COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.


Postby OrangeBear99 » Fri May 23, 2014 6:29 pm

    Thundersnow smiled despite herself, taking a step back to where they were beside the other, their expression more relaxed than their once fierce and reserved one. They watched fondly as he blushed very slightly, listening closely as he went on with his story. They blushed themselves at the wink when he was done, them laughing some and nodding in understanding and agreement.

    "Socialising is harder than college, to be honest," they told him, them resting their arms over their chest. Thunder glanced up some, humming in soft thought. "How come if you don't typically like talking to people, you decided I was okay to socialise with?" They questioned, their tone not skeptical, but rather curious. However, they couldn't resist but to add a bit of floccinaucinihilipilification into their voice.


Jeremy E.Grey
The Dancer
Feeling Attracted
Tagged: Thundersnow

Jeremy laughed along with her a look of amusement filling his handsome face. The whole time she talked he had observed her and he had of course noticed her blushing his keen eyes laughing. Jeremy nodded readily as she remarked. He couldnt agree more. He never could understand the concept of socializing. Why did everyone take it as serious as Global warming or something? He never really understood. But the slightly scornful question shot at him by Thunder made him dumbfounded. "Uh..."he said his dark eyes looking into hers with slight seriousness. "I dont really intriguing Thunder, you know?"he smiled dopily. He shrugged a few of his dark locks falling onto his face. "So lets continue our journey yeah?"he asked smiling.

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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby daz » Sun May 25, 2014 3:48 pm

OrangeBear99 wrote:

Lucy Ann E. Mastero
The Funny Wallflower
Feeling Happy
Tagged: Mitchell
Crush: ♥ Mitch ♥



Lucy Ann smiled as she watched Mitch observe her room, the brunette biting her lip nervously, her heart hammering in her chest. "Its just the beginning of the year so its quite neat otherwise it is quite the disaster area believe me!"she grinned dopily. The girl couldnt help but laugh when her tall love seated himself with her teddy bear in his arms on the bed. "Thanks!"she gushed when he complimented her room. Lucy Ann nodded and grabbed the folded paper on the top of her laptop plopping beside the taller male close to him. "Well lets see!"she said opening the paper with a sigh. She went through it showing Mitch too.

Creative Writing
English Literature

and many others. Her face broke into a smile with the schedule.

    >>super sorry this is late...

the artistic one
dating Lucy Ann
at the college
with Lucy Ann
Mitch smiled sweetly, pulling the bear a little closer to his chest as he reached for his schedule as well. It went in this distinct order;
Creative Writing
English Literature
etc. He glanced between their sheets anxiously, resting his head on Lucy Ann's shoulder so he could cuddle with her. "We have Creative Writing, Drama, Music, and English together." He said excitedly, nudging her.
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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby Muke. » Sun May 25, 2014 7:47 pm


Getting To Know Me
This young,rebellious girl is Demi Spokes Ray,her mother and father had both came up with the name Demi and her middle name was just a random that her older brother Nathan had came up with,but the last name Ray had to be that since it was carried for generations.Although having the name Demi,she didn't exactly have any Nicknames due to how short her name is.Anyway she was born and raised in Texas,USA the hospital she was born in was called Dallas, Hospital Paramed on August the 23rd,1992,as her nationality is American.However even though she was born in Texas she actually doesn't have an accent,although sometimes when she speaks around her family at family reunions she does do an accent since it just comes out.Back to her age,Demi is still young as she is only twenty one years old making her just an adult in general.The last thing about Demi is that she does happen to own a dog,he is a purebred black Labrador named Ace he is around the age of two years old and still in his puppy years although he is defiantly a protective male over her.

Demi is a very tom boyish girl who hates doing girly things, although she does wear make up and sometimes paint her nails but anything else she hates,meaning she would rather be like a boy and be out there by liking things like surfing and skate boarding although she actually act like girl of course.However she is rather humorous and will always be that type of girl that you can be yourself around,unlike most girls Demi doesn't mind getting joked around with since she always loves to make a joke here and there.She is rather talented in some things such as sports,skate boarding,guitar playing and other things although she is intelligent but isn't the smartest girl you will come across due to her not getting good grades in high school or any of her schools really.Demi hardly ever gets jealous of others and would rather spend her time getting to know them instead of hating her life,making her a sociable person which true considering she is very outgoing and easygoing so she will get along with anybody no matter who you are or where you come from.The other thing about Demi is that she is the rebellious type and can be rather daring since she grew up with two brothers who were always like that which had influenced her to be the same way.Demi is very outspoken meaning that she will be honest and say her thoughts no matter what the consequences are as she would rather tell the truth rather than be fake and lie.Last but not least Demi is defiantly sassy and will normally show it especially when it comes opinions or just anything really,however Demi can act feisty and get angry from time to time.

Walk Through My Life
Demi grew up In the United States of America,Texas.Both her parents weren't rich nor poor but had just the right enough money to get by,anyway in Texas they had lived on a wonderful farm where it was so big and wide with heaps of animals such as sheep,cows,horses,cats,dogs,pigs and more which meant more work and chores.Well when Demi had finally turned 10 she was given her first horse named Dark Paradise,a purebred Friesian and was a wild one since the stallion was found wild.But after a few years her family had became near broke and had to start selling their animals and horses,especially Dark Paradise since he was a money maker and what hope would they have had with a horse but no gear so of course he was sold to a man in Texas.Later on down the track they had moved into a normal house where they had just owned a border collie named Dash,male and a cat named Bell not only that but Demi had also had the chance to go o a high school there which was rather exciting for her since she was home schooled.Although later on she had ended up buying herself a dog,she had bought a male black Labrador and named him Ace.However she does have an interest in sports.

What Everyone Sees
First of all,Demi has a slim figure as she isn't overly skinny nor fat but she is in between which is probably better than being either one of those,however Demi's height stands at one point sixty one meters tall and as for her weight she would have to be around fifty four kilograms also known as one hundred and nineteen pounds.Anyway moving onto her appearance,Demi's eye color is seen and described as a dark brown which she got from her father's side of the family.Her hair color at the moment is black,since her natural hair color is a dark black as it always will be unless she dyes it.Last but not least she does happen to have a tattoo it goes down her arm from her elbow as it says faith in a font with birds flying,however she doesn't have any piercings apart from her ears which got done when she was younger.Demi will normally wear things like skinny jeans,beanies,black shirts or normally just anything like that.

My Interests
Firstly Demi likes many things such as skateboarding,surfing,playing her guitar,nice boys,animals mainly dogs,parties,joking around having a fun time.Now some of her dislikes are dresses but she will wear them,anything girly,snobby girls,players/cheaters,getting called woman for some reason and that's basically it.

My Relationships With Love
Demi's sexual orientation is bisexual as she is interest in guys and girls..However she doesn't have a crush on anyone at the moment since she is taking a break from all that stuff due to the breakup she had recently had with her ex who was a player.Since Demi doesn't have a crush that means that she is defiantly single and doesn't have a boyfriend considering she would need a crush for that sort of stuff.However she does play hard to get,although she wants a boyfriend that can make her laugh and treat her right considering she is very fond of both of those things,but if you can make her laugh then you have impressed her.

@Faceclaim-Demi Lovato

Note-I'll probably add more things soon and she'd probably be the musical one
Last edited by Muke. on Fri May 30, 2014 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby daz » Mon May 26, 2014 3:52 pm

    >> accepted, 23! feel free to start posting whenever, or ask me a question c;
C R Y B A B Y !!


1x1 search ;; always eager for a group roleplay.
he/him ;; adult ;; infp/infj ;; libra ;; queer
hey there, i'm daz.
i'm sort of a cs vet, working on my own novels now.
writing constantly alongside my girlfriend + our four
cats. identifiable as a colored hair enthusiast, a
professional lefty, and an exhausted writer on
constant autopilot.

my pm box is open for site-related questions &
friendship whenever needed.

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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby Muke. » Mon May 26, 2014 7:51 pm

||Thank you so much,by the way your role play looks amazing ^.^ and I guess the only question I have would have to anyone open (preferably a male) c:||
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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby OrangeBear99 » Tue May 27, 2014 4:32 pm


Lucy Ann E. Mastero
The Funny Wallflower
Feeling Happy
Tagged: Mitchell
Crush: ♥ Mitch ♥



Lucy Ann was looking at both the sheets too. She really wanted to share most of her classes with them. Even though she was anxiously deep down she knew that they would share at least one class considering they have so much of shared interests.

The girl blushed a tad bit when the taller male rested his brown head on her shoulder, her heart speeding up. She smiled and slipped her hand around his waist and smiled wider seeing his excitement. "Yaay to us!"she grinned flinging her other arm around him and resting her head on his.

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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby A P P L A U S E » Fri May 30, 2014 7:59 am


"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won."

name: Alexander Ryan Smith
age: 21
gender: male
sexuality: straight
relationship: single
    Alex could be the poster boy for wasted potential. He was raised in a lower middle class family, if you ask him he will tell you he had a great childhood, which is true. He was raised by a busy single mother after his dad walked out on them when he was six but that has never really bothered him his mother is a great person and raised him well even on her own. Nothing really came easy to them so Alex had no problem learning to work for everything he wanted. Like getting a job at a young age to help pay bills or for his extracurricular activities that his mom couldn't afford. He was always mature for his age and never resented his mother for that. They get along very well. It was no surprise when he signed up for the national guard in order to be able to go to college.
    Before he left for Afghanistan Alex could be described you're average high school kid for the most part, he wasn't perfect by any means he went to parties and skipped class every once and awhile. However he was intelligent, friendly very social he had a diverse group of friends and wasn't into the cliques or anything like that, Alex even played on the school football team since freshman year and he wasn't to bad either. His future was promising he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life but wanted to go to college and make something of his life.
    When he returned home from his tour after being shot and coming so close to dying Alex feels like a shadow of the person he used to be. He's a mess of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and almost constant anxiety. Half of him wants to try and get better but most days he can hardly function enough to get through a full day at school without leaving or having a breakdown. The randomest things can trigger him, sudden loud noises are the worst. He feels helpless and constantly on edge like something terrible is always about to happen. For someone who used to have sure discipline not even being to control his own emotions or thoughts is torture enough. He doesn't talk about what happened to him, he gets to relive the experience enough with vivid nightmares or unwanted flashbacks he's not about to open up and share his sob story with just anyone. He wants to be normal again and forget what happened, to move on but nothing seems to help. Maybe he's not trying hard enough with therapy, he thinks that's a bunch of [censored] anyway and as put it all on himself to get better. Alex his quieter now, he distances himself from people because he feels he can't relate to them he's alone a lot of the time. Actually he's gotten quite bitter and his once sarcastic sense of humor is now just used to insult people and get them away from him. He has less patience with not only others but also himself, Alex has a short temper and takes out his own problems on other people. His relationship with mostly all his friends and family is ruined. He's broken but not beyond repair.
" main trait: Phono-phobic "

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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby A P P L A U S E » Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:47 am

C H A M P I O N wrote:

"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won."

name: Alexander Ryan Smith
age: 21
gender: male
sexuality: straight
relationship: single
    Alex could be the poster boy for wasted potential. He was raised in a lower middle class family, if you ask him he will tell you he had a great childhood, which is true. He was raised by a busy single mother after his dad walked out on them when he was six but that has never really bothered him his mother is a great person and raised him well even on her own. Nothing really came easy to them so Alex had no problem learning to work for everything he wanted. Like getting a job at a young age to help pay bills or for his extracurricular activities that his mom couldn't afford. He was always mature for his age and never resented his mother for that. They get along very well. It was no surprise when he signed up for the national guard in order to be able to go to college.
    Before he left for Afghanistan Alex could be described you're average high school kid for the most part, he wasn't perfect by any means he went to parties and skipped class every once and awhile. However he was intelligent, friendly very social he had a diverse group of friends and wasn't into the cliques or anything like that, Alex even played on the school football team since freshman year and he wasn't to bad either. His future was promising he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life but wanted to go to college and make something of his life.
    When he returned home from his tour after being shot and coming so close to dying Alex feels like a shadow of the person he used to be. He's a mess of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and almost constant anxiety. Half of him wants to try and get better but most days he can hardly function enough to get through a full day at school without leaving or having a breakdown. The randomest things can trigger him, sudden loud noises are the worst. He feels helpless and constantly on edge like something terrible is always about to happen. For someone who used to have sure discipline not even being to control his own emotions or thoughts is torture enough. He doesn't talk about what happened to him, he gets to relive the experience enough with vivid nightmares or unwanted flashbacks he's not about to open up and share his sob story with just anyone. He wants to be normal again and forget what happened, to move on but nothing seems to help. Maybe he's not trying hard enough with therapy, he thinks that's a bunch of [censored] anyway and as put it all on himself to get better. Alex his quieter now, he distances himself from people because he feels he can't relate to them he's alone a lot of the time. Actually he's gotten quite bitter and his once sarcastic sense of humor is now just used to insult people and get them away from him. He has less patience with not only others but also himself, Alex has a short temper and takes out his own problems on other people. His relationship with mostly all his friends and family is ruined. He's broken but not beyond repair.
" main trait: Phono-phobic "

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Re: COLLEGE :: Accepting c:

Postby daz » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:17 pm

    >> accepted! sorry it took me so long to respond, been a bit preoccupied lately c;

the artistic one
dating Lucy Ann
at the college
with Lucy Ann
Mitch laughed, hugging Lucy Ann close and scrunched up his face cutely as they squeezed one another. It took him some time to finally convince himself to release the lovely female in his arms. "So! Now that we know about all our classes and such, what would you like to do now?" He asked sweetly, tilting his head out of curiosity at her. His caramel pools of brown watched her, admiring her beautiful features.
He couldn't have found a better girl to call his own.
C R Y B A B Y !!


1x1 search ;; always eager for a group roleplay.
he/him ;; adult ;; infp/infj ;; libra ;; queer
hey there, i'm daz.
i'm sort of a cs vet, working on my own novels now.
writing constantly alongside my girlfriend + our four
cats. identifiable as a colored hair enthusiast, a
professional lefty, and an exhausted writer on
constant autopilot.

my pm box is open for site-related questions &
friendship whenever needed.

my kids // link // link link link
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Re: Re:

Postby OrangeBear99 » Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:44 am

OrangeBear99 wrote:
    Thundersnow smiled despite herself, taking a step back to where they were beside the other, their expression more relaxed than their once fierce and reserved one. They watched fondly as he blushed very slightly, listening closely as he went on with his story. They blushed themselves at the wink when he was done, them laughing some and nodding in understanding and agreement.

    "Socialising is harder than college, to be honest," they told him, them resting their arms over their chest. Thunder glanced up some, humming in soft thought. "How come if you don't typically like talking to people, you decided I was okay to socialise with?" They questioned, their tone not skeptical, but rather curious. However, they couldn't resist but to add a bit of floccinaucinihilipilification into their voice.


Jeremy E.Grey
The Dancer
Feeling Attracted
Tagged: Thundersnow

Jeremy laughed along with her a look of amusement filling his handsome face. The whole time she talked he had observed her and he had of course noticed her blushing his keen eyes laughing. Jeremy nodded readily as she remarked. He couldnt agree more. He never could understand the concept of socializing. Why did everyone take it as serious as Global warming or something? He never really understood. But the slightly scornful question shot at him by Thunder made him dumbfounded. "Uh..."he said his dark eyes looking into hers with slight seriousness. "I dont really intriguing Thunder, you know?"he smiled dopily. He shrugged a few of his dark locks falling onto his face. "So lets continue our journey yeah?"he asked smiling.

It happens to the best of us!
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