๐ด๐บ๐ธ ๐‘‚๐น ๐ถ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘‡๐ด๐บ๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘ - ๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘›

Create threads to collect roleplay applications, discuss your roleplays, or post additional information for them.

๐ด๐บ๐ธ ๐‘‚๐น ๐ถ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘‡๐ด๐บ๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘ - ๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘›

Postby Nightsent » Sun May 31, 2020 6:45 pm


๐ถ๐ป๐ด๐‘…๐ด๐ถ๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘… ๐ท๐ผ๐‘…๐ธ๐ถ๐‘‡๐‘‚๐‘…๐‘Œ
Oliver Alan Twist ..........................................................xx 01
Callen Armani Kestor ..................................................X.... 01
Rowan Lee Larson ..........................................................x 01
Theodora Rhe Delaney .............................................xx...... 01
August Bailey Slater ...............................................XxXXxX. 01
Romeo ......................................................................... 01
Daravia Castellanos ........................................................x 01
Lizzy Cooper .......................X......................................... 01
Name Here ........................................xxXx...................xx 00
๐‘Š๐ด๐พ๐ธ๐‘… ๐น๐ด๐ถ๐‘‡๐‘†
one they are mainly attracted to sound and adrenaline, alth
ough quick movements will also grab their attention. two th
eir eyes turn milky-white when they turn and their sight is t
errible. move slowly, quietly, and calmly, and you'll be okay.

๐น๐ผ๐‘๐ด๐ฟ ๐‘๐‘‚๐‘‡๐ธ
honestly, this is here because I ran out of space in the rules.
just... realistic faceclaims only, please! thank you so much!!
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"๐‘Œ๐ธ๐ด๐ป, ๐ฟ๐ผ๐พ๐ธ ๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ ๐ต๐‘‚๐‘‚๐พ..."

Postby Nightsent » Sun May 31, 2020 6:48 pm

๐‘๐‘‚ ๐‘‡๐ผ๐‘€๐ธ ๐ฟ๐ผ๐พ๐ธ ๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ ๐‘…๐ผ๐บ๐ป๐‘‡ ๐‘‡๐ผ๐‘€๐ธ
๐•š oliver alan twist. ๐•š๐•š "ollie" ๐•š๐•š๐•š 18 years old. ๐•š๐•ง cismale.
๐•ง bisexual. ๐•ง๐•š brown eyes. ๐•ง๐•š๐•š sandy-brown hair. ๐•ง๐•š๐•š๐•š 6'1
๐•š๐•ฉ theme song is no time like the right time by the blue
s project. ๐•ฉ spontaneous, naive, clumsy, amusing, tired

๐ต๐ด๐ต๐‘Œ, ๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ ๐‘…๐ผ๐บ๐ป๐‘‡ ๐‘‡๐ผ๐‘€๐ธ ๐ผ๐‘† ๐‘๐‘‚๐‘Š
oliver was traveling with a friend, who ha
d chosen to lend him a hand in his search
for thea. rowan is said friend. i'll fix this

๐ผ ๐‘†๐ด๐ผ๐ท ๐‘‡๐ป๐ธ ๐‘…๐ผ๐บ๐ป๐‘‡ ๐‘‡๐ผ๐‘€๐ธ ๐ผ๐‘† ๐‘๐‘‚๐‘Š
a mother, a father, a brother, a girlfriend - all l
ost that first night. oliver's childhood had been
relatively normal. he'd put off packing for thei
r big move the next morning. albany. a new cit
y, a new school, a new life waiting for him and
it was even close enough that he could visit ap
ril, his girlfriend. he finished up as the sun beg
an to peek over the horizon, then went to mak
e himself some breakfast. hours passed. nobod
y came down for food, nobody from their movi
ng company knocked down his door. he got bor
ed, turned on the tv, and the first thing he saw
was an emergency alert flashing across the scr
een. "do not sleep." his family.. wakers.. heard
the tv and chased him out of the house. he sur
vived on scraps for months as he looked for his
girlfriend, only to find that she too had turned
into a waker. ollie now has one last hope: his s
ister, thea. surely she had to be alive... right.?
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Postby coyotebluff » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:48 pm

ใ€Œ callen ใ€ใ€Œ armani ใ€ใ€Œ kestor ใ€

    โ™•ใ€Œ nicknames ใ€cal
    โ™•ใ€Œ age ใ€eighteen
    โ™•ใ€Œ gender ใ€male
    โ™•ใ€Œ sexuality ใ€bi
    โ™•ใ€Œ birthday ใ€march twelve

    โ™•ใ€Œ height ใ€six foot
    โ™•ใ€Œ build ใ€tall, thin, very fit
    โ™•ใ€Œ skin ใ€fair, smooth, lightly
    โ™•ใ€Œ hair ใ€red, thick, soft
    โ™•ใ€Œ eyes ใ€green
    โ™•ใ€Œ scentใ€gasoline and rain
    โ™•ใ€Œ body modsใ€a scar up the right
    side of his neck, one across the bridge
    of his nose, one in his right eyebrow,
    tattoo of a diving eagle on his right

    โ™•ใ€Œ likes ใ€food, staying busy,
    music, piano, guitar, signing, plants,
    peanut butter
    โ™•ใ€Œ dislikes ใ€unnecessary
    rudeness, showing weakness,
    physical affection, sneaky or
    manipulative people
    โ™•ใ€Œ fears ใ€failing, losing the
    ones he loves, raccoons
    โ™•ใ€Œ r. status ใ€not very interested

โ™•ใ€Œ personality ใ€for the most part, cal is a pretty quiet and independent guy. he's not antisocial, rather prefers to move at his own pace without the distraction of others. he will refuse help from others almost every time unless he's truly struggling, but he's always quick to help others with whatever they need. he'll hold a conversation with no problem if somebody initiates it, but he most likely won't be the one to start unless he's close to the other. he's otherwise very easy to talk and very kind. cal cares greatly for the ones he loves; he would go great lengths in order to protect them or make them happy. he gets very defensive if they get hurt and is quick to put an end to it. although he rarely allows things to get to his head, he has no problem ripping somebody limb to limb if he must. cal honestly has a bit of a bad temper and won't hesitate to tell somebody off or straight up deck them in the jaw. there are times where he gets carried away and he scares himself with how violent he can get. he refuses to let weakness show through him and keeps his head high and guard up at all costs. he's not one to share or show his emotions so he shoves them down in order to keep strong, rarely trusting in others unless they've absolutely earned it from him. cal himself is very trustworthy and reliable; he does what he's told without a problem and has an array of useful skills that he learned from being a rigger. cal isn't the smartest when it comes to school or books, but he is extremely clever and resourceful when it comes to just about anything else as he's learned from experience and self-teaching. due to his rough past, he has an extremely high tolerance for pain and isn't afraid to take chances and risk getting hurt. since he's so used to roughness, he's extremely sensitive to gentle touch and is pretty uncomfortable with affection. he'll comfort someone with words rather than a hug or such. his past also made him very humble since pride will only get to his head and get him hurt. when somebody praises him he gets all flushed and will try to deny it. he sees himself as an equal to everybody else and will never show off or boast. although he might seem too reserved and uptight, cal is still a teenage boy and knows how to have a good time and be a goofball. he's an extremely charismatic and approachable person despite looking really intimidating and when he's comfortable around people, callen is next level obnoxious. he's really the life of the party with a bright sense of humor once one really gets to know him. cal is such a hardworking sweetheart who's cool with everybody and will always try to do the right thing no matter what, even if he has to risk himself.

โ™•ใ€Œ misc. info ใ€
โ™” callen ran away from a bad household when he was eleven and lived on his own for six months before he was found by a man eight years older than him who gave cal a makeshift home in an empty shipping container and a job as a rigger on an old military base where he worked on aircrafts and naval ships for four years. the work was extremely physically and mentally demanding but it improved his agility, strength, and knowledge and allowed him to work on his own and keep busy. cal and the man grew very close and he considered him a good friend and mentor, but he died when his harness snapped and he fell hundreds of feet while fighting off a waker. cal has since been on his own yet again.
โ™” he is stupid talented with machines and tools and can repair, hack, program, whatever is asked of him in record time. he's hijacked a helicopter and reattached the wing to a fighter jet among many other things, for example.
โ™” he is a bit of a workaholic and will get carried away in his work or just repairing something; he'll often forget to eat because he's more focused on the task at hand.
โ™” cal gets terrible night terrors on occasion about his childhood. he'll wake up in a sweat and not be able to fall back asleep, seeing the memories every time he closes his eyes. he does not like to talk about it.
โ™” he can handle himself in a fight extremely well since he grew up having to defend himself at home; his experience as a rigger and in the apocalypse keeps his skills sharp and improves them regularly. he also learns a lot traveling on his own.
โ™” he has freckles speckled across his face and when the sunlight touches his hair, his head looks like it's on fire.
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โœฐ [rowan larson] [roe]

Postby ethereal . » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:46 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ rowan lee larson โœฐ cisfemale โœฐ seventeen years โœฐ biromantic/pansexual โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
i. stands at five feet six inches ii. blonde hair
that reaches the middle of her back in waves;
usually held back with whatever she can find
iii. dark brown eyes at first glance, warm bro
wn in the sunlight iv. slim but muscular figure
from all the physical activity v. pale skin tone
; long scar across the left side of her chin vi.
positive traits; empathetic, resourceful, she's
very approachable despite her rbf vii. neutral
traits; absentminded, complex, enigmatic viii.
negative traits; abrupt when needed, easily ir
ritated, impatient ix.faceclaim;gabriella wilde
rowan has become a very guarded girl ever si
nce the world seemingly came to a halt. she u
nderstands that some people just need a chan
ce, but she's hesitant to give it to them. her t
rust has already been broken many times. oth
er than that, if she's comfortable around you,
she is warm, loving, and isn't afraid to let the
girl she once was shine through. over time sh
e has developed a bit of a temper. if she susp
ects that you are lying to her she will cut you
out of her life faster than the time it would t
ake for you to explain yourself. โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

โ”€โ”€ ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต๏ผ‡๏ผฒ๏ผฅ ๏ผก ๏ผฃ๏ผฏ๏ผฌ๏ผค ๏ผก๏ผฉ๏ผฒ ๏ผฃ๏ผฒ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฐ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผ‡ ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผŒ ๏ผฃ๏ผจ๏ผฉ๏ผฌ๏ผฌ ๏ผญ๏ผฅ ๏ผด๏ผฏ ๏ผญ๏ผน ๏ผข๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผฅ๏ผณ ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผค ๏ผณ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€

xconsidering rowan was a young teenager when everything happened, she blocked out a lot of her memories; forcing herself to look at the world in a dif
xferent light. though she doesn't remember much, there are still little bits and pieces that she remembers even if she wished she didn't. she remembers
xthe sound of the broadcasts echoing throughout the halls at school. there was an odd virus circulating the globe. and fast. she remembers not understan
xding what was even going on. none of it made sense. her least favorite memory was her last one with her father and older sister. they were all in a rus
xh, trying to get out of dodge when her family got separated. for the longest time it was only her and her mother; doing whatever it took to survive. she
xcan't be sure when, but at some point she lost her mother too. time is a lost concept to rowan, but she knows it's been a while since she' seen anyone.

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ผฉ ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผค ๏ผน๏ผฏ๏ผต ๏ผค๏ผฏ๏ผท๏ผฎ ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฅ ๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผฌ๏ผฌ๏ผŒ ๏ผข๏ผต๏ผด ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผ‡๏ผณ ๏ผถ๏ผก๏ผฃ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผด ๏ผฌ๏ผฏ๏ผฏ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผง ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
Last edited by ethereal . on Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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โ˜ผ) ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ข ๐˜‹๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ

Postby natrillie » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:58 pm

i. theodora rhe delaney, goes by theo ii. c
isfemale iii. 19 iv. bisexual, male preferen
ce v. 5'4, 122Ib vi. wears a golden hoop ne
cklace that once belonged to her younger
sister. vii. has a large scar measuring from
the side of her knee to the middle of her
calf. viii. dressed in a grey tank top and b
lack combat style jeans. ix. was born on j
uly 7th, making her a cancer.
+ traits: sym
pathetic, int
uitive, prote
ctive, loving
cautious, shr
ewd - traits:
emotional, m
oody, clingy,
restless, unp
being in the middle of her senior year when the out
break began, theo was forced to grow up rather qui
ckly. unfortunately, her mother and father both died
in the beginning stages of the chaos, leaving her in c
harge of protecting herself and her eleven year old s
ister. they managed on their own for a while, survivi
ng off of only the bare minimum until another full
moon came around and forced theo to abandon her
sister, who had fallen asleep, making her another vic
tim of the mysterious illness. for a while, theo wand
ered around new york on her own, jumping from ca
mp to camp, scavenging what she could, and placing
her on the soon-to-be ambushed caravan.

although she's fairly quiet at the first few interact
ions, once warmed up to you, theo is quite the ch
atter box. she prefers to keep to herself, as she k
nows that getting close to people can be dangero
us in this world. like with her sister, once theo ca
res about someone, she's willing to go to hell and
back for them. her shy demeanor often leaves her
underestimated by her enemies, and giving her th
e upperhand in altercations.
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โ”€โ”€ โœถ ` YEAH, I SAW SPARKS! โž

Postby pecos » Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:36 pm

while he may have a resilient, pragmatic outwar
d bearing, auggie has really just learned to put u
๐™ณ๐™ธ๐™ณ ๐™ธ ๐™ณ๐š๐™ธ๐š…๐™ด ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐™ฐ๐š†๐™ฐ๐šˆ? ๐™ธ ๐™บ๐™ฝ๐™พ๐š† ๐š†๐™ท๐™ฐ๐šƒ
001 august bailey slater 002
goes by auggie & bailey 003
cis male 004 eighteen 005 b
iromantic graysexual, no pr
ef 006 5"10 007 160lbs 008 p
ale complexion w/ a very sl
ight tan, small dimples whe
n he smiles 009 ebony brow
n hair 010 almond brown ey
es, golden flecks around his
pupils 011 thin, athletic bui
ld 012 smells faintly of citr
us and summer storms โ”€โ”€โ”€
p a spiny facade, which masks his more sensitive, fragile center. ever since the
outbreak, he's grown to be tentative and hesitant to place his trust in the hand
s of others. this makes him seem reserved and withdrawn upon first impression.
and although this is partially true, august is often extroverted, especially aroun
d those close to him. he's very quick to think, but quite slow to act, resulting i
๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐š‚๐™ฐ๐šˆ, "๐™พ๐™ท, ๐š‚๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐™ด ๐š†๐™ด ๐™บ๐™ฝ๐™พ๐š†."
n his calculative behavior and strong tendency to fully analyze a situation before springing into action. because of this, he's ex
cellent at forming plans and strategies; all he needs is a bit of time and patience. though he may be a bit difficult to grow clos
e to, he'll always open up to those who are truly dedicated to gaining his trust. with his friendship comes a sturdy, unwavering
loyalty, and a peek at august's true personality. however rough the walls that he's built up are, nothing will change the curious,
enthusiastic person that lies just beneath the surface. august is a teddy bear at heart, and is more than willing to value others
over his own safety and well being. the potent fear being one of the last surviving traces of humanity drives him to be fiercely
protective of anyone and everyone he's been acquainted with; whether they're friend or foe is irrelevant to him, as he only str
๐™ฑ๐š„๐šƒ ๐™ธ ๐™ฟ๐š๐™พ๐™ผ๐™ธ๐š‚๐™ด ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐šƒ๐™ท๐™ธ๐š‚, ๐™ธ'๐™ป๐™ป ๐™ฐ๐™ป๐š†๐™ฐ๐šˆ๐š‚ ๐™ป๐™พ๐™พ๐™บ ๐™พ๐š„๐šƒ ๐™ต๐™พ๐š ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„.

ives to keep the group sane and healthy. he does h
is best to see the positive side in everyone, which,
in turn, makes it difficult for him to feel negatively
towards any individual. despite this, auggie typical
ly tries to tiptoe around people he finds himself di
sliking. and, while he may be reluctant to confront
๐šˆ๐™ด๐™ฐ๐™ท, ๐šƒ๐™ท๐™ฐ๐šƒ'๐š‚ ๐š†๐™ท๐™ฐ๐šƒ ๐™ธ'๐™ป๐™ป ๐™ณ๐™พ !!!
or challenge someone, he'll most definitely defend himself if provoked enough. august isn
't quick to trust, so if you happen to lose his loyalty, you likely won't ever regain it. โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
Last edited by pecos on Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
pecos - /peyยทkuhโ€‰s, -kohs/ | she/her
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( โ ๐˜Ž๐˜๐˜๐˜Œ ๐˜”๐˜Œ ๐˜ˆ ๐˜”๐˜–๐˜”๐˜Œ๐˜•๐˜› โ€ฆ

Postby ghast. » Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:49 pm


    fresh outta' juvie, rom
    eo found himself runn
    ing from the coppers -
    it's hard to lie about j
    umping a fencexwhen
    you're caught onxcam
    ๐–จ๐–ฅ ๐–ธ๐–ฎ๐–ด'๐–ฑ๐–ค
    era. thing is, there'we
    re rumors of a sicknes
    s running throughtthe
    prison. using their fea
    r, he gave a pretty litt
    le smile and a cough'a
    nd they were off his b
    ack. romeo's a trouble
    01. [REDACTED] martinez, goes by romeoโ”€โ”€x02. cismaleโ”€โ”€03. eighteen
    04. bisexual/romantic, male prefโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€05. dark brown eyesโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€06. 5'8
    hetgot his nickna
    fromta friendt'he
    met in juvie, and
    it'stjust sort of st
    stands at atwhop
    ping 5'8, somewh
    at skinny'with a s
    car across the'bri
    dge'xof hisxnose.
    born nov 9th,'the
    of a scorpio.thon
    estly lives to wat
    carries a''butterfl
    ytknife that hexc
    alls his baby,f'alo
    ng w an old pisto
    l he still hasn't le
    arned'how to'use.
    maker by heart - he sort of longs fo
    r chaos. he's the life of the party,'th
    โ”โ”xx๐–ถ๐–จ๐–ณ๐–ง ๐–ฌ๐–ค!
    e pushover. way too outgoing for hi
    s own good, he gets himself into tr
    ouble a lot more than he'd like to'a
    dmit. his words are poison-tipped'd
    arts, testaments to his double-side
    ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฉ๏ผณ
    dness. his walls are built high,xand
    for good reason. romeo's a true spit
    fire, throwing himself into action b
    efore he thinks. it's just one of a lo
    ng list of bad habits he's taken on -
    mostly consisting of throwingxhims
    elf into danger. opinionated, blunt,
    and charming,xif romeo likes you h
    e'll be the first to let you know.'hon
    estly just a big dumb overdramatic
    grump who thinks he's all thatx(pls
    ๐™‰๐™€๐™‘๐™€๐™ ๐™‡๐˜ผ๐™Ž๐™!
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Daravia Castellanos

Postby โ™ฅPrincess of Lionsโ™ฅ » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:38 pm

Faceclaim: Marie Avgeropoulos
- Daravia Castellanos -
Gender: Female
Age: 17

There are two types of people left alive in this dystopia. The ones who get lucky, and the ones who fight to survive. Daravia was born a fighter and has been fighting for her life ever since. Headstrong and independent, she will often come across as callous and doesn't care to appear any differently. When handling the living, Daravia is not afraid of a fight. She'll often catch an attitude and act aggressively towards others when she's feeling confident or seriously angry, so it may come as a surprise to know she handles Wakers completely different. As much as she'd love to cave in a Waker's skull, she'll opt to stay still and sneak by when coming across them. The risk of getting bitten just isn't worth the fight.

Daravia has become a fairly skilled close range combatant but does best when she's armed with a weapon. She's quick on her feet and is pretty well built. There are very few things Daravia is afraid of, and Wakers aren't one of them. She's of the strong opinion that the living can be far more wicked than the dead.

Daravia was born Alice Marie Castellanos during an affair between Natalya Castellanos and a wealthy unknown father, married to another woman. Her mother was never much of a role model, rarely ever home and terrible at keeping up with her responsibilities as a parent. They moved around frequently and usually lived in one bedroom apartments, complete with mold, cracks in the walls, and infestations of every type of bug one could imagine. Natalya usually stayed over with her various boyfriends, leaving her daughter to fend for herself at home. Alice was somewhat of a secret to her mother's many suitors, for obvious reasons. The only reason Natalya even bothered to carry Alice to term is for the insane amount of hush money she got from Alice's wealthy father each month. As a result of this, Alice became pretty independent early on as a child, but of course no little kid can raise themselves perfectly. At first, her teachers identified her as gifted with creative writing and mathematics, but she always struggled in history. By the time she got to middle school, her opinions of the "symbolism" in the books they read for class never seemed to align with how the teachers saw things, and Alice's grades started dropping. She ended up getting into a lot of trouble during middle school, starting fights, giving attitude to her teachers, even skipping the classes she didn't like. Her home life was no better, and as the stress built up, Alice ended up developing insomnia. When the school tried to contact her mother about everything that was going on, Natalya just left them on read. Eventually, it got to the point where social services was called and Alice was taken away from her mother. They found out who her father was and contacted him to take Alice in, but he refused custody and insisted the girl wasn't his. Alice never even had the chance to meet him. He had a family of his own, and she just didn't fit in that picture.

During the time that social services was attempting to find, contact, and negotiate with Alice's father, the adolescent girl was bounced from foster home to foster home, her bad insomnia and worse behavior causing all of the decent homes to reject her. She thought that by acting out and getting kicked out of her foster homes, social services might be forced to place her with her father. This of course did not end up happening, and she continued to rotate through foster homes up until the apocalypse began.

Once the world started falling apart, Alice created a fake name for herself, "Daravia", and joined a gang of looters with a couple older foster kids. The group managed pretty well all things considered, though some of the members ended up dying in their sleep or getting killed by Wakers, new survivors joined, and things were ever changing. Daravia stuck it out pretty good for being among the youngest in the group, her insomnia proving to be immeasurably useful on evenings when the moon was full. After a while, things ended up getting to the point where Daravia didn't know anyone in the gang from before the apocalypse, and her past was all but forgotten. When she heard the latest plan to loot a caravan transporting different families between towns, she asked around for information about which families were being transported. Surprisingly enough, her father's family was rumored to be on the caravan, and Daravia could not pass up an offer to finally see him, and potentially seek revenge on him for abandoning her. Daravia was one of the criminals who attacked the caravan, but once the Wakers showed up, she was left stranded with all the other teens that made it out alive. She's hoping she can pass it off like she was just another person from the caravan, but odds are there's at least one person in the group who saw her run in at the beginning of the raid.
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aries holt

Postby axelandria » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:35 am

A R I E S . H O L T

ari | 17 | genderqueer ; she/they | big lesbian

although her name is aries, her sign is actually a gemini. her parents were both obsessed with astronomy and horoscopes, and her father was a retired astronaut. her parents split up when she was eleven, but remained in the same house for financial reasons. aries' mother got a night job and her father got a day job, so they never had to see each other. they both loved aries though, and wished they could spend more time with her and her younger brother, taurus. taurus was seven years younger than aries, and was actually an aquarius. their parents were among those to succumb to the initial outbreak. aries took care of her brother until a year ago, when she turned her back for one second too long, and he was bitten. he stayed awake for three days, but began to become insane. aries gave him a sleeping pill, then killed him.

ari was on the caravan playing with a toddler while his mother watched when they were ambushed. she knows she'll have nightmares about it for years, adding to the nightmares about her brother.

aries is very bold and out-going, always saying whatever's on her mind. it will often get her in awkward situations, but she tries her best. she's very wishful and optimistic. aries is very extroverted, always wanting to be around others. she can be very stubborn and proud sometimes, often keeping her from realizing she may not always be right.
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Postby โ™ก Pineapple โ™ก » Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:38 am







๏ผข๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝ‰๏ฝƒ ๏ผฉ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ†๏ฝ๏ผŽ
i.Lizzy Cooper ii.eighteen years old. iii.extroverted iv.cis Female. v.heterosexual. vi.no romantic interest. vii.July 24. viii.Leo ix. Fire Element (astrology).x.brown hair. xi.green eyes. xii.5'5.
xiii.Lizzy grew up about an hour away from the busy city of New York. She grew up in Stockholm where her family had a nice small farm. They had a good variety of crops and livestock, Lizzy didn't want to be a farmer tho, although their house was nice and being with animals was also a pleasure she dreamed of owning an apartment in down tow L.A and making a name for herself. She desired a lavish life getting everything she wanted... I mean who wouldn't? She was going to attend Yale, and become a well known architect. Little did she know that her whole world would come tumbling down, when it all started Lizzy was pulling an all nighter with her three sisters, watching movies and gossiping. In the morning she went to go check on her two youngest siblings and found them dead, when she went to go check on her parents they were gone as well. Her three sisters had survived and her oldest brother had too, he had stayed up all night playing video games. They called the authorities but apparently people had died all over the place, no one was able to pick up the bodies. They decided to put them out in the barn and dig some holes to burry them in. The next morning they were awoken by a horrible scream coming from her sister. They all rushed down to the farm and she was being bitten by her dead mother. They went back in the house and locked the doors unable to save their sister.The next day her parents and siblings were no where to be found. They spent the day making the fences taller to keep them from coming back. They were surviving off of the farm produce for six months, as far as they knew they couldn't sleep during a full moon or they would die. Everything was going well until one of her sisters fell asleep, she was turned by morning and bit her other sister. Lizzy and her older brother fought them off and put them on the other side of the fence. They stayed in the farm for two years until the crops stopped growing, then they were forced to leave and headed into the city. There they found a group of survivors and joined them, thinking she and her brother were safe, little did she know she would have to let him go too.
xiv. Lizzy was a spontaneous and generally happy person, always keeping a positive mindset and reassuring everyone that everything will be ok. She's friendly and kind to everyone she meets which is a huge disadvantage with the world they now live in because she could easily be taken advantage of. She never really swallowed the trauma of loosing most of her family. She used humor to cope with everything, she's scared of changing her way of thinking. Pretending like everything is fine and nothing is happening gives her hope that the world can return to normal someday. She'd rather not talk about her losses and move on. Keeping her mind busy from the reality of the world is probably the only reason she's made it this far. That being said she can't stand being alone and is always looking to be around others.
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