╭ ✦. nevermore | a dog roleplay | closed!

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Postby brad! » Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:16 pm

tags; the dogs, gunnery

    memesIt felt like it had been an eternity since Nef had said goodbye to his owners, watching as his female master was handed a large briefcase and his male master shaking the hand of a rather curious man wearing a white lab coat. It was odd to consider, really. All of the time before that curious man had been nice, and his owners had given him all of the love in the world. Nef had a warm bed, food when he needed it and plenty of pats and ear scratches when Nef decided that he wanted to sit with his masters and watching the moving pictures on the strange metal box that made noise and sometimes caused the humans to laugh. But when the curious man came, Nef's owners barely spared him a second glance when they were seemingly offered something far more valuable than their precious Nefertiti. Was it money? Nef honestly doubted it. Surely the love he gave his masters was worth more than a few one hundred dollar bills. No, he knew what it was. It was liver treats, obviously. Everyone was a sucker for liver treats, especially Nef. And it was this answer that allowed Nef to rationalise his supposed abandonment. Would he abandon his family for a overly large suitcase of liver treats? Heck yeah he -- no, no he wouldn't. What a horrible thing to think.

    But it was these horrible thoughts that gave Nef the distraction he so desperately needed so the pomeranian could ignore the fact that he had been shoved into a large metal cage and had been there for... goodness, how long had it been now? Nef honestly didn't have much of a clue, considering that the humans had been kind enough to sedate him before putting him into the crate. He had woken up not too long ago, his mind fuzzy and eyes bleary as his vision had eventually adjusted to the metal confines of his box, the pomeranian biting down on his tongue to suppress the distress whine which threatened to leave his maw. I must be brave. Nef told himself with what seemed to be a determined nod. I need to prove to the others that I'm stronger than they think. The repeated statement continually plagued Nef's brain and he willed it so, the pomeranian forcing a false sense of composure onto himself.

    The door to his cage clicked and the door swung open, a set of hands reaching out and gently plucking the pomeranian from his box. Nef grunted as he was held still and his head gently pushed to the side as deft hands attached something to his neck, Nef grumbling in annoyance as he felt the fur underneath (what he realised to be a an addition to his collar) move and compress. After a few soft words of praise and a scratch behind the ears the deed was done, Nefertiti was ushered back into his case, his bright eyes unwavering and his previous fear replaced with what seemed to be newfound curiousity. What was going on? Where were they going? Perhaps it was somewhere exciting! Surely it had to be somewhere far more exciting than the lab... but at this point anywhere was far, far more exciting than there. Perhaps they were being relocated?

    The next few moments flew by in a blur for Nef. The plane clicked and groaned, the compartment shifting open to reveal a desolate environment below. Andie departed from the plane first and then Nef was quick to follow with unbridled enthusiasm, before he landed with a thud and a yelp. Sand and dust assaulted the pomeranian's nose and eyes and after a quick sneezing first the plane had departed, leaving six dogs standing on the ground, all equally confused as one another. Well this is nothing less than disappointing. What were they supposed to do now? A semblance of dread surged in Nef's stomach but he suppressed it, tongue dangling out of the side of his mouth as Andie's words graced his ears.

    "Dogs! I do not know where we are or why we have been left here, but we must find shelter, food, and water. When the sun is fully awake, we will need shade──our very Iives may depend on it." Nef nodded in agreement, for once not having something to add onto Andie's words. The pomeranian sucked in a breath of dusty air, wheezing softly and shaking out his fur. The retriever set off and the pomeranian turned to follow her without hesitation, tail wagging as he practically pranced after her. If Andie had a plan in mind or some sort of a set goal, Nef was willing to follow her to the ends of the earth.

    He'd always been a bit of a follower as opposed to a leader, and over time Nef had eventually come to accept this fact. It wasn't so bad to follow someone, especially when they could be held accountable when things went wrong. You know, consequences, something that Nef himself didn't know a whole lot about, nor did he care to learn. He was a "shoot now, ask questions later" kind of dog, and he was perfectly content to revel in this fact.

    Nef listened intently as Andie and Gunnery spoke, the pomeranian once again biting his tongue as he grumbled. They'd been down on the ground for less than twenty minutes and someone was already trying to be a pain? Nef rolled his eyes and shook his head. Gunnery had always been... well, in Nef's mind, a bit of a cranky old sod. It was rare for the pomeranian and shepherd to see eye to eye, and Nef didn't mind one bit. The service dog had shrapnel in his leg, heart (and in Nef's opinion, his head), and his aggression typically didn't go unnoticed, especially by the dauntless. It wasn't that he didn't like Gunny... It was more so that Nef felt like the dog needed to sit down and chill out. He was always so serious.

    "I don't think your job is to be a grumpy old fart, Sarge." Nef chided gently, coughing as he inhaled another cloud of dust and sand. "Seems we're all in this together, the least you could do is put a smile on your face for once, like this!" Nef opened his mouth and showed his teeth to reveal what could only be interpreted as a doggy grin, before closing his mouth and moving his tongue around, Nef noting the newfound dryness in his maw.

    And with that Nef trotted after Andie and the rest of her motley crew, frankly quite excited for what was going to come.
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╭ ✦. and the shadows will never find you | iv

Postby deftonesly » Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:47 pm

age. 3 yrs . role. the tenacious . where. desert ; canyon . tags. gunnery, nef ; keno ; the six . words. 1213
    gunnery's reaction to her calm words was, in a sense, not what andie had expected.
    indent the old war dog kept up his sneering expression, narrowed deep chocolate eyes, and dominant posture, but as her words sank into him . . . he seemed to lose his fire. the desired effect, really, but his response──orbs growing glassy with memory, face softening in what resembled defeat──was not one the toller would've ever associated with the shepherd. gunnery was the epitome of all things gruff and prickly and harsh; andie would be the first to admit she didn't know much about his past──she didn't think anyone bothered to get that close to him, out of fear of his sharp words and even sharper teeth──but the shrapnel scars in his legs, the hollowed look that overtook his eyes, the rigidity and resolve about him. it was obvious he was a dog of war, or, in the very least, one that was loyal to his humans and encountered a bomb. she supposed that was why he was──mean and cold, aggressive and blunt──so she hadn't the heart to blame his words, meant to lift her fur and shake her decision. gunnery was simply speaking his mind, simply attempting to relive his former soldier days by putting forward a shroud of coolness and authority, so when he responded, andie listened without patronization. and his gruff words voiced her thoughts. "this is my job, kid."
    indent she could only get in a small nod of understanding, posture calm and eyes level as she studied the german shepherd alongside her, but before she could get a word in, the yapping retort of nefertiti, the fiesty and extremely dauntless (although smallest) member of their group broke the shaky grounds of peace. "i don't think your job is to be a grumpy old fart, sarge." though his words were playful, andie couldn't help but side-eye the pomeranian with worry. though nef usually made comments like this, there was no telling how the old shepherd would react; it wouldn't be hard to use the tiny dog as a chew toy, especially for the big grouch. "seems we're all in this together, the least you could do is put a smile on your face for once, like this!" he demonstrated, and andie couldn't help but let out a giggle as she ran. then, she recomposed herself, gently saying, "there's no need, nef. gunnery can voice his thoughts; i'm not the leader by any means of this group, so it's nice to have the input of others." as gunnery dropped back and fell out of ear-shot she bent her white-patched neck to the pomeranian's level and murmured, "or should i say the input of elders." the pair got a good laugh out of that, until nefertiti fell behind and andie was alone at the head of the group once more, kicking up dust as she leisurely trotted across the reddish-brown, scabby earth.

    indent it wasn't long before another familiar face approached her, this time the red-dusted keno, white coat completely covered in debris and desert sands, and bark brown eyes watery with the wind and the rising dust. "andie . . ." he murmured, voice barely audible over the wind and almost pleading, as if he needed to be with someone familiar, someone he trusted. the way he said her name and the way he seemed to relax when she turned to look at him made her heart feel warm and full. keno was a dear friend──true and kind to her, always. she didn't mind being with him at all; if anything, he had a steady presence that she appreciated, and a calming appeal in his big brown eyes that was infectious. she slowed her to pace to match that of the big pyrenese's, as she was panting from the extended period of walking across the steadily warming desert floor and wanted to talk to him. "hello again. how're you holding up?" there was no time for the great white dog to even open his maw to reply. suddenly, andie's paws sensed a dent in the earth, as if the brightly-colored packed earth was sucking in a breath right beneath her feathery golden-red limbs. the duck tolling retriever paused, sensing something in her gut that told her to; on instinct at this point, since the six had gone through many simulations in which they communicated with tail and muzzle movements, andie flagged her tail, letting out a short bark to draw the others closer. she had the feeling that the dip meant something, but it was difficult to see against the dazzling sun ahead of them . . . the others fell in alongside her as andie made her way onward, paws light and pink nose down, snuffling at the ground and sending up plumes of sand.
    indent then she made out the cavernous drop in the earth amongst the receding shadows of morning. like a festering wound it stretched across the reddish-brown desert for as far as she could see in both directions; too far to leap across and so wide that it looked like it could stretch to the distant, bordering mountains and claw through them as well. the fae had seen such a thing before in a simulation, and her mind stumbled for the proper word, until . . . canyon! it's a canyon! sheltered from the harsh sun with its multicolored walls and possibly providing water and prey, andie knew that this was where they needed to stop and get their bearings. but possible dangers still loomed within the wound in the earth, and the closer andie and the others came to the canyon──wind whistling from the depths below, promising trees sprouting from cracks in the colorful walls──the more excitement and nerves burned within her. she would be the first to descend, as she had from the metal bird, because nef, riko, keno, atlas, and gunnery were her responsibilities now . . . and she needed to show them that she wasn't afraid to take a risk in the name of her cause: safety and protection from the sun. andie could almost feel gunnery's chocolate eyes prick the back of her neck; he would be tracking her next moves carefully. all the more reason to volunteer to go down there. as much as i don't let his words affect me, if gunnery's getting questionable . . . perhaps the others are too. i know that gun's programmed to be the way he is, but . . . she thought of selfless keno, or dauntless nef, or loving riko, or stony atlas. she would keep them safe.
    indent her lingering doubts erased, andie lifted her head from where it had been craned over the edge of the canyon, swiveling her hazel eyes and floppy ears back to the five canines with her. "i'm going to investigate. stay here. if i bark once, know that it's safe to come down." not leaving any room for argument, she found a safe way down to the shadowy recesses of the canyon via a series of ledges alternated with spilling rocks. and just like before, she willingly plunged into her curiosities and fears head on . . . thinking of birds and the safety of the others.
Last edited by deftonesly on Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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╭ ✦. i'm too young to feel so numb !! | three

Postby paper planets » Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:33 pm

    . ── RIKO
    ( 2 years ) ( female ) ( the clay ) ( scent: spruce & rain ) ( location: desert ) ( tags: the six, atlas )
    . ── i fall in love, just a little bit, everyday with someone new !!

      The sand clouds that billowed up around the six dogs as they travelled not only obscured her view, but also were very annoying. The gritty pieces lodged into her white pelt and somehow managed to find themselves in her mouth and, to say the least, the feeling was extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant. Riko kept her mouth firmly closed and tried to ignore her watering eyes, keeping her gaze fixed on Andie's golden-red form. She let her own thoughts wander, to strange things of a faraway land. Back to fond pup-hood memories. She specifically left out everything after the city crumpled to dust. Only focusing on the good parts. She only seemed to jump back into reality when she heard a mocking tone reach her ears. She silently scolded herself about zoning out. Stay focused. Look to your surroundings.. Your companions. Everyone else is alert, you can't be slacking.. she told herself. Then, she couldn't help but focus in on the interaction that was going on in front of her. Gunnery was openely challenging Andie. She gave a nervous glance around to the other dogs that loped after the leading duo and saw most - or all - of them watching the interaction as well, many different emotions swimming in their watchful eyes.

      No one else bothered to step in at this time, so Riko hung back as well, just watching with widened eyes. Her deep chocolate gaze turned to the toller after the German Shepherd finished speaking and she waited for her to speak. To defend herself maybe. Maybe just to inform the older male of the plan once again. She was surprised - yet pleased and feeling more at ease - when Andie answered in a calm, collected tone that showed no anger, frustration or even annoyance. She didn't want for the group to already fight when their journey had only just begun. The thought alone made her want to whimper. But, she pushed that urge away and repeated her favourite chant inside her head. Be brave.

      The conversation seemed to fall silent after that, only a soft murmur escaped Gunnery after that and it was too softly spoke for her ears to catch it. She perked up when she saw the little furball named Nef run up to the two dogs. At his little remark she smiled slightly and let out a short chuckle. The little Pomeranian was fearless, never afraid to jump into any conversation or say anything, do anything. Though, she was sure the little dog's remark did nothing but worsen Gunny's mood and she watched as he slowly drifted away from Andie and Nefertiti. A part of her wanted to sidle up to the elder's side and hope to cheer him up, but she remembered earlier on when his eyes had glazed over momentarily and he gained a faraway look in his dull, weathered eyes and, even though she couldn't see the male's face, she could tell his mind was far away, just like her's had been before. Instead of doing anything, she kept her steady pace and followed along with the group, watching their movements. Andie and Nef spoke a few words to one another and Keno, the large male, settled by Andie's side.

      Everyone was off doing their own things, she turned her head to the side and saw Atlas, relentlessly stoic and silent, loping after everyone. Riko got a sudden inkling to give the male some company. She wasted no time in swerving towards him and matching her pace with his long strides. She let her tongue hang out of her opened maw and a joyous expression fell upon her pup-like features as she gazed up at the thick-furred male. Though, her face screwed up to something of disgust when the gritty sand crunched between her teeth. The sensation made her fur crawl, but she forcefully pushed it away and ignored it to speak, "Hello!" she trilled, "Did you hear Gunnery and Andie talking? I was somewhat amazed at how level-headed she always is. But, Gunny isn't a bad dog, just grumpy at times. He fixed my shoulder up before I even asked for help! I tried asking him how he knew how to do that, but he didn't answer," she looked downcast for a moment before she brightened up again, just as quickly as her eyes had fallen, "Maybe he just didn't hear me, Andie was talking by then, anyways," she said as they loped along. She stopped the rambling flow of words after that, as if to give the male time to talk and reply. Though, even if he wanted to, there wasn't much time for him to speak because Andie had flagged her tail up and let out a commanding bark. Ordering the dogs to stop. Riko tilted her head in confusion and spread out across the line of dogs that was forming, curious eyes searching for whatever made them stop. She stood with Atlas on her left and Keno on her right, followed by Andie and so on. She didn't have time to look because her gaze soon fell upon a large split in the dry, and sandy desert. It gaped open like a dark smile, splitting the earth in two. She moved her head from one side to the other and saw the deep crack running as far as she could see in both directions. How are we going to get past it? she thought as she gazed around helplessly at the dogs that stood at her sides for answers. The answer she was seeking came soon enough, with Andie selflessly volunteering to tackle the gaping hole on her own. She pinned her ears back and took a single step forwards with her maw opening slightly as if to pause the female's descent. But she was long gone before she could get a single word out. The Kishu Ken padded careful you to the edge and peered down into the darkness, "Be safe, Andie!" she woofed encouragement, seeing as that was all she could give the female at this point.

      Stepping backwards into her place in the line, she stared at the odd opening for a prolonged moment, curiosity and fear swimming in her gaze. What would Andie find down there? What if it wasn't safe? Riko shook her head furiously as to not worry herself with troublesome thoughts. Then she turned her gaze back to Atlas to distinguish her worries with a simple conversation, "Do you know what it's called - that thing?" she questioned, nodding towards the gaping hole. The name was right on the tip her her tongue, she just couldn't spit it out.
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╭ ✦. nevermore | the barbarous | v

Postby ataraxic_gone » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:51 pm

    xxxxxxxHolding eye contact with Andie a silence drifted between them, an understanding flickering across the dam's features. Realisation hitting her as to what he wanted- needed from his life. He didn't think he had surrendered that much of his hand to her but in hindsight he had thrown away the cards and had instead turned to confessions. He straightened his shoulders and made himself busy with anything other than the emotions that confused his heart and bones. For the first time since he had joined this squadron he felt the loneliness in his heart ebb away. In it's wake emotions long forgotten pulled at his heart- he didn't want to think about it. Not now, not ever. His pace began to slow, his trance only broken by the chirpy words of a certain nef. A fire ignited in his eyes- he would not be mocked by a small rabbit of a dog. A low growl rumbled in his frame; a warning of what would come if the starry-eyed fool dare cross him.

    xxxxxxxHis growls were drowned out as up ahead Andie sounded out with a bark. His gaze fixated upon the self appointed leader, her tail signals ingrained in his mind he immediately halted. The sudden change in speed sent Gunnery off balance and he skidded to a hault, uncomfortably close to the ditch. His breath came out in a heavy winded sigh, his injured leg pulling off the ground as a shrill pain made it's way through his body. That had hurt. Just as soon as the pain had aroused it vanished, a dull shiver running across his frame as he cradled his leg as close to his body as he could. He looked forward, the scenery becoming visible through the dust. It was beautiful, he could spot greenery at it's base and he knew all too well that with green came water- however. His thoughts were ripped from him as he spotted Andie taking the lead towards the canyon. An ill feeling ran down to his stomach as the distance down hit him. It looked further than the plane drop by some margin and the idea of one of their ranks hitting the dust fatherly fear for the youngsters around him.
    xxxxxxx"Andie!" He called out, voice sharp and gruff with anger ever present. "If you get hurt, you better hope I don't get a hold of you." His voice was steady and his threat real. The risk the young leader was taking was a necessary one but that didn't change the fact that he would drag her back from oblivion to scold her if she slipped. He watched her go down for a moment with eyes entrenched in her movements. She was doing well. His attention turned towards nef and he let limped over towards Nef, nipping the gap between his shoulder blades- an old army trick to get younger dogs to stand at attention- or run away yelping. "Maybe someone should carry you," he mused aloud, in gunny's eyes, a karmic retribution for his earlier comment. But just like the plane there would an order to these things. The tenacious was filled with the desire to take the first step, the dauntless not afraid of the risks. The languished with nowhere else to go but forward, the ambivalent silently watching would be confident in the steps to take only now. Then the rookie, with only Gunnery left behind and possibly a sharp push the clay would descend next. Gunnery would be the last, that is how he saw things play out- or atleast expected them too.

    xxxxxxxA cough erupted from his chest as he lowered himself to the ground. This process wouldn't be something they could rush and he had no intentions of wasting energy standing when he could rest for the briefest moment on the red dust surface of the earth. He could feel the sun begin to pinch at his bare skin with it's burning touch and he shifted slight to hide his scars from the direct sunlight. He watched the remainder of the six patter back and forth near the edge, his eyes silently casting angry judgement on all of them. Why? He had no reason- did he really need one?
xxxx ⇢ former solider⇢ sire ⇢ 10y ⇢ desert; the six ⇢ 707 words
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Postby brad! » Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:21 pm

tags; the dogs, andie, gunnery

    memesGunnery's low growls sparked a strange feeling in Nef and the pomeranian puffed up, his gaze daring Sarge to do something. I will not allow you to bully my friends, old dog. Nefertiti thought with an essence of bitterness. If anyone's going to show you what a right old bully you are, it's going to be me. But as quickly as the emotions came, they were gone again, Nef calming himself down and allowing his gaze to focus on the other dogs surrounding him. A warrior does not show his anger, Nef. the pomeranian gently reminded himself, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as soft pants left his body. Nef's eyes met those of Andie, a feeling of pride bubbling in his stomach as the fae laughed at his joke.

    Nef had to give her credit, to say the least. It was awfully mature of her to point out that she wasn't the leader in any way, shape, or form. As Andie leaned in closer and murmured her next statement into Nef's ear, a loud shrill laugh filled the empty space as Nef nudged the retriever and nodded in agreement. "Well, if you're willing to listen to him on behalf of me, by all means," Nefertiti responded softly. "Can't say that it's gonna do much for you though, darlin'. Every time I hear Gunnery speak up, I feel my fur turning grey." The two dogs shared another series of laughs before Nefertiti fell in step behind the female, quietly content in the fact that one of the dogs was happily to lead. And he, of course, was happy to follow.

    It was at this time that Nef was allowed all but a few moments to himself, causing the Pomeranian to quietly consider the situation he was in. What was the plan going to be from here on out? Aside from the fact that Andie had decided that it was time to find shelter from the sun, what were they going to do from there? Where were they supposed to go? Oh shut up, Nef. You were perfectly fine with the idea of an adventure five minutes ago. he mentally scolded himself, shaking his head and exhaling. No, this was going to be very interesting and a good learning experience. All of the rigorous training and the mind games he had been made to play would have led up to this moment, no? Within the silent musings, Nef had barely processed Andie's signal before her back jolted the Pomeranian out of his thoughts.

    Curious, Nef trailed behind Andie and the rest of the dogs, his nose twitching and eyes watering from the plumes of sand. After the dust cleared, Nef peered down, an awed sound leaving his throat. Holey Moley, this thing was huge! They'd seen these kinds of things before, right? The steep slope with a vast wilderness of greenery and stone, the walls reaching down deep into the earth as if they wanted to touch earth's core itself. Yes, this certainly looked somewhat familiar, and a feeling of determination sparked within Nefertiti's small, fluffy frame. I want to go down there.

    Nefertiti huffed as Andie told the others to wait, the small dog pacing back and forth on the edge of the canyon. But I want to look now. I want to see what's down there. I don't want to stay up here with grumpy, smelly old Sarge. This wasn't fair. Why did Andie get to go first? What if she hurt herself? I should have offered to go down there first. the idle complaints caused the pacing to increase, the pomeranian peering down into the hole as he watched the retriever make her way down the canyon with what looked to be relative ease.

    A quick surge of pain shot through Nef's back and the pomeranian yelped, head swiveling back to make eye contact with Gunny. "Maybe someone should carry you." came the shepherd's comment, and Nefertiti puffed up, readying himself to say something quite rude in return. A warrior does not show his anger, Nef! We've discussed this already. Nefertiti closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled, opening them once again to look back at Gunny with what seemed to be a relaxed, but smug smile.

    "I don't suppose you're offering, Old Woof?" Nefertiti questioned gently, the devious smile on his face growing bigger by the minute. "I must politely decline. After all, I don't think you'd be strong enough to carry someone as little as me. You can barely hold yourself up on that cruddy leg of yours, anyway." I can play these games all day, Old Dog. came the venomous thought, Nef promptly pushing it away and sighing. Perhaps that was too far? Heck, Nef didn't care. However, he wasn't going to stick around to see if the old fart was going to tear him from ear to tail. And the quickest way to get away from Sarge was down the canyon.

    "I'm going to help Andie, I don't like waiting idly." Nefertiti informed the others, before jumping down into the canyon, his small frame blending in with the brown rocks below. He followed the retriever down as best as he could, his little paws slipping here and there as they struggled to find their footing.

    Andie would probably tell him off for following, but was that really worse than having to deal with Gunny's grumbling? Nef was yet to see.
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╭ ✦. diffusing light, confusing times. > iii

Postby mitski » Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:49 am

age. 3 years x for. riko x role. the ambivalent x words. 1571
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━ ━
    since the brilliant crack of dawn, muted hues of begun to merge against the brightening, somber blue of the morning skies. the group continued to remain hunkered low to the ground, each of their pelts contrasting and merging against the soft, muted beige and rusty colors of the desert.
    indent tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump━various heartbeats had passed, yet sharp pangs still relentlessly jolted through the eurasier’s massive frame. he figured that it must have been a fracture of some sorts . . . if any, a minor one. nevertheless, he had no choice but to push the pain aside to the least important of his thoughts, and carry on before the rest of the pack . . . he had been doing just so with his leaden paws pounding against the dry, cracked and tinted-red earth, his energy springing with around the same amount of grace as a sack of wet concrete. his throat rasped with every gasping breath, for his throat had to be just as parched as a dead lizard baking in the desert sun. all of this, while his head bobbed loosely from side to side with each footfall, eyes heavy in their sockets. atlas released a breath soaked with heat and the slightest trace of nervousness. and, just as he might have thought that the situation could not get any worse, he felt his lips grow tight with the clash of a very specific shade of chestnut brown eyes against his own stoney amber; gunnery. he knew exactly why it was that the brute had turned to glare at him, for atlas had very well displayed an act of cowardice in the previous moments. yet, he would not give the old dog the pleasure of reading his expression.
    indent with that being said, the eurasier simply stared back, dissolving the shepherds appearance into his just as hard glare. and as he looked, he assumed that he himself might just have looked just as disheveled as gunnery appeared to be; sand, dust, and various other sorts of gunk from the rough desert terrain adorned his unruly mess of honey-brown and greyed coat. atlas felt his eyes trail down to linger upon gunnery’s greying muzzle, before the urge to bring his focus elsewhere washed over his bones.
    indent for now, he needed to stay on task . . . needed to keep his senses heightened, and to be the watchful dog that the rest knew him to be; an eagle with fixated, perceptive eyes. he was now more than well aware of the thoughts dripping with disapproval that had to be whirling in the mind of the barbarous elder . . . for it was not an uncommon incident where atlas found himself questioning why exactly it was that his trainers had failed to drill the harsh factors to judgement out of his mind. he figured, if they had managed to strip his voice away from his tongue, why and how was it that they managed to leave him to fight against his thoughts? . . . the thoughts that constantly waged a war within the confinements of his skull, clouding his vision. the thoughts that left him scrambling for the rights between good and bad, the structural differences between left and right, friend or foe.
    indent he shook his head, only once━a brief attempt to shake away the negative energy that threatened alarmingly to seep further within his skeletal system. the cream-coated, panting male quickened his pace. and with a turn to look at his sides, the greens and muted desert-like colors of cacti and rock swirled by in his peripheral vision. he added a distinct force to his footfalls, hoping the gods in the skies above that the increase in agility would make him faster. behind him, he could detect keno’s heavy pawsteps, and the scent of anxiety radiating off of her lithe form. atlas’ own heart and lungs were pumping, and needless to say it did not feel like very much air was beeing feeded into him as he sprinted forward.
    indent a sigh━he liked to believe that the discomfort that he felt rattling his trembling limbs was well-hidden by the stern expression he kept plastered tightly against his maw. and as he thought to himself, he felt himself grow proud of the expression he knew how to fake so well, i am pained, though i must keep my eyes trained on the distance. if not for my sake . . . than for the well-being of this, err, pack━if that’s what we’re calling it. the glowing horizon looks promising, at least . . . and i cannot help but wonder whether or not those warm oranges and clay-outcrops could be something rather promising. perhaps andie has already spotted them.

    indent a voice. he blinked as his silence grew consumed by the warm tone of riko; a bright, little kishu ken with a coat kissed by snow and silver themselves. her fur, well, it was free from the grasps of debri and the dusty grime of sand. yes, it looked smooth in texture against her agile build . . . though with the growing winds, atlas knew that it would not remain the same in the fast approaching sunrise. it was with a slight sense of reluctance in which he turned to gaze at her, his amber eyes glinting like honey in the scintillating sun-rays shining above. with heavy breaths falling from his lips, the male slowed his pace a tad bit to refrain the female from continuing on faster. this, because he did not doubt for a single second that her paws were feeling just as worn out as his own. but why did he feel hesitant to turn and stare? to provide if any, just a little bit of his attention to another of the group? the answer was buried beneath his bones, inside of his fear; distraction.
    indent over the course of just a few months, the months that he had spent getting to know just a little bit about each and every of the group, he had begun to feel slightly . . . distracted. and this distraction? he was not proud to admit that the snow-kissed, little riko was the one capable of holding such a thing over him.
    indenthello!” her bright bark babbled on happily like a mountainous river, “did you hear gunnery and andie talking? i was somewhat amazed at how level-headed she always is. but, gunny isn’t a bad dog, just grumpy at times.” a plume of breath exited atlas’ lips as he cocked his ear to get a better level of hearing on the female, before it quickly dissipated into the dry, hungry desert air. “he fixed my shoulder up before i could even ask for help! I tried asking him how he knew how to do that, but he didn’t answer.” riko’s eyes fell, and atlas felt a pang resonate in his chest, her eyes clouding with the somber-blues of genuine disappointment. this however, vanished just as quickly as it appeared, as riko’s eyes quickly glowed once more with hope and happiness and all things worth living for. he offered her a quiet sigh; a subtle display of acknowledgement. the female seemed to have hope embedded in her soul like paws upon spring grass, and he admired this fondly. it could be sensed radiating off of her very form, and admittingly, it was soothing. despite this, he could not bring himself to part his jaws and speak as riko continued, rather brightly with optimism in her voice, “maybe he just didn’t hear me, andie was talking by then, anyways.
    indent the urge to speak surged in his chest; a rare, unfamiliar feeling that he had yet felt since the beginning of his training. so this is what it feels like . . . he thought to himself, while running his tongue along his lips with the new emotional find. if he were to speak, his voice would sound off lowly, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and frailness than the body he occupied would suggest him to have. this reminiscence, however, exited his mind as the commanding bark of andie echoed against his alert ears. his pace slowed until it eventually came to a halt, and he shifted his eyes to rest them upon the rusty form of his leader. she spoke, determination painting her voice, before disappearing in a flash and plunging into the vast desert surroundings, “i'm going to investigate. stay here. if i bark once, know that it's safe to come down.

    indent the gorge yawned wide before atlas. the walls were sheer hardened clay and rock, coarse and unforgiving; undulating with overhangs and ledges. aside him, riko lifted a paw before taking a single step forward, likely wishing to follow after andie yet realizing the consequences if she were to do so. he could sense her fear, not just by her scent but from the worried look glazing her eyes. “be safe andie!” she barked, before stepping back to stand beside him. her gaze met his once more, “do you know what it’s called?━that thing?” her questioning voice prodded, signaling towards the gaping hole in the earth. various other voices clustered together, the dogs discussing their leaders actions. though, atlas’ eyes remained on curious riko. he opened his jaws, before shutting them again. he knew well of what the landscape was called; a canyon. and, it was more massive than any type of landform he had ever laid his eyes on. “yes. just wait.” his voiced cracked roughly, quietly, against his unused voice-box.
    indent had he chosen the right words? probably not.
    indent he turned his eyes away, focusing on the distance.
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╭ ✦. diffusing light, confusing times. > bump

Postby mitski » Sat Jan 06, 2018 5:44 am

vertigo wrote:
age. 3 years x for. riko x role. the ambivalent x words. 1571
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━ ━
    since the brilliant crack of dawn, muted hues of begun to merge against the brightening, somber blue of the morning skies. the group continued to remain hunkered low to the ground, each of their pelts contrasting and merging against the soft, muted beige and rusty colors of the desert.
    indent tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump━various heartbeats had passed, yet sharp pangs still relentlessly jolted through the eurasier’s massive frame. he figured that it must have been a fracture of some sorts . . . if any, a minor one. nevertheless, he had no choice but to push the pain aside to the least important of his thoughts, and carry on before the rest of the pack . . . he had been doing just so with his leaden paws pounding against the dry, cracked and tinted-red earth, his energy springing with around the same amount of grace as a sack of wet concrete. his throat rasped with every gasping breath, for his throat had to be just as parched as a dead lizard baking in the desert sun. all of this, while his head bobbed loosely from side to side with each footfall, eyes heavy in their sockets. atlas released a breath soaked with heat and the slightest trace of nervousness. and, just as he might have thought that the situation could not get any worse, he felt his lips grow tight with the clash of a very specific shade of chestnut brown eyes against his own stoney amber; gunnery. he knew exactly why it was that the brute had turned to glare at him, for atlas had very well displayed an act of cowardice in the previous moments. yet, he would not give the old dog the pleasure of reading his expression.
    indent with that being said, the eurasier simply stared back, dissolving the shepherds appearance into his just as hard glare. and as he looked, he assumed that he himself might just have looked just as disheveled as gunnery appeared to be; sand, dust, and various other sorts of gunk from the rough desert terrain adorned his unruly mess of honey-brown and greyed coat. atlas felt his eyes trail down to linger upon gunnery’s greying muzzle, before the urge to bring his focus elsewhere washed over his bones.
    indent for now, he needed to stay on task . . . needed to keep his senses heightened, and to be the watchful dog that the rest knew him to be; an eagle with fixated, perceptive eyes. he was now more than well aware of the thoughts dripping with disapproval that had to be whirling in the mind of the barbarous elder . . . for it was not an uncommon incident where atlas found himself questioning why exactly it was that his trainers had failed to drill the harsh factors to judgement out of his mind. he figured, if they had managed to strip his voice away from his tongue, why and how was it that they managed to leave him to fight against his thoughts? . . . the thoughts that constantly waged a war within the confinements of his skull, clouding his vision. the thoughts that left him scrambling for the rights between good and bad, the structural differences between left and right, friend or foe.
    indent he shook his head, only once━a brief attempt to shake away the negative energy that threatened alarmingly to seep further within his skeletal system. the cream-coated, panting male quickened his pace. and with a turn to look at his sides, the greens and muted desert-like colors of cacti and rock swirled by in his peripheral vision. he added a distinct force to his footfalls, hoping the gods in the skies above that the increase in agility would make him faster. behind him, he could detect keno’s heavy pawsteps, and the scent of anxiety radiating off of her lithe form. atlas’ own heart and lungs were pumping, and needless to say it did not feel like very much air was beeing feeded into him as he sprinted forward.
    indent a sigh━he liked to believe that the discomfort that he felt rattling his trembling limbs was well-hidden by the stern expression he kept plastered tightly against his maw. and as he thought to himself, he felt himself grow proud of the expression he knew how to fake so well, i am pained, though i must keep my eyes trained on the distance. if not for my sake . . . than for the well-being of this, err, pack━if that’s what we’re calling it. the glowing horizon looks promising, at least . . . and i cannot help but wonder whether or not those warm oranges and clay-outcrops could be something rather promising. perhaps andie has already spotted them.

    indent a voice. he blinked as his silence grew consumed by the warm tone of riko; a bright, little kishu ken with a coat kissed by snow and silver themselves. her fur, well, it was free from the grasps of debri and the dusty grime of sand. yes, it looked smooth in texture against her agile build . . . though with the growing winds, atlas knew that it would not remain the same in the fast approaching sunrise. it was with a slight sense of reluctance in which he turned to gaze at her, his amber eyes glinting like honey in the scintillating sun-rays shining above. with heavy breaths falling from his lips, the male slowed his pace a tad bit to refrain the female from continuing on faster. this, because he did not doubt for a single second that her paws were feeling just as worn out as his own. but why did he feel hesitant to turn and stare? to provide if any, just a little bit of his attention to another of the group? the answer was buried beneath his bones, inside of his fear; distraction.
    indent over the course of just a few months, the months that he had spent getting to know just a little bit about each and every of the group, he had begun to feel slightly . . . distracted. and this distraction? he was not proud to admit that the snow-kissed, little riko was the one capable of holding such a thing over him.
    indenthello!” her bright bark babbled on happily like a mountainous river, “did you hear gunnery and andie talking? i was somewhat amazed at how level-headed she always is. but, gunny isn’t a bad dog, just grumpy at times.” a plume of breath exited atlas’ lips as he cocked his ear to get a better level of hearing on the female, before it quickly dissipated into the dry, hungry desert air. “he fixed my shoulder up before i could even ask for help! I tried asking him how he knew how to do that, but he didn’t answer.” riko’s eyes fell, and atlas felt a pang resonate in his chest, her eyes clouding with the somber-blues of genuine disappointment. this however, vanished just as quickly as it appeared, as riko’s eyes quickly glowed once more with hope and happiness and all things worth living for. he offered her a quiet sigh; a subtle display of acknowledgement. the female seemed to have hope embedded in her soul like paws upon spring grass, and he admired this fondly. it could be sensed radiating off of her very form, and admittingly, it was soothing. despite this, he could not bring himself to part his jaws and speak as riko continued, rather brightly with optimism in her voice, “maybe he just didn’t hear me, andie was talking by then, anyways.
    indent the urge to speak surged in his chest; a rare, unfamiliar feeling that he had yet felt since the beginning of his training. so this is what it feels like . . . he thought to himself, while running his tongue along his lips with the new emotional find. if he were to speak, his voice would sound off lowly, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and frailness than the body he occupied would suggest him to have. this reminiscence, however, exited his mind as the commanding bark of andie echoed against his alert ears. his pace slowed until it eventually came to a halt, and he shifted his eyes to rest them upon the rusty form of his leader. she spoke, determination painting her voice, before disappearing in a flash and plunging into the vast desert surroundings, “i'm going to investigate. stay here. if i bark once, know that it's safe to come down.

    indent the gorge yawned wide before atlas. the walls were sheer hardened clay and rock, coarse and unforgiving; undulating with overhangs and ledges. aside him, riko lifted a paw before taking a single step forward, likely wishing to follow after andie yet realizing the consequences if she were to do so. he could sense her fear, not just by her scent but from the worried look glazing her eyes. “be safe andie!” she barked, before stepping back to stand beside him. her gaze met his once more, “do you know what it’s called?━that thing?” her questioning voice prodded, signaling towards the gaping hole in the earth. various other voices clustered together, the dogs discussing their leaders actions. though, atlas’ eyes remained on curious riko. he opened his jaws, before shutting them again. he knew well of what the landscape was called; a canyon. and, it was more massive than any type of landform he had ever laid his eyes on. “yes. just wait.” his voiced cracked roughly, quietly, against his unused voice-box.
    indent had he chosen the right words? probably not.
    indent he turned his eyes away, focusing on the distance.
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Re: ╭ ✦. the languished iii.

Postby beignet » Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:49 am

(( ❝ ── K E N O !
    age: five years. gender: male. role: the languished. location: desert, canyon. tagged: the six, gunnery.
    Keno's fur ruffled in spite of the still air, his unsteadiness ever present, his mouth gaping, wordless, as he sought to answer Andie's beckoning question. How was he? He wasn't sure, and this was, in large part the reason being for his unusual lack of garrulity which he'd found some temporary semblance of comfort in. But this was the first time that he felt empty, that he'd adjusted to his reality and it had finally set upon him─all that he'd compelled away to the back of his mind, beyond the reaches of his consciousness, had come rising from the depths, suddenly overcoming him so that his body became rigid, his steps no longer airy, light, and reminiscent. The horror was not like the aching, longing for Amelia, this was another being in itself, a consuming, daunting dark terror. Entrenched in his thoughts, he froze, unable to move, falling behind as the others carried on ahead, though entirely unaware of the events that transpired in his daze. He was expressionless, and seemingly numb despite the terror ripping through his mind as his memories retraced themselves, playing on an endless loop before him,─the shelter, the bars, being trapped, Amelia's screaming as he was torn away from her, the simulations, the loop they'd been on for days, months, falling from the sky─it had been a prison, just like that which he was in now, no means to escape from this enigma, the dusty red earth that he'd fallen to, confined, ensnared as the others were. His mind clicked through the events tirelessly, his breath becoming heavy and panicky.

    Keno had once seen a rabbit in a trap. When he was a young pup, before they'd brought he and his mother to the shelter, when they'd called the trees and brush their home. He remembered the wiring and how it'd twisted in a repetitive pattern, turning up and over the other so that it bound in a synchronized fashion. The door had clamped shut, and it appeared there was no means of undoing what had been done. He remembered the animal's face, it's expression as it were occurring at that very moment, the image burned into his mind in his young age. The dread, wide-eyes, alert, frightened, but this present awareness of the fate that would soon be had─some horrific peacefulness to the notion of an approaching, abrupt ending. Keno, suddenly lulled out of his hysteria, his eyes adjusted momentarily, falling upon the other five off to the distance, inaudible─he watched as Andie trailed off, Nef following shortly, leaving himself and the other three to remain as they shortly fell into the distance. Keno stared, not daring to move an inch, wanting only to lay to the ground, resigning himself to an abrupt ending as the rabbit had no doubt suffered. Somehow, the entirety of his collective experiences had been reminiscent of the event. Its' finality, its' calamitousness and unobstructed, subtle tranquility. There was some ease to be had in the unknown, the naivety and ignorance of a certain oblivion that had encapsulated him. Though the small fraction that posed as his tormentor had overrun what temporary solace he'd found in the midst of his ignorance, and now the proposition of moving forward, let alone moving seemed a feat he could not overcome at this exact moment, if ever.

    Keno traced the outlines of the five that lay ahead, solemn, soft amber eyes begging for relief. Not a single one of those who had served as his comrades shared much in common with him, frankly, the majority were entirely the opposite, the only one resembling even the slightest resemblance to his personality being Atlas who was mostly silent─no doubt his mind likely had a few thoughts running a muck. Keno sighed, breathy gasps escaping his maw as his chest heaved. He dug his front paws into the red, clumpy earth, pressing hard so that the soil uprooted itself, painting his paws in a darker shade, his long, hairy tail sweeping back and forth. He felt an impending doom, a sorrow that couldn't be shaken, and a darkness luring him away. The memories continued passing through his mind as he motioned forwards, his steps heavy, his legs like anchors that refused to evict themselves from the ground below. He trekked forward gradually, eventually coming upon the others, and in spite of being inclined towards Atlas, he came beside Gunnery, his flank barely brushing against the coarse Shepherd's. Keno knew he was brash and lacked patience, but he thought perhaps the war inside his mind would be something Gunnery may well understand and have some sort of consolation for. Keno spoke softly, his voice raspy, indicative of his troubles, his worry, his fear, "I know that my demeanor is likely not something that's resonated with you─in fact, I expect you loathe it at the very least, especially my codependency. But I am lost beyond the reaches of this physical world," he paused, hesitant to continue, "and I have nothing, no one, not even the sanctity of my mind any longer." Keno's eyes grazed over what lay before them, the canyon stretching far before them, it's rigid edges artfully mastered. Some were broken, chipped, worn away like he'd been over time. Andie and Nef faded in his peripheral, as too did the comfort he'd found in her company since his arrival to the lab.
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╭ ✦. i'm too young to feel so numb !! | four

Postby paper planets » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:33 pm

    . ── RIKO
    ( 2 years ) ( female ) ( the clay ) ( scent: spruce & rain ) ( location: canyon ) ( tags: the six, atlas )
    . ── i fall in love, just a little bit, everyday with someone new !!

      The young Kishu Ken looked on at the gaping hole that ripped open the earth of the red desert. It was deep and the bottom was coated in shadows. She couldn’t understand how both Andie and Nef had jumped down so quickly and heroically, without so much as a second thought. I don’t think I could ever do that.. she thought, feeling small in this vast desert. They were brave and selfless, willing to face any fears they held within their hearts and leap into the unknown to help their newfound companions to find some shelter from the heat. Which was becoming even more prominent as the minutes bore on. Despite her short, white pelt, she could still feel the heat of the sun’s rays warming up her back and she knew that she’d be panting sooner rather that later. At that thought she became increasingly more aware of her dry tongue and throat and the gritty pieces of sand that were still stuck in her mouth. The desert was as dry as a bone, no water seemed visible for miles and she was already feeling the familiar thirst for water to soothe the dryness in her mouth. She looked at the other dogs, not understanding how they could bear the heat and wondering how they would fair once the sun rose to it’s highest point in the sky and the air grew the warmest it was in the whole day. Gunnery had a dark coat which would soak up the sunlight like a magnet, Keno, while his fur was white, had a thick covering of fur all over his entire body and then there was Atlas, who perhaps had it the worst of them all. His fur was not only thick and long, but dark in colour and those mingling, feathered browns throughout his fur would definitely catch the warmth from the radiant sun rays.

      Swallowing down a whine that threatened to escape past her dry maw, Riko felt her heart flutter with a sense of fear. What fate will Andie and Nef meet at the bottom of this dark, evil grin that stretches out across the flat earth? What if there’s something dangerous down there? Maybe they won’t ever return and we’ll sit here and wait, but they’ll never call us down or join us again. We’ll probably die up here. We won’t have Andie to guide us nor Nef to lift our spirits.. with her brown eyes wide, she looked around at the remaining four, We have the silent Atlas, her eyes slid over his large form, The homesick Keno and grumpy Gunnery, she glanced over at the nervous, white pelted male and the old, experienced soldier. Then, her eyes looked down, to her small, white paws that sat on the sand, And me... but I’m no help! The others are who help to keep me going. To keep me strong and brave. I won’t have Nef to encourage me to stay optimistic and I won’t have Andie to push me to do better.. she thought in utter despair.

      Riko was brought out of the deep pit that was her mind by a new voice sounding beside her. It was rough and ragged, the words cracking slightly as they were spoken sofly, just on a single breath. Like a single, soft breeze. She began to wonder if it really had been a sudden wind that whispered against her ears, but then she looked back to Atlas, just to catch him turn his deep, swirling gaze away from hers. She had nearly forgotten that she had been waiting for the big male to respond to her due to the fact that she had gotten lost in the raging ocean that tossed around her anxious thoughts. He hadn’t exactly answered her question, but that wasn’t very prominent in her mind at the time, she was mostly awestruck at the fact that he had spoken. His voice was weak from not being used and she felt like begging him to speak again because the sound had been lost in her mind. She desperately tried to fish it out, but his words had been so quiet and surprising that she hadn’t stopped to collect the sound into her memories. Riko mentally shook her head, calming the waters, and focused on reality. She had been staring at Atlas for who knew how long with her eyes wide and filled with wonder. She hadn’t spoken yet to respond to his words. Her white tail wagged slightly before she turned her gaze to the - the canyon! she thought suddenly. Remembering what the deep gash in the desert was called. She smiled slightly and turned to look at Atlas, her paws shuffling with excitement, “I remember what it’s called, Atlas! It’s a canyon!” she exclaimed, feeling quite proud of herself, “I can’t believe that Andie and Nef just jumped down there. I can’t help, but worry about what they’ll find there. Some sort of creature, maybe? What if it’s dangerous and hurts them and we don’t know so they just have to try and survive.. I’m scared, for them, for us..” she mumbled and she flattened her ears, all previous happiness seemed to evaporate into the air. She cowered slightly and stared into the depths of the canyon, praying that the two dogs would return soon and with good news.

      The clay looked over at Atlas, “The humans just abandoned us here, why could they help us and get us food and water and shelter?” she questioned softly, though it was the sort of question that she didn’t expect an answer to because there really wasn’t an answer. No one knew what the humans’ plans were. At least, she didn’t think they knew. Either way, she never trusted the humans that took her. With that thought bubbling up in her mind she felt the sudden urge to just spill it and tell someone about how the humans took them and some of the dogs still trusted them. Riko’s eyes glued themselves to a spot off on the distant horizon and she spoke quickly, her words sometimes mingling as she tried to push everything out, “I don’t understand why all of the other dogs put so much trust into the humans, like some even formed bonds with them. Couldn’t they tell that something was up? It all didn’t feel right to me. They were training us, putting us into situations where we had to keep our cool and survive. They were making us strong, like we’re some sort of weapon to them. I don’t think they even care for us. They tricked me when they found me and then only cared for my progress, they didn’t show me companionship. It was lonely..” she whispered and then she quickly added, shaking her head slightly, “This desert is terrible, but I’d rather be here with all of the other dogs - you, Andie, Keno, Nef and Gunnery - than back with the humans.
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╭ ✦. nevermore | the barbarous | vi

Postby ataraxic_gone » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:41 pm

    ━━━━[тнε BARBAROUS]
      There was a lack of amusement on Gunnery's part as Nef bit back at him, willingly throwing shade at the old dogs dying body. Internally he was impressed by the display of confidence but outwardly he just let out a gruff huff. Adjusting his position slightly to show that he was ignoring the remarks of Nef. His head twisted back to watch as Nef descended down the canyon and a worried protective urge struck his heart, causing him to shuffle slightly on his chest. He stiffened slightly as Keno approached his side and turned to face the languished. Gunnery continued to lay tense against Keno's presence, listening attentively to the dog as he spoke. A soft sigh escaped his mouth, the words of the dog next to him tempering his rage and infernal presence momentarily for him to respond in kind. "Kid I don't hate you, I hate the ghosts that haunt us." It was a very blunt statement followed in kind by words that flowed from his chest. "You can't run from them- stop trying to find peace you don't own- haven't earned and start working for it." His words were stricter as he spoke, looking into the distance and watching Nef and Andie descend. The remainders of the groups would have to start moving soon; the feeling of the sun was becoming too much for Gunnery and he doubted it was any easier on the other dogs around him.

      Gunnery wasn't usually one who would talk about emotions and despite his fleeting patience he could feel sympathy with the words Keno had spoke. For the briefest moment he felt himself taken back to those days inside the bunker with Jake's missus. To those moments of despair before he'd managed to drag himself back onto his feet. He wasn't quite there himself and there were some wounds that would never heal- but maybe with time he would feel young again, inside atleast and finally be able to rest. A small wind buffered his pelt with sand and he felt a sense of duty and nostalgia hit him. It would be some time before her reached that state, he still felt that sense of duty driving him to an end.
    [sire • 10 years • former solider • desert; keno • 370 [wb] • form]
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