♙ ━━━ “ 𝑮𝑵𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪 ━ !! ” 〉

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

♙ ━━━ “ 𝑮𝑵𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪 ━ !! ” 〉

Postby kafka ` » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:01 am


      the heavenly principles are arguably the most revered residents of celestia, with the most
      authority over teyvat's dealings. it was unthinkable to think that one of these 'revered 'bei
      ngs would be banished from the heavens for their misconduct, sent into the depths of 'the
      chasm in liyue. it begs the question, why did celestia bestow such a 'weak 'punishment 'on
      the heavenly principle? why didn't celestia simply wipe out it's existence as 'they 'did 'with
      orobashi no mikoto and khaenri'ah? it was all far too suspicious, and the nations weren't 'g
      oing to stay still with the new threat that has entered the human realm. as spring 'festivit
      ies have began in liyue, all the nations have sent out their own groups of high-ranking 'dip
      lomats disguised as delegations for the festivities, in an attempt to find out all they can a
      bout the heavenly principle hiding away in liyue and what kind of threat it poses. 'unbekn
      ownst to them, the geo archon has taken in the heavenly principle, making a deal 'with 'it
      that could potentially cause the downfall of civilization as they know it. the 'heavenly 'pri
      nciple is currently hidden in jueyun karst, inside the adeptal abode of one of 'the 'geo 'arc
      hons most trusted yakshas. the other nations are unaware of this deal or the 'fact 'that 'th
      e heavenly principle has been hidden away, their delegations blindly 'investigating 'in 'liyu
      e as time slowly runs out, all of the delegations having motivations of their 'own 'and 'acti
      vely seeking to sabotage the others. that is, until a delegate from snezhnaya and 'a 'deleg
      ate from fontaine were both killed. tensions have risen as the delegations point 'fingers 'a
      ccusingly at each other, their focus momentarily 'turned 'away 'from 'the 'mission 'at 'hand,
      desperately trying to figure out who the killer is. 'a 'fatui 'harbinger 'from 'the 'snezhnayan
      delegation, of all people, reminds them of the purpose of their visit here, and suggests to
      set aside their differences and motivations to work together as a means of 'protection. 'th
      e delegations tentatively agree, forming a temporary alliance in order to figure out who t
      he murderer is before there are any more victims among them, and share 'any 'informatio
      n 'on 'the 'heavenly 'principle 'that 'they 'find. 'will 'they 'manage x'before x'it's x'too x'late?


      the rules!
      one. all site rules apply, please follow them two. this is a semi-lit roleplay, so i'm 'expecti
      ng at least 300 words per post please! three. make sure to be able to post 'once 'or 'twice
      every two weeks, lmk if you're gonna be gone for an extended period of time! 'four. 'anim
      anga fcs only please five. currently two characters per writer max though 'i'll 'allow 'more
      depending on interest six. reservations through pms or discord, 'please 'don't 'post 'on 'the
      discussion form until i accept your reservation! seven. reservations last around 72 hours f
      or you to drop your basics in the discussion thread, though this can be extended if you 'ne
      ed more time, just lmk eight. discord is mandatory as i'll probably be dropping 'extra 'info
      in there nine. drama is heavily encouraged, but let me know of any 'big 'developments 'be
      forehand ten. you don't need to know a lot about genshin to join, i can answer any 'questi
      ons you may have c: eleven. disable signatures on both the main 'and 'disc 'thread 'please!

      𝑶𝑹 '𝑲𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮 '𝑭𝑶𝑹 '𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 '𝑺𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑼𝑹 ? ━━━━━━━━
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♙ ━━━ “ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 ━ !! ” 〉

Postby kafka ` » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:49 am

      ── the tianquan ; one of the seven liyue qixing, they are responsible for 'maintaining 'the
      ── book of ancient laws set out by the geo archon, and an expert in business and 'econom
      ── ics. they are currently in charge of homing the delegations and making sure 'their 'stay
      ── is pleasant and without inconveniences, though they are completely aware of 'their 're
      ── al reason for coming to liyue, simply choosing to turn a blind eye to it as 'long 'as 'they
      ── don't cause liyue any harm. the tianquan themself is carrying out their own investigati
      ── ons into the heavenly principle along with the other qixing, having no knowledge 'on 't
      ── he deal that the geo archon presented to the principle. they are unnerved by the 'mur
      ── ders of the foreign diplomats, and is currently extending a helping hand to the 'delega
      ── tions to uncover the criminal.
      ── name, 30-40, pronouns, vision, user
      ── the yaksha ; part of the elite force of adepti, the yaksha is one of the geo 'archon's 'm
      ── ost loyal servants and warriors. they were a close aid to the geo archon during the arc
      ── hon war two thousand years ago, and they were heavily involved in eliminating the 'da
      ── ngers that emerged from the cataclysm five hundred years ago, but in recent times, w
      ── here such threats rarely exist anymore, they have become a 'silent 'protector 'of 'liyue,
      ── eliminating looming threats from the shadows. they are currently homing 'the 'heavenl
      ── y principle that everyone is losing their heads over, on orders from the geo 'archon. 'th
      ── ey're unsure of what their archon's motivation is for striking a deal with this possible 't
      ── hreat, but they've been extremely weary of the whole thing. though their loyalty for 't
      ── he geo archon is far too strong for them to oppose to any of this. they've caught a 'whi
      ── ff of the delegations arriving in liyue, and have decided to join the tianquan 'in 'ensuri
      ── ng their stay is satisfactory, if only to keep an eye on them
      ── name, 2000+, pronouns, vision, jen

      the mondstadt delegation
      ── the witch ; this is the representative of the hexenzirkel, a powerful 'circle 'of 'witches
      ── that primarily conduct irminsul explorations. apart from their duties as one 'of 'the 'he
      ── xenzirkel's elders, they've been working as the head librarian at the knights of 'favoniu
      ── s headquarters, being a powerful asset to the knights, not only for their 'knowledge, 'b
      ── ut also their prowess as a witch, making them one 'of 'the 'most 'powerful 'residents 'of
      ── mondstadt. they received formal education from sumeru 'academia, 'and 'graduated 'a
      ── t the top of their class much faster than most. they personally volunteered to join the
      ── mondstadt delegation to liyue, their interest in the heavenly principle being 'exceedin
      ── gly high, and they must see it for themselves, if only to further their understanding of
      ── the heavens that preside over teyvat since the libraries at sumeru academia were alw
      ── ays lacking information on celestia and how it operated.
      ── name, 100+, pronouns, vision, fives
      ── the grandmaster ; the current leader of the knights of favonius, bearing the title of 'k
      ── night of boreas. they are by far the strongest of the knights, and are rumoured to wiel
      ── d the power of over one hundred men. mondstadt is a nation without a leader, so both
      ── the grandmaster and the church of favonius decided it was best to allow people to vol
      ── unteer to join the delegation. of course, the 'grandmaster 'was 'the 'first 'to 'volunteer,
      ── many of their subordinates following their lead. the grandmaster is a sturdy 'and 'relia
      ── ble person, sometimes called mondstadt's pillar as they hold the nation up, protecting
      ── it through their steady leadership and solid judgment. they have never personally inte
      ── rfered with divine affairs, but they're very aware of the threat that the 'heavenly 'prin
      ── ciple may pose, and have decided it'd be best to investigate it for themselves, 'though
      ── they know without a doubt that if the heavenly principle were to harm 'mondstadt, 'th
      ── e anemo archon would be there to protect them. they're surprisingly religious.
      ── name, 25-40, pronouns, vision, haunting
      ── the cardinal ; the current cardinal of the church of favonius. they've been in 'close 'co
      ── ntact with the elusive anemo archon ever since the news of a heavenly 'principle 'desc
      ── ending spread through teyvat, talking through a contingency plan of sorts 'with 'the 'ar
      ── chon if worst came to worst. they tend to be quite secretive and reserved, 'though 'de
      ── ep down they are a truly good person, completely devoted 'to 'the 'anemo 'archon 'and
      ── the people of mondstadt. they weren't initially planning to join 'the 'delegation, 'but 't
      ── he anemo archon urged them to, promising that they'll stay in mondstadt to keep 'it 'p
      ── rotected from the shadows. the cardinal had agreed, although hesitant 'to 'leave 'their
      ── position, joining alongside a few 'of 'their 'subordinates. 'they're 'quite 'skeptical 'about
      ── the entire heavenly principle thing, and are thoroughly aware that 'there 'are 'bigger 't
      ── hings at play here. despite being a 'self-proclaimed 'pacifist, 'they 'have 'impressive 'po
      ── wer and control over their vision, making them 'an 'opponent 'that 'one 'shouldn't 'unde
      ── restimate.
      ── name, 30-40, pronouns, vision, zerocalories

      the snezhnaya delegation
      ── pierro ; the first of the eleven fatui harbingers goes by the title of pierro. they have b
      ── een by the tsaritsa’s side longer than the other harbingers, though this is not a 'fact 'th
      ── ey openly boast about. even before the fatui was established, pierro 'was 'a 'close 'aide
      ── of the tsaritsa, and was by her side during the cataclysm, bearing the 'trauma 'it 'broug
      ── ht alongside her. they’re by far the calmest of the harbingers sent to liyue, but 'once 't
      ── hey’re angered the scene is likely to turn into a bloodbath. they seem gentle 'and 'pati
      ── ent, the perfect fit for a snezhnayan diplomat, but underneath that facade they 'are 'a
      ── ticking bomb. they don’t necessarily take well to disrespect directed towards 'them 'or
      ── the tsaritsa, and the death of the tenth harbinger, a dear friend to them, has 'made 'th
      ── em ten times more volatile than usual. they seem to have stopped caring for the 'missi
      ── on at hand altogether, hellbent on trying to find the murderer and avenging their frien
      ── d. the only one keeping them on track right now is pulcinella, who has to keep 'remind
      ── ing them why they're here and the mission the tsaritsa has assigned to them.
      ── name, 600+, pronouns, vision, hera
      ── pulcinella ; the fourth of the eleven fatui harbingers goes by the title of pulcinella. 'th
      ── ere's a cold air that permeates from them, and the temperature lowers noticeably whe
      ── never they enter a room. this bone-chilling harbinger is the tsaritsa's closest 'advisor, 'a
      ── nd by far the most intelligent of the harbingers. their playground is the political landsc
      ── ape of teyvat, and their strategic knowledge is superior to most. it's a mystery how the
      ── y were recruited into the fatui, and how fast they rose up in the ranks and became a 'h
      ── arbinger, the only two to know their story are the tsaritsa and pierro. they care not for
      ── the majority of their colleagues, and the death of the tenth harbinger has not shaken t
      ── hem, their only goal being to gather information on the heavenly principle. they 'are 'a
      ── formidable foe with an icy temper, not letting anyone get in their way. though 'despite
      ── their cold nature, they were the one to suggest forming an alliance with the 'other 'del
      ── egations, mainly to use it to their advantage and to keep everyone 'on 'track, 'uncaring
      ── for the murderer on the loose.
      ── name, 500+, pronouns, vision, miko
      ── pantalone ; the seventh of the eleven fatui harbingers goes by 'the 'title 'of 'pantalone.
      ── while their other two colleagues seem so calm and collected the majority of 'the 'time,
      ── pantalone is the chaos bringer of the trio. they're obnoxious and 'loud, 'and 'don't 'know
      ── when to keep their mouth shut. they'll do anything to rile up and provoke the ones 'aro
      ── und them, including their two colleagues. they're solely motivated 'by 'money, 'and 'the
      ── paycheck for this mission is out of this world, and they care not for anyone but themse
      ── lves. they're always eager to start a fight, with an impressive prowess 'that 'rivals 'even
      ── the strongest of teyvat's warriors, making them a scary rival indeed. they are known to
      ── flaunt this prowess whenever they can, describing them as cocky and arrogant would b
      ── e an understatement, but can you really blame someone this powerful? 'they've 'secure
      ── d many victories for the tsaritsa over the years, and their loyalty towards 'her 'is 'unwa
      ── vering. sometimes they're dubbed the tsaritsa's sword. other times? the tsaritsa's dog.
      ── name, 200+, pronouns, vision, kim
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♙ ━━━ “ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 ━ !! ” 〉

Postby kafka ` » Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:46 am

      the inazuma delegation
      ── the commissioner ; the current head of inazuma's prestigious kitagawa clan and the 'h
      ── ead of the yashiro commission. considering that the yashiro commission is the 'cultural
      ── representative of inazuma, it was only natural for the commissioner to 'be 'selected 'as
      ── the leader of inazuma's delegation to liyue. they're well known around inazuma, 'often
      ── attending public events and festivals, the people there holding them with 'high 'regard.
      ── though they're not as clean as the people think they are, using underhanded tactics 'an
      ── d getting their hands dirty when necessary to protect inazuma. they hold the people 'o
      ── f inazuma dear to them, being in close contact with the tenryou and kanjou commissio
      ── ns, along with the electro archon to ensure that all measures are taken for inazuma 'to
      ── be protected from the looming threat of the heavenly principle. they've vowed to get t
      ── o the bottom of the whole situation in liyue, and if anyone were to get in their way, 'th
      ── ey would handle them accordingly.
      ── name, 20-30, pronouns, vision, kim
      ── the divine priestess ; the current head of the sangonomiya shrine in 'watatsumi, 'they
      ── are a strategic prodigy amongst the forces of watatsumi, and are a leading figure 'that
      ── many cannot rival. though at the moment, there has been peace between the shoguna
      ── te of the electro archon and the forces of watatsumi, so the priestess has 'rarely 'been
      ── using their strategic knowledge for actual battle, which they are quite frankly very 'ha
      ── ppy with, only wishing that the peace remains and that the people of watatsumi 'rema
      ── in safe and sound. the electro archon has requested for them to join the delegation al
      ── ong with the yashiro commissioner, to which they obliged, not seeing a 'reason 'not 'to,
      ── as it would be for the good of watatsumi. the origins of the 'priestess 'are 'shrouded 'in
      ── mystery, though if one looks further, they may find the prophecy that 'originated 'from
      ── enkanomiya, directly underneath watatsumi. "a new dragon of water will be born in 'h
      ── uman form" whispers this prophecy, and perhaps the priestess is this reborn dragon 'so
      ── vereign, a being that can rival the heavenly principle.
      ── name, 20-25, pronouns, hydro, fives

      the sumeru delegation
      ── the sage ; a leading figure within sumeru academia, siting on the most prestigious of t
      ── he advisory councils within it and being a scholar of high prestige. they're also 'a 'profe
      ── ssor at the academia, holding some of the most sought-after classes on hydromancy an
      ── d astrology. it seems almost strange how long they've been at the academia, rumours s
      ── preading of the sage's immortality which they promptly avoided. truth be told, the sag
      ── e was born before the seven nations of teyvat were even 'established, 'and 'teyvat 'was
      ── one united civilization under the guidance of the primordial one and their four 'shining
      ── shades. the sage had been a great sorcerer at the time, ascending to celestia at the m
      ── ere age of twenty for their contributions towards humanity. they reveled as a 'resident
      ── of celestia, living in bliss and luxury. until the fated day came where the sage was, we
      ── ll, kicked out, the majority of their powers sealed. you can imagine the qualms the 'sa
      ── ge must have against celestia and the heavenly principles, cursed with immortality 'an
      ── d having their powers nerfed, so it wasn't a surprise when the sage suggested the crea
      ── tion of the sumeru delegation to investigate the fallen heavenly principle. they are 'in
      ── credibly bitter.
      ── name, 6000+, pronouns, hydro, miko
      ── the disciple ; handpicked by the sage as their disciple, they're a prodigy student and r
      ── esearcher, not to mention they're impressively powerful for their age. they 'initially 'th
      ── ought that the sage had picked them as their disciple to pass on their knowledge to 'th
      ── em and teach them how to control their vision better than they already can. two 'year
      ── s have passed since they were selected, and the amount of errand runs they've had 'to
      ── do is unimaginable, not to mention the fact that the sage uses them as a personal bod
      ── yguard. they can't necessarily complain, since the sage is actually teaching 'them 'very
      ── valuable things and is a generally good mentor, but they didn't accept the selection to
      ── become a servant! they're quite temperamental, and oftentimes bickering with the sa
      ── ge to try and get them to do their own errands, but will also snap at anyone who disre
      ── spects the sage, because they're the only one allowed to do that thank you. they 'natu
      ── rally came along with the delegation to liyue, though they're not 'quite 'sure 'what 'the
      ── entire deal with the heavenly principle is, and are currently trying to pry the informat
      ── ion out of the sage.
      ── name, 18-20, pronouns, vision, silver

      the fontaine delegation
      ── the judge ; the nation of justice amasses many judges and lawyers, 'however 'this 'one
      ── may quite very well be the most influential one within the nation. they're on the leadi
      ── ng council of judges in fontaine, and are unarguably the unnamed leader of this counc
      ── il. the hydro archon became antsy about the 'heavenly 'principle 'that 'descended, 'and
      ── had requested for the judge to organise a delegation to investigate in liyue. they woul
      ── d have declined if it weren't the archon asking directly, having no interest in meddling
      ── with the divine, so they reluctantly formed the delegation and 'selected 'the 'brightest
      ── individuals that fontaine has to offer. they are stoic and have 'a 'direct 'attitude, 'their
      ── tone almost always matter-of-factly. though it's to no one's 'surprise, 'considering 'that
      ── the judge is brimming with intelligence. they were practically made for the investigat
      ── ing job, and are able to spot things most people cannot, making them a valuable 'asse
      ── t to the investigation in liyue. the death of one of the delegation's diplomats has 'mad
      ── e them uneasy, and they're letting their focus slip to try and find who the murderer is,
      ── letting the lochfolk focus on the investigation regarding the heavenly principle.
      ── name, 30-40, pronouns, vision, user
      ── the lochfolk this creature is one of fontaine's mystical lochfolk, known as an oceanid t
      ── o outsiders, born from the water's essence and made from pure hydro energy. this loch
      ── folk, however, seems to be far more intelligent than the other lochfolk 'around 'teyvat,
      ── as they have found a way to transform into a human. they are currently disguised as 'a
      ── human inventor in fontaine, and are well known for their creations that 'help 'the 'font
      ── ainians with their daily lives. though they mean no harm at all, and are merely curious
      ── about how humans live. the only ones who seem to know of their real identity 'are 'the
      ── hydro archon and the judge, but they both let the lochfolk be as long as 'they 'don't 'ca
      ── use trouble and accidentally drown someone on dry land. the lochfolk have a natural a
      ── ffinity for controlling hydro, as they are not human, they cannot receive a vision. 'how
      ── ever, they still keep a fake vision with them as to not arouse suspicion. the lochfolk 'w
      ── as selected to be part of the delegation and seem to be inseparable from the judge at
      ── this point. they've been entrusted to investigate the heavenly principle 'while 'the 'jud
      ── ge focuses on finding the murderer.
      ── name, 500+, pronouns, 'hydro', encia

      the natlan delegation
      ── the general ; the fear-inducing and war-mongering general of natlan, they 'are 'consid
      ── ered one of the greatest warriors of teyvat, and they have a scary track record of wipi
      ── ng out legions of soldiers by themself. they've been around for as long as most soldiers
      ── can remember, and they've always been snappy and strict, with a fiery temper that 'ca
      ── n burn down the strongest of warriors. they're someone you don't want to get on the b
      ── ad side of, for they are the pyro archon's most trusted aide. the delegation was 'starte
      ── d by them, not wanting to bother the already busy pyro archon, and the general 'has 'r
      ── ecruited only the strongest within the nation to join them to liyue, 'knowing 'well 'that
      ── in the near future a fight will break out, whether it's between the nations 'and 'the 'he
      ── avenly principle, or between the delegations, and god knows that the 'general 'is 'itchi
      ── ng for a fight. it'll only be worse with them around, as provoking people is a 'natural 't
      ── alent of theirs, and with all the powerful people gathering in liyue right now, 'perhaps
      ── the general is simply aiming to start a multi-national war.
      ── name, 300+, pronouns, vision, blaiddyd.
      ── the gladiator ; natlan is known for their gladiator rings, and the nation of war actively
      ── celebrates these rings and frequently holds national contests to bring out the 'stronges
      ── t of the nation. natlan so heavily encourages these rings that law enforcement there o
      ── ften turns a blind eye to the underground, illegal rings. the gladiator is a four-time 'na
      ── tional champion of the biggest gladiator competition in natlan, 'the 'fame 'and 'glory 'it
      ── brings being something that the gladiator welcomes with open arms, and they certainl
      ── y lack modesty about it. they're arrogant and boastful, and are constantly flaunting 'th
      ── eir prowess, though they're lacking in the brain department, to say the least, 'consider
      ── ing that all they know is how to fight. it's safe to say that they don't think before 'they
      ── act, and will start a fight with quite literally anyone, not caring whether they're 'a 'hig
      ── h-ranking individual or not. they were selected by the general to 'join 'the 'delegation,
      ── to which they immediately agreed because they hold the general in high 'regard. 'thou
      ── gh i doubt they know why exactly they're going to liyue for, simply driven by their 'unc
      ── hecked bloodlust.
      ── name, 20-30, pronouns, vision, user
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♙ ━━━ “ 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑻𝑼𝑺 ━ !! ” 〉

Postby kafka ` » Sun May 01, 2022 9:39 am


      we r open for business! shoot me a pm with reservations thank u
      3/16 roles available! discussion thread

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