r e b i r t h . [high-lit warrior cats roleplay, FULL]

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Postby PetraMacneary » Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:36 pm

✿ Tom / 10 Moons / Rogue / @The Forest / Tags; open ✿

    xxx Dandelion took large bounds through the thick forest, a smile on his muzzle. His wandering wasn't aimless, or at least he was pretty sure it wasn't. He was supposed to be doing something, but it had slipped his mind as soon as he set out on his own. 'Did I leave to go hunting?' That sounded about right to him, but all he could focus on was how green everything was. This was so much different from the colder weather he grew up in. 'I could get used to this.'

    xxx As he entered a small clearing, a couple different scents hit his nose all at once. He parted his jaw and looked around, trying to get a good idea on what and where everything was, but nothing seemed to click. Maybe it was a mouse, but it could also be a squirrel. Maybe there was a cat somewhere? He had no idea. Having to deal with so many different scents at once would end up being the death of him one day.

    xxx Dandelion crouched down low, taking quiet paw-steps towards one of these scents. His hunting stance while functional, still needed a lot of work, as he drifted off to the side as he walked. He waited, then pushed himself forward off his hind legs, landing beside his target. The fat squirrel darted back up the tree before Dandelion fully realised what happened. "Not again..." he grumbled to himself.
    ♬ High Horse - The Crane Wives ♬
    'You're a sweetheart, you're a curse,
    You're a passing grade on a low, low bar.
    You’ve got your eyes open, I know your worth,
    But I've got so many things in my hungry heart.'

    Image from Pokemon Conquest
    Icon by Snowpurries on DeviantArt


    Hello, my name is Wolf and I'm what they call a cryptid. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so feel free to send me recommendations. I draw and make a lot of characters, otherwise I play video games when I have free time.
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Re: r e b i r t h . [high-lit warrior cats roleplay, FULL]

Postby reynard » Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:39 am


gender;; she-cat
age;; fifty-eight moons
rank;; rouge
location;; the forest
tagged; dandelion
A soft breeze moved through the blue she-cats short fur, its fingers and swirls finding her easy where she perched in a large oak. Perhaps it was an effect of her name, some self-fulfilling prophecy that made her feel so bound to the clouds above. At times Kestrel considered what it would be like to fly, to hunt from above not needing to depend on the forest to give her an adequate place to post herself, but deciding her own strike area. To feel the wind ruffling through feathers, not fur. It was occasional errant thoughts like this that sometimes distracted the more abrasive she-cat, who preferred to speak in her own mind than to others most often than not. Maybe that was why she frequently found herself sticking to the trees, hiding among the foliage, using her powerful shoulders to pull herself up into the great heights. The altitude also helped her casually watch the forest floor below, sometimes spotting prey, sometimes spotting other cats moving their way through the underbrush. Back in the era of the clans, she imagined she would see patrols moving in the forest below, trying to suss out her smell and figure out why it seemingly would vanish into thin air.

At the moment, it seemed Dandelion, a de facto traveling companion of hers at times, was trying to pursue something. Laying on a branch lazily, the she-cat watched the much younger tom below her, amused by his efforts. It was not that she wished to see him fail, it just entertained her watching him attempt to hunt. They were unlikely companions for sure, and not connected at the hip like many seemed to enjoy. Kestrel enjoyed her distance, and the young toms excitement sometimes caused her to grow weary. However, she had started watching over the tom a long while ago, even if it was more in the method she currently employed: from afar and without his knowledge. Granted, it was not like she followed him around, but instead they just happened to run similar paths. In the clearing below, she watched him as he scented the air. A sly thought crossed her mind that he should noted her, but she was also aware that she had crossed into this tree from another nearby, so her scent was likely heavily muddled based on the winds wishes.

Watching him crouch, she made another mental note that his balance was off, something she would have to mention to him if she deigned to reveal herself from her perch. Naturally, because of what she expected was the slight balance issue, he drifted as he stalked forward, which threw off his aim and caused the squirrel to dart up the tree she currently found herself relaxing in. With a swiftness that betrayed years of practice and comfort in the canopy, Kestrel suddenly move as the creature scrabbled up the branches away from the young tom, intercepting the rodent in its flight, killing it with a deft whack of her paw and letting it fall back down out of the tree. If one did not know better, it would seem as if the tree had grown sentient and sent the prey back down to his hunter, however Kestrel was not about to let Dandelion assume such foolish thoughts. Leaping down the tree trunk, Kestrel landed with a much more graceful thud next to the fallen squirrel.

"Your balance was off," she said simply, looking at the ginger tom. "You drifted to the left on approach," she continued, flicking her head back towards the tree to silently indicate how she knew this.
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(dusk --- 001)

Postby skulduggery » Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:55 pm


━━━━━━━━━━━━━ β–Ό ━━━━━━━━━━━━━

location. two-leg nest > forest | tagged. open | rank. loner

    β–Ίβ–Ίβ–Ί Lounging on a wooden porch behind a two leg nest, Dusk meticulously groomed her long fur. The nest was empty and quiet, allowing the she-cat to peacefully clean herself. The two-legs had been gone for a few days, along with their yappy little dog. Cursed little thing, always barked at her when she passed by. Sometimes, when she was extremely bored, she would sit on the fence high above its head, watching it go crazy below her. It was a bit of harmless fun, though she was quickly growing bored of it.

    She was getting bored with the area in general. She’d seen the same two-legs, the same dogs, and kittypets for a few weeks and her paws were beginning to itch. Dusk needed to move on, explore what else was out there. This two-leg place was easy. She hadn’t encountered much hostility, nor hardship and with the vast forest, food was easy to hunt for and plentiful during the warmer moons. It was all just becoming a routine, the same thing over and over again. If she wanted to live that way, she might as well walk into one of the two-leg nests and never come out again.

    I’ll leave soon, she thought to herself, Just not yet.

    Dusk froze, her ears twitching to the sound of a slam and two-leg voices. Why were they always so loud? Their hearing must be terrible. And then, the annoying sound of a squeaky bark. They were back. Huffing, but satisfied with her grooming, she pranced her way to the fence and leapt up just as the back door opened and the little nuisance came rushing out in a mad frenzy. Dogs…
    The back of the nest was to the forest. The trees rustled softly with the breeze. Dusk stared out at it, deciding she should explore, maybe catch some prey for later. It never hurt to have some extra food.

    The she-cat turned her head towards the little dog that was barking it’s head off below her, leaping at the fence as though it would ever reach her. Life as a loner wasn’t easy, but at least I’m not a dog. With this in mind she bounded away and walked cheerily into the forest.

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Re: r e b i r t h . [high-lit warrior cats roleplay, FULL]

Postby PetraMacneary » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:49 pm

✿ Tom / 10 Moons / Rogue / @The Forest / Tags; Kestrel ✿

    xxx He heard the thud of the now deceased squirrel on the grass and he could only stare in confusion and slight awe. 'What just happened?' He looked to the squirrel, then back up at the unassuming, lifeless tree. 'What?' He was about to question the existence of a higher power, Kestral landed. He jumped back, his bicolour pelt fluffed out, and his eyes wide. It took him a quick moment to recover, even if his still fluffed-out fur gave the opposite impression.
    xxx It's always funny how they kept running into each other like this. He had remembered her name and face by now, which was some kind of miracle. His memory when it came to other cats always felt like one big blur. She was probably one of the only cats he fully remembered by now.
    xxx xxx "Kestrel! Hello! Thank you!" Yup, he was still as loud as he usually was. As soon as he heard the reason as to why he missed what would've been his catch, he gawked. "My balance?" But then the rest of the explanation... 'oh... thats how...' His moment of disappointment didn't last too long though. Mistakes happen and the only way to improve is to fix them. He'd work on it later though, the smell of the freshly killed squirrel made him hungry.
    xxx xxx He pulled the squirrel closer to him with a paw, but as he was about to take a bite, he looked back to Kestrel. "Do you want some?" It would be bad for him to eat without even asking if his sidekick Kestrel was hungry. Friends don't leave friends hungry.
    xxx Were they friends? He'd have to give it more thought later.
    ♬ High Horse - The Crane Wives ♬
    'You're a sweetheart, you're a curse,
    You're a passing grade on a low, low bar.
    You’ve got your eyes open, I know your worth,
    But I've got so many things in my hungry heart.'

    Image from Pokemon Conquest
    Icon by Snowpurries on DeviantArt


    Hello, my name is Wolf and I'm what they call a cryptid. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so feel free to send me recommendations. I draw and make a lot of characters, otherwise I play video games when I have free time.
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