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My RP Character list + Info

Postby alphatoros » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:59 pm

Hey there, welcome to my Roleplay Character page!
This is where you can find my characters forms and
roleplays they have been in. The images aren't mine,
and credit will be below the image. If something is
wrong with the links, please tell me so I can fix it.
Please don't post here, i'f you'd like to talk message
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The Almighty list of Prefixes
Warrior Cats Guide

Troutfang | Feline | Molly |37 moons
Yarrowtail | Feline | Tom | 25 moons
Gnash | Canine | Brute | 3 years
Tyren | Canine | Brute | 4 years
Rahinae | Canine | Fae | 5 years
Abhainn | Equine | Stallion | 4 years
Ghost | Canine | Fae | 4 years
Nix | Canine | Brute | 4 years
Caspian | Canine | Brute | 4 years
Percy | Canine | Brute | 6 years
Asher | Humanoid | Masculine |18 years
Rucker | Feline | Molly | 36 moons
Goose | Canine | Brute | 5 years
Hemlock | Canine | Brute | 4 years
Tiny | Canine | Fae | 10 months

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Troutfang | Feline | Molly

Postby alphatoros » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:25 pm


name: troutfang
gender: molly
age: 37 moons
rank: warrior
family: ravenfire (dam),
maplefoot (adoptive sister)
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: none
pelt: black tortoiseshell
eyes: yellow
figure: small + sleek
scent: blackberries
defining features: none
hunting | fighting | speedy
weak strength | horrible swimmer

Picture by Augie Ray x

troutfang was born into the clan and was raised by her mother,
ravenfire. Most of her birth-siblings were born weak, and most
didn't survive. despite her litter being unwanted, ravenfire
raised her well. She even adopted another kit called
maplefoot, which troutfang quickly befriended and has
considered a true sister ever since.

sarcastic / friendly / stubborn / loyal / protective / determined
troutfang takes most tasks given to her seriously and wont stop
until she has completed them to her standard. she is exceptionally
friendly, though a little sarcastic at times, and would do anything
for those she is loyal to if asked. however, if she feels anyone has
hurt her enough to make them untrustworthy she doesn't hide the
fact, and will turn on them in an instant.

Soulclan -> Form
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Yarrowtail | Feline | Tom

Postby alphatoros » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:51 pm


name: yarrowtail
gender: tom
age: 25 moons
rank: warrior
family: none
sexuality: bisexual
mate: none
pelt: white and grey
eyes: blue
figure: big + graceful
scent: bark, tree sap + bird feathers
defining features: none
eyesight | sense of smell | climbing
absent minded | easy to sneak up on
| doesn't look after himself

Picture by JB x

even as a young kit yarrowtail was interested in the birds.
he would sit and watch them, losing track of time and
his hunger, which caused many of the other kits to steer
away from him and his constant state of absence. most
of the cats were concerned for him, as he was never
very good at any of his training and constantly forgot
to look after himself. he hasn't changed much at all,
and rely's on friends to bring him back to the present.

absent / quiet / friendly / skittish / nervous
yarrowtail enjoy's just sitting and observing, usually to the
birds, and tends to jump when someone attempts to get his
attention. when in conversation he enjoys listening more
than talking, but when he does talk it's usually about something
interesting he saw on his walks or something he has been
pondering lately. yarrowtail despises a large amount of
attention, and feels most comfortable with those he trusts
and small groups. He may go missing for periods at a time,
not returning to camp and lost in his dream-like state. if
someone were to look for him, they would most likely find
him up a tree or in a patch of flowers.

Soulclan -> Form
The Survivors -> Form
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Gnash | Canine | Brute

Postby alphatoros » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:22 pm


name: gnash
gender: brute
age: 3 years
rank: healer
family: luke (brother)
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: Eva
pelt: white with grey
along back and tipped tail
eyes: brown
figure: skinny + quick
scent: mixture of herbs
defining features: none
intelligent | understanding
| protective

untrusting | quick to back
down| fear of loss

Picture by Denis Dervisevic x

as a pup gnash's pack alpha was prone to vicious cruelty.
at the age of one his sire accidentally stepped out of line
and the alpha began to kill off his siblings. luke, his older
and closest brother, managed to pull him aside and hide
in a bush away from their leaders wrath. when the alpha
had finished their parents found their last two pups and
told them to flee and find packs for themselves. luke
found a pack for Gnash and left him there to grow up,
running off on his own and leaving his brother to fend
for himself.

gentle / timid / wise / giving / shy
gnash is a quiet wolf with an appreciation for others
and the world he lives in. he is quick to help anyone
he can find that needs it, yet can be overcome with
bouts of shyness if approached by intimidating and
wolves in power. if challenged it doesn't take much
to make him back down, unless someone he loves is
in the way of harm. gnash is often asked for advice
as he is wise well beyond his years and is understanding
enough to all perspectives of a story.

Among the Wolves -> Form
{{ TYRANNY }} -> Form
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Tyren | Canine | Brute

Postby alphatoros » Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:17 pm


name: tyren
gender: brute
age: 4 years
rank: hunter / warrior
family: zero (son), yuka
(daughter), artimus (son),
mikayla (daughter)
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: Ginger
pelt: grey with a darker
shade along back
eyes: brownish grey
figure: strong + heavy
scent: moss
defining features: none
strong | fierce | protective
hot headed | agressive
| doesn't know when to stop

Picture by Arne von Brill x

at aged three tyren was kicked out of his birth pack for
killing a fellow pack mate after an argument. after
travelling as a loner for some time he was able to
get a better grasp of his anger and therefore get
accepted into a pack. he continues to bounce from
pack to pack as his anger eventually gets to him and
causes him to act irrationally.

adventurous / aggressive / loud
tyren tends to allow anger to get the better of him.
when upset he tends to lash out and attack the closest
bystander. he keeps himself to himself at most times,
however those he's close to are able to soften his heart
and bring out his good side.

Among the Wolves -> Form
Closer to the Edge -> Form
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Rahinae | Canine | Fae

Postby alphatoros » Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:46 pm


name: rahinae
gender: fae
age: 5 years
rank: loner
family: none
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: none
pelt: tan with black
and white markings
eyes: amber brown
figure: sleek + speedy
scent: eucalyptus
defining features: none
accepting | quick | passionate
fear of bears | tries to please
to a fault | can be useless

Picture by Arne von Brill x

rahinae was born a loner, her sire and dam had been
attempting to start their own pack. when she was
only one year old a bear attacked her pack over a
carcass and slew her parents. her siblings ran, like
she did, in opposite directions. now alone she
wanders, searching for a pack and her lost siblings
so she can once again belong to a family.

brave / hopeful / helpful / loyal
rahinae loves to run, racing anywhere and
everywhere her paws will take her. she will do
anything to be accepted into a pack, her need to
belong strongly outweighs her pride. due to her
constant loneliness she feels strongly for lower
wolves in a pack and will help and befriend them
over more privileged wolves.

Together, we are One -> Form
✗Ғαтɛ Ɩƨ Ѳʋя Ǥαмɛ✗ -> Form
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Abhainn | Equine | Stallion

Postby alphatoros » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:10 am


name: abhainn /
fu-uisce sciath
gender: stallion
age: 4 years
rank: none
family: none
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: none
pelt: white
eyes: brown
figure: strong + sturdy
scent: petrichor + river
defining features: black
intelligent | ability to shape

untrusting | pompous at times

Picture by Greg Williams x

abhainn was born into the herd of shadows. the
unicorns thought it strange that the colt had been
born white, as they were all black, and refused to
speak any name given to him until his powers were
discovered to be that of dark origin. his dam named
him Harbo, and took him different places to try and
bring out his dark power. when relaxing by a river
with his mother watching over him, abhainn managed
to pick up water. he joyfully played with the bubble,
until his mother heartlessly pushed him into the river
as she could not stand the thought of being the mother
of an outcast. being only a young colt he couldn't swim,
but the water, now his friend, pushed him into the bank
further downstream. he named himself abhainn and
became the water unicorn.

kind / gentle / shy / wise
abhainn tries to be kind to all creatures, despite
their origin. he enjoys sharing knowledge, like his
favourite places to visit, though isn't quick to trust
others. he doesn't pretend to know everything but
seeks to learn all he can about anything and anyone.

Mythical Creatures -> Form
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Ghost | Canine | Fae

Postby alphatoros » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:36 am


name: ghost
gender: fae
age: 4 years
rank: warrior / subordinate
family: ashen (brother)
sexuality: bisexual
mate: none
pelt: silver / grey
eyes: amber
figure: thin + small
scent: juniper
defining features: none
quick | ability to turn invisible
| loyal

condescending | doesn't
like authority

Picture by Dennis Matheson x

all ghost has been willing to say about her life to
anyone is that she grew up a loner with her brother,
ashen. When asked where he is, she would reply
that an aggressive pack chased them both, but
ashen wasn't quick enough to avoid their brutality.
she believes she has always had the ability to turn
invisible, and that's where her nickname ghost comes
from. no one knows her true name.

loyal / sarcastic / calm / mysterious
ghost keeps her secrets to herself. with a very sharp
attitude and bored tone most would assume she is
a generally grumpy wolf. this isn't true, as she just
isn't used to talking as much as others and speaks in
clipped tones. she is passionately loyal to those she
trusts and aggressive to any that oppose her.

Wolves of the Past -> Form
We Will Remain -> Form
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Nix | Canine | Brute

Postby alphatoros » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:21 pm


name: nix
gender: brute
age: 4 years
rank: subordinate
family: none
sexuality: heterosexual
mate: none
pelt: white with
black and tan mixed
eyes: light green
figure: small + lanky
scent: pine
defining features: none
curious | clever
| strategic

clumsy | oblivious |

Picture by Soren Wolf x

nix was a loner for the first part of his life after his
pack was split when a fire took out their territory.
his family now missing or dead, he took it upon
himself to find a new home. each night he would
look to the moon, asking her to protect his family,
living and dead, as he believes souls turn into stars
after life. as he wandered he learnt a substantial
amount about the world he lived in, including the
other species of animal and plant life. despite this,
his loneliness took a toll on him as he is unable to
understand most social cues and is very quick to
trust anyone, having been sheltered from hurt that
can come from this.

inquisitive / awkward / energetic
nix, despite his cleverness, is oblivious to most social
cues understood by the normal wolf. he doesn't
understand most things unless stated bluntly and
outright, which can cause awkward situations,
especially when it comes to love. he loves to study
anything new and will sit and stare at anything he
doesn't understand. though he may be good at
planning and learning, his downfall comes with
his clumsiness. nix is often falling over his own
paws and is often found lying on the ground,

We Will Remain -> Form
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Caspian | Canine | Brute

Postby alphatoros » Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:07 pm


name: caspian cas
gender: brute
age: 4 years
rank: subordinate
breed: great pyrenees
family: unknown
sexuality: pansexual
mate: none
pelt: white
eyes: brown
figure: large + built
scent: mint
defining features: none
strong | sweet | cautious
unintelligent | sensitive

Image by Aiko, Thomas & Juliette + Isaac x


sweet / friendly / gentle / protective
caspian is often called a buffoonish oaf due to his low
intelligence. His large size and soft nature make him easy
pickings for brutish bullies, of whom he has never been
able to stand up to. cas is fiercely protective of his
adoptive family and will go into an uncharacteristic fit of rage
if any of them are hurt, lashing out at the individual that
caused them harm.

We didn't choose to be like this -> Form
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