were just scary to him.

Dreams: "What, like what I want to be when I'm out of school? Uh, an artist. I know it's not a reliable source of money, but it's the best job in the world in my opinion. I guess a backup plan would be a librarian."

Hobbies:"Swimming, reading, painting, and collecting trading cards. I also like playing the saxophone, but I'm never going into a school band again."


"My life is like any other kid's."

History: "I'm just a military kid, that's about it." Carter was raised in many different places around the world, at least ten. He never made very many friends because he moved so often. Every year or so was a new place; the longest he's stayed in one location was four years in Japan the second time. When he was thirteen, he was in an accident. His school bus was smashed into the side by a drunk driver, thankfully not killing anyone or harming anyone-except Carter. Carter's left leg was totally crushed and basically destroyed to the point where it could never be used again. He got it amputated and was fitted with a prosthetic leg that he utterly hates. Today, he walks with a small limp and is excused from most P.E. activities. "I'm kinda like a spill on the counter- there one moment, gone the next."
Family:"Mum's a stay-at-home mom, dad's a Chief Master Sergeant. Highest you can go in the Air Force without a high school diploma, so it's pretty cool, I guess. There's nothing else to it, to be honest. Well, aside from my older brother and sister. Randall and Michelle, twins, 23, both in college, FSU and University of Flordia respectively."
Pets:"No pets. We move around too much for that."
Significant Memories:"All my memories involve moving. I mean; dating Alicia was nice, then I moved; and then going to that Japanese school for kindergarten, moved once the year ended, and would moving here work?


"...I'm doing some type of interview-thing, and you can't tell?"

Hair Color:"It's a dark brown."
Eye Color:"Green."
Height:"Around 5'9?"
Weight: "Maybe about 156."
Build:"I look skinny, but I really do have some muscles."


"I'm just not a social person."
Sexual Orientation:"Pansexual."
Crush:"I don't do crushes."
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:"...What do you think?"
Exes: "There was one girl in sixth grade that I dated for a month, and then I had to move away."
Illnesses, Disorders and/or Disabilities: "..." As previously stated, Carter's left leg was amputated, and he now uses a prosthetic leg.


"Is this necessary?"

Favorite Food: "Cupcakes. They're just really good."
Favorite Color: "Green. Not the bright kind, but the darker, more relaxed kind."
Favorite Genre of Music: "I'm not totally sure what genre they are, but I like listening to The Living Tombstones and Eurobeat Brony."
Favorite Animal: "Pigeons."
Least Favorite Food: "Broccoli. Pure, unadulterated crud."
Least Favorite Color: "Purple. I just can't stand it."
Least Favorite Genre of Music: "Rap."
Least Favorite Animal: "Those big, brutish dogs."
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