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For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby unnamed » Wed May 30, 2018 3:56 pm

๏ผด ๏ผฉ ๏ผด ๏ผก ๏ผฎ ๏ผ ๏ผ
alfheim king . eleven years . stallion . tags: alfheim mares, thera, phantom . location: hnjtiborg

      Titan's ears swiveled backwards as he heard the young filly suddenly speak up, pointing out that a mare was staring at the two. His heavy head swung around and locked onto Primrose, one of Phantom's mares as she leaned over to address her own king. Irritation rose in the pit of his stomach at the sudden intrusion to his own herd's privacy and the possible consequences. Once again he was forced to remind himself, his herd came first. Taking a slow step back he put himself more between both Phantom and Primrose to further block any view they may have of the two behind him. Should Phantom decide to say anything to Bjorn it'd certainly mean the end of the truce and Titan wasn't so sure a fight could be avoided. "If things go awry you're all to run and do not stop until you reach the plains of home," he warned to his mares lowly. The last thing he wanted was any of them ending up in the middle of two, or perhaps three, deadly stallions in a battle. In those times more often than not a horse ended up dead and it wasn't going to be one of his mares.

      As Phantom turned towards him and locked eye contact his intentions suddenly became very clear especially when his eyes turned to the center. Titan's response was simple, his hoof smacked the ground. What was a clear warning to the other king was merely disguised as a sign of frustration. Bjorn would likely interpret it as the other king's desire to be out of the forests and storm and back home. As Phantom began moving towards the herd the ebony stallion took a few steps forward, motioning for his own mares to close the gap he had left behind him. Titan was sure to not keep his stance aggressive but didn't exactly keep it neutral either. Phantom now held a considerable amount of power over the other king and he'd have to be careful not to upset the other. It would certainly be himself and his own herd who faced the repercussions.

      He snorted anxiously as Phantom now approached him, it was clear the situation was rather tense and the king who was normally full of action wasn't comfortable having to act so cautiously. He listened quietly as Phantom began speaking, offering his aid in Titan's dangerous endeavor. This surprised him. Though he supposed it shouldn't have. Phantom adapted well to situations as he had done when arriving in Valhalla. After all the previous Jotunheim king had been no small horse and a worthy opponent. Yet here Phantom stood, well adapted to the adoptive land and coming close to beginning to thrive in it. To do that certainly he was forced to do things he didn't necessarily like. But the king knew there'd be a catch. Phantom wouldn't willingly offer to help just because a hurt foal was involved. However, he hadn't expected it to concern Heidi and when his daughter, his pride and joy, was brought up anger flashed in his eyes. Being smart enough to know he couldn't act on it though the stallion remained quiet and deep in thought.

      While Thera began speaking Titan kept his eyes firmly on Phantom, noticing the other stallion's startled look. It didn't surprise him, It was well known that Titan's mares were capable of swaying his opinion as he valued their own. They were knowledgeable and many were wise beyond their years. He'd be a fool not to listen. As Thera offered herself to try and distract Bjorn Titan's head instantly snapped towards her. He knew his mare well and though a part of him realized she was right in saying she was too small to block anything he knew that it was Thera's own curiosity eating at her. He was suddenly being forced to consider whether her curiousity was worth allowing her to risk her own life. Bjorn was pent up, agitated, and dangerous. Saying one wrong thing could lead to a dangerous situation. He spoke to Thera first, leaving Phantom awaiting an answer. "Though I don't agree with your plan you're stubborn enough to go do it regardless. But heed my warning Thera, make sure you don't get too close," though in plain sight it was simply a caution to keep her distance an underlying warning remained in his words. Bjorn was charming when he wanted to be and one couldn't deny the stunning coat. Titan's pride was his own to bear and he knew should something seem off, as though Thera even considered joining the other stallion he'd likely leave her in Hnjtiborg no matter how much he'd hate to.

      Now turning his attention back to Phantom he took a few steps forward, using his nose to guide the mares closer together in accordance with Phantom's plan, acting as though the mares were worried and the two kings protecting them. "Very well, I'll accept your deal. Remember this though, I will consider, without bias, offering my blessing. Above all my daughter is my concern though. I will do what I believe is best for her," he retorted, his tone neutral in it all. He didn't like the idea of Heidi going to a herd with a godless king. But if it truly was what she wanted than he supposed Phantom wasn't the worst choice (he was actually likely Titan's favored.)

๏ผก๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผค ๏ผ ๏ผ
jotunheim maiden . two years . mare . tags: haukr . location: hnjtiborg

      So much had been going on around her that Astrid had become lost in it all, merely standing still like a scared little filly in the storm. She longed to be brave like Eliza who had just taken off after Stjerne or bold like Heidi who so easily spoke with another king despite her father being present in the woods. She was none of these though. She was meek and apologetic, such a disgrace to her mother's lineage. Dawn hadn't been a dominant mare so to speak but she'd been capable of holding her own and standing up for herself when she needed to. Astrid longed to be capable of doing such things but within a herd setting she could never find the courage. There were so many other mares who were fearless and dominant that often she felt as though she slipped into the background of things. Even now as Primrose and Phantom overlooked the Alfheim herd she couldn't bring herself to venture any closer to comment on the commotion.

      The mare turned to look at the surrounding forest behind her. She could be brave. It was inside of her she just had to find a way to get it out. Perhaps this forest was a test from the gods. She supposed that was how it went. Her mother had believed in the gods but had died so young that the belief scarcely passed along - she'd mostly been raised without the fear or belief of the gods. This could be her answer though, she could take a few steps into the forest. She wouldn't go too far, only far enough so where her father wasn't visible but the others were. Yes, she'd do that. She'd been scared of the forest ever since they first entered and here she had a chance to prove she didn't have to be. Phantom was, after all, completely distracted with the other herd so he wouldn't even notice she was gone.

      Deciding she'd take the leap and test her bravery the mare backed up slowly in an attempt to avoid being seen leaving. When she felt comfortable that no one was noticing her leaving she turned and trotted into the darkness. Nerves rattled her bones and every few seconds she forced herself to look back to make sure she could still see the others. Slowly she became slightly more comfortable in what she was doing until finally she ceased walking and took a moment to truly take in the forest around her without being surrounded by other horses. It wasn't so bad. It was just trees and grass and mud, nothing else. No predator was suddenly lunging at her and no lone earls were trying to snake her. This wasn't bad at all. Feeling a bit more confident the mare strode further into the forest though this time she forgot to look back.

      Astrid wasn't sure how long she'd walked or how far she went when she finally decided to turn back to see how far she'd gone. Only now she realized she couldn't see any of them at all and her once present bravery scurried away. Panic engulfed her as she turned frantically left and right until eventually her sense of direction was all but lost. She lunged forward suddenly, believing herself to be returning the same way she'd come when in reality she was moving further from the herds. Despite her youth Astrid had always proved to be a rather graceful runner and though she struggled through the thick terrain she managed to avoid falling or hurting herself as she blindly charged through the thickets. Finally she saw a figure just ahead of her and relief flooded her chest. She'd made it back safely and felt overjoyed to see another herd mate. However it was too late and she'd already come too close when she skidded to a halt and realized this was not a herd mate, this was a lone earl and worse yet it was Haukr. She'd never met him personally but hearing Phantom talk about him she could only assume he was horrible, "H-haukr!" She was stunned and frozen in her spot. She feared going deeper into the forest and further getting lost which proved the only reason why she hadn't turned and bolted away yet.
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(02.) Vanir & Forseti

Postby na'vi. » Wed May 30, 2018 6:34 pm

๏ผถ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผฉ๏ผฒ โ”€โ”€xโpatience is the companion of wisdom.โž
โ—€ โฐ lone valkyrie โฑ โฐ mustang โฑ โฐ mare โฑ โฐ 6 โฑ โฐ foals: Gersemi & Frigg โฑ โฐ status: nursing โฑ โฐ location: Hnitbjorg โฑ โฐ tags: (Ger & Frig) closed โฑ โ–ถ
Vanir had just began to doze off as she felt her body chill slightly with the rain and wind. Snorting the mare blinked, her long eyelashes were beaded with water which soon made an escape as she shook her head. Turning to look at Frigg and Gersemi, both of whom were now laid down snuggled against each other. Their bellies were full of milk and the process of coming into the world was certain to be no easy task for them just as much as it was for her. The dappled mare turned, letting out a groan. The adrenaline and anger from moments prior had since dissipated and now she could feel every sore muscle within her body scream at her for a break and a moment of real rest. No such luck would come. Not in this weather, and certainly not while she and her two newborns were out in the open of a field within the Hnitbjorg territory. She could only hope the Hnitbjorg king, Bjorn, was too busy with the two other stallions and their herds in his territory to try and snuff she and her fillies out.

She lowered her head, nickering to Frigg and Gersemi. Both foals were shivering, their pelts soaked with the cold rain that fell onto them. While some would think this storm was due to the gods being angry she felt as if the gods were mourning. What they were mourning she wasn't sure but she knew she was. She mourned the fact that one of her daughters, Frigg would never get to see the lands of Valhalla. She'd never get to witness the beauty of the falls. Though at the same time she knew undeniably that Frigg was a gift, a testament of Vanir's ability to nurture and protect her daughter's blind innocence. "Come you two. Lets get out of this storm." she cooed gently, her voice was warm and rich. Despite her aching body and mind filled with a million thoughts all of those things seemed to ebb away when her attention was on her two fillies. Vanir stood quietly, using her muzzle to help both Gersemi and Frigg to their feet. The mare stepped forward, her ears flicked backwards so she could listen and make sure both of her daughters were close by. Her steps were heavy and loud- it was intentional hoping that the sound of her walking would aid Frigg while they looked for a place to seek shelter from the weather. She also walked almost painfully slowly in an attempt to keep her flank in contact with Frigg's muzzle. She used her hooves to flatten the bracken and thick burrs that seemed to consume the outer edge of the forest line. She was nearing closer to the herds ever so slightly. It would be foolish and ill advised to traverse away from them. Predators would almost assuredly be lurking about in the storm, taking advantage of the situation and preying upon maidens, fillies, and valkyries who lost their way.

As the bracken snapped and cracked under her steps she found a suitable place to rest, it would hold them over until the storm let up and they could safely travel away from the herds and their kings. "Rest up my little ones. You must remain quiet while we wait out this particularly nasty weather. It will be a long journey home and I want my precious girls well rested for their first journey." she spoke gently, nuzzling Frigg's cheek before turning to groom at Gersemi's mane affectionately for a few moments. Finally the mare herself laid down, Gersemi followed suit and laid against the mare's belly. She looked at little Frigg before letting out soft nickers, beckoning the filly to her. Vanir watched as Frigg seemed to understand where the nickers came from. The little foal ambled her way over to Vanir before bedding down behind the mare's backside, resting her head on Vanir's flank before ultimately dozing off. She was in the driest section of the spot her mother had found and as such her pelt would likely dry quickly.

Despite wanting to groom Frigg to dry her quickly she couldn't reach the smallest of her two foals and instead let her pink tongue drag at Gersemi's coat attentively. The white and chestnut filly was shivering due to the soaked state of her coat, as Vanir began to groom her she stilled, her breathing heavy, indicating she was fast asleep. Still Vanir resisted the tendrils of sleep that threatened to cloud her mind and pull her into the warm grasp of a nap. She needed to be alert, to be sharp and on the lookout. She fought the hard won battle, her chin rested on the ground as she keep her gaze glued towards the direction the herds could be smelled from. She felt wary and uncomfortable, while Frigg was safely guarded behind her Gersemi laid in front of Vanir- vulnerable and in the open. As the realization of her fillies positions her ears perked and her gaze seemed to sharpen into daggers. Her dark chocolate gaze was piercing and hostile as she peered into the ever darkening forest.

ooc; I'll have seperate sections for Frigg and Gersemi when they age a bit more.

๏ผฆ๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผณ๏ผฅ๏ผด๏ผฉ โ”€โ”€xโi still believe in you.โž
โ—€ โฐ jotunheim maiden โฑ โฐ gypsy vanner โฑ โฐ mare โฑ โฐ 2.7 yearsโฑ โฐ foals: none โฑ โฐ status: 2nd stage โฑ โฐ location: hnitbjorg โฑ โฐ tags: Phantom & Titan โฑ โฐ mentions: Bjorn, Gaagi, Mazikeen โฑโ–ถ
Forseti was usually a quiet individual, she liked to watch during times of hardship or stress within the herd. Right now was definitely one of those times. The storm that swelled above their heads, unpredictable and seemed to scream with rage from the gods. It would seem ironic, that Forseti was the offspring of "the godless king" yet her faith in the Gods was an unspoken path she brazenly took. While her faith in the gods wasn't as strong as Bjorn, The Ironborn Son, it was something she took seriously and held near and dear to her heart. "Only Vor knows when this squall will end, put a stop to a storm seemingly brewed by Loki himself." She murmured it gently- raising her large head to look over the many colored rumps of the gathered horses. It was the first in her lifetime that she'd witnessed the three kings gather with their herds in a claimed territory. The fragility of the truce that seemed to lay between the three stallions could almost be felt in the air. Tensions were high and it didn't help that Bjorn seemed constantly worked up. He and his mad squawking of the gods. While she herself put a certain amount of trust into the Gods she was never blinded by such faith. You must make your own merit and the gods can't and likely wouldn't ever help with such a process. "Hmm. Mad King. Seems fitting." She murmured to herself as she let her gaze fall over the Hnitbjorg King. Suddenly she scolded herself- she had better manners than that, with that the large female shifted her weight, striking out one of her feathery white hooves- her ears flattening in disgust at the mud that clung to the long white fur at the ends of her hooves.

Instead of dwelling on the current state of her pelt she snorted, letting her gaze fall on Titan, the Alfheim King. She could barely make out the gathering of his herd around a mare and what appeared to be a foal, she narrowed her gaze softly. These Kings set a truce yet it seems as if every King, barring her sire, trample all over it by bringing in wandering Valkyries and Maidens. She shook her head, it made no sense. As a Maiden, due to take her leave from her father's herd any day now she didn't desire to be locked into one of the other two reigning herds. While both Titan and Bjorn were stunning stallions she wasn't a fan of how they behaved, they seemed spoiled. Engorged in their own power and sparking with aggression towards one another. While the Kings offered a security that most Earls couldn't she simply didn't have it in her to join another large herd whom's very peace relies on alliances with another King. Surely there was an Earl out and about whom didn't desire the status of King. It wouldn't hurt to look, if all else fails she could likely join Phantom's herd once more and merely serve as a helping hand for her father.

Speaking of helping she couldn't help but over-hear her father talking with Titan and her head rose, spurring a curious squeal of sorts from the young mare. Her father wanted Heidi? From Forseti's view Heidi merely seemed like an arrogant individual who had issues with an inflated ego. Surely Phantom simply wants the young mare so new genes could later be introduced into the herd. She felt slight irritation ripple along her spine as she snorted, letting her long tail lash against her hocks. She paced forward, her strides were filled with confidence as she plodded along. It was glaringly obvious that Forseti was a big mare, standing at 16.2 hands it was clear she took on her mother's stature. She let her lip wobble against Phantom's back as she approached, eyeing Titan nervously. The dark King made her very uneasy and she was really only over here because the burning curiosity in her veins demanded to be satiated. However she hung back, letting the two kings finish their conversation in private seemed fitting and as such she took a few, sparse steps backwards. Her ears were held erect, alert to the current situation. Usually she'd be grazing on the grass that this territory had to offer, taking advantage of the given situation but the nerves and anxiety that clouded her thoughts refused to let her relax and indulge. Despite the fact she was young and inexperienced the missing head within her herd, Signe, made room for a cause of concern. She knew the mare was close to birthing her new foal and it's likely where she was off to but she couldn't help but worry for her herd-mate.

Eventually Forseti cocked one of her back hooves, letting out a snort of disgust as she felt the soft soil buckle under her weight and sink slightly. She hated the rain with an intense passion that even Tyr couldn't match. The rain always soaked her mane and tail into heavy, nearly painful masses of hair and water. It would surely take forever for them to dry out and return to their silky nature- perhaps with some attentive grooming and preening she could quicken the process, though that would happen later. Once this forsaken storm passes and she was out of this foreign territory.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby BlueChai » Wed May 30, 2018 6:37 pm

โคโคโคโคโคโค ๐”ธ ๐”ฝ๐•’๐•๐•”๐• ๐•Ÿ'๐•ค ๐”ฝ๐•–๐•’๐•ฅ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ โคโคโคโคโคโค
โ–ธForm โ–ธStallion โ–ธ3.5 years โ–ธBand Earl โ–ธLocation: Hnitbjorg โ–ธTagged: Oydis and Astrid
Haukr snorted in slight amusement as Oydis's tantrum was interrupted by the call from her king. As she turned to leave and left him off with snarky words, the mare headed off into the trees. "Good riddance!" Haukr bellowed to her as she left. Letting out a cross snort, he turned his head southward. As much as that valkyrie frustrated him, he knew she was right about one thing. This forest was dangerous for him, especially with all three kings present. They were probably very high strung at this time. Many mares were coming into heat, the storm wasn't letting up, and they all had to be in such close proximities with each other. His presence may be enough to send the kings over the edge, and Haukr knew he wouldn't stand a chance against all three experienced stallions. As much as it pained him, Haukr heeded Oydis's advice and began to head South. He had never seen any rock outcropping before, but he decided to trust in Oydis's age and experience instead of assuming she sent him off to leave the forest and head southward aimlessly. The pale saffron stallion pushed through the undergrowth, ducking his head to avoid the occasional low branch. Haukr began to feel tired, he had been walking for quite some time and he began to grow cold from being wet for so long. The earl decided he would take a short break to regain some lost energy. Just as the idea came to mind, Haukr pushed through a dense thicket and came across a small clearing with a large, aged tree in the center. The ancient tree must've been older that Valhalla itself, it was towering and its bark had curvaceous grooves and crevices along it. It almost gave the tree its own character, it seemed inviting and comforting. Glancing up, Haukr noticed the tree's thick canopy kept out most of the water, and thick grass and tender blooms crowded around the base of the tree's trunk. Deciding this was the perfect place for a rest, Haukr made his way under the canopy. The stallion lowered his head and began to rip the grass up from the muddy ground and chew slowly, his legs appreciating the break from walking. Just before he could fully relax, Haukr heard the sound of something rushing towards him. His head flew up rapidly and his ears pivoted forward in alarm, only to see a dapple mare halt in front of him. She seemed frightened and out of breath, and Haukr deemed her no harm to him. Curiousity filled the earl, for the young mare knew his name. Lowering his head to her level as to show he wasn't any harm, he began to analyze the mysterious valkyrie. She was a stunning ivory and dappled with shades of brown and charcoal. It was a sight to behold, he thought. Haukr was very tempted to boldly approach this beautiful mare, he certainly couldn't miss this opportunity. But, something in him told him that he should take a different approach. She seemed very frightened and skittish, and Haukr didn't want to scare her away. He decided it was time for a gentler approach. "Hello there, yes I'm Haukr. How do you know my name? And what has you in such a fuss? Are you in danger? Has something chased you?" Haukr spoke as calmly as he could, and made no sudden movements. The last thing he wanted was for her to flee and get lost or hurt.

โคโคโคโคโค ๐’ซ๐“‡๐’พ๐“‚๐“‡๐‘œ๐“ˆ๐‘’ ๐’ฎ๐“Ž๐“‚๐“…๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐“Ž โคโคโคโคโค
โ–ธForm โ–ธMare โ–ธFive years โ–ธJotunheim โ–ธLocation: Hnitbjorg โ–ธIn heat โ–ธTagged: Phantom, Titan, Heidi, Vira, Astrid
Primrose's ears perked at the sound of her king's plan. She nodded with eagerness in her eyes, and she smiled warmly. "A clever plan from a clever stallion, what fun! I hope Titan will accept our help and in turn let Heidi join us. Heidi shall be an interesting companion to have around, and yes, we are in need of mares." Primrose said quietly and nuzzled Phantom's neck. She was given orders to round up the rest of her herd, but to put it frankly, there wasn't much of a herd. Most of the few horses they had were off doing other things, or no where to be seen. She had a feeling this may be difficult. Nodding, she turned to look at her king. "Alright, Midnight. I will get as many of us as I can. When I return, I hope to hear Titan has accepted the offer!" With that, Primrose headed off to round up her fellow herd members. The nearest mare she could see was the oh-so beautiful Vira. Primrose had always admired the spotted mare's fiery spirit and energy, and she was sure Vira would be on board with the plan. Coming up along side from her, Primrose let out a soft nicker to catch the mare's attention. "Greetings, Vira. Phantom has formulated a plan to assist Titan, and the whole herd is needed. Head towards Phantom, and he will give you more details. I'll meet you back there when I've alerted everyone else." Primrose spoke to her in a low tone as to not draw attention, and briskly veered away from the mare to search for the others. Soon, she realized someone was absent. The sweet mare Astrid, Vira's sister, was no where to be seen. The ivory mare scanned the horses in confusion, unsure where the mare could have gone off to. Astrid wasn't very adventurous or "out there", she isn't the type to just run off like that. Worry began to rise in the arabian's stomach, and she began to loop around the three herds' perimeters to search for her. When there was no Astrid to be found, she headed towards Phantom to alert him of the missing maiden. Coming up to his side, she nudged him playfully and softly nipped at his shoulder to play off her approach to Phantom as playful. As she nibbled his ear, she murmured the news into it. "I found Vira and told her to meet us here, but her sister is no where to be seen. I made a circle around the entirety of all the herds, and there still isn't a trace of her. Where could she have gone, and what should we do?" Primrose tried to conceal the worry in her voice, but it was quite apparent. Prim was very fond of Astrid, she was a kind and gentle spirit and she enjoyed spending time with the maiden. The thought that she may have gotten lost or injured brought the arabian to a stressful state.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby lynettetan1 » Thu May 31, 2018 12:26 am

Midnight's Mirage
Tagged: HIs herd + Titan's herd
Mentioned: Bjorn's herd

It was odd, seeing restraint on the other stallion's features. It was definitely not something Titan was used to. The dark stallion looked visibly uncomfortable, which also put Phantom on edge. If this made Titan edgy, then what would it take to make the other stallion comfortable? Then again, there was a reason why stallions did not usually group up unless they had to.

As he listened, Phantom could sense surprise from the obsidian stallion, though he said nothing, not wanting to point it out. His eyes glowed with rage when Phantom mentioned Heidi, however, but Phantom continued speaking, refusing to show any reaction, even as he heard a slight squeal from Forseti. He had to stick to his decision.

As Thera left after discussing some things with Titan, she smiled happily and trotted off, leaving Phantom's eye trailing the mare, though it was clear that it was not out of lust but caution. There was something about the mare that put him on edge, and he wanted to be careful around her.

Titan's agreement lightened some part of his heart, which was all but jumping out his chest. As Forseti approached, he nuzzled her quietly, not bothering to explain as he knew she had overheard. He knew she was worried and anxious, not to mention more than a little uncomfortable. Given her large frame, however, she would be great at helping to block the mare from view. Nudging her gently, he spoke to her, his words simple. "I'm sorry, try to bear with this."

As Vira and Primrose joined as well, he nuzzled the both of them, moving as he did so so his body was sideways in Bjorn's vision so as to block more. He smiled as Primrose returned, nuzzling her affectionately. "Well done." He felt pride swell up in his body, his mares were all extremely capable and this just proved it. Now, if only they could return and set his mind at ease... At her words though, Phantom repressed the fear that ran through his system almost immediately, ice shooting through his veins. Astrid? Where did his daughter go? Looking at Primrose, however, Phantom could tell that she was just as worried, the tension building up within her body and stressing her out. The sight made him take a deep breath. He had to be calm, for his herd. He nuzzled Primrose with a reassuring whicker, speaking softly to her. "I will search for her later, but she is a strong maiden. Let us trust in her and prepare a safe space for her return."

With Eliza and Signe gone and this mess on his hands, Phantom felt torn between going after Astrid and making sure that the rest of the herd was safe. The most reasonable thing to do was to ask Bjorn for permission to go look for Astrid with one of his mares so Bjorn could continue guarding, but Phantom just about knew that the answer would be no at best and an immediate fight at worst. He gritted his teeth quietly. If only Eliza were here, she'd be able to go after Astrid.

Deciding that he needed to make this place safe first, Phantom hoped that his daughter was alright. She was kind and gentle, and had a good mind on a willing heart. She had also overheard Eliza and was quite an agile little mare, so the chances were high that she wouldn't get hurt. Deciding to hope for that, he continued on.

"Trying not to make the mare and filly visible, try to walk into the herd for a bit, mix your scents." Their senses of smell would already be dampened by the rain, but Phantom felt like he didn't want to take any chances. "After that, just help to block the mare and her filly from view. Forseti, you take the point nearer Bjorn with me, it'll be easier to block Bjorn's vision that way. The rest of you, flank us and try to cover the gaps."

Knowing Forseti's unease, he kept her by him and further from Titan, whilst also putting her in a strategic location. Vira and Primrose were smaller, but Primrose was bolder and would not mind standing closer to Titan, and Vira was a fiery little mare who never really shirked from anything (sometimes unnecessarily so). With that done, he kept his ears trained toward the forest, where he could still see Signe's outline in the distance, letting out a loud whinny to her to see if she'd respond if she was done. She would not respond whilst birthing for fear of giving away her position if she was vulnerable, but would if she was just about done and could return.

Additionally, the call was for the others as well. Phantom hoped that wherever they were, they would be able to hear him and return. As he nuzzled Primrose, his mind more than a little worried, he held his ground, hoping that he had made the right decision to save his herd.

Northern Quiver
Tagged: Titan, Bjorn
Mentions: All the herds

At Titan's warning, Thera nodded appeasingly, before nuzzling Titan with a little smile. "Have faith, no one is closer to my heart than you would be." With that, she let out a small smile before trotting toward Bjorn.

Remembering clearly how the golden stallion had acted a few minutes before, Thera didn't bother to act, letting her genuine curiosity shine forth in her perked ears and jaunty gait, just with a more friendly air to her.

Nodding politely as she stood to the side, drawing the golden stallion's eye, Thera spoke. "It's a little hard not to notice you when you behave like that. Pray tell, what has you so riled up? Your mare has given you a wonderful colt, has she not?"

Accentuating her words with a little flick of the nose toward Atreus, Thera then cocked her head, waiting for an answer. Though there was nothing special about the little mare in terms of looks, or even in voice, there was a certain quality about her that kept one looking back. Whether the thoughtfulness in her eyes, or the way her attention seemed to always keep track of everything, her behaviour seemed to make every encounter a slightly special one, promising that whatever transpired, she would remember.

As she waited, however, she heard a sound, kind of like a scuffle. Looking over curiously, she wondered if Phantom's mare had finished birthing, but then realised that Phantom's mare was on the other side of the three herds. That sound was probably not from a herd mate.

Letting out a quiet whuff of curiosity, Thera took a step toward it, before remembering herself. She was supposed to be distracting Bjorn, was she not? She was also loathe to leave the golden stallion before she understood him a little better...

But why not do both at once? The idea clicking in her head, Thera looked at Bjorn, her face looking as if she was seeking confirmation. "Did you hear that? Perhaps I should take a look..." Given how much of a hermit Bjorn seemed to be, there would be no way he would allow a foreign mare free reign over his territory, much less allow an investigation into his own lands. If she played her cards right, he'd probably follow without too much of a problem, and the more trees between them and the hurt filly and her mother, the better.
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sammael [4]

Postby azhefa. » Thu May 31, 2018 8:38 am

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผณ๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผฅ๏ผฌ ยฐ โšœ
{ แดแด‡ษด แด…แดษด'แด› า“แด‡แด€ส€ ๊œฑแดกแดส€แด…๊œฑ, แด›สœแด‡ส า“แด‡แด€ส€ แดแดษด๊œฑแด›แด‡ส€๊œฑ }
sam โ— 10 โ— band earl โ— no mares โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; ylva, herds mentioned
    it was quite the relief when ylva agreed to stick with him instead of fleeing to the herds nearby, it would have been rather disappointing to at least get to know her a little. sammael's ears were perked forward as she spoke, her voice was almost velvety compared to his own slightly rougher one. when she offered her name, he was pleased with himself for being able to charm it out of her. it was a nice name too. "a unique name for a unique valkyrie," he says, nose reaching out as she steps forward to take in his scent. the rain made it difficult to get a good whiff of her, but she still smelt lovely. in the one good lungful he was able to get from her, sammael was able to detect a faint heat scent. it was still very early in her cycle it seems, but he considers himself lucky to have found her before another could. "i may not know all the secrets of this forest, but i do know of a better sheltering of trees a small ways away. unless you prefer to stand in the rain?" he asks her, his tone curious instead of scornful or condescending, he truly wonders if she would prefer to stand in the rain rather than under a shelter of trees since he's known mares who either hate and love the rain. there was even one who was scared of it touching her, it didn't really work out for her in the herd, but he did get a pretty filly from her. he wouldn't mind standing around in the rain if she chooses to, he is use to downpours from his time spent in more rainy places.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby Queen Lapis » Thu May 31, 2018 12:20 pm

2||Maiden||Heat: Stag 1 || Foalless || Mateless ||Mentions: None || Tags: Phantom and Primrose

Vira had been bucking and running about like a foal on the rather mucky lands of Hnitbrog, attempting to build her athletic ability. Each time, she would topple face-first into the dirt, and each time she would rise up to try again. Rainwater drenched her mane and pelt, turning her spotted fur a much darker color than normal. But Vira could care less about such tint details. More so, Vira preferred the stormy and wet weather to that of Jotunheimen: the wind in her mane, the cooling rain on her fur, the Earth squelching beneath her hooves. It made a blissful, proud feeling blossom in the maiden's heart. What beauty this world held, and what promise it held for Vira to see it all!

She gave a buck for joy at the thought, only to fall into the mud again. Vira only laughed as she rolled around the Earth before rising to shake of the dirt. Time had been getting a bit late in the day. Soon, Vira would have to retreat to regroup with the herds. The mingling of horses weren't more than a few hundred yards of flat terrain away. If any Earl or predator were idiotic enough to attack Vira, the maiden had complete faith she be able to outrun them. If not, yelling to Phantom for backup was always her second option.

Simply the thought of the King made a sense of calmness fall over Vira. If there was any horse Vira loved more dearly than her sister, it was her father. Since her birth, and especially since her mother's death, Phantom had been there to guide and protect her. He'd been the figure in her life that taught her persistence, faith, and honor. He's been the one that taught Vira never to accept being last. Despite Vira's weakness and vulnerableness in her younger moon's, Phantom hadn't given up on his daughter. He had faith in through all those hardships Vira... So Vira had faith in herself, always. In a way, this storm had been a miracle to Vira; if not for the water it would provide Jotunheim, than for those few extra days it would give to Vira to be with her herd, and be with her father.

Speaking of which...she should get going back to the herd. Bucking and running? That could be practiced anytime. Her family? That was now or never. Vira snorted, and begun to trot back to the herds.

Upon her arrival, Vira was greeted by Primrose. Primrose was quite pretty mare herself. The Arabian horse bore a perfectly-molded, lean, yet firm frame. Such a build made Vira a bit jealous, considering the rackety and boney state of her weaker body. Nevertheless, Vira remained quite friendly with Primrose. She was a kind mare at heart, and no petty, foalish jealousy was going to deter Vira from her friend.

Upon the mate's instructions, Vira bowed her head. "Of course I'll do what I can to help the herds. I'll go speak to Phantom now."

Primrose quickly cantered back to Phantom, but it took Vira a moment to catch up. By the time she caught up, the mare was already talking to Phantom again. Vira dipped her head to the King again, before regaining her stature. One thing about, besides her flaming spirit:

Her fiery, unchallengeable pride.

She would not bow even to the horses dearest to her.

Instead, she stood tall and proud, with the dignity and nobility of a king.

โ€œFather? Primrose told you me you had a plan in helping the other herds through this storm. Know that Iโ€™m ready to help out in any way I can. Letโ€™s kick this stormโ€™s rump!โ€ With that statement, she gave a jolly buckโ€ฆ

Only to fall face first into the mud once more. She swiftly got up and regained her stance, cheekily grinning at her dad and Primrose.

5||Earl||Foaless||Mateless||Mentions: None|| Tags: Hauker and Astrid

โ€œAh Madam, you seem to have gotten yourself into a tight spotโ€ฆโ€ Astridโ€™s ears and head turned back at a distinctly stallion voice. Itโ€™s sound boomed, much like a clap of thunder from the storm, or even the voice of a god. From the shadows, a second Band Earl approach her from the other side of the clearing. He seemed of equal size and stature of Falcon Feather. But unlike his fellow Earlโ€™s dark and drab grey-brown coat, his when coat was a pure milky white. Chestnut splotches covered his fur, as if someone had splashed buckets of rich honey onto his pelt. He glowed a dominant aura, and held a witty glint in his eye.

The scent of this mare had drawn him here, even in the rain. A fresh maiden: foolish enough to leave her herd alone. She was still unmated, still foalless, and so rareโ€ฆ Being a lucky Stallion to find themselves in such a situation was something every Earl dreamed off. Considering the Maidenโ€™s young age, her father wouldnโ€™t be to far behind. At only five years, Mjolnir didnโ€™t want to face a king just yet.

The other Earl across from Astrid wouldnโ€™t make it any easier for Mjolnir to woo her. To get this maiden he would need all his wits, charm, brutality, and luck. Mjolnir nodded at Astrid.

โ€œDonโ€™t mind old Falcon Feather over there, will you? Heโ€™s got a few screws loose over being a king, let me tell you. Here, madam. Allow me to escort you back to your herd; Iโ€™ll keep away the rough Earls and the wolves. But do not fear me, for I will keep my distance.โ€
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby xCatastrophex » Thu May 31, 2018 4:18 pm

๏ผก ๏ผฌ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผซ'๏ผณ ๏ผณ๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผง.


    lone valkyrie โˆ six years โˆ deaf โˆ tags; Bjorn Gull, Winter (alfheim mares, mentioned). โˆ location; edge of hnitbjorg.

      Larkโ€™s eyes darted warily over the dark stallion;s form as he stepped towards her. She chuffed lightly, flicking her useless audits in back and forth nervously. The stallionโ€™s body language relaxed and it was now clear that he meant no harm. As he brushed his muzzle against her cheek, Lark relaxed a bit, though she still remained on edge as the storm was growing in intensity. Her blue eyes followed him, as he made his way around her, stopping at her flank. She dropped her ears a bit, as unpleasant assumptions filled her mind. However it was only when he nudged her forward and moved back to her side that he wanted her to follow him. Strange. Yet very chivalrous of him.

      As another crack of lightning illuminated the sky, Lark followed in tow as the cream colored stallion lead her out of the small clearing. She stuck rather close to him, An out of character thing for Lark to do upon first meeting, especially with a stallion.She was a very shy and skittish mare. She had every right to be with the way she was. There was just something about him that made her feel like she could trust him.. It was like he knew she was different. Lark didnโ€™t want to get lost. The chances f her finding another stallion as kind as he has been, would be slim, so she hoped heโ€™d let her stick around. Depending on how the night went.

      It wasnโ€™t long before a larger gathering of horses came into view. More than one herd it seemed. Mustโ€™ve been the reason the three stallions were gathering Idavoll. she thought to herself as she trailed closely behind Bjorn as she was instructed. As they grew nearer to the masses, it was obvious Bjorn was growing more and more on edge. More so now than he wa when he came across her in the clearing. She took a mental note to be on her best behavior as she was a guest. It wasnโ€™t long before The king lead her towards a pair of mares. One a light bay, the other much darker, almost black. The cream colored stallion greeted them affectionately, though it was brief and he soon disappeared back into the brush. And just like that, she was let in their care. They're a couple of his mares i assume. she deduced mentally, as she lowered her head a bit, in greeting and to let them know she meant no harm. Her assumption was proven to be right as the stallion greeted the pair, though it was brief, then disappeared into the brush again. Lark's blue eyes followed his figure until she could no longer see him, then turned her gaze back towards the mares before her. Just like that she was left in their care. The palomino chuffed softly to the new mares, extending her muzzle towards her as another greeting, though they were wary of her presence. She followed Gull as she ushered her into the herd at the Kingโ€™s request. though It was obvious that she wasnโ€™t exactly welcomed. She felt an icy glare on her. Looking up, her eyes fell upon the darker mare. Her icy blue eyes bore into Lark as the new mare examined her from afar. Lark averted her gaze for a moment, before looking back up, only to see the mareโ€™s rump as she made her way after the cream stallion minutes later.

      In the driving rain, Lark surveyed the unknown surroundings. The mareโ€™s guard had been down for far too long; And even though she was now in the presence of many, and there was strength in numbers, she felt very out of place. And by the darker mareโ€™s initial interaction, she knew she wasnโ€™t welcomed. However, Lark didnโ€™t exactly blame the mares either. She was an outsider intruding on their territory, so it was completely understandable for them to be acting the way they were. She wasnโ€™t going to take it personally.

      Lark was brought back from her thoughts as a figure put themselves between her and another group of horses a few yards off. She glanced up, to see the silhouette of the cream colored King in the dark. She lifted her head, peering over him, wondering what he had separated her from; only to see a few other mares, most likely from a different herd gawking at her and tittering amongst one another as lightning lit up the sky once more. Lark snorted nervously, and averted her gaze once more, swishing her soaked tail lightly. She shuffled her hoof in the mud, continuing to survey her surroundings as best she could. She was always alert and vigilant. She couldnโ€™t afford not to be since she wasnโ€™t blessed with the sense of hearing. However her other senses compensated for the little pitfall. After a few moments, she turned slightly the the stallion, reaching over and nudging him lightly. A Thank you in her own way; Even though she felt like it was too soon to offer thanks as there were several more hours of the night. And anything could happen in that span of time. She only hoped there wouldnโ€™t be any trouble on account of her presence.
Last edited by xCatastrophex on Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby unnamed » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:46 am

๏ผด ๏ผฉ ๏ผด ๏ผก ๏ผฎ ๏ผ ๏ผ
alfheim king . eleven years . stallion . tags: mazikeen, rana, inkeri . location: hnjtiborg

      Titan didn't like any of what was going on right now, his only consolation was that it seemed as though the rain was getting just the slightest bit lighter and if past experience was correct the storm wouldn't last much longer. Here he stood now, in another king's territory, with another king's herd mingling very closely with his, and Thera deciding she wanted to go and talk to Bjorn. All of these things had the ebony stallion on edge. He could do nothing though, he was forced to suck it up and try to keep himself as calm as possible. Deciding his best chance was to play along with Phantom's idea the stallion moved himself along the perimeter of the mares, occasionally giving one a small nudge when a line of sight was provided to either Mazikeen or Gaagi.

      As he reached the back he looked over cautiously towards Bjorn's herd, now even more upset to find himself and Thera venturing further away into the woods. It was the last thing he needed, if Bjorn's temper finally reached its boiling point than he wouldn't be there to protect Thera. He'd have to hope that it was predictable enough for the mare to turn tail and run as quickly as she could. Frustration released itself in a snort and over and over he reminded himself that his herd still needed Bjorn's territory for protection. Turning his attention back to his little "patrol" he found himself by the mare and foal. Considering enough had happened since their arrival he decided it best to explain the situation to the two and whichever of his own mares cared to hear. He stood directly next to Mazikeen though kept his head forward as gently nipped Rana and Inkeri to get their attention should they desire to hear what he said. "I've accepted Phantom's offer of his herd's help, don't be alarmed if his own mares brush against you. I believe they're attempting to dilute the individual smells between all of us," he advised. While most of his mares were typically on the calmer side he didn't doubt that in these circumstances some of them might be on edge and prone to attacking.

      "The rain seems to be dying down. As soon as this storm has ended we will depart, keep," suddenly Titan realized he hadn't had the chance to figure out either the mare or filly's name and found himself in an awkward spot. Turning his head ever so slightly he addressed the mare, "I don't believe I ever caught your name?" He awaited her answer before continuing with his instructions, "Keep them in the center. I'll walk behind you as we leave to make sure Bjorn doesn't see what's going on." He knew himself to be asking quite a lot from his herd, more than some were happy about. He'd have to find some way to make it up to them later on when things weren't quite as dangerous.

      Taking a few steps closer he pressed his nose against first Inkeri's and than Rana's cheeks in an effort to comfort the two before nickering at Elysia who was a step too far for him to reach as well, "I'm asking much of you I know, and I am putting things at risk, but we are a herd blessed by the gods and you are all strong and capable. I know deep within myself we will make it out of this safely and we will not only prosper but thrive for it." Titan's faith had always led him to believe that ones who were strong in battle but kind in heart received prospered in life. What good was a horse who was kind but could not win? He glanced from one mare to the other before softly asking, "Are you all doing okay through this trial? No one's gotten hurt?"

๏ผก๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผค ๏ผ ๏ผ
jotunheim maiden . two years . mare . tags: haukr, mjolnir . location: hnjtiborg

      As Haukr spoke Astrid took a small step back in the clearing, edging herself closer towards the trees where she planned to pivot and run as soon as the opportunity presented itself. She was surprised, however, when he questioned whether she was in danger. From Phantom's stories she assumed Haukr to be an aggressive earl who snaked mares forcefully. "My father is Phantom, he tells stories every time you try to snake a mare, that's how I know who you are," she answered politely. Before this day she had seen Haukr just one other time when he had attempted to snake a mare and was chased away by Phantom. Astrid had been but a yearling when it happened. She'd found the sight of the two running both terrifying but also exciting. She'd never seen two horses exhibit so much power and had traveled a bit too close when Signe had pulled her back. Oh, how she missed Signe in that moment. Ever since her mother's passing Astrid had stuck close to Signe for guidance even when the other mare didn't always desire it.

      Recalling he had questioned whether something was chasing her the mare's head swung to look behind her. She knew nothing was but the sudden question forced her to reconsider it and check once again before answering him, "No, no nothing is chasing me. I went too far and I got lost. Than I.. well I suppose I got scared and just started running." Haukr's own calmness and the enforcement that she wasn't in immediate danger - or at least didn't seem to be - helped Astrid as her body once again returned to its normally calm state. She wasn't typically the type to get scared and panic but it had been the first time she'd ventured away from the herd until they were out of sight. She hadn't been ready to deal with that and now here she was. Speaking with not just any earl, but Haukr.

      As another voice filled the clearing Astrid's body jumped and turned, moving so that each stallion was to one side of her instead of Haukr in front and this new one behind. She wasn't too sure about this knew one, he seemed sly and imposing. Her situation hadn't been a difficult one until the other's arrival. She was a fast runner like her father and could have easily outrun one earl. She wasn't as sure about outrunning two though. He continued speaking, this time announcing that he'd escort her back to the herds. "You will do no such thing!" Her voice didn't hold aggression and it surely wouldn't have sent any foals into obedience but she had found an untapped strength within her that apparently made her capable of standing up to this stallion. Any normal situation would have seen her cowering in fear. Yet here she stood, sure in her stance and fear in her eyes.
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Postby five.six.seven » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:20 am

โ— stand by your own trial, and not by what others say โ—
name; rana rank; valkyrie gender; mare age; 4 herd; alfheim tags; alfheim herd, titan, mazikeen mentions; gaagi, jotunheim herd

rana watched her king closely. she could see his irritation, and it was beginning to make her anxious as well. although it wasn't quite as bad as before, the storm was still going strong, and rana began to pray to the gods that it would end soon. she missed home, and quite frankly was getting sick of the cold and wet. as she watched the sky, she felt a small nip on her shoulder, and turned to see titan once more. she listened as her tried to explain the situation to them, and was comforted to know he was concerned about his herd's safety just as much as the protection of the newcomers.

speaking of the mare and filly, titan was asking them of their names. she hadn't noticed, but realized then that they hadn't introduced themselves nor had titan introduced them himself. she nodded as titan instructed them to keep the pair in the centre, and walked up beside the mare. she gently pressed her nose against the mare's flank, to show her she meant no harm, and that she would try to keep them safe. she watched as phantom's mares began to get closer, and brush up against her herd. she was nervous, but knew that titan would protect them if anything went wrong, and did her best to stay calm.

she leaned in as titan touched her cheek, and watched him make sure his other mares still felt safe. she felt much better now, knowing she had her king and the herd by her side, and that they were there to look after each other. rana was pleased that she had joined the small, but closely knit herd. she listened as titan said a few short but powerful words, and whinnied gently to show her approval. she enjoyed listening to him speak in times like these, since he had such a way with words. he knew just what to say to restore hope among his mares. "we'll be alright," she told him. "like you said, we are blessed by the gods. any hardship now will only make us stronger! but thank you - for making sure that we were ok."
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ bjorn&heidi&eliza&mazikeen ๏ผ๏ผ

Postby cheshire. » Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:47 pm

    ๏ผข๏ผช๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€ โ fear the reckoning of those you have wronged !! โž
    ( hnitbjorg king ) ( 14 ) ( stallion ) ( tags: winter, lark, thera, vanir) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    Winter, skeptical as she was, had given him her trust yet again. Bjorn sighed in light relief as her advice weighed heavy on his shoulders. He knew it was hypocritical of him to have brought the strange mare back but to leave her would be to brave the fate of the gods and what they intended. If she was meant to die out in the forest then he wouldn't have felt the need to herd her in. He felt something stir in his gut, a desire for the palomino mare. Bjorn often felt attraction towards his herd but it was unusual to be so magnetised so early. He looked to Lark and then to Winter, "Balder was generous when he created her," he commented before shutting his eyes and nuzzling Winter, "as he was with you, my song bird." Bjorn was weak to Winter's voice and he had a feeling she knew it. As though the gods wanted to torment his manhood further, she began to pray to them and Bjorn quietened to listen to her obediently. Her respect for them furthered his attachment and the stallion brushed soft lips over her rump, nibbling the base of her tail affectionately. Before he could romance her further, his goddess of a mare returned. Oydis walked like her hooves never even touched the ground and her confidence boosted her beauty beyond any of the mares in the clearing. She aligned herself with him without hesitation or asking for permission; something Bjorn loved and tolerated only from her. He felt that if he ever reprimanded her for it he would receive a few harsh bites. Her moves were seductive and intimate, distracting Bjorn from all else around him. "Hello vixen," he purred, quietening as she spoke of Haukr. The name brought a bitter taste to Bjorn's mouth but he worried little. Within the safety of Hnitbjorg, no stallion was a threat to the king. "I imagine you reminded him well and good who this land belongs to," as he ran his nostrils up her jaw he could smell the young earl on her. A possessiveness warmed his body and Bjorn nipped her cheek where Haukr's scent was most prominent. His mares so near and Rhae having birthed Atreus had the stallion feeling good. The only bother was the rain and the herds.

    His ear twitched in irritation as he looked over Odyis to see the other two herds swirling closer. Bjorn's paranoia rose as he saw them mingle with a several darted looks his way. Naturally the stallion nickered for his own mares to stay close together, giving Lark a particularly long look of comfort, touching her shoulder to try reassure her. Communication with her was a little more difficult when he needed to elaborate on the situation and couldn't. From this distance he could see Titan returning from what Bjorn assumed was a patrol of the area. It was too dark to notice much more but whatever Alfheim was up to, it caught the attention of Phantom as well. The Jotunheim king had been talking closely with Heidi, something Titan didn't agree with as Bjorn could hear him call his daughter back. Now the two other rulers of Valhalla were communicating, first in warnings before Phantom approached the black king. Bjorn watched the smaller stallion disappear among Titan's mares, out of sight. Naturally suspicious and paranoid, he paced along the line of his herd trying to see what was happening. Of course they just all happened to be tightly knit and Bjorn was granted no access. Before he could turn back to order his herd even closer (if that was possible), footfalls came from behind him and he swung around. Approaching was Thera, the naive expression of a curious filly on her face as she came up. Unlike Oydis, Thera's confident approach did not attract Bjorn's warmer side and he stamped a hoof into the ground. Her arrival pulled his attention from the older dapple mare and as Thera spoke, Bjorn found his defenses flaring at the motion of his son. "You're a fool to think he is the source of such strain when you stand before me with nothing but uneducated assumption."

    His interest in the mare waned now that she was actually before him. Tail raised and head high, Bjorn longed to return to the attention of Oydis and Winter but his suspicious character kept him from turning his back on Thera. He could no sooner chase her away than fear the wrath of Titan for doing so. Instead he resigned to hear her out, glancing in the direction of the woods at the sound of whinnies and the snapping of twigs. It was impossible to hide in Hnitbjorg because the ground alone could give away your position. Only if you were the king of these lands could you find the trails worn enough to hide your sound. He predicted a predator though feared little for no creature would attack the herds when they were so close together, healthy and guarded. Whatever it was, Thera had the curiosity to investigate and he snorted, brushing past her, "You should return to your herd instead." As if saying that to close the conversation, he looked to Oydis, "Watch over Stormborn and the others, I should be back soon." Bjorn trusted her to uphold the protecting of the herd while he was away and while Rhae rested. If anything was to threaten Hnitbjorg the priority would be to get the maidens and foals away while Oydis released hell unto whoever dared come so close.

    Stepping through the brush, he could hear behind him the Alfheim mare who had clearly not heeded his advice and was coming with him. Now the rain was beginning to lessen but leaves weighed down with water still dripped relentlessly on the horses. He knew that many would try shelter in the forests though he was not expecting to come across what he did. Nestled under some brush, a mare and not one, but two fillies. The sight was almost magical but he thought briefly to the kings and the tense situation they were in and knew what needed to be done. Ideally he would want to chase them out but they smelled newly born and Bjorn knew full well they wouldn't be able to traverse out of the area. A sense of resistance started in his chest as he forced his ears back. "You shouldn't be in this land," he began, alerting the mare to his arrival. An empty look appeared in his orbs like he was forcing himself to mechanically prepare for what was to happen. "And you cannot leave here, I'm sorry." Having birthed so soon, he doubted she would be strong enough to fend him off. Killing rival bloodlines was never a fun thing for Bjorn. As he approached, suddenly aware of his size, strength and muscle, Bjorn moved to grab Gersemi, to shake the life from her. But the closer he got, the less the rain fell. When he had reached them the storm had all but stopped. Bjorn paused and looked to the sky. Thor, the god of the storm and fertility had spoken to him. As if to confirm it, when he looked back at the twins, one turned and Bjorn saw the starkest of blue eyes. They mingled on the edge of grey, swirling like the storm she had been born in.

    "What am I to do," he pleaded to his gods ever so quietly. Before him sat a filly of significant difference. Her mother was a dapple, much like his own Oydis and Gull. Were these all signals? The blue eyed filly seemed to gaze distantly and Bjorn was all too experienced to know what that meant. Blind in a forest was the worst you could be. She smelled of defect yet Bjorn had been warned by Thor not to do as tradition commanded him. They would not die today. "Your filly has the eyes of Thor," he commented, breaking out of his stupor. "She will need help or she will not survive a month." Having said it he glanced back to Thera, an experienced mother, "Help them to their hooves," he looked to Vanir, "I am offering you safety. You may take it if you value the future of your marked daughter."

    ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผค๏ผฉ โ”€โ”€ โ it might make them mad but it will make you free !! โž
    ( alfheim descendant ) ( 3 ) ( mare ) ( tags: phantom, titan, forseti) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    With Phantom's attention on her, she felt much more beautiful than she had before. The filly lapped up his words and her shyness was replaced by a newfound confidence. Not so loud and obnoxious, more of a quiet glow of contentment. Knowing that she had the option to leave and find her way with Phantom should she want made the mare excited, like her adventure as an independent mare was finally coming through. It would be the first step of many. As he responded to her questions about Eliza, she could see that he greatly respected every mare and the talents they brought to Jotunheim. Heidi wondered what she would contribute to the herd since it already seemed so well rounded. Looking at Primrose, she figured she was the looker of the group, Eliza reminded Heidi so much of Bjorn, Signe was the mother hen and it was clear Phantom had many beautiful daughters. Whisking her tail she opened her mouth to speak but was cut by the call of her father. Heidi jerked her head around with a sheepish look on her face. Caught fraternizing with another king. Without another word to Phantom she slunk to her fathers side, giving him a nuzzle to try get back into his good books.

    What surprised her was his announcement and when he revealed the mare and filly, Heidi gave a small gasp. The filly was a beautiful blue roan while the mare was stockily built with an alert disposition. She felt the mare's vibe of hostility and made sure to keep her distance, instead shuffling over to Elysia, the only mare who didn't seem irritated with Heidi's presence. Her welcome in the herd was beginning to wane and Heidi felt uncomfortable among her family for the first time. As Phantom approached, her ears perked again, eavesdropping as her mother had taught her. Phantom spoke with eloquence and Heidi was pleasantly shocked by his generosity. In return he had asked for....her? Heidi couldn't help but catch his eyes as he said it, looking searchingly for some sort of sign that it was all a joke. How courageous to ask such a thing right to her father's face. Impressed and a little flustered by the request, she glanced to her father for his reaction. As always, he was reasonable with a side of cautious. However he had accepted to think about it and the black filly felt far too flattered to add any input on the situation. Instead she looked over at the Jotunheim mares as they approached.

    The one that caught her eye was Forseti. Much larger than the usual horse their age, she could see Forseti glance Heidi's way with a less than pleasant stare. Unable to keep herself from it, Heidi stared right back. She wanted to cause no conflict and with the herds merging, Heidi got the chance to come close to Forseti. She extended a nicker to try break any ice between them, aware of Phantom being only on the other side of the maiden. Also approaching was Primrose, leading Heidi to become aware of all the new relationships she would have to form if she were to join Jotunheim. All his horses appeared competitive for their kings attention, deflating Heidi's fantasy of being the one and only. Doubt crept in and she retreated to her father, rubbing her head nervously on his shoulder. It was unusual of her to be quiet for so long. She craved her mother's protection but she had left to serve the herd as a distraction and all she had was the looming figure of Titan to garner support from.

    ๏ผฅ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผบ๏ผก โ”€โ”€ โ the safety of my family is the highest law !! โž
    ( jotunheim valkyrie ) ( 4 ) ( mare ) ( tags: stjerne, ylva, sammael[phantom]) ( location: hnitbjorg ) ( in gestation )
    Following after the maiden, Eliza could feel a defiance in the other that made the daughter of Bjorn worry whether it was worth having left Phantom. She reminded herself that had she not, Stjerne could have drowned. Yet as she tread through the thinning forest, Eliza felt a yearning to return to her herd. Mares were not supposed to wander so far without the protection of their stallion. Ears flicking back and forth on alert, Eliza could see that Stjerne was walking with a determination to depart. Her words caught the platinum mare off guard and she flattened her ears in offense when Stjerne pushed her. "There's no need to shove me," she murmured, thinking that Stjerne didn't understand the danger she was leaving herself open for. Roughing with a stallion was no fun and to welcome it was foolish. She opened her mouth to inform the maiden of this but was instead cut off as Stjerne looked skywards and began to speak. Living a life without running lineage in Valhalla was not something Eliza could empathise with. Bjorn's blood ran through her and her coat was his signature of fatherhood. She knew she would not be the only descendant to run these lands in the coming years now that Bjorn was king. He had a successful fertility rate with many of his blood expanding beyond Valhalla into lands unknown.

    "Being from outside lands does not make you unwelcome. Look how Phantom made a life and a name for himself and he's not from here," Eliza began. She wanted to show Stjerne that it was not a curse to be a foreigner but in terms of the maiden leaving Jotunheim, there wasn't much she could say. "I understand it is your journey to find a mate for yourself but you are going to leave without even a goodbye to Phantom who has raised you all these years? You won't even grant him the respect he deserves nor do you seek his blessing?" Eliza couldn't fathom Stardust's sudden wish to be gone from the family she had been raised with. She certainly hoped any foals she ever had would not act as such. "I don't wish to chase these through your lands if leaving is your true desire but don't act rashly over an old grudge against your parents for their affair," bobbing her head thoughtfully, Eliza found herself out of breath. It was quite the effort to talk so much, especially from a mare of such few words.

    Looking back in the direction of the three kings, Eliza could spot the blurry figure of a horse. Dun. Beside her loomed a tall shadow and she perked her ears. The only horse she knew like that was Titan. Swishing her tail, still thick with the scent of heat and of Phantom, Eliza nodded in their direction to catch Stjerne's attention. "There is Titan. Perhaps we could ask him where suitable lands may be for you to roam," she suggested. In the very least Stardust could gather some knowledge of areas fruitful for her adventure. Swinging around, Eliza whinnied out to the king. He would know who she was; as any would with a pelt like hers. Hoping that Stjerne would come along, the maiden picked up pace to approach. She did not recognise the horse Titan was with nor did she know why he was so far from his herd. She believed he would be scouting and perhaps talking to an intruder. These beings the lands she had grown up in, Eliza appreciated any horse who guarded Bjorn's precious forests. As they came close, Eliza began to feel her skin crawl under her soaked fur. Something was not right. Titan looked much leaner than he should. "Titan?" the mare nickered skeptically, stretching her head out. The horse smelled of masculinity and the rich scent painfully reminded her of her recent covering.

    When it was all too late she realised who it was. Or perhaps who it wasn't. "Oh, I have mistaken you," she whispered through the rain, noticing that the mare was not one she recognised. A small band? Eliza stamped a hoof, "It's rather risky for you to be in this land, it does not belong to you and now that you're discovered I would recommend you leave before I alert the kings of your presence." Looking back at Stjerne she felt her gut twist. She had lead the two of them into a tricky situation.

    ๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผบ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€ โ the moments we've spent have passed !! โž
    ( valkyrie ) ( 9 ) ( mare ) ( tags: gaagi, titan, primrose) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    Mazikeen understood not why the stallion called her beyond mindless. They were strangers to one another and in her eyes, enemies. A half intended compliment was an unusual way to break the ice and it threw her defenses off a little. His explanation of his reasons for being in Hnitbjorg sparked a small curiosity not often seen in Mazikeen. She was not one to risk her safety for the urge of interest in the unknown, especially with a filly. Looking down to Gaagi she nuzzled her daughter gently before nodding in silence and beginning to follow after him. Heading into the wolf den, Mazikeen thought bitterly. She could pick up more and more scents and going on high alert, made sure to walk slow and deliberate; both to allow Gaagi time to keep up and to be ready for the oncoming. Titan's herd was the first in view and as he gathered his mares, she listened on quietly. Presenting herself and the filly to his herd, Mazikeen met their curious eyes with a gaze of steel, curving her neck around her beloved offspring. The mares all seemed docile enough but she was not taking any chances.

    Beside her, Gaagi made a keen observation and Mazikeen narrowed her eyes in on Primrose. Her fine legs and build was the opposite to Mazikeen's and all the mare could think of was how easy it would be to crush those delicate limbs should the need arise. "Let them talk. They'll learn quickly what that earns them," she muttered to her filly, a hoof stamping to accentuate her threat. Part of her was proud of Gaagi's keen sight and intelligence. She was already growing strong and capable both in body and mind. "They may get mad, it seems we are on delicate terrain with them. But no trouble will come to us," the large mare shot Titan a look, "it is this king's idea to bring us here, after all." It would be redundant to try corral them only to have harm come to them. Something about Titan's huge build told Mazikeen many would hesitate to threaten the king's accomplices anyway. Sure enough an alliance was made and soon Mazikeen was as crowded, and trapped, as she could be. More than once she lifted a hoof and threatened to kick the mares should they come close. So on the defense, Mazikeen felt her exhaustion and she knew soon Gaagi would be hungry if she was not already. Yet now was not the time to feed and she made sure to keep Gaagi from nursing. To the side, Titan asked her name and Mazikeen shot him a glare before blatantly turning away to ignore him. "I never gave you my name nor do you deserve it," she snapped, turning her rump to him. All this circling and pressing had Mazikeen feeling claustrophobic for a mare that had never stayed long in a herd.

    She would have remained this way had Rana, a mare of Titan's, not approached. The sudden approach and nudge to extend friendship made Mazikeen pause her hostile demeanor to prick her ears and look Rana over. A liver chestnut with a golden mane and tail. She seemed to have an innocent disposition and Mazikeen felt her animosity depart to instead allow her to nicker back at Rana. All Titan's mares had a sort of kindness that Jotunheim's did not. She was not a fan of the Jotunheim horses and while she had accepted Rana, there was still a chance for the mare to lash out with her filly injured and in need of protection.
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