❀ blossomclan

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( // ❝. leopardpaw of blossomclan !! [ deux ]

Postby astrohund » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:25 pm

      ( // ❝. EOPARDPAW !! ──── ( ☁️ )

      01. gender molly // 02. role med. cat apprentice 03. age nine moons 04. tags silentpaw 05. word count ---
      indentThe molly could've sworn she'd perceived the sudden movement of the surrounding undergrowth, but she was too relaxed to care, well, and that's when some huge figure bumped right into her, this managing to make her squeak in surprise. Instantly, the miniature leopard jerked upwards and landed on her fours, staring daggers at whoever or whatever it was. Oh, well would you look who it was, Silentpaw. Leopardpaw huffed with aggravation, her pupils eased and her muscles relaxed, no longer tense with fright. The she-cat listened to him stutter out an apology, simply ignoring his words, like she did with most of the time when her clan mates were speaking to her about something uninteresting, ignorant, or pretty much downright irritating. "Silentpaw!" she hissed at the other apprentice, her fur on edge with annoyance. "You need to watch where you're going, you mouse-brain!" Jeez, she kind of sounded like her mother, her birth mother actually, she would actually say that whenever Leopardpaw accidentally crashed into her, also disregarding the small, soft "sorry" she would always mutter out whenever that would happen. "What are you even doing out here, where's Lionstorm?" the molly inquired harshly with a flick of her tail.

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    [2] ✩ yeah, everything goes away.

    Postby ataraxic_gone » Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:34 pm

      xxxxxxxFidgetPaw's excitement coalesced inside PebbleSky, being amplified and reflected back upon the apprentice. With this excitement and enthusiasm came the the rough destruction on the previously set policy on volume control. The larger toms energy vibrated out of him in the form of excited hops and vibrated movements, in an effort to expunge some of the energy he did a quick circle in place. His thick fur waved across his body as he moved before coming to a halt as he regained his position seated. After that brief relax in his posture he took a more civil stance, resting his tail by his side and forming a reply for his apprentice. A coy smile formed on his maw, thinking over the question as to what their day would hold, "I dunno FidgetPaw, the elder's need some new moss for their nests." Despite his best attempts to stir the pot, he had never been the best liar, especially towards a friend and so his tells began to make themselves known. His face wrinkled slightly, a grin doing it's best to keep itself hidden before he let out a soft laugh, revealing himself ready to tell of his true intentions for the day. A soft but rattly purr escaped the toms form, "you know I think you would be great at fishing, it's not stressful and your fidgeting will only improve your skills!" This had been something the older tom had been working up to for some time; the walk to the stream was a long one but with the proper training and endurance PebbleSky believed the results would be rewarding. Moons had gone by of improving young fidgets reaction time and endurance that he believed they were ready to begin attempting the mile long hike to the streams. It had been something that although Pebble had planned it for the longest time, he had failed to bring it to the medicine pair's attention, knowing that the two would most likely frown upon FidgetPaw being to far away from camp, lest his seizures take hold of him. But PebbleSky was confident that in the wake of a seizure he would be able to get the tom home safely.

      xxxxxxxAfter things had been settled with his apprentice in regards to their activities for the day PebbleSky moved his attention onto KoiStar. His head dipped in a polite farewell, "thank-you again KoiStar!" The tom shouted eagerly to his friend before turning his form to face the exit of the den. He moved towards the exit, nosing his way through the entrance of the medicine den before pausing, thoughtful of his apprentice, he turned to make sure the tom was at his heel. Once that was assured he made his way out of the den completely. He was always like that, he quietly acknowledged. Holding back whenever he left a den, always making sure to know what he was leaving behind and who he wanted to follow him. He supposed that maybe that learned habit was why his first apprentice, DeerTrack, hadn't left the clan for good. Always look behind you, always wait, because one day those you wait for may not be there anymore and only then can you move on. The thought made an image of WhisperStep appear in his mind, causing the tom's heart to drop. He always used to wait on WhisperStep and now the same tom was waiting on him, in StarClan. His eyes darkened, loosing that bright shine that they had held since he woke up. He stifled a sigh, looking around to find something to take his mind off his plight, ThrushWing came into view. He gave the molly a curt nod, noting that she was now awake before moving past her. Despite the two being close ThrushWing was a reminder of the thoughts which currently plagued him and he didn't want to spend time on the subject. Once he moved past her, the train wreck that was BriarBlossom and LionStorm caught his attention.

      xxxxxxxPebble was on of the few personally guilty for enjoying listening to the two's banter, especially because they were one of the two cats who he didn't stand between when a fight broke out. He never felt the need to attempt to pacify and outbreak of name calling between the two, knowing that anything that came out of their mouths was always in good faith. It amused PebbleSky greatly to see how the two's relationship had developed in such a way and he probably wasn't the only one to silently worry that deep down their loyalty was fully committed to their mates. But that wasn't his place to challenge and so he was content listening to their insults and jabs that were thrown back and forth with no sense of keeping score. Their behaviour always brought a smile to his maw and soon enough the light to his eyes had returned, all thoughts of his brother behind him, for the moment. He moved on, going to the fresh food pile to fish something both parties would enjoy to eat. "What do you think we should have today?" He asked FidgetPaw once the tom approached, "can't leave camp with you being hungry, or me for that matter!" The feeling of his gut aching for food now became more prevalent and he silently regretted not having a full meal last night. He was a large tom and although he helped keep face that he and ThrushWing were close, sharing a squirrel did nothing for sating his hunger long term.

      xxxx ⇢ hunter⇢ tom ⇢ 42m ⇢ fresh kill pile; fidget, koi ⇢ 923 words
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    swiftsnap (1) | doepaw (1)

    Postby crash the mode » Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:17 pm

      blossomclan hunter · where warriors' den, camp · with open · feeling weird angry vindication

          indentSwiftsnap never seemed to be able to sleep while it rained. It was as if the clouds rolling in tugged at his pelt until he was drawn from his nest again, and this morning was no different. While the sun still visibly rose Swiftsnap had been sleeping peacefully, but with the first drop of rain the spotted tom had to accept that the comfort of sleep would only evade him if he remained. Luckily Swiftsnap didn't dislike the rain: even while it made his fur cling to his frame, the water was almost refreshing.

          indentLeaving the warriors' den Swiftsnap cast a glance up to the sky, noting the way the clouds rolled in and the darker storm clouds in the distance. Maybe the rain would be more than he would like, after all.

          indentAs the rain continued to fall Swiftsnap watched others of his clanmates wander out of their dens over a bird he was taking his time enjoying, none of whom he particularly wanted to approach. For a moment after Pebblesky emerged he considered going to him, but in short order his friend was following Koistar into the medicine den. Pebblesky was probably worried about his apprentice, and Swiftsnap wouldn't interrupt. Others now awake included several cats he'd regularly argued with, and Lionstorm with whom he adamantly refused to socialize. It seems like they don't need me to start a fight, anyway, he thought with a derisive snort as he watched the brattish one who wasn't Shadowfrost saunter off as if she'd won. He couldn't quite hear what was being said, but he didn't think he needed to, either. It was bound to be too petty to matter.

          indentPebblesky reemerged from the medicine den with Fidgetpaw in tow, and Swiftsnap again stayed back and out of their way. Fidgetpaw, he reasoned, needed air space after being cooped up with all of the clan's medicine cats for so long. Bird finished, scraps discarded, Swiftsnap settled in for another long day.

      blossomclan fighter's apprentice · where apprentices' den, camp · with thrushwing · feeling amused-ish

          indentDoepaw woke to the usual noises of the camp (those being the loud squabbling of voices from the rise of the sun to its set, and sometimes even after), stretching, replacing whatever of her nest she'd kicked apart in the night, making sure her fur was presentable. Upon stepping out of the den and into the rain she almost regretted taking the time to do so, knowing that once it really started coming down it would even itself out. For the time being, she supposed, she could appreciate the effort put into keeping her clanmates from seeing the strange sleep-patterns in her fur. Doepaw ignored the heavy droplets that would fall on her head or back, crossing the camp to the fresh-kill pile. Behind her Doepaw heard her mentor, Dappledmoon, snipe at Briarblossom something that she probably deserved. Doepaw wasn't close-- didn't even talk to, really --many other warriors in Blossomclan, so while Dappledmoon had her fun bickering her apprentice kept out of the whole affair. She wouldn't address it when asked by cats her own age, either, not a big fan of gossip. Doepaw enjoyed existing as far away from the spotlight as she could.

          indentWhile her aversion to the spotlight was anything but a secret, she didn't like to be alone. Doepaw retrieved a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and cast a wide look over the camp for other cats who might be open to her sharing a space. Outside the radius of nonsense that was the usual crowd of overzealous warriors, Doepaw spotted Thrushwing digging into her own meal not two tail-lengths away. The other molly had the good sense to find shelter first, unlike other cats that could be seen, and the apprentice scooted in beside her with no small amount of visible relief. "Good morning, Thrushfeather. Do you mind if I...?" She didn't really wait for an answer before settling in, lying on her side with her paws tucked underneath the bulk of her body. Her eyes returned to the ruckus, "Do they realize it's too early to be doing this?"
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    ❀ ii

    Postby lacke » Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:24 pm

        ( ♂/50 m )( leader of blossomclan )( assigned mate: none atm )( tags: blizzardbriar, paletuft )
          koistar watched pleasantly and quietly as mentor and apprentice rejoiced, and nodded to fallenoak as he
          greeted them. pebblesky and fidgetpaw raced out of the den, pebblesky shouting a goodbye over his shou
          lder. koistar dipped his head quietly to the medicine cats before standing and slipping out of the den, tail
          flicking over the ground. looking around, he noticed his daughter, blizzardbriar sitting near his den, which
          meant she wanted to talk. koistar twitched his whiskers and padded over to her and her friend, paletuft.
          "good morning you two," he meowed with a slight grin. he slowly took a seat besides blizzardbriar, and gl
          anced at the prey she had gotten herself. the white tom didn't say much, but instead lifted his head towa
          rds the sky. the rain had gone into a light drizzle, and he flicked his tail behind him irritably. he turned hi
          s attention back to the two she-cats besides him. "we might want to take shelter from the rain, it woul
          dn't be wise to sit out in the rain,"
          the tom suggested, and tilted his head towards his den. "if you guys
          wanted to chat, we can go in my den."
          he stated, twitching the rain from his whiskers. he knew they di
          dn't come to talk about anything serious, but he and blizzardbriar would often talk in his den, and paletu
          ft was always welcome to join in. almost without waiting for a response, he stood and slunk into the den.

        ( ♀/10 m )( apprentice of blossomclan )( mentor: fleetfoot )( tags: rowanpaw, fleetfoot )
          tinypaw was rudely awoken by a ginger she-cat, rowanpaw. the white molly opened her eyes and looked up
          at the hunters apprentice, blinking sleepily. without arguing, she stood and arched her back in a stretch. s
          he turned her gaze to the apprentice and tilted her head. "should we get going then?" she asked quietly, b
          efore padding out of the den, glancing over to make sure rowanpaw was in toe. quickly glancing around, t
          inypaw glanced around for her mentor, fleetfoot. after being unsuccessful, tinypaw turned to her friend on
          ce more. "i don't see either of our mentors, so i'm not sure what we should do..." tinypaw said a bit awk
          wardly, before nonchalantly glancing at rowanpaw. neither of them were fighters apprentices, but they did
          have to do combat training sometimes, because every cat needed to be prepared to defend their life. tiny
          paw flicked her tail in thought before padding about a tail length from rowanpaw, then turning to face her.
          she playfully crouched, and twitched her whiskers at the other apprentice. "want to spar?"
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    { ❀ } deertrack - one

    Postby soba » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:33 am

    ///xxxxx/// DEERTRACK
    ( hunter ) ( tom ) ( twenty five moons ) ( tags - swiftsnap ) ( arranged mate - shadowfrost )
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    if there was one thing that deertrack always hated about himself was his inability to fall asleep-even when he can barely keep his
    eyes open, but last night seemed to be one of his worst. the pale hunter had barely gotten any kind of relief because he'd been up
    with his thoughts. of course, this meant that deertrack woud end up sleeping in later than what he'd like to.

    blinking his amber eyes, the tom stretched out his forepaws and let out a small yawn before movie himself up. he'd be lucky if an
    older warrior or privileged deputy didn't chew him out for sleeping in late. peeking his head outside, eyes adjusting to the soft
    sunlight that littered around the camp. a few feet away from him, he met eyes with briarblossom-dipping her head in greeting be
    fore glancing at the small group of cats made up of lionstorm, shadowfrost, and dappledmoon near briarblossom that immediately
    gave away the situation. it seemed to cool down though, which was good. their teasing and mocking sometimes went to far. slink
    ing past the rude, slighty older cats before making his way towards the fresh kill pile-glancing at swiftsnap who had been watching
    the small cluster of cats who were standing around the warriors' den. meeting eyes with the handsome tom, deertrack immediately
    turned away. feeling hot on his paws, he continued his way over to the prey pile-a small frown forming on his face at the lousy
    pieces of prey that was left over. the early bird gets the worm, which in this case-is prey. he thought to himself before picking
    up a scrawny vole that definitely had seen better days before snuggling up to a shaded tree and practically devouring the whole thing-
    chewing on impulsively on the bones before adjusting his gaze at the fresh-kill pile. perhaps i should ask someone to go on a hunti
    ng patrol with me,
    he thought. glancing back at the direction of swiftsnap, he supposed that the other tom wouldn't mind to hunt,
    he was sure that switsnap didn't like standing around camp all day looking like a mouse-brain. like me, deertrack thought sheepishly
    before getting up to his paws and padding towards swiftsnap.

    "hey.... switsnap, would you like to go hunting with me?" deertrack called out awkwardly as he approached the short-haired tom.
    nervousness made his pelt feel hot despite the cool leaf-bare telling him differently. "err, i dont like going with shadowfrost beca
    use she makes fun of me every second she gets. and everyone else is out already.
    " he quickly added, flicking his tail. looking
    down at his paws, he awaited swiftsnaps' answer expectantly.
    Last edited by soba on Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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    ( ❝ yeah, everybody plays the game // i . ❞ )

    Postby artemis, » Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:05 pm

    warrior -- assigned to fleetfoot -- tagging n/a

          xxxxLarkfrost woke with a start, the cool air blowing her fur to the side as she willed her droopy eyelids to open for good, and yawned, her glistening white fangs exposed to the wind for a split moment before her jaw secured itself closed once again. With a content hum, she slinked outside of the warrior's den, her clear blue irises scanning the camp for her assigned mate, Fleetfoot. Larkfrost could not deny it; she was totally smitten with her new mate.
          xxxxBut, unfortunately for him, her possessiveness was overbearing to most people. If she were to catch any other cat batting as much as an eyelash at him, Larkfrost would be sure to give them a thrashing. With a smirk of pure satisfaction, she stretched her nimble and muscular legs before passing a gaze over the camp once more. To no prevail, she sighed but trotted across the camp's center and to the edge, where she could pass through the shrubbery and out on a patrol. Much to her delight, nobody else was around to accompany her. Larkfrost enjoyed her alone time, especially when she was tired.
          xxxxAs always, nothing new rose to the challenge during her morning checks of the border, to Larkfrost's dismay. The she-cat was a sucker for action, and if she was involved, it was even more exciting. With a huff, she turned on her heels and began on her way back. As she passed under a row of wide trees, a large, fat drop of water crossed her vision and splattered over her nose. With a delicate sneeze, she shook the water off her face before feeling more droplets exploding over her body, soon beginning to create a drumming noise over the forest's floor. This was her cue, and she sped up and began to run back to camp.
          xxxxThe siamese she-cat arrived at camp panting slightly. Speed was never her strong suit, but she had managed to make it without a stop to rest. Her tail flicking in annoyance at how her pelt clung to her skin due to the water, she slunk into her den once more, perching on her stomach to wait for anyone else escaping the storm.
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    #2 || thrushwing || silentpaw ||

    Postby skulduggery » Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:27 pm

    || female || hunter || camp || arranged: pebblesky || tags: doepaw


      Thrushwing ate her squirrel slowly, savoring each bite. She had always had a special fondness for squirrel meat, especially when it was fresh from the hunt. The only thing Thrush could complain about was that soon squirrel would be more difficult to come by. Leaf-bare made everything more difficult, for the clan and for their prey. It was just her luck that this squirrel had stored up for leaf-bare well, it was not as scrawny as it could have been. It was by no means plump like during green-leaf but it wasn't just skin and bones either. Ah green-leaf. Warm sunshine to bask in, perfect weather, a sweet scent in the air from all the new blossoms and best of all; plentiful prey. It was her favorite season. But, Thrushwing figured, what use was thinking about it now? Her wishful thoughts and desires would by no means bring about a change in the season. Not even pleading to Starclan could bring green-leaf by faster. Sighing around her mouthful, she was gently pulled from her fantasies by a soft, younger voice.

      It was Doepaw, and the apprentice was quickly scooting in next to Thrushwing under her cover. Thrush moved a little more to make room for her. The she-cat shook her head in response, no she did not mind, in fact she welcomed the company. Doepaw seemed a cheerful young cat and her company at the moment was much more highly preferred than that of most of their other clanmates. She too looked in the direction of the bickering and with a twitch of her ears decided to ignore them. It was all too common a happenstance. "To be honest,", she said around a mouthful before swallowing, "I don't think they could get through a day without arguing about something. They all seem to thrive on it." Then again, there was very little other conflict. Situated as they were, there wasn't much to fight against. Except one another it seemed.

      In fact, Thrushwing tried to imagine a day without the verbal fighting. What would it be like if they all got along better? Great Starclan! It would be so quiet, filled with gentle murmurs, idle chatter and quiet gossip, rather than the caterwaul of arguing and the yowling of bickering. The camp would be so peaceful and everything would run so smoothly. The very thought of it made Thrushwing's fur stand on end and her tail flicked uncomfortably. It was just too strange to think about. "Tell me honestly, Doepaw, don't you think the camp would be a little strange without all the commotion?" She had gotten to used to their routine to be able to imagine it any other way.

    || male || fighter apprentice || forest || arranged: none || tags: leopardpaw


      Oh she was mad! Of course she was mad! Silentpaw would have been mad too... Well not really. He wasn't an angry type of cat, he was in fact, a little too easy-going, a little too quick to forgive and forget. In fact had anyone run into him while he had been hiding in the undergrowth, he would have undoubtedly been pouring out apologies faster than could be understood. It would not have been his fault, but he still would have been apologizing. Saying sorry for not making his presence known, for hiding in the first place, for just being there! Not... Not that he expected Leopardpaw to apologize to him! Starclan no! He would never even hope nor dream of anyone apologizing to him, especially not her. Or any of the cats that were as quick to irritate as she was. That was simply not something that crossed his mind and in the few moments that it did he banished the thought quickly. How dare he expect an apology from anyone? Especially when he ran into her?

      He was quickly pulled from his stormy thoughts by her annoyed hiss. Silentpaw's ears flattened against his head and his front paws shuffled into the ground as he pulled away from her a bit. "Sorry, I'm sorry," he whispered faintly and a bit frantically, "I just didn't see you-". He shook his head, stopping the excuses that were leaving his maw. Excuses were not needed, nor tolerated. She probably hadn't even heard him, and if she had she most likely didn't care. He remained quiet until she finished reprimanding him, the mouse-brain remark making his shoulders and whiskers droop. He was a mouse-brain wasn't he? Starclan he was so stupid, not watching where he was going. Prancing around victoriously like some kit with a moss ball. Silentpaw was a useless excuse for a fighter and a hunter and he knew it.

      Rather than looking at her as she asked about Lionstorm, Silentpaw focused his gaze on the vole and where he had dropped it. The small creature didn't look so impressive now. It was small and scrawny, it would hardly make a mouthful for one of the clans hunters and even less a meal for one of the fighters. What had he been thinking? "Lionstorm was busy talking to Dappledmoon and then Briarblossom." Right... talking. Not that his mentor's affairs were any of his business. If he wanted to talk to the she-cats all day then he was at liberty to do so. He would never hear Silentpaw complain. "I didn't want to bother him, so I thought I would come out and hunt a little bit." It was on the tip of his tongue to mention that the clan needed food especially in leaf-bare, but he stopped himself before he could. Silentpaw looked at Leopardpaw quickly, she still looked pretty miffed, "What are you doing out- Nevermind..."
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    ( // ❝. fleetfoot & leopardpaw of blossomclan. [ trois ]

    Postby astrohund » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:58 am

        ( // ❝. LEETFOOT !! ──── ( 🌟 )

        01. gender tomcat // 02. role hunter 03. age thirty moons 04. tags tinypaw, sweetnose, larkfrost 05. word count ---
        indentThe pale blue-point tabby tom shuffled inside of his nest of moss, squirming around as to get more comfortable. It was pretty chilly to him, his light pelt couldn't do much to help him out and he just attempted to bury himself in his nest, though it wasn't enough moss or lichen to do so and he just laid there shivering. He had an eerie feeling forming in the pits of his belly, that no cat was currently in the den with him right now and that they were all gone... His anxiety was gnawing at his head once more and he now received a huge doubt that his clan mates were here inside this camp, and that all of them had left him to freeze and starve to death. But, then Fleetfoot wondered, why would they leave him? Was he an important cat or just a waste of bone, fur and flesh? From pondering deeper into this mysterious and strange subject, thus caused the tomcat to jerk upwards from his slumber, panting heavily as if he had been chasing something or if he had been chased by something, or someone. He sat there, breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest, his brain taking massive strain from accumulating stress. Fleetfoot took a few glimpses around and he was right, there were no cats, no felines, not a single soul in the den with him and he this made the funny feeling return once again. His icy, striking blue orbs landed near the opening of the den, light slightly seeping in, which made the gloomy atmosphere of the den subdue. Outside he could hear the soft chatters and mutters of several, familiar voices, his clan mates. Fleetfoot sighed with relief, he felt as if his heart would collapse from how fast it was beating. The tomcat took small steps out of the den and faced the outdoor world in front of him.

        indentLarkfrost, a very gorgeous Siamese-pelted molly. Just looking at her for a split second made the tom's heart melt, he was smitten and she probably was too. Where was she? He wondered, gazing around camp, his eye not landing on a single Siamese cat, oh, well, there was Sweetnose but only him and Larkfrost, at least that was what he thought. A sigh escaped the tomcat as he sat outside of his den, attending to his raggedy, filth-filled pelt, he had to have a good appearance for his fellow clan-mates, for Larkfrost too of course. Some mist was foaming in his coat, small water droplets running off and falling to the ground, as if his pelt were a cloud and those water droplets were actually rain. They were rain too. After a few more minutes, Fleetfoot stopped his grooming session as he was finished with it, he hadn't looked up from what he was doing and now scanned once again around camp for someone he knew, he thought he might've noticed his apprentice, Tinypaw, though maybe it wasn't her and was just some clan cat that might've shared her appearance. He kept looking hopefully and finally, his orbs settled onto a Siamese lurking into their den. "Larkfrost," he breathed out, as if he was calling out to her though she didn't hear him. Fleetfoot stalked over to the den and peeked inside. "Good morning, dear," muttered Fleetfoot politely, a small smile pressing against his features. He went inside the den, clearly noticing the sudden rain falling to the ground noisily. "Hmm, storm's coming." He just hoped that this storm wouldn't do much damage to the camp, or he just hoped that this was just maybe a quick shower though it seemed like the rain would never end.

          ( // ❝. EOPARDPAW !! ──── ( ☁️ )

          01. gender molly // 02. role med. cat apprentice 03. age nine moons 04. tags silentpaw 05. word count ---
          indentLeopardpaw let out a huff before speaking once again to the long-haired, mottled tomcat. "Well, just don't do it again..." Her voice was like a dagger, its tone cutting into a feline, or the feline right here now. The molly could feel a little bit guilty and cold, she should probably apologize to him since she was in his way, thus causing him to bump into her and startle her, she was also well hidden in the grass so he probably couldn't have seen her. Leopardpaw perceived his words, listening closely, though not making seem as if she were, her ears swiveling towards him though her head remaining still and staring off into the distance. The Bengal turned her head slightly towards him once she heard him ask her a question in which he had held back almost instantly. "... I've been out here, trying relax, obviously." she had spat again. Leopardpaw tried to speak again until she was cut off by a large water-droplet splashing on top of her head, causing her to yowl out. That raindrop had been followed by more cold droplets, making the molly jump up and rush away, Leopardpaw halted suddenly and turned to Silentpaw. "I think there's a storm on its way, come on!" And just like that, she was off, rushing back to camp in a hurry.

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        swiftsnap (2) | doepaw (2)

        Postby crash the mode » Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:49 am

          blossomclan hunter · where camp · with deertrack · feeling like a challenge

              indentIn his observance of the camp Swiftsnap watched Deertrack shrug his way out of the warriors' den and into the rain. The pale tom didn't seem bothered by it, rather more bothered with the cluster of cats who took up just next to the den. Deertrack looked away from him again almost immediately and Swiftsnap was happy to leave him to whatever he would rather do, changing his attentions back to other cats, the clouds that were hovering at the edge of the sky. Once he'd all but forgotten the short exchange with the other warrior Deertrack was addressing him, properly this time. Swiftsnap considered his posture-- nervous --and his voice-- nervous. If Swiftsnap scared him so much, he couldn't imagine why Deertrack continued to speak to him.

              indentWell, he could, but he'd been avoiding certain trains of thought outright. They didn't make sense.

              indentDeertrack asked if Swiftsnap would like to hunt with him. An innocuous request, outside of what seemed to be both an explanation and a pull for sympathy. He'd gotten to know the other over several conversations like this one and was willing to defend the comment as an explanation, hating manipulation through any means, guilt included. He hated that it worked a bit. More likely, Deertrack didn't want to be a bother. Swiftsnap raised his eyes to the dark horizon again. "It's getting ready to storm," He said coolly, "Think you're ready to handle that?"

          blossomclan fighter's apprentice · where camp · with thrushwing · feeling thoughtful

              indentThrushwing didn't seem to mind her presence at all, which was a great relief. Doepaw listened to her companion speak, chewing thoughtfully on her piece of prey. It really wasn't such a leap to imagine one or more of them actually liked to argue. Doepaw considered Dappledmoon for a moment, knowing with some certainty that she, at least, enjoyed the challenge of debate. Shadowfrost and Briarblossom took every opportunity to get their clanmates riled up. Personally, she would love for them all to give it a rest. Sometimes the arguing could be like waking up and knowing everything is as it should be, but other times (most other times) it just made her glad she was still training, and out of the camp for a good part of the day. If the four of them ever patrolled together, an entire clan could sneak over our borders and none of them would even notice. It took her a while to swallow, mind busy with other things.

              indent"I suppose it would be a little strange... but would that be such a bad thing?" Finally disrupting her train of thought, Doepaw was able to focus back up on her meal and on Thrushwing beside her. She could've said more, been a bit more concise, but she settled for a good-natured jab, "Think about peace and quiet, Thrushwing!"
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        ❀ blizzard & lion -- two

        Postby razzberry » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:25 am

            ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
            heir of blossomclan ♀/33 mns arranged mate. none tags. koistar, paletuft

              the sleek furred feline finished devouring the last remnants of the small vole she had picked for herself for breakfast and was licking her maw when her eyes fell upon a familiar curly pelt that blizzardbriar always claimed felt like a cloud. paletuft was her closest and dearest friend and there was never a dull moment with the she cat around. they had grown up together and gotten into all sorts of trouble and caused numerous cases of mayhem, and yet through it all her poor father had to put up with not only one overly rambunctious cat but two, because paletuft had long ago become apart of their dwindling family. blizzardbriar had been and would always be grateful to paletuft's presence and support after she had lost more than half of her family to a dreadful illness.

              the white oriental let out a content purr as her friend settled down beside her, her thick curly coated beginning to look full as the drizzling rain clung to the hairs like sap. "i guess that's one of the perks of having short fur" blizzardbriar chuckled "the rain's not nothing to cling to" she finished, lightly flicking paletuft's shoulder with her tail. it was true, that having short fur that it's upsides, but it did absolutely nothing for her when it was windy or when the temperatures dropped during leaf bare. it was during those times that her clan mates said they noticed a drastic elevation in blizzardbriar's level of affection because she was constantly trying to cuddle with someone, especially those with long fur, so she could keep warm.

              as the pair sat and conversed, catching up on the happenings since they had last talked, blizzardbriar tipped her head to the side in time to notice koistar making his way towards them. she dipped her head and offered him a greeting in return. "we might want to take shelter from the rain, it wouldn't be wise to sit out in the rain" her father began and blizzardbriar tipped her head back to glance at the clouds that hung heavily overhead, packed tightly with rain just waiting to be unleashed. when her father suggested that the three of them take shelter in his den to talk, the sleek oriental rose to her paws and nudged paletuft. "you've been offered an out from this rain, your pelt will be thanking you later" she teased, playfully batting a paw at the warriors ear before bounding after koistar into the dryness of his den.

            ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ➸
            fighter of blossomclan ♂/30 mns arranged mate. dappledmoon tags. briarblossom, dappledmoon, shadowfrost

              as the thick furred tom sat back on his haunches facing his mate, the freshly caught squirrel at her paws, lionstorm paused to think about what it would have been like to be paired with someone who didn't understand him quite like dappledmoon did.
              she put up with him and his antics and, as much as his ego would allow him, knew that he could be a lot to handle and was an acquired taste for most. he was actually glad to be paired up with the dark calico and was even more glad that they both mutually settled on a relationship that was a little less than what they were supposed to be - mates. he could only guess that she, like himself, was in no rush to have kits or a family of her own quite so soon. lionstorm respected and deeply cherished dappledmoon and their friendship and had vowed to treat her like a tomcat should treat a molly, despite the pair not being romantically involved.

              lionstorm had shrugged briarblossom's presence aside, focused intently on enjoying his mate's company before their warrior duties called them apart. he didn't miss how the short-haired calico's hackles raised and her body went rigid with anger and a surge of satisfaction wafted over the thick coated orange tabby. a smirk rose to his maw and widened ever further when briarblossom wedged her way between himself and dappledmoon, thrusting her maw in his face with glistening teeth bared in a display of her irritance with him. the ginger warrior tipped his head back and let out a short snort of indignation at briarblossom's comment, and before she had the chance to move he bit back a comment of his own. "at least if my head did explode everyone would be assured that i have brains. in your case though...i don't think we'd be able to reassure anyone of that" he shrugged nonchalantly as if the matter was of zero importance to him, yet the devious smirk that tugged at his maw told any onlookers that he was enjoying this too much.

              settling down into a laying position on his stomach, a low warning growl rumbled deep in lionstorm's chest as he watch through narrowed eyes as briarblossom kicked dappledmoon's squirrel before sauntering off. he was seconds away from leaping after the calico and pummelling her when his mate's comment brought him out of the red haze he had been in. "it's only a matter of time, and i can't wait to see the day that happens" he agreed, his whiskers twitching in amusement. he had barely noticed that shadowfrost had joined the group thanks to brairblossom's infuriating presence and the ebony warrior only irritated lionstorm further. "big headed means more brains dear shadowfrost. i suggest you go find some instead of poking your nose where it doesn't belong" the large tabby was in no further mood to deal with anymore cats who felt like irritating him today and it was evident in the way his tone was lathered in a harsh undertone.
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