⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

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⟦ one ⟧ - ripplefang and lightpaw

Postby SilentMelody » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:08 am

male ★ 33 moons ★ bi. ★ rainclan warrior ★ crush: - ★ tags: open

    It was foggy outside, and some of it drifted into the warriors' den. Ripplefang's fur became damp over time as he was sleeping, and he woke up with a slightly soggy pelt. He'd just groomed himself before he fell asleep the night before, and he was unhappy with this outcome. Grumbling, Ripplefang stood up and shook his fur out. Droplets sprayed everywhere, but he didn't care who they landed on. With his eyes adjusting to the dimness outside due to a somewhat covered sun, he padded out and batted at some of the fog. He wrinkled his nose a bit and shook his head, knowing this would most likely last all day. No need to swim in the river today, but at least Ripplefang would have some coverage while he hunted. Glancing around, he wondered if Robinstar or Dewstripe needed him for patrol before he headed out to hunt alone. Seeing them preoccupied with other things, he stalked out of camp and started off in the general direction of the river. Ripplefang preferred to be alone anyways, and the river was a calm place for him. He arrived, and the first thing he did was glance around warily for any Sunclan cats. When none appeared, he settled down by the shore and peered into the water. Hunting for fish was a practice that took patience.

female ★ 8 moons ★ bi. ★ sunclan apprentice ★ crush: - ★ tags: open

    The she-cat twitched in her sleep, unaware of what time it was and what cats were doing inside the camp. It took a failed hunt in Lightpaw's dream for her to startle awake, and she struggled to pull herself into a stretch. Another dream that seems to mirror real life, she thought to herself and sighed. She'd never be a good apprentice, especially since everyone else was better. Then again, they're all older...so maybe I just need to practice more? Lightpaw smiled to herself and nodded, reassuring herself that was the reason. The sunlight drifting through the den's entrance was the only thing that motivated Lightpaw to pad outside, and the rays warmed her fur. She glanced around for her mentor and didn't see him in the mix of cats, figuring that he was just busy. Her back still ached from practicing the hunter's crouch over and over again yesterday, so she stretched again for good measure.
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Stormbriar | 002

Postby Epiclilkitty » Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:47 am

Stormbriar | Warrior

    [ 26 moons ] [ female ] [ sunclan ] [ mentions: n/a ] [ tagged: Ripplefang ]

    Finished with her shrew, Stormbriar looked up at the sky. Stormclouds filled the sky and while the rain was pretty light right now, the clouds looked like they could burst into a downpour at any moment. It made sense to make sure the fresh-kill pile was well-stocked before that happened. Sunclan cats, most of them at least, did not like water. Stormbriar didn't mind a wet pelt too much, though. Trotting back out of camp, she decided to try her luck down by the river along the Rainclan border. She really wasn't expecting to encounter any cat, but as she scratched earth over a young hare she had picked up along the way, the strong scent of Rainclan reached her nose. Curiosity got the better of the silvery gray she-cat and abandoning her hidden cache, Stormbriar wove through the tall grass until it flattened out and the river came into view, along with a cat that looked vaguely familiar. She was sure she had seen him before, though she would probably remember if they'd ever interacted. Smiling brightly, she trotted out of the tall grass and came to a halt at the edge of the rocky riverbank, directly across from the tomcat. "Hello!" She chirped brightly with a friendly grin. "Did you drop your prey into the water or something? If so, it probably got washed away already. I did that once... it was really sad. But it's okay, cause I caught an even bigger mouse right after. Oh! I'm Stormbriar by the way! What's your name?"
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby purpledirewolf2019 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:38 pm

--------{He/him | Warrrior| 32 moons |Rainclan }-----{ Location: RainClan Camp }---{ Tagged:Amberthroat }--{ Mentioned:Tidepaw, Hollypaw }--------

The tortoiseshell tom had started a bit of grooming as he waited for Amberthroat or Maplewhisker to respond to his question. Even though it was raining a little bit, that was not an excuse for looking disheveled. Maplewhisker answered first, and when he extended the invitation to join her and Dawnpaw for battle training, he was relieved. Amberthroat chimed in that she and Hollypaw would join them as well, and he smiled for just a moment. "I couldn't agree more. This will be good for the three of them." he responded as he followed the other tortoiseshell warrior out of the den and towards the apprentice den. As he made his way over, he nodded to some of the other warriors and the clan's leader. He didn't see Dewstripe just yet, but as he thought about the deputy, he wondered if they needed more warriors for a patrol. Shaking his head, he told himself he already told Amberthroat and Maplewhisker he'd join them.

The two other mentors were already at the apprentice den, but he was able to overhear Hollypaw try to get out of her training. With a small chuckle he remembered when he was an apprentice. He can't say he never tried to get a day off. He finally stuck his head into the den, seeing the three apprentices inside. "Not trying to get out of training today, are you Hollypaw?" he asked the apprentice before turning to his own. I'm pretty sure you heard Tidepaw, but we are going for battle training with them. The quick we get started, the quicker we'll finish, so let's not waste any time." he said calmly.

--------{He/him | Rogue | 29 moons | }-----{ Location: Near RainClan Territory }---{ Tagged:Ravenwing }--{ Mentioned: }--------

The white tom sat perched on his branch for a little while. He needed to be sure that there were no clan cats around when he decided to enter the territory. The leaves on the tree provided him with a mild protection from the light rain, but he still wanted to move deeper into the forests soon. He had a short coat and he didn't want to get too wet or he was worried he'd get too cold. Suddenly he heard motion below him, followed by a familiar voice. He glanced down to see that the voice belonged to a clan cat that he once knew, a warrior named Ravenwing. Instead of trying to hide or run, instead he laid down on the branch and his tail flicking back and forth in an amused manner. "Well, well, well. Is that any way to greet an old friend Ravenwing?" he chuckled. "Granted, it's been some time since we've last seen each other but surely you haven't forgotten me?" He wondered why the warrior was out here, but he had heard rumors about what had happened to him. Something about him having kits he didn't want, but getting forced by Robinstar to care for one of them. He didn't have many details, but he didn't care. The day-to-day lives of the clan cats mattered little to him.

--------{She/her | Apprentice -Juniperleap | 9 moons | }-----{ Location: SunClan camp }---{ Tagged:Lightpaw }--{ Mentioned: Juniperleap, Sandpaw}--------

Fogpaw was early to wake. She almost was. By the time some of the other apprentices started to stir, she had already grooming herself and was waiting anxiously to start training. The next apprentice to wake was Sandpaw. The sand-colored apprentice didn't seem to like mornings as much as Fogpaw did, but then again, not many cats did. It was only when Lightpaw rose and made her way out of the den that Fogpaw did the same, sitting down next to the slightly younger apprentice. "Good morning Lightpaw. How did you sleep?" she asked her. The sun's rays did feel nice, especially on her dark colored pelt. It wouldn't be long until leaf-bare and everything would be cold, so these little moments of warmth were too good to pass up. She knew all of their mentors would come and get them soon enough, but she already saw Juniperleap out and about and she wondered what sort of training they would be doing today.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - new & accepting!

Postby TidalCurrent » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:49 pm


--------{ she/her | rainclan warrior | 30 moons }-----{ Location: rainclan camp }
--------{ tagged: hollypaw, sunshadow, maplewhisker }---{ mentioned: n/a }

xxxxxxxxAmberthroat took a step back as a dark ball of fur crashed into her. Of coarse it was her apprentice, Hollypaw. The tip of her tail twitched, annoyed, and her dark green irises narrowed at the cat's rambling. And of coarse she's smiling, the tortoiseshell thought to herself. She shifted aside to give Sunshadow room, and spoke soon after. "I do hope you're not, Hollypaw, i'd hate to see such a great apprentice such as yourself get stuck in the elder's den until newleaf. I'm sure Robinstar wouldn't take much persuasion to agree." Of coarse the threat was empty, and she knew nothing would stop Hollypaw from testing her again, but she was sure the implication still got across.
xxxxxxxxWith a flick of her ear, she backed away from the den a few steps and spoke to the other two warriors, Maplewhisker and Sunshadow, and waited for them to gather their apprentices as well. "What should we aim for? If we go closer to the north border, we could get away from most the fog and practice some techniques in water, but it's be helpful to get used to fighting where it's hard to see. That would leave the marshes and the oak forests." She silently hoped that the other two wouldn't want to head towards the rivers and streams, even though she had been lacking in training her apprentice those fighting techniques. It wasn't quite her fault she preferred water that wasn't too deep to stand in, a RainClan warrior she may be.


--------{ she/her | rainclan apprentice | 10 moons }-----{ Location: rainclan camp }
--------{ tagged: hollypaw, sunshadow }---{ mentioned: maplewhisker, dawnpaw }

xxxxxxxxTidepaw flinched as her friend padded up beside her, though she tried her best to hide it. One quick glance at the fluffy apprentice said it all, and she returned Hollypaw's sly look disapprovingly, her suspicions only confirmed as the she-cat began to speak. As much as she loved getting into a bit of trouble, natural in the apprentice she was, she'd seen a mad Amberthroat before and she preferred not to revisit the memory. Hollypaw's mentor honestly scared her, though as much as they trained together she couldn't exactly complain. She just wished her friend would try to mess with any other cat that wouldn't claw her ears off the first chance they got. She opened her mouth to begin to try to tell her as such, but was quickly disrupted by the black she-cat bounding past her and right into an unhappy mentor not too far from the entrance. Rolling her eyes, she let out a quiet "Mousebrain," and turned her attention to her own mentor, Sunshadow, hardly listening as her friend was lectured. She looked up at the tom and nodded in agreement, waiting to be told where to go.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby mel. » Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:01 pm


rainclan - deputy - bi - crush: n/a - location: rainclan camp - mentioned: mentors, apprentices - tags: sunshadow, tidepaw/open

dewstripe sat outside the entrance to his den, quietly grooming himself while enjoying the early morning showers. unlike some cats, he enjoys the rain. it tends to calm him down when he is feeling anxious. he looked around to see what cats were awake, pondering over his plans for the day. it seemed that most of the clan had already headed out of the camp already. he stood, stretching as he did so, and padded towards the apprentice's den, where sunshadow and tidepaw were. they seemed to be getting ready to head out with the other mentors and apprentices to train. I suppose I should see if sunshadow wants to take tidepaw on a partol this evening dewstripe said to himself under his breath. the apprentice had not yet been on a border patrol before, so it would be a good learning experience. he approached the tom and purred a hello. "good morning sunshadow, it's a beautiful day isn't it? I was wondering if you and tidepaw would like to join me on a patrol this evening to mark the borders. I think it would be good for tidepaw to start to go on border patrols." dewstripe sat next to the tom awaiting his response. as he waited he watched tidepaw and the other apprentices, it was always exciting watching the young ones grow, and it warmed his heart to see them all doing so well in their training. a purr escaped his throat as he thought of this.


sunclan - apprentice - bi - crush: n/a - location: sunclan camp - mentioned: goosetail, lightpaw - tags: lightpaw/open

fennelpaw awoke with a start and jumped out of her nest, she heard the voices of her fellow apprentices outside, she had slept in again. mouse dung! she cursed quietly and she quickly ran her tongue over her pelt to make herself look somewhat presentable. I wonder if goosetail has anything exciting planned for today.. she thought as she got up and padded out of the apprentice's den; but of course goosetail was nowhere in sight. she did see her sister, lightpaw, though; so she walked to over to her and licked to shoulder. "morning sis!" she chirped. "have you seen goosetail? I never can seem to find him. he really does like to be by himself." fennelpaw sighed. her mentor was struggling with the death of his siblings, and never seemed fully engaged when training fennelpaw; which made the apprentice feel as if she wasn't good enough to have his attention. "anyways, what are you and rowanstep up to today? maybe if I can't find goosetail I could join you two." she asked hopefully. fennelpaw loved training with lightpaw, they were the perfect pair; fennelpaw being adventurous as she was, and lightpaw being a bit of a prankster.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby wildsight » Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:24 am

{Male} {38 Moons} {SunClan} {Deputy} {Location: Camp} {Mentions --} {Tags: Clan}


Rowanstep opened his eyes slowly as morning light glowed on his pelt. He yawned
and stretched his ears twitching. He wondered what things he would have to deal with
today. Suddenly he bolted upright. He was the clan deputy! He had a job to do. He wondered
how he could forget things like that. Never mind that. He leapt out of his nest and padded
out of the warriors den. It looked like everyone else was up. He glanced around seeing that
most of the cats seemed to be waiting for something. For me... he thought to himself.
He padded over to the middle of the camp. His tail swayed as he breathed in deeply. He glanced
around the camp one last time before saying, "It is time for the dawn patrol."
he said loud enough for the clan to hear. "I would like Honeywhisker and Goosetail to join me
on the dawn patrol. I would also like my apprentice Lightpaw to join as well."
he said gazing at the cats
he'd named in turn. "Please meet me by the camp entrance.," he said as he turned his gaze
to his leader. He gave him a slight nod before continuing. "I would like Juniperleaf, Stormbriar,
Sandpaw and Fogpaw to join the hunting patrol."
he said nodding to the cats. With that he padded over to the camp
entrance and sat down. He then waited for the rest of his patrol to join him.

{Male} {10 Moons} {RainClan} {Apprentice} {Location: Camp} {Mentions: Apprentices} {Tags: Maplewhisker}


Dawnpaw yawned as he woke up. Morning already. He leapt out of his nest
and padded over to his mentor. Training with the other apprentices? Okay. Training
with the other apprentices on battle training? Not okay. He didn't want to hurt anyone.
Not that he thought he would. But he would have to be the best at it. He would have
to act tough. He followed his mentor his ears pricked his head held high. He glanced
over at the fresh-kill pile. He wondered if he could get himself a bite of something
before he left. No. He wasn't that hungry anyway. He padded over to the camp entrance
and sat down heavily. He hoped the others would hurry up. But not too fast...
he thought to himself. Wait. That was no way to act. He had to be strong. He sighed
while he waited for the others to join them. He hoped battle training wouldn't be too
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby fruitbat » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:11 pm


    i. She-cat ii. 30 moons iii. Sunclan
    Passionate Sensitive Insightful
    iv. Warrior v. Rowanstep

                    Not long after her drink from the stream, Honeywhisker started to notice that more and more cats were starting to appear from their dens- warriors and apprentices alike. However, her apprentice, Sandpaw, was still not in her line of sight. She wondered were Sandpaw could've been... Honeywhsiker had taught her better than to run off passed camp before any patrols were set, so that couldn't have been an option. It was viable that the young she-cat was still asleep, which would make sense. They trained almost every day, and in the Sunclan territory, it gets pretty warm by sunhigh. The warrior will admit that it gets quite tiring day in day out, especially if they are training the same thing over and over. She thought to herself that the training schedule needed a fresh change, something to excite the apprentices, not make them bored. Honeywhisker nodded to herself with determination, wanting to fulfil a goal: to make her training more fun, interesting, and realistic.

                    The river current was getting stronger, and the sound of the rapids snapped her back into reality. She had to blink a few times before scanning the camp once more. Even more clan cats were now awake, readying themselves for the day ahead. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the deputy, Rowanstep, make his way to the centre of camp. Her eyes followed his body, ears flickering as he spoke outwardly to the cats around him. His bright cream pelt reflected the sun, while his darker features stood out like a furball in the fresh-kill pile. Honeywhisker had respect for the deputy although they weren't all that close. She wasn't really close with many in the clan, other than the medicine cat and his apprentice. Though very friendly, very few actually knew her well enough to call her a good friend. It didn't bother her, but she knew that it would come to bite her in the flank some day. Honeywhisker shrugged the thought away and padded toward Rowanstep, flicking her tail side to side, as if she were waving. "Morning" the she-cat said simply with a dip of the head. "Shall we bring our apprentices as well?" Honeywhisker added quickly, looking around again for Sandpaw.


    i. Tom-cat ii. 46 moons iii. Rainclan
    Dutiful Judgemental Stbborn
    iv. Med. cat v. Foxpaw

                    As the large tom waited for his apprentice, his eyes tried to make a scene through the rain. It was only a light shower after all, but still enough to block his vision. He saw that most clan cats were waking and starting to go about their day. He had been tending to those around him for many, many moons now, and was deeply proud of the amount of cats he had helped. The lingering thought made him sit up a little taller, chest puffed out ever so slightly. He watched as his apprentice, Foxpaw, made her way toward the medicine cat den. He shook his head is disgust: how could she stand the rain? As she popped her head through the entrance and sat in front of the tom, he stood up and moved back, wanting to get as far away from that wet she-cat as possible. His ears flickered as she spoke, detecting the sarcastic tone almost instantly. It was something he was not appreciative of, however, he had learnt to just ignore it and move on. He tried his best to not get caught up in her silly little sarcasm, because if he did, some one was going to be turned into crowfood. Badgerfoot noticed the young she-cats grin painted across her lips, and shook his head once more. ""Well Foxpaw, if she enjoy the weather so much, why don't I send you out alone for the herbs? I think it'll be good practice for you" He said rather flatly before taking a few licks to his pelt. "If you bring back the wrong herbs, there will be consequences" Badgerfoot explained with a slightly intimidating tone. "What do you reckon?" He added, watching the apprentice for her reaction.

                    He hated to admit it, but Foxpaw was a good apprentice. She bought some sort of aura to Badgerfoots life, which he would be ever-grateful for. He would never forget the day the young apprentices' ceremony. He could have chosen any of them, but Foxpaw was the only one who stood out to him. Was it her pelt colour? No. Was it her golden eyes that seemed to glitter on the darkest of days? No. It was because she shared some of the save values that he did, and he believed that he could manifest those into something very useful. Not to mention that Badgerfoot was the one who cared for the queen who gave birth to Foxpaw, and watched as the fiery orange tabby grew up to be the only survivor. She had good blood through her veins, and Badgerfoot didn't want that to go to waste.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby TidalCurrent » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:41 pm


--------{ she/her | sunclan apprentice | 9 moons }-----{ Location: sunclan camp }
--------{ tagged: honeywhisker }---{ mentioned: rowanstep, juniperleap }

xxxxxxxxAt the deputy's call, Sandpaw's ears pointed his way to listen. She internally cringed as she saw that most of the clan was already out in the open, including some of her fellow apprentices, gathering around Rowanstep. That normally wasn't like her. The tip of her beige tail twitched, annoyed at herself, and she pushed herself up on her paws to head out into the clearing with the others. Her light-brown eyes scanned the clearing for Honeywhisker. The mention of her mentor's name made her lips turn down in a sort of frown. I hope she won't be to mad at me... she thought to herself. She really did try her hardest at training day-in and day-out, yet always berated herself at setbacks like this one. As she listened further to Rowanstep's calls, still making her way across camp, she noticed an all-too familiar name be called alongside her own. Her fur prickled along her spine. She was always anxious when getting put on patrols with her father, Juniperleap, the need to prove herself over her mother's death always hanging in the air every time. No matter how little the apprentice had actually managed to know the she-cat, Juniperleap's mourning never slipped her mind, and neither did the notion that it was her fault. She always tried to talk with him in the evenings, to tell him of what she'd achieved, but the pressure of actually displaying those skills in-front of him could send her over the edge at times. Especially without her mentor. From the looks of it, Honeywhisker would be going on a separate patrol. She made her way over to the golden-brown cat to see if that was the case.
xxxxxxxxAs Sandpaw approached her mentor, she overheard her question, and exhaled in silent relief that that may not be the case. The apprenticed stopped in-front of Honeywhisker and gave a silent nod of greeting, not exactly having an excuse for being a bit late.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby Sleeping With Issues » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:31 pm

[] F o x p a w

--------{ She/her | Apprentice| 8 moons |Rainclan }-----{ Location: Medicine cat den }---{ Tagged:Badgerfoot }--{ Mentioned: Apprentices }---

Foxpaw watches her large mentor, Badgerfoot, move back. She tilts her head ever so slightly to the side her gaze fire filled and excited when he mentions going out on her own, "Really? You trust me enough to do that?" Foxpaw nearly jumped with joy at the thought of Badgerfoot putting this kind of trust in her. She slowly gets up and begins to pace the den putting away the few stray herbs. An activity she did quite often when she was either super excited or super bored, it also made for good busy work. "What herbs do you need me to get?" she asks letting a small bit of her contained excitement lace her sarcastic tone tone.
As much as Foxpaw hated to admit it, but when Badgerfoot entrusted her with these quests it brought her a great deal of joy. She knew he wasn't the fondest of her at times but at the same time her and the large tom had always had some kind of connection. They depended on each other, or at least she depended on him.
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Re: ⟦⊙⟧ Across the Water - open & accepting!

Postby wildsight » Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:48 am

{Male} {38 Moons} {SunClan} {Deputy} {Location: Camp} {Mentions: Lightpaw} {Tags: Honeywhisker, Sandpaw}


Rowanstep gazed around the camp as he waited for the cats to join him. He
knew they had to get going and soon. They couldn't wait for much longer. He glanced around
and his eyes landed on the fresh-kill pile. The hunting patrol would take care of prey for
now. He began to wonder what else he would have to deal with today. He hoped nothing
to serious. Serious matters always worried him. However, he knew if he had to deal with
them he would. That was a part of his duty as the clan deputy. Of course, nothing like that
happened much. Which, was a good thing. He then began to think about his apprentice. He
wondered what he should teach Lightpaw today. He hoped she was up for training. She would
need to if she wanted to become a good warrior. His ears twitched as he thought about the
many things he had to do. He was so deep in thought that he almost didn't notice Honeywhisker.
He glanced up and gave her a slight nod. "Morning Honeywhisker." he said.
He was about to say more until she asked him about her apprentice Sandpaw. His gaze landed on
the molly, and he was silent for a long moment. Would it be much trouble that her apprentice join
them? The tip of his tail twitched but other than that he was motionless. His gaze shifted from the
molly when he saw Sandpaw approaching. He stared at her for a moment before shifting his gaze
back to Honeywhisker. He was silent for a moment longer before saying, "Alright. Sandpaw may
join the dawn patrol."
he said with a nod.
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