━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. OPEN!!!! ◜

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━━━ ✧ // the sky, v. ◜

Postby vertigo » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:25 am

    -- W A N B R E E Z E !!
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ━━━
    ( sex. male ) ( rank, deputy ) ( tagged. dogface, hunting party. ) ( words. 3378 )

      indent. the flames of an uttermost striking gleam of pale blue licked across the crowd, as the tom’s eyes turned away from one cat, to another. swanbreeze, his lips pursed but open and loose at the slightest, sanctioned a single, meaningless sigh to escape from the diaphanous slope of his dark-grey lips, in which fell from his tongue with a gentle huff, just scantily audible to the likely attentive ears of those surrounding him. forbearing, the tom was━although the sun had begun to gain elevation by every single beat of the heart, with it’s scintillating orange rays that brushed the sky into a sun-kissed glow━considering his paws had not yet begun to itch with restiveness. yes, his claws did yearn to feel dew-captured grass . . the soft, damp soil of what lied outside the confinements of fogclan’s walls; this place place, he would soon come to know it as his home, his lands, and he strongly craved to absorb the information that he’d been left unknowing of. even this feeling was masked beneath the veil of his persona━swanbreeze was a well-known doyen to the arts of keeping his sentiments under a strong restraint; whatever it was that he felt was almost always constricted to the walls of his mind, compressed against his skull with no means of an escape. thus, he expressed this through two, persistently and stone-cold fixed eyes, his gaze appearing almost as if he were peering at something afar . . in this case, his two, milky-blue’s were concentrated on something a long ways from the commotion, tension, and rising confusion between the cats of both clans. slowly yet precisely, the ragdoll let his gaze waver back to the crowd, and with this, accompanied a sharp despondent pang, that flickered in the pits of his stomach. now, he struggled to confine this . . sensation━he knew that his eyes had grown oddly cold, glazed over in translucent ice of unmistakable deep distress. dawnclan was in the weakest state it ever had been in the the roots of its history. it was awful . . pitiful━the pelts of the dawnclan company were brittle, and whatever it was that lied beneath lacked enough muscle to even be classified as a full-fledged warrior, with their little-to-no muscle stretched over their enlarged skeletons. dawnclan had never been ones to boast of their strength, and the tom suddenly found himself yearning for the asset━yet he knew that it was not to be of his biggest worries; it is strength that we are at a loss for . . and flaunting such a thing infront of fogclan would likely only stir up trouble, he contemplated, blinking his eyes closed along and trace of brood that could be detected inside.

      indent.with that thought dismissed, his mind quickly took an advantage to replace it with a rather pessimistic one━swanbreeze was well-aware of the unease that was painted across the alliance made between the two clans. the air was thick with tension, and fragility hung above their heads like an impending thunderstorm. many leaned in to bend their heads together, whispering amongst themselves. whereas swanbreeze━for once, he looked particularly on edge. with this sudden realization, he quickly seeked comfort, any tactic to calm his own tense shoulders━lifting his front snow-white paw, he compressed it firmly against the base of his chest, before blinking━once, twice, three times, and half-setting it softly down against the pebble-encrusted ground. the large clouds of judgement that had begun to form within the skies of his eyes vanished, replacing nearly instantly with a sense of blankness. calmness washing over his bones, swanbreeze continued to watch what was happening with his usual ice-cold facade. now, he didn't move, didn't even blink . . but just stood there, a silent stone monolith observing with no visible emotion anywhere discernible on his face. it was only a matter of time before his awareness picked up on the irritance radiating from the black and white of dogface’s pelt beside him━not wanting to worsen the matter, he tilted his masked-face to the direction of the molly, taking this into his acknowledgement. as it seemed, she did not dare to waste a single second; as soon as he set his milky-blue’s upon her muscular form, a holler lept off of her tongue, revealing her always roughened voice, "thank you to those of you that have gathered here today. if you would like to come with me, to your left, and swanbreeze━to your right. please give your deputies a moment to discuss the territory, and then we will be on our way promptly." her voice having of drilled into his ear, reverberating like a clap of thunder, or more well-described . . a roar of pure anger ( however as much, over the course of the past few hours, swanbreeze had come to the terms that the anger that the molly tenaciously expressed, was well . . normal ) his ears instinctively, briefly flattened to his head━only just slightly. assessing that perhaps it was time he put his say into the announcement, he parted his jaws. However, they closed immediately, and only the only the plume of his breath billowed out, before it quickly dissipated back into the cool morning air.


      indent.the very sound of his name upon the surface dogface’s tongue immediately grabbed his attention, pulling his grey-dipped ears into the direction of the speaker, causing them to twitch involuntarily. while he stood await for an explanation, any reasoning behind his so suddenly called name, his eyes narrowed into rather small slits, the blue of his iris’ widening. subsequent to this, apparently dogface felt as if the need to explain was seen as an unnecessity━before he turned to follow, he watched the back of dogface as she promptly began to pad away, her step strung thickly with a nonchalant attitude, and astray with a sudden obtained confidence. with a sweep of his feather-like tail across the earthy floor, the grey-and-white allowed his paws━which still happened to be cracked, worn, and dry . . all results from the bone-aching journey he and his clan-mated had spent trekking from their catastrophic . . previous home━landing and lifting from the ground with scarcely a sound, his step barely disturbing the dew-laden carpet of grass brushing against his under-paw. only half a tails-length away from dogface, swanbreeze continued to follow in her paw-steps, while he only half paid attention to where he was setting foot; his black nose was raised to the sky, as he inhaled to welcome the kiss of dampness hung in the air, in which was ready to meet the tender earth. he was not aware to the amount of time that had lapsed, as his grey-and-white form trailed after the black and white whom trotted ahead, his tail hung moderately high in the air, as it twitched from left to right, almost as if this action was created to rid himself of the gathering tention that buzzed throughout the fog-coated air. almost skidding on the dampened earth beneath him, swanbreeze came to a sudden halt━dogface had without warning, spun around to face him, dead-straight in the eyes. her voice was a bark and her eyes were as slitted as one’s of a snake, "as for my plan to split the territory, i will guide you to the point that we will separate: a clearing ringed by pines. my party shall take the eastern side of this clearing, and yours the western. once the sun is setting, we shall all meet back up in the clearing and head . ." processing this, swanbreeze took her sudden pause in words to display his confirmation of the proposal, cocking his head in the ways of a slight nod, while matching her gaze only with the barrenness that held in his blue orbs. however so, he could not help but also take this moment to a part of his advantage. Right now, he could watch her, really watch her. so, he did just so━glaring into her depths of orange, he could perceive that her eyes were a bottomless pool of darkness, a swirling, endless pit of fire and orange sunrises, but he could not help trying to find the bottom. this bundle of sorrow that he knew floated somewhere in there . . he wanted, needed to do something to help her; it wasn’t only anger in her eyes, but fierceness, pride, pain . . he knew that she wouldn’t dare to accept any help. that being so, he knew that a confrontation was not an action possible for him to make, as he blinked. closing his eyes, he let his mind wander until they pieced together some thoughts, i know that myself━my thoughts are a strange ocean to her. i can see the wandering in her eyes, her desire to flee conversation written on her well hidden . . face. her thoughts, she guards, never letting an unconsidered word escape her lips. perhaps, she feels that this is a form of self control.. before dogface could take note in his absence of reality, he reopened his eyes, reconnecting them with the molly before him, before letting his thought process continue, yes, in a way it is. but . . rarely giving me a glimpse of where her emotions truly lie . . only causes me to feel more inclined to seek what actually lies within.

      indent.thud, thud, thud . . the drum of his heart beat only a few more beats, just before he concluded that his thoughts━they trampled through his brain like a wave with no intention of stopping━had took ahold of his body and pulled him under completely, consuming him . . drowning him within the oceans of his mind, the continuation of dogface’s voice and the impatience that covered the corners of it gave him no other choice but to resurface, to come back to the present. his eyes fluttered open, revealing revealing his icy blue eyes that were framed by the delicate grey mask of his face. he listened, attentively at best, while shifting his eyes to peer over dogface’s shoulder rather than directly into her sun-kissed orbs, "and head back to camp together to split our earnings amongst the clans." furrowing his brows as he absorbed this information, he thought to himself, hmm . . well thought out, i would honestly say, myself. while i am still filled with an uncertainty that claws at my pelt uncomfortably, the guidance of other fogclan cats shall ease my worries. the veil of qualm slid off of his bones as quickly as one could swipe away a feather, as he suddenly remembered this fact; he knew now, that there shouldn’t be a single worry caught in his well-crammed mind. the grey-masked tom parted his jaws, preparing a word to form on his tongue . . but once again, it shut with the interruption of dogface . . only this time, by the collision of fur━the heat from dogface's shoulder crept into his consciousness and suddenly . . he felt the need to disconnect, to brush off his fur and distance himself as soon and as far as possible. touch, touch, her touch. he found his mind rushing back to the shared silence they had experienced together only moments ago━there was so much in the fogclanner's silence, so much that she won't say. he could see by her expressions that there was a lot going on in her head, but he knew that asking was out of the question, as an answer would be what he desired . . he knew that he wouldn't get it. as he returned her stare and he could have sworn that he'd saw something flash beneath the surface of her hardened expression. he hurried to investigate the sudden shift━it was too late, the emotion disappeared before he could identify it. his mind surged, sending tingles throughout his skin━he knew that his eyes were sweeping over her like a cold midwinter breeze, and for a moment, he found himself hoping that she could see her reflection in them, her frame in his frozen irises that he knew, had to of felt like ice and glass . . sharp enough to scar. whatever it was . . whatever this was, it still rocked his mind, leaving it churning in foreign ways━he was not accustomed to this . . this not-knowing, this starving, this insatiable . . feeling. dogface seemed to be like an echo, one with the power to tear down walls, walls that he had built high and deep. in swanbreeze's world━and apparently, dogface's as well . . emotions this strong are considered suspiscious. ah, there are higher priorities to think about than the health of my heart and mind.. feeling conflicted, the fluffy tom shook away his thoughts, along with the feeling that had grown heavy in his gut.

      indent.dogface━she moved away quickly, leaving swanbreeze behind without a second thought, so it seemed. swanbreeze, a look of seriousness upon his maw, took a small step forwards, then gradually quicked his pace. he listened to the sound of dogface’s not-so-far-off pitter patter of paws against the ground, and once she was a fox-length or two away, he began to trot. and once he rejoined with the majority of the assembled cats, he blinked slowly, as if allowing the reality of the moment to touch him once more. his ears perked to the sound of dogface’s voice, "dawnclan and fogclan! swanbreeze and i, dogface, have devised a way to evenly share the terrain between the two hunting groups." keeping his gaze on dogface, he seemed to look unimpressed; he could feel that her initial intent was to give him partial credit for the "agreement" they had come to, however so, he found that he wouldn't have taken offence if the she-cat had given herself credit completely━this was her territory, her clan, her . . home. and swanbreeze, being a tom whom held a high respect of superior cats ( dogface, being so, considering that it was he and his clan that sat within the confinements of a home that wasn't their's to claim ) was not about to take charge, or place a single paw where it didn't belong. the molly was definitely making a desperate attempt to make him feel small, yet it was so very decidedly failing. perhaps it would have worked on anyone else, but this was swanbreeze, and even if it did work, there was no possible way that he would show it. that being so, the ragdoll swept his eyes from the dark face of the she-cat, letting his sky blue eyes wander the crowd instead.

      indent.he found that this action . . this deliberate endeavor he had constructed from the strong will of his mind. . his intention was only to escape the hallowed gaze of dogface━well, it did not grant him with his wishes. for, he was shocked to find himself itching . . craving to see the sight of her form within his icy-blue eyes once more. he wanted to, yes, but no━he did not dare to give dogface the satisfaction of his returning, lingering glance. he would not break. however so, traces of the she-cat still lingered in swanbreeze's mind. involuntarily, he begun to slowly loose a grip of his surroundings, the sounds and sights in which surrounded him blurring, dimming. behind his eyes, he saw her━soft wisps of ebony that faded into a bright white, which swept past her ears and carassed the skin of her neck, jaw, cheeks. those amber-glass eyes that always seemed to bore into him every single time he looked into them and nearly lost himself. anger, suffering, loneliness, longing, desire━he knew, just knew that her eyes held all of those deep seated emotions, and perhaps many more. one day, he would figure out how to read those emotions that danced like fire, licking at the walls of amber-glass . . . for now, the fire was dwindled down to smoldering ember and even he, whom was a master at picking apart and overanalyzing everything and anything around him, could not tell what emotions were soaring just beyond those walls. swanbreeze's cheeks begun to grow hot, a burning, tingling sensation building up━was he . . beginning to feel infatuated . . with dogface? how could something that seemed so impossible━be possible? with a deep breath, swanbreeze thought to himself quickly,how, my cheeks burn hot . . this place━it overwhelms me with feelings that i have never experienced before. what is this . . sensation? i must . . focus. i must carry out my duties.

      indent.he returned his orbs to meet with her's once more . . just for a heartbeat or two, and the way her eyes narrowed when she glared at him reminded him of a snakes slit-like pupils. he refrained from swallowing, as his throat suddenly felt dry. a burning animosity was developing in her amber orbs, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was the root of the problem. the avert of her gaze denoted that she was ready to begin, to set foot . . to get started. her voice broke through swanbreeze's daydream-like state, and he felt himself straighten his posture, "all right! let us waste not one moment more. those of you that are with me, follow my lead!" with that, the she-cat turned tail and promptly exited camp━swanbreeze let his eyes trail after her slowly blurring form, as it slipped away into the deep green of the forest, before swiveling his head into the direction of the cats that had stayed behind. before swiveling his head into the direction of the cats that had stayed behind. turning his head to the sky, briefly, he noted that the sun was still approaching its height in the sky, leaving late morning behind in shadows and warmer air. swanbreeze stretched and then forced a baseless smile upon his maw. it was about time they get going. he cleared his throat, before parting his jaws with a raised voice, "come, yes! my attendees . ." pausing, the dawnclanner found himself at a loss for words. could it be that his uncertainty was causing a lump to form in his throat? usually, his words were well-thought out and constructed. but, he could not seem to piece together anything onto his tongue. he refused to let this show, knowing that if he did not speak soon, others would soon notice his moment of fault. "we shall be on our way, then. warriors, apprentices, and i, swanbreeze━the sun won't rise without us." and with that said, he turned to lead the group out of camp, attempting to make his stride━which had been slightly dull . . lifeless━confident and energetic. he still found his subconscious eating away at his previous loss of words . . but, it was a hunting patrol, so they'd hunt. perhaps the need to explain something like this had irritated him just a bit, as evidenced by the slight twitch of his tail as he headed out.

      indent.the simple touch of his paws against the forest floor sent a new sense of electricity coursing through his veins, easing the uncertainty that had settled inside him. it wasn't long before his paws pounding upon the dark, rain-kissed soil of the forest floor slowed, his previous fast pace steadying, as dogface━whom seemed to be calmly settled on the earthy forest floor━and her assembled party came into clear view. silently, he beckoned his group with his tail, a slight flick, to come to a halt. if one thing was for sure, it was that what happened next was a matter of dogface's opinion and no one else's. that being so, he let silence seep into every one of his pores; it was like a poison, slowly stealing away his speech or movement. it lingered in the air, thick and heavy, like a blanket━he offered no more of a greeting but a submissive dip of his head, his eyes falling to his paws, before rising back to meet the fire of dogface's eyes.

      indent.speak now, dogface . . my ears are attent on your direction, he thought, before forcing a half-slanted, meaningless smile of mediocre upon his grey-lips.
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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. OPEN!!!! ◜

Postby CoolComrade » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:43 am

mangledfoottwenty-eightmollydawnclan warriorno crushtags~ Juniperleaf

Mangledfoot had gotten used to the slightly damp, rocky ground. She doubted she knew the camp half as well as a FogClan kit, but just walking around a little had calmed her fears just enough. She avoided the other cats milling about, only nodding a hello, and looking away shamefully when they looked at her mangled paw. Suddenly, she heard a cat stumble somewhere to her left. Once the mystery cat had recovered, they spoke.
Mangledfoot froze in place, a chill running down her spine. She was practically blind in the dense fog, and it had put her on edge. At least whoever it was that had spoken didn't attack her first; that would have caused a lot more trouble than Mangledfoot was worth.She forced her fur down along her back, and lowered her tail slowly. "I'm Mangledfoot," the tortoiseshell said, attempting to make her voice steady. "I'm from DawnClan."
Now that she was thinking about it, Mangledfoot realized how old and tired the voice had sounded. Clearly a molly, but amidst the unfamiliar smells, the DawnClan warrior couldn't tell where this cat came from. The other molly was far enough away that Mangledfoot could see her shape, but not what she looked like exactly. She took a hesitant step backwards, but immediately regretted it. Her twisted paw caught on a half-buried rock, and the DawnClanner fell backwards with a gasp and a hiss. Her paw now throbbed with pain- she must have cut the pad. She stumbled back up, now holding the bleeding paw slightly above the ground.
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cloud, iii

Postby peaceful » Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:47 am

    xxxxxxx[ ♀/32m ] [ fogclan medicine cat ] [ location: camp ] [ words: 763 ] [ tagged: ebonycry, smokepaw ]

      xxxxxxxxThe light-furred molly let a soft exhale out as the tom she'd approached confirmed that there didn't seem to be anyone in desperate, immediate need of medical attention. That was good news. Surely the DawnClan medicine cat would have sought her out if otherwise, but it never hurt to be certain. Cracked pads and sore joints, Cloudcatcher could handle with ease. For a brief moment, she wanted to grow a quick patch of dock, but the urge was fleeting; she couldn't be putting that on display for all of DawnClan to see. At least, she assumed the plan was to keep the powers concealed. It, too, was an issue that Cloudcatcher would prefer to walk the safer path on, and avoid the potential consequences by simply not using her plant powers. It shouldn't present a problem; Cloudcatcher made sure that FogClan did not depend wholly upon her powers for their stock of herbs. After all, there would eventually come a day wherein Cloudcatcher would pass on, and with her (as far as she knew) her powers would go as well. Then it would be back to traditional herb gathering.

      xxxxxxxxCloudcatcher was quick to brush that train of thought aside. It wasn't that she feared death, or suspected that FogClan would struggle without her. No, she had a brilliant apprentice who she didn't doubt would continue to excel in the future. But it was hard not to worry to some extent. In leafbare, herbs could be hard to come by naturally, and Cloudcatcher hated to think of cats potentially being lost to an illness like greencough due to a shortage of treatment.

      xxxxxxxxThe present was more important, anyhow. She watched the oriental tom twist and prick his ears, nodding as he relayed the information. Hollyleaf. Cloudcatcher cast a glance towards the warriors' den, before turning to look back at Smokepaw, who was indeed being approached by a white molly. Cloudcatcher smiled to herself when her apprentice startled slightly, amusement briefly lighting up her sky blue eyes. It's good that they'll be acquainted as well. She also noticed that the hunting parties did seem to finally be departing; that, too, was good news. The biggest concern she had about housing DawnClan was feeding them. FogClan was home to cats who could accomplish incredible feats, but nobody could make prey appear. It was either out there, or it wasn't. Hopefully it would be the former. She called a quick farewell to those in earshot, wishing them good luck and happy hunting, before turning back to face the helpful black tom. Sorrow overtook her expression as she did so. "Of course," she mewed softly. "That's to be expected, I suppose... I'm sure you're well aware that there's no herb that can fix that, much as I wish otherwise. I can give out poppy seeds—and I probably will—but that won't change what's happened." Cloudcatcher shook herself, as if trying to get rid of such negativity. She wouldn't help anyone by mirroring their dread and despair; she would much rather bring hope to the cats of DawnClan, and help to get them started on the path to peace and happiness. With that in mind, she offered another small smile, though it was one that didn't quite reach her blue eyes. "Thank you for your help; I really appreciate it. Of course I'll check your pads." Cloudcatcher turned to the medicine cat apprentices. "Hey, Smokepaw," she called. "Sorry to interrupt. Could you fetch some dock leaves from our den, please?" To the DawnClan tom, Cloudcatcher gestured with her tail to his paws. "Can I see your pad, then? Dock leaves should soothe them, but I'd still like to know just how bad they are."

      xxxxxxxxThe flirty lilt did not go unnoticed; it piqued her curiosity, if nothing else. It was likely that it was simply the tom's nature—there was a practiced ease about the way he slid back into a more suggestive tone that made her think so—but it left Cloudcatcher wondering regardless: Could the DawnClan medicine cat take a mate? It was the only qualm Cloudcatcher had with her job. As much as she valued and enjoyed her position, she wished she could have a family. Beyond just the Clan, that is—because of course they were her family, but she sought a different sort of bond. One that she knew she couldn't have... so she didn't. And that was fine. Unfortunate, perhaps, but not much more; she loved being a medicine cat enough to make up for it. For the most part, at least.

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━━━ ✧ // nightfang, I. silvermoon, I. blaze, I.

Postby ~animallover~ » Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:05 am

    ( N I G H T F A N G ! ! ) --- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2339 words
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
    x --- male --- fogclan warrior --- fifty seven moons --- demisexual --- tagged; swanbreeze's hunting party ---
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
        INDENTnightfang peered out of a nearby thicket with narrowed orbs, completely still apart from the tip of his tail, flicking carelessly after every other heartbeat. the fog was thick this morning, which would have made any other clan worried for their duties. not fogclan. they were known to have acute senses to the thick blanket of fog which covered their clan territory almost everyday, making it much easier for things to get things done throughout the clan. of course, nightfang hid anyways, trying his very hardest to ditch whatever important task faced the clan that mid-morning. it was a lazy cycle that the tom had grown accustomed to and perfected. it was especially easy to perfect with his power. he would simply send a double out to join in on the patrols or hunts going on, being able to see exactly what was happening. but in reality, the old tom was warm and cozy hiding away, not feeling the cold of leaf-fall or growing tired of walking with the clan. you see, nightfang was born as one of the many cats in fogclan with the unique gift of some kind of power, his being the ability to duplicate himself for a short amount of time. it was like playing a game, he could control his character's speech, movements and feelings, but had no way of controlling his duplicate's thoughts. after all, nightfang's doubles were always exact copies of himself. same looks, same voice and same brain. he was not able to manipulate the thoughts of a brain that he already had control of, he just thought each thought he had twice, causing his thoughts to echo in his head. he was used to this after years of using his power, but he couldn't say that he liked it. of course, the tom still enjoyed doing what he did best as a warrior. he enjoyed defending his clan and hunting, taking pride in these past times. he had just never been a fan of large patrols or social interactions, which was why he would usually skip these things. but today, nightfang's morals had jumped from hiding away from his duties to the clan that had shown up at fogclan's territory, begging and whining for a place to stay as if they were a recent litter of mouse-brained kittypets. if this is how these cats react to leaf-fall, then leaf-bare will be quite a hardship for them. nightfang thought bluntly, watching the two clans move about in the fog, wary of one another's' presence. it confused the warrior really, the fact that stormstar and even dogface, for starclan's sake, would allow a clan that they hadn't even known existed, to stay the night in fogclan territory. sure, nightfang may not be the first cat you think of when you hear the word 'trusting'. in fact, the reserved tom may not even show up on your list, but he couldn't have been over exaggerating when he thought letting a random clan stay the night was a bad idea. other cats had to have thought the same thing, right? but nightfang wasn't the deputy, nightfang wasn't the leader and nightfang had no say in what the real leader and deputy decided. so of course, the mysterious clan did in fact stay the night.

        INDENTnightfang had woken up from a dreamless sleep the next morning with a sore neck and a mild unsettling feeling. it wasn't until he was fully awake did he realize why the feeling had come in the first place. fogclan wasn't alone. he got up with a grunt and slowly walked towards the nest entrance, the fog leaking into the nest putting an eerily calming blanket over each sleeping feline. the warrior didn't know if he was the first of the clan up, but it seemed he was the first warrior awake if anything. the other warriors were either fast asleep, slowly waking or just about to get up. ignoring the others and his messy pelt for another time, nightfang exited the den, more than likely stepping on a tail or two in his groggy walk toward the entrance. he looked out before exiting the nest, catching sight of two cats, presumably from the other clan, waiting for what was probably dogface and stormstar. nightfang narrowed his eyes in disinterest as well as defensiveness and forced himself to look away. as he crossed the territory to a nearby tree, the warrior didn't bother trying to stay hidden from the two dawnclan cats. the thick fog was cover enough and even if he could be seen through the coverage, he knew the two felines probably couldn't care less, and he was fine with this. he sat against the tree trunk with a soft thud, grooming the dirt and stray hairs from his pelt for the first time all morning. the air was cold and nightfang could see his breath as he groomed his matted pelt, causing a shiver to slowly crawl up his spine. he looked towards the warrior nest with a longing expression, thinking about the warmth that had radiated from the nest when he had first woken up. suck it up nightfang, this is only the start of the cold days that are coming. if you can't handle this cold, you'll be a goner within a quarter-moon. still, the tom made a note to find a warm spot by mid-morning, just in case he needed the comfort of a warm resting place away from the crowded nest. but for now, nightfang decided to put the task of finding a warm space at the back of his mind and instead focused as much as his shining golden orbs could on the dawnclan cats, silently watching. because of the distance the cats were from nightfang, he could only see obvious details, like the colour of their pelts and eyes, just blobs of colour against the fog. emberstar, dawnclan's leader as far as nightfang knew, was the orange tabby. the deputy, the warrior suspected, was the grey and white tom that sat next to him, bright blue orbs seen dimly through the fog. he had never caught the deputy's name, and had only ever heard emberstar's name come up in clan gossip. all he knew was that the deputy's prefix had something to do with a bird, water foul to be exact. whether it was duck, goose or swan, the warrior didn't know.

        INDENThe wasn't able to think about it long before he caught sight of another pair of cats coming from stormstar's nest. as expected, stormstar emerged, followed by dogface whom he hadn't seen enter the nest. he assumed she had to of used her power. dogface better be careful, who knows what dawnclan will do to us if they find out we're raising freaks. although, how much can a starving and weak clan do to such a strong one like ours. nightfang thought, it would be unwise of them to try anything. he watched as the two walked towards dawnclan's deputy and leader, nothing heard from them but the rare crack of a twig or crunch of a leaf. it was clear that stormstar had most likely been the one to make the decision, being the leader after all. although, dogface definitely had to have had a say in it if she was tagging along, and the option of letting dawnclan stay seemed like something dogface wouldn't have agreed with. ever since dogface's... change of personality per say, she had turned into a cat to be feared and highly respected. some cats were terrified of her ways of new life, others hated her for the decision of leaving her daughter, wiltpaw. but nightfang, he was just impressed. impressed that the deputy was able to come out of her trauma stronger, respected and with a goal to make herself more than just a delicate queen. the things she decided to do on her journey were her own personal problem. nonetheless, nightfang showed a great deal of respect towards the deputy, but not fear. slight nervousness at times was a better way of putting it. harshly, as if shoved from his thoughts, nightfang was brought back to reality as a cold gust of wind blew right onto his back. the tom watched as the four supiors spoke amongst one another, most likely deciding the fate of dawnclan.

        INDENTtraumatized by a fire or not, nightfang just hoped that the new clan wouldn't be staying long.

        INDENTthis was at sunup, and now that the day had progressed, nothing had changed in nightfang's favour, dawnclan was still sharing fogclan's territory. ever since the deputies and leaders had talked all together, nothing had really changed, and nightfang assumed that dawnclan was staying. so, completely uninterested in meeting new cats, that was when nightfang decided to hide in the thicket nearby. nightfang had never been the kind of cat to purposely want to meet new cats and clans, which is why he enjoyed fogclan as much as he did. there were never new cats that joined the clan, for only the ones that had been in the clan from the beginning really knew about fogclan's powers, and seeing as though it didn't seem normal to have any cats with abilities in other clans, they were never met by anyone new. but now, with dawnclan invading fogclan borders, nightfang was met with many new faces, each either grieving or just traumatized. nightfang wasn't the kind of cat that liked to be an advice giver or a shoulder to cry on, so he hid for now, until things were hopefully fixed. he didn't like these cats, curious, nervous, willing to go to the ends of starclan itself to find out why they were all so... unlike them. there had been numerous times when dawnclan cats would approach nightfang and ask him things like 'wait, do you have a brother' or 'weren't you just over there' while he would use his ability. luckily, he was always able to play it off like the other feline was seeing things, or just simply not paying attention. but he knew this wouldn't last long. sooner or later dawnclan would figure out fogclan's secret, and there was no telling what would happen to fogclan after word got out. dawnclan had to go... but there was nothing the old tom could do for now, he had to wait in silence and hope that stormstar and dogface knew what they were doing. 'cats of both fogclan and dawnclan, gather here if you either would like to hunt, or if you are strong enough to. there will be no patrols today until midnight, only hunting. swanbreeze and i will be taking two hunting parties, splitting the territory, and fogclan and dawnclan cats will be hunting with each other.' ah swanbreeze, that must be the deputy. nightfang thought to himself before actually registering what his own clan's deputy had said. he widened his eyes and peered out of the thicket he had been warm and cozy in, disrupting the depression in the ground that his body had formed. hunting? all together? had dogface gone mad? the clans were already full of tension amongst each other, and it hadn't even been a full sunrise since dawnclan had showed up. oh dear, nightfang said as he slowly dragged his paws out of the warm thicket and into the cold of leaffall, this will be interesting.

        INDENTwith a sigh, nightfang walked towards dogface, dawnclan's deputy, swanbreeze, standing close by her. as more and more cats started to appear, nightfang grew more and more angered at himself for putting himself in such a crowded space, wanting desperately to return to his warm spot. now, now, nightfang, stop being so mouse-brained! he thought with a flick of his tail, thumping it against the hard, cold earth. you're a warrior, not a kitty pet and you take pride in what you do. besides, a refreshing hunting patrol will wake you up, and you can finally get to know some of... he hesitated for a heartbeat, debated whether he wanted to go on with his thoughts, dawnclan's cats. it'll be a change of pace for you. now, by this time, the inner nightfang was cursing himself for coming up with such a thought, and the outer nightfang just wanted to leave. get to know the outsiders? dawnclan? never, it wasn't going to happen. thank you to those of you that have gathered here today. if you would like to come with me, to your left, and swanbreeze━to your right. please give your deputies a moment to discuss the territory, and then we will be on our way promptly. no, he wasn't going right, he was to go with dogface and join his clan's deputy. wherever you go, dawnclan will follow. there is no way to get away from a clan living alongside yours, nightfang. no, he wasn't going to listen. he would wait for the deputies to discuss where the hunting parties must go, and join dogface. all right! let us waste not one moment more. those of you that are with me, follow my lead! that's your cue... follow suit and go with dogface. "come, yes! my attendees . ." hurry nightfang, your hunting patrol is leaving. join them. we shall be on our way, then. warriors, apprentices, and i, swanbreeze━the sun won't rise without us. this... swanbreeze is nothing but talk, your opportunity is leaving you nightfang. follow them! as if he was deaf to the thoughts playing inside his head, nightfang walked toward swanbreeze almost as if he was being controlled. he narrowed his eyes, not sure whether to be angry with himself or proud that he was taking such a huge leap out of his comfort zone. whatever he may have felt, the old tom put it behind him, walking slowly at the back of the group and trying hard yet most likely failing at not being spotted. great job nightfang. this may be one of the longest days of your life.

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    x --- male --- fogclan loner --- thirty four moons --- bisexual --- tagged; open ---
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        INDENTleaf-fall had to be blaze's favourite season. he loved to watch the leaves wilt and change such bright, beautiful colours as they fell to the ground. he loved the way the leaves would crunch beneath his feet. he loved the way the sun rose and put a tint of gold on everything it touched. he loved leaf-fall, but not the cold. the way it got under your skin and made your paws numb. the way it made you cough if you weren't careful. the way that the prey blended so easily into the landscape, yet still chose to stay in their dens, away from the nipping cold. but blaze didn't think much of it, there were good and bad things to every situation. even if it was something you cared about deeply, even an entire clan, even your entire past. sighing, blaze walked out from the small cave he had spent the night in, looking up at the grey sky, the fog still thick from the night before. the more he tried to avoid thoughts of fogclan and his family, the more they resurfaced in his brain. it was hopeless to say he didn't miss his life in fogclan, of course he did, but he knew it was best if he stayed away. the memories of his mothers' death had haunted blaze for as long as fogclan had stayed in his life. of course, he would visit every once in a while, at least, he would watch the clan from a distance as he hid away from site. but even if he kept up with what was happening with fogclan from a distance, it was never a factor of his life that had ever been his own. blaze's only memories of fogclan had been the odd talk with his eldest sister, the only sister he would ever really talk to, or taking care of his weak mother. he had never grown any character from his experiences in the clan, he had never truly found himself. the clan life just wasn't for him, not after such a tragedy with his mother, the only thing keeping him so close to the clan way of things. blaze was just meant to be a loner, go by his own rules, and as much as he missed fogclan to some extent, it would never top the life he was living as a lone cat. well, maybe he'd go and see what was going on? just for a second. he hadn't had much interaction the past couple of days, for most twolegs grew lazy during leaf-fall and leaf-bare. he'd just go and inspect fogclan for a bit, just to past some time. it didn't take long for blaze to give into his own curiosity, and turned around towards fogclan camp, trotting along with no sound other than the rare crunch of a leaf or breaking of a twig. sometimes the young tom confused himself, whether he was really set on being a loner or not.

        INDENTno, he knew what he wanted and it was to spend his life in peaceful solitude and to look foreword in life, not dwell on his past. he was simply a curious tabby that enjoyed being alone, yet also in the loop when it came to news. you're arguing about your own intentions with yourself, blaze. there is no one else to prove anything to around here. let it go. and he did, nearing the fogclan camp without a second thought or a lecture to himself. he heard the hushed voices of cats, both familiar and strange, yet didn't think much of it as he slowed to a stealthy crawl, careful not to make a sound as he watched the clan through the tall grass. the fog was still thick so there was little chance he would be spotted. even so, he hoped he wouldn't get into too much trouble for coming near, he was no rogue, he chose to leave the clan and had been a valued member before he had left. there was nothing to worry abo─ something was off. there was something different about fogclan, something new. there was never anything new, at least not as great as what blaze sensed. fogclan was a clan of secrets, their handful of power gifted cats being one of the many. it was also why they had come to such an isolated, foggy place to grow alone without any questions or suspicion... things were hardly ever off. blaze sniffed the air and looked at the grey silhouettes of the clan from the distance, faded colors radiating from their pelts, the only colors blaze could actually make out other than a few bright eyes shining through the mist. what was so wrong with the picture? what had blaze reacted so uneasily about? calm down. maybe there are more cats than usual? the smell, what about the new smells? newcomers? newborns? i'm sure it's nothing to worry about. but then realization hit him, there were a clan's worth of new cats on fogclan's territory. there was a new clan. but why? what had happened since blaze had last checked up on fogclan? how long had they been there? thousands of questions were hurtling through blaze's skull a mile a minute. but only one of these questions were able to leave blaze's mouth as he watched the clans walk amongst each other.what in starclan's name is going on here?

        INDENTjust then, blaze's attention was brought to dogface, a cat that he had no trouble remembering because of her deputy role and the fact that blaze had always tried to be friendly with all of the clan when he still lived as a warrior, but dogface was one of those cats that couldn't be bothered with friendships, and therefore was a feline that blaze had tried to avoid during his days as a fogclanner. 'cats of both fogclan and dawnclan...' so that was their name, dawnclan? that's one question answered. the tom whispered to himself. blaze listened with slight disintrest and only picked up important snippets of the rest of the clans' meeting. something about two different hunting parties were taking place and that there would be no patrols. he also understood that both clans would be hunting together, and by the sense of uneasiness both clans seemed to feel, blaze knew whatever had brought the fogclan and dawnclan together hadn't happened very long ago, and everyone still seemed a bit on edge. as the tom leaned in closer to get more details, he was shaken by dogface yelling out towards what seemed to be her hunting party and sending them on their way, as the white fluffy cat next to her, most likely from dawnclan, called to his party as well. it took everything in blaze to balance himself and avoid falling out into the open from dogface's surprising shout. sighing quietly, blaze watched both hunting parties split directions into the forest, each silent as the breeze blowing against blaze's pelt. now that there were twice as many cats in fogclan's camp, blaze knew it would be near impossible to go anywhere without getting spotting by anyone at one point. but hey, as long as the cat was no grouch, blaze didn't mind some friendly conversation. even so, the tom decided not to dwindle near the camp for too long, and turned back into the forest. maybe he would be able to follow a hunting party, a group as big as the two that had been made were bound to find a lot of prey, and he was sure no one would notice if he snatched a mouse or perhaps used them to find somewhere where prey was abundant. he decided to head east and follow the scent of dogface's party, because although the molly was quite the stickler and probably despised blaze already, he had no idea who the other cat was and didn't want to find out the hard way. besides, with a hunting party full of a clan he had been living peacefully near for moons, what was the worst that could happen?

    ( S I L V E R M O O N ! ! ) ---XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2016 words
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    x --- female --- dawnclan medicine cat --- thirty seven moons --- hetro. --- tagged; open ---
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      INDENTsilvermoon found out she was sensitive to the damp and sickening smell of mold when she was a young kit. she had wandered off from the clan to explore when she came across a damp cave on the end of the river bank. curious, she remembered stepping inside with excitement as she was bombarded with the smell of mildew growing freely throughout the cave, a sight which was new to young silverkit. it was all empty and desolate, nothing more in the cave but a few mushrooms, hiding from the blinding rays of the greanleaf sun. she remembered being disgusted and leaving the cave with a quick gasp and a cough, the stench making her stomach churn and her nose wrinkle in pure disgust. the smell shouldn't have been as strong as it was. silverkit knew what mold was and why it grew, but had never heard tell of stories about such an outrageous smell before that made your head ache and your stomach soar. it was simply unbearable. she had talked to her father, who simply gave her a hollow eyed smirk and told her to speak to a clan member who knew about such things. she talked to grayoak, the elder who was to help her claim the rank as medicine cat, about her unusual experience. grayoak was a strong russian blue who had known silvermoon for most of her life. he was clever and resilient, acting as more of a father figure than silverkits' real father ever was. he gave her advice and made sure she was safe, and as silverkit grew, he would show her how to become the clever and bright medicine cat she had grown up to be, although at that moment, silverkit was more worried about her odd encounter than her future, looking at her father figure with pleading eyes. grayoak had only laughed with the strength of a mighty river, staring at the young kit with calm green orbs, hush now, silverkit, it's common amongst cats to have a... sensitivity towards one thing or another. it seems to me that yours is mold. the symptoms will wear off after a few hours, just stay away from that cave, alright? we don't want you growing ill. silverkit, visibly calmer than before, nodded understandingly and sat next to grayoak, her lungs thick and heavy, making it hard for her to breath. she didn't know whether it was because of the mold or the fact that she had ran all the way back to the clan, but as she felt grayoak clean her pelt gently of anything she had picked up from her exploration, she promised herself that out of all the things in dawnclan, mold would be the last thing she'd get close to for a while.

      INDENTsilvermoon stirred and opened her eyes, sun shining in on the crowded cats huddled inside the small den, if you could even call the hole underground such a thing. that had been many moons ago, and silvermoon had avoided thinking about the memory until that moment. she had avoided thinking about anything related to grayoak after he had passed just days after the fire had began. he had been exposed to too much smoke, which had worsened his already bad lungs to the point where it grew fatal. he had lived an incredibly long life, watching silvermoon grow and become the medicine cat she was today, but it was hard to think about someone you loved as being proud of you after you were the one who was supposed to save them. as silvermoon turned to clean her pelt, she felt the ache in her stomach from the night before and her lungs grow heavier by the second. mold. of course there had to be mold. surrounding every crack and crevice of the den. it didn't help that the clan was packed together so tightly, making the air heavy and musty. she had to get outside. careful to not disturb any of the sleeping, stirring or already awake felines. silvermoon crept slowly out of the makeshift den, all the while trying not to breath in the putrid smell she was so sensitive to. couldn't they have picked a more hygienic place for a whole clan to rest? silvermoon sighed and exited the den with a final step and breathed in the fresh air of the dewy morning, the fog so thick that even the sun seemed to disappear from site, leaving her duties to rest amongst the soft blanket of fog. still, she was able to make out the few dawnclan cats that had been awake before her, mostly observing the silhouettes of four other cats in the distance. but, for the most part, the rest of the clan was either sound asleep or far too depressed and busy mourning to even think about showing themselves. with nothing else to do and no one around to speak with, silvermoon decided to observe the exchange of words as well, knowing all too well what was happening and why. emberstar and swanbreeze were to speak with fogclan's leader and deputy about where dawnclan was to go. foglcan, the only clan dawnclan had seen on their journey away from their destroyed camp, and the first one to give them a place to rest, a gift from starclan up above, really. silvermoon had been struggling trying to scrounge up any kind of herbs for the clan on their quest to find somewhere else to live. her den had been completely destroyed, and nothing could be saved from the wreckage except for maybe a few plants that lingered near the den opening, and even then they were of no use for the clan and the wound's they carried, both mental and physical. silvermoon always wondered if any of her clanmates were resentful towards her, thinking that she should've been able to save their loved ones. it was a worrisome thing to think about, but silvermoon would have grown a hatred toward herself as well. she was medicine cat, and she was supposed to save the clan from sickness and injury. all those cats had lost their lives, and it was all because she hadn't been able to do her job.

      INDENTnow silvermoon, don't beat yourself up. everyone in dawnclan has been through a lot, you can't just put it all on yourself. silvermoon mumbled to herself, looking down at her paws, the only thing she could actually see clearly through the fog. how is fogclan able to see so easily in such a thick fog? fogclan. the clan was a mystery to silvermoon and an uncertainty to the others. even when fogclan had offered them a place to stay (mind you, it did trigger silvermoon's allergy, but it was kind all the same), no one was really set on the idea of staying with the odd group of cats, and silvermoon agreed to a point. she was sure that there were some cats that were welcoming and kind in the clan, even though the ones she had met, fogclan's deputy for example, had all been rude and cold towards them. she never felt hate towards cats like that, she was never really known to hate at all, but they definitely rubbed her the wrong way and she would try to brush them off or even simply avoid them. fogclan had also shown signs of being... especially skilled in certain areas. areas a cat shouldn't be skilled in, like being in two places at once or showing up in places that they weren't before. silvermoon had never asked other cats about these strange occurrences, knowing that she was delusional and simply on edge. the night before was a chaotic one, and she was just over tired, that was all, and it didn't help that the mildewed den kept the medicine cat up with a stomach and head ache. but, beside her late night pains and ability to keep quiet, silvermoon still noticed that the rest of dawnclan was equally suspicious, and everyone was on their toes, even fogclan themselves. silvermoon, as curious and uneasy as she was, still knew to keep her mouth shut. if fogclan was set on offering shelter and possibly even food and water for dawnclan, who was she to say that it was a bad idea to stay? as she continued to daydream, a cold breeze took the medicine cat by surprise and out of her thoughts. leafbare had become very cold in the past few days, and silvermoon knew that food would soon become scarce in most places. yet another reason why silvermoon had no intention of arguing with swanbreeze and emberstar's decision to stay with fogclan. looking up from her paws, silvermoon walked blindly towards a silhouette of what she was sure was a small bush, pawing it once she was close enough just to be sure. she was. the molly yawned and fixated herself amongst the cool leaves, her thoughts of fogclan, mold, grayoak and her duties now behind her. if anyone needed her, she was sure they would find her sooner or later. the fog couldn't stay so thick for long, as the day progressed, it would eventually lift and silvermoon knew by then her presence would be known. for now... she'd just... relax... and let the cold breeze of... leafbare... carry her thoughts...

      INDENT'... either would like to hunt, or if you are strong enough to. there will be no patrols today until midnight, only hunting. swanbreeze and i will be taking two hunting parties, splitting the territory, and fogclan and dawnclan cats will be hunting with each other.' silvermoon woke up for the second time that day, oblivious to dosing off in the first place. silvermoon, your getting lazy. you can't just doze off whenever you get the chan─ wait, hunting? it was at that moment did silvermoon actually process what she had heard as she woke up. she hadn't caught all of it, but as she looked ahead at fogclan's deputy, a cat she hadn't yet caught the name of, her face filled with hope. a hunting party was to take place. the fog had lifted a great deal, and she could now easily see the crowd of cats lined up at swanbreeze and the other deputy's feet, looking up at their superiors and ready to start the parties. but, before silvermoon could even blink, the rest of the deputy's statement hit her like a bolt of lightning. they weren't only going to go hunting, but instead fogclan and dawnclan would hunt together. silvermoon personally didn't mind such an idea, thinking that it would be nice to get to know the other clan, as mysterious as they may have acted before. but, then again, the molly knew that most other cats felt the exact opposite, and there would definitely be a price to pay by bringing both clans together so quickly, especially with something as aggressive as hunting nonetheless. as she watched a few more cats gather around and the fogclan deputy start to speak to them all, silvermoon decided to pass on the idea of joining one of the patrols. sure, it would be helpful for a medicine cat to tag along. all right! let us waste not one moment more. those of you that are with me, follow my lead! but the other dawnclan cats that were either too weak or too heartbroken to join the groups needed her more. she needed to make her ill clan a priority before she went out to hunt. "come, yes! my attendees . ." she needed to stay, maybe find some herbs as well. she walked away from the crowd of cats, the rest of swanbreeze's words faded like the fog of morning. it was clan first, and she couldn't ignore such an important rule. the parties would come back with a fresh-kill as soon as they found one, silvermoon knew this. even so, it was still hard to watch the last patrol head west, disappearing into the forest, just as silently as they were when they were still nearby.
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