ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| closed

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ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| closed

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:15 am


Many people know of the band, Black Veil Brides and how great their music is. But there was obviously once a time where they were not famous, and just a regular person walking through this life like the rest of is. This, of course, meant that they lived basically a normal life. There were friends, crushes, troubles, hardship, all things they still experience now, but with a different viewpoint - that of a rockstar. But what is different, is that when the band left to become all that they could be, they left behind five very important people in their lives. Five girls whom they had been very close with, five girls who some of the members of the band had either grown up with, or maybe met some time later. Either way, the band is back and once more are reunited with their friends whom they had left so long ago. But now, what if things are different? What if things have changed between them and instead of just friendship, their feelings for each other grow into something a bit different?

{{**I understand the plot kind of sucks, but I'm rushing here and I will make it better later c:}}
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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| open

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:16 am


Andy - played by: I am Confliction.
Ashley - played by: Helmuth.
Jinxx - played by: ruyah.
CC - played by: Omegalomaniac
Jake - played by:ashҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ


Andy's girl - Zarah - played by: cheshire cat.
Ashley's girl - Vintage - played by: reckless.
Jinxx's girl - Sammi - played by:ashҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
CC's girl - Ophelia - played by: c o m p a s s i o n.
Jake's girl - Roxanne - played by: Omegalomaniac


Andy and Zarah - these two grew up together - their mothers having been friends, they shared the pain each felt as an outcast in everyday life, they were inseperable. They know each other's darkest secrets, and happiest moments.

Ashley and Vintage - These two had met a little later on in life, but had definitely clicked from the start, becoming fast friends who did virtually everything together. Many thought that the two were dating.

Jake and Roxanne - This was a chance meeting between the two, having met through each other's friends at a party. It was a fun night for either two, and after that they kept in contact with each other, growing to be great friends.

Jinxx and Sammi - How else should these two have met but during a night of fun? Out with a group of friends, the two met on a little expedition of msichief. Meaning that they met on a Halloween night while everyone was out pulling pranks. They shared the same interests, and thus, a friendship sparked.

CC and Ophelia - These two have been friends since middle school, and have even kept in contact with each other despite the band being away. But now with them being back, will things be a little different than their regular conversations over a phone?
Last edited by mydadleftme on Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:15 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit|wip

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:25 am

Image I find this rule to be obvious so I am not going to go into any detail with it seeing as how I am trusting that you know those rules. But as for the basics: no god-modding, excessive cussing, do not go too far with romance; know when to fade to black or timeskip.

Image Alright, as you will notice there is no form, that means I want you to use your own. Now I would like them to be very informative. I mean, they don't have to be really long or anything, but like with the Personality and History I don't want to see any 'RP it out' okay? I would like to see at least four or five good sentences in that category, okay? Thanks. Also, for the band members you do not have to give very much information. Just look how I did mine and that will be all you are required to do. Oh, and they don't have to be recent pictures or whatever, they can be farther back if you would like.

Image First off, you do not have to make both a boy and a girl, but it would be really really great if you would. I do not want any gay, lesbian, or bi characters. No, it is not because I have something against them, it's just that there is no place for them in this roleplay because of the nature of it. Thank you for understanding. As for reservations, I will only hold those for 4 hours before sending you a PM informing you that I am removing your reservation for someone else.

Image Okay, for each character I am asking for three lines or more, and that goes for each characters, okay? I want everyone to be able to have something to work with so I don't want just an overall total of three lines per post, but as in three lines for every character. I will not except WB everytime either, just for the record. And as for spelling and grammar, it doesn't have to be perfect as I do make my own mistakes sometimes, but please, at least try. As for the use of chat speak, I don't want any of that unless it is in OOC. I don't want chatspeak in the actual character post. For the use of cuss words, please * out the vowels.

Image When talking OOC - out of character- please use some sort of [({brackets})] so we know you are indeed talking OOC. And no fighting or being rude to the other roleplayers, alright?

Image Okay, this is a big rule with me. First, do not join this roleplay if you are going to not post and just completely ignore it. If you are going to join this roleplay, you must be committed to it so we can keep it going. If you are not able to be on and post on this roleplay at least once a day in order to keep it going, then maybe this roleplay isn't for you. :3 If you are going to be gone, then please let us know so we are not standing around waiting and wondering. Also, if you are absent for three days without telling us that you would be gone, then I will send you a PM and if you don't respond to that within four days, then I will be taking you from the roleplay. And if you come back and have a good reason for this, then I will let you back into the roleplay, but I will only allow this two times before it is invalid.
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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit|wip

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:27 am


{carefree; funny}


ღ~ name: Zarah Candice Blackwood
ღ~ nickname(s): Zar, Z
ღ~ gender: femaleღ~ age: twenty
ღ~ birthday: October 31, 1993
ღ~ origin: America


name}} So hey, my name is Zarah Candice Blackwood, pleasure to meet you.
I feel like, before we go on, I should tell you a little bit about how I got my first name, as I have never heard of anyone else having a name quite like it, so I think it's a rather unique name. Well, for starters, the name means 'princess', or 'light'. Now, I rather destest princesses, so I really am not sure why it was put in my mother's head to call me that, but apparently she liked it and so, here I am. But really now, she named me that because, at the time, she had this little obsession with the idea of lost princesses. I mean, in a way, I am sort of lost, but I'm definitely not a princess. At all.
As for my middle name, Candice, I got that from my aunt on my father's side. Yeah, you see, my father and his sister had always been relatively close when they were younger, and she ended up passing away due to a horrid car crash. It's quite sad, though I had never gotten the chance to meet the lady, but she is why I have the middle name that I do.
And I feel no need whatsoever to explain to you my last name, because if you actually need that explained, please, go see a doctor.

nickname(s)}} I do have two nicknames. One of them is Zar, which I quite like. I think most people tend to just call me that instead of actually calling me by my whole first name because well, it's just easier. And then there is 'Z' which is a nickname that is hardly ever used by anyone except for my dad which is normally only when he's joking around...which doesn't happen too often anymore.
gender}} I am most obviously a female. If this was not a given by a mere glance, then you must need glasses. I am, always have been, and always will be, a 100% female and happy to be so...Even if I do have the tendency to sometimes act like a guy. It's called being a very proud tomboy. I am happily female, but I do not prance around wearing pink all day while spreading glittery happiness on all the sunshine flowers that are the people whom I surround myself with..No...Just, no.
age}} I am twenty years of age currently. This means that I am out of school and done with all of that stuff now for the rest of my life. Thank god. Anyway, though most people may or may not make a huge deal out of it, to me, age is just a number. Like expressed above, the only thing that I find special about being twenty is that I have now officiall graduated out of high school and am now free to live my life as I deem fit.
birthday}} I was born on October 31, 1993. Yes, as you have probably noticed I was born on Halloween. Actually, I was almost born on November 1st, but I made it by about forty-five minutes. Just my luck. But seriously, I like the fact that I was born on Halloween, it's actually really cool. In fact, when my mum told me about the night I was born, there was a horrible lightning storm going on. One so bad, there was fear of the electric going out and even a chance of a tornado warning. So yeah, apparently the storm fit the night as it was actually very terrifying. But hey, I think the storm just makes my birthday all the more awesome.
origin}} I was born and raised in America, yay....

ღ~ height: '5"5 / ღ~ weight: 95 lbs.
ღ~ hair: dark brown - black / ღ~ eyes: gray/blue
ღ~ skin: pale / ღ~ piercings: four
ღ~ tattoos: one; a raven / ღ~ scars: lots

height}} So the last time I was measured for my height, I stood at about five feet and five inches. I doubt that I have changed or grew anymore, since I seem destinied to remain at the height that I am. But besides, I quite like how tall I am. To me, being '5"5 is not too short, yet not too tall and it just works out perfectly because it's a double number basically. But yeah, I'm exactly five foot five inches, no more, no less and I plan on keeping it that way.
weight}} Alright, alright, I do understand that I am underweight, weighing in at about 95 lbs. But before you go off judging me, please be reminded that stress can take quite a toll on a person's body, and I guess losing weight is just how my body handles stress...Given, it isn't a very good way to deal with that..But anyway, I was never an overly large person or anything, in fact, I was actually pretty fit. But a few years ago I had some run-ins with major depression spells, and my body just sorta shed twenty, twenty-five pounds on me and I have not of yet been able to regain any of it.
hair}} My hair is a naturally very dark brown color, so dark in fact it was almost hard to tell whether it actually was black or not. But I have the tendency to just go and dye it an actual shade of black anyway. I wear my hair in the 'emo' or 'scene' hairstyle, and I quite like it so far. Also, before we go any farther, I am pretty OCD about my hair and keeping it clean. I mean, like, I don't have a total breakdown or anything, I just really prefer keeping my hair clean instead of greasy, that's all.
eyes}} My eyes are mostly blue, a saphire or cerulean shade, though they do have some gray specks in them that focus mainly around the pupil and go out, fading the closer and closer they get to the whites of my eyes. And you know that saying, 'The eyes are the windows to the soul'? Well that may or may not be true for me. Sometimes I can hide my feelings very well, and other times, though everything else about me says differently, my eyes will tell you exactly how I'm feeling.
skin}} Alright, my skin is pale. Like, really pale. Not so pale I look like I'm about to die, but pale enough to make it look like I have never been outside or seen the sun. Which, I suppose, is partially true since I tend to spend most of my time on the computer inside with a bag of chips beside me or something along those lines.
piercings}} I do have a few piercings. These are ear piercings, two on each ear, that run up along the cartilage. The actual earrings themselves are small little silver hoops. But other than those, I have no other type of piercings and nor do I ever plan on getting any other types of piercings done.
tattoos}} I actually do have a tattoo, one that is on the underside of my forearm. It is a picture of a silhouette of a raven in flight. I actually drew the picture for it myself and and brought it in for the tattoo artist. To be honest, it didn't hurt as much as what I thought it would. I mean, yeah, it hurt, but not enough to raise hell or anything like I thought.
scars}} Yeah....so I do have quite a few scars, the majority of them running along my wrists and calves. But hey, like I said before, my past wasn't all that great and I used to be prone to frequent spells of severe depression, so stop your judging and go away...

ღ~ personality: hollow/fiery/sarcastic/funny
ღ~ history: troubled

personality}} Okay, I knew we were going to come to his sooner or later and though I have been putting on a show for you thus far, it's time to drop the act and reveal to you my true self. I am sometimes what you could call a sadist. As for those of you who do not know, a sadist is a person who likes to see and cause pain for others, a person who is normally a compeletely insane person, which I normally am. I can also be very short-tempered, and by that I mean I normally am like that though I have become quite good at hiding my feelings. But yes, when you make me mad, it's like lighting a fuse on a stick of dynamite, you just wait for the explosion to happen and when it does, things are destroyed. It's just something I am going to have to learn to live with and control I suppose. Now, I am also very good at 'playing the game'. This means that I can make you think I am a completely different person whilst I wait for the right moment to snap the trap down on you. So I guess that means that I am a very manipulative person and also am a very convincing lier. No, I am not proud of what I can do, but it sometimes a gift and other times a curse. Take what you can, I suppose. I cannot help it if I can spin a tale better than a spider weaves its web. Now, I know that at the moment you are probably thinking that I am a very emotional person, but you are wrong. I actually am quite hollow, as in, if I am feeling anything then I do not show it to you. I can seem like a zombie at times I suppose, not showing any form of emotion or expression. Also, I am not the type of girl who faints over seeing spiders or death or anything like that. Nor am I someone who is known to cry very often even at pain. In fact, I haven't cried in over three years and I am not joking or lying here. I just don't cry easily.
Okay, now that I have told you about how I am now, I feel I should tell you of how I used to be before things in my life changed for the seemingly worse. So although I seem like some total jerk or zombie, I actually used to be quite the fun-loving person if you can believe it. Before hand I was once the life of the party as they say. I was kind, funny, and sometimes just plain silly. I was, and still am, a very loyal person and I used to always know just how to make someone smile or laugh and knew the right words to say at the right time. So see, I was a completely normal teenager at one point in my life. Now, though it seems impossible for me to have been like this, sometimes the old Zarah comes out for a visit, though it will only ever be with the right person who knows how to lure her out. You see, old Zar was just as crafty and sneaky as this new Zarah talking to you. So it does take some effort and not to mention patience. But the old me is still in there, she just needs to be shown the light again for her to come back out to stay.

history}} So my history was pretty normal all through my childhood. I mean, I wasn't pampered or spoiled or anything. We weren't rich, but we were quite comfortable and money was never really a problem with us. My dad had a pretty good job and it paid well enough for us to live in a really nice little home on the outside area of London that wasn't so crowded with the busy streets and all that. Anyway, so yeah, life was pretty sweet, living with my mom, father, younger sister, and then I had lots of friends and a sunny outlook on life.
That all changed a couple years ago when my sister, Joey, had started getting bullied at school for not being the skinniest little thing. Lots of times she would come home crying because of the excessive bullying, causing us all great distress. So my father went to her school to try and put a stop to it, then, thinking that it had stopped according to Joey, we all went back to our state of peace. Then, one day, we came home after going shopping to find my little sister on her bed. Dead. Apparently the bullying had not stopped, but Joey had stopped telling us about it, suffering through it alone. The pain had gotten to much for her to bare, and so she took her own life. I still regret not being able see past that fake smile that my sister wore each day to make me feel better. Now I am the one wearing the fake smile. And to top it all off, a year later my mother developed brain cancer. All of our money was spent on trying to save her, and we watched as each attempt failed to work. It got to where she sometimes didn't even remember where she was because of the cancer infilitrating her brain. The doctors were not sure why, but apparently my mother wasn't even trying to fight it. She was just letting the cancer spread and even when the doctors removed some of it, more just came back, growing quickly to the point where there was no hope. My mother soon died, leaving me and my fathe devasted and confused. What hurt most was how she didn't even seem to try to live and push on, to get better. It's like she had nothing left to live for though she had me and dad. It's like, we weren't worth living for or something..
But anyway, moving on, now my father is a supposedly successful business man who travels the globe for the company he works for. This means I am often left alone at the house for a rather long time. Now, I don't really mind this because when my dad is back, he drinks himself into a confused stupor and I have to take care of him, making sure he doesn't do something to get himself killed.

ღ~ hobbies: a few
ღ~ likes: who doesn't?
ღ~ dislikes: oooh yeah...

hobbies}} In my free time I like to draw. I am pretty good at doing just about any form of drawing. What I mean is I can draw realistic images, or cartoon-like, or anime style of art. I also listen to music..alot. I play guitar quite alot as well. It's a six-string electric guitar that's black with a white pickboard. I got it for my fifteenth birthday and basically threw myself into learning it.
Some other things I like to do is just go on walks. Especially in the rain. I know it may sound weird or whatever, but I just find alot of comfort in doing this. Going on walks helps me think and then the rain seems to just drown out the rest of the world. I find myself at most peace when I'm in the woods for the rainy day walk because then the risk of running into someone of the human race is lowered even more.

likes}} Hmm. Well, I like art, music - Black Veil Brides, Icon For Hire, Skillet, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Asking Alexandria - skateboarding, the forest, night time, rain, thunder, stargazing, watching horror movies, energy drinks - Monster is my favorite - Moutain Dew, chips, and late nights.

dislikes}} Music like Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, Jennifer Lopeze, you get the idea. Anyway, I also don't like authority, most people, sunshine, waking up, cats, school, bullies, snobs, cheerleaders, jocks...yeah, the list goes on and on.

ღ~ parents: mother/deceased: Sarah Blackwood - father: Mark Blackwood
ღ~ siblings: sister/deceased: Josephine Blackwood
ღ~ sexual orientation: Heterosexual
ღ~ crush: nope / ღ~ boyfriend/girlfriend: nope

parents}} My father, his name is Mark Blackwood. He works as a business man is often away alot traveling the United States, leaving me here alone in the house to take care of myself.
My mother, whose name was Sarah Blackwood, died not too long ago of brain cancer. I explained this in the 'history' section..

siblings}} I did indeed use to have a sibling. Her name was Josephine Carol Blackwood. She committed suicide a little while back...And I do believe I explained this earlier. What? Are you trying to make me cry? Just kidding. I haven't cried in years..
sexual orientation}} I am 100% straight - or heterosexual if you want to be specific and exact with your terms. I'm sorry ladies, but I have never felt anything but the mutual feeling of friendship towards another girl. Now, guys, I have had crushes on, though not lately since I've been busy with coping, well, more like taking care of my father to make sure he doesn't get himself into some sort of a drunken brawl with someone.
crush}} Nope, I am currently not crushing on anyone at the moment.
boyfriend}} I currently have no boyfriend. I am a single pringle, as they say.
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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| open

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:29 am


Black Veil Brides wrote:So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a Rebel Love Song
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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| open

Postby confliction » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:54 am






    ι can ғeel ιт

    тнe deѕperaтe conтrol

    a вυrnιng paѕѕιon

    wнen love тaĸeѕ ιтѕ тoll

    yeт ѕoυlѕ нave a reaѕon

    and ι won'т leт ιт go














            a g e
            andy's birthday is December 26.
            he was born in 1990, and is currently twenty-two.

            m a l e
            born in Cincinnati, Ohio.

            p e r s o n a l i t y
            seriously funny in a serious way.
            likes batman very much.
Last edited by confliction on Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:39 am, edited 2 times in total.



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Re: ჯ it's ours t o n i g h t ჯ -remake|BVB|semi-lit| open

Postby mydadleftme » Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:00 am

Alright, awesome. Thank you c:
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