
For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.


Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:24 pm

HOW THE MIGHTY FALL▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
xxxxxxLong ago, witches held the world in their grip. Humans were the minority, subdued and holding little power. Of course, the humans finally managed to overthrow the witches and drove them back into hiding. Children were punished for materializing a kitten to play with, any sign of magic in public resulted into an arrest. Witches began forming their own small towns out in the wilderness, often in abandoned castles for an ironic air. The number of witches dropped heavily, and soon there were only twenty castles left.
xxxxxxThe smallest, Embruja, was attacked by the humans. Only eight witches survived, four girls and four boys. The oldest was twenty, and the youngest seventeen ranging in all sorts of powers and types of magic. Previously, they had hardly talked to each other. After the siege of the castle, they were pitted together. But with many of their magical resources gone, they had to pack all they could and go looking for the one thing that could help them: familiars.
xxxxxxA familiar is a companion to a witch, and often holds both animal and human forms. Witches on their own are powerful, but with a familiar, they can channel their magic and draw upon their dual knowledge and strength. A witch and a familiar form an unbreakable bond, and those with familiars can live indefinitely, though they only retain their sanity until a few hundred years in. (After that point they speak only in riddles and perform unpredictable magic)
xxxxxxThe eight young witches need to travel into the woods that surround Embruja to find these familiars. Unfortunately, the woods are very large, very strange, and filled with dangerous creatures and magic.
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Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:25 pm



xxxxxxxxxx Follow the rules here on CS and on this thread.
xxxxxxxxxx This roleplay is literate, which means three good sized paragraphs with correct grammar and spelling.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAs best you can please, but a few mistakes are perfectly okay.

xxxxxxxxxx Stay active! I'd love to see a post every few days or so, and every other day would be fantastic.
xxxxxxxxxx PM me with your reservations, and don't post your form until I give you the okay. You have 24 hours to post
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa form, and another 24 to finish it if you're not done.

xxxxxxxxxx Be kind to one another.
xxxxxxxxxx This is not a particularly romantic roleplay, but make sure that if you have two characters who are
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtogether that you keep it PG-13 and don't draw too much away from the plot.

xxxxxxxxxx You need to make two characters of different genders: a familiar and a witch. They both have to be active,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxand your witch and familiar cannot be bonded. (Also no Gary-Sues/Mary-Sues)

xxxxxxxxxx Lastly, have fun! ouo
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Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:25 pm


the fighter

the fighter harbors the deepest resentment towards humans.
she would do anything to have witches at the top of the food
chain again. she's brave, cunning, and excels at dueling. this
witch enjoys making friends and is good in social situations,
but also enjoys time to herself. she is very loyal and would
defend the remaining witches of embruja to the death. her
patience for learning spells is very short, so she relies mainly
on her emotions to throw random curses at her opponent.
to be fair, it is very effective.
name: --
age: eighteen
gender: female
strengths: dueling
roleplayer: c a v a l i a
face claim: shay mitchell

the healer

the healer is quiet and a bit reserved. he detests
schoolwork, even if he's got a good mind, but he knows
everything there is to know about potions and herbs. he
does not want to be wrapped up in the search for the
familiars, he just wants to turn around to embruja and
find all of the books and lose himself in the ancient tomes,
but at the same time, he can't. he feels a strong sense of
responsibility to the others, and is scared out of his mind
that he'll disappoint them. besides potions, the healer is
also very good at nature and cleaning spells.
name: owen mar
age: nineteen
gender: male
strengths: potions
roleplayer: rivendell
faceclaim: anthony mackie

the charmer

the charmer's talent lies right in the name: charms.
if she can't move it, transform it, levitate it, or make it disappear,
no one can. however, while she excels in practiced and performed
magic, when put into a situation that calls for quick thinking, the
charmer panics. like her spells, many of the charmer's words are
prepared as well. she is a great public speaker, but tends to stay
quiet during class and with her friends unless she predicts the way
that the conversation goes.
name: devina nether grey
age: nineteen
gender: female
strengths: charms
roleplayer: 2 Infinity &' Beyond
face claim: alice greczyn

the bookworm

the bookworm devotes most of his free time
to the spacious library at embruja. he loves studying spells
of all kinds, even if he knows he'll never use them. the
bookworm is the oldest of the lot, and he decided to take
charge. a good thing too, as he's a natural leader. he has
a photographic memory, and can hold information like
nobody else. besides this, he's intelligent, though can be
a very pessimistic.
name: --
age: twenty
gender: male
strengths: incantations
roleplayer: --
faceclaim: daniel sherman

the summoner

the summoner deals with dark magic, and the repulsion of it.
she can find just about anything, and call it right to her with
a flick of her wrist. for every curse, she knows the counter
to it. the summoner deals uses both dark magic and regular
magic in her everyday tasks, which makes her sullen and
defensive when her usage is brought up. she has no trouble
controlling the dark magic, and is without a doubt the most
powerful witch. however, she is very loyal and has a great
sense of humor.
name: --
age: seventeen
gender: female
strengths: dark magic
roleplayer: immortalis
face claim: janel parrish

the vulcan

the vulcan deals very often with the mind and
how it thinks. he can manipulate memories, share thoughts,
emotions and images with others. he is skilled at oculomancy,
in other words. anything that has to do with the mind, the
vulcan can work with. he can be snappish and aggressive,
especially when hungry. the vulcan is also very intelligent, but
hates learning new things if it takes him a while to get it.
he is stubborn and not much of a team player, but enjoys
spending time working out a problem with some other
smart kids.
name: salem ransley blackthorne
age: nineteen
gender: male
strengths: oculomancy
roleplayer: avanhellica
faceclaim: joe dempsie

the prophet

the prophet can work a crystal ball like no one else.
although many think that she's a fraud, the prophet actually is quite
good at predicting the future, though it often comes out when she's
not trying. although she tries her hardest to not be rude, the
prophet often comes off the wrong way. sometimes she says things
that are hurtful, and doesn't realize it. but the prophet really likes
spending time with people, even if they mock her skill. she's also
pretty decent at potion making and the gardening of magical plants.
the prophet holds a grudge for a long, long time, and is slow to
get to like someone.
name: apollo magissa
age: eighteen
gender: female
strengths: divination
roleplayer: DarlingLady
face claim: chrishell stubbs

the outdoorsman

the outdoorsman has a special gift for magical
creatures. think "the dog whisperer," but with dragons, and
hippogriffs, nixies, centaurs, unicorns and the like. he speaks
several different languages, and has befriended probably half
of the things living in the woods around embruja. most of those
close to him are magical creatures. at one point, there was a
rumor going around that he was dating one of the centaurs in
the forest. he hated that rumor, but ignored it in favor of
disappearing into the woods. the outdoorsman also has a talent
for dueling, though the fighter could give him a run for his money.
he's strong both physically and mentally, though is quite narcissistic.
name: --
age: seventeen
gender: male
strengths: creatures
roleplayer: felix.
faceclaim: booboo stewart
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Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:25 pm


the wolf

the wolf is very brave, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
not that he's unintelligent, more he follows blindly and without
question like a perfect little soldier. he is very, very loyal and
really excited to meet his witch. he is eager to please, and the
wolf has a great sense of humor. however, when it comes to
thunderstorms, he's a big baby and hides under the closest
thing with his tail tucked in.
name: fenrir
gender: male
witch: the fighter
roleplayer: DarlingLady
face claim: shiloh fernandez

the fox


the fox looks after herself first and foremost before
she even attempts to care for anyone else. she
is cunning, intelligent, and has a good heart,
even if she won't show it. the fox tries to bottle
up all her emotions, but when she lets them
loose, they are far from trivial. she loves running
and athletics, and cannot stand staying in one
place for very long. the fox is very social, but
it is very difficult to tell if she's telling the truth.
name: julianne faline silvers
gender: female
witch: the healer
roleplayer: avanhellica
faceclaim: nicole kidman

the stag

the stag acts spontaneously, often without thought
and consequences in mind. he loves living in
the moment, and rarely ever plans things out.
but while he physically acts on a whim, mentally
he loves to sit and think for long periods of
time. the stag can often be found staring off
into the distance with his eyes glazed over.
he is a big dreamer, and has always aspired
to be a part of something grand.
name: --
gender: male
witch: the charmer
roleplayer: --
face claim: donald glover

the owl

the owl is forever the optimist. she always sees
the world in a rosy glow, and takes time to point
out the good rather than the bad. the owl is very
wise, even though some say that optimism is
vapid or shallow. she is far from quiet, and for
the most part enjoys making noise for the sake
of making noise. the owl is often funny, and
likes being the center of attention.
name: --
gender: female
witch: the bookworm
roleplayer: c a v a l i a
faceclaim: aisha dee

the snake

the snake is very shy and soft spoken. despite
his timid nature, the snake is quite cheerful and
can usually be found in a good mood. hardly
anything throws him off, though a major change
in his lifestyle often makes him more secluded.
the snake is far from brave, he shies away from
conflicts -especially if he could get in harm's way.
the snake acts on pure impulse and emotion,
loves deeply, and holds a grudge for a long time.
name: nixon lucas venasus
gender: male
witch: the summoner
roleplayer: 2 Infinity &' Beyond
face claim: nico tortorella

the cat

the cat is always very collected, everything has
its place with her. she is rather persnickety and
wants everything to be just so. however, the cat
also enjoys spontaneity. she loves working in
large groups and being part of a team. the cat
enjoys knitting, singing, and self defense training.
she is powerful magically, physically, though
takes her time mentally (not that she's unintelligent,
but will stall if her needs are not met).
name: --
gender: female
witch: the vulcan
roleplayer: felix.
faceclaim: jessica sula

the hawk

the hawk is the original sweet talker. he can
make anything sound wonderful, and can cushion
bad news like no one else. he holds the opinions
of others in very high regard, and strives to put
everyone else in front of him. the hawk treats
most everybody like they're his own children, but
has a tendency to smother them. he loves candles,
a lot. he carries one with him at all times, for
good luck. the other familiars often make fun of
him for this, but he doesn't mind too much. the
hawk is good-natured, but is lacking in a sense
of humor.
name: --
gender: male
witch: the prophet
roleplayer: immortalis
face claim: ian harding

the raven

the raven is every bit as cold and calculating as
she is quiet. she can be a bit insensitive to the
feelings of others. its not that she doesn't care,
but that she doesn't know how to go about saying
kind things. the raven is very analytical, preferring
to rely on her head rather than her heart. she
enjoys pranks, music, and the color blue. she also
loves a good puzzle and bright jewelry. the raven
is very anxious, prone to bouts of panic attacks.
however, she keeps a level head in difficult situations.
name: iris
gender: female
witch: the outdoorsman
roleplayer: rivendell
faceclaim: frida gustavsson
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Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:26 pm


open / closed

March 22; 8:27 PM
This roleplay is now open! PM all reservations to me, and please note that I have taken the spots of the healer, and the raven.
Spots are first come, first served. Do not post until I message you back, please!

April 12; 8:03 PM
Three spots are now open- for the witches: the fighter, the bookworm, the outdoorsman, and for the familiars: the owl, the snake, and the cat. If you'd like to reserve a spot, feel free to pm me.

April 14; 5:24 PM
One spot open! Everyone please try and finish up/post your forms.
Last edited by ɾïṿεṉḋεll on Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:25 am, edited 7 times in total.
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owen & iris

Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:41 pm

owen . mar

↪ ↪ ↪ I'M THE COLORLESS SUNRISE spacefiller spacefiller

that's never good enough

spacefiller spacefiller spacefillerI'M THE WIND THAT'S IN YOUR HEAD

IT RUFFLES YOU UP ↩ ↩ ↩spacefiller spacefiller


Name; Owen Mar
Age; Nineteen years
Specialty; Healing & Potions
Talents; Cooking, remembering
long passages, wordless spells,
swimming, and singing
Sexuality; Asexual

    ↪ ↪ ↪ Owen Mar is often more than happy to retreat inside his shell. Although he has no problem opening up to friends and family,talking to strangers sometimes seems as insurmountable as Everest. When Embruja was still fully functioning, Owen neglected his schoolwork and skipped quite a few classes in order to study things that interested him more: healing spells and potions of all kinds. Although he has rudimentary knowledge of other kinds of magic, and is fairly decent at a few of them, Owen's strength lies in potions. When he did turn in his work, he made sure it was absolutely perfect. His dorm was always impeccable as well, although anyone would think that a class-skipper would be a slob, Owen's things are always meticulously organized. Even though he chooses to isolate himself, when he works with others, Owen is the perfect peace keeper. He absolutely hates fighting, and will do everything he can do to stop it, and he isn't above slipping some relaxing potions into people's drinks. Anything to keep good relations and productivity going, the ends justify the means, even if the means are often fairly mild. Despite his reclusive nature, Owen is a great prankster and pulls one big prank a year -though he's never even a suspect! But before the pranks, Owen is always worrying about something, and feels responsible for everyone close to him, especially after the fall of the castle. He can sometimes be a bit of a mother hen, and often overpacks "just in case." He always has a giant backpack filled with everything that one could possibly need, and he took the time to charm it to be larger inside. He is very excited to meet his familiar, though he can't help but be a bit afraid of both the trek into the forest and the introduction of someone new in his life. Owen constantly struggles to impress those around him, and isn't sure if he's ready to add someone with whom he has a unique bond to that list.


↪ ↪ ↪ IF YOU KNEW, KNEW WHAT THE BLUE BIRDS SANG AT YOUspacefiller spacefiller

you would never sing along

spacefiller spacefiller spacefillerCAST THEM OUT CAUSE THIS IS OUR CULTURE

THESE NEW FLOCKS ARE NOTHING BUT VULTURES ↩ ↩ ↩spacefiller spacefiller


Name; Iris
Age; Unknown
Other Form; Raven
Talents; Mathematics, puzzles/riddles,
singing, acrobatics
Sexuality; --

    ↪ ↪ ↪ The raven prefers to watch from the sidelines, observing rather than participating. Iris is often read as standoffish and cool tempered -an accurate description, as she always takes her time to asses a situation before joining in. Despite her intimidating nature, when approached, Iris answers any questions or prompts in a kind (if flat) tone. She likes being alone, but forms close knit groups of a few people and holds onto them tightly. Since she's clever with her fingers, one of her favorites past times is jewelry making. She has hiding places all over Embruja's woods where she stashes her work and pretty odds and ends of things.
Last edited by ɾïṿεṉḋεll on Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:18 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: hubris.

Postby darling lady » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:52 am

yeѕ, ι ĸnow ιтѕ a вoy'ѕ naмe



Apollo the DCCLXXVII Magissa
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Specialty: Prophet
Sexuality: Heterosexual

When you first meet Apollo, you may find yourself offended. Her tongue is far from silver, and her innocent blunders and naive honesty can often lead to hurt feelings. She does not do it on purpose, often feeling bad, and wondering how she could have possibly hurt anyone with honesty. She is committed to my heart, so she is often described as caring, kind, generous and loving. She’ll always be there for those she loves and is not one who will only use violence as a last resort, but whenever it is needed.



She’s not a leader or a follower, but in dire situations, she does tend to let another lead, because she is sensitive to being made fun of. As a prophet, even other witches mock her magic, calling it 'fake'. This always stings, but she tends to bury the insults under her smile. This often means people don't even realize when they've made her angry, and her grudges hold a long time.Despite this, she loves being around people, and loves making friends. Although she is sensitive to the fact she isn't very good at friend making, she always puts her heart into it and tries her best.

A person often meets
his destiny on the road
he took to avoid it.

She is sensitive to her name, knowing it's a boy's name. This is due to the fact she is the first female in a very, very long line of male prophets. They certainly could not break the tradition of the firstborn's name. Having a lot of pressure on her since a young age, she takes failure quite harshly, but only if it's her own. She will also tend to blame herself for things out of her control.


α ℓσиє ωσℓf ιѕ αѕ υѕєfυℓ αѕ α ∂єα∂ ωσℓf


Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Animal: Wolf
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Fenrir will, without a doubt, always stick up for you. Whether you are right or wrong, allie or foe, he will defend you if he feels like you are being picked on. Having grown up in a large family, he hated if the older ones picked on the little pups. Once you've befriended him, you'll find he’s a fierce friend. He’s a loyal, honest and trustworthy person. He often uses common sense, though if faced with a challenge that threatens one of his loved ones’ lives, he may make rash decisions and rush in to save them. He’s also bull headed and stubborn because once he sets his mind on something he doesn't stop until it is done, even if that may lead him into a fight.


Loyal to a fault

A lot of people have always considered Fenrir to be stupid and brave. In a way, this is true: he's done some pretty stupid things to help people out. But he isn't unintelligent. He's merely the type of person who listens to his heart before he listens to his head, and, even if his head is screaming no, he will loyally carry out actions. He doesn't like to do things on his own though, and prefers to work as a team, or a 'pack'. One of Fenrir's personal philosophies is that everyone has a role, and if you act within the parameters of your role, the whole pack succeeds, and when that falls apart, so does the pack.

Maybe the wolf
Is in love with the moon
And each night it cries
For a love it will never touch

Fenrir has a large fear of thunderstorms. He usually shifts into a wolf if there is a storm, so that he can hide better than if he were in human form. Despite being a shapeshifter, Fenrir is allergic to chocolate and can't eat it. He is a bit of a hopeless romantic, thinking there is a 'mate' for every wolf. He's also very eager to make others happy, especially his witch. Due to this, he has a fairly laid-back, relaxed and humorous nature.
Last edited by darling lady on Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:19 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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[the vulcan & the fox]

Postby avanhellica » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:47 am



[full name] salem ransley blackthorne [gender] male
[goes by] salem [age] nineteen [sexuality] straight
[rank] the vulcan [powers] oculomancy

[height] 6 ft 1 in [weight] 162 lbs
[hair color] brunette [eye color] blue
[complexion] tan [build] muscular, strong

[+ traits] intelligent, chivalrous, hard-working,
charming, protective, straightforward, versatile
[- traits] aggressive, irritable, deceitful, impatient,
easily jealous, stubborn, impatient, vengeful


Meet Salem. The guy who loves to get into people's heads.
Whether it's by using his natural charm or by using his pow
ers, he'll find some way to get you to spill your deepest, d
arkest secrets. Despite his natural ability to bend others t
o his will, he'd much rather work by himself. He isn't very
fond of the company of others. He can barely stand having
his familiar around. But he knows without her he would m
ost likely be useless. Or, at least, not as strong as he could

Salem's biggest flaw would have to be his temper. It can g
o in so many different directions, depending on the situati
on. Sometimes he'll say things he doesn't mean. He'll lash o
out and then later, will regret saying the harsh things he d
id. This has lost a lot of friendships for Salem, though he t
ries to play it off like no big deal. Other times, he'll get bo
th angry and defensive, relying on his ability to lie to make
him feel better about himself. To make him feel superior o
r at least of equal value to whoever is threatening him. Bu
t setting these issues aside, he's a diligent worker and a po
lite guy. Just don't tick him off..................................




[full name] julianne faline silvers [gender] female
[goes by] jazza [age] appears 18 [sexuality] straight
[rank] the fox/vixen

[height] 5 ft 7 in [weight] 126 lbs
[hair color] red/orange [eye color] blue
[complexion] pale [build] athletic, slender

[+ traits] cunning, clever, warm-hearted,
independent, witty, hyperactive, tolerant, sociable
[- traits] guarded, emotionless, egotistical, secretive,
mendacious, stubborn, self-absorbed, teasing

This is Julianne, the shape-shifting fox. It was her great ancestors
that first began the myths of the Japanese Kitsune. Spirits that re
presented foxes with the ability to transform into women. But wh
at signified any truths behind this myth, was that only the female
s in Julianne's family were ever capable of shifting. The males we
re typically the witches. But unlike Julianne's family, Julianne wa
nts nothing to do with this "partnership." She doesn't believe, or w
ant to believe, that being with someone is better than being by h
erself. She enjoys living in the forest, keeping herself and her tho
ghts to herself. No messy feelings or crabby, emotional witches. J
ust herself and the nature. Where she can run and shift and do as
she pleases..................................................................

What Julianne most likely fears is her loss of freedom. While she
doesn't mind the occasional friendly word with another, she hates
to feel trapped. As a fox, she's already a tad skittish; smart and n
ot easy to trap - but still keeping an ever-watchful eye behind her.
Just in case. But who knows? She might just cave into having a par
tner should they really need her...and maybe with a little begging
(and if they're cute) she'll accept. It's in her nature, being a famil
iar and all....................................................................
Last edited by avanhellica on Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: hubris.

Postby immortalis » Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:53 am

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|Charmer &' Snake|

Postby Lueur. » Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:29 pm


❝Not all those that
wonder are lost... ❞


words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words


    [ traits +/- ]

Name : Devina Nether Grey
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Specialty: Charmer
Sexuality: Straight




[traits -/+]


❝A dog will look down when
they have done wrong , but
snake will look you
right in the eyes.❞
Name: Nixon Lucas Venasus
Age: Unknown
Animal: Snake
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight



words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
words words words word words words words words
Last edited by Lueur. on Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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