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Postby ataraxic_gone » Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:08 pm

    Gender;; female | Rank;; pup watcher | Scent;; winter | Words;; - | Tagged;; open! |
    xxxA loud pitched yawn came out of the Mercy's maw as she nosed the earth beneath her. She relieved herself of an itch that must have been plaguing her all night long. Standing up abruptly a couple bundles of fur beside her toppled outward. Small shrieks erupted from the young pups as they realised that morning had come. Shaking her fur clean of the slobber that had coated her pelt from the youngsters who were still searching for their mothers milk. It was one of the few things she disliked about her duty as pup watcher. She walked forwards before stretching out and clawing at the ground, muscles tensing enough to causing her bones to crack. Hours of sleep dissipated with each crack of her spine and after a moment she stood tall, eyes cast pack onto the bundles that had been sleeping by her side. "Well then, come along, the morning waits for no-one" She chimed, moving behind the laziest of the group, Autumn who was still sleeping despite what should have woken her. She butted the pup awake but after receiving no response she gripped the pup by the scruff, heading out of the den with company frolicking behind her. Her nose pointed upwards at the sky before she looked downwards at the company in camp. It had been years since they lost most of their ranks in an attack and the pack was flourishing despite everything that had happened. Mercy was proud of what the pack had accomplished, despite this she still felt an emptiness in her heart every time she looked at her pack mates. It was as if the ghosts of past were still there with them, watching their every step. Her back hair raised at the thought of it, those who were dead should stay dead, in her opinion. That was why she liked to focus on the youth, they were so filled with life and with the potential for anything they chose. A chuckle escaped her maw, except Autumn; she doubted that she-wolf would achieve much in life other than some of the most full-filling sleep cycles known to their kind.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, high ranks

Postby Nuclear_Angel » Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:52 pm

rank loner . age 5 years old . gender female . mate n/a . location distant woods . tags finch kinda / open .
Creeping silently threw the woods the she-wolf was on the hunt for her next meal. To Jade it seemed like
that's all she ever did. Hunt, rest, scavenge, rest, repeat. She had no other choice to though. Being on her
own it was either hunt or die. The she-wolf was definitely an opportunist, she had to snag food when
ever she could and be smart about it. She doesn't have the privilege of wasting precious energy chasing
down bigger prey. If she was lucky she might stumble on a wounded deer. One adult deer could feed
her almost 7 days. That is as long as she could keep the sent from other predators and scavengers.

Moving quickly and quietly as possible Jade searched the earth for any sign of food. Her stomach started
to squeeze its empty self. Her paws did not skip a beat, she didn't have time to self pity. Her nose wiggled
constantly trying to lock on to a promising sent. The she-wolf was picking up blood. As she came closer
and closer to her target she slowed her pace. Up head of her threw the thicket she could make out
movement. Jade stayed hidden, but moved closer for a better look. She quickly laid low seeing the male
wolf ahead of her. The she-wolf also couldn't help to notice the doe he was dragging. Jade felt a little
ashamed of herself for letting her stomach get the best of her; she didn't notice his sent before.

Jade eyed the brute dragging his prize. She mauled over the ideas running threw her head. Her stomach
told her to try and steal it from him. But her wisdom said to turnaround and go the other way. This brute
is clearly too healthy and too fat to be a loner.
The she-wolf thought to herself. Jade knew it would be a
waste of energy if she attempted to steal from this male. Looking around she searched for any other wolves.
There was no telling when or were his comrades would show up. Best to her knowledge she hadn't crossed an
invisible line into pack territory. She couldn't smell a strong sent of others, at least she wasn't in the heart of
a pack. But smell of the kill was making it hard for her to focus, she hadn't had a decent meal in three days.

Jade decided to turn and keep low as she sneaked the other way quietly. Her stomach groan at her. She
winced and stopped all movement. Looking back over her shoulder at brute hoping he was too involved
pulling the deer to notice the sound. She watch him to see.
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[Post one] - Despereaux

Postby Wanderlust . » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:02 pm

- ( 𝙳 𝙴 𝚂 𝙿 𝙴 𝚁 𝙴 𝙰 𝚄 𝚇 ! !

Name - DespereauxxxGender - MasculinexxRank- DeltaxxLocation- camp/denxxMood- Tired, lightheartedxxTags - open

      The morning rays of sun beamed down on Despereaux as he slept peacefully in the comfort of his den. His chest rose in a moderate manner and fell at a slow pace. The only sound you could hear from the male was the subdued sound of him breathing. As the sun began to spill into his den at an increasingly fast rate, the male shuffled on the cold floor of his den. There was times when he would be the first one up, but today was definitely not one of those days since he went on a long adventure last night. Despereaux's illuminating eyes fluttered open while he began to shift his long legs in an attempt to get up. Most wolves would be able to simply get up and stride out of their dens, but despereaux always took his time for there was no rush. The male let out a loud yawn, his large K9's visible as he stood up. Strays of grass and dirt fluttered off of him as he padded to the opening of his den. "Where is everyone," the male questioned. He knew they were most likely out hunting or patrolling, yet for some reason he wasn't sure if that was true. Despereaux's eyes strayed to Mercy, the pup watcher. Though the male was disoriented and tired, a large grin was plastered on his face as he leaned against the opening of his den.
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Postby klue » Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:09 am

    K i r e i
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    Gender- female • Rank- hunter •
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    xxxThe camp itself wasn't very lively on this particular morning, Kirei decided. After she had effectively stretched the tense-from-sleep muscles in her body, she padded off toward the woods. She was most useful when she actually woke up to accomplish her job, she thought to herself bitterly as she entered the shadowed forest.
    It smelled wonderfully of pine and snow. Where she had entered was rather dense, so navigating through the undergrowth without snapping a twig or drawing attention to herself was difficult. Luckily, the she wolf has a small frame and her steps were light and airy.

    The bushes shifted slightly over to her left and the scent of another wolf wafted to Kirei's nose. Her fur tensed slightly, but she quickly realized that the scent was a familiar one. Upon closer observation she noticed that it was Finch, another hunter such as herself. She noticed another scent as well, that of a deer. A freshly killed deer. Her stomach groaned quietly and she cursed herself for not waking up sooner.


    A good twenty to thirty minutes later, Kirei returned with two decent sized, plump hares. Their fur, once white, peeked out from her maw as she carefully slunk back into camp. It wasn't much, but paired with the doe that Finch retrieved it should make for a decent morning meal.
    She dropped her kills next to the deer from earlier, and moved away from the center where they kept the them. It wasn't her place to endulge herself first, that was for the higher ups.
    The she wolf moved a few paces away and sat back on her haunches, licking the remaining rabbit from her mouth. Her stomach groaned again, but she was a very patient soul.

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Postby ataraxic_gone » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:59 pm

    Gender;; female | Rank;; pup watcher | Scent;; winter | Words;; 156 | Tagged;; despereaux, open! |
    xxxMercy's eyes met with Despereaux, a smile forming on her maw as her tail began to flick back and forth in a friendly gesture. She laid Autumn too the floor, giving her a hard enough nudge to set the pup in motion. Walking forward her gang of youngsters made pace with her, Dakker one of the oldest moved at a faster pace. He, unlike the others, knew the boundaries Mercy had set and what would happen if her crossed them. So with perfect accuracy the lupus never strayed more than three meters from his watcher. Mercy nodded in greeting the Despereaux, the smile still firmly planted on her maw. "How did the night treat you Desper?" the she-wolf enquired. She remembered when Desper first joined, it had been her mother who was charged with caring for the young orphan. As such Mercy always thought of the wolf as her brother even if that feeling wasn't shared.
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[Post two] - Despereaux

Postby Wanderlust . » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:40 am

- ( 𝙳 𝙴 𝚂 𝙿 𝙴 𝚁 𝙴 𝙰 𝚄 𝚇 ! !

Name - DespereauxxxGender - MasculinexxRank- DeltaxxLocation- camp/denxxMood- Tired, lightheartedxxTags - mercy

      Desperaux strode towards the pups, and Mercy with diligence. He knew the pups would stride right under his paws, and he feared of stepping on one. "It was fantastic, thank you. Went on a nice long run. How was your night, Mercy?" He spoke, slowly lowering to the grassy terrain as Autumn attempted to tackle him to the ground. Of course, she obviously wasn't able to, but he didn't mind giving her the satisfactory of it seeming as she did. "Ah, you got me!" He barked, his deep voice echoing as the pup gnawed on his neck fur. For most, puppies needle like teeth would hurt like hell, but to Despereaux it was nothing. Sometimes thick skin and fur goes a long way when it comes to little shark like puppies.
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finch [two]

Postby versemi » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:43 pm

        ☾ ━ ━━ f i n c h
        i. male ii. hunter iii. six and a half years iv. camp v. tags; kirei, open

        After the long trek from the woods to the camp, Finch collapsed to the ground next to his kill. No matter how strong a wolf is, not a single wolf will not be tired after dragging a plump doe through hilly, rocky woods for almost 5 km. After regaining his breath and enough strength to get make his way back to his den, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking up, he saw Kirei dropping two hares next to his kill. Her rabbits looked like nothing compared to his deer, but he did his best to stay humble about it. Before pups and wolves surrounded his doe, he carefully stood up and slunk off to the side, waiting patiently for his turn to taste his kill. His eyes flickered from the doe, to the rabbits, to Kirei.

        "Let's go out hunting together sometime," he called across the carcasses to her.
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Postby klue » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:36 pm

    K i r e i
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    Gender- female • Rank- hunter •
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    xxxThe sound of hungry wolves tearing at fresh carcasses was only increasing Kirei's own hunger. She sighed quietly, averting her eyes from the kills. They landed briefly on Finch and she felt heat rise to her face. It was a little embarrassing; her only bringing home two hares versus his large deer. She shouldn't let it get her down, she decided.
    Her mood lifted when the male called out to her, suggesting that they go hunting together sometime. Her mouth opened to reply, but her voice was quite a bit quieter and the chances of him hearing her over the mob of wolves ahead were slim.
    Once she had slunk over beside the other wolf she replied.
    "I'd like that," . It would be nice. He was stronger and most likely a better hunter than she was, but she was quick and fast. Together they'd make a good team. If only she could remember to wake up on time, that is.

    "That's quite impressive, the doe. Can't say I'm not jealous," she teased, flashing him a smile. As she wasn't the most social of wolves, it was easiest for her to combat her unease with humor. Not that Finch was hard to be around. She found some comfort in their commonality of rank and occupation within the pack. Besides, he never was rude or aggressive.
    A few wolves stepped aside, satisfied with their fill. Kirei was unsure when she herself should step forward. Her gaze was fixated on the meat ahead. Her stomach groaned once again. For such a small wolf she sure was hungry a lot.

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finch [three]

Postby versemi » Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:55 pm

        ☾ ━ ━━ f i n c h
        i. male ii. hunter iii. six and a half years iv. camp v. tags; kirei, open

        "That's quite impressive, the doe. Can't say I'm not jealous," the familiar wolf called back to him. It filled him with pride, knowing that another wolf besides himself found his kill impressive. Finch's eyes darted from Kirei, to the meat, and back to Kirei.
        "Go ahead, eat," he found himself smiling at her, which was new. He didn't smile at many wolves, but for some reason he felt the need to smile at her. When he could feel himself getting hungry, Finch padded up to the doe. There wasn't much left of it, but he scavenged what he could and carried it off to the comfort of his den. There were very few times that he would eat with the rest of the pack, but when he did, Finch enjoyed it very much. By now, the sun was the highest it would be all day. After he finished his meal, he laid on the ground and closed his eyes.

        "She was impressed with my kill," he murmured to himself while a smile formed on his lips.
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Re: kirei//four

Postby klue » Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:23 am

    K i r e i
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    Gender- female • Rank- hunter •
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    xxxKirei moved forward tentatively after Finch urged her to eat. The kindness in his smile was reassuring. She gently tore off a few scraps that were hanging off of the hind leg, enough to get rid of the dull ache in her stomach. She glanced up briefly as Finch got his own fill and walked off. Not wanting to bother him, she stayed put and finished her meal.

    After that was finished, she looked over at the male wolf in his den before moving to sit under the small aspen tree that sprouted on one side of the camp. Her paws were a bit damp and cold, but she knew that if she returned to her den she would most likely rest, which is the opposite of what she needed to be doing.
    She was curious as to where the other pack members were. Her eyes fluttered once more to Finch's den before crawling back into the shadow of the forest, her red and white tail flitting behind her.

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