Into The Everglades | Warriors | Open and Accepting

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

Into The Everglades | Warriors | Open and Accepting

Postby Tiny_Cat » Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:56 pm

The mud pulls at your paws and belly fur, squelching loudly with ever step you take. You curse inwardly, hating your lack of stealth, but there is little you can do about it at this point. Tail twitching irratably, you pick you way gingerly through the marshland, cursing your decision to venture into this godforsaken place. For all you know, you're chasing a rumor, a fantasy. A story made up for kits. Because surely, no cat could survive in a place like this! With mud still sucking at paws, you push through the last of the fronds and find yourself staring out at a beautiful expanse of water. Patches of fronds and lily pads break the surface and here and there a log floats lazily along an almost nonexistent current. You let out a faint growl of annoyance. You SHOULD should have known better, honestly. You've lived here all your life and never once seen any proof that the Everglade cats existed. Granted, you had never had the guts to venture out here before either but that's beside the point. You've been all through this marsh and have yet to see signs of a single cat. Something moves in your peripheral vision and you snap your gaze to the left, tensed to flee, but it's only just a log floating closer and closer to the shore where you stand. Not precisely keen on getting your paws wet, but hoping to get a better vantage point to see if you can spot any paw prints or cat-sized walking paths, you prepare to leap into the log. You're just about to make the leap when, out of nowhere, a small black cat covered in mud hurtles from a stand of fronds to your right and slams into you, bowling you over with surprising force. At the same time, the log explodes out of the water, massive jaws snapping shut where you had stood only moments before. The small black cat turns on the Alligator, tail fluffing up, and lets out a surprisingly ferocious hiss. The alligator opens its gaping jaws, taking one threatening step towards you and the She-Cat. Refusing to back down, she swipes at the creature's snout, causing it to shrink backwards to avoid her claws. The She-Cat takes that opportunity to advance, growling low in her throat. The alligator snaps it's jaws as of in warning, though it looks a lot less confident than it did before. Your protector swipes again, this time raking razor sharp claws across the thick skinned nose of your attacker. Having apparently had enough, the alligator shrinks back into the water with a hissing noise off to find easier prey.

The muddy black She-Cat stands her ground for several long moments, eyes locked on the rippling water where the animal disappeared. Finally, apparently satisfied it's not coming back, she turns and fixes you with toxic green eyes. "Mousebrain. Even the dumbest kit in all of GladeClan knows not to fall for that trick!" She growls, the top of her tail twitching irritably. You flinch, hoping she isn't about to turn her claws on you next. "I-I'm sorry! I've never seen an Alligator up close. I've only heard stories." You stammer, flicking a nervous glance at the now quiet waters. The She-Cat snorts in what sounds like amusement.

"What's a Kittypet like you doing in the big bad Everglades anyway?" She finally asks, looking genuinely curious. Her eyes don't seem quite so dangerous-or venomous-now that she has deemed you to be unthreatening. They're actually rather pretty now that you think about it. "I... um... I heard about a group of cats who lived out here. I wanted to see if the stories were true. So... are they? Are you one of them?" You ask, suddenly buzzing with excitement at the thought of actually speaking to one of the wild cats you heard about. The she-cat eyes you thoughtfully, green eyes roving from the curve of your muzzle to the top of your tail, before finally meeting your gaze.

"That's right. I'm Gatorpaw; I'm an apprentice of GladeClan." She purrs. You smile, relaxing slightly, and think about how fitting the name is for the feisty, fearless little she-cat. She looks so at home here in the marsh, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she's covered in muck. You, on the other hand, practically shudder at the mere thought of licking thia gunk off. You might even be willing to let your Upwalkers bath you to save your poor tongue. You talk for a little while longer, and Gatorpaw is nice enough to explain clan life. It all sounds so fascinating; so much cooler and more adventurous than the life of a Kittypet. But finally she sends you on your way. "A Kittypet," she says firmly, wouldn't survive in GladeClan." To be honest, your e kind of relieved to here it. That was more than enough adventure to last you a lifetime and without a backwards glance you return to the cushy life you know and love, curiosity satisfied. At least for the time being.

Welcome to GladeClan! My name is Gatorpaw. I'm the daughter of our esteemed leader, ___________. GladeClan was founded countless seasons ago, by the ancient ones. Heart of Eagle, the very first leader of GladeClan, wanted to find a place where his cats could thrive and grow in peace. He wanted a safe place. Unfortunately, during the long journey to their new home, his mate Song of Sea, had her kits. The cats were forced to set up camp in the dangerous Everglades, where they had to contend with fierce predators for every piece of prey they caught. Heart of Eagle never intended to remain there, but the group was so settled in by the time his three kits were strong enough to make the journey he couldn't bear to uproot them. So, they settled there. As season upon season, the ancient ones grew stronger and adapted. They learned to move quietly through the mud so that they didn't alert their prey to their presence. They learned that by covering themselves in that same mud they could hide their scent and brightly colored pelts from both prey and predator alike. They learned to defend themselves against the Alligators, Snakes, and Snapping Turtles who made their home in the Everglades as well. They taught themself how to swim faster than an otter, to fish better than a King Fisher. They evolved, growing webbing between their paws that allowed them to move even swifter in the water. Their lungs also grew bigger than most cats, allowing them to hold their breath under water longer. The Clan we know and love today is so far above the cats we once were, they wouldn't even recognize us as their descendants if they came across us in this day and age. We, of GladeClan, are proud, noble, and strong. And, most importantly, we are fearless in the face of danger. We face it every day, and never do we flinch away or hesitate.
Last edited by Tiny_Cat on Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:37 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Into The Everglades | the Rules

Postby Tiny_Cat » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:16 pm

1. All CS Rules Apply

2. I am the owner of this roleplay. I reserve the right to accept, ban, or otherwise remove you from my roleplay as I see fit. Please read and follow my rules so that everyone can have an enjoyable roleplaying experience.

3. This is a semi-lit to literate roleplay. This means I expect a minimum of 400 words per post, per character. I will accept a minimum of 250 with Writer's Block. Please employ correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation when posting as well.

4. This is a PG 13 or lower thread. No cussing outside of Warrior terms [Mousebrain, foxheart, etc.], fade to black on mating and birthing scenes, and no forced mating.

5. Cats should be unique, well thought out individuals. I will allow one High Rank per roleplayer; other than that, I am not limiting how many characters you can have. Just make sure to try and keep genders even and only make as many cats as you can handle.

6. No Godmodding, Powerplaying, or Perfect Characters. Don't attempt to try and control or kill off another roleplayer's character; don't make you cat this flawless, overpowered cat that is unbeatable. Most Gators will take a large group of skilled, experienced warriors to fight off unless they are feeling particularly lazy and wish to find easier prey.

7. No being your own crush/mate. That's boring. You may, however, be your own parent/littermate/cousin/ex mate etc.

8.No oddly colored eyes/pelt colors. And no weird names like Sparklefur, Twinkleheart, or Glasstail. While their location does give you more prefixes to work with such as Gator, Gecko, Python, etc., that doesn't mean you can name them after thing only a Twoleg would know about.

9. Keep all OOC Chatter and Application Forms OFF the main thread, please. They should be placed on the Discussion Thread. Please refrain from posting on the main thread until the start of the roleplay.

10. Reservations should be sent DIRECTLY to me via private message. Do NOT post it on either thread please. It clutters things up. And on the subject of clutter, I must ask you remove signatures before posting on either thread as well.

Now that the boring part is done, I implore you to have fun. I look forward to roleplaying with all of you!

Hey guys! If you think this is a cool roleplay but are looking for something more relaxed (I know, I'm a tough cookie when it comes to literacy :roll:) you should swing by Ospreyclan, a roleplay with a similar setting made by Blackpearl44
Last edited by Tiny_Cat on Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Into The Everglades | The Clan

Postby Tiny_Cat » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:30 pm

Cats of GladeClan

    Leader; Wolfstar | her black she-cat with pale green eyes | NightWolf950
    Medicine Cat Ashpelt | a pretty dark gray tabby she-cat | s p a r r o w
    Medicine Cat Apprentice; Juniperpaw | a pretty ash gray she-cat with pale green eyes | Tiny_Cat
    Weaselfur | a dark russet tomcat with green eyes | Tiny_Cat
    Pebblefoot | dark gray and white Tom with green eyes | Nightwolf950
    Snakebite | a bright russet tomcat with green eyes | Tiny_Cat
    Iceshade | a silver tabby and white tomcat | Nightwolf950

    Tornface | a light brown tabby she-cat with a bobbed tail | s p a r r o w
    Gatorpaw | a tiny, jet black she-cat with gem green eyes | Tiny_Cat
    Nightpaw | a black she-Cat with green eyes | Nightwolf950

    Mosquitopaw | a patchy gray-black tomcat | Crash the Mode
    Riverpaw | a pretty silver and white tabby she-cat | Petrichor
    Shadowwatcher | a white tomcat with one blue eye and one Amber eye | s p a r r o w



    coming soon


    to be added

Mentors and Apprentices

    ________ mentors Gatorpaw

Family Relations

    _______star is the mother/father of Gatorpaw, ______paw,
    and ______paw
Last edited by Tiny_Cat on Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:59 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Into The Everglades | Important Info

Postby Tiny_Cat » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:58 pm


    [ ] Leaf-fall
    [ ] Leafbare
    [ ] New Leaf
    [x] Greenleaf


    Hot, Humid; the occasional light breeze


    Alligators [Common]
    Raccoons [Common]
    Opossums [Common]
    Pythons [Common]
    Foxes [Common]
    Badgers [Common]

    Two-Legs [Uncommon]
    Domestic Dogs [Uncommon]
    Rattle Snakes [Uncommon]
    Coral Snakes [Uncommon]
    Coyotes [Uncommon]
    Black Bear [Uncommon]
    Boa Constrictor [Uncommon]
    Snapping Turtles [Uncommon]

    Birds of Prey [Rare]
    Stingrays [Rare]
    Crocodiles [Rare]
    Caiman [Rare]
    Bobcat [Rare]

    Florida Panther [Extremely Rare]


    Fish [Common]
    Marsh Rabbits [Common]
    Mice [Common]
    Shrew [Common]
    Squirrels [Common]
    Lizards [Common]

    Frogs [Uncommon]
    Muskrat [Uncommon]
    Rice Rat [Uncommon]
    Snakes [Uncommon]
    Green-backed Heron [Uncommon]

    Opossums [Rare]
    Raccoons [Rare]
    Egret [Rare]

    Armadillos [Very Rare]
    Mole [Very Rare]

    Caiman [Extremely Rare]

Useful Links

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:19 pm

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:30 am

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:47 am

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:39 am

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:03 pm

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Postby Tiny_Cat » Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:23 pm

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