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Postby royalty. » Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:34 am



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Postby royalty. » Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:03 am

    indentationAdryan advanced at the three guardians alongside Azazel, instantly attacking the largest one and preparing to save the smallest one for last. The brute put up a fight, growling and scratching at Adryan in an attempt to escape and overcome her. However, he was unsuccessful and soon Adryan's fangs were deep inside his throat. In an attempt of a surprise attack, the smaller wolf lunged at Adryan, pushing her over and digging his claws into her side, but Adryan quickly retaliated. She rolled over and kicked him in his underbelly, lunging and biting down onto his ear in a swift move. After ripping the weak cartilage to shreds, she easily got her teeth clamped around his throat and killed him.

    "Always overdoing it, aren't you?" Adryan and Azazel both chuckled at the comment, watching as Azazel shook his head jokingly. Adryan led the pair out of Pangaea territory unnoticed, not like they would really care anyway. They didn't talk much until the end, where the two discussed the recent events of the war. "Akela told you not to kill," Azazel started, more so a question and didn't continue until Adryan shook her head. He shrugged his shoulders. "Why?" Adryan, in reply, shrugged her shoulders also, licking her chops and speaking. "He doesn't want a massive war." She admitted, trying to keep her response quick and simple. "I guess he doesn't want to continue this massive war, seeing as we are far outnumbered. Pangaea wolves won't stop their attacks, and every time we try to even out our numbers by killing some of their wolves, they take our lack of subordinates to their advantage and perform surprise attacks on our hunting and patrolling parties." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Plus, killing off a little too many Guardians only gives them a stronger motive to kill us off." Azazel nodded, before the two part ways, the last thing she heard was her father's growls of anger.

[ voice of scarlett johansson ] [ scent: mint&cranberry ] [ assassin ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : azazel ] [ mentions : akela ] [ location : camp ]

    indentation"Are you kidding me?" The alpha barked, angered at Lilith's new information in regards to another Salem death. Lilith nodded quickly before walking away, leaving Akela fuming with Azazel who, within seconds after Lilith, left as well. He growled to the three patrollers who were in charge of keeping everything and everyone in order, glaring down at them with venom dripping from his tone. "You three have failed to follow my commands. You have pathetically kept your patrolling duties in order, as well as you bent the rules by going on your own circuitous routes and doing the complete opposite of what I have asked of you." The brute growled, censuring the three smaller patrollers on their terrible work. "I choose my subordinates carefully, and it is utterly disappointed about how you went from being assiduous to plain lazy. You are all enervating, and you discredit the Salem name." He tilted his head to the side, becoming more deleterious every word he spoke. "You come across a Pangaea wolf, a guard out of all; one who is closest to our boundaries and would see what happened to our wolf. Yet, you've shown compassion for the antagonist and you decided to let her go? You freakin idiots, you all are." He shook his head rabidly, expressing his anger. "Katana was Pangaea's first and only assassin before they decided to make the ranks spies, and she has been the one mainly killing off our numbers. She completely disregards the pack compromise and does whatever she pleases."

    Akela went silent for a moment, looking at the ground with his eyes closed. He inhaled sharply as he looked back up at the three wolves before him, both of his cobalt and iced blue eyes calculating and showing easy signs of rage. "What's that saying again?" He questioned, more to himself than the three patrollers before him. "Hmm," he continued, before forming his mouth into an o and speaking, walking closer to the three. "If you want something done right," he lunged, biting one of them on the neck and swinging their lifeless body to the ground. "You gotta do it yourself." He finished his words, slashing his paws and slitting another one's throat, watching them choke and fall to the ground. He looked to the third, who knew better than to attempt to run. "Go, Eleanor." He ordered to the fae, who nodded confidently and left the scene. Akela growled to himself, walking back near the center of camp. We will not lose this war.

[ voice of idris elba] [ scent: metal&cedar ] [ alpha ] [ brute ] [ seven years ] [ tags : lilith, azazel, npcs ] [ mentions : katana ] [ location : camp ]

    indentation"Screw Pangaea! Those freakin Guardian mutts!"

    The fae's haunting voice reverberated throughout the mysterious woods, sending chills up the spines of the three patrollers who stood alongside her and provoking them to step back from her imperceptibly. She growled at the mangled body of a Salem fae, whose blood was still flowing showing indications that the body was latterly killed. Lilith gazed about her encompassing only to observe the sparsest shift in the bushes and demanding the patrollers to pursue it. "There, you fools see that?" She snapped, steering her paw to the spot where the plants had just moved. "Go after it. Now!"

    The pale fae stomped back to the territory, fuming about the discovery of yet another one of Pangaea's hits. She saw Akela, already angry and wandering about and decided to confront him about it- only for a few seconds. The brute was deleterious, but when he was raged he was even deadlier than he was before. When she approached her alpha, he was already in a congregation with few others, but she negligently walked up to Akela and interrupted his conversation. "Another one." Was all she said, nodding a hello to Azazel and turning away, ignoring Akela's yells of anger as she walked away to throw demands at other wolves. How long is this going to go on until this pathetic war is over? They may have killed nearly half of our numbers, but what's left of us is stronger than all of them combined.

[ voice of margo robbie ] [ scent: mint&roses ] [ beta ] [ fae ] [ five years ] [ tags : azazel, akela ] [ mentions : npcs ] [ location : woods-camp ]

    indentationAzazel sunk his fangs into one of the Guardians, shaking it violently until the wolf went still. He dropped the wolf down carelessly, looking to the side and nodding to Adryan, who had handled two wolves of her own. "Always overdoing it, aren't you?" Azazel chuckled, shaking his head and following the fae out of Pangaea territory. The two held a slight conversation but mainly talked about the recent war. "Akela told you not to kill. Why?" Azazel asked, tilting his head to the side as she walked by him. She shrugged. "He doesn't want a massive war. We are far outnumbered Zay, and killing Pangaea wolves gives them a stronger motive to kill us off." Azazel nodded, looking the fae up and down. He admired her diligence, as well as he found her one of the strongest and most deadly. The pair, when she ran away and the two found one another, used to emulate each other's skills and train for endless hours before returning to Salem. Azazel was the King of the Outlands, one of the most dangerous wolves known, and Akela hadn't found out it was his brother until Adryan brought him back.

    He remembered it like it was yesterday. The day Akela returned one day from an unsuccessful hunt, his eyes lost and with a dead expression, and as soon as he set foot in the den he just lost it. The ( at the time ) three-year-old brute tore into his own father and mother, and although his parents were strong fighters, Akela went rabid in a series of slashing claws and powerful fangs and killed anything in his sight. Akela tried to kill him and almost did, but Outlanders came and rescued Azazel, taking him in and helping train him.

    After him and Adryan parted ways, and after he left the group of Lilith, Akela, and the others, Azazel went back to his den and thought of the war and how he could help aid the alphas choices.

[ voice of jensen ackles ] [ scent: balsam&amber ] [ fighter ] [ brute ] [ five and a half years ] [ tags : adryan, lilith, akela ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : woods-camp ]

    indentation"Alusia." The brute greeted, which startled the small fae and caused Castiel to feel slightly awkward. She seemed to stutter at her sentence as she formed a reply. Most likely because I caught her spying in Akela's business. Don't worry, Lu, I'm not going to tell- not like he'd do much to you, anyway. You're the most protected in Salem, and everyone sees you as either a little sister or a resemblance of how they used to be. The brute was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't really heard her reply, something he usually did and what made wolves feel strange around him because of how he stared when he was lost in thought. But really, Castiel wasn't strange at all. Yes, the brute was powerful, deadly, and slightly bloodthirsty, but most of the time Cas was more loyal, protective, and, in a cute way, awkward. He tried to always be nice to everyone while keeping his cool and staying dominant. He was a guard ( formally the lead but he stepped down after he almost got in trouble ), and making sure everything was in order was one of his main duties. Cas was one of Akela's most trusted, and he didn't want to ever betray his trust.

    Alusia looked like she was waiting for a reply, Castiel cleared his throat quickly and spoke. "I'm not going to report your presence to the alpha, don't you worry," the brute assured, quickly adding. "However, I suggest you get to your patrols otherwise the alpha might see you and I don't want you hurt." Alusia nodded shyly before trotting off, Castiel watching her silhouette fade in the distance. As he watched her leave, he couldn't help but wonder how she came in the pack in the first place. Alusia. Cisfemale. Four years of age. Light gray, almost white fur with icy blue eyes. Slim figure, built more for running rather than fighting. Born and raised in Salem by highly abusive parents and torturous siblings. Is shy and awkward around others, but has a past of bloodthirsty adversities. He tilted his head at the emptiness that was once occupied by Alusia. But whe- why did she join our little group? It is indeed that Adryan wanted her especially for her impeccable level of intelligence, and, of course, I grew quite fond of her, yet I'm still confused how not only she survived with Salem's deadliest and most famous, but how she is still in Salem altogether? Castiel sighed, licking his chops and turning away from the scene. I guess that is a question that will never be answered.

[ voice of misha collins ] [ scent: cedar&maple ] [ fighter] [ brute ] [ five years ] [ tags : alusia ] [ mentions : adryan, akela ] [ location : camp ]

    indentationThe alpha of the Outlands. The Governor of the Rogues. The General of the loners.

    Hmm, maybe they've got a ring to it?

    The fae rolled over in her den, thinking and trying to stay awake at the same time. She had been cursed with long, sleepless nights for a few weeks at the least now, and, sadly, she couldn't really do much. The Outlanders had been a problem between two packs for their petty thefts and insignificant border crossings, however, with this new war, they were simply target practice. She was known to be in the good books of the Salem wolves, but not all Demons felt positive about her and the Guardians didn't care for her altogether. This put Ruby's life in danger and as much as she was capable of handling situations like such, if she was ganged up on she'd be vulnerable. The only way I can truly be safe is if I join forces with the Demons, the Salem wolves. That way not only do I have easier access to reinforcements, but I also have an upper hand on my enemies. She lifted her body from the cold den floor, picking up a rabbit between her teeth and carrying the corpse outside to feed.

[ voice of genevieve cortese ] [ scent: lavender&rain ] [ loner ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : -- ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : outlands ]

    indentation"Are you kidding me?"

    Alusia awoke to the sound of her alpha's barks, anger and frustration dripping from his tone. She growled slightly, her eyes fluttering open unwillingly as she stretched out her sore limbs. Why does Akela do this every morning super early? Can he not just keep it to himself? It's probably another dead Salem wolf. She depicted whether or not it would be best to approach the alpha or to just mind her own business, but certainly, she was almost eager to find out what the drama had been about. The ongoing war between Pangaea and Salem caused many deaths and murders, as well as rebellious acts such as moving territorial boundaries, spying around, etc. Things had been getting worse than usual and it wasn't good for either territory.

    As the fae neared the scene, she saw Akela barking at three patrollers and ranting on about how they can't do their job, how they were supposed to fight back and how one wolf shouldn't have strayed so far from Salem. Alusia watched with great interest but her body froze when she saw the alpha's jaws clamp down on the throats of one of the patrollers and crack the neck in one swift move. When the wolf's body slumped to the ground, the other two patrollers stood in fear for their lives. Akela made quick work of another one of them but left the third because he felt that they were still somewhat worthy of his time.

    "Alusia. "

    The patroller swiped around to see Castiel, her heart thumping in her throat as she struggled to find words. "O-oh, C-c-Castiel. I thought you-you were someone else." She replied sheepishly, fiddling with her forepaws. Castiel nodded, licking his chops and seeming to stare at her for a minute. "I'm not going to report your presence to the alpha, don't you worry," the brute assured, quickly adding. "However, I suggest you get to your patrols otherwise the alpha might see you and I don't want you hurt." Alusia offered a shy smile and nodded, thanking her close friend and leaving the territory.

    When she passed by Akela and the three patrollers ( well, the two dead and one alive ), she held her breath and tried to avoid communication with her alpha. Almost unfortunate for her, they made eye contact but all Akela did was nod and greet her. She nodded in reply before passing the borders. She began to walk around, but minutes soon turned into an hour. She circled the region twice and now was growing tired. She put her nose on the air and decided to collect herbs for the healer, as not only would it be helpful but at this point with all the bloodshed it was beneficial.

[ voice of emma stone ] [ scent: rain&roses ] [ patroller ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : cas ] [ mentions : akela ] [ location : demons camp ]

    LOKI -
    indentationThe ebony brute glided through the lush forest, the thick healthy oaks working as an excellent disguise for his darker pelt. His maw was lowered to the ground, his bottom lip slightly grazing the thin blades of grass. His pelt was slightly dirtied, and this was one of his main hunting techniques put into action. The brute softly inhaled through his nose, a buck nibbling on patches of healthy grass and unaware of the strong-willed predator basking in the shadows. This specific breed of deer, an American white-tailed deer, had strong senses of smell and it was estimated their smelling skill was 100 times stronger and more capable than that of a human. A mature buck of this breed relies on the wind-borne odors to lead him to the scents of other species and to help alert him to the threat of danger, which in this scenario was the skilled hunter by the name of Loki. He was a wolf of great hunting physique, and he was experienced in his field. Skilled hunters alike himself are taught to pay close attention to the force and direction of winds during hunters, and if a wolf is within range to harm their prey, the prey would expect to smell a strong odor. However, with disguised scents, the prey ( specifically this strong breed of deer ) would smell only a faint odor and assume that the predator is too far away to be a threat. This was the reason why Loki had dirtied his pelt.

    As he neared the animal, he was careful of his steps. He calculated every paw placement and was careful so that he wouldn't make any jerky movements. When he was close to the hindquarters of his prey, he pushed off of his rear legs and lunged at the animal, his posture and formation well executed. Soon enough, the throat of the buck was between Loki's powerful jaws as he crunched down and hit the life-giving artery. The chase has ben shorter than he had anticipated, however, a hunter like himself was capable of administering such hunts. The deer stopped moving, gesturing to Loki that the mammal was dead. He beamed into the buck's fur, starting to transport the animal back to Pangaea boundary.

    Loki sat back down in his den, watching the other guardians finish their duties. He felt slightly weird when he was Katana enter the camp, licking the remaining bits of blood from her muzzle and moving suspiciously. This made him feel cautious of her but he decided not to approach the fae in worries he's set her off. Katana, what have you done? Were you in a fight, a cause of one… or did you kill a demon?

[ voice of robert downey jr ] [ scent: pine] [ hunter ] [ brute ] [ six years ] [ tags : -- ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : woods ]

    indentationA series of bloodthirsty growls, and a yelp.

    The wolf's jaws bit down on her arm, crunching harshly and bringing damage to the bone. Scratches were delivered throughout the facial area, used as a way to weaken her opponent as she delivered the final blow, swinging the shewolf to the ground and plunging her canines deep into her throat. Soon after she released, but the fae still wheezed and held onto life. Katana panted as she lay on the ground, blood spewing from open wounds. She lifted her body from the ground, most of it untouched except for few scratches on her chest. She looked down to see a Salem fae, whom she believed was known by the name of Miaga. The adversity that had just taken place was unintentional and the pair merely crossed paths, whereas Miaga depicted it would be interesting to attack Katana, unaware of her capabilities, in hopes to return and experience adulation from her superior. However, she underestimated her opponent entirely, letting Katana gain the upper hand in the skirmish and allowing her to successfully annihilate her antagonist.

    Katana froze when a drift of wind allowed her to catch a scent of Salem wolves. Almost instantly the fae bolted, but abruptly stopped in her tracks and hid behind an area of bush and rock and watched one of the fighters find the body. As the fae growled and barked for assistance, she looked around frantically and tried to catch the scent of the wolf's murderer. The Reaper. Katana told herself, narrowing her eyes at the pale fae before her. Her scent was masked in with the trees and, since she was slightly leveled on the rock, her scent was downwind, making Lilith unable to catch her maple smells. As Katana felt the vibrations of footsteps on the ground, she quickly backed up and sprinted back to her territory, knowing it would be useless to put up a fight against more than a few wolves of the opposing pack.

    They're getting closer. Katana thought to herself as she continued to run away, but soon the fae stopped her run altogether. She turned around and waited for the Salem wolves to catch up, steadying her breathing and fixing her posture to look as if she was hunting. She waited for the three wolves to come before watching them come to a halt, growling at her and stretching their muscles. "You have strayed rather far from your territory, wolves," she exclaimed, her voice dripping with dominance and a protective instinct. "Are you here to speak with the alpha, or are you simply trying to warn us about remarking boundaries?" She kept the conversation simple and went straight to the point, her breaths steady and her posture ready for an attack. "There's another dead Salem wolf," one of them growled, while another one added in, "You wouldn't happen to know about that, hmm?" Thank Lupus they haven't attacked me yet. Keep your cool, Katana. Or kill the three of them right now- your choice, really. Katana shrugged, acting neutrally like she hadn't the slightest idea. "I'm afraid that's an unfortunate adversity, however, I can guarantee that I haven't seen many Guardians cross the borders since the war got worse." She stated calmly, licking her chops and staring at the three Salem wolves. They didn't seem to be important characters, nor did they seem like they were anything else but patrollers. Katana shrugged, looking them up and down. "If you return to your territory then I am sure it'd be far more pleasant than a different scenario resulting in your deaths." She had a slight growl to her voice and stood taller. The three wolves, who seemed to not be of high power, soon left her presence and made way back to their camp. Katana smirked and walked away, shaking out her fur and preparing for a small meal.

[ voice of troian bellisario ] [ scent: maple ] [ spy ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : salem npcs ] [ mentions : lilith ] [ location : between boundaries ]
Last edited by royalty. on Wed May 17, 2017 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby the wild one. » Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:45 am

    gender fae xx rank assassin, salem pack xx tags alusia
    crush -xx mate -
      unfolding before her eyes, dragon watched with pleasure as her alpha scolded three wolves. the one brute, who the fae failed to recognize, had one futile attempt at escaping before adryan effortlessly snapped his frail neck. one down, two to go, dragon gleefully thought to herself. she sat beneath a nearby tree, quietly observing the violence before her with a certain feeling of bliss which she cherished. a flash of white gained the assassins attention. it was alusia, inching towards the group. dragon shook her head as she eyed the other female, deeming it simply vapid to be seen by adryan and akela while she was on a killing spree. after akela took care of the other one, dragon watched in interest as alusia breezed by the alpha. the third wolf (who somehow survived) irked dragon greatly as it trotted off with it's life spared. dragon would have massacred them all herself, if she could have.

      using the cover of bushes and shade, dragon edged around the alpha and sauntered after alusia. though, she soon lost the wolf. not wanting to return to the bloody mess and angry superiors, dragon sniffed around the borders aimlessly. after about an hour, the same white wolf's scent wasn't far off. dragon casually followed until discovering alusia collecting herbs. "hey, snow white, did you see that fight back there?" the fae asked with a flicker of her ear to ward off a fly. "neat stuff. i wish i was in on the action," dragon half grinned to herself. "what're you doing collecting herbs?" her head tilted a hint to the right.
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Postby we leaving » Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:13 pm

DIABLO―――❝ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ❞
⚜ brute // 5½ // assassin // salem // tags -- gaia [ salem npc ] to akela ✘✘ // mentions -- sol ✘✘ // scent -- gasoline, oil, and dirt
[ in the woods fighting two guardians rn ]

diablo snarled, watching as the two guardians gang up on him. he released a bark, barreling towards the one that was bigger than him. he knocked the larger one down, driving his canines into the guardian's trachea. he shook vigorously, feeling the guardian under him flail. he released his grip and bellowed as the other guardian leaped onto his back, pulling him away from the large guardian. diablo sneered, driving back into a tree hard to get the guardian off of him. the guardian whined, stepping back. diablo laughed while saying, "coward." he knocked the guardian onto their side, their belly exposed. he pinned them down, flipping them under diablo. he felt the guardian kick him on his belly, only to get him off of them. "get off of me! please!" they whimpered. diablo dug his claws into the guardian's throat, his hind legs digging into their belly. "i don't want to see you again," he snarled. "or you'll be ending up like the other pangaea wolf over there." he flicked an ear to the motionless wolf he assassinated. the guardian nodded. diablo released his grip, watching the delicate pangaea wolf walk away. this war is outrageous, he thought, slightly growling. those pangaea wolves are fatally murdering our wolves --- the salem wolves --- more quicker than we are. diablo sat down, cleaning the new and fresh wounds he got for a few minutes before standing back up to his paws and shaking his dirty pelt. his velveteens inhaled the sharp scent of fresh blood and his scent. they won't know.

as diablo ambled back to camp, he could tell more and more salem wolves are dead. he rolled his eyes, letting out another snarl. his ears strained as a fae, gaia, approached him. "hey, diablo," she grunted. diablo dipped his head in greeting. "this war is insane. don't you realize that ---" she broke off as diablo nodded. "yes, pangaea wolves are killing us off one by one." he snarled. the brute turned away, gazing back at the forest. those dense and brainless guardians. he glanced at akela, tensing. a few hours ago before he killed those guardians [ one of them ], he noticed a motionless salem wolf body behind the large guardian. the brute padded near the alpha, scoffing. "alpha akela," diablo growled. "i saw another body. a salem body." he sneered before padding away. now, that wanted to make him rip out all of the guardians' throats.

SOL―――❝ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜʟʟ❞
⚜ fae // 4 // spy // pangaea // tags -- ☀ ☀ // mentions -- ☀ ☀ // scent -- roses and honey
[ in the woods watching diablo - pangaea camp ]

sol watched in terror as the assassin of salem, who's name was diablo, kill off her best friend, bandit. tears flooded her eyes, making her back away. she growled slightly, allowing the tears to fall down. be fierce, sol. be brave. she thought to herself. when she faced the fight again, diablo was gone. her fellow packmate was gone too. i hope he didn't kill fern too! the spy hopped to her paws, pelting back to pangaea camp. when she got there, she noticed fern was... okay, except for scars on her throat and belly. she faced the forest, gritting her teeth. those salem wolves... so brainless!

[ writer's block for sol ]
Last edited by we leaving on Sat May 13, 2017 8:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
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ηιgнтмαяєѕ αη∂ ѕнα∂σωѕ яιѕє---001

Postby MickeyRose » Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:44 pm

XXXXXX avia- ❝ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ❞ ✘
    Anger, need, destruction...all emotions the fae felt as she looked upon the barren body of one of her own. What would Akela say? Ha, what does it matter what he would say? Zavia was just as infuriated as he was, so her emotions must at least reflect his frustrations a little. How often did she feel this way? A cold and barren shell of a heart is what she had, so emotions hardly ever ran high. Yet, this was a war. A war she knows she was a part of the beginning and hoped she could help bring about the end. Hopefully with the blood-soaked grasses of Salem being the land that came on top. With her bloodlust high, the fae began to pace, hoping to catch the scent of her newly made target. Breathing in deeply, she slid her body low to the ground. She was being watched. Perking up her ears, the slight jingle of metal against itself as her earrings hit themselves.
    From her right, a mass of brown fur hit her, sending her slightly sprawling and her adrenaline rushing. The wolf seemed on the edge of insanity, perhaps not in a Salem way either. He reeked of blood and wolf flesh, meaning he had intended to eat this wolf as soon as he killed her too. "Savage beast, you don't even deserve to live for eating your own kind in a manner such as this." Eyes burning in fury for her fallen brother, she lunged. Grey collided with brown, making a blur of color that was never meant to be. With fangs biting and snarls, she somehow managed to send the beast sprawling, leaving him to lay with all fours facing away from Zavia, his back facing the fae. She approached slowly, cautiously, watching his chest heave up and down. As she neared close enough, she saw him move, and just as quickly as he did, she bit down on his throat. With a whimper, the creature struggled under her grasp, his claws thrashing around trying to hook her, if anything the scratches only irritated her. As he heaved his last breath, his body relaxed, and the monstrosity was no more. "Usually I applaud wolves like you. Yet, you were a disgrace to what you did, and killing wolves of Salem isn't good for your health." Zavia softly said, as she let his body lay upon the ground, his eyes wide open in the craze that he had. Ceremoniously, she took his body, laying it upon the ground as if in a dreaming state. Yet, unlike the other wolves she often killed, she didn't remove the eyes, worried that he had a disease and that she would receive it from his body. Leaving him, as her name suggested, in a nightmare, she left him there and drug the Salem wolf home, stopping to rinse her mouth of the blood that once ran through the veins of that savage wolf.
    Finally arriving at the Salem camp, she left the Salem wolf near a spot for Akela to check, and to see if it was truly an attack from Pangaea. Even if that attack wasn't so, it still gave Zavia more reason to kill the wolves and let blood fly. "Akela, I have found another. If it would please you, I can find a scapegoat to kill off as it seems this one of our ranks wasn't killed by a Pangaea wolf. the assailant seemed to be a savage who had reverted to cannibalism. He is of no problem to us anymore." A dark smile crossed her face as she relished herself in the brute's death. Even though the anger was high from the finding of another wolf, she still found herself still wanting to giggle in the insanity that she held.
[Fae] [Assassin] [Salem] [5.5 years] [Voice of Cote De Pablo] [Scent: Roses and Rain] [Tags: NPC, Akela] [Mentions: Akela] [Location: Camp Borders/Camp]

XXXXXX ydic- ❝ᴛʜᴇ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ❞ ✦
    The day had brought nothing but unwanted news. If it was either the death of another Salem or if it was an escaped wolf of Pangea that survived to live another day, it drove Rydic absolutely insane. He had hoped to see more deaths to the pack rival, and he was already surprised that he wasn't asked to join in the battle. Left to lie in his den, he finally rose, his stomach both growling in immense hunger and for want to see his baby sister. The two had only recently been reunited, and he had made it a goal to visit her as often as possible, even if it did drive her nuts that he was being mr. over-protective. Eventually deciding to save the pack's food, he reverted to eating some grasses and drinking water, hoping to stave it off for the time being. These wolves, called the guardians, did nothing but cause trouble for both packs. Starvation was a real issue, Akela's wrath was another, and it seemed that everyone was at the peak of stress levels. Rydic guessed this is what war caused wolves to feel like. Realizing he should find something to do to assist the pack, he went to find Adryan. Even though the two had never gotten along like the fae did with his sister, Rydic still respected Adryan and looked to her for what he needed to do to advance the pack.

    {Very little muse for him}
[Brute] [Fighter] [Salem] [5.5 years] [Voice of Arnold Vosloo] [Scent: Lavender and Rain] [Tags: Adryan] [Mentions: Adryan, Zavia, Akela] [Location: Camp]
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Postby haru ; » Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:10 pm


    ── THE HAWK ──

      The world around her was imprisoned in a glair-white silence. Nothing sounded, nothing stirred, nothing sang. Winter's slavering fangs were coming. Its lacerating winds had stripped the last leaves from the trees, leaving them naked and brooding. They were reaching our with their skeletal branches, beautiful and slender, yet strangely mournful. An alien serenity garbed the plains, the only voices being the soundless songs of the snowflakes as they cascaded down to the ground like, tiny, delicate white butterflies in all their glory. There was no dawn chorus, no symphony of sound, no avian orchestra. Winter’s deadly clutch had strangled and stifled all life from the land. Yet Victorie knew, that beyond the sharp, chilling air that muted all the scents around her, beyond the puffs of breath that emanated from her maw, was a coveted treasure. There was no room for error here — she had to rely on her ears and eyes. Sound could travel far and wide in such vast land, and any hopes of her catching prey would be pulverised.

      She loped up the snow-covered slope with the liquid grace of a swan towards a ridge that snapped at the clear sky like a row of pointed, wicked teeth. Victorie pressed each paw into the ground carefully, taking care not to break through the frozen surface and sink into the deep, powdery drifts beneath. Fragile flakes were falling, dusting her lustrous silver and white pelt a fine white. The bitter cold swarmed around her and bit viciously at her ears, so that she could barely feel her pads anymore, tugging at her fur, stinging her eyes. The Lead Huntress shook her head with a huff, her claws subconsciously clenching. This place, this cold, was a disadvantage to all wolves. Less prey meant more hungry bellies and more deaths. Not that they needed any more now. The Demons and Guardians alike were slowly killing each other off one by one, till there was no more blood to spill and no more life in the air. This god-forsaken war was ridiculous, in all honesty, in her eyes. Simply an added opportunity for the Demons to assassinate the hated Guardians, and for the Guardians to defend their claim with all they had got. Blood, blood, blood. The world was a bloodbath! Drowning them, writhing around them like frothy crimson waves. And having lived in Salem all her life, Victorie was getting thoroughly sick of it.

      The blood that stained her paws were the preys', the prey she had fought so hard for since the tender age of one, and those who had crossed her or broken Salem's laws or stole their prey. There were the paws that worked life into each and every one of the Salem wolves, seemingly the paws that kept their hearts beating and their bodies from going gaunt like the trees in Winter. Victorie would do anything for Salem, yet this war that had been raging for far too long felt dismally wrong.

      A blur of movement to her right distracted her. A wolf! He leapt out of the bushes noisily, sending it rustling in a frenzy. His tongue lolled out in a heavy pant, limbs bent, his ribs clearly defined against his scruffy raven-black pelt. Then, his vacant gaze rose and met with Victorie's. A Loner, by the looks of it. And in his jaws... Victorie's keen golden orbs widened in a mixture of anger and disgust. Her prey! Her hard work! She could smell her scent radiating off the plump rabbit, tantalising, luring her in. A low growl rumbled deep within her chest like the most fearsome thunder in the skies. Her gaze flicked up at this new intruder, who slowly began to back away, instantly realising he had bumped into the wrongest wolf possible. If anything, thieving Loners who constantly snatched Salem's prey away got under her nerves so often she was willing to tear out all their throats, then mutilate their bodies for good measure. The fear scent was distinct in the air, penetrating her sensitive nose and filling her rapidly like the most luscious ambrosia. It thrilled her and sent her adrenaline levels rising ever so quickly, as she dropped into a crouch, her ears slapped back, tongue caressing her razor sharp teeth in prickly anticipation for death. Golden eyes flared like a beacon in the darkness. She slowly unsheathed her claws, biding her time, gradually cornering the Loner against a tree trunk.

      "Coward," she hissed, her words flowing out of her maw effortlessly and venomously. "If you have so much cheek as to steal prey from Salem, why don't you come and face me yourself?"

      A thick, tense silence was her answer.

      A ghost of a smile crept onto her elegantly curved muzzle. Victorie drew herself up into full height, a formidable sight indeed. Her eyes seemed to crackle with electricity as she coiled her hind muscles — she barely had to run at all — and darted forward like a bolt of lightning. Lethal white jaws clamped shut like a bear trap around the Loner's throat, and the momentum of the pounce sent the two tumbling to the snow, kicking up a spray of fine white powder. The lithe fae delivered a sharp blow to his temple, stunning him, before biting down forcefully, tasting the Loner's blood as it flowed, warm and fast, into her mouth. Her taste buds burst with sensation. Don't let it end, don't let it end... There came a sickening ripping sound as she tore her teeth away, revealing a gaping, raw wound in the Loner's neck. There was an animal sounding moan. The brute's body convulsed, writhing slightly in pain as his chest heaved, struggling to take his last breaths. The rabbit fell from his jaws like a rag doll. As limp and dead as its robber. Victorie was barely out of breath, and she took a few steps back, admiring her work. Scarlet blood trickled from the puncture wounds onto the snow, staining it a vivid red.

      As soon as she locked her teeth around the scruff of the rabbit's neck, there was another scream. Then an agonising silence. The Hawk raised her head, interest piqued. Was that the death of a Salem or Pangaea wolf? She fervently prayed it was the latter.

        gender; fae xranking; lead huntress of salem xvoice; think angelina jolie xscent; jasmines and sandalwood xlocation; salem camp xtagged; adryan
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✶ kaliska -- {1}

Postby The Alpha » Mon May 01, 2017 4:50 am

-----ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀ-----

┏--------------- ⊰ ✶ ⊱ ---------------┒
"And just in time, in the right place...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⊰ Guardian - Lead Spy ⊱
Age ⊱ 6 Years
Gender ⊱ Female
Scent ⊱ Cedarwood, apples
Location ⊱ Pangaea Forests >> Camp
Mentioned ⊱ Adryan, Azazel, Loki
Tags ⊱ NPCs, Katana
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...suddenly I will play my ace."
┗--------------- ⊰ ✶ ⊱ ---------------┙
The sounds of fighting were faint at this distance, but her icy gaze did not fail her as she watched the scene unfold. The deaths of her comrades were quite certain as it was clear they were no match for the Banshee and the Hell Hound of Salem. The Lead Spy of the Guardians narrowed her eyes, the skin of the scar over her right eye stretching and twitching a bit as she did so. She remained motionless in the shadows and did not make a sound, taking in all that she saw to relay to her Alpha. It was over quickly and the two Salem wolves began to speak. Nothing too important was said, just some idle jests between the two, but they had just killed some of her own pack mates with no remorse. That in itself was enough to have a fire begin to boil in her blood. Again, she did not move until they were gone from sight and their scents grew fainter than before. Only then did the she-wolf move, stepping out of the shadows and her cover as silent as a shade, her red and cream colored fur becoming noticeable in the early morning light. Kaliska moved through the forests toward the scene, getting in on a closer look to see who had fallen this morning, a grave and stoic look on her eyes as she looked over the bodies.

She recognized them as patrollers, two of which had been newly recruited for border watch as the war began to heat up. The other had been a senior member of the patrollers and had volunteered to teach the new ones the trade. And now they all lay silent together, their souls making their way beyond to the eternal together as well. Kaliska, as silent and expressionless as always, settled her eyes closed and bowed her head for a few moments for each of them, wishing their souls a safe journey. Once that was done, she turned and picked up her pace and headed back for her Pack's home. As she bounded through over the ground, her paws barely making a sound, her eyes trained forward to show her the way, her thoughts wandered. She often came out in the early hours of the morn to patrol though truthfully that was not entirely her job. However, in a war such as this,
there was no such thing as too many patrols. Especially after today with the deaths of three of their own patrollers. Most mornings were not as...eventful...and that gave her time to clear her thoughts and continue honing her skills to perfect them, but again, today was not one of those days.

With a final leap over a fallen log, she could see the camp's entrance and the dens beyond it so Kaliska slowed her pace to a leisurely walk and made her way into the pack's home, her face devoid of emotion as she looked about for Kanti. Her ice blue eyes instead landed on Katana though and she observed her odd behavior curiously. She noticed the hunter, Loki, was watching Katana as well, but he made no move to confront her about it, probably to keep from sticking his nose in her business. Kaliska however felt no such thing and stepped over towards the red and cream wolf. She still found it quite amusing that they looked so alike save for their eye colors, but stranger things had happened. Now she needed to fin out what had her fellow spy on edge. "Katana," She turned her head slightly as she followed her, a slight suspicion evident in her icy gaze while the rest of her expression remained blank, "Something troubles you." It was not a quetsion, but a statement and though her tone was firm, it was not demanding for an answer. If whatever had happened was causing her to act as she was now, it was quite concerning to the Lead Spy. It was information that needed to be known if she could get it out of her.

She honestly wasn't sure if she would tell her, but either way, the truth was sure to come out in some shape or form eventually.
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Postby dakotaawolven » Mon May 01, 2017 8:37 am

beta . female . seven years . tagged: npc's, alusia, xena


      indentAmber eyes watched from the shadows as demons and guardians fought. The stone cold rage sparkled there, deep in the fiery amber. Lips peeled back to reveal bloodstained fangs, a silent snarl evident in the black-furred features. They were not supposed to kill very many Guardians, Akela had said. We are outnumbered and they know it. They are taking advantage of it. Who knew the Guardians could be so cruel. Laughter rang out in the mind of the scarred she-wolf standing there, hidden by the shadows of the trees. Though she made no audible noise, the Demon Beta had a presence, and amber eyes watched the scene unfold when everyone realised they were being watched. The fighting stopped and the aggression was forgotten. Ah, tormenting everyone when they were disobeying was one of Raziel's favourite pastimes. She would follow those she suspected of disobedience and simply torment them by watching them. Her fiery cold amber eyes burning into the backs of her packmates, the Executioner waited.
      indent"Someone's there!" a torn black ear swivelled to catch the voice. The Beta was far enough away that she could hear them but couldn't necessarily tell which had spoken. Amber irises gazed at the group as the Guardians took advantage of the Demons' distraction. Raziel shook her head in disappointment as the Demons were caught off guard and taken down by the Guardians. Sighing, the Beta broke her cover and bolted down to the fight. These idiots should know better than to drop their guard around the enemy! Raziel would teach them to behave in the correct manner. Stupid idiots. These mutts are not worthy of the Demon name! If I were Alpha they would be demoted to Omega immediately. The stupidity of these wolves shocked the Beta. How could those carrying the Demon name be so disappointing?
      indent"ENOUGH!!" the vicious, threatening snarl that erupted from her maw caused everyone to freeze. The Demon Beta approached at a lope, her lips peeled back and her fangs glinting in the sun that filtered through the trees. Everyone sank in a cower at her murderous approach. Taking advantage of the fear-frozen wolves, she charged the Pangaea wolves, tearing open more flesh and sending them running. They were right to fear her, after the way she had come to this pack. Raziel knew many wolves disapproved of her entrance into the pack, but she could care less. Other's opinions did not matter whatsoever. She was one who could care less about others' opinions. As long as they knew she was to be feared, nothing else mattered. Drawing her mind back to the present, she stopped extremely close to the wolf nearest to her. Fangs free of her lips, she towered over the cowering brute, a thundering growl resonating deep in her throat.
      indent"You squirrel-brained, lily-livered mutts! Not only do you disobey your alpha's word on not killing, you then drop your guard around the enemy and let them get the advantage! Oh and don't even try to tell me you weren't going to kill them," she added when it looked like one was going to protest, "I saw the way you went after them! I know each of your fighting styles and I know when you go for the kill! You disgrace the Demon name and you disrespect your superiors! You are lucky I am not your Alpha, you worthless excuses for wolves! You would be killed for what just happened, or worse!" she was snarling and raging by the end and had pinned down the one brute she was nearest to. With a vicious, murderous smile, she lunged forward and clamped her jaws down on the brute's right ear, yanking her head up, effectively shredding his ear. Doing the same to the fea that was accompanying the brute, Raziel snarled at them and chased them off. Grumbling to herself, she chuckled at the thought of them returning to camp with their bloodied ears. Shredding an ear was Raziel's trade-mark. When a wolf appeared with a shredded ear, everyone knew they had done something to piss of the Beta. It was always the right ear when she was punishing someone. When she killed, she shredded the left ear to show it was her kill.
      indentMoving away from the border and the fight scene, she caught scent of one of her favourite wolves. The only wolf Raziel was truly kind to; Alusia. Raziel also caught the scent of Xena, the Dragon. Her hackles rose at that. The only Assassin of the Demon pack that Raziel did not hate was Aerix, and she didn't necessarily like that fea either. Her pace picked up as she followed those two scents. Coming upon the two, she slowed to a walk and stopped next to Alusia. "Hello Alusia. Gathering herbs for Blake?" she spoke kindly to the other she-wolf, ignoring Xena for the most part. The assassin was not one Raziel enjoyed being around and she didn't care that the she-wolf saw her dislike. Raziel also didn't trust Xena around Alusia. Her enjoyment of drama and starting fights made Raziel want to rip her throat out. But, instead of doing that, she chose to attempt to ignore her for now and be there to protect Alusia should Xena attack or say something cruel.

fighter . male . five years . tagged: npc's, cypher


      indentWell, we know who they ran into this morning, was the first thing Balthazar thought when he noticed two demon wolves bloodied, ears torn and tails low in disgrace and submission. He chuckled darkly and sneered at them as they passed him. "Idiots," he growled, baring his teeth at them. If they were stupid enough to run into the Beta's wrath, they were really stupid. Everyone knew how violent she was, how dangerous she could be. The memory of her entrance to the pack surfaced in his mind. He had been only about a year and a half old and she had been terrifying. He had also found the bloodshed entertaining, before he had truly come to terms with the fact that she had just slaughtered his packmates with barely any effort. From that moment of realisation, she had terrified him. Balthazar was plenty bloodthirsty, but he knew there was something about their current Beta that was truly broken.
      indentAfter the obviously beaten wolves had passed him and were headed toward camp, he continued on his way. He had been heading out, attempting to find something to do until he was needed. While he enjoyed his fighting and the kill, his Alpha had said they shouldn't be killing much because they were outnumbered and Akela didn't want this massive war. Why this war was a bad thing, Balthazar wasn't quite sure. He saw the reasoning in preserving their numbers, but also didn't see the reasoning in letting the Pangaea wolves preserve theirs, all the while still killing off Salem wolves! The brute also didn't understand how those good-for-nothing Guardians could get the advantage over them -the Salem Demons!
      indentForcing himself out of his thoughts and back into reality, Balthazar sighed. Then, he caught the scent of a fellow packmate. Cypher. Shrugging to himself, he followed the scent. He enjoyed being around the she-wolf, and he found her quite intriguing. He was a bit unsure around her, but at the same time he was almost drawn to the fea. It wasn't long before he spotted her and walked up to her. "Hello Cypher," he greeted her, nodding politely.

guard . male . six years . tagged: sol, calypso


      indentWaking to the voices of his packmates, Gabriel slipped out of his den and shook out his pelt. He had slept late today, that wasn't good. Though, he figured it would be okay. His eyes searched the camp and only found a couple wolves. It was still early though, so he hadn't expected much. Then his ears swivelled to catch pieces on conversation. The grin that usually sat joyously on his maw fell when he heard what his packmates were speaking about. More deaths. He sighed and his head fell for a moment. The fire that burned in his heart for his lost packmates hurt.
      indentGabriel was a wolf who considered it his job to keep his pack safe and happy, and the loss of more lives made it feel like he had failed. He had failed those who had died. I failed them. I slept while I could have been out protecting them. The brute cursed himself silently and shook his head. Then his eyes fell on Sol. The she-wolf had a stricken, sad look on her face and his heart hurt for her. Listening in, he heard the name Bandit. Sol's best friend. At that, he strode over to her, pushing back his sadness and plastering his smile back onto his face. "Sol, hun. I heard about Bandit. I know you two were quite close. Just know that Bandit is now somewhere far away from this crazy war, no longer having to deal with this chaos and pain," he told the she-wolf, licking her shoulder in a comforting manner. He then nodded goodbye and left her to her mourning, figuring she may not want company at the moment. As he left, he searched the camp, his golden eyes scanned for the blue-grey color of his companion of choice. Pausing, he scented the air. He smiled when he was successful and the brute proceeded to follow the scent of coffee and vanilla.
      indentThe she-wolf he was searching for was one he was fairly attached to. In his opinion, she was quite beautiful and her personality was one of intriguing complexity. Gabriel often sought her out to spend time with her and make sure she was having a good day. And when she wasn't he would do his best to make it a good day for her. It was not long until he found the pretty blue-grey she-wolf. He found her in a patch of sunlight a little ways outside of camp. With a smile, he trotted up to her and nudged her shoulder gently.
      indent"Hello Calypso, love. Is the morning going okay for you?" he greeted her with his chosen term of endearment. He used many different ones, but she was the only one he used "love" on. Licking her cheek gently, he sat down, then sinking down an laying his head on his paws beside her, his golden eyes simply watching her contentedly, waiting for a response.

fighter . female . six years . tagged:


      wip [feel free to tag her]
Last edited by dakotaawolven on Mon May 01, 2017 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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( ✗ - one

Postby razzberry » Mon May 01, 2017 10:01 am

alias ; the viper // female // four years // demon assassin // location ; salem woods // mentioned ; katana, akela // tags; victorie

    it hadn't been long since the sun had awoken and cast a vibrant hue of pastel colors across the shadowed land. the gargantuan trees that loomed above her seemed to stand still in the eerie silence of the morning. no birds sang, no bugs rubbed their legs together to create a joyous song. nothing ever sang in the salem territory. nothing was ever given a reason to sing such a happy tune. her adept paws cradled the earth beneath her as the russet assassin sat, perched upon a slate colored boulder, eyes fixed on the retreating pangaea wolf. the viper cocked her head, eyes inquisitive as they followed the sandy brown figure off of salem territory. someone had let katana go, and someone was going to put akela in a very bad mood. aerix lifted her head and gazed off to the left, deeper into her pack's domain, wondering who the unlucky victims of her alpha's wrath were. the fae rose to her paws and slipped into the bushes behind the boulder, disappearing just as silently as she had appeared. there was a heavy scent of death that hung in the air, and she prayed that it was a guardian death and not one from her pack. her muzzle was stained with scarlet liquid, sticky and thick. the assassin had been heading in the direction of the battle when she had spotted a couple of pangaea wolves lurking about in the shadows of her pack's territory. so without hesitation she gave them a painful surprise. abiding by her alpha's order though, she did not kill them, as much as her entire being wanted to.

    gliding between trees on her way back to fight alongside her pack mates, aerix's keen nose caught a whiff of a familiar scent and soon after she was heading in that direction wondering what victorie was doing so far from the battle. the lead hunter was one of the few wolves that aerix truly got along with and who's company she actually enjoyed. she thought of her as a friend above all. with her nose close to the ground, following the fae's scent, the stench of death grew stronger as her scent did. parting a cluster of ferns with her pointed snout, the assassin's molten eyes spotted her friend's white pelt and then flicked to the slumped body of another wolf, assumably a loner, beneath her. "there must be something about our territory that just attracts loners" the fae piped up as she crossed the clearing towards the lead hunter. her lowered her gaze to the dead carcass of the loner before she extended a paw, pushing the deceased's body away in disgust. "i swear they swarm here like mosquitos" her nose wrinkled in disgust before her lifted her eyes to the fae's. in the distance aerix could hear the angry growls and snarls that filled the forest and she was once again reminded of her obligations to her pack and her loyalty to stick with them through every battle they went up against. "you coming? those pangaea pups are far outnumbering us right now. and i'm not about let those pampered domestics have the upper hand. not for one minute" her voice lowering to a growl as images and thoughts of the civilized group of wolves flashed through her mind, all centred around the half-sister she despised with her whole being.

female // four years // guardian beta // location ; pangaea woods // mentioned ; akela, kanti, katana // tags; npc, malakai

    dremora's eyes were hard as she listened to information that was relayed to her from one of her pack mates, one who had witnessed the whole ordeal with the salem wolves. three of their patrollers were slaughtered by those savages. her source, however, was no such help with retelling how it came to be that the demon's attacked her patrollers. though a part of the beta knew that it very well could have been her pack mates who had instigated it. ever since akela had kicked her pack out of their territory and since some of her pack members were shot down by the invading hunters, kanti had never forgiven him and the demons. the sandy furred beta nodded her thanks to the patroller who had managed to witness a part of the attack. although she had a feeling that, upon katana's sudden arrival into the camp, and looking quite pleased with herself, that the subordinate before her wasn't the only one who had seen something. dremora knew what the spy was like and she wouldn't be surprised if the fae was involved in the border ordeal. that aside, dremora was not about to confront the spy about her suspicious behaviour. she had warranted no judgement from the beta thus far so remy really had no reason to confront her. if anyone had a reason that would go unquestioned, it would be kanti. so she would let her alpha decide what course of action to take.

    a large figure cloaked in a ghastly white pelt sidled into her peripheral vision and the beta's head turned to see malakai approaching. dremora beamed at the massive brute, shifting over to create space for him to sit down. she was extremely close to the two "ghoul brothers", the childhood alias she had given malakai and his younger brother cicero, in honour of their ghastly white coats. for a long time her parents had wanted her mated to malakai, but she had only ever seen the brothers as just that - brothers. "you look like death" she greeted kai, who's eyes were heavy with sleep and who's face appeared more pale then usual. "give it a minute. maybe your rays of sunshine will cure me" the lead fighter rebutted sarcastically as he settled down beside her. the fae chuckled and rolled her eyes, her gaze shifting momentarily towards her alpha's den, wondering if kanti had awoken yet. "three patrollers are dead" her tone became more serious as she spoke to malakai "one of the other patrollers told me. though i'm not sure how clear her story was. then i get this feeling that katara has something to do with it" she admitted to the mammoth of a wolf beside her.
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( ✗ - Unbroken Silence ) One

Postby .KeithKogane » Mon May 01, 2017 12:15 pm

...[☁] Kanti
...Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ | Pᴀɴɢᴀᴇᴀ Aʟᴘʜᴀ | Fᴏᴜʀ

...ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ| Talk/Sing
...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Sol
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Camp

Colors. Oranges, yellow, and even the hints of pink to cast away that dark blue and black of night. From the smallest to the largest of the white stars were hidden under the cover of the biggest one; the sun. Yet the duties of a wolf, especially an alpha happens earlier before sunrise. Organizing groups of patrollers to scout the area to keep free of Salem wolves, call hunters to round up more food for the pack. Life has to go on, constantly moving like the wind. More often harder than some might believe. It would be easier to just let the wind carry one away, away into the nothing. Yet, none had ever strayed away without a fight. The birds sang their usual early morning song, awakening any who remained deep within their slumber. Yet the air was a lot thicker. Even from inside the Gaurdian's camp, the sense of dread and uneasiness washed over the female wolf who stood just outside her den. And all at once, the sounding of a pained howl from somewhere deep in the forest set off every alarm inside the alpha. Yet there wasn't anything she could do at the moment, having to watch over her camp and other packmates who wasn't aware of the oncoming danger.

Just moments after every nerve was set off, the sight of a wolf barreling though and falling into the center of camp set Kanti into action. Her les stretched out into a flying leap from where she was standing, closing the distance between her and the wolf hunched over the ground. The scent of blood was strong, though it didn't mask the signature scent of her packmate. She whipped around the front of the wolf, letting her emerald gaze scan over the body before speaking with such urgency. "Sol, what happened?" She spoke firmly and strong, though her eyes clearly showed concern and anger from what she believed the answer was. A patrol had just been sent out not even half an hour before sunrise, consisting of roughly of five wolves if more didn't tag along with their friends. How could Sol be the only one that had returned? Yet at the question not bein as quickly answered as hoped, Kanu tipped her head back and let out a quick and short howl,"Maire!" The pack healer was in need whether or not the spy would comply to her own free will. She didn't leave her side but instead stood over her while carefully scanning every inch of her body.

...[☽] Dʀᴀᴄᴜʟ
...Mᴀʟᴇ | Sᴀʟᴇᴍ Fɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | Fɪᴠᴇ & Hᴀʟғ

...ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ| Talk
...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Pack/Rydic
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Camp

What a way to wake up. Rather than to the annoying yet comforting songs of the early birds or even the slight howling of the trees; his ears had to had to pricked with blood curling howls and loud voices just outside the den of the largest male in the pack. Nor was he a nice one, but definitely not as crazy. Just, more... How would one say? Aggressive and impatient. His body rose from a sleeping position on the ground up to his full height, the den barely being able to withstands his own body. Thankfully with ha back scraping against the den, it's uneven rocks smoothed down his fur skin with somewhat massaging the rippling muscles. Claw marks bore down into the stone, almost anywhere the brute's golden gaze could land on. He grimaced before stepping out into the growi sunlight where all of the action appeared to be happening.

Dracul's muzzle stuck back in a warning snarl, glaring at any wolf who dare crossed his path. He was not a early wolf. Especially if he was woken up by something ridiculous. A few still pelts lay stiffly in the middle of camp, surrounded by a few wolves who wished to converse with the alpha who was already looking pissed himself. Though it had appeared as if his warning snarl scared away a wolf or two, clearing a path for his large bodh to shove through to stare at the deceased wolves on the ground. Their pelts were matted with blood, and lips still drawn back in a snarl. He growled low in annoyance as he reached out a paw to close the eyes of one who seemed to stare back at him in horror. Thankfully none were of which he knew personally or had become attached to. Still, it was ridiculous at all the bodies that had been dragged into camp for burials over the last month from a war that no one even knows who started. The fighter stepped away from the growing crowd, ignoring whatever the psychotic wolves of the camp had to say. He walked past Zavia without a word barely hearing her explanation for a body that she brought in to a quiet and irritated wolf somewhere in the back. Finally, someone who understood why this was all nonsense. "Mind explaining what kind of elk-crap has happened this morning, Rydic?" He grunted, taking a seat about a few feet away from the fellow dark pelted male. They weren't the closest, but he at least kept a decent relationship with him. The golden hue of his eyes shifted from the fighter to the other wolves bustling around camp, flattening his ears back to save himself from their annoying voices.
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