๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby unnamed » Fri May 18, 2018 1:31 pm

๏ผด ๏ผฉ ๏ผด ๏ผก ๏ผฎ ๏ผ ๏ผ
alfheim king . eleven years . stallion . tags: phantom, thera, gaagi, mazikeen . location: hnjtiborg

      Titan wasn't surprised when Phantom moved to block his path towards the other's herd, he'd have done the same. What he was surprised was the seeming lack of tension between both kings. He wasn't naive, it was still there, but it seemed that for once they weren't prepared to maul each other should someone put a hoof out of place. He didn't know about Phantom but he knew he was more worried about outside dangers at this moment than the other kings. They had respect and understanding between each other. Predators and earls had neither.

      As Phantom questioned whether Haukr sought shelter or mares it took no time at all for Titan to know the answer, after all this was his son and he had raised as well as battled the other stallion. "He'll primarily be seeking shelter. I believe that should the storm let up, however, and an opportunity present itself he'd be bold enough to take it, or her," the ebony stallion warned. Haukr wasn't a complete idiot. He'd know that all three kings would be on high alert right now due to the storm and the unusual territory but he was still an opportunistic earl. If all three were preoccupied or relaxed than the king knew his son would take whatever chance he received.

      Phantom informed him of his intentions to move the herds closer and the other king nodded, "I'll move my mares closer to help provide more protection. May the gods protect you and yours." With that said he turned and retreated back to his own mares though he'd no intention of sticking directly next to them. He thought it best to hang around the edge of their makeshift home for now, patrol it and watch for Haukr to make a move. As he approached his own mares he whispered quietly to Thera, "Move the herd closer to Bjorn's. Keep everyone close. I'll be just out of sight but should anything happen I'll hear you."

      This time around he offered no allowance for questions and moved into the tree line once again. Though he disappeared easily the mares who's coats had lighter colors were still easily seen and he went far enough to where they were only just visible to him before beginning to make his rounds. Though he felt a bit uncomfortable leaving his herd on their own he knew it was full of strong, capable mares who would easily avoid any trouble that may come their way. It also eased his mind knowing that he was close enough that he'd be able to hear if something went sideways and see a rush of color if other mares began running or something of the like. Yes, he'd see it all happen. Nothing bad would happen without him knowing.

      As he walked his large head turned from side to side and only a few minutes into his little walk something interesting caught his eye. The ebony stallion stopped abruptly and peered into the darkness. If he wasn't wrong, that was the rump of a foal he was seeing. He was internally conflicted. Bjorn had been strict in saying no outsiders allowed; but this was a defenseless foal who couldn't be left alone. He had to help didn't he? Otherwise it'd surely die out here if not from a predator than exposure. Titan finally made up his mind, he'd help the foal and deal with Bjorn's wrath if there was any. He turned away from the three herds and moved further into the forest. As he got closer the stallion let his steps fall lighter and dropped his head low in an attempt to not alarm her. The last thing he wanted was her running blindly into the dense forest.

      "Hello little one, what are you doing out here all alone?" The night had grown so dark and his attention was so focused on the foal that he never even saw the actual mare only a few feet in front - not yet aware her foal had stopped. If he had perhaps his mind would have changed and he'd have left the two to fend for themselves.

๏ผก๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผค ๏ผ ๏ผ
jotunheim maiden . two years . mare . tags: none . location: jotunheim

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rhaenys [2] ยฐ otabeka [1] ยฐ sammael [2]

Postby azhefa. » Sat May 19, 2018 1:55 pm

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผฒ๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผน๏ผณ ยฐ โšœ
{ แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡ ษช๊œฑ ษดแด ษขส€แด‡แด€แด›แด‡ส€ แดกแด€ส€ส€ษชแดส€ แด›สœแด€ษด แด€ แดแดแด›สœแด‡ส€ }
rory โ— 18 โ— hnitbjorg valkyrie โ— nursing [atreus] โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; atreus, bjorn/herd, others mentioned
    for what feels like hours, rhae labors to birth her foal. it was coming a month too early and the worry was almost sickening, will her foal even be alive? the older mare prays to the gods for a healthy foal, her faith unwavering even under such stresses. rhae has always been steadfast in her faith, never second guessing the gods' will even if it breaks her heart. the mare gives a heaving groan one last time and finally her laboring ends, the pain fading as she praises her gods, especially eir for watching over her. she lays silently for several long moments, unable to move her exhausted body even an inch. only her ear is able to move, turning around to listen for any signs of life behind her where her new foal lays. her heart sinks at first when there is no sound or movement from her foal, believing it to be stillborn like all the others over the past four years. rhae chokes back a sob of despair, thinking she's failed her stallion once again with her inability to give him more foals. all she's ever wanted to do was carry bjorn's foals, mothering his offspring makes her proud and brings her happiness to be so lucky as to such a strong stallion. if only she could be as strong.

    rhaenys remains prone for a few more moments, unable to drudge up the will power to move. at least not until she hears a soft snort behind her. the mare fights to sit up, craning her neck around to look over to her newborn. laying among the mess of birthing was a deep cream foal who was already sitting up on their own. tears spring to rhae's eyes as she sees the foal alive and well, not stillborn like she had thought.
    "oh, praise be to the gods! praise eir, you've given us a beautiful son..." the mare's joy was unparalleled as she struggles to rise to her feet. her body was still exhausted and weak, but she was determined to clean and care for her new baby. she was almost like a newborn herself with her weak legs and inability to stand properly for a moment, but she draws upon her hidden reserves of strength and moves to care for her foal, gently cleaning his dark cream coat. it was just like bjorn's coat, a wonderful shade of amber cream. he will be so proud, proud and joyful just like she was.

    it was a struggle to remain standing, but she does as her son gets to his own feet. even though he was a month early, the colt was strong and clearly a fighter. she gives little wickers and snorts of praise and encouragement as the colt wobbles on his new legs, moving towards rhae's flank in search of nourishment. rhae can't seem to stop grooming the colt, licking away dirt and grime from his lovely coat. his little tail wiggles around as he nurses, clearly enjoying his mother's attentions and the tasty milk that was provided.
    "you're so much like your father, so strong and brave," rhae murmurs to her son as he finishes nursing, his ears flicking around to take in each and every sound with wonder and fearlessness. "you will be a fearless leader one day, a king just like him." her gaze was full of love and joy as she watches the little colt move about on rickety legs, determined to stay upright. "atreus, a fearless name for a fearless soul," she declares with a nod, the colt's ears perking at the sound of her voice. "you're name will be atreus." the colt looks to rhae as she speaks his new name and gives her a soft nicker as he moves to her side.

    they were both exhausted and ready for sleep, but they can't sleep here, they need the herd's protection first. the duo move as a unit back to the herds, both still rather unsteady, but they make it back to the safety of the herds. though she wants to find bjorn as soon as possible, she was far too tired to do do yet so she instead lowers herself to the ground with a groan. the stallion will find her in his own time. rhae huffs a deep tired sigh and nudges her newborn closer as he lays sprawled out in front of her. she doesn't lay full out like she wants to, the presence of unfamiliar strangers making it hard to nap as it is. instead, she arches her neck over her sleeping foal and rests her chin on the ground by his belly so that he was under her head. her instinct to protect him as elevated above what is normal due to her history of failed pregnancies and births, nothing will come between her and her son.

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผข๏ผฅ๏ผซ๏ผก ยฐ โšœ
{ ษดแดแด› แด€สŸสŸ แดกสœแด แดกแด€ษดแด…แด‡ส€ แด€ส€แด‡ สŸแด๊œฑแด›, ส™แดœแด› ษช ๊œฑแดœส€แด‡ แด€แด }
beka โ— newborn โ— lone orphaned colt โ— signe [adopted] โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; will be signe
    it's been hours since his mother fell asleep and she has yet to wake. no matter how hard he nudges or nips the mare, she doesn't even twitch. hunger drives the colt to seek her milk, but his mother has none to give. beka whimpers a little and noses the mare's face once more, silently begging for food, but she's still not responding to his pleas. the sound of a twig snapping makes the colt turn in uncertain curiosity which instantly turns to fear and dread. something was coming and it wasn't friendly. instinct kicks in and he flees before he could see the mountain lion descend upon his mother's form. death wasn't something he understands yet, he's only a few hours old and only knows his name. beka stumbles on his weak legs and trips on some rocks, sending him tumbling forward in a tangled mess of legs and vines. the foal struggles to free himself from the knot of half dead vines, but does so after several minutes. he shakily gets to his feet and continues on, though at a slower pace. his mother was not around and it frightens him, where had she gone? was she still sleeping? there was a feeling in his gut that he doesn't understands, but he's starting to. his mother was not coming for him. he was now alone.

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผณ๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผฅ๏ผฌ ยฐ โšœ
{ แดแด‡ษด แด…แดษด'แด› า“แด‡แด€ส€ ๊œฑแดกแดส€แด…๊œฑ, แด›สœแด‡ส า“แด‡แด€ส€ แดแดษด๊œฑแด›แด‡ส€๊œฑ }
sam โ— 10 โ— band earl โ— no mares โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; ylva, oydis & herds mentioned
    it was fairly easy to hide his presence from the three herds that were congregated near each other, his coal black pelt blending in with the shadows of the forest. sammael idly grazes as the herds settle in for the storm, there wasn't much else for him to do besides stand around so might as well eat. the stallion can hear the others moving about nearby and lifts his head a bit curiously, his jaw moving as he munches on a mouthful of grass. his ears perk forward as he hears some voices as well and almost snorts in amusement, a young stud was also nearby and seems to have gotten too close for comfort. the scolding voice seems to be feminine, a mare then? it was quite funny to think a mare was out scolding a stud, usually it's the herd's stallion doing the scolding. sammael couldn't help but move closer to the sound of the voices, too curious for his own good.

    the stud in question was dark in color and hard to see in the shadows, but so was the dappled mare that was scolding him. the mare was a beauty, taller than many of the other mares he's seen in the lands so far and it draws his fancy. being as tall as he was, it's nice to find someone of similar size. he can tell from the way she moved and how she talked that this mare was older than himself, possibly by a few years, but that only draws more of his attention. a good strong mare like that would be perfect for starting a solid herd. too bad she was already claimed by one of the kings. the scent that he's able to catch on the bit of wind that blows in his face gives it away, the scent of the cream colored stallion, bjorn. the one stallion he very much doesn't want to tangle with. the king might be smaller than himself, but bjorn is to never be underestimated. a devastating fighter for sure.

    sammael moves away with the bitter taste of disappointment on his tongue. too bad indeed. the dark stallion returns to his previous position a bit away from the herds and lowers his head to graze once more, but the slight wind bring another curious interest. another mare. a fresh, untainted one if the wind was to be believed. a lone mare is both good and bad news for him, good due to the prospect of starting a family and bad since they were so close to all three of the ruling kings, each strong enough to make it difficult to hold onto a mare should he find one. doesn't mean he won't try though. sammael turns and follows his nose through the rain to the treasure he hopes to keep. the mare was lovely to look at, a painted buckskin beauty. she was quite small compared to him, but he hopes it doesn't make things difficult. the pitch black stallion moves so that his coat catches what little light shines down through the canopy above, making his presence knows to the mare.
    "are you lost? the herds are due east should you be looking for them," he tells her, offering the information should she prefer to be with them and not him. his dam raised a proper gentleman and he would never force a mare to join him, just thinking of such things gives him a bad taste in his mouth along with the bitter disappointment from earlier.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby lynettetan1 » Sat May 19, 2018 5:50 pm

Midnight's Mirage
Tagged: Eliza, Signe, Primrose, Heidi
Mentioned: Titan

Though he didn't show it, Phantom was honestly quite impressed that none of them had gotten into a conflict thus far. Before all of this he had always assumed that the others were incapable of teamwork and having the large amounts of empathy over their instincts to see this through. After all, bachelor herds were common, but stallions teaming up was an event that rarely happened out of these lands and at most was done only by those with small herds. With the three of them having such sizable herds, Phantom would have not believed this to be an available concept, but here he was, discussing strategy and movements with what was until a few hours ago, competition.

He was learning much about himself as well.

As Titan spoke, Phantom nodded, mulling everything over in his mind.If Haukr was primarily seeking shelter, then simply sticking together and being available to guard the herd in itself would be a reasonable enough deterrent for the young earl. However, it would still be wise to keep one's guard up. There were more earls in this land than Haukr alone, and whilst Haukr was loud and possibly pretty abrasive, he was still young and not too much of a threat as of yet, compared to the other earls in the land. When Titan wished him well, Phantom nodded quietly. "Likewise."

As Titan quickly took his leave, Phantom turned to his herd, nudging them forward gently to herd them closer together as well as closer to Bjorn's herd. He nudged Eliza gently, letting out a soft whicker. "Move closer to Bjorn's herd, though not so close as to provoke an attack. I'll be bringing up the back." In this situation, she knew the most about the forest, so it would be wise to trust in her eyes and bring up the herd from the back. Though she wasn't the best at socialising, the two of them were both of little words, and trusted each other to get things done, so Phantom felt at ease entrusting the mare with the task, though relatively young.

Finding himself closer to Signe, the stallion aligned himself next to the mare, close enough to guard her yet not so close as to irritate her. He had known Signe for a long time, for almost a decade, and he knew enough to know that she wasn't exactly feeling very amiable towards him at the moment. He'd known of her since he was seven, and had even sired Inkeri with her a short time later before he'd even been able to take over, so to say that they knew each other's habits would be an understatement. This deep in her pregnancy as she was, she was bound to feel tired and laboured, which didn't exactly put the valkyrie in the best of moods. Phantom offered no conversation, simply walking beside her as she toiled on, offering his company, if she decided she needed it.

As they moved, however, she stumbled, and Phantom moved closer, nudging her upright with her shoulder so she wouldn't fall. Nosing her gently, he then looked at her questioningly. Was she about to foal? He made sure to stay just a step behind so she wouldn't feel hemmed in, allowing an open path to a little further away should she want to birth. This was a pretty terrible time for a birth, however, what with them being in a new territory and all, so even if she did want to get away to birth, Phantom would stay quite a bit closer than usual, even if it annoyed Signe. Still, he left the path open, unsure if she was starting yet or not.

At brisk footfalls, Phantom looked up, seeing Primrose's graceful form cut purposefully through the crowd to reach him. Knowing that Signe would not appreciate being hemmed in, Phantom lingered a little longer so she could go further in front, though his head stayed near her rump just in case she tripped again.

At the arabian's curt question, Phantom answered, fighting back a soft chuckle at how readily she revealed that she was eavesdropping. "Seeking shelter, but I'll keep an eye out nontheless." Haukr had tried for Primrose many times, but had only earned the valkyrie's disgust. Her heat scent was strong, and roused feelings of both protectiveness and caution-he didn't want to draw them too much attention, after all- but for now Phantom made himself focus. They were in unfamiliar territory.

Taking another look around to ensure that no one was drawing close, Phantom nudged her gently, before nipping at Primrose's forelock, getting out some of the clumps and laying it out of her eyes. Being in the place where she barely escaped was definitely not something that would comfort her. Knowing the prideful arabian, the state she was in must have been killing her, and Phantom knew that better than meaningless platitudes or shows of affection, what often set her at ease was working on her own appearance. "After this, we can drop by Franang's Falls and you can get the mud off." Though he was planning to go to the falls anyway to get a drink and hopefully gain some new maidens or valkyries, the reminder of the presence of somewhere where she could wash everything off would definitely cheer up the beautiful valkyrie.

As they moved, however, Phantom couldn't help but notice his position had somehow brought him closer to Titan's herd. Moving a step further out so they could move closer toward the herd without moving directly closer to him, he made eye contact with Thera, the shorter mare giving him a nod of appreciation before continuing on brusquely.

As Titan's herd grew close, the scents of unknown mares in heat made his senses perk, and with Primrose's scent as well, Phantom let out a soft snort to clear his head. This truce was hard enough to come by, and he wouldn't let coltish attitude from him-the oldest out of the three of them-sour it. All the same, as Heidi walked by, Phantom had a series of thoughts run through his mind.

Bjorn had insisted quite clearly that they were not to bring new valkyries and maidens with them into the forest. However, what about those that were already here? Running through what Bjorn said, Phantom quickly came to the conclusion that it was indeed a loophole, and so whickered softly to Heidi as she passed, hoping that Thera wouldn't try to lunge at him or something. He had his eyes on Heidi for a while, but he wasn't too sure how the maiden felt about him. Since they were all going to be waiting here whether they liked it or not, some probing wouldn't be too out of the question. "You seem down. Everything alright?"

Northern Quiver
Tagged: Inkeri, Titan
Mentions: Heidi, Rhaenys, Ellie, Haukr

Waiting for Ellie's reply, Thera noticed Inkeri slowly weaving her way toward her, though she pretended not to notice. The pretty painted mare looked out of sorts, stepping a little higher than usual and looking very unsure. Then again, everyone was. The moment they'd stepped into this territory, everyone got a little bit wound up, Thera herself feeling the strain.

When Titan had come back, however, Thera let the other mare fall to the back of her mind, instead looking toward her stallion with a welcoming whicker and a nuzzle. He spoke quickly, and she nodded, but disappeared before she had a chance to ask what the other stallion had said. Letting out a slightly miffed snort, she nudged Heidi to get her distractable daughter's attention, before moving forward once more. From what Titan said, he would most likely be patrolling along the outskirts, so it was best to just stick together and not make his job any harder.

Thera continued leading, nodding as she noticed Phantom stepping aside to let her pass unaccosted. It was odd, to have to see the other stallions and move toward them instead of avoiding them like she usually did. Still, even though they had this new familiarity, she resisted the urge to ask what they spoke about. Though they were familiar, they weren't quite that close and it was best not to get too used to this security.

When Inkeri started speaking, possibly searching for a distraction from how the trees closed in almost ominously, nothing like the palm fronds along the beach, Thera turned to the other mare curiously, always open to discussing things. "I'm not surprised as well. Given how he'd need to search for shelter and with all the mares he could dream of gathered in one place."

"However, given how all the stallions are still at their primes and he is young, it would be wiser of him to try and form a band of stragglers and maidens. He always was fixated more on fighting other stallions, though." The young earl had been kicked out only a year or so ago, but he'd already shown himself to be a thorn in all three stallions' sides, to Thera's surprise. She had expected him to go after the other two, but challenging Titan was something that the young earl did as well, and with a surprising frequency. Titan was seated securely, and even when he lost there would be no maidens to steal away, which made his actions confusing. If he did try to whisk away a maiden, it would be Heidi, given how often the two used to play, and if the earl tried anything with her daughter, Thera would be chasing him down personally.

At the thought of Heidi, Thera looked toward the younger mare briefly, finding her positioned somewhat close to Phantom. The other stallion seemed to be trying something, though he seemed relatively polite about it, so Thera didn't nip her daughter back for now. In this situation, Phantom would be suicidal to try something for one maiden when the fate of all his herd rested on the truce turning out okay, so she wasn't too fussed.

As she looked about though, Thera noticed Rhenrys, the oldest mare from Bjorn's herd, coming back with a young colt. THough the other mare belonged to another herd, Thera resisted the urge of congratulating her, noting how utterly exhausted the old mother looked. Birthing was a hard task at that age, and Thera was honestly impressed by the feat. If she managed to survive till that age, she saw herself turning away stallions, given the risk of carrying a foal even when one was healthy. Turning back to Inkeri, Thera continued. "On to brighter topics, would you prefer a filly or a colt? If you could choose, of course."
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post two ๏ผ๏ผ

Postby evixtus » Mon May 21, 2018 10:49 am

โ™• O Y D I S โ™•
โ–™ โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ–Ÿ
sydney โ— 16 โ— hnitbjorg valkyrie โ— stage 2 โ— location: hnitbjorg
tags: Haukr โ— mentions: here

      The dappled mare bristled at his attitude towards her, and the fact that he blatantly went out of his way to move around her, even though her obvious posture said he wasn't welcomed on her herds territory. The young earl wouldn't be making it far if Oydis had anything to do with it. Haukr stepped to her left, towards her hind end. Didn't he know not to approach a valkyrie from behind, especially herself? Her name didn't run across Valhalla without a purpose. Taking advantage of his careless mistake, she pinned her ears flat against her skull and swung her haunches towards Haukr, kicking her legs out and stepping backwards to block his path once again. "I'm not permitting you to move any further, foolish earl. There's an outcropping due west of this direction where you can stay away from the king's and their own herds. Take my advice and go there before one of them finds you." The valkyrie raised her head higher to show a superior motive. "Alas, I suppose your inferior brain couldn't take advice if it was life or death. Shall I show you the way, or let you into the wrath of Bjorn, or even your own father?"

โ™• I N K E R I โ™•
โ–™ โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ–Ÿ
ink โ— 8 โ— alfheim valkyrie โ— stage 3 โ— location: hnitbjorg
tags: Thera โ— mentions: phantom, signe

      "I do suppose he has quite a reckless dignity." The young pinto mare mused, turning to tap Thera's shoulder with her own muzzle lightly. Within the next few moments of silence between the two Alfheim valkyries, Inkeri took a glance at the Jotunheim group, almost immediately noticing her father, even if he did blend in well with the dark shadows of the Hnitbjorg trees. Her mind wandered shortly, wondering where her mother was. To her pleasure, she saw the older mare ramble forwards from behind Phantom, her belly heavy with gestation and teats swollen. It was obvious Signe was going to foal within the next few hours, due to the way she was moving, and her spine would ripple with each contraction. Gathering her attention once more when Thera spoke again, she thought about her answer. "Well, perhaps a colt. I'm sure Titan would like another son to raise--the next perfect heir to the Alfheim herd." Ink could imagine it now, a strong black pinto colt. "What about you, Thera?"

โ™• S I G N E โ™•
โ–™ โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ–Ÿ
sign โ— 11 โ— jotunheim valkyrie โ— gestating โ— location: hnitbjorg
tags: herd, otabeka โ— mentions: Primrose

      Saving her own stallion from rescuing her from being high-centered over a log, Signe leaned back, just on the tip of her hooves and pushed off of her hind legs, popping the rest of her body over the fallen tree. The action jolted her stomach, sending pain down her spine. Ears flicking as her body rippled with another contraction, she coasted through it with taking broader steps once more. To her left, Phantom approached, obviously he had seen her previous predicament. Before the dark stallion could move away, she reached out to lip his mane in a silent thanks. He soon slowed to give her more space as Primrose approached, and the pinto mare appreciated the gesture. She was already claustrophobic enough with these trees looming over her like a monster conjured by the gods, and having two others crowding her would make it worse.

      It had only been two minutes between contractions when she let out a hefty groan, shaking out her neck and precariously moving around another fallen log before she decided she needed to leave to birth. Sign wished she was closer to the clearing where they'd all be staying before she'd take her leave, but she wasn't so sure. Then she caught the slight opening within the trees a few hundred yards before her. Her body shuddered with the movement of the colt within her stomach as she sighed slightly. He was ready, whether she liked it or not. Tossing a glance over her shoulder to Midnight's Mirage, she briefly turned right with a slight pivot on a back leg to amble off a comfortable distance to finally introduce this colt into Valhalla.

      Knowing her stallion wouldn't be too far behind, since she was birthing in unfamiliar territory, she found the best spot as quick as she could, within the protection beneath sweeping branches of a gnarled oak tree. Just as the pinto dropped to her knees to lay on her side, a smaller figure burst through the woods and bounced off of her side. She knew it wasn't a threat. It had a scent of fear, was too small to be a predator that she couldn't fend off on her own, even if she was in labor. Craning her head towards what she soon realized was a colt, her nostrils flared at the scent of death radiating off of his dark pelt. Giving a soft, nurturing nicker, she spoke with an even voice, despite her contractions. "Come here, little one. You are not in danger anymore, the gods are in your favor this evening."

โ™• Y L V A โ™•
โ–™ โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ––โ–Ÿ
val โ— 9 โ— lone valkyrie โ— stage 1 โ— location: hnitbjorg
tags: sammael โ— mentions: here

      As the storm rumbled above her head on the outskirts of the Hnitbjorg territory, the buckskin paint lifted her head to look at the sky. The clouds were dark and consuming the sky with a violent fervor. "What do you have planned for us now, Thor?" She huffed, lashing her tail against her haunches with slight irritation. "You better have a good reason for this, or I'll never forgive you." Ylva's light threat was taken lightly as lightning struck across the Idavoll valley, signaling the prime valkyrie to breach the trees of Hnitbjorg. She had originally planned on making her visit short and brief within the protection, only idling until the storm was over until she was able to move back out onto the open plains and wander the valley, perhaps step onto the other territories for certain necessities, as she had done for the past few seasons. Yet, Thor had other plans for her at the moment. A large black stallion soon crossed her path and spoke of the herds. So they had called a truce and banded up to take shelter in Hnitbjorg for the storm? How innocent, Val thought to herself. "Shall I run to them and say there's a stray earl within the trees?"
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๏ผง๏ผต๏ผฌ๏ผฌ 004

Postby gull. » Tue May 22, 2018 5:19 pm

๏ผง๏ผต๏ผฌ๏ผฌ. โž [ 6.4 yrs ] [ hnitbjorg valkryie ] [ emotions: cautious] [ tagged: bjorn, winter, echo, anyone] [ words: 266 ]

Gull's ebony-tipped ears perked as they entered the large meadow they called home to. She was still on high alert, but being back in the familiarity of their home put her slightly more at ease. She noticed Winter had wandered close. There was no doubt that the mare was gorgeous. With eyes of ice and a contrasting coat of charcoal, she was sure to draw attention. She couldn't help but feel inferior to Winter with her dull bay coat. Gull was quiet in nature, too, so blending into a crowd was never an issue.

Turning her attention to the rest of the herd as well as the others that were gathered, she could finally see how cramped the meadow had become. There were so many different horses. So many with loud coats and equally as loud personalities. The bay mare feared that most would be unsure of how to react to danger while in the forest. But, each herd had its own stallion. And if danger were to arise, they would have to fend for themselves.

Finding her way to Echo, Gull checked her for any scraps or bites. Running through the forest with its underbrush made it easy to get cut, and easier for those cuts to get infected. She treated Echo like her own daughter, and whenever Bjorn went away it was like he had entrusted Echo to her. With so much unfamiliar presence in her home, Gull drew inward. Too nervous and unsure of everything. Instead she settled beside Echo, just like she always did, comforted by the filly's warmth beside of her.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby Queen Lapis » Sat May 26, 2018 6:03 pm

2. 5 Years||Maiden|| Mustang,Quarter Mix||Foalless|| Mateless|| Tags: Eliza ||

"I'm fine... I'm fine..."Stjerne muttered, more to herself than Eliza. She moved towards Eliza's blurry figure, resting her head on the elder mare's withers and allowing herself to be lead to shore. The maiden sighed in relief as her hooves soon struck the sandy bottom, and she splashed up to the shallows where land met water.

Stjerne collapsed as she reached dryer land, her rear half still submerged in water. She snorted and sputtered water and sand from her nose, wheezing to catch her breath. She flicked her drenched forelocks from her face and turned to stare sideways at Eliza, who had already caught her breath and was standing, and waited for her for some reason.

"Thank you, Eliza. May the gods eternally light your path for the good deed you have done." With that, Stjerne dipped her head to the elder mare and begun to trot away, oddly in a direction away from their herdland.
Last edited by Queen Lapis on Sun May 27, 2018 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ bjorn&heidi&eliza&mazikeen ๏ผ๏ผ

Postby cheshire. » Sun May 27, 2018 1:05 am

    ๏ผข๏ผช๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€ โ fear the reckoning of those you have wronged !! โž
    ( hnitbjorg king ) ( 14 ) ( stallion ) ( tags: lark, his whole herd [titan]) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    The stallion was irritated, that much was obvious. His skin itched and jolted in little fidgets of growing combustion. Should Bjorn blow, the truce would be over and he would rid of all these strange horses in his land. The only thing keeping his wits close was his unrelenting will to please the gods, causing him to take heaving breaths to soothe himself. At his side was the ever quiet mare he had come across, Lark. Bad idea or not, she was stuck with him and Bjorn with her. He only prayed she would not disrupt the fragility between the three kings and stick by his side. As he entered into the sheltered clear of the herds, Bjorn radiated violence and a waning patience. His eyes surveyed rapidly around him, quickly targeting the two kings. Phantom was bordering both Titan and his own herd, talking to a spawn of the black king. With the poor weather, Bjorn was not surprised he couldn't see Titan straight away but the more he looked the less the space he hadn't searched for the other. Instant paranoia swelled up through his veins and he balked, throwing his head up to look around with more vigor. Without the king in sight, Bjorn's mind ran wild with terrible assumptions. If that horse was preying around in Bjorn's territory with perfidious intentions then he would have consequences to face upon his return. Unable to leave to search for the other stallion due to Lark, Bjorn looked back at her and actively tried to settle his body language when focusing on her. She was beautiful, even with the rain plastering her fur down and wiping the glean from her coat. In order to keep her safe he would need to immerse her with a mare he knew could act patiently until he knew what was off about her. One mare came up.

    "Gull," it was clear Bjorn favoured the dappled mare but choosing her now was based on her motherly instincts and natural politeness. He barely touched his lips over Lark's skin, herding her towards Gull and looking to his herd mare with eyes of pleading. "I found her, she does not speak. It felt wrong to leave her there. I feel my attention is too splintered to provide her proper supervision." The anti-social stallion was usually able to settle in the presence of his mares but even before Gull, he was a soaked mess, ears fluttering like leaves caught in gale force winds. He needed to tend to many things at once and it had his brain running double speed.

    As if to remind him that he was not allowed to be still for more than a moment, Bjorn picked up the smell of blood. Looking around he began to head count his family and quickly noticed absences. Oydis and Rhaenys. His two eldest and both completely different from one another. Oydis was the most dominant of his lot, she usually lead the herds in standard situations as the rest of his lot were relatively docile. Rhaenys was four years his senior but they treated each other with unquestionable equality. She had produced him many healthy foals and had been his favourite brood mare. Recent years had prevented them from being gifted another legacy, this year being different with her gestation being healthy thus far. It was only natural that she was the source of the blood, as he didn't smell threats or hear danger. Thinking frantically to his treasured mare and the life within her, he looked to the remaining of his visible herd. "Stick like a flock of sheep. Keep Freja, Echo and the others in the centre. Winter, keep an eye out of Oydis but don't leave safety." Without doubt Oydis would have his head for being so all over the place and not informing her of every little thing but he would certainly reciprocate the scolding for vanishing off and not informing the others.

    Walking tentatively through the brush, Bjorn was careful to be quiet. He knew the land like the back of his hand, his slow pace was because the closer he got, the more clear the situation became. Rhaenys had birthed during a storm and far too early. Bjorn was already dreading the scene that would unravel before his eyes. Surely the foal would be dead and there was a growing chance that his beloved herd mate had passed too. If so, Bjorn's state would deteriorate into nothing and that would be the end of the truce. "Odin safeguard and bless my family," he uttered desperately. Sure enough, just a little away from his own herd was Rhaenys. She was down but not dead; resting. She was not as far from the herd as he had feared, leading him to believe she had already walked a distance back after birthing. And Gods having willed it, also down by her feet was a glowing foal. Bjorn's heart lurched. The tension in his muscles seeped away swiftly, leaving his bones feeling like jelly and his body flushed with heat. Not only had the gods given him his mare back safely but they had gifted him a healthy colt of the blessed colour. He was a champagne and Bjorn knew when his foal tufts fell out, he would be a metallic silver like himself. "Oh, Rhae," he spoke her pet name as he hesitantly approached. Bjorn made sure to give the foal a wide berth knowing she would be protective. Instead he fussed over her as she lay in the mud and grass. Leaning over protectively he lipped her forelock and rubbed his cheek against her temple. "Look at what you have delivered. Thor himself has approved our son for him to be born this night. Perfection," he oozed compliments to the mare. Yet again Rhaenys had succeeded in serving the gods, Bjorn and their family.

    Looking up he nickered to his herd warmly. The birth had allowed Bjorn to relax and appreciate the toughness of his mares. How foolish of me to doubt my family and their talents, he thought. While he had been stressing, they had all efficiently taken care of themselves and now they had a new member. Now that he thought about it, this was his first colt in quite some time. He was quite a special son. Once Winter, Gull and Lark were closer along with the maidens, he did a circle once around them before standing perched in lookout. His daughter Freja was near him as well. How would she feel having a brother? He was reluctant to let her leave the herd and quietly hoped she would remain another year. As for Gull and Winter, his masculine desires forced him to questions their heats. He prayed they would wait until the other herds had vanished before their scents arose. Bjorn briefly thought of Oydis and while he body screamed for him to locate her, he would not stop guarding his herd. Instead he jerked his head up and gave a shrill whistle, hoping she would respond to tell him she was okay.

    ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผค๏ผฉ โ”€โ”€ โ it might make them mad but it will make you free !! โž
    ( alfheim descendant ) ( 3 ) ( mare ) ( tags: thera, herd, phantom[viggo]) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    Having been scolded by both her parents had the filly feeling down. She wanted to rest against Thera but her mother kept the herds moving closer together until they were all wedged up. Her words reassured Heidi of her fathers love for her but now she felt doubt. It seemed it was wrong to welcome certain family into the herd. Heidi knew colts were usually kept away but in her mind, Haukr would never harm or do anything to damage her and Titan could surely rid of him if he overstepped his boundaries. The filly saw her father coming up to speak to Thera and throwing her head up, she slowed to gain some distance between her parents and herself. It didn't feel right to be present when the two were talking. Heidi guessed it was because she was younger and still seen as a filly. Glancing to her side she saw Inkeri and the mare almost seemed disinterested in Heidi's antics. The grey and black sky offered her no optimism as doubt swelled in her cranium. Heidi wondered if she was really ready to leave the herd. While she felt physically powerful and able to run until she died, it seemed she was ignorant to many things still.

    The play was gone from her legs as she sulked behind her parents and the other herd mates. Heidi had high ambitions for herself, she would settle for no earl. Yet the options of kings were odd. Bjorn was back and just by looking at him, Heidi was put off. His ears were near flat against his head and he avoided talking to anyone that wasn't his herd. His sheer strength and aggression had the filly hurrying back up to Thera once Titan took off into the bushes. I still run to mama when I'm scared, Heidi thought bitterly. Only brave in a crowd. "Where is Titan going?" she questioned softly to her mother, falling quiet while Thera worked to keep an eye on the herd.

    When she asked where Heidi's interests lay in terms of where she might go after she left the herd, Heidi blushed and snorted. "Not particularly. Definitely not Bjorn or any of my brothers," Heidi stuck her tongue out at the idea of Calder or Haukr. Both knuckleheads. One earl did pop up in her mind. "I think... Viggo... I think he's uh... handsome." Heidi giggled, talking about boys with her mother. She had only seen him once or twice but his pelt, height and mass was very alluring. Not to mention he had a noticeable scar which Heidi thought made him look all the more heroic. Of course, he was very hard to locate and seemed impossible to find. Nor was he a king. Before she could even start talking about Phantom, the stallion seemed to appear out of no where. Thera had already shuffled slightly ahead and when Phantom seemed to approach the black filly, she looked at her mothers backside as if waiting for Thera to give her a command. Realising that she was being too reliant on her mother, the filly glanced back to Phantom who now strode beside her. Heidi's head was up high and she walked was a little more purpose, making it obvious she was not used to this sort of attention. In all honesty, Heidi had never spoken to a horse outside the herd, especially a stallion and even more especially a king.

    When he asked her how he was, Heidi opened and shut her mouth silently for a few seconds. Part of her wanted to just say it all but the other part was blanking now that she was before Phantom. Breathebreathebreathebreathe. The horse took a deep breath and with her ears flickering nervously she gestured to her herd, "One day you're protected and loved and the next they look at you like a nuisance." As she said it, Heidi finally understood why her herd seemed so irritated with her. She was not a brood mare for Titan and as long as she remained, she distracted her own mother from serving the herd and raising another foal. This was her final weaning stage. It was time she left. She was sure Titan and Thera would protect her from any dangers but they couldn't house her for forever. At her age she had a lot of energy and a loud presence, something that wasn't welcome in a systematic, working herd. It would only be tolerated by someone who found her useful. Looking Phantom up and down, she let her body relax a little further and shook out her mane, droplets flying. "I know Haukr lies by the tree line and that he is a threat but he is also family. He appears to be the only family that actually wants me around these days. Blood family, I mean. I'm not sure about, uh," Heidi blushed, "suitors. I feel I might be a lot for even them."

    ๏ผฅ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผบ๏ผก โ”€โ”€ โ the safety of my family is the highest law !! โž
    ( jotunheim valkyrie ) ( 4 ) ( mare ) ( tags: phantom, herd, stjerne) ( location: hnitbjorg ) ( in gestation )
    Eliza observed quietly as Phantom departed to converse with Titan. As she watched the Alfheim stallion, she admired his good looks and superior height to Phantom. He was a good looking stud for sure, he seemed the most like a king of Valhalla. The other two were strange holders of the title. Her father, Bjorn, was a forest hermit with a temper and questionable sanity. Phantom was an unassuming stallion with a mysterious history. He came from a family no one knew of, making him an outsider to Valhalla. Now that she thought about it, he wasn't the only outsider. Primrose was also from a different land. Those two in comparison were also completely isolated in terms of breeding. Despite his lack of a trademark coat, Phantom was dependable and his enigmatic records attracted Eliza. She had grown up sheltered in Hnitbjorg but had never been naturally curious so when she had departed her herd she had settled relatively fast on Phantom. Covered by him now, Eliza was satisfied. She wondered if she would ever develop a wanderlust. Likely not. It wasn't in Bjorn's genetics for his offspring to like change and travel. Eliza was oddly grateful for this. She was a rather domestic mare.

    Upon his return she asked no questions, instead nodding at his orders. Conversation was such an outdated form of communication between them. Eliza knew that no other stallion would offer such transparent understanding like she had with Phantom. Whisking her tail, Eliza directed Astrid and Primrose close to the flank of Bjorn's herd. The amber stallion had returned and attached to his hip was a new mare. She shot Phantom a look that basically said all she thought; hadn't he forbade new valkyries? It seemed Bjorn was not up for discussion as he integrated the stranger in quickly and began tending to his valkyries. At least with him back there would be two to look after Eliza and the rest of them.

    With them all close and safe, Eliza noticed that after Phantom had spoken to Signe, the mare hobbled further away. Normally she would try herd the paint back but due to her pregnancy, Eliza held back. She wouldn't meddle in the affairs of a mother. Flicking her ears back and forth, Eliza settled to graze by Astrid, keeping an eye on Primrose who looked rather disgusted by the hygiene of the forest. Having grown up in the foliage, Eliza saw no issue with it and she frowned knowing that someone saw it as dirty. As Phantom suggested, Franang Falls would hopefully help Primrose manage the mud. Speaking of the stallion, she could see him beside Titan's herd. All three bands had become very close, almost interwoven. Phantom was speaking to the filly of Titan and Thera, the first to actually start talking to a different herd mate. This made the mare smile to herself. Odd of Phantom to target such a high strung horse. He wondered if he fully understood what he was getting himself into. Usually he avoided mares with such high maintenance. Then again, Primrose had many requirements and they got along wonderfully so perhaps Phantom's taste was developing.


    Eliza threw her head around at the cry of another horse. She recognised the call immediately. Stjerne. Before she knew what she was doing she looked to Phantom and barked, "Stay here. You don't know the land." Spinning around on her haunches, Eliza's ears flattened as she picked up speed away from the herd. It was like she wasn't moving her body. Her muscle memory guided her over the vines and dips of the terrain, leading her to a vein ravine of Hvergelmir. There, rushing in the water was Stardust. Cantering beside the edge of the ravine, following the afloat maiden, Eliza whinnied out to her. "Stjerne, the water will lead you to Hvergelmir and the edge will level so you can climb out!" she cried out, tail high as her hooves dug into the mud. The rain had made the usually shallow ravine swell. If Stardust could just save her energy she would soon have a change to escape. "Breathe deep, conserve your energy," she tried to advise the terrified filly.

    As Hvergelmir's vein widened into a more shallow area, Eliza looked through the rain to see Stjerne still hanging on. Now that the current had slowed, Eliza skittered near the edge before sliding through the mud into the water. She reached the maiden and nipped at her main, tugging and urging her towards the shore. "Stay awake, keep fighting. Phantom will raise hell if you die here."

    ๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผบ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผฅ๏ผฎ โ”€โ”€ โ the moments we've spent have passed !! โž
    ( valkyrie ) ( 9 ) ( mare ) ( tags: gaagi, titan) ( location: hnitbjorg )
    In the shelter of the trees, the air was dense and her sight was impaired with the darkening skies. It worried Mazikeen as she knew predators would come out at night and they would be a target. Being a lone mare with a foal was so terribly dangerous that Mazikeen was beginning to regret chasing away Gaagi's father. As foolish as the stallion was, two able bodied fighters was better than one. As they furthered in, Mazikeen felt the reassuring press of her filly by her side. She could sense her daughters fear and it worried Mazikeen but they needed to head deeper in order to find proper shelter or else they would freeze. Worse yet, she had heard horses get hit by lightning when out in the open and Mazikeen didn't want to find out if the rumour was true. Perking her ears she could hear neighing and stomping up ahead, signalling the three king's herds. They shouldn't get too close, she knew how stallions killed foals.

    When Gaagi's frame was no longer against her, Mazikeen turned to see that the filly had frozen to the spot. Behind Gaagi was the terror inducing figure of a huge stallion. Through the rain, Mazikeen hadn't heard him speak to Gaagi. She could only react as a mother would. Mazikeen's huge haunches pivoted 180 and in a split second she was over Gaagi, her foal underneath her. The mares ears hit her skull and the whites of her eyes flashed in the darkness, jaw opening to take a snap at the stallion's face. Only at this proximity did she recognise the shadow horse. "Titan," the mare spat. While he had a height advantage, Mazikeen had a thick and curvaceous build; thick haunches, wide chest and the moodiness to match. She had never met him before but knew of his unruly sons and aloof nature.

    With Gaagi half under, half behind her, Mazikeen knew they couldn't run. Doing that would result in Gaagi or even herself tripping and hurting themselves. With Titan before her, Mazikeen could see why he had such prowess in battle. He was beautifully bred. Chasing him off could result in terrible injury if she wasn't careful. "Leave us. Go back to your herd." Mazikeen grated the ground with her hoof threateningly, her head high and nostrils flared. The image of the two dark horses would likely be something out of a nightmare.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby Queen Lapis » Sun May 27, 2018 10:59 am

2. 5 Years||Maiden|| Mustang,Quarter Mix||Foalless|| Mateless|| Tags: Eliza ||

"I'm fine... I'm fine..."Stjerne muttered, more to herself than Eliza. She moved towards Eliza's blurry figure, resting her head on the elder mare's withers and allowing herself to be lead to shore. The maiden sighed in relief as her hooves soon struck the sandy bottom, and she splashed up to the shallows where land met water.

Stjerne collapsed as she reached dryer land, her rear half still submerged in water. She snorted and sputtered water and sand from her nose, wheezing to catch her breath. She flicked her drenched forelocks from her face and turned to stare sideways at Eliza, who had already caught her breath and was standing, and waited for her for some reason.

"Thank you, Eliza. May the gods eternally light your path for the good deed you have done." With that, Stjerne dipped her head to the elder mare and begun to trot away, oddly in a direction away from their herdland.
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rhaenys [3] ยฐ otabeka [2] ยฐ sammael [3]

Postby azhefa. » Sun May 27, 2018 11:09 am

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผฒ๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผน๏ผณ ยฐ โšœ
{ แด›สœแด‡ส€แด‡ ษช๊œฑ ษดแด ษขส€แด‡แด€แด›แด‡ส€ แดกแด€ส€ส€ษชแดส€ แด›สœแด€ษด แด€ แดแดแด›สœแด‡ส€ }
rory โ— 18 โ— hnitbjorg valkyrie โ— nursing [atreus] โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; atreus, bjorn/herd, others mentioned
    a good long rest was just what the old mare needed after such a long and tiresome birthing. rhae had only been snoozing for a few dozen minutes when she hears the sound of hooves and feels them through the ground where her chin was resting. the mother opens her eyes and lifts her head a little to see who dared come close to her new baby, a fiery retort on her lips and a blazing fire in her eye. to her relief and joy, it was her beloved stallion, bjorn, coming over to check on her. the pale stallion was as handsome as the first day she saw him all those years ago. rhae gives the male a deep warm nicker as he draws closer, very happy to have him nearby, it makes her feel safer. when his gaze lands upon the colt laying in front of her, her heart swells with pride and nearly bursts when a look of adoration shines in bjorn's expression. his pride and joy was obvious and it pleases her to have been the one to give it to him.

    though she was better rested, rhae was still tired and unable to really move yet. besides, she doesn't really want to be near the other herds right now anyway, too many unfamiliar faces around her precious son. the valkyrie looks up at bjorn when she hears his voice and eagerly accepts his fussy behavior, leaning into his touches with a soft sigh. all the stress and worry from her pregnancy were gone and it felt heavenly. she beams up to her stallion as he rains his praise down upon her, oh how she's missed his doting side. the last time he was this fussy and loving was when freja was born several years ago.
    "his name is atreus, fearless and brave, just like his father," she nickers to him, her head dropping to lip and lick at her newborn. the colt was still sound asleep, the birth having been just as hard on him as it was on herself. when bjorn lets out a whistle for oydis, rhae's ears fall back for a moment in confusion before perking back up. "has oydis gone off somewhere? she was with the others when i went to birth..." though they weren't each other's biggest fan, they were still family. rhae hopes nothing bad has happened to the other mare for bjorn's sake, the would be hell to pay if the mare was taken or injured by one of the other herds.

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผข๏ผฅ๏ผซ๏ผก ยฐ โšœ
{ ษดแดแด› แด€สŸสŸ แดกสœแด แดกแด€ษดแด…แด‡ส€ แด€ส€แด‡ สŸแด๊œฑแด›, ส™แดœแด› ษช ๊œฑแดœส€แด‡ แด€แด }
beka โ— newborn โ— jotunheim foal โ— signe [adopted] โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; signe
    the growing darkness of the forest was terrifying to the newborn, each bush looked like a predator and every crash of thunder startles him anew. he moves a little faster through the trees, but the unfamiliar area was hard to navigate on wobbly legs. beka flicks his ears around in fear as he fights to keep moving forward through the poorly lit underbrush. there were just so many new sounds and smells, it was all very overwhelming to the colt. it doesn't help that rain was soaking him through, making him shiver even though the temperature around him was warm. a light wind cut through the trees and makes him pause as a familiar scent is carried to him. milk.

    beka doesn't hesitate or pause to question why there would be milk in the scary dark forest, he just wants to eat. his spindly legs carry him closer to the scent and ends up finding a mare laying on the wet ground. her color was similar to his own mother's, but lighter and with more white. she didn't smell like his mother, but he doesn't really remember much about what his mother smelled like due to the rain washing it away. maybe this was his mother after all? he could have ran in a circle and she woke up when he came back. when the mare nickers to him, beka moves closer, drawn by the warmth of her voice as she speaks. surely this must be his mother, she sounds so nice and smells like milk. the newborn gives signe a hoarse sound that could have been a whinny, but his throat was dry and raspy from all the running he had to do.

โšœ ยฐ ๏ผณ๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผฅ๏ผฌ ยฐ โšœ
{ แดแด‡ษด แด…แดษด'แด› า“แด‡แด€ส€ ๊œฑแดกแดส€แด…๊œฑ, แด›สœแด‡ส า“แด‡แด€ส€ แดแดษด๊œฑแด›แด‡ส€๊œฑ }
sam โ— 10 โ— band earl โ— no mares โ— location; hnitbjorg
    tags; ylva, herds mentioned
    an amused look appears in his eye as he watches the mare before him as she questions whether to flee to the herds and alert them to his presence or not. this one has spunk. he's found a few who were feisty in the lands beyond valhalla, but they paled in comparison to this beauty. a true valkyrie it seems. his tail flicks a bit and his muscles twitch under his dark coat as rain keeps pelting down upon him. it wasn't his favorite thing, but the water does help hide him from the kings nearby. sammael snorts at ylva and motions his head to the side in the direction of the herds, his gaze now intrigued by this loner. "if that is what you wish, i won't stop you," he says, his voice truthful and open. "i would like to enjoy your company a little longer though, if you choose to stick around." the stallion glances towards the direction of the herds and then back to ylva with a twitch of the shoulder. "besides, the kings are on high alert right now, you might not be as welcome there as you are here with me."

    sammael silently wonders if she would actually stick around or run to the herds and cry wolf, it would be easy to elude the stallions long enough to have them loose interest, but it would be tiresome and annoying. this mare doesn't really seem like the kind of female to do such a thing though, those actions are a filly's nature, not a mature valkyrie like this one.
    "my name is sammael, by the way." if she was to flee to the herds anyway, at least she can tell them who he is. it would be pretty interesting to watch their reactions upon hearing the old jotunheim prince had returned from his self imposed exile. he wonders what his brother, titan's, reaction would be, on edge probably. too bad he couldn't just walk up and greet his brother like he would like to, titles always make things difficult for everyone.
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Re: ๐•๐€๐‹๐‡๐€๐‹๐‹๐€ ๐‡๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐’ ๏ผ open๏ผ๏ผ

Postby BlueChai » Sun May 27, 2018 1:41 pm

โคโคโคโคโคโคโค ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜“๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜™๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ โคโคโคโคโคโคโค
โ–ธForm โ–ธFilly โ–ธThree months โ–ธLoner โ–ธLocation: Hnitbjorg โ–ธ--- โ–ธTagged: Mazikeen and Titan
Before the young filly could react to the towering stallion before her, she was suddenly shielded by her brave dam. Gaagi felt her legs grow weak from the fearful trembles running through her body. Her irises bounced around wildly, passing by her mother, the stallion, and her surroundings. She was overwhelmed with the conflicting urges to stick to her dam's side and to flee. Gaagi let out a small, fearful squeal and began to fidget. It was too much for her, the situation was to much to bear. She had to get away from the robust, dark horse that had confronted her. The sound of horses in the distance was enough to push the naive foal over the edge. Gaagi turned and fled the scene on shaky, spindly legs. The foliage around her began to whip against her body, and soon her hoof was caught on a vine weaving around the soil beneath her. Gaagi attempted to catch her balance, but she tripped with a hard thud. The impact of the fall pushed a small wail out of her, and she twisted her body frantically, in an attempt to get back to her feet. As she finally got her bearings back, Gaagi winced when putting weight onto her left forelimb. Raising it above the ground, she attempted to keep running. She realized it was too difficult now, and there was no point in fleeing. It was a stupid idea to begin with, and now she was hurt. Turning her head back to her mother, who are barely visible now, and let out a squeal to her in hopes of receiving comfort.

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โ–ธForm โ–ธStallion โ–ธ3.5 years โ–ธBand Earl โ–ธLocation: Hnitbjorg โ–ธTagged: Oydis
He flinched slightly as the fiesty mare's legs flew out and landed in front of him to block his path. He craned his neck to stare at her, holding his gaze leveled with her's. The whole situation was getting very frustrating, and Haukr began to lose his patience. Folding his ears back against his head, he fought the urge to rear up and strike the nuisance mare. Her rude words were very angering, but he knew he couldn't attack her, it would only cause more trouble. The earl observed her for some time longer, unsure of what to do. "An outcrop you say? Well, if you are so sure of yourself and think that the outcrop is suitable shelter, why don't you lead me there? My brain is oh so inferior, I need the help of such an intelligent horse as yourself to find my way there." Haukr replied, with a cheeky grin spread across his face. "If you don't want to escort me though, we could just part ways and I will go off peacefully and you can go back to your mighty king. It is your choice, lovely." Waving his tail, Haukr took a step back, awaiting the large mare's response to his proposition.

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โ–ธForm โ–ธMare โ–ธNine years โ–ธHnitbjorg โ–ธLocation: Hnitbjorg โ–ธNot in heat โ–ธTagged: Gull, Lark, Bjorn

As the sepia mare walked alongside Gull, the scent of her king's arrival wafted over, along the scent of a stranger. Whipping her head around, Winter is quite surprised to see a lone mare alongside Bjorn. The golden king approached Gull and assigned the bay valkyrie to watch the strange mare. He said something about her being mute, and before anyone could ask any questions, he turned and headed off into the foliage. Winter was baffled by her king's decision, she just couldn't believe it. Surely this would disrupt the truce between the three kings, having a beautiful lone valkyrie in Hnitbjorg? Her icey irises bore into into Lark's figure as the quiet mare observed her. A beautiful palomino mare whose pelt still radiated with beauty and youth in the dreary storm. She was a stunning specimen, and Winter had the feeling this will only cause trouble. Although she felt it was kind of Bjorn to offer the mare shelter, Winter felt it was threatening the herd's safety. Upon Bjorn's return, Winter approached him. Gesturing to him, she pulled the king to the side to talk to him without anyone else hearing. "Greetings, Ironborn. With all due respect to you, why did you bring that lone valkyrie here? We have a truce with the kings, I feel this will only bring trouble. I believe we should escort her back to where we found her before something happens. Winter spoke softly but sternly. Winter was very opinionated and makes herself heard when need be. If something was bothering her, she would address it and stubbornly urge for it to be fixed in the way she sees fit.
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