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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby ghostface. » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:26 pm

      K A U R I
      ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬
        the iron-willed ; female ; delta ; prospect peak ; tagged:saxon ; love life:potentially interested in saxon
      Kauri eyed Saxon. She always had such control, and never dared to lose her composure, yet she seemed to be lacking such at the very moment. She spoke, however, with some sense of humor in response to him, "You're looking at me as if I know any better than you." Kauri chuffed, slightly amused. She studied him, suddenly enticed by him. Her triangular ears pressed forward, flicking at the slightest sound made, her body somewhat rigid as she stood carefully before him. She took half a step forward before hesitating, only less than a foot away, her pads sinking through the remaining snow that lay below her. A modest and remote grin took form on her maw, lasting only a few moments before dissipating. She paused before offering, "I suppose I wouldn't mind finding out, however, if you'd like."
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby Poisoned Soul » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:34 pm

Sage-- Female -- Scout -- Entering camp --Briefly Kauri, Saxon, open --
Pace now slowed down to a light trot, her cream colored ears perked towards the distant sound of voices. A few moments later two wolves and a pup came into view. She stopped mid stride, as she tried to recognize the wolves. It didn't take her long to realize it was Kauri, the delta of the pack, and Saxon, a fellow scout. The much smaller figure was Bear. Huffing quietly, relieved to see some of her fellow pack mates, she continued on wards. She moved silently, white snow falling from the darkening sky onto her long, almost beige fur. Seeming as they were in the middle of a conversation, she didn't want to interrupt them, only greeting them with a kind smile, dipping her head in respect as she padded past them, her fluffy tail swaying quickly from side to side as she did so. Once she entered camp, she glanced around, wondering where most of her pack had gone. Shrugging it off for the moment, she wandered over to a quiet side of camp, lowering herself onto her back haunches. Raising her head, ears pinned back slightly, she stared into the blackening sky as the cold snowfall continued to latch onto her.

Wasp-- Male-- Hunter -- In camp -- Vixen--
Running speedily, he entered camp through a back entrance, immediately decelerating his pace. His large heaving chest didn't cease as he strolled over to the pack's kills, dropping the many plump hare's into it. Mouth agape slightly, he began to finally catch his breath from his run. After successfully doing so, heart rate back to normal as well, his sight was drawn to a fae in the distance. No doubt about it, it was his sister. He was debating whether to greet her or not, but decided he would do so later. He figured he'd give her some space this time, because he's usually always glued to her. He acts more like an over protective father than a brother. Sighing to himself, his eyes glued themselves to yet another fae, but this one was the alpha of the pack, Vixen. His umber eyes danced from her to the hares he caught. Gulping, he stood, lowering his head to the ground, nudging the pile until his eyes set on the plumpest one in the group. Grabbing it in his maw, he turned back towards the female, and began making his way to her. He never really approached any of his pack mates unless necessary, but he was in a good mood today. Upon standing in front of her, about a yard away, he gently plopped the rabbit on the ground and nudged it towards her. "..Have you eaten?" He mumbled quietly, his deep voice just loud enough for her to hear him, his eyes averting to the snow besides her.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby jungwonie » Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:04 am

// female // hunter // lambda // crush. possibly wasp? // tags. open //

Ivy hoped the snow hare would keep her satisfied. She pushed herself up into a standing position, straining her ears. She dipped down, stretching and releasing a soft yawn from her maw. White flecks began to dust the fae's brown coat, the dark sky making the lambda almost invisible without the snow. Shaking the snow off of her, Ivy stood quietly.

// male // pup // crush. none // tags. saxton, kauri //

Bear watched Mercy leave, turning back to Saxton. Was this his new beginning? Was he going to finally be an apprentice?
He bounded around Saxton's paws as he talked to his Delta. Snow fell from the dark sky, dusting his coat ever-so-ligjtly with snow as he ran. He laughed at the thrill and tripped over his paws again, falling beside the much older wolf and sitting. "Sorry." The young brute mumbled.
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vixen [four]

Postby versemi » Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:21 am

        ☾ ━ ━━ v i x e n
        i. female ii. alpha female iii. 5 years iv. pack camp v. tags; wasp, open

        "Have you eaten?" This questioning but assertive voice snapped Vixen out of her worries. She looked down at the ground in front of her, where a plump rabbit was carefully nudged towards her. She looked up at the brute who was worried about her and then back down at the rabbit.

        "Yes, Wasp, I ate with the rest of the pact. Go ahead, eat." She smiled lightly at the wolf before pushing the rabbit back to him, eyeing him closely. Her eyes averted to the forest, watching various wolves come trotting back into the camp. That put her mind almost fully to ease.

        "Thank you for showing you care." She nodded to the wolf before trotting off to her den.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby Arkinhallow » Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:48 pm

i. male ii. 3y/o iii. hunter iv. crush v. out in the forest

    The snow seemed to absorb all sound as Ely trekked across the layer that had reappeared overnight. He navigated the drifts somewhat poorly; although he had seen a few winters now, he still felt unaccustomed to the strange cold whiteness, and now and again he tripped over a concealed rock or log and fell muzzle-first into the snow. He had been to aching for the brightness and warmth and noise that spring would bring, and now that a hint of warmer weather was in the air, he grew more impatient with every passing day. The dreadful cold and silence of winter never failed to dampen his mood, and he had already realised that the colder months caused him to become more introspective and solemn - which, frankly, he hated. Not long now, he thought, looking up at the snow-laden branches above him.

    The murmur of voices disrupted his train of thought. They seemed far away, but he could hear the ripple of irritation in one, which sparked his curiosity. He couldn't see anyone from here, but he thought he knew the direction of the voices, so he began trotting towards them, ears pricked in the hope he would hear more and be able to pinpoint their position. After a few minutes of nothing but the occasional hint of a noise, Elijah stopped, his features drawn into a frown. It was then that he spotted a dark shape in the snow. The brown male froze, eyes locked onto the black mass. What IS that? he thought to himself, cautious but all too curious to keep himself at a safe distance. It smelled vaguely wolf-ish, but it seemed the snow had covered most of the scent. He walked slowly towards it, noticing how the snow had been disturbed in a line up to the figure. It was then he recognised that the disturbances were tracks, and as he drew closer the dark lump resolved into the bony, still form of Kodiak. Oh no. "Kodiak? Are you alright?" Ely asked, still a few feet away from the bigger male, and admittedly a little scared of him.

vi. tags: kodiak. vii. mentions: quincy.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby Prophet » Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:42 pm

-Tags//Vixen, Elijah, Kodiak
The trail back to the center of camp was mostly straight, the dirt cold and veiny from the snow melting and refreezing. Quinn had not looked back, she had not seen her packmate disappear into the woods instead of follow behind her. The calculating brain inside her head was burning with thoughts - confusion, angst, sympathy, uncertainty, doubt, curiosity - it was chaos. She was too busy to consider that the distraught brute may have needed more coaxing to get him back to camp. It only took a few minutes of walking for her to make it to the den-site, the alphess dutifully standing watch. "Good evening Vixen." She saluted, dipping her head. However, she did not wait for a response, she simply kept walking in the direction of her den. With a hesitant eye, she looked over her shoulder to where she had just come from, other than Vixen, it was desolate. While for a brief moment she was concerned, she figured Kodiak must have taken a different route, he probably wanted to be alone with his thoughts after being harassed by her for so long. Finally, she reached her den. A shallow hole near the edge of the other mid-rank members dens. It was nothing particularly fancy, but the dirt was soft, and the mouth was covered by a boulder so it rarely got drafty. She had barricaded the entrance with a small dam of sticks in an attempt to block snow and run off water from leaking in, which had been somewhat effective. It was just home, her place to be alone. The shewolf jolted her head into the den, followed by her slender body, and almost immediately collapsed. The emotional exhaustion from speaking with Kodiak had seeped into her bones and made her more tired than she had been in a long while. Her body coiled, steamy breaths rising out of her nose. Her interaction with Kodiak began to play over in her head, the brokenness of his figure, the agony in his voice... his absolute desolation. It made her ache. His words had pierced her like the ice on the ground, sharp and frigid. You can't fix me. You're soft. Was he wrong, though? She was soft, her demeanor was unthreatening, she had not suffered significant tragic loss. Maybe she couldn't fix him. Muddy paws locked over her muzzle, her agitation becoming apparent. The cold began to set in for the night, pressing on her, gravity seemed stronger tonight as her chest was heavy. It seemed like silent hours passed, when in reality it had been a relatively short time - she was just preoccupied. Maybe I can't fix him. She thought eventually, the words stark and icy. Maybe I'm a useless healer...
She began thinking again, what a dangerous thing. She could not stand to feel so useless, it wasn't in her nature to sulk in this way. Front paws pushed the shewolf up onto her haunches, and she stood up, stretching her muscles back out. I'm not useless She told herself, trailing out of her den and towards Kodiak's, estimating that there had been ample time for him to make it back to the dens. His den was not far from her own, a quick walk - however her confidence fled when she came to its opening. She had been so ready to declare her capability and commitment to everyone in the pack, but as she poked her head into the den she found nothing other than the dirt settled on the ground. He had not returned. Her conviction was immediately replaced by panic, swift paws tearing her to were Vixen had been earlier, hoping she had not gone to her den for the night - a stroke of luck. "Vixen! She called out, thudding across the camp, "I don't think Kodiak ever returned, he's not in his den. Her voice was frantic and hurried, "He and I got into kind of an argument, I - I think I might have driven him off... I need to go look for him." It was obvious the shewolf was agitated, hysterical even, as she tore off back into the woods without even giving her alpha the respect to wait for a reply, which was incredibly uncharacteristic of her. Kodiak's scent was still lingering in the air, Quinn's sensitive nose dripping from the cold air, her body tingling with stress. "Kodiak!" She howled, her usually soft voice amplified. Precise paws carried her across the frost laden ground, starlight and the glowing moon making it possible to see. But only barely. The tiredness she had felt before seemed to vanish, replaced with concern and perturbation. The dim forest seemed to go on forever, endless trees and shrubbery passing her by. She was lucky to have been blessed with grace and that she possessed a trained nose, or this would have been a race to her own demise. As her shoulders began to ache, and her paws became aware of the chill in the ground, Quinn picked up another scent, Elijah. It was fresher, and intermingled with the looming oder of Kodiak. The shock caused her footing to slip, and she stumped over the brush before her, which sent her slender body into the air, throwing her onto the ground with a relentless thud. A groan escaped her heaving chest, and she laid there. Paws pulsing, the impact of the sprint hitting her all at once. This was agony. She remained motionless for a moment, as moving seemed impossible. But her mind was blank at this point, and by sheer willpower she forced herself back onto her feet. Disoriented, she sniffed in the air, searching for the scent of Elijah and Kodiak. She moved weakly now, her forepaw held in the air as it seemed to be broken. She was too focused to check for blood as the scent seemed to be fading. With three legs she trotted as fast as she could, watching for limbs and curves more carefully. Misty breaths dripped from her slightly ajar maw, her eyes forward and glittering with concentration.
Finally, the far off smell of her packmates seemed to manifest before her, no longer buggered down by snow and wind. But the sight was bewildering. Elijah stood over the stiff body of was seemed to be Kodiak. No, no, no, no, no. She was frozen. Had he come here to die? Her instincts as a healer kicked in, and she quickly limped to his body. "How long has he been like this?" She asked Elijah, not taking the time to greet him. She kneeled down and held her head to his chest, her movements once again gaining precision. He was cold as her face pressed against his body. But, his heart was beating. She immediately began to nuzzle under his neck, hoping to stir him awake, but it did not seem to have an effect. "Please, help me warm him up!" She pleaded, brushing the snow off of his pelt, rubbing her burning body against his. She had no reservation. This was potentially a life or death situation and she refused to submit to the latter. "Kodiak, please, get up!" She cried, guilt beginning to overtake her. She took a moment to look at the paw she had been holding up, and found blood to be dripping from the wound. She had left a trail of her own blood. Her heart raced as she prayed to the gods a bear or cougar did not pick up the scent and track them down. But, there was more important things at hand. She turned her attention back to Kodiak, and continued to do what she could to stir him, to breath life back into his otherwise lifeless carcass.
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Postby AlyKay » Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:52 am

𝘚 𝑎 𝒳 𝑜 𝑛... "Take off the mask when you are speaking to me"
Brute 4 years Mentions; Sage Tags; Kauri, Bear Location; Just outside camp

He caught the humor in her words but his posture tensed as she spoke. He had been hoping Kauri would have had some experience training younger wolves. Slowly his eyes drifted from her to his paws as the pup zipped around them, scattering flakes of snow. For a moment Saxon lost himself in the blur as his thoughts seemed to run with Bear. A flint of anger grew from within causing his muscles to suddenly tense. How could Mercy just throw a sudden responsibility on him like this? Of all the wolves she could have chosen in the pack. It had to be him.

As the delta stepped forward the brute's eyes rose catching her faint smile, a sense of hope in the smallest form it seemed. Saxon's head tilted at her words, was she proposing an offer? A sort of tag team on this apprenticeship he was so reluctant on taking up. The tips of his maw morphed into a frown. "I don't know Kauri. Two newbs taking on a pup..." His words trailed off another scout came trodding by the three of them.

He dipped his head in greeting as his eyes followed the beige wolf whose top coat had also been painted with white flecks of snow. The white brute watched her until she entered the camp, it was an attempt to put off Kauri's question so that his mind could comprehend what he was really about to get himself into.

Quickly, Bear stole the brutes attention as he clumsily tripped over his own paws. Saxon's ears flicked backward; his patience level had sunk. Looking down at the pup who now sat beside him he forced a smile "It is okay." The words slipped out almost like a mumble. But Saxon corrected himself, shaking the stray snowflakes from his white pelt, sending them flying in the direction of Kauri and Bear. "I guess the first thing we need to work on is your balance." He smiled chuckling under his breath and gently pushing Bear with his paw. "I guess I am willing to learn," Saxon said looking at Kauri.

➼ ➼ ➼
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby ghostface. » Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:21 pm

      K A U R I
      ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬
        the iron-willed ; female ; delta ; prospect peak ; tagged:saxon, bear ; love life:potentially interested in saxon
      Kauri dipped her head as to indicate her conceding to their new responsibility, though she offered, "I don't believe any wolf is quite sure as to how to care for their young until the time comes." Her pads scraped against the moist earth as she dug her claws into the ground, turning up the soil so that it covered what white had remained after the long winter. Kauri hesitated, her body tensing as she sought to convey what few thoughts had littered her mind, although they were primarily concerning Kodiak and the wolf that had stood before her. She was unsure, however, somewhat caught off guard by her own behavior in light of Saxon. He seemed cautionary, his discretion causing her the shy away, returning to her former position--controlled, stiff almost as her haunches had been, unmoving and featureless.

      She glanced briefly at Saxon's paws, suddenly realizing the young pup. There was mild amusement to be seen in her honey golden-brown eyes, the light catching as they shone. Part of her was coarse, unrefined, hard as her position had demanded of her. She'd never considered a life such as this, one of her own with a family of her own, and the idea had not yet fully settled. Kauri found it sometimes difficult to come to terms with as it had not been something she'd ever foreseen for herself. She looked to Bear, nudging him and thrusting her head to indicate that he should follow her--she wasn't entirely sure what she had in mind, but she thought it better to try than not, especially considering the hopeless look Saxon had seemed to take on since having been saddled with the reesponsibility of training the young one. Kauri outstretched her neck before trekking in the opposite direction, brushing her cheek against Saxon's and nibbling only the tip of his ear momentarily. She paused, her breath catching, her voice soft as she spoke, offering a light smirk as she did so, "I'm new at this too."
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( ‟ ✦ areto & fenris ━━ two )

Postby razzberry » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:58 pm

    (( ──────⊱ARETO ! !
      five years ▰ feminine ▰ lead scout ▰ scent of lavender ▰ tags: kodiak, quincy, elijah

    Silver fur glinted in the light and Areto's grey eyes shifted uneasily from where Kodiak had been lying. Shame flooded over her for her lack of ability to do anything for the brute when he so clearly needed someone, even if he did not or could not realize it. Someone was within her reach, within the boundaries of her aid and she couldn't even clear her head long enough to put their well-being first. Though it was eerily haunting that the memories that the black brute held onto, the memories that plagued him and refused to release them from their grip, were similar to those of her own. The only difference was Avian had been a bright spot throughout Kodiak's life while Areto hadn't been quite lucky enough to have someone who could light that fire within her that she could see slowly burning out within Kodiak. Instead, she'd had him. Marcel. As the memories of the large ashen brute flooded back into her mind, Areto squeezed her eyes shut and grit her teeth together. Not now. Please not now she willed the thoughts away before she was able to breath again. It was still too soon and the recollection of the past was still too fresh in her mind, but she knew what Kodiak was going through and knew that it was eating him up from the inside out.

    Reality begun to seep into the haze she had gone into and soon enough the pale sheet of snow beneath her was the first thing she was able to see. Areto was crouched down now, belly flat in the cold snow yet her body seemed to be burning up. She had to do something for Kodiak. She couldn't let him spiral anymore than he already had. They may not know much of the other, but the two of them were vaguely similar. They didn't have to let their pasts define them, but rather use those painful events to shape them into who they want to be. A better version of themselves. Rising steadily to her paws, the lead scout inhaled deeply before exhaling and then took off in the direction she had seen Kodiak leave. Climbing up the hill that she had last seen his retreating figure disappear over, the silver fae slid to a halt in the snow as her eyes fell upon the sight before her. Confusion was etched across her face upon seeing Elijah and Quincy huddled together and....over something? Areto moved closer until one of them shifted briefly and gave her an opportunity to glimpse the wolf's pelt. She would have recognized that ebony pelt and tinges of silver anywhere."What-What's happened?" she spoke up as worry replaced the confusion that consumed her features.

    Moving towards the pair, she rounded the other side of Kodiak's body and her eyes widened. She couldn't have been too late, could she? The lead scout didn't want to believe that she was too late, that he was beyond the reaches of anyone's help. She shifted restlessly from paw to paw, a whine escaping her chest as her eyes flicked nervously up to Elijah and Quincy. "Quincy you can do this. I know he's not gone yet. We've got to keep trying" Areto barked gently, her features morphing from panic and worry to determination. Determination to save this brute. "Kodiak, c'mon. You've got to get up. You can't give up that easily!" she barked through gritted teeth as she crouched down followed Quincy's lead, rubbing her flank against his in hopes that the friction would rouse the unconscious brute.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby Poisoned Soul » Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:40 pm

Wasp-- Male-- Hunter -- In camp -- Ivy, Sage, open--
His brown outlined ears twitched as he listened to her speak. "Ah, okay" He spoke understandingly, making eye contact with her for a moment before swiveling his eyes away from hers. He glimpsed down at the rabbit as she pushed it back towards him, then watched her look towards the woods, next at some others arriving to camp. He noticed that some of the uneasiness in her face subsided after she saw the others. It dawned on him that she was most likely worried about her pack members arriving, as a leader would be. Head turning back to her as she spoke her last words before departing, he returned her nod then silently watched her trot over to her den.
The thought that maybe he'd go locate some other pack members had entered his mind, but soon fled. He just came from hunting and didn't really feel like venturing back into the woods, just to sniff his pack members out one by one. That wasn't in his job description. His eyes returned their stare upon the cream wolf in the distance he had spotted before approaching the alpha. After standing up somewhat quickly, he trotted over to her. "Hey." His deep voice rumbled as he nudged his sister with his snout.

Sage-- Female -- Scout -- Exited camp, in forest --Wasp, Ivy, Quincy, Kodiak, Areto, Elijah --
Her closed eyes opened slightly as she caught sound of a familiar voice, and then two. Her brother was conversing with the alpha female, which surprised her because he wasn't one for speaking too often to the others. She unintentionally heard their short conversation, and carefully watched their interaction, her brownish-red colored eyes flickering slightly. As Vixen walked off she continued to watch Wasp until he focused his attention on her. Quickly, she averted her head and eyes, trying to make it look like she hasn't just been eavesdropping on them.

"Huh? Oh, Hi Wasp" She said calmly as his voice sounded and he nudged her, turning her head to face him directly. She was trying her best to act as if she had not witnessed anything. She smiled slightly at the sight of his tail swaying as she spoke.
Wasp cleared his throat before asking his sister a question," Would you.. mind doing a quick patrol? I know its late and all but some members haven't arrived yet. I would go but you're the scout" He scoffed briefly then tilted his head slightly as he awaited her response.
"Hm? No, I don't mind at all" She spoke in a kind manner, her smile growing bigger. After examining camp, she did notice a lack of some members, but a certain dark figure in camp caught her eye. For a second she thought it was a mere shadow, but after seeing white specks of snow atop followed by the silhouette shaking its self she concluded that it was a wolf. "Follow me" She barked to her brother as she jogged over to the dark mass, after getting close enough she could recognize the wolf. It was Ivy, another member of the pack. Still maintaining her smile, she dipped her head in greeting.

She was going to ask her if she had seen any of the others. It was at that moment another wolf arrived, this time it was one of the healers, Quinn. "Maybe they're starting to come back now?" She suggested, looking to her brother who was standing besides her now. Facing back towards the dark wolf before her she grinned politely once again. Sage lowered her head slightly once more as if excusing herself, "I'm going to check the woods a little, then I'll be back!" She yipped, looking back for a moment at Wasp and Ivy once more before dashing out through the entrance to camp. She decided she would do a brief search in the woods surrounding camp when she heard a howl. She stopped mid run, almost slipping on some dampened soil. Her ears swiveled towards the direction of the call. It wasn't Vixen this time, but Quinn. She could hear the distress in the call, and it worried her. What was happening? Without delaying any further, she darted off towards the cry at full speed. It wasn't long before the distant scent of the healer reached her nostrils. As the smell intensified, and she further entered the forest, she picked up two other pack mates scents. Then the smell of blood shot up her nose. A sense of uneasiness automatically bolted through her body. What on earth was transpiring? As she grew nearer, following the crimson trail, a fourth scent reached her, even though she was unable to tell who or what it was. As if she wasn't confused enough, the sight of Quinn and Areto rubbing themselves on something lying on the ground came into view, with Elijah standing a few feet away from the scene. ???

{Headed to bed, will post more tomorrow ^^}
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