The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (On Hiatus)

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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Icarus_UnderTheSea » Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:11 pm


Tags: Eban

Mora stood and stretched, mouth opening wide in a yawn, just before she stood and shut her mouth. She glanced back over Eban, but quickly decided to leave him alone. The Alpha was getting up in the years, and Mora didn't want to disturb him. Padding away, she yawned again and shook her head to dissperse any lingering traces of sleep that clung stubbornly in her head and eyes.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:32 pm

Palecrest ○ alpha ○ tags; Mora
Despite the faint tugs of sleep that dragged at the fringes of his being, he heard Mora's muffled footfalls as she walked past him in an effort to wake herself. He roused himself from the light snooze the cold had wrapped him in and opened his eyes, though otherwise he did not stir as he spoke, "You seem tired, Mora. Just woke up, I take it?" Fluffing his thick winter pelt further against the cold, he turned his head to glance at her. The young huntress showed promise and seemed to be doing well, though the winter was and would continue to be tough on everyone. He knew the hunters took the brunt of the work upon themselves in the cold months, as prey was scarce and thin and the pack even thinner, and he relied on them to take their jobs seriously so everyone could eat.

(A heads up, try to write at least 5 lines or so when replying, as this is a lit+ RP. I know that's a little difficult with dialogue so I'll be pretty lenient, but feel free to add bulk to posts.)
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Icarus_UnderTheSea » Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:46 pm


Tags: Eban

Mora stopped and turned to face the Alpha.

Dipping her head respectfully, she spoke. "Ah, yes, sir." She took a moment to study his posture for hints as to what his mood was before continuing. "I'm assuming you have, too?"

She shifted her weight slightly and fluffed her pelt up to trap the heat at her skin. The cold bit at her nose and paws, feeling like it's own kind of heat. She earnestly hoped that the elder was handling the cold better.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:13 pm

Palecrest ○ alpha ○ tags; Mora
"You're correct," he replied, noticing her reaction to the cold. The chill breeze picked up slightly and he instinctively squinted as the first flakes of snow were driven across the island in the fierce movement of the air. He twitched at his withers as the ache in his shoulders intensified. "Bitter weather today. Bayu must be in a mood to tease Arulen... and she's nipping at his heels," he sighed, eventually resigning himself to stand. His front legs stretched out, lowering him into a long bow before he shook to dislodge the worst of the aches from his bones. As the ruby around his neck settled, he felt a warm twinge from his connection with it and the tension in his shoulders loosened. He stood tall, his frame powerful with posture better than most wolves his age thanks to his prowess as a fighter and the added strength his gem bestowed on him. More snow began to fall, clinging to the guard hairs along the backs of both wolves as they breathed in the morning.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ƈಎ႑ಎෆiႵƴ » Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:56 pm

Kuri ⊱⊰ Hallowdusk ⊱⊰ Beta Male ⊱⊰ Crush: None Currently ⊱⊰ Tags; Terra

Kuri watched as Terra created her fishing hole. "I agree with the patience aspect." He was still wondering how to catch a fish. He wanted to show he was successful at something, if not, anything for his alpha. The Gods always bring me misfortune, don't they? He blinked, momentarily lost in thought, then shook himself. The cold and wet were getting to him, maybe a full belly will better himself. He scooted closer to Terra, peering down into her ice hole. "May I see how you do it? Fish?"
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ammy2-56 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:03 pm

Hollowdusk ◈ alpha ◈ tags; Kuri
"Oh, yes, absolutely!" she said, the tip of her tail wagging and giving away her excitement, "It's all about patience and timing. Even the best hunters don't always catch every fish, but the key is being able to wait and take advantage of every opportunity. The fish are pretty slow, but they're not entirely stupid. They'll avoid your fishing hole if you send too many vibrations into the water or make too much noise. Thankfully, they don't remember much, so as long as you're patient, they should just come to you." Crouching down, she kept herself in an almost perpetual half-bow with her haunches tensed and ready to spring her forward into a dive. As she continued to explain, she whispered, "You've got to make sure you're really still but always ready to pounce. Breathing can be noisy on its own, too, so take slow breaths in and out. By the time a fish is directly below you, they'll have time to swim away before you can shut your jaw completely. The real trick is lunging just as they come into view and aiming for where they're going to be, not for where they are." She looked away from Kuri to focus on the water, the current of the blue-green river sending minuscule waves lapping against the snow-covered edge of the fishing hole. After some time, her shoulders began to burn with effort as she stayed stark still in her half-crouched position, the gentle sway of her pelt in the breeze the only movement across her body. It was then that the slim body of a green-scaled fish came into view just beneath the ice in front of her and she held back a split second before lunging on instinct. She dove face-first into the freezing waters, her jaws closing around the head of a scrawny trout. Pulling herself back upward, she yanked it from the water and put a paw over it on the ice as it flailed wildly in her grasp. With another angled bite at the back of its head, it began to go still, only its jaw moving laboriously over the passing seconds. She took the opportunity to shake the water from her face and neck, unwittingly showering Kuri with icy water droplets in the process. "That was... pretty lucky, even for me. Don't think you're going to catch every fish you jump for." she said, abruptly turning to sneeze as the frigid river water had made its way into her nose, "And don't forget to hold your breath the second before you go for in for a dive." Noticing how uncomfortable he looked in the cold, she added, "I know it's proper to hunt for the pack first, but you look half starved. Here, eat this one." She nudged the fish toward him and licked the blood from her maw, her tongue also clearing the ice crystals than had begun to form along her whiskers in the short moments since the dive.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Icarus_UnderTheSea » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:17 am


Palecrest - Female - Hunter - 2 Years - Tags: Eban

Mora nodded. "Indeed." Turning her head away, she honed in on where she knew a good spot for hunting was, her whiskers twitching. She could only hope for a good hunt to feed her pack, and that Bayu would keep her downwind of whatever prey came out of hiding into the bitter weather. She knew that she would have to stay out longer to catch enough to feed the pack, although it was small. If she was patient, maybe, just maybe, she could find a wayward doe peeling bark off a tree, or a small herd. More likely, however, there wouldn't be much out. But, even a few hares could do them some good. She knew not to forsake whatever prey came along.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ƈಎ႑ಎෆiႵƴ » Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:06 am

Kuri ⊱⊰ Hallowdusk ⊱⊰ Beta Male ⊱⊰ Crush: None Currently ⊱⊰ Tags; Terra

Kuri took her words incredulously, he wasn't exactly sure if it would work. Vibrations, he could understand. But he always thought fish were stupid. He did not say anything, he would see for himself. Though, he was certain Terra was right. He observed her bowed position and the way she maintained it for that extensive period of time definitely brought awe. He did not move and watching her fur in the breeze was mesmerizing, sending him almost in a dozed-off trance. Until, she lunged for that fish. He gave a step back reactively as she placed this writing fish on the ice below her paw. It wiggled and she bit down on the back of the neck and it died after one last gasp of air. Terra shook loose the water on her fur. Kuri splayed his front legs, and hunched his neck down to avoid the droplets. "I agree. It's just I needed a demonstration to better myself. Oh, i've had seeeeveral failed attempts worse than this one." Kuri said as he rose up and stepped closer observing the dead fish. When she offered it to him, he looked at her bewildered. He looked inter her eyes to see if she was serious. She is... Kuri wasn't aware of his appearance, he never focuses much on himself. He looked back over himself, his spine slightly sticking out, and lean lanky appearance. He tucked his tail, feeling self-conscious. "If you insist, alpha." With that, he gently took the tail of the fish in his front teeth, dragging it back over to where he was standing and started devouring the skinny sized fish whole, not wasting any bits.
Once finished in a matter of minutes, Kuri rose up. "Thank you." And he trotted over to his hole. "And the next one I catch, is for you." Kuri said and bowed in a similar way Terra had. His long legs extended made him look slightly awkward. He focused on the water, where fish were not bountiful due to the current weather season. The longer time went on, he felt the muscles in his back legs begin to first burn, then shake slightly. Muscles that were not much used. Just before he was going to back out and stretch, a fish came into view from the depths and up. His breathing stopped momentarily, and he waited for the fish to come more to the surface. When it did, he lunged forward. With jaws extended, he got the fish pierced on his left encisor and through it's gill. He pulled his head out of the water, victorious, the fish already dying as he laid it away from the fish hole.
Last edited by Ƈಎ႑ಎෆiႵƴ on Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Ammy2-56 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:01 am

Palecrest ○ alpha ○ tags; Mora
He watched Mora as she went along her way, standing stock still as the wind blew past him sideways across the isle. Knowing he would not be of use to her in her task, he resigned himself to merely observing. She was a new huntress, after all, with many good years ahead of her for honing each necessary skill to perfection. He flexed his claws as he stood, still feeling the remnants of soreness course through his limbs. 'I hope she takes good care of herself out there. Smart head on those shoulders,' he thought as the falling snow grew heavier in the wind, forcing him to squint. The weather would make things harder for her, and being out there alone with the smell of fresh blood about you was a keen invitation to trouble... He turned and padded somewhat stiffly toward the central thoroughfare of camp, the overlaid scent of different wolves hitting his nose as he set out to assign someone the task of aiding her.

Hollowdusk ◈ alpha ◈ tags; Kuri
She took pause from fishing to watch Kuri as he tried again. She was glad she'd convinced him to try again, and she was mindful to keep still herself as to not spook fish away from him. Again, she found her mind flowing with good memories of old hunting buddies in the bitter cold, chortling among themselves as they skidded and pushed one another over the slipperiest parts of the frozen river in between catches. Somehow, even lean and thin from winter, they managed to make a good time of a relatively miserable job. What water she hadn't shaken from her pelt had solidified to ice in the chill wind as she continued to monitor Kuri intently. She perked her ears fiercely as his attention immediately focused and held her own breath as he lunged, giving a celebratory hop as he emerged with a flopping fish in his jaws. She bounded over, her tail wagging furiously.
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Re: The Isles of Etera ✴ Fantasy Wolf RP (Open & Accepting)

Postby Quetzaloe » Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:21 pm

Pack Palecrest Role Healer Location Pack Den Tag(s) Eban, Mora

Krita sighed as she felt the morning sun on her pelt. Asahi willing, it would be a good morning.

She stretched, feeling the pop of her settled joints. This was her sixth winter, after her fifth spring. The air was cold, but her lady had blessed her with a strangely thick coat, befitting of one born in the beginnings of winter. By no means was Krita an elder, but she couldn't deny the passage of time.

Slowly, she made her rounds. First to the elder wolves, helping them sort their general aches and complaints. Assistance with stretching out old joints for some, simple poultices to sooth old wounds for others. Then she made her way towards Eban, to see if there was anything he would ask of her. There was another with him.... Mori? Mona? Mara? A reserved young huntress. Krita watched as she stalked off to the hunt.

Quickly, she made her way to the Alpha's side, glancing at his stride. "You walk with a stiffness. Does it bother you enough to require my care?"

Pack Hollowdusk Role Hunter Location Lakeside Tag(s) Terra, Kuri

Jay lifted his head to watch his pack's alpha and beta upon the lake. The beta had been born the same spring as the hunter. He trusted the other, although it seemed the other did not always trust himself.

The two seemed to be having fun, hunting fish. Jay felt his own tail wag for a moment from their enjoyment. It was not often that Terra was able to have fun like this, what with the pressures of leading a pack. He huffed, and turned his attentions elsewhere.

The air was crisp, and here his scents carried as well as those of prey. Without a second thought, he rolled in the half-frozen mud and muck of the lake shore, covering himself in dirty clay. Hunkering low to the ground, he whispered his thanks to Gaia, asking for her guidance and blessings on the hunt.

But before he went.... Might as well make sure he was thoroughly covered, right?

Silently, Jay crawled across the ice towards his pack leaders, who were focused more on their ice hole than the expanse of ice around them. Once he was close enough, he let out a loud "Gooooood morning~!"
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