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For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

divided · wc · temporarily closed

Postby Knives. » Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:53 am

[intro] [rules] [regions+key locations]
[members+allegiances] [news+status board]

Many moons had passed in peace among the two clans of StoneClan and
TimberClan, and many of the members hadn't recalled an era of war.
Although the two clans had very different outlooks on life, they somehow
managed to find a common groove. Since both clans were strictly
closed off to outsiders, the numbers of both clans had began to dwindle.
Pressure was placed upon StoneClan when two-legs began encroaching
upon their boundaries, and the clan reached out to TimberClan looking for
aid. They had merely wished to join the two clans together, and the leader
of StoneClan, SootStar, had claimed to already get approval from StarClan
on the matter, and even claimed it to be a sort-of prophecy. TimberClan's
leader, WolfStar, however, quickly denied the matter. He threatened to
harshly evict any cat who attempted refuge in the territory that belonged
to his clan, or any cat within his clan that harbored a cat from StoneClan.
WolfStar, though, did offer a sinister proposal: TimberClan would forfeit
a portion of their tettitory to StoneClan, but only if StoneClan would forever
forfeit their every third born daughter. This would be made to happen every
time a qualifying kit was born, and TimberStar's numbers would flourish
with fresh blood; thus ending the era of peace and neutrality. While
SootStar and WolfStar are long since dead and gone, both clans still
harbor ill-feelings toward one another to this day. Some members of
TimberClan are beginning to think of this custom as being wrong, some still
embrace the deal as it stands, and StoneClan, obviously feels the
need for change; however things can only go one way.
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Postby Knives. » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:14 pm



001. all site rules apply. Please refresh yourself
if needed! 002. this is a semi literate+ thread, so I will
require 100+ words for each character, per post. There is
no word cap, and more is highly encouraged!
003. currently, there is a limit of three characters and
one high rank per user. 004. StoneClan is
going to be very small, and so there is a limit on that
clan. 005. this thread requires you to be active, and
I would like to see three or four posts per week from
each user. If for any reason you wont be able to post
that much, dm me. If there is unannounced inactivity for
one week, I will dm you to inquire on your activity
within the thread. From there, you have 48 hours to reply
before your characters are removed. 006. no powerplaying, keep
things fair please. I dont want to have to roll for an outcome
during a fight, so please discuss the outcome
prior to engaging in combat. 007. disable
signatures and stamp collections on this thread as
well as the form + discussion thread. 008. please do not double
post here, however double posting is permitted on
the form + discussion thread so long as its not the same
message. 009. please post forms individually,
so that I can link to each individual cat in the members
+ allegiances post. I will also require a relations
board be posted and up-to-date before the writing ensues.
Talk amongst your fellow writers to come up with
friendships, rivalries, and possible family ties within your
clan. 010. Some females in TimberClan can have
family from StoneClan, however, they are forfeited at a
very young age and so most do not remember their past
families. 011. always time-skip or fade during mating or any
specially brutal combat scenes.
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regions + key locations

Postby Knives. » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:16 pm

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Southwest the southwest land is mostly barren prairie, save for the twoleg places in the extreme southwest. along the southernmost boarders is a wide thunderpath, and across that is StoneClan's previous territory. the land is mostly rolling and flat here, and various herbs and plants can be collected here. sometimes, though rare, a twoleg's dog can cross the thunderpath and cause a hazard to the cats foraging and hunting. this region is marked and owned by TimberClan. a mighty river cuts through the upper portion of this region, and darts upward into the northeast region.
Southeast this region is fairly similar to the southwest region, besides it holds no water source and is partially wooded. this region is the new home to StoneClan, and the camp is nestled into a wooded grove toward the mideast. it is a safe distance from the thunderpath, though sometimes one can still feel the vibrations under their paws. this region also holds some prairie for foraging, though some plants are scarce. this area is marked and owned by StoneClan.
Northwest the northwest region is heavily wooded, home to TimberClan, and they reside near the bend of the river. their camp is also in a wooded grove, however this area is more densely wooded than StoneClan's camp. the forest floors are predominantly leaves and dry pine needles, and green foliage is seen growing in small clumps throughout. the land here is also rocky toward the far northwest, and some cliffs are present. the mountainous region makes a good training ground for apprentices, and many rodents can be hunted there. this region is owned and marked by TimberClan.
Northeast a more desolate, ecologically diverse region, the northeast boasts forest, prairie, as well as some wetlands. the river opens up to a wide-mouthed pond in the north central area of this region, and the banks of this pond are incredibly marshy. various birds and reptiles are spotted here, as well as small rodents like skinks or moles. this area is marked and owned by TimberClan.

c a m p - TimberClan camp is a wide area, surrounded by tall, thorny briar bushes. these bushes produce a vibrant blue berry that has proved poisonous. with plenty of space, foraging is quite effortless and bedding can be found easily in any season. the clan has constructed a small crater in the earth to store rain water, first packing the soil and then lining it with river rock. occasionally the rock requires being pulled up, the ground compacted once more, and the stone replaced.
l e a d e r s . d e n - despite the two floor interior design, some rain and wind still manages to penetrate this den. it is merely a hollowed out tree trunk, however it serves its purpose by providing enough room for three adult cats if needed. the bedding is composed of dry tree bark and slabs of moss.
d e p u t y s . d e n - a bit simpler yet still somewhat luxurious, the deputy den is composed of another hollowed out tree trunk. this one, however, is more shielded from the elements but the tree itself is aged and beginning to flake away. some cats are worried it is becoming unsafe to continue using. it has enough space for four adult cats, and has nice, soft moss bedding.
q u e e n s . d e n - this den is underground, made of an abandoned fox den (img source). roomy and cool during the warmest moons, it is perfect for birthing queens and young kits. it has a couple different compartments, and the cats use one for birthing and one for general living. this den can support four queens and their young. the bedding in the birthing cavern is dry, crumbled tree bark, while in the living cavern is moss.
w a r r i o r s . d e n - the warriors sleep in a massive hollowed out tree, large enough for about a dozen adult cats. the tree itself is sturdy and rises no concern of safety, and offers a dual-cavern system that provides maximum space efficiency. the bedding used for the warriors is dry bark crumbles and leftover moss.
m e d i c i n e . c a t . d e n - the medic den is also underground, though it is only accessed through a hole in a rotting tree stump. the majority of the old root system has rotted away, leaving perfect nooks and grooves to store herbs and plants. there is enough room inside for both the medicine cat, their apprentice, and three or four other adult cats; however, the apprentice may also sleep in the apprentice den. most of the den is bare underneath one's paws, but sleeping areas are bedded with either dry, crumbled tree bark or half-dried moss.
a p p r e n t i c e d e n - this den is made of a fallen tree, which the center has rotted from. since the center is gone, the cats were able to dig down into the earth to add onto the den. besides the hole in the one end, the remaining shell is intact and protects the young apprentices from nature's elements. the apprentice den can house up to nine or ten adolescent cats, and the bedding used in this den is typically dry tree bark, sometimes crumbled or mixed with leftover moss.
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