Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

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Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:22 am

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[left][img] [/img][/left][b]Name | Age | Gender | Role[/b]
[b]Species Description:[/b]



I'm also in the process of setting up a Discord for the roleplay, which I'll send out the invite for once it's ready and we've got some characters! This is to make discussion for the roleplay easier, especially with those with a stowaway character (oooh mystery).
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Castor Saros - The Captain

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:40 am

Castor Saros | 28 | Male | The Captain
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Species: Velluite
Appearance: To start with, his hair has all been dyed a vibrant purple colour, and it is kept short, though it a little longer on top and brushed neatly back. His eyes are silver - a clear indication of what his original hair colour was, of course - with a roundish-almond shape. His skin is a deep bronze tone, and he stands at 5'11''. He has an athletic build, which is a little deceiving of the strength he possesses. The stars on his hands indicate that he is destined to be a great leader, but that he is also destined to be betrayed by someone close to him - he wears gloves to cover his hands. He has a somewhat sharp jawline with high cheekbones, and is clean-shaven. His posture is very formal, and has something of a grace and elegance. Like all Velluites, he has small gills on the sides of his neck, and his ears are somewhat fin-like.

Species Description: Hailing from the planet Velluitis, this species usually has satiny bronze skin, in varying hues. Their eyes and hair are the same colour, but their hair also takes to dye extremely well, regardless of colour - usual natural colours for them are shimmery silver, warm peach, seafoam green or lilac purple. They also do not have eyelids, and therefore do not blink or close their eyes when sleeping, which can be quite unnerving to those not used to it. (However, when they do sleep, their eyes have a cloudy-white 'film' that covers them). They have the unusual ability with their lungs in which they can adapt to any atmosphere on any planet. It takes a few moments to adjust, but it works for them every time - they also have small gills on each side of their necks, which helps with this, and also allows them to breathe under water. They also have excellent natural strength, but don't often use it as they tend to be a rather peaceful species - though they will deflect any attempts to invade their planet with relative ease, as they are a fairly technologically-advanced planet and will use their strength to their advantage as and when they need to. The backs of their hands also have a pattern of tiny, silver, star-like marks that are unique to each Velluite, and are said to be an indicator of what the Velluite is destined to do or be. Once such a destiny has been fulfilled, the markings turn gold. If a Velluite dies before their destiny is fulfilled, then the markings fade to a dull grey. Some wear gloves to cover them, to not allow anyone who can interpret the stars to read them, or for other reasons. Their ears are also a little fin-like.

Personality: Cautious and careful, Castor always thinks through his next move. A rule-follower and strategic, you can bet that if anyone is keeping you on schedule, it'll be Castor. He rarely makes time for anything that anyone else might consider fun, and is known to sometimes spend hours into the night/designated sleep or rest time just working. He strives to excel and prove himself, and is constantly concerned about suddenly not being needed anymore and getting cast to one side. As intelligent and skilled as he is, though, he may well be easy to manipulate if his being needed is threatened or is promised the recognition he strives for. He's not entirely uptight, however, as he is also rather friendly and warm towards most others, and does like to make conversation. Castor is a very good listener, a shoulder to cry on, though he will warn that he might not be good with giving advice, but he'll still try. He's also very patient - he's known to work on something until it's up to his standard, or will wait where he's told to for a very long time.

History: Castor's family - consisting of his parents and three older siblings - all went into a career of captaining or commandeering ships of some kind, whether that would be battle, research or luxury. So it was little surprise that Castor went into the same career. However, being the youngest of the siblings, he has always felt a need to have to excel, exceed and stand out. Especially with the prediction of the stars on his hands. He first attended an academy, one that his siblings also attended, to learn about being a captain, how to work up to it and command crews (as well as how important each crew member is), and gaining some experience. Castor started out as an officer on a research ship, eventually working up to first officer. Then, at the age of 24, moved to be captain of another research ship, The Prosperity, which was known to be highly successful in missions since he took over. And so, at the age of 28, he was specifically sought out to captain The Sovereign of the Stars.
He also adores music and good fashion - especially interestingly patterned scarves - but he doesn't really let anyone else know this. He is allergic to a blue seaweed-like plant called Yeal - which is unfortunately not uncommon to use in meals in this part of the galaxy - and he dislikes warm temperatures.
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Aerglo Vega - The Stowaway Medic

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:52 pm

Aerglo Vega | 26 | Nonbinary | Stowaway Medic
Sexuality: Androsexual
Pronouns: They/Them/Their
Species: Zannan
Appearance: Their hair is emerald green in colour, wavy and is kept relatively short, with it being slightly longer on top and usually a little messy - so certainly not long enough to be prehensile, but it does make their third eye visible. Their eyes are violet, and are of a slightly hooded shape, with their third eye being rounder, and mid-brown, indicating that their power capacity is on the stronger side. The crystals in their face are an iridescent blue-purple colour, with several of the larger ones on the left side cracked. They stand, as usual for a Zannan, tall, at 7'6", meaning they tower over pretty much everyone else, though is on the shorter side on their own planet. They have a somewhat muscular build as well, and a broad, defined jawline, and has some stubble. They tend to have a relaxed, but decent, posture.

Species Description: From the planet Zanrov, this human-like species have smooth, orange-gold skin, and their hair is usually some shade of green, or, rarely, a turquoisey blue, and - if long enough - can be prehensile and act as an additional limb, in a sense. Zannan also have crystals of varying sizes and shapes, seemingly set into their temples, starting from just on the sides of their forehead and down to just under their cheekbones - these crystals can be a variety of colours. They also have a literal third eye, on the back of their necks, and the colour of it usually represents the capacity of their powers, with the scale going from deep brown for stronger, better capacity, and bright green for a smaller capacity. If they close their other two eyes, then they can see through this third eye. Their other two eyes have unusually long eyelashes, and are either maroon red, magenta pink or stunning violet in colour. Zannan's powers involve telepathy and purifying liquids to be safe to drink, in accordance for other species, so the stronger side of the scale means that they can telepathically communicate with multiple beings at a wider radius, while the weaker side means maybe only telepathically communicating with one or two people, and only if they also had telepathic abilities as well, for example. All Zannan are also taller than humans, standing from 7'0 to 9'0, and it is very rare for one of them to be any shorter or taller than this range.

Personality: Warm and friendly, Aerglo is one crew member that is definitely worth being friends with. They often have an upbeat, positive attitude to almost everything, and always tries to see the good side of things - unless it's undeniably bad, of course. Aerglo can seem like a bit of an optimistic airhead, but don't let that fool you. They don't always seem like they take things seriously, but when it comes to medical treatment, it's like a flipped switch and they become incredibly serious. They can sometimes be a little insensitive without realising it, and might overstep a boundary or two as well - but will apologise and back off straight away if told that they have overstepped. Aerglo also doesn't really have a high tolerance for anyone that's uncooperative with them, and while they'll start out friendly, they will become harsher and a little more forceful if they need to. They're also the sort of person that if you annoy them, then they'll give you the silent treatment, and while they'll medically treat you if needed, they'll be noticeably uncharacteristically cold towards you. Still, to those that they are close to, Aerglo is protective and loyal.

History: Aerglo grew up in a family of medics. It's pretty much all they've ever known, and were taught about it by their parents from a young age. While, perhaps, it could be debatable as to whether or not Aerglo genuinely chose this path or only did so because it was expected of them, they do have enjoyment for it. Saving lives and caring for others does bring them joy, and it helps that they are extremely good at it.
Working as a medic on The Atlas was their first 'big' job, excited at the prospect of travelling and taking their work with them, especially as it was meant to be one of the first ships to make it to Illuvia. That was, until, The Atlas disappeared without a trace. They don't know what happened, but finding themself on this new ship that seems and feels eerily familiar, along with only a few of The Atlas' crew, is a mystery they want to solve. Especially as they are sure the crystals on one side of their face weren't cracked before.
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Re: Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

Postby bigwig. » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:30 pm

Xa'zzak | 75 | Agender | Scientist
Pronouns: usually they/them/theirs or it/its, but does not mind being referred to by any pronouns
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Neothian
Appearance: Standing at seven feet tall, with large, mantis-like arms and a four-tentacled face, Xa'zzak gives off a relatively intimidating first impression. Their skin is soft, fleshy, and covered in a healthy layer of natural mucous which helps preserve moisture. Like almost all Neothians, Xa'zzak has a large cranium and relatively small, black eyes which rarely blink. Their skin is typically a dark purplish-gray, but can change color with ease.

Species Description: Neothians are highly intelligent, telepathic, hypercarnivorous humanoids hailing from the relatively small, unsuspecting planet of Neothia. Initially believed to be uninhabitable, no life is known to exist on the surface of Neothia, likely due to the extreme cold; however, a variety of species exist in the planet's complex subterranean cave systems, which are rife with briny underground pools. Known for their cephalopod-like heads, Neothians have four to six smooth, prehensile tentacles attached to their faces which they use like arms, perhaps because their actual arms are somewhat mantis-like appendages with sharp, barbed ends primarily adapted for spearing prey. Neothians can also rub these barbs together to produce a rasping or 'chirping' sound in a similar manner to crickets. The evolutionary purpose of this is unknown, but Neothians will frequently rasp when content or occupied and chirp when pleased. Neothians are not very good at speaking, perhaps due to having a sharp beaklike mouth and barbed tongue, and communicate with one another primarily via telepathy. They are incredibly intelligent and socially complex, living in large communities or 'clans' to which they are incredibly strongly bonded. The first segment of every Neothian's name represents what clan it comes from (here is an individual which comes from the 'Xa' or 'Ka' clan). They are not a true 'hivemind' as each individual is still very much an individual, but they are highly communal and function mostly as a collective. Most devote their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, though this can take many forms, whether being experiments and observation of the natural world, developing new technologies, or archiving the thoughts of others in what most would call a strange form of sociology or psychology. They are an advanced, utilitarian civilization, and while not morally pacifistic they are generally considered peaceful. Physically, they can attack with their tentacles and sharp limbs, but are not used to fighting as they have no natural predators and almost never fight with one another. Neothians can live for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. They reach their full adult size at only sixteen to eighteen months old, but aren't even able to reproduce until about 100. Age is an important factor in their social hierarchy, with the oldest and wisest individuals typically holding the most power. They are a hermaphroditic species which does not recognize 'gender' as it is understood by humans, and it is common for a Neothian to refer to all other beings as 'it' regardless of the individual's sex - possibly because the native Neothian 'language' as it is only understands the equivalent of one third-person pronoun.

Personality: Xa'zzak gives off an initial impression of great arrogance, which is not uncommon for Neothians interacting with other species. They are a highly rational, logical individual (as is also common for Neothians), good at making quick deductions and solving problems expediently and efficiently. Despite their attitude, Xa'zzak does not necessarily consider themself superior to other creatures, but can be easily frustrated by them; they tend to expect others to have the same wealth of knowledge as a fellow Neothian and get irritated by frequently having to explain what they expect to be obvious. Neothians also value efficiency in actions but hate being rushed when it comes to thinking or speaking. Xa'zzak is often extremely pedantic and corrects others habitually; correcting is very normal behavior for Neothians, but is somewhat impolite to other species. Like most Neothians, Xa'zzak also struggles to understand figures of speech and takes almost everything extremely literally. Changing pronouns are also difficult for them and they have a tendency to refer to everyone as 'it' or 'this/that individual'. Xa'zzak is very curious about new things, especially creatures they have not seen before, and despite their perceived coldness or shortness is actually quite friendly. Xa'zzak enjoys learning about others - where they come from, what they like, their fondest memories, or anything new which they find stimulating. 'Rambling' is also normal for Neothians and Xa'zzak will telepathically talk your ear off if given the chance. Biology interests them the most and they are always excited to meet new 'specimens' they have not seen before.

Bio/History: Like all Neothians, Xa'zzak was hatched in a small, briny pool where they were doted on by multiple members of their clan. Neothians learn throughout their lifetimes, gravitating towards things they find interesting and often changing roles many times throughout their long lifespan. Xa'zzak became very interested in biology, having spent most of their life thus far studying it among other like-minded individuals. Neothian clans are very insular, and while the species has contact with the outside universe, they can be somewhat secretive, and it is very rare for a Neothian to ever leave their clan or their home planet, much less depart on a long journey as Xa'zzak has. Previously, they had left with a small group of their clanmates on a research vessel, but this is their first time leaving the planet alone. Leaving their clan was difficult and Xa'zzak remains very homesick most of the time; used to being part of a psychic collective, being separate from others of their kind confers a persistent feeling of loneliness, but the desire to experience new things firsthand (and to bring this knowledge back to the clan) is what keeps them motivated.
Last edited by bigwig. on Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

Postby bigwig. » Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:24 pm

Nemo | 34 | Male | Stowaway Captain
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: homosexual
Species: Neo-Simian
Appearance: Nemo stands at a fairly diminutive 5'1", shorter than an average human male his age, and more closely resembles an adult male chimpanzee, though with a typically upright posture and a slightly softer, more human-like countenance. His body is covered in a healthy coat of black-brown fur, thinning to reveal pinkish skin on the face, hands, and feet.

Species Description: Descended from human experimentation on Earth apes (most prominently Pan troglodytes), Neo-Simians are a diasporic race found throughout the galaxy. Physically they remain mostly unchanged and bear a strong resemblance to the apes they descended from. They have similar intellectual capacity to a human, if not greater, and some individuals possess limited telepathy or a simple form of telekinesis. While typically passive and with a strong sense of community, Neo-Simians are stronger and faster than humans and have a more powerful bite force, combined with much sharper teeth. Provoking them to violence is not advised.

Personality: Captain Nemo is a somewhat stern, serious individual who holds himself to a very high standard. He can be overly cautious at times and a major flaw of his is an intense fear of failure, coupled with a tendency to feel self-loathing over the smallest of mistakes. He takes his role very seriously and can be intimidating, but he is respectful of others and forms strong bonds with his crew. Incredibly loyal, he will stick by his allies until the very end, and it can be said that if you've wronged his friends, you've wronged him too. He is strict and can be tough on people, though, but he does this out of a desire to see them succeed. He is a perfectionist who hates not having an answer, and is often emotionally devastated by failure. It can be hard to get through his tough outer shell, as he hates the idea of showing 'weakness' in front of others. Overall, he is a strong leader, loyal to the end and committed to his cause, but judges himself even more harshly than he judges others.

Bio/History: Nemo never knew his biological parents, and is unsure what exactly became of them; he was told his mother passed away not long after giving birth and he never knew who his father was. He was fortunately taken in by his mother's crewmates, dubbing him 'Junior'. The young ape grew up living and working among the crew of the Titan, a large cargo ship. Starting out with simple maintenance and cleaning tasks, he quickly proved himself to be a devoted worker and was well-like by the crew. As a teen, he gave himself the name Nemo (Latin for 'nobody'), although his crewmates often continued referring to him as 'Junior'. Nemo soon began to climb the ranks until he was the Titan's first officer, and then it's captain. However, he handed this position off when he was offered a similar role aboard the Atlas. He felt his skill and commitment to his duties were finally being recognized by others, but unfortunately, it came with a cost...
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Re: Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:31 pm

I'm hoping to get at least two or three more users before starting~
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Re: Across The Void - Characters and Discussion

Postby DinoDragon » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:36 am

Kaira Fara’ti| 27 | Female | Security Officer
Species Description:Veren are about human sized, wolf-like creatures from a planet called Veris’tar, altough they have now spread throughout their entire solar system. Generally rather isolationists, they are know for their extremely fast and deadly ships as well as their fierce defence of their home. Nevertheless, there are plenty of Veren who leave their planet to seek their luck among the stars. Amongst other species they prefer to stand upright on their hindlegs, but they are fully capable of getting around on all 4s as well, which allows them to run fast enough to easily outpace a sprinting human. Veren are furred, with their pelts mostly being coloured in various shades of brown, although white, black or grey colouration can also occur. They are typically striped across their back and necks, with the feet, hands, snouts and tailtips coloured lighter or darker. Veren have a long flexible tail that they can use both for balance as well as gripping things and manipulating objects. Their heads are equipped with short horns above their brows that is ocassionally used in ritualised combat and a second set of eyes sits in front of the first one. This second set of eyes is highly light sensitive and while it can’t perceive colours it allows Veren to see in almost total darkness. Veren are technically omnivores, but prefer meat, as is evident in their mouths equipped with numerous sharp teeth. Veren are quite agile and have short retractable claws, as well as sharp senses. This does however render them vulnerable to sensory overloads and they tend to struggle with backing up their speed with strength.
Veren have a talent for cybernetics and many of their people, particularity those in more military positions, have enhancements that turn their fangs into electrified steel, strengthen their spines or legs or enhance their already excellent vision. As a result of this many Veren dislike getting into fights were said cybernetics have a high risk of malfunction, especially when far away from their home.

Kaira is a female Veren with dark brown fur and black stripes across her neck, upper back and down her tail. Her Snout, paws and tailtip are coloured lighter brown and white, while one of her eyes is yellow-green in colour with the other being a bright blue and showing hints of the metallic grey rings of cybernetics. Both of her ears have tears in them and she has a scar cutting like a knife across the top of her snout. Across the left side of her snout and running behind and beneath her eyes are dark grey and blue cybernetic plates.
Kairas expression is generally not particularly friendly, an impression only enhanced by her two metallic canines that sometimes spark with electricity.

Kaira appears at first somewhat standoffish and cold or even uncaring. While she is generally civil with others and takes care not too upset them too much, she doesn’t easily consider people friends. Kaira can be quite calculating and when it comes to assessment of threats or fights and is generally very practical.
The Veren is actually surprisingly kind, but rarely openly shows it, preferring to have others think she doesn’t do anything out of kindness, even if she does. Along similar lines, Kaira dislikes deliberate cruelty and has little problems standing up against bullies.
Underneath that rough exterior however Kaira is is fiercely protective of those people she trusts and opens up to them quite a bit. She has a habit of breaking rules if they make no sense to her or she deems it otherwise necessary that they need to be broken, but is willing to bear the consequences of doing so, if she can’t wind her way out of them. Kaira is also quite curious about the world and loves hearing about other things in the universe and exploring them.

Bio/History: Kaira was born into a small family on the moon Karastas of the neighbouring planet of Veris’tar, with only her mother, a younger brother and an uncle to raise her. Fascinated with space and eager to see more of the world, Kaira joined up with Karastas flying academy, where she also later received the majority of her cybernetics. She spent the first few years of her career patrolling the Veris’tar system and helping drive out a persistent smuggling ring that set up base just inside the system. This however was not enough to satisfy the young Verens thirst for adventure and she grew restless. Taking on of her ships with her, Kaira left the system and went out searching for adventure. For several years she mostly worked security jobs for whoever was willing to pay her, whether it was helping expeditions to new planets or hunting down pirates. She still holds contact with her family back on Karastas, but hasn’t returned since.

Last bumped by Consulting_Angel on Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:36 am.
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