coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby Pistachio! » Mon Oct 02, 2017 11:36 am

Lightstep ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 31 moons ~ Looks
~ Tags; Open ~

Lightstep walked silently through the forest, following small
pawmarks left in the snow. They belonged to a mouse, she could
tell from the size and scent of them. Her ears were pricked up,
but she'd probably smell her prey before she heard it. Like her,
the mouse was skilled at moving without making a sound.
The wind was blowing towards her, so it wouldn't pick up her scent
until too late. It should be an easy catch - but she didn't let herself
get over confident. She's made that mistake before, losing prey
she thought she couldn't lose.
There! The scent was much stronger now, and soon she saw it ahead
of her. Lightstep paused, then pounced, catching the mouse with a
practiced ease. Purring happily, she picked it up in her jaws and
carried it back to camp, pausing to collect the two mice she'd caught
earlier. A good hunt.
She walked into camp and dropped two of the mice onto the fresh-kill
pile, taking the other one away to eat herself.
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby wolf ;; » Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:08 am

    I V Y S T A R
    >> tom • sixty moons • leader (6 lives) • no apprentice • no crush/mate • tags;; palepaw, mintpaw, spiritstep
    The tom looked up as Spiritstep approached him and the apprentices, giving a nod at the words of the medicine cat. "Yes...I didn't want to stay out too long in case that badger Silverstorm mentioned showed up." he meowed. "Even with Mintpaw and myself, two cats can't take on a badger and go unscathed." he told his reasoning. The leader then gazed towards the medicine cat den, also seeing Rainstep leaving...did he sense tension from the den? It wasn't until Badgerfoot came out that he guessed something had occurred. Ivystar flicked his ears slightly in curious thought, before he turned his attention back to his friend, intending on questioning him.

    "Did something happen while we were gone? Did Vixenbriar's kits arrive?" he indeed did question the other tabby. If the kits had arrived...that would mean new kits for the clan. He wanted to go see the kits for himself, if they had arrived and the she-cat wanted visitors. He wanted to see the next generation of warriors. Even if he didn't share kinship with these small kits, he would consider them family like he did every other cat in the clan. He would provide them the best life he could, as long as he was a leader with a living breath in his body. These kits proved their clan was growing strong...

    T I N Y S O N G
    >> she-cat • fifteen moons • warrior • no apprentice • no crush/mate • tags;; hazelfall, droppedjaw
    The she-cat had seated herself down, tail curled around her paws before she looked up at the sound of Droppedjaw's mew. Looking towards the tom, the she-cat spotted the prey within his jaws and purred. "I see you managed to catch some prey. Good job." she then gestured to her empty paws with a flick of her tail. "Looks like you bet me in the challenge." she smiled, ears flicking. "I managed to mess up and miss an entire mouse nest! Didn't know that they could scurry so fast." she joked, going to gently scrape a paw over some of the melting snow - which had turned to slush. The young she-cat had to admit, Droppedjaw was a cat she was proud to call a clanmate. Despite the fact he was hindered unlike the rest of the warriors, he was as good as any of them.

    The she-cat could remember several occasions where he didn't let anything get in his way - to keep moving forward, and to become a warrior. Yet he was kind to the younger cats, and not bitter for how he looked...she imagined that if any other cat suffered the same fate, they would be worse off. The cat considered him to be a valuable cat to the clan, and a good friend to have as well. "I wonder how Hazelfall is doing...this competition seems to be between you and him now." she purred. "Maybe he hasn't caught anything yet. Then you'd get the first pick of fresh-kill."

    R A I N S T E P
    >> she-cat • twenty-eight moons • queen • expecting kits • no crush/mate • tags;; open
    The blue-grey she-cat only had to look between Vixenbriar and Badgerfoot before the medicine cat spoke, and the pregnant cat rose to her paws. Whatever was going on between the needed to be done in private, and at that, she quietly left the den after Spiritstep, not wanting to intrude, and rather wary of the tension that had gathered in the air. Fluffing out her fur, she watched as the medicine cat headed over to Ivystar, who had arrived back with Palepaw and Mintpaw. It reminded her of the times she went out training as a young Rainpaw, and with Ivystar - who had been Ivypelt - as her mentor. He was a great leader, and as she watched the two talk, a sharp kick tore her thoughts away. Her kits would surely come along soon now, at least another quarter moon to go before they arrived...perhaps it would be even longer. She hoped it would as Acornkit was small, and right now, the clan would have enough trouble looking out for the small new arrivals...they didn't need anymore kits on their paws. The queen then headed to the nursery and aware to the fact that some cats were in there cleaning the nests, she sat down outside, wrapping her tail around her paws and closing her eyes in thought.

    W E A S E L P A W
    >> tom • eight moons • apprentice • mentor;; silverstorm • no crush/mate • tags;; quietheart
    The tom was quick to try and do the duty too fast, once he had arrived back at camp with what he had collected - and ended up tripping and breaking up the neat moss bundle he had made. With a huff, the young tom paused in his tracks, and began to tidy up the moss in order to bundle it up again. While he did like helping his clanmates, he did wish he wasn't stuck with such a boring task like this. I wish Silverstorm had taken me along on the patrol. The tom thought would be so cool to go up against a badger! He'd be able to prove that he wasn't just a know-it-all apprentice, and maybe he'd be seen as leader material...of course, Weaselpaw wasn't nearly old enough or experienced enough to even be considered, not even for the near future, when he finally did become a warrior.

    After collecting all the moss again, the dark ginger tabby headed to the nursery, his fluffy pelt bristling slightly as he entered. Despite being an apprentice, this den brought back good memories - being by his mothers side as a kit, and the fun games he often played with his father or older brother...but his parents were distant now, both in StarClan. All he had left from his memories was Swiftflame, and he admired his kin. The young cat noticed another cat already having started on fixing the nests, and the tom placed his moss down. "Hi Quietheart, did Robinfrost ask you to help? I've got some more moss here!" the tom mewed, moving out of the way of the entrance so Yellowriver could slip out with her two kits, in order to give them more room to move around and do what was requested of them.
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:13 pm

    Form;; X | Gender;; male | Rank;; medicine cat | Scent;; herbs and moss | Words;; 280| Tagged;; ivystar, palepaw, mintpaw|
    xxxSpiritStep nodded his head in agreement. "We will need a patrol to go and deal with that soon," he chimed, "We can't live each day waiting for it to make it's move." The tom was eager to talk about something that wasn't the drama that currently occupied the medicine cat den. But with a sigh he nodded his head, of course this question would arise regardless. Everyone would want to know about the kits and his leader was no exception. His eyes moved towards MintPaw with hesitation. No, he wouldn't mention the kit that would no doubt die within the week in front of the young kit. "VixenBriar brought 4 kittens into the world while you were gone, she's healthy, as are most of her litter," SpiritStep announced, a little louder than needed, so that the word would spread amongst the clan that the kits had in fact arrived. Out of the corner of his eye he caught site of one of the warriors, TawnyFoot, moving towards the warriors den in a hurry. His ears flicked in dismissal, she was probably headed to wake her daughter and share the news she just overheard.

    xxxHe moved forward, leaning close to his mentor and leader before whispering under his breath, "the runt of the litter is sickly, probably won't make it through the night let alone the week." He moved his nose towards PalePaw more specifically, "you are to sleep with VixenBriar for the next couple nights to aid in keep the kits warm, until the runt starts eating it's all we can do." The tom leaned back, letting the secretive moment pass as he looked towards MintPaw, "How was the patrol?"

    Note;; nm/atm
    Form;; X | Gender;; female | Rank;; warrior | Scent;; roses and wheat | Words;; 689| Tagged;; rainstep|
    xxxIt had been a long night, RoseFeather had always been the kind of she-cat to work well on her own ground, the long nights with the snow stinging her paws gave her life. She had been awake late the previous night watching her sleeping clam-mates; guarding them for anything that would threaten the peace. She would pace around camp, forming trails in the snow which would fade by the time her clan-mates awoke. This was the job she was born for, watching, listening and feeling the cold and silence. If a creature stood foot near the camp she would hear the sound, no matter how small it was. Despite her job guarding the clan, it was at night that she also got in the best hunting. Mice and night birds alike coming out from hiding and turning the shadowy abyss into a playground. The creatures were over zealous in their spirit and often strayed further towards camp then they would ever dream of in the lighter hours. They were easy and quick kills that would serve to keep her stomach full and spirit high. The excess of her night hunting's would be turned in to the fresh kill pile for her clan-mates to enjoy as breakfast. Soon enough the sky was turned a bright orange and she was sent off to sleep by the first cat to awaken.

    xxxAnd soon she was awake once more. Here eyes ached and blinking sent a sharp pain through her body. She grunted through it, twisting in her nest to push away the light that warmed her cold body. Whiskers twitched as the sound outside became louder to her senses and pierced through any sleepy haze that remained. She placed her paws close to her chest and pushed up off the ground body tired and reluctant to fulfil her minds wishes. Her body arched in a beautiful form as her muscles shed themselves of the last traces of sleep that held her. She moved outside of the den, eyes looking outwards they met those of her mother, TawnyFoot. She shook her head head hanging low as she felt the weight of waking straining her mind. "Morning" mewed her mother softly, walking to her side and taking a seat. A begrudged noise made it's way out of RoseFeather's maw as the silky tongue of her mother began to smooth down her daughters pelt. Between strokes TawnyFoot spoke softly, much like the night which RoseFeather held so dearly. "While you were sleeping VixenBriar had her kits, I haven't seen them yet but cats are starting to visit them." TawnyFoot paused for a moment changing topics, "No-one had seen that badger that was spotted yesterday so far and plenty of food has been caught on the morning patrol, go eat." TawnyFoot finished her last sentence as more of an order before parting ways with her daughter, her graceful frame retreating into the light. RoseFeather sat with fur now cleanly licked, preparing herself for the conversation of clan-mates.

    xxxEmerging from the warriors den, not long after her mother came RoseFeather. Eyes squinting as the light bore down on her like a fallen tree. However it was a fallen tree made of snow, that melted away with patience. If there was one thing that RoseFeather had it was patience and so she waited, tail twitching as her vision came to her. It was slow at first before coming in clearly; the white patches dissipating to reveal the open expanse of their camp. Her whiskers twitched as she recalled how different it always looked in daylight. Walking forward she nosed her way through the fresh-kill pile, picking a vole up with delicate teeth. She moved across the prey pile and towards a she-cat she knew well enough to be comfortable sharing the company of while she ate. She dipped her head to RainStep as she moved to be seated beside the queen. No words came out from her mouth, only a quiet silence for the longest time before she found the words to match the situation. "I hear that VixenBriar had kits," came the soft sounding words from RoseFeather.

    Note;; TawnyFoot is a warrior of the age 43 moons, an npc
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:13 am

|| She-cat | 22 Moons | Warrior | Apprentice: None | Crush: None Yet | Location: Nursery | Tags: Weaselpaw ||

Quietheart stopped taking out the old moss out of one of the nests when she heard Weaselpaw. The gray warrior turned to the young apprentice and greeted warmly "Hello Weaselpaw." She listened to the apprentice and gave him a short nod and replied 'Yeah, she was feeling a bit tired and needed to rest. Thank you for bringing more moss." The she-cat's green eyes flickered down to the moss the tom had placed on the ground. It was a good amount and Quietheart figured that it should be enough to change all the nests. "I already did Vixenbrair's nest and put extra moss for her and her new kits." Quietheart looked over at the finished nest and hoped it would be warm and comfortable enough. After a few moments, she moved her eyes back over to Weaselpaw and gave a small smile.
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby lysistraticmuse » Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:11 am


tags;; Spiritstep, Badgerfoot kits|rank;; queen| mood;; bitter, pained, tired, | age;; 37 Moons| romance;; eye for crowwing| location;; medicine den|word count;;

      A long silence filled the den at Badgerfoot's departure, heavy and mournful upon the red head's shoulders. The new mom took a few steps towards the dens opening after Badgerfoot, shocked, confused, angry, but most of all, utterly alone. Water threatened to escape from her eyes, but she blinked them back harshly, biting down on the venomous cries and tears leaning out of her resolve. It must be her hormones, she'd never cry because of him otherwise.

      He was her first love, the first one Vixen every dared to say she'd never grow tired of, never be afraid to show her love to. When he left, the same day she announced her pregnancy, her resolve shattered. How could he fill her with so much love, hope, optimism, and rip it away with the razor sharp words of fallen cherry petals and broken glass. A sharp shrill escaped from the fæ's heartstrings, echoing through the medicine den and out to only the surrounding areas. The dam had broken.

      Collapsing onto the den floor, Vixen gathered her kittens as close to her as she could get them, burying her face in their soft scent. Sobs raked through her form, thrusting breaths out of her into puffy plumes of regret. This was the first time she had fallen into a true bout of tears since her parent's had left to join her ancestors in Starclan, and she was sure that soon one of her children would be joining them.

      The kits were mewling, most certainly scenting the anguish in the air, causing the new mother to let out a soft mewl. All of this stress couldn't be good for them, especially Acorn. She needed to get some air, to cry and shout, but no longer could she subject her children to it. Quietly, she mewed out, "Spiritstep, Palepaw I need one of you. Or someone else if you're too busy..."


tags;; tinysong, hazelfall|rank;; warrior| mood;; happy, optimistic| age;; 19 Moons| romance;; open| location;; forest|word count;;

      His chest shook gently with a laugh, imagining the leader's daughter and the bewildered look she must have had when the mice scurried out around her. Smiling, Droppedjaw let the prey fall softly onto his paws, stretching out his muscles slightly. "I'll let you guys have first pickings anyways, after the queens of course," the tom mewed, lightly shoving her with a heavy shoulder. "Who knows, if you eat a bit more, maybe you'll get a little bigger Tinysong."

      Dee was only joking of course, especially as he had no ill will towards the younger warrior. They had trained together, and the little one's enthusiasm and optimism always brought a crooked smile to his maw. Her company was always a pleasant welcome, today no exception.

      Looking sideways, he began to search for Hazelfall, having not seen hide or hair of him for quite a while. "I'll bet he's caught something. I haven't seen any trace of him for a while though. Maybe he's been off chasing Pigeon feathers," purred with a light tone, a questioning glance sent to the fae.
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby zena~heatha » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:34 pm


|Tom|31 Moons|Warrior|Location: Camp|Crush: Open|Tags: Open|

Sitting patiently by the warriors' den, Pineflash glanced around camp, wondering who to talk to. He was rather bored, but he didn't want to intrude on any cats' conversation. He felt like hunting, but he hadn't been sent on a patrol and he didn't want to waste time if he was needed for something else. He glanced down at a leaf which had landed beside his paw. Smiling, he batted the leaf playfully, before chasing after it. He stopped by the nursery, noticing Rainstep. "Greetings, Rainstep." He purred, going to sit beside her. He hadn't talked to her in a while and he was excited to know how she was feeling about her kits. He always loved kits and young ones, and he wouldn't mind having an apprentice. He glanced at her belly, which was rather big at this point, though it was covered by her long grey fur. He quickly looked away in case she noticed and felt self-conscious.
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby wolf ;; » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:35 am

    I V Y S T A R
    >> tom • sixty moons • leader (6 lives) • no apprentice • no crush/mate • tags;; spiritstep, palepaw, mintpaw, vixenbriar
    The leader listened quietly as Spiritstep spoke - and while he was glad to hear that Vixenbriar had brought four new kittens into the clan, he sensed that someone more was to it. He had to listen carefully as the medicine cat then mentioned the runt...was the kit really that small and weak? It was expected in a large litter - not every kit was born strong...but perhaps the young one would be able to pull through. The tom gave a nod, understanding how grave the condition of the kit must be if it was a cause of concern. Ivystar remembered how he and his previous mate had lost all their first litter...if the runt didn't make it, he knew that the queen would grieve greatly.

    The clan leader's ears swerved slightly, hearing the call of a cat...Vixenbriar? They weren't too far from the medicine cat den, so it wasn't that hard to really hear the queen. Looking towards Spiritstep, he gestured slightly towards the medicine cat den, seeing as he was speaking to Mintpaw. "I'll go check on Vixenbriar and see if she needs anything." the tabby told him, before taking his leave and going towards the den quietly. As he neared, he could sense the atmosphere had if something was definitely wrong.

    Ivystar arrived at the entrance of the den, taking a few steps in before seeing the queen. The den was warm, and with the scent of new kits...but his eyes focused on the younger she-cat. He knew most other clan leaders likely would've left these matters to other cats in the clan...but he couldn't bare to do it. "Vixenbriar, is something wrong?" he was sure to have a quiet, soft voice - for the kits sake.

    T I N Y S O N G
    >> she-cat • fifteen moons • warrior • no apprentice • no crush/mate • tags;; droppedjaw
    Tinysong gave an amused purr at his words. Droppedjaw was always the cat that insisted that other cats - like the queens, ate first no matter what. Much unlike herself - while she did hold respect for the warrior code, if she had a choice she'd probably do things differently...she wasn't doubting that the queens and elders, as well as any sickly cats were more important, however. The young warrior pretended to take offense to his words before laughing and going to prod him playfully with a paw. "If only! Then I wouldn't have great big cats like you able to shove me around so easily."

    As the subject shifted back to Hazelfall, she smiled at Droppedjaw's words, before shaking her head. "Let's just hope the pigeons didn't team up and try to carry him off. Us cat's wouldn't make very good snacks." she joked, before looking to the prey he had dropped. "Maybe you should bury that and we can get it later? Then we can go search for Hazelfall, and hunt on the way, too." she suggested.

    R A I N S T E P
    >> she-cat • twenty-eight moons • queen • expecting kits • no crush/mate • tags;; rosefeather, pineflash
    The blue-grey pelted she-cat opened her eyes as a voice spoke, and she saw that a warrior, Rosefeather, had sat down beside her. At the mention of Vixenbriar's kits, she gave a nod, and the queen managed to give a slight purr. "Yes, they did. Cute little kits they are...they're doing well under Vixenbriar's care. Of course, Spiritstep and Palepaw will be keeping their eyes on the kits, too." she gave a nod at her own words, before gazing around camp slowly. "New kits are a good way to start the new season. I'm sure that over the next few moons, they'll shape into being fine cats." but the she-cat couldn't help but wonder...

    At the words of another cat, Rainstep looked towards a slightly older warrior who made his way over, Pineflash, and she offered a smile to the tom. "Hello, Pineflash...heh, the camp sure is active now. Must have something to do with the news of Vixenbriar's kits." she couldn't help but purr gently at her own words...a lively camp was good, and the queen felt a peace with the company of two warriors. However, the queen did wish that she could get up and take a stroll in the forest...the clan didn't need to worry about anything more though, and she was almost tempted to ask both Rosefeather and Pineflash to accompany her...but that was much too risky. So the fluffy she-cat decided that conversation would have to do for now. "How are you both doing today?"

    W E A S E L P A W
    >> tom • eight moons • apprentice • mentor;; silverstorm • no crush/mate • tags;; quietheart
    The young tom grinned at that with a purr in his throat, tail high. He was glad to be able to help, and Weaselpaw then looked to the other nests, thinking for a moment. "I can clean Yellowriver's nest!" he told the warrior, confidence in his mew before the apprentice went to do just that. It proved to be a bit of a task for the young cat, as Talonkit and Meadowkit had made a mess of their nest beforehand...but he was able to do it himself, using some of the new moss in order to make the nest all clean and fresh. "There, done with that nest."

    He then looked towards the nest that Quietheart had done for Vixenbriar and her new kits, and whilst the tom was unsure if she really knew anything, he couldn't help but talk about the new arrivals. "Have you seen the kits yet? I've heard that newborn kits are really tiny. I wonder what they look like?" the tom was getting excited...perhaps once the kits were old enough, he could be the one teaching them the hunters crouch, or even a fighting move. "Robinfrost says I'll be too big to play with the kits, even when they become a few moons old...they must be really small then."
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby zena~heatha » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:29 pm


|Tom|31 Moons|Warrior|Location: Camp|Crush: Open|Tags: Rainstep, Rosefeather, Open|

Pineflash nodded. "Ah, yes. Kits. I can't wait to meet them." He hadn't yet gone to see them, but he had heard a thing or two about the young ones. They would look like Vixenbriar, of course, but he still wanted to see them. He smiled at the two she-cats, waving his tail in greeting to Rosefeather, having not noticed her before. "I am well. I haven't done much all day." He responded, looking back at Rainstep. He began purring, enjoying the twos' company. It was quite nice just to sit down and chat with his clanmates now and again. He often found himself too busy to have long conversations. Currently he was feeling rather guilty that he had not been doing anything most of the day, as he always tried to go beyond what was expected of him. However, he supposed it was good for him to have a break every now and then. He would have to do extra work tomorrow.

Pineflash looked around, admiring the snow. He sighed, remembering when he had first encountered it. It was three moons until his apprentice ceremony and he had rushed outside, expecting the cold air. He was used to the cold weather, but shock hit him as soon as he took the first pawsteps into the snow. He yelped, and rushed away to his mother, who simply laughed. He hadn't left the nursery for the rest of the day, horrified by even the thought of having to walk around on something so cold. The next day he had woken up, so excited to finally get outside, but it was still there. There was more snow then the day before, actually, and he was terrified. Robinsong had told him it lasted as long as Leaf-fall had, so he couldn't avoid it. It took him a week to finally be comfortable playing in the snow, and he's remembered that story ever since. Pineflash knew he wouldn't be sad when the day came for him to be an elder, especially if he could tell stories like that.
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Re: coldclan -- warrior cats -- applications open

Postby Squirrelstar123 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:23 pm

|| She-cat | 22 Moons | Warrior | Apprentice: None | Crush: None Yet | Location: Nursery | Tags: Weaselpaw ||

The she-cat shook her head softly as she replied "I haven't seen them yet but it was crowded around the medicine cat's den when I was out there. I just hope they aren't too tiny..." Quietheart trailed off quietly, refusing to think or say the rest of the sentence. The warrior gave Weaselpaw a reassuring smile and said softly "I am sure when they become apprentices you will be able to play with them. They would think you're cool and probably would beg you to teach them a few moves. Not all but a lot of apprentices do that but I think it's a good thing that they are so excited and determined to learn."

Quietheart took some moss out of a nest and replaced it with the new and clean moss. She rolled the old moss into the moss ball she'd made so far with the rest of moss she stripped from the other nests. Her gray paws helped spread out of the moss she laid in the nest and made sure it would be comfortable enough for any queens and kits. The last thing they needed was a grumpy queen and kits that didn't sleep all night because they weren't comfortable enough.
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:27 pm

    xxxxxxxSpiritStep had been waiting patiently for the apprentices reply but was drawn from his duties by the mewing of the queen behind him. A nod of IvyStar's head lead him to excuse himself from further conversation, "pardon me, MintPaw." He spoke softly, fur unsettled on his shoulders. 'No it's too soon for anything to have gone wrong with the young kit-' he thought to himself, moving to be by his leader and friends side. His ears moved to listen intently to what the queen had to say. He had heard his leader's soft voice speaking to the she-cat and he nodded his head, affirming that he too wanted to know what was wrong. His mind ticked slowly, perhaps this was regarding VixenBriar's unnamed mate, of which he had connected the dots. It would surprise him if that was the case- most cats taking their time when it came to revealing secrets. VixenBriar had, however, always been the kind of she-cat to pay no mind to wasting time.
xxxx ⇢ medicine cat⇢ tom ⇢ 43m ⇢ camp; ivystar, palepaw, mintpaw, vixenbriar ⇢ 167 words

    xxxxxxxRainStep was quiet, delicate and well-mannered. RoseFeather liked to think that the two of them were kin without blood. She could sit by this cat's side during a snow storm and feel the warmth the queen had hidden inside burning at her fur and keeping her warm. She was one of the few RoseFeather could live beside with content, maybe even in such a way that would ease her sadness. As they made their way through small talk RoseFeather nodded her head, "I think I'd like an apprentice some day" she mumbled wishfully eyeing the nursery where the new kits lay. All the while looking away from the she-cat she was addressing. It was at the arrival of PineFlash that her skin pricked with a mixture of anxiety and annoyance. She didn't like PineFlash; the tom was judgemental, rude and domineering. Over come with a wave of shyness the lynx point she-cat dipped her nose into her food, nervously picking away at the fur of the vole. She quietly listened to the two make conversation, barely speaking, even when addressed. "I guarded camp last night- I only just woke up," she whispered in reply to RainStep's question.

xxxx ⇢ warrior⇢ molly ⇢ 35m ⇢ camp; pineflash, rainstep ⇢ 197 words
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