[๐๐‹๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“] Warriors RP

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๐•๐•–๐•ฉ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•ฅ (03)

Postby SPWOOF » Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:01 pm

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€xxx[ Form. Here ]x[ Voiceclaim. Here ]x[ Rank. Loner ]
    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [ Location. Clan Grounds ]x[ Tags. Chervilheart, Pinefrost ]x[ Mentions. Tags, Bramblestrike, Scarletdawn ]

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEven surrounded by felines who were not of his kind, who would tear him to shreds if he so much as made one drop of blood ease from their flesh with his claw on any of them, Vex was the calmest one in the room. He could understand why. Who wouldn't be intimidated by a feline at least twice their size - if not more - who looked strikingly similar to a lion, especially his muzzle. It was as if he was a shrunken lion, just with much more hair around his entire figure instead of simply the mane and tail tip, though he did possess both. As if his looks weren't adequate enough, the sheer instinctual behavior of his was equally as threatening as his appearance. The way he held his head, his tail lashing out of habit, and his slow, gradual, and precise movements - as if he were stalking his prey and preparing to pounce. They were all red flags to most cats, he knew of this. And yet, he would not change his behavior for their sake. He did not want to. It was too much fun to watch their hackles raise and their minds trigger at his presence.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpeaking of which, his peripherals detected a flash of brown, and yet his head did not turn to see if his orbs could spot whom it was. Instead, he subtly takes a deeper breath and welcomes the scent of every cat in the room into his nostrils and his lungs. And through it all, he recognized the tabby's scent, the Emperor, as they called him. Briefly, he wondered why the cat would be where commoners were, but perhaps the tom scented him. He had quite a powerful scent when he was not surrounded by the trees. Every different plant and animal in the forest all mixed into one heavenly-scenting smell, that was what lingered on his coat.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"That was a guessing game. If you want riddles, I have plenty to bore your over-active mind whenever you would like." He rumbles. As the tom moves around, the beast raises his right paw and gently grooms it, though his eyes left him not once. He was wary of the other's whereabouts considering the mass of cats that surrounded them who were not on his side. Instead of answering him with tricks and questions, he did the opposite. Unpredictable. "You already know the answer to that one. You just spoke it." He wished nothing but to entertain himself. Forest life was horribly boring, and as much as he hated to admit, it got lonely at times.
    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [ word count. 433 ] โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
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bramblestrike - 3 ; duckfeather - 1

Postby morrissey » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:39 pm

      โ™” ๐ ๐‘ ๐€ ๐Œ ๐ ๐‹ ๐„ ๐’ ๐“ ๐‘ ๐ˆ ๐Š ๐„
      rank: emperor | location: the commons | feeling: alarmed, amused | tagged: scarletdawn, cats in the commons
      reposting to give everyone else time to reply
      xxxxxxx bramblestrike looked away from the she-cat, and as though a white canvas had dropped over them, his eyes returned to a state of blank emotion. he noticed the rough urgency in scarletdawn's voice, though he decided not to comment on it. he didn't blame her for the bit of shock he had imposed on her- he wouldn't deny he was a frightening brute when he was angry.
      xxxxxxx "i guess we aren't," he said, and felt ready to bash his own skull in when he realized the vulnerability that he let himself expose with scarletdawn. the emperor straightened himself up. "nonetheless, we both have a job to do, and the whole court is dependent on us to do it." he felt satisfied with the way he straightened things over, and was about to leave when scarletdawn offered her... her help if he ever so needed it. the brute felt like he was being pushed into a box, cornered by the kindness this she-cat had to offer him. "i won't be needing your assistance, thank you," he snapped, and though a voice in his head begged him to redact what he said bramblestrike held his head just a tiny bit higher. he wondered how scarletdawn was able to show this much softness in her voice. he recalled summerlight and laketalon, and realized just how young scarletdawn must be. granted, he wasn't much older himself, but the she-cat was kits alongside his own litter. she was receiving the same amount of pressure that he was, and she was the same age as his own kits. pity ran through the emperor's body and he was about to open his jaw to reply when the equerry raised her tail at him, and then darted off to the commons.
      xxxxxxx bramblestrike could immediately sense the tension and alarm emitting from scarletdawn's figure as she raced away. he pricked his ears and heard the same thing she did; which was absolutely nothing. a chill air was coming from the commons, along with fear-scent. before thinking, bramblestrike hared after the equerry, not caring that he shouldn't allow himself to be in the commons. sure, the current guardsman could probably take care of the situation mighty fine, but they had the same training as he, so why couldn't he be involved?
      xxxxxxx as he arrived in the common area, he felt the same gust of cold air. in front of him stood a massive tom, black as the night and immediately bramblestrike was slapped with recognition. vex. bramblestrike went to stand next to scarletdawn, forcing his hackles flat. the brute was circling around his daughter, and every muscle in brambelstrike's body screamed at him to run to his kit's rescue, but he remained in the same spot. chevrilheart was grown, and it didn't seem like vex was posing any immediate threat. bramblestrike paced around to the other side of the loner, but remained silent and kept his distance, watching with a blank expression as pinefrost stepped forth to oppose the intruder.

      โ™˜ ๐ƒ ๐” ๐‚ ๐Š ๐… ๐„ ๐€ ๐“ ๐‡ ๐„ ๐‘
      rank: imperial guardsman | location: the commons | feeling: curious, confused | tagged: cats in the commons
      xxxxxxx duckfeather stretched as he made his way out of the guardsman quarters. he didn't have any assignment today, and though he knew he was expected to train he thought that instead he would go visit scarletdawn or sootpaw. he looked around the hallways, searching for another cat, though it seemed as though everyone was already off, completing their duties. strange, he thought, but he wouldn't question the efficiency of his clanmates. he sort of wished he had an assignment; visiting his friends only ever took so long. then he was left to his own devices, and being alone was something that duckfeather hated most.
      xxxxxxx the silence of the halls impeded on him, though he could hear voices drifting from the commons. he wondered why all the noise seemed to be concentrated to that one area, so he padded towards it.
      xxxxxxx what he found was a group cats that were both pressed tightly against one another and separated. he caught bramblestrike's eye from across the room, and then followed the tom's gaze to see a stranger circulating chevrilheart. duckfeather's heart dropped; why was the heir unaccompanied? before he could think, duckfeather broke into a run and then stopped a few tail lengths from the new cat, a stunning black tom that seemed to be twice duckfeather's size. he felt his hackles rise, but then he dropped once he realized that the other cats weren't as alarmed as he was. what was going on?
      xxxxxxx duckfeather watched cautiously as the pitch black brute spoke with a soothing tongue towards pinefrost, followed by the other tom replying with just as much honey in his voice. duckfeather took a few nervous steps forward, but became more confident once he convinced himself that he was just doing his job. "vex," he said, taking the hint from pinefrost's earlier words, "step away." he wondered if the she-cat would be annoyed by his immediate instinct to protect her, but he would deal with her scathing tongue later.
      xxxxxxx it became obvious that this tom was not an immediate threat, but once he remembered that bramblestrike was watching he straightened his posture. he had to impress his former guardsman and kin. duckfeather took a few paces forwards again, paws striking the marble with more pride as he moved to stand in between the now-seated vex and chevrilheart. he looked the tom straight in the eye, trying to play off his nerves as confidence. "what part of talking to commoners and getting in the way of royalty pleases you?" he asked, and flinched as his voice broke. "i can guarantee no-cat here is amused by your efforts to annoy them."

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Re: [๐๐‹๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“] Warriors RP

Postby Euthymios » Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:10 pm

    [โ™œ] โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ ๏ผถ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผน
    โ€ข [ location; ironguard outskirts ] โ€ข [ mood. --- ] โ€ข [ tag(s); open ] โ€ข [ role; erros ]
    โ–๏ธŽ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ bathed in sin, til the ichor of the slain is my cloak and shadow. โž

        xxxxxโ€By the name of the sentinel, what is that noise?โ€

        xxxxxAn irritating castanet knocking on the roof of the tom's makeshift den drew the snow-bengal tom out of his slumber, erasing the gloom and pure numbness of sleep away to take notice of the foolish woodpecker. His resulting ire drove him to pounce with practiced grace upon the offending bird, and with a squawk of consternation, the poor woodpecker became prey to the predator it had awoken. Serves it right.
        xxxxxVanity had no right to deny that there was not a natural order to the way the world worked. Even from where he could stand at a removed, outsiderโ€™s standpoint, there was a brutally honest way to nature around him. For many, surviving could be called much more than escaping predators and feeding oneself. Perhaps they had cats close enough to call family once. Not him. They were all scrappy, scavenging thieving scum at heart (or that was what he defined the cats he met so far.) Desire got a cat only so far, and from there, ambition was fit to take over. It was a pattern repeated in even the best of cats.
        xxxxxSinful purity at best.
        xxxxxTurning back to the slain bird in his jaws, Vanity set it down and decided that breakfast had at least been served. Unfortunately, the bird did not last him more than a few bitesโ€”it was still a juvenile. As he turned his cold blue eyes beyond his den to the very outskirts of his vision, he started to groom his bright snow-white fur.

        xxxxxVanity was a cat blessed by grace and good looks, yet his inner critic made him tut at the ruffled appearance of his pelt. Oh yes, he was a preening and sensually vain cat. One would think that given his background, physical appearance was going to be the last thing he worried about. Others called him prissy, to which he simply gave them a prompt rejoinder and left. No sense in wasting time with cantankerous idiots.
        xxxxxTo be frank, he never thought himself an august cat โ€”ย and neither did many of the cats that Vanity had hunted down. They all had a tendency to judge more than what they let on, their ostensible looks creating their own facades. He may be no accountant nor would he ever be, but analyzing wasnโ€™t a foreign skill to him. Taught from birth, Vanity had long accepted the cats around him to be somewhat of an illusion.
        xxxxxHe got on his feet at last, stretching his lean legs with a yawn that bared razor-sharp fangs to the morning. Feeling somewhat more awakened, and all the more spurred on by his empty stomach, he leapt out into what the forest had to offer in terms of breakfast.
        xxxxxVanity was not picky when it came to picking a hunting ground, but it was partly logic to pick one that was sustainable. He was not a huntsman that was easily seen or detected by a cat despite his vivid white pelt. Most called him a shard of snow and ice, which served as a fitting description as far as Vanity cared.

        [ 527 words ]
Last edited by Euthymios on Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Scarletdawn/Pinefrost - Kingdom

Postby .kingdom. » Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:09 pm

๐”–๐” ๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ฑ๐”ก๐”ž๐”ด๐”ซ
form. xXx rank. Imperatrix's Equerry loc. hall tags. Bramblestrike/open mood. awkward, reassuring, alarmed

โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช

A flinch jolted its way through her body and caused the fur lining Scarletdawn's neck to stand on end
momentarily. This was what she was wanting to avoid. Giving her head a rough shake, the equerry exhaled sharply before looking up to meet Bramblestrike's amber eyes. My apologies, she commented. It was probably spoken a little faster than necessary, but she didn't notice at the time. She could see the turmoil flashing in the eyes of the emperor. One that was all too regularly reflected in her own when she saw her own reflection. Gradually the corners of her mouth curled into a faint smile. One that flashed more in the warmth of her silver eyes than on her muzzle. The tension in her shoulders relaxed as her thick tail swished slowly on the marble floor.
I guess neither of us are used to this are we? Scarletdawn commented after a moment, a faintly playful tone harmonizing with the lightness of her voice. It was times like this where her natural ability to ease tension came into play. Carried down from her mother, she unintentionally used this to her advantage when speaking with troubled peers and members of the court. This strength allowed her to assimilate quickly into her new position as many lower ranking cats found her gentle and caring instead of distant like many of the other opulentos.
Although Scarletdawn had grown up with Bramblestrike's kits, she never got the chance to really talk to their father. If she went near anyone it would have been Jasminerose when she was still a queen as the mothers bonded over their kits. Also when she was older Scarlet would get paired with Bramblestrike occasionally while training, but even then the two guardsmen never really connected. But that didn't mean that she couldn't try now.
Well, if you need anything, don't be a stranger. I am here for you along with Jasminerose. Her offer was innocent, and whether the emperor would take offense to it, Scarlet had no idea. It didn't matter now though. It was her job to support the royal family and that is what she would do.
Being close enough to the common area to hear the faint sounds of voices from the room. But something was off. Something was missing. And it was the sound of voices echoing off of the marble halls. The ginger cat stiffened slightly and held her tail up to prevent the other cat from responding. Her ears twitched and swiveled as she strained to hear anything from the hall ahead. Silver met amber as Scarlet turned to look at Bramblestrike, urgency flashing in her eyes. Why has it gone silent? she asked, her voice nearly a whisper. Without waiting for the emperor she turned and quietly bounded down the hall, taking care to make sure her claws didn't click against the marble floor. Upon reaching the entrance to the common area, Scarletdawn paused. Looking down, her eyes met a massive black cat who definitely wasn't a member of the court. Opulentos and Silver-bloods alike were seemingly frozen by the exchange happening across the room. Scarlet's tail lashed as she stood silently watching, not yet wanting to make her presence known.
Eyes narrowed as the massive cat turned his attention to her brother. Although her muscles tightened as if they wanted to step in, she knew that this was his matter to be dealt with. Not hers. It was better to keep her presence hidden among the members of the court so that she could inform Jasminerose of this encounter at a later time.

form. xXx rank. Emissary loc. common area tags. Vextrutt/Chervilheart/Duckfeather mood. alarmed, cautious

โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช โ–ช

Only the twitch of an ear was his reply as Pinefrost stood in a slightly stunned silence.
His theory was wrong. But what perplexed him was why such an intimidating and unknown cat would waltz in the middle of their home simply for his own entertainment. The emissary was growing more frustrated by the minute as the beast of a cat sat in their common area without the slightest hint of a welcome. Pine forced it down, the feeling similar to the discomfort of swallowing dry meat.
The slim tom began to part his jaws to announce his reply, when something flashed in the corner of his eye. Pinefrost barely had a moment's notice to dodge as a grey mass leaped past him. Paws skidding on cool marble for a second, Pine looked back up to see that Duckfeather had forced his way into the encounter. Amber irises betrayed the tom's alarm. He was tongue-tied, forced to listen as the guard made his impressive show of faux aggression. Pine's heart just about stopped as Duckfeather not only tried to offend the intruder, but reveal to him that Chervilheart was royalty. If he were anyone else in any other situation, he would have cuffed the fluffy tom over the ears. But this was Pinefrost, trapped in a situation that could backfire at any moment.
Turning his attention to Chervilheart, he shot a glance at her, not caring for the moment that he technically wasn't supposed to look her in the eye. Maybe he would deliver her something later in apology. Now all that mattered was connecting on the same page with the regal cat behind him and praying that a massacre wasn't in their future.
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๐•๐•–๐•ฉ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•ฅ (04)

Postby SPWOOF » Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:43 am

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€xxx[ Form. Here ]x[ Voiceclaim. Here ]x[ Rank. Loner ]
    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [ Location. Clan Grounds ]x[ Tags. Chervilheart, Pinefrost, Duckfeather ]x[ Mentions. Tags ]

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHe had noticed the tom before, he had noted of his presence but he had immediately dismissed him. He looked just about as weak as his mind was, like Vex assumed. But yet, this male decided that he wanted to be the brave one in this situation. It bothered him and irritated him beyond belief. He wasn't going to allow such ignorant, arrogant behavior from a tom that he regarded as likely the weakest one in the room, but the only evidence of his growing fury, the fire raging inside of his very being, was a rather hostile little flick of his right ear and the stillness of his grooming. His golden optics gradually moving their way from Pinefrost to the over-confident guard.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWithout hesitation, the massive cat lifted himself calmly off of the marble floor and took the handful of steps between them to close the gap that had previously separated him and the other just as the tom had finished speaking. His paw lifted and in as quick as a half a second, his claw was pressed under the chin of the tom and was raising his head so that he was gazing directly into his eyes while he loomed over the small male, a mere few inches from his face. "Oh, kitten, I would like to dare you to make me step away. I do as I please, and no diminutive, delicate cat is going to stand in my way, so I suggest you drop this little confidence act that you have before this claw here starts to ease into your throat." Perhaps it wasn't a wise decision to threaten a member of the clan while he was standing directly in the midst of their grounds, but Vex had acted on impulse. Worst comes to worst, and he would make a dash for the door if he needed to. He was well aware he could not take all of these felines at once.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHe ripped his claw away, managing not to leave a single mark on the other despite his claw being oh-so-very sharp and well-manicured. "As for my reasoning, I have none. I was not attempting at amusing anyone but myself." He lowers his paw back to the ground and his head lowered once again to his height so that he wasn't so intimidating as he just had been.
    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [ word count. 433 ] โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
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bramblestrike - 3 ; duckfeather - 2

Postby morrissey » Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:14 pm

      โ™” ๐ ๐‘ ๐€ ๐Œ ๐ ๐‹ ๐„ ๐’ ๐“ ๐‘ ๐ˆ ๐Š ๐„
      rank: emperor | location: the commons | feeling: alarmed, amused | tagged: scarletdawn, cats in the commons
      reposting to give everyone else time to reply
      xxxxxxx bramblestrike looked away from the she-cat, and as though a white canvas had dropped over them, his eyes returned to a state of blank emotion. he noticed the rough urgency in scarletdawn's voice, though he decided not to comment on it. he didn't blame her for the bit of shock he had imposed on her- he wouldn't deny he was a frightening brute when he was angry.
      xxxxxxx "i guess we aren't," he said, and felt ready to bash his own skull in when he realized the vulnerability that he let himself expose with scarletdawn. the emperor straightened himself up. "nonetheless, we both have a job to do, and the whole court is dependent on us to do it." he felt satisfied with the way he straightened things over, and was about to leave when scarletdawn offered her... her help if he ever so needed it. the brute felt like he was being pushed into a box, cornered by the kindness this she-cat had to offer him. "i won't be needing your assistance, thank you," he snapped, and though a voice in his head begged him to redact what he said bramblestrike held his head just a tiny bit higher. he wondered how scarletdawn was able to show this much softness in her voice. he recalled summerlight and laketalon, and realized just how young scarletdawn must be. granted, he wasn't much older himself, but the she-cat was kits alongside his own litter. she was receiving the same amount of pressure that he was, and she was the same age as his own kits. pity ran through the emperor's body and he was about to open his jaw to reply when the equerry raised her tail at him, and then darted off to the commons.
      xxxxxxx bramblestrike could immediately sense the tension and alarm emitting from scarletdawn's figure as she raced away. he pricked his ears and heard the same thing she did; which was absolutely nothing. a chill air was coming from the commons, along with fear-scent. before thinking, bramblestrike hared after the equerry, not caring that he shouldn't allow himself to be in the commons. sure, the current guardsman could probably take care of the situation mighty fine, but they had the same training as he, so why couldn't he be involved?
      xxxxxxx as he arrived in the common area, he felt the same gust of cold air. in front of him stood a massive tom, black as the night and immediately bramblestrike was slapped with recognition. vex. bramblestrike went to stand next to scarletdawn, forcing his hackles flat. the brute was circling around his daughter, and every muscle in brambelstrike's body screamed at him to run to his kit's rescue, but he remained in the same spot. chevrilheart was grown, and it didn't seem like vex was posing any immediate threat. bramblestrike paced around to the other side of the loner, but remained silent and kept his distance, watching with a blank expression as pinefrost stepped forth to oppose the intruder.

      โ™˜ ๐ƒ ๐” ๐‚ ๐Š ๐… ๐„ ๐€ ๐“ ๐‡ ๐„ ๐‘
      rank: imperial guardsman | location: the commons | feeling: angry | tagged: cats in the commons, vex
      xxxxxxx duckfeather had felt rather satisfied with his defense of chevrilheart, but he noticed vex flick his ear and stall his grooming. the guardsman watched with caution as the massive black tom rose to his paws. duckfeather pinned his ears to his hear, watching through narrow eyes as as vex approached him. he noticed that the tom didn't have his claws unsheathed, so he kept his own concealed. as the gap was closed vex's sweet scent filled his nostrils, and his hackles fell flat. he was about to step away when vex placed his paw... claw under duckfeather's chin. the fluffy grey tom growled with the effort to not tackle the intruder, but he planted his paws in one place, eyes fixed firmly on vex's own.
      xxxxxxx"keep your paws off of me," he snarled after vex removed his paw. the two were still just as close, but duckfeather finally had his jaw free to speak. "if you fool with me you fool with the entirely of the imperial guard. i'd suggest you watch where you step and who you touch."

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Re: [๐๐‹๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“] Warriors RP

Postby Euthymios » Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:50 am

    โœ ๏ธŽ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐•ฌ๐–—๐–‘๐–†๐–Š๐–๐–
    โ€ข [ location; ironguard territory outskirts ] โ€ข [ mood. calculating, tired ] โ€ข [ tags; none ] โ€ข [ role; ironguard mogul ]

        xxxxxWhile the vivid calico was never usually a morning being, she was the early riser this morning. She had been looking into the distance on the very fringe of her territory, where the shadows cast by the decaying birch trees lightened into faint ebony shade. Her gaze was as usual half-lidded with the infinite cynicism that came with bitter loss. The same desire that had earned her the rank of Mogul - leader - over this menagerie of rogues. The right hand to the devil over a raging wildfire of wolves. No, not wolves. More like hyenas. The faint breeze of summer ruffled her fur, but her fierce amber gaze remained fixated on the castle in the distance. She knew that the leader had been testing the border of the surroundings territories more and more as of late, and it was not a fact that she enjoyed. It would get them into trouble, causing bloodshed and anarchy.
        xxxxxArlaekh was not bold enough to call herself the devil or rogue-sent, yet. It was a heady title to heed, and judging by how ... unstable the combatants were, it would be best if she kept such echoes to herself. A few moons prior, she mused, she was just like the rest of them. Scrappy and torn asunder with avarice, ambition and dare she say it, greed. Nonetheless, she'd emerged triumphant, a victorious tribute to wyrds and fates. The skulls at the back of her den, and those were they only bones she'd keep, whispered of the past battles and sinful practices of the Court she'd left. Willingly.
        xxxxxThe plains to the north of this twisted forest in which the Ironguard resided had a beaten path which had been flattened by a many a generation of combatants and fighters, the blood since spilled muted to the least visible shades of crimson. There were many cats who believed that it was possible to hear the death-wails of the dead on the wind, supposedly uttered by their spirits that roamed around the meadow. Never one to follow the religion of a Court, Arlaekh dismissed the superstition.
        xxxxxAs for the tunnels and underground dungeons she called home, they were dug out by a strange creature called man, but as soon as the catacombs fell out of use, they were tossed aside. As far as she knew, they had not been back since. Fortunately, the dungeons now served a new purpose, housing the brutes and thieving scum that dared to call themselves cats. Arlaekh had also deigned to help hide court refugees, although the cats around her knew she would much prefer to drive them yowling up the stairs and out of site.

        xxxxxBut enough dallying. Arlaekh twitched an ear toward the rising sun. Dawn had since passed, and it would not be very becoming of this group to sleep in even a minute late. Likely, the Sable Blades, at least, should be up and rousing the combatants. They knew the routine she enforced upon then. If not, then she was more than ready to violently jolt their memory.

        [ 509 words ]
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โžด post three โžด

Postby wildsight » Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:53 pm

    ( โžด ) โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ผฃ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผถ๏ผฉ๏ผฌ๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผด ๏ผ๏ผ
    XXXXXXXXXXXโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ [ twenty-four โžด female โžด moon court โžด heir โžด accountant โžด common area โžด vexttrut, pinefrost, others ]

      โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โžด Your all being idiots...

      โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€Truth be told Chervilheart was not amused by this loner and was beyond bored at this point. Her tail swayed as he questioned Pinefrost, acting like nothing more than a mere kit with his toying. The molly's ears lowered and let out a quiet sigh, her blue gaze dull. She merely didn't have the time nor patience for such things. Perhaps, she should leave and head over to her quarters, begin her work for the day. While, she was lost in her thoughts while the two toms toyed with each other a sudden figure appeared which quickly brought her out of her thoughts. Bramblestrike. The tom stood near Scarletdawn and seemed rather tense. Chervilheart remained where she was, not even flinching once. She didn't understand why the others were even bothering to play this tom's game. It was all for sheer entertainment and nothing more.

      Honestly, in her mind the other felines were acting like idiots. Fooling around with this strange outsider. She rolled her eyes, though she didn't even understand why she was wasting her time with these fools. She knew her clanmates would probably scold her for thinking such things, though she couldn't understand why they were all wasting their time with this cat. Suddenly, yet another feline joined into the group, this time the emissary Duckfeather. At his words, her ears merely flicked. A show of bravery one would say, or perhaps a show of foolishness. Honestly, everyone was acting so brave when Chervilheart could see that they were cautious and rather anxious. It'd only be a matter of time, before someone made the wrong move if they didn't stop. At least, if innocent cats happened to get injured or worse it wouldn't be her fault.

      Chervilheart's blue gaze met with Pinefrost's amber gaze for a single moment. Her gaze was cold and she gave him a hard look, before returning her attention on the rest of the group. Vex had now risen to his paws and was currently towering over the tom Duckfeather. Her muscles tensed slightly, ready to spring at a moments notice. Sure, she wasn't the most friendly nor the nicest cat in the Moon Court, though she would defend her clanmates no matter what. Her blue gaze narrowed slightly, watching the dark tom's every move, before he returned to his original position. She slowly approached the group once more, her tail swayed slowly as she gazed at each figure in turn. "Your all acting like fools. Wasting your time with a outsider who merely acts like a bored kit.", her tail flicked in mild annoyance, speaking to her fellow clanmates. Honestly, she was greatly annoyed with them. Almost as much as she was with this loner.

      Her long legs carried her across the marble floor of the camp, in a graceful manner. Her whiskers twitched as she circled the group of cats, her gaze resting on every feline in turn. "Since, you seem to have nothing better to do, why don't you take your toying elsewhere?", she spoke to the large dark tom, her tail flicking once. "I would prefer if we could go without any scuffles today. These, idiotic felines have nearly caused one already.", she said glancing at her clanmates. Her blue gaze snapped back to Vex, her gaze narrowing slightly. "I'm sure there are other kitties elsewhere you can toy with, and I'm sure they'd be much more welcoming and more tolerant to a fool as yourself. Clearly, you should know not to just waltz into someone else's home, though perhaps its merely due to intelligence. You don't seem like the brightest of characters, much less someone worth dealing with.", she said before beginning to pad away. Sure, she was taking a risk here though she truly didn't care. She was only speaking her mind, and this tom had willingly put himself in potential danger just for his own amusement. And her clanmates had foolishly put themselves and others in danger as well. Whatever happened to actually smart felines? Perhaps, times really had changed.
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Re: [๐๐‹๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“] Warriors RP

Postby LucidDreary » Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:23 am

      '''โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ { ใ€๏ฝŒ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ‡๏ฝˆ๏ฝ” ๏ฝ๏ฝ“ ๏ฝ ๏ฝ†๏ฝ…๏ฝ๏ฝ”๏ฝˆ๏ฝ…๏ฝ’ ๏ผŒ๏ฝ“๏ฝ”๏ฝ‰๏ฝ†๏ฝ† ๏ฝ๏ฝ“ ๏ฝ ๏ฝ‚๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ’๏ฝ„ใ€ } โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

        xxxxxAmong many of the fae's prone habits, you should not be surprised to find her awakening multiple times throughout the night in a clammy sweat. Her den, despite tradition, was rather isolated amongst the catacombs of the barracks. Catharsis paid no heed to the question of being given the space the previous Sabel Blade before her had fallen to her claws, for it was his scent in particular that filled her nose even now that sickened her as she couched in the darknessโ€” ears pricked in a blind panic. Yet she already knew where she was as she opened her eyes in the pitch black; the dank scents of the tomb calming her pelt.
        xxxxxDespite these clinging nightmares of perhaps even cats she was not familiar with, Catharsis had never known herself to cry out in her terror. Not once. Too stubborn, or paranoid of other cats coming to investigate, she did not know which bothered her most. The company of cats she was never too fond to be around in the first place always sent her eyes into a blank, unintelligible state. The eyes that constantly challenged her every word would stare back if they were braveโ€” or stupid enoughโ€” always taunting her. Little did they realize that it took more than that to simply entice a creature such as Cath to take such bait lightly. She'd never had much of a problem setting them in their place, and it was always a delightful surprise when one had enough courage to challenge her. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous as Pride when it overcame such innocent faces. Young or old, blood was her avatar and her sealโ€”the redness and the horror of blood. She was shameless to say she did indeed enjoy it; the predatory thrill of spilling it with the flick of her unusually sharp claws.
        xxxxxWhatever heritage Catharsis had been gifted with her existence, she had never thanked any "gods" many cats whispered of. For they were hers, and hers alone. No deity had ever come to her rescue when she needed one the most, nor had whatever half of an excuse of a mother she had had never spoken of them. Catharsis was by no means a friendly looking character, yet the innocence of youth seemed to cling to her appearance despite the rather reserved and cold exterior. She was slim, with slight puff to her pelt one may confuse with a little spunk. And she appeared much more young than she actually was, despite only being on her seven and twentieth moon. Not to mention her absurdly innocent eyes, being heterochromatic, always seemed to provide her a double-take that sent them rolling almost boredly. But, in spite of these things, it was always a gay and magnificent revel when one took it upon themselves to underestimate her.
        xxxxxNeedless to include that the tastes of the Cath were peculiar. She had a fine eye for colors and effects, yet she completely disregarded the decora of mere fashion. Her plans were bold and fiery, and her conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre whenever Arlaekh decided to include her in on her plans. There are some who would have thought her mad. But as her follower, Cath felt that she was not. It was necessary to hear and see and touch her to be sure that she was not. But Cath knew she wasn't for perhaps there was a glint in the molly that she saw in herself, at brief intervals.
        xxxxxPerhaps only esoterically, her own set of skills were a rather odious mystery to the cats who had taken her in a at young age, only just surpassing her seventh or eighth moon. She did not fight like any of the other cats that surrounded her. Never shared her techniques or skills. Never indulged herself in the training of other Combatants, even when she herself was one. Not even Arlaekh knew of whom had taught her such skills, but she never bothered to ask either although the darkness of curiosity shadowed her eyes as she often witnessed Cath "settle" things every now and then. She had first followed the Mogul into the catacombs after a rather.. repugnant encounter. Arlaekh had scented her on Iron Guard land, and needless to say, the fight between the two mollies was more brutal than one might expect. Perhaps it was the desperate glint of hunger or the pure fierceness and shocking ferocity that left an impression on the Mogul that made her offer the young Cath refuge rather than chasing her off. Despite the offer, the feral steel of her eyes had never dulled. Not even Cath fully trusted her leader, and for good reason at that. It didn't take simple logic to deduce that the Mogul was always up to no good, one way or another.
        xxxxxArching her back into a luxurious stretch, Catharsis, as usual, was aware of the time in spite of being underground. No matter her habits or how her muscles would ache on certain days, her bodily habits remained the same: always awaking in the early birth of the dawn; always forcing an appetite to remain fit; always watching. Scanning the faces around her; always searching for an enemy lurking.
        xxxxxThe dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die awayโ€”they have endured but an instantโ€”and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. The ghosts of her dreams always seemed to physically cling to her as she left the small, secluded chamber that branched off of the barracks- the tunnel that none dared peek into in fear of her wrath. As mysterious as the quarters she had requested of the Mogul when the day had come when she had claimed her rank, any who actually made the journey to her den would likely feel disappointment when they reached it's sanctum.
        xxxxxIt was a small room with faded-painted tiles and there lay a small spring that pooled in the semi-center of the room, giving it a reflective ooze that looked like a liquid shadow in the faint light that shined ever so slightly through the rim of the top left corner of the room. Cath took the liberty of cleaning it out, and built her nest right underneath the light. A few scrolls of her own research lay littered about, that out of frustration, she hadn't yet found it within herself to clean them up.
        xxxxxThe chain around her neck swayed as she made her way into the barracks, letting out a low cry for those around her to begin rousing themselves before she sent them off to grovel before the Kingdom cats; as per usual, the groans of protest were silenced as said something in a voice like ice on water, "..I could always use extra bedding.."
        xxxxxHer amusement, short lived as the other Sable Blade followed suit, their maw gasping in a low yawn. Leaving them wordlessly to take care of the rest, she flicked her tail as their questioning meow as to where she was padding off to. Classically, she declined to respond. It was time to break the reliance they had gradually been placing on her, since she was usually the one who was awake first and therefore had first pickings of whatever patrols were expected. Today, she would allow herself the grace and poise of a morning hunt on her own.
        xxxxxEmerging from the depths of the catacombs, it didn't take her long to immerse herself into the trees she had gradually become fond of over the moons she had allowed herself to perhaps call something similar to that of a home. Deciding to head toward the opposing edge of the border that was farthest from the kingdom cat's stink, Cath began to sift through the cool grove that gilded their scented border; drinking in all nearby in hopes of catching something worthwhile to preserve her reputation when she returned to the depths of her allegiance of the darkness and whom lurked within them.

        '''โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ { ๐น๐‘’๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘’ แ›ซ 27 ๐‘š๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘  แ›ซ ๐ป๐‘’๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ข๐‘Ž๐‘™ แ›ซ ๐‘†๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘™๐‘’ ๐ต๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘’ แ›ซ ๐‘‡๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘ : Arlaekh (mentioned), Open ;) } โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
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Re: [๐๐‹๐„๐’๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐๐‹๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“] Warriors RP

Postby Euthymios » Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:36 am

    [โ™œ] โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ ๐‘‰๐ด๐‘๐ผ๐‘‡๐‘Œ
    โ€ข [ location; ironguard outskirts ] โ€ข [ mood. wary, forboding, calm ] โ€ข [ tag(s); catharsis; open ] โ€ข [ role; erros ]
    โ–๏ธŽ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ bathed in sin, til the ichor of the slain is my cloak and shadow. โž

        xxxxxWaning spring and dawn of summer had blessed each corner of the land where Vanity looked, the forests lush and bursting with life. This clan had been granted a boon this moon; a scant forgiveness. Sunlight burst through the rather dense roof of the forest canopy, further adding to the rather idyllic scene he beheld once he stepped every-closer to the Ironguardโ€™s hunting grounds. The rogues were fiercely protective over their grounds, and unless Vanity wanted to be chased off with bloody gashes on his pelt, he would have to be quick about this. Hunting on their ground was risky business, especially if you had to be brought in to the Mogul for judgement.

        xxxxxViolent sinners.

        xxxxxPrey could be found in any corner of this area; summer was in the air and on the horizon. The late winter had all but throttled the land, emitting such an odious aura of death and suffering it had caused him to choke. Between that time, and the recent break of new-leaf, Vanity had hunted, in more ways than one, as if the death he brought was merely a cloak to wear and a trophy to be displayed in his den.
        xxxxxDo you have any remorse? Vanity's mind drifted back unconsciously to the question he found himself constantly asked, by those he hunted and...executed. To be frank, he did not care to acknowledge what feelings had bled into his heart anymore. When one sees a need within you, they use it against you. Thus, the best way to be safe was to make it seem like he needed nothing from others. Did not owe them anything. That he heeded not the whimsical needs of peers, as great or as petty as they turned out to be, Vanity had been called selfish or apathetic. It wasnโ€™t something he would have argued about, considering he had no one he cared about.
        xxxxxThat was an untruth once; he had cats called โ€˜family-and-friendsโ€™ but even then, he had not been completely honest. As far as they knew, Vanity was his birth name. Well, truth be told, it was. But he had developed the habit of aliases. Names thrown at him, whether they were muttered, screamed in fear or called with the calm of an acquaintance. He alternated his very identity quite a bit, now that Vanity thought about it properly, but to himself, he would always call himself Vanity.

        xxxxxIt was the outside world that he hated and distrusted.

        xxxxxAs a point to be made, you could not atone for murder. Blood spilled on the floor was blood staining your soul and your paws. It left an indelible mark, and considering that Vanity had taken his first victim when he was a mere seven moons old, he had long gone past the stage of shock. It was a macabre affair of business, and yet spilling blood of his enemies was both predatorily delighting and intoxicating. Itโ€™s a futile effort denying that unrestrained aggression, when let loose, engendered a lust for it. Heโ€™d seen it in the other cats his parents used to work with, despite being merely a young kit at the time. A bloody desire lived in every one.
        xxxxxJust thinking about his parents, caused him to stall, his eyes narrowing as a faint growl rumbled in his chest. Vanity did not have positive memories of his sire and dam besides those framed by treachery and ire. No cat could not change his opinion. From being tossed on his ass to having his state of mind taken out and exploited, his parents seemed to be the last cats he wanted to see. Especially his mother, if one could even call her that after all the mistakes she had made to wound his son and her mate. Without apology.
        xxxxxThe scars on Vanity's pelt tingled slightly in response.

        xxxxxDrawing his thoughts away from his odious past, Vanity pricked his ears when a faint he picked up a faint ruffling in the brush near him. Another cat; that tread would most likely be too heavy for prey. The patrols wouldnโ€™t be up so soon, Iโ€™d bet. Vanity mused to himself, stealing closer with the huntersโ€™ tread. Dropping low and walking, he scented the air. Eucalyptus leaves with a tinge of vanilla; that formulated in his mind the faintest images of a black and white dappled pelt with heterochromatic eyes. Crossing another fox-length to behold the other cat, who matched his description exactly, Vanity watched her with narrowed eyes, trying to come up with a decent greeting or approaching remark.

        [ 761 words ]

    [โ—†] โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ ๐‘‚๐ผ๐‘†๐ผ๐‘
    โ€ข [ location; servants' quarters; the holy temple ] โ€ข [ mood. disgruntled, tired; ] โ€ข [ tag(s); none; open ] โ€ข [ role; maid of honor ]
    โ–๏ธŽ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ hope rises from the ashes of shattered dreams. โž

        xxxxxOpulentos were not known for avoiding punctuality, so when a brassy, abrasive female paid the servants a visit, lashing out with claws and words alike, Oisรญn couldn't say she was surprised. After all, midnight had long passed at this hour, the deep ebony shroud now no longer visible in the rose-colored sky. At least, during the winter, there are days when the sun comes up later. she thought to herself. Then again, they were going to wind up sleeping later too. Longer nights just bleed into next morning.
        xxxxxBeing a maid of honor was troubling work, and in the recent moons, with the empress's coronation, her life had been all but strangled. Oisรญn constantly felt as if she had paws in each den. The burial and funeral rites alone were back-breaking work for the other maids. Tack that on with the other duties that were expected of them...Oisรญn shook her thin pelt, awkwardly scrambling to her paws. Being ambulatory had only been made more difficult by her mangled back leg, which refused to support even the smallest ounces of weight.
        xxxxxThe castle was quiet by most standards, although she could hear the murmur of cultured voices-the opulentos no doubt - that meant she was quite late. The Opulentos, a tom by the looks of it, barked at her, gesticulating with his tail and a crack of the whip toward the temple. The golden tabby ducked narrowly under the blow, the tip of the whip just grazing an old cut on the tip of her head. She was not so lucky with the next blow, a stinging cut that ripped across her maw, echoed by the tom's own growl of disgust. Hoping to avoid further mistreatment, Oisรญn hurried up the slope, moving as fast as possible without tripping over her own paws. Long legs took a little time to get used to.
        xxxxxThe temple floor was blissfully cool under her paws as Oisin reverently stepped into the temple area. One of the paladin sentries bid her inside once the servant gave her reason, grumbling inaudibly to herself โ€“ words that caused the golden tabby maiden to roll her eyes.
        xxxxxThe opulentos are supposed to be polite. Oisin grumbled to herself in a disgruntled as she picked up a dripping-wet rag and began to polish the pristine marble floor. The ground shone so brightly the molly could see her own reflection; it must have been polished less than a day ago at another sunhigh. She worked herself sore, trying to focus on the floor beneath her and not on the brand of fire on her back that the whip had created.

        xxxxxOn the way, Oisรญn found it in herself to also start to rouse the sleeping Neophyti, perhaps inadvertently. The antistitae could get quite annoyed if their โ€˜holy studentsโ€™ did not wake up on time. The clergy were normally pretty warm-hearted and docile cats, if not the most uptight about tradition. Despite how pious the rest of the kingdom was, she could not say she was the same herself. Even if Oisin had grown up in a very pious home, all the suffering she had endured up until this point had disillusioned her.

        [ 437 words ]
Last edited by Euthymios on Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:38 am
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