( ♛ -- five crowns !!

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Re: ( ♛ -- i only wanna do bad things to you !!

Postby heartless, » Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:16 am

      ( ) -- MICAH SHIELDS
      ( role. emotion control ) ( location. garden ) ( mood. peaceful) ( tags. emma, lucille, novalie ) ( ooc. i love him so much cx )

        the long walk to the garden was one the boy knew all too well. everyone knew if Micah wasn't in his room you could find him in the garden. something about the smell of flowers and the peacefulness just calmed him. he could sit there for days if they would let him.his days usually consisted of him being dragged to pointless meetings with his father where he pretended to listen when he was really texting other princesses from under the table. the one thing he hated most about being the heir of the vipers kingdom was when he had to act like this major gentlemen when other royals visited his kingdom.

        the prince knew some of the princesses were behind him but that didn't stop him from stopping and flirting with some of the other contestants on his journey out to the garden. he would flirt with you even if he had zero interest in pursuing anything with you. flirting was the boys favorite past time. a small smile appeared on his face when he saw the two double doors that were at the back of the castle. the guards help them open for him as he walked through them.

        once the sun's warmth hit his skin he was instantly relaxed. he walked through the garden and stopped at his favorite flower which was the red rose. he picked one and smelled it. oh, how he loved the smell of flowers. by now three girls had caught his attention not only from meeting them in person but by the profile he was given. though it was a bit childish the boy usually picked the petals off flowers to help him make decisions on things. it wasn't good for the garden because if he had a lot of decisions to make the garden would lack quite a few flowers.

        the boy was deep in thought when he heard a sweet voice behind him. she was asking if he was alright. he didn't bother looking at her as he continued to pluck the red roses feathers. "of course I'm perfectly fine." of course the girl wouldn't know that Micah had too many walls around his heart for anything to actually hurt the little of a heart he had. a laugh escaped his mouth when she asked about dancing. "I hate to break it to you, princess but I do not dance." the next thing actually took him by surprise. if she heard any gossip about him was all the drama that followed him. "you don't know much about me do you?" he said his baby blues still on the red rose in his hand.

        and before he knew it one of the voices he hoped to hear but would never admit appeared. as soon as she said the words he loves him he picked the last two petals off and winked at Lucille playfully. he carelessly dropped the roses stem on the ground and faced the two girls. he shook his head with a smile when the girl mentioned how he owed her for lying about saving her the last dance. "come up with what you want and it's yours." he said putting his hands into his pockets. what he said could turn so bad because he had no idea what this girl would come up with. all he could do is pray that it wouldn't be something too extreme.

        he glanced around until his eyes landed on Emma not too far away. "let's move our little group this way." before he started walking he picked a single rose and headed into emmas direction. "I'm still sorry for how my guards treated you," he said holding the rose out to the girl. he wouldn't blame her if she was still upset at him and wanted nothing to do with him.

        "since I ruined all of your guys night, which will probably happen again." he said with a small smile before he spoke again. "I will allow each of you to ask me five personal questions about me." he felt it would be a fair trade since he wasn't one to open up to anyone that often. "I will answer them with complete honesty so don't ask a question unless you really want to know the answer." he had a feeling knowing these three so far the questions would be deep ones so he braced himself.
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( emma - four )

Postby aurie » Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:58 pm

    ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────── ──────────
    house ( blossom ) tagged ( micah, lucille, nova ) location ( the garden )

      the garden was completely silent, only the wafting murmurs from the ballroom could faintly be heard. emma's stiff demeanor gradually softened as she took a seat on the white wooden bench. she rubbed the nape of her neck with a long sigh, tossing her shoes onto the empty space next to her. she flexed her toes into the soft, damp grass and dirt, the feeling helping numb the ache in her heels and arch of her feet. resting her head against the back of the bench, she stared up at the sky, feeling the most tranquil that she's been all day. even so, her mind was still racing.

      fidgeting with the ring on her finger, emma wondered how she would deal with this situation, and the inevitable issues it would cause tomorrow. not only had she made a scene, but in front of some of the most powerful people in the land. the very thought of it caused emma to bury her face in her hands, mortified. she never concerned herself with the opinions of others-- but she never previously met anyone she wanted to try and impress. that's what the entire selection was about, after all. so far, emma knew she wasn't doing that great of a job. she could only pray celeste worked some magic in the favor of their kingdom.

      she bent over the trace her fingers across the petals of some flowers at her feet, the aching and exhaustion slowly keeping back under skin as the adrenaline in her veins died down. wisps of her hair escaped the tightly wound bun, falling over her eyes and face. her heart skipped a few times when she saw something, or someone moving in her direction. upon further inspection, the dimly lit figures were none other than prince micah, lucille harlow and the young lady that introduced herself right when emma vanished. she quickly brushed her hair back behind her ear, obviously not expecting anybody to come across her in such a position. her eyes danced from the young man to his two companions, and she managed to muster a pitiful smile.

      "oh.. it's no matter. i suppose i should be the one apologizing instead. they wouldn't of acted so irrationally if i had watched my step," she began, hesitantly taking the rose from him, a small tinge of pink rising in her cheeks. she gently laid it in her lap, noting that it would be more polite to find a vase for it once she returned to her room instead of replanting it, like she usually did. emma honestly apprecieated the gesture, and it made her feel a little less anxious about the repercussions of her actions. she held back a small laugh, instead looking fairly amused. "trust me. my night was ruined far before we crossed paths, your highness," if anything, his invitation to join him at the entrance made it more bearable, even if she managed to ruin the entire gesture within a few minutes. "i'm personally quite sorry for preventing your dances by causing such a ridiculous scene... i hear you might of made a promise or two," her blue eyes glinted with a hint of knowing as she glanced up at lucille.

      ask him five questions? emma always avoided inquiring about other people, usually because she holds as little interest in them as they do her. that being said, she didn't know what was appropriate or too far. those types of lines have always been blurred for the youngest rose sister. not wanting to press anymore boundaries tonight, emma decided to play it safe. "do you have a favorite flower?" she wondered aloud, resting her hands against the bench and leaning forward ever so slightly. that's how she could tell the most about a person. the language of flowers was complicated yet often vague and open for interpretation in hundred of different ways, but she found it important in telling someone's character. she could make a wild guess that it was a rose, considering his small gift to her. she highly doubted he cared as much as she did about flora to read into the meaning of a rose, specifically a vibrant red one, so she convinced herself to take it as nothing more than an act of forgiveness.
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns !!

Postby Loire. » Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:02 am

      house Hallow power animal communication age eighteen tagged Lucille

        Everyone began to chatter and walk away once the two princes were unmasked. Now that two groups didn't have to identify their prince, at least they could spend the rest of the night how they wanted. Marie, of course being the bookworm she was could think of nothing more to do than got to the library. She had been urging to leave the crowded room for hours, now finally her wish came true. Marie took light steps, heading toward the large decorated doors that blocked the ball room from the rest of the palace. They were hinged open, with more royals and aristocrats leaving it was no sense keeping them closed.

        Finally once she managed to saunter through the lively crowd, Marie glanced once more at the ball room. Watching as a few royals stayed and talked. But her thoughts were disrupted by a familiar voice and icy grip. The young princess was started at her sisters arrival, but also relived they could chat before the night was over. The corners of her lips twitched upward into a cheeky smile, and she nodded her head in response to the fellow princess's offer.

        Their arms linked as the two sisters walked though the hall. Lucille unsurprisingly grabbed a glass of champagne and sipped it down. "I can only imagine" she responded with a snicker. Marie tucked a small strip of hair from her face behind her ear as they walked. Lucille taking more caution in her elegance. It wasn't surprising the older sibling had more grace, she had always been a perfectionist at heart and given more effort in always looking her best.

        Soon they stopped in front of a guard, and asked for directions to the library. To guard sighed slightly, at the time Marie thought he must have been tired, but he was most likely annoyed. She didn't know why at the time, but just went with the flow as usual. The hallow princess had always have a submissive attitude toward everything. She always listened to others and unless it would put her in danger, did everything anyone asked her to do.

        She thought for awhile once Lucille began to ask questions. "I think your doing great. At least you haven't tripped into a princes arms" she said with a small giggle. "I wish I had your elegance." Then Lucille began about her thoughts on the princes and everything. "Well, I like the castle. Its much bigger than ours back at Hallow. And the library, well I'm overly excited about that" she paused for a second before rambling on more. "I don't have any thoughts on Evander and Terrowin yet, I don't even know them and haven't spoken to them yet. But so far I find Zeke and Micah nice. Flirty but nice" she said with a laugh. "It seems like you have taken a liking to the prince" she muttered, raising an eyebrow.

        "Yes, the staff were nice to me. They have wonderful taste, I was worried that they would pick out something horrendous, but I must say they did surprise me. I love your dress as well sister. I hope your enjoying yourself" she said as they approached a sharp turn that lead to the library. She could barley keep her excitement bottled up any longer. Finally they reached the younger siblings desired destination. It was truly magnificent just as she had pictured. "Well thank you for walking me. I'll see you later" she said, giving Lucille a final hug before walking into the library.

        It was just as glorious as she had imagined. Plentiful shelves filled with new books. It would be impossible to chose from the large selection. She headed off to one of the shelves that read fiction. Marie had always enjoyed fiction the most. While she was open to any genre, she preferred fiction to most. Scanning the shelves, the young princess's focus was purely on finding an interesting book. She couldn't seem to think of anything else.
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Re: (✧ ── she's the tear in my heart,i'm alive!!

Postby underwater kitty. » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:30 am

    role;; telekinesis ↠↠ gender; male ↠↠ location; library ↠↠ tagged; marie ↠↠

    to call ezekiel a book worm was a huge understatement, he lived for books and he felt his life wouldn't be the same without them. this was why his library was his favourite place in the castle, he could do what he liked in there and it was where he felt most at home. he wasn't sure it was just how it was. he dreaded the day when he had read all of the books in the library but it was so big that in the eighteen years he had been alive he had only read about a third of the books in there despite the fact he visited it everyday if he could.

    he threw his mask on a ornate little wooden table near the entrance of the library and removed his blazer placing it on a chair in front of a grand table in the centre of the room. last but not least, he rolled up his sleeves as he wandered about the shelves trying to remember what book he had read last. it was possibly 'to kill a mocking bird' or it could have been 'The brothers grimm' that he enjoyed reading. either way he had finished the book and wasn't too sure what to read next. that was when he heard voices down the corridor.

    it sounded like two ladies from the selection but he could be wrong, one sounded rather familiar. he then remembered the girl from earlier,marie, and how she loved to read so it wouldn't surprise him if it was her coming to check out the library. he guessed she was with her sister lucille who she seemed adored. he climbed one of the very tall library ladders and scanned the books in the fiction section. his fingers stopped on a random book and he pulled it off the shelf 'beauty and the beast' it read which made him shake his head with a smile. it reminded him a lot of marie in a way,a pretty girl with a warm heart and a love for books. next thing he knew he had got caught up in his thoughts and the talking had stopped.

    slowly he climbed down the ladder,book in hand and went to go check who had entered the library if they had. he scanned the library over until he saw movement back over in the fiction section where he must have just missed her. he poked his head around the shelf and saw her glancing books so he decided to have a bit of fun. he made one the books above her head float out of the shelf before walking around the corner "i would say i'm surprised to see you here but i'm not." he said looking at the books beside her "i'm sure i look different with out my mask on so i'm ezekiel by the way." he said poking about the books with the other book still in his hand that he had forgot about.

    "you like fiction?" he said pulling put a few books but soon returning them once he realised he had already read them "i think i've read all of them from this shelf." he said with a laugh looking over at her before remembering the book in his hand "I forgot i was carrying this about," he said holding the book in both hands "used to be my favourite book to read when i was younger for some reason, the film was good to but reading it was better.Not to mention how much i liked the soundtrack" he said shaking his head with a laugh handing her the book and poking about the shelf once more "What was your favourite book as a child?" he said looking over at her for a second with his classic dorky smile.
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( ♛ -- a thousand rose petals in my hand !!

Postby haru ; » Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:44 am

    ( OVALIE WINTERS ! ! )
    ( role ) ice manipulation ( gender ) female ( mood ) curious, sub-concious ( location ) hallways/ballroom ( tagged ) micah, lucille, emma

      xxxxxxThe sight of Micah dramatically plucking petals off a rose was nothing short of cute. Novalie managed a half smile at his words and turned to face him, her hands resting upon the intricately carved marble balustrades that rimmed the garden from one end to another. Striking hazel eyes fixed upon his own, intent and unwavering. "Well, Prince," she started with a light tease in her tone. " You might have noticed that I froze the entire kingdom when I was ten, so news has not travelled much there." There was something that Novalie wasn't particularly pleased about — the fact that the rumour hand managed to slip through the walls of the palace into prying ears. Only it wasn't merely a rumour. It was the cold, hard truth and she still wasn't sure how to a react to a room full of people aware of it. The ice wall she created was neatly six metres thick and completely encircled the kingdom in a chilly embrace, causing travellers to the kingdom to stand rooted in shock and the dwellers to scratch their heads in bafflement.

      xxxxxxBut of course, that was only the beginning of Novalie's problems

      xxxxxxHer step-father, or Beast as she so often liked to call him (she had never once called him Father), kept her hackles up and bristling all year round. Brash and domineering, he was the perfect picture of a dangerous man to have on the throne. Unfortunately he was already on the throne, and there was nothing she could do about it, but watch helplessly as this stranger walked the halls of her home. She watched her mother being subtly pushed around and put down. She watched herself and dear Aurora being threatened every time they showed signs of retaliation. It was a living nightmare and literal cage within those spiral towers of ice. And for the first time, she had never felt colder.

      xxxxxxNow confronting her ignorance before her, Micah was making her feel extremely embarrassed, though she didn't show it. How could she have known much about him? Time around her kingdom seemed to come time a standstill as long as the wall stood proud and tall. How could any news of the Princes have found a way through? How could it? How could it? Novalie's mind was a swarm of enraged hornets swirling about like a whirlwind and screaming out the doubts that ate viciously at her confidence. Shaking her head, she suppressed the mellow chuckle that rose in her throat. "You could say I am clueless," she added honestly. Her attention was immediately grabbed by an all too familiar figure striding through the exquisite double doors into the garden. Red crown. Black dress. Bright eyes. Lucille. Silently rejoicing at the arrival of her best friend, Novalie positively beamed at her. "But... I suppose I do know you are a flirt. And heartless. Courtesy of Lucille." The Princess tossed a mischievous wink in Lucille's direction as she spoke. "She seems to know a significant amount of knowledge of you. I bet she has an entire hidden library of your pictures in your honour."

      xxxxxxThe tiny congregation walked further into the garden, and Novalie spotted the girl from earlier. She was perched on a white bench, looking forlorn, and glanced up in surprise when shadows loomed over her. She wasn't the only startled one when Micah stated his proposal. Ask him five questions? This could give Novalie a chance to make up for the lack of knowledge she had about him, but she was never one to pry too deep in other's secrets. What questions should she ask anyway? Did he have a good feeling about any girl in the Selection yet? Definitely a no — it sounded so needy in her mind that it was ridiculous. As Emma made her move, she couldn't help but gaze down at the rose in Micah's hand, her eyes thoughtful. "I love roses best," she pondered out loud. "Especially red ones. They signify love and passion."

      xxxxxxPerhaps she should enquire about his true self. Was he really that stubborn, cold-hearted, and self-centered Prince she thought he was? What made him so? Or maybe... Novalie sneaked a smile at Micah. Why wouldn't he dance? He certainly had the physique for it. "I know you don't want to dance. But that is what a ball is for, isn't it? Dancing, food, chatting. You already owe Lucille one, anyway," she pointed out, rather arch. "The gorgeous view can wait. The dancing can't. At least for this occasion." Novalie brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She could seek guidance from Lucille for this questions thingy, so for now, she wanted him to save the both of them a dance.

      xxxxxxAfter all, dancing was very much the spice of life in Novalie's eyes.

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