Our Own Hurt (Closed/Please Delete)

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Our Own Hurt (Closed/Please Delete)

Postby recklessgod » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:36 am

Villains are not born...

They are created...

But not purely evil..

The choice is theirs.

We are people, created in labs, with powers. We range from shifters, to wings, to mind reading, and anywhere in between. We hide from people that aim to kill us, or use us for evil purposes. Do you work with us, or the scientists?

Whether you are good or evil your choice. Maybe you're not either. Maybe you're just caught in the crossfire. But either way, you are involved and expected to participate.
Were you created in the lab, or born to those who have escaped before you? Good, or evil, or maybe a mixture?

If a name is underlined, that character is deceased.


Rhianna Freund(17/Female)- Gᴀʟʟɪғʀᴇʏ Fᴀʟʟs ❥
Adelaide Lemieux(17/Female)- persimmon
Donnie Dillinger(20/Male)- sicksadworld

Quinn (16/Female)- Fading Danger
Ricky(16/Male)- Fading Danger
Santiago Sosa(23/Male)- persimmon
Austin Carter(19/Male)- Fading Danger
Evelyn Symphony Redfern(21/Female)- kotalicious
Erin Tellan(26/Male)- Subtle~Fox

Our Own Hurt


--> This person likes that person
--><-- They like each other
Name<3Name Dating

Austin Carter-->Evelyn Symphony Redfern

This is a semi-lit roleplay.

[b]Removed for Inactivity/Other reason
Desmond Aka Project Axis(23/Male)- Bad2thebonedog


- You need to have at least four lines. More is welcome.
- Please fade to black with excessive violence. Minor blood and fighting is fine.
- No god-modding or power playing.
- Please keep genders even. 10 girls and 3 boys is a no. 10 girls and 9 boys is okay.
- OOC is allowed, just use {[(brackets)]}
- You must stay active. If you don't post in a week, you'll be kicked. Sorry
- No more then two powers, one major, one minor.
- Please don't go more than five pages without me, don't leave anyone out, and if you need a recap/reposts, just ask.- - No being your own crush.
please post your form on the discussion page.[/b]

Code: Select all

[center][img]Image Here[/img][/center]

Username: [b][/b]
Character Name: [b][/b]
Character Age: [b][/b]
Gender: [b][/b]
Powers(One major, one minor): [b][/b]
Working With the...(scientists or rebels): [b][/b]
History: [b][/b]
Personality: [b][/b]
Crush: [b][/b]
Last edited by recklessgod on Thu May 14, 2015 11:11 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby recklessgod » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:38 am



Username: Fading Danger
Character Name: Quinn
Character Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers(One major, one minor): Controls Shadows, Enhanced fighting skills.
Working With the...(scientists or rebels): Rebels
History: Quinn has no memory of her parents, or even childhood memories. As far as she knows, she was born in that lab and raised in that lab. She escaped with her friend, Ricky, when they were 14.
Personality: Quinn is cold and distant, and doesn't open up easily. She has to really trust you before she can be kind and sweet and bubbly.
Crush: No one yet.
Sexuality: Straight



Username: Fading Danger
Character Name: Ricky
Character Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers(One major, one minor): Controls Shadows and speaks to animals
Working With the...(scientists or rebels): Rebels
History: Ricky barely remembers his parents, but what matters is he remembers them. He doesn't know how he got in the lab, but he knows he got out fairly easily with Quinn.
Personality: He is very friendly, but very cautious. He's a loyal friend and hopes one day he can help save the world from the scientists.
Crush: Nope.
Sexuality: Straight.
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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby recklessgod » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:57 am

Bump! Now accepting!
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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby recklessgod » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:00 am

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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby recklessgod » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:47 pm

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Postby gallifrey falls. » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:31 am

Username: Gᴀʟʟɪғʀᴇʏ Fᴀʟʟs ❥
Name: Rhianna Freund; her first name derived from 'Rhiannon', meaning 'great queen'.
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female
Alliance: Scientists
Powers: Cryokinesis -
Rhianna is able to manipulate ice into anything she desires, whether it be a weapon or merely ice cubes for her drink. She has a little more difficulty practicing this when the temperature is extremely hot, but has mastered it enough to be able to perform in most situations.
Power Sensing -
She can sense the abilities of another, whether they are using them or not. This has made her extremely valuable to the scientists, as she can merely walk by one of the escaped superhumans to know that they are just that. While this sense doesn't allow her to mimic other's abilities, it does allow her to prepare for any sort of attack in advance.
Appearance: Rhianna has highlighted blonde hair that reaches a little past her shoulders, and is straight without any sort of waviness or curl. Her eyes are a pretty blue and she is overall lean and slender without any visible muscle.
History: Born and raised in the lab, Rhianna has never had much experiance with the world outside it. She never had any parents, aside from those who's genes were donated to her, so doesn't really have any family or ties with anyone else. She didn't make any friends in her stay, and opted to stay behind whenever a mass escape was being staged. Everyone of course assumed this was because she was working with the very people experimenting on them, and they were partially right. Rhianna is working with them to capture the escaped experiments, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is loyal to them. She will change her opinion at the drop of a hat with the right offer, but also has her own agenda.
Personality: Rhianna is entirely for herself, and to gain her true loyalty would be a great feat indeed. She can turn friendliness and charm on and off as easily as flipping switch, leaving her true self rather hard to figure out. She doesn't trust easily, and tends to take advantage of any given to her. The opinions of the world around her hold no gravity with Rhianna, as she very much paves her own way. Is it unclear if she truly believes in helping the scientists or is working towards her own ends.
Relationship Status: Single
Crush: Open
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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby .synthetica » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:45 pm



Username: persimmon
Character Name: Adelaide Lemieux
Character Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Alliance: Scientists
Crush: Possibly Rhianna?
Relationship Status: Single

Adelaide can travel across distances (of up to ~50 meters) in the blink of an eye. She is invulnerable whilst she is traveling, as if she didn't exist, but it takes her a moment to 'refocus' afterwards - literally, she takes a few moments to fade in. The longer the distance traveled, the longer the refocusing. Of course, the whole process is tiring. She's learning to travel in short bursts with no refocusing time, but so far it usually results in her fainting.
Enhanced strength;
Does what it says on the tin. Her ability to take and dish out punishment is greatly enhanced over a regular person's. This has led to a preference for hand-to-hand combat.

History: The unlikely progeny of a 'mutant' and a scientist, it's her parents' story which is worthy of a novel, film, or both. They got neither, and instead were betrayed by both sides of the conflict, resulting in an untimely death and leaving their baby daughter raised by the scientific community. All nice people - even if some weren't particularly well-equipped to raise a child, there were others who stepped in and taught her how to read, write, count. When her supernatural ability revealed itself, she was taught to control it. As her mind matured, she was introduced to more and more complex scientific theories. You could debate for both sides - whether the evil scientists have 'poisoned her mind', or whether with her understanding of science she sees the benefits of limited experimentation, and with her close relationship to many members of the scientific community she understands it's not them doing the enforcing, the containing, the punishing, and that they're being held captive just as much as the 'mutants'... though by whom they're being held captive is uncertain.

Personality: It's hard for her to detach herself emotionally, from anything she does. She empathizes, like any human being, but without the brutal socialization which usually beats some suspicion into most teenagers. It's easy to get her trust - and once someone has it, she's an excitable girl talking constantly about scientific discoveries and blunders made in history, who can just as easily flicker behind a threat and snap their neck. Not without feeling, but as long as she doesn't personally know whoever she kills, well, it's that much easier to not think about it.



Username: persimmon
Character Name: Santiago Sosa
Character Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Alliance: Rebels
Crush: Open
Relationship Status: Single

Control of earth, stone, various minerals. There are obvious combat applications but Santiago outright ignores them, focusing instead on what he considers more useful; purification of water, creating stone 'huts' for displaced rebels, polishing a locket or repairing a spade. He's limited to manipulating what is already there and can't control man-made materials.
Minor healing;
Santiago has found he's able to persuade torn flesh to join back together much faster than it would naturally. His touch can heal cuts and restore broken bones - it can alleviate the symptoms of asthma or similar disorders, but cannot cure a bacterial infection as much as expedite the healing process by bolstering the body's defences with his own strength. That being said, he cannot persuade a detached head or leg to join back to its body, and if someone's dead, they stay dead.

History: Santiago's childhood is such a blur of scientific facilities that it's impossible for him to determine which one he was born in. In some they spoke Spanish, English, Russian-- an endless combination of languages, accents, climates. Nevertheless, he was pushed around and tested just as much as any other mutant, and remembers that clearly. A nervous-looking woman with a clipboard standing by, a man dressed in black body armor pushing the youth back in his containment unit. The same woman returning later with a chocolate bar or cup of water. The same woman turning her head when he and a group of his more combat-suited peers mounted an escape, granting them precious minutes in which to get away. He never knew her name, but all his actions since then are dedicated to people like her, his non-violent pursuit of a better world.

Personality: He's been fighting for a long time - his body is suited for it but his mind is not. At his heart, Santiago is a gentle man. Conflict wrings him apart, and in most cases he finds it isn't justifiable. At least, he's never come across conflict that could be reasonably justified. He has a formidable intellect and spends most of his time reading political and sociological theory. He's a very eloquent man, and tries his best to be a suitable leader and role model for the younger fighters.

Last edited by .synthetica on Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby gallifrey falls. » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:43 am

    bump ^^
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Re: Our Own Hurt (Semi-Lit/Accepting/New)

Postby recklessgod » Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:51 am


Ricky glanced around. They had just found the house for the rebels, and at the moment the only two there were he and Quinn. He watched as Quinn hurried inside, desperate to get out of the rain. He shook his head and followed her inside. This is terrible. We'll have to fix it up, or find other rebels with a decent hide out. She giggled.


Quinn laughed at Ricky. Yea, probably so. This isn't the best place to stay. It'll do us well until we find somewhere else though. She sat down on the old bed. Everything in the house smelled of rain water. Wonderful. But as long as they were away from the scientists, way away, it was okay. She wouldn't go back. They couldn't make her go back. Memories flashed in front of her. The tests and images and smells. She flinched involuntarily, and shivered. She wouldn't go back. She couldn't.
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{ Rhianna Fruend

Postby gallifrey falls. » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:10 am

rhianna - scientists - cryokenisis and power senseing - tagged; adelaide - ooc; hope this looks good!

Rhianna leaned back against the cool pane of the window, watching the snowflakes she had created dance through the air. The scientists she worked with had hooked her and her partner, Adelaide, up with a hotel room for the first time in weeks. The rest of the time, the two of them had been working, sleeping, and mostly living out of an RV. It was a nice RV, she had to give them that, but come on. One could only switch off driving and eat microwaved meals for so long.
The sun was rising behind her, filling the dark room with a rosy glow. Adeliade was still sleeping on one of the beds, her hair tousled in sleep. Rhianna had got up a half hour ago, after tossing and turning for nearly an hour. She never slept much anymore, or felt the need to. Maybe it was something the geeks in the lab had done. Whatever it was, Rhianna wasn't complaining. Standing as the last of the snowflakes hit the dark carpet, she walked over to Adeliade's bed and shook her shoulder, waking the girl. "Come on, lazybones, we have work to do. Rick said he found a trace of two of the escapees. They don't look that powerful, but he's sending both of us anyway. What fun, am I right?"
She grabbed a brush from her nearby back and sat on the adjacent bed, dragging it through her hair. Her hair had already been brushed recently, but Rhianna had always been a bit of a perfectionist. It was nice to be assigned on a job after weeks of tracking, especially with Adeliade. Rhianna couldn't stand some of the other people Rick assigned her with occasionaly, and they always ended up with bad frostbite, one way or another. She always got a lecture after it, but they seemed to have learned their lesson, at last. She only ever worked with Adeliade now, and that was how she preferred it. The girl wasn't annoying, and knew when to keep her silence. While she was overly empathetic in Rhianna's eyes, she didn't make a big deal if they had to kill someone. Some others would get sqeamish.
Putting the brush down, she picked up one of the pillows on her bed and threw it at Adeliade's head. "Hurry up, would you?" Her tone was light, however, and it was clear it was more of a jest than actual irritation.
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