LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby maid of time » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:57 am

o R C H I D P A Wa P P R E N T I C Et A G S. silverpaw, dewpaw

The apprentice widened her eyes at what Dewpaw said. She knew that the young had a tongue that spit acid, being infamous for her fiery nature, so the words directed towards Silverpaw didn't surprise, but felt more of a routine. Orchidpaw's eyes glimmered in the sun when the other molly dipped her head. Inside she knew she liked it, liked being praised, liked being respected by others.
Yet the compliment for her, after the rude words launched at the tom, made the medicine cat in training get quite unsure of what she should say.
Orchidpaw decided to respond to Dewpaw:
"I am flattered, i would lie if i would say otherwise, though the head dip, maybe keep that for seniors. I will need some when i become the new medicine cat" continued the molly, winking at the other female.
Turning around her head, trying to prevent Silverpaw anger even more, with a soft voice the apprentice whispered:
"Don't get angry, nor sad, Dewpaw can be sometime...." Orchidpaw made a pause, thinking of a word, as an ear twitched. "Haughty ." finished, sketching a smile on her lips.

just a writer's block, sorry. won't make it happen again ))

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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby mikan! » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:39 am

    Iceflight - Female - Warrior - 38 Moons - Crush; Pepperstep - Tags; open

    Iceflight’s eyes fluttered open, caught in a beam of light. She groaned and rolled over, trying to fall back asleep. She could hear the distant sound of the apprentices chattering about outside, and considered stuffing moss in her ears. Can’t a warrior get some sleep? It seemed that every time just before Iceflight drifted back to her dreams, the agitating sound of the apprentices’ conversation would jolt her awake again.

    As the birds outside chirped in a chorus of song, Iceflight crawled onto her feet, eyes narrowed in obvious irritation. As she strolled outside, the icy breeze nipped her nose, sending chills down her spine. The pretty lynx point made her way to the fresh-kill pile, blue eyes surveying the amount of fresh-kill from last night’s hunt. The lake at frozen over; there were no more fish or lake birds. Only forest prey remained. Iceflight didn’t mind, because she enjoyed both types equally, but still didn’t take any fresh-kill. She was going to help restock the pile before taking from it. That was her usual custom, hunt first, eat later.
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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby venkos » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:03 am

//Silverpaw//Apprentice//Male//Crush: Open//Heterosexual//Location: Outside//Tags:Dewpaw, Orchidpaw//

Silverpaw bit back a harsh insult, still burning with anger. He didn’t like people talking about his past of being a kitty pet and he knew Dewpaw was just trying to get under his fur, but still! The grey tom listened to what Orchidpaw said and he nodded in agreement. Dewpaw was haughty and a bother to him but he just sighed. He glared at Dewpaw but stoped after a while, not bothering to deal with her. With a sharp flick of his tail, he said, “Just because I was a kitty pet, does not mean I am weak.” His harsh voice was quiet, not to draw attention but loud enough for Dewpaw to hear. The fluffy toms tail curled around his paws and laid still.

//Snowkit//Kit//Female//Crush: Open//Heterosexual//Location: Kit den//Tags://

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i use any pronouns (neos included) except it/its !
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Postby Only_Sky » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:58 am

            xxxxxxxxSparrowface, The Charmer
            xxxxxxxxmood • calm | tags • iceflight
            As he fell out o his day dreaming of the past, Sparrowface noticed that Iceflight had woken and was now joining the camp. Getting to his feet, the tom stretched until his whole body shook, satisfied, he made his way over to the pale molly. " Good morning Iceflight, beautiful morning isn't it? Especially with you here, the light complements your fur perfectly. " His words were smooth, but the tom's eyes were lit with playfulness. Of course the tom did think the she-cat was attractive, perhaps almost beautiful, but he held no seriousness with his flirts, he had no intentions to ever really get anywhere with anyone romantically. But, that did not mean he couldn't have fun flustering others with his faux advances, yet normally true compliments. He loved the way that others reacted to his flirting, especially if they were embarassed or otherwise caught off guard.


            xxxxxxxxDewpaw, The Haughty
            xxxxxxxxmood • bored | tags • orchidpaw, silverpaw
            Although the silver tom did not reply, which was disappointing, Dewpaw felt a wave of satisfaction as Orchidpaw expressed appreciation for the compliment the tabico had given. However, her ears twitched with annoyance as the two other apprentices began to whisper, excluding her from the conversation briefly. She forced herself not to curl her lip and bite back a snide remark on being rude, she wasn't going to get in trouble so early in the morning, not just yet. Instead, she focused more of her attention on grooming her still spiky pelt, wanting to look pretty once more. Upon Silverpaw's words, she paused her grooming for a moment to reply. " Perhaps, We'll see when we're given our warrior names. " She then continued to quickly finish up her grooming. In the corner of her eye, she noticed more cats exiting her dens, " Say, do you guys know if the morning patrols have already left? " She asked in a calmer tone, as though the previous conversation had just blown over her head.
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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby mikan! » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:35 am

    Iceflight - Female - Warrior - 38 Moons - Crush; Pepperstep - Tags; Sparrowface

    Her blue eyes widened as Iceflight felt a warm tingle come to her cheeks and especially the tips of her ears. Fighting to keep her composure, the she-cat straightened her posture slightly. "Really? Thank you," she replied, her mew warm. Although the compliment cheered her, she couldn't help but let her thoughts drift to Pepperstep. Would he ever say something like that about her? Thinking about him caused her pelt to feel warm.

    Blinking back into reality, she found herself staring at Sparrowface.
    "I didn't-" she started to say, trying to tell him her intentions weren't to stare at him. Blushing furiously, she tore her gaze away and studied her paws. Although Sparrowface was handsome, talking with him didn't make her chest flutter like talking to Pepperstep.
Last edited by mikan! on Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby brad! » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:21 am

tags. none (open)
        It hadn't been very long since the newly formed LakeClan had found their home near the edge of a magnificent watery expanse. Though Blizzardleaf wasn't able to place how long ago since the mudslide, the medicine cat was able to remember the look on his mentor's face as she departed her physical body to join the ranks of StarClan. Blizzardleaf missed Sheepheart terribly, and more than that, he felt horribly lost without the snow-white molly's calm guidance to lead his path.

        Ever since the discovery of the Moonstone, Blizzardleaf found himself travelling there almost every night, set on the motive of making contact with the former members of BarkClan, his mother, and his mentor. Whether or not the other cats were aware didn't cross Blizzardleaf's mind very often, but he didn't consider the idea to be a problem. In their current state, Blizzardleaf felt that the clan needed as much guidance as they could get. Lakestar wasn't exactly and experienced leader, nor was he the most experienced medicine cat. I may be skilled in healing, but I've always needed someone to guide my paw.

        Blizzardleaf stared at the Moonstone, his eyes assessing the crystalline arrangement with some sort of respect and awe. He had always wondered how StarClan was able to communicate so effectively with them, through a rock of all things. But when he had asked Sheepheart she had merely laughed, stating "it's just one of those things, my dear". Blizzardleaf could have sworn that the devious molly knew something, but her stubborn nature meant that no matter how hard her apprentice would try, Blizzardleaf simply wouldn't get such an answer out of her. And now it seemed like Sheepheart was going to take such a mystery to her grave.

        Sitting down in front of the crystal, Blizzardleaf leaned forward and gently pressed his nose onto its cold surface. The tom closed his eyes, feeling an eerily cold sensation pull on his fur. He may not have been transported to StarClan, but the medicine cat knew that his ancestors were listening, waiting. Give me guidance. he thought, suppressing a shudder as the cold sensation increased in intensity. I'm lost without my mentor. What do I do?

        There was silence, but the cold feeling ceased, leaving Blizzardleaf strangely calm. StarClan believes in me. It was a reassuring thought, and after a few moments of staying still, Blizzardleaf opened his eyes and moved away from the Moonstone, feeling enlightened. He sighed and stood up, tail curling as he turned to face in the general direction of camp. "I should head back," he spoke aloud to no one in particular, sighing deeply and shaking his head. But the sounds of a few twigs cracking caused the tom to stop dead in his tracks. Had he been followed?

        But instead of saying anything, the tom stared outward. Frankly, he didn't particularly feel like dealing with any of his clan mates right now, but if someone was here, he needed to be professional.
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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby ~Atlas~ » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:08 pm

ʀ ᴀ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ ʜ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ

(rank). deputy (clan). lakeclan (location). camp (mood). motivated (tags). Lakestar, Dewpaw, Orchidpaw,

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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby endless shelter;; » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:59 pm

of the dead and
We were born in
'the wary'

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
She-cat ; Leader ; 32 moons
Lakeclan ; no crush ; maine coon
Tagged; open
xxxxx=thought ; '

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
      δ The scent of the prey fills her nostrils. And she snaps her teeth into it, letting the flavour savour in her mouth before finishing each bite. The feathers begins to spread out as she completes her large meal, one wing was still left over. She decides to keep it for later, so she comes down to bury it near her den. She then climbs back up to then tidy up the high-falls, taking the bones and feathers out of camp and buried for the rest of the cycle to take its course. Clumsily, she slumps in her favourite high falls spot to relax and watch her clan. She listened to the rushing water from the falls, the chatter from the tongues being shared. She knew Ravenheart would assign patrols soon, the weather would likely cause rain.
      Yet today peace enveloped her, the breeze was not in the strength to cause discomfort. She felt too much warmth, the cold creating an interesting contrast to it, easing her to relax. She herself though wouldn't mind going on a patrol though.
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Re: LAKECLAN - a new beginning - ACCEPTING

Postby ~Atlas~ » Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:43 pm

ʀ ᴀ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ ʜ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ

(rank). deputy (clan). lakeclan (location). camp (mood). motivated (tags). Lakestar

“I can’t see! I-I can’t see!”

Shrieks filled Ravenheart’s ears and the darkness surrounded her. The permeating, ever-lasting darkness. It stretched on forever and forever. Starclan, it was endless! The light and colors of the beautiful world were gone, replaced by haunting shadows, looming out at every corner.

“It’s so dark, I’m scared!” she continued to scream. “Help me!”

Ravenheart awoke with a jolt, her foggy orange eyes opening immediately, although they were of no use. Her breathing was ragged and short, and she let her other senses flood through her. “It was only a nightmare,” she shakily reminded herself. It was her most common one, and it was always the same. The day she lost her sight was the worst day of her life. It snatched everything that she had left from her. While she had adjusted, worked harder and eventually became Lakeclan deputy, nothing had been the same. Oh, what she would give to have her sight back, to see the sun’s rays creep into the warrior’s den every morning. With a sigh, she heaved herself to her paws and shook the moss off her black pelt. “It’s been 20 moons, you should be used to this by now,” the blind molly scolded herself.

From the sounds of it, the rest of the clan was alive and well. Ravenheart took her first few cautious steps into the clearing. Her sightless eyes stared forward, but her nose and whiskers twitched, and her ears swiveled back and forth. The air was cold and brisk, making her fur stand on edge. It was the middle of leafbare, but the clan was thriving despite the difficulties. Ravenheart sniffed the air, and could sell fresh kill on the pile. Good, she thought to herself. However, there were still many duties to attend to. As deputy, it was he responsibility to organize the patrols for the day. There were already a few cats she had in mind. Her apprentice, Dewpaw, was one of them. Along with Dewpapw, she wanted the quiet brothers Pepperstep and Sweetthorn. Finally, she thought Silverpaw would complete the patrol.

Hunting, she wanted the chocolate tom, Sparrowface and his apprentice, Fogpaw. Iceflight and her large apprentice, Howlingpaw, would also join them. And with that, that gave almost every member of the clan something to do. Ravenheart left out the leader, Lakestar. She was free to do whatever she wished and join whatever patrols she wanted to. Ravenheart felt uncomfortable ordering their leader around, and would never dream of doing so.

Ravenheart kept up her cautious creep, lest she stumble on anything or anyone. That would be embarrassing, and she’d had her fair share of wipeouts. Finally, the blind she-cat smelled the familiar scent of their fearless leader. She sat on the right side of Lakestar and let out a gentle mew of greeting.

“Good morning Lakestar, I hope you slept well,” she began politely with a respectful dip of her head. Her eyes didn’t gaze at Lakestar, but they rested on the apprentices in the distance. “I’ve arranged the patrols for this morning and just wanted to run them by you for approval. Me, Dewpaw, Silverpaw Pepperstep and Sweetthorn will patrol the northern and eastern border. The rest of the warriors and apprentices, Howlingpaw, Iceflight, Sparrowface, and Fogpaw will add to the fresh kill pile,” she finished confidently. Her tail twitched as a particularly cold burst of wind showered her face. Her fur fluffed in response, but she continued with her briefing. “You, of course, can join whatever patrols you please or do whatever you wish. Do these sound alright to you?” Ravenheart asked. She held Lakestar’s opinion above anyone else’s. After all, she was their leader.

As she waited for a response, Ravenheart swiveled her black ears towards the apprentices and listened to their conversation. From the sounds of it, Dewpaw and Silverpaw were bickering as usual, with Orchidpaw trying to defuse the tension. Ravenheart let out an exasperated sigh. Her apprentice, Dewpaw, had a lot to learn about keeping her mouth shut. It would get her into trouble soon enough.

“Yes, the patrols will be leaving soon, and you’ll be on one of them, Dewpaw,” Ravenheart called to her apprentice in response. The blind deputy meant to flick her tail at her apprentice in greeting, but was much to far to the right. “Come here, Dewpaw. I was planning on taking you on the northern and eastern patrol with me, if Lakestar agrees.” She smiled at her apprentice; although she was a handful, she learned well and worked hard. If she could just fix the back-talking and Dewpaw's ego, she would be all set.

ℍ 𝕠 𝕨 𝕝 𝕚 𝕟 𝕘 𝕡 𝕒 𝕨

(rank). apprentice [color=#80BF](clan).[/color] lakeclan (location). camp (mood). talkative (tags). Lakestar, Orchidpaw, Dewpaw, Silverpaw

Howlingpaw was never the one for mornings. His snores echoed through the apprentice den and his sides rose softly. He would be one of the last to wake up, as usual. The tom loved his beauty sleep, and had no intentions of changing his ways. He could have remained at a peaceful bliss, until a cold wind whisked itself through the den. The large mottled brown tabby tom let out a shiver and a loud sneeze.

“Ha-eh-SHOO!” he sneezed loudly, jolting his green eyes open. Oh, he wasn’t done yet. He closed his eyes again and let out one more “heh-heh-ATCHOO!”

The tom sniffled and rubbed his paw on his running nose. “Great way to start the day,” he muttered stuffily. While he would be content to keep sleeping the day away, he knew Iceflight would be looking for him soon. The tom slowly got to his feet and stretched, taking his precious time. The sun was twinkling over the fresh dew, and as he looked closer, he noticed some frost on the ground. Leafbare was coming, whether they liked it or not. With a sigh, Howlingpaw reminded himself that the lake would be freezing over soon. That was, if it hadn’t started yet. This tom loved to fish and swim, so when the lake was frozen, it eliminated a few of his favorite activities.

However, there was still a lot of entertainment to be found. Fluffing his fur in response to the cold, the tabby tom walked out of the apprentice den and up to a small gathering of other apprentices. Dewpaw, Orchidpaw, and Silverpaw were all in the middle of a conversation. From what it looked like, Dewpaw was on her insults already.

“It’s only morning, you can’t wait a little longer to be a haughty know-it-all, can you Dewpaw?” Howlingpaw taunted. She was a beautiful ginger brown tabby cat. Howlingpaw loved to get under her skin and badger her, just as she badgered the other apprentices. Some would go as far to say Howlingpaw had a crush on the vain apprentice, but he would never let it show.

“So, what’d I miss?” Howlingpaw asked. It seemed like another average day. Ravenheart was already discussing patrols with Lakestar, and when Howlingpaw heard his name, he was overjoyed. “Nice, I love hunting! I bet I can catch more prey than you, Dewpaw! Oh wait, sounds like you’re just going on a patrol.”

Howlingpaw’s green eyes snapped to Lakestar to see if she approved with this arrangement. He hoped so. He was excited to hunt with his mentor and Fogpaw, and learn even more about the life of a warrior. He needed to do something, and he kneaded his claws in the dirt in anticipation.

“How’re you guys doing though?” he asked Orchidpaw and Silverpaw. “Is today just another day of sorting herbs for you, Orchidpaw?” Howlingpaw respected medicine cats immensely, but when there were no injuries or sicknesses to attend to, he could imagine the job was very boring. “You should come out with us! Maybe you can find some cool herbs or something?” he suggested. All in all, the tom loved to talk, and he’d be happy to have another cat to talk their ears off.
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Re: .

Postby Only_Sky » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:18 pm

            xxxxxxxxSparrowface, The Charmer
            xxxxxxxxmood • calm | tags • iceflight
            His words had done their job, the molly was obviously a little flustered, having stared at him for longer than necessary. He chuckled lightly when she jumped to her own defence, only to cut herself short. " Don't worry, I know that I'm hard to pry your eyes away from. " He replied, his tone playful as to make sure to let her know that he wasn't being serious. He noticed Ravenflight wandering over to Lakestar, presumably to set up the patrols. Although he could not quite hear her from their spot, he just caught his name, and what he could assume was probably Iceflight's aswell. " If my ears tell me right, I think we may be on a patrol together. " He mewed, flexing his claws and kneading the ground as a way to warm up his cold paws, ready to get going on whichever patrol he was set on. Fogpaw had not yet shown herself in the camp, probably still asleep. Well then, if she doesn't wake up then she won't be coming on patrol with us.


            xxxxxxxxDewpaw, The Haughty
            xxxxxxxxmood • bored | tags • orchidpaw, silverpaw, howlingpaw / Ravenheart, lakestar
            The sudden intrusion of another voice made the apprentice turn her head, only to see the brown tom known as Howling paw. It took her a moment to realize what he had said, and she scowled. " At least I'm not lazy and like to sleep all morning, Yawningpaw. " She bit back, her ego stung by his words. Luckily, the tom flitted his attention to Orchidpaw, leaving her alone. Suddenly, she heard her mentor's voice, telling her that the patrols are yet to leave. She then also added that she wanted her to head over to her and Lakestar. " Later guys. " She waved her tail in farewell as she stood and trotted over to the water fall. Climbing up, she stood before her mentor Ravenheart, and Lakestar, dipping her head respectfully to the leader. " Good morning Lakestar, Ravenheart. " She greeted before sitting a few pawsteps from them out of respect. Gazing down on the camp, she felt a glow of pride warm her chest. She was the deputy's apprentice, a very respectable thing. And here she sat with the deputy AND the leader. Perhaps one day I'll be the deputy.. Dewpaw thought, imagining being in such a position gleefully.
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