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002 ❅ Mave

Postby Cats&Cucumbers » Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:42 pm

Mave The Snow Leopard 26 Female The Catacombs (Beneath the Old Wooden City)
Tagged: Other Shifters
Mentioned: All shifters, rats(?)


_____Besides the soft murmur of Misha to the towering dark form of Vasily, the cavern was quiet. Not silent, though. Mave's ears, more sensitive than a non-shifter's, could easily pick up on the soft sound of water trickling down the cave walls. They also picked up on the footsteps of her companions, which had started to grow familiar— a distinctly odd sensation, to be familiar with such things. She had begun to recognize the irregular, darting movements of Misha and the proud, striding walk of Leo. She knew that treading near Alex would make her partial to the occasional grumble, and she knew that if she made her way over to Vasily, she would be immersed in a pine-y, not at all unpleasant scent. She hadn't needed to be familiar with people like this in a long, long time— it felt invasive, almost, the way they had implanted these features in her mind over the course of a mere week. Cyrus was less familiar, having arrived so recently, but she suspected she would soon grow just as familiar with his steady pace and sharp scent. It made her uncomfortable in a way she couldn't quite identify, and she quickened her pace somewhat to draw ahead of them and the sense of group-ness, though not fast enough to openly broadcast her distaste— she was never one for making enemies.
_____Walking past the decorated burials, Mave felt her skin crawl. She wasn't one to judge another's culture, but personally she would never understand a desire to be separated from the earth in such a permanent manner. She wasn't a believer in the various gods— if each clan had one of their own she figured they meant about as much as an imaginary friend— but the idea of a nice, strong tree growing over her resting place was more appealing to her than strangers watching her cheeks leather for decades behind glass. She noted some of the others pausing to take a look, and feeling again uncomfortable with such unison, moved on as though she had never taken note.
_____As they traversed further into the bowels of the earth, the light from the entrance grew dimmer and dimmer, until she knew that even with her superior night vision, her weaker human-form eyes were only able to see clearly due to Vasily's lamp. She had tried to hold back from shifting, hoping to preserve her power as a last resort in the case of needing to escape her "comrades", but that little plan held minute significance in comparison to her revulsion at the idea of depending on someone else's firelight. She shifted smoothly into her leopard form and immediately felt a sense of... not comfort, but security. No, she wasn't more comfortable— in this form, she could hear the scuttling of a rat every so often as they passed a forgone pathway and the water which grew steadily higher with each passing step reached further up her body now, and those things didn't make her comfortable; but on the flip side, she could easily outrun any of her still-human companions, and her thick fur protected her from the chill of the meltwater. Most importantly, she could see. With the lamplight, it was like broad daylight for her feline eyes, and she finally allowed herself to fall back closer to the group, finding herself more secure now— both with her ability to evade any potential attack and with the division of species that now barred her from the sense of camaraderie she feared was developing in the party. As she padded alongside them, though, she found her leopard hearing made her privy to even more of their individual quirks. As they walked, the steady swishing of Vasily's cloak through the stream acted as a sort of marching beat, and she heard Alex's light steps falling behind every so often. But now they were the loud, clumsy sounds of humans, and they were not comparable to the perfect silence of her broad, strong paws sweeping gracefully through the water, her long, elegant tail keeping her in perfect balance— all wonderfully inhuman.

_____When they reached the crossway, she didn't hesitate more than a moment. She remembered the instructions clear as day— figured, since they were pretty much the only guideline they had received— keep going down. She wasn't crazy about this mission, but she figured that if the king wanted them dead, this would be a real complicated way of doing it, and it was better to trust a direction than to have none. Far more importantly, though, she was thinking in terms of survival, and she knew that if they always chose the path that lead most downward, then should she need to escape, she would only ever need to choose the path which went most upward. So, after her brief moment of bewilderment, she continued on toward the river. It hardly occurred to her to worry if her companions would be unable to follow. She didn't pay much mind to the rat flowing by her feet, either— she was no stranger to dead prey. But something else caught the attention of that 6th sense that her mother had cultivated into blade-like sharpness in her— that instinct for survival, and just as Vasily's steps slowed, she heard the clattering of claws. She opened her mouth to scent the air and immediately wished she hadn't— the smell was overpowering and thick— if she had been of a weaker stomach, she would have gagged. She turned to see Alex stiffen, and through the darkness behind her, she saw them all. Hordes of rats, wriggling bodies squirming over each other, white foam dripping from their pointed snouts.
_____For a moment, the chaos overwhelmed her. She watched Alex shift, eyes blown wide with panic as she raced up the wrong tunnel, heard Vasily's knife scraping against the stone as it pierced their first enemy, felt the deafening roar of the rodents growing closer, and her paws felt like iron posts anchored to the ground, the small river swirling around her paws as she sank her claws into the mossy floor.
"Whatever direction we're going in, go NOW."
The command reverberated off the cave walls, and she closed her eyes.

    She balanced oversized, fluffy paws on the edge of a rock face, peering downward at the blue sheep below, her shoulder still sore from her failed attempt the previous week.
    "You remember why you failed?" A firm, fierce, feminine voice.
    A higher voice answered, almost unrecognizable as her compared to her current, alto tone, but with that same undercurrent of fierceness bordering on desperation. "I was afraid."
    "Why were you afraid?" A teacher.
    "I was thinking like a little girl." The right answer. An answer which brought equal measures of pride and shame— pride in knowing her lesson, shame in admitting her mistake.
    "And what are you?" Eager, anticipating the answer with the same sureness that one felt in knowing the sun was still rising behind a cloudy sky. Belief in the unproven.
    Breathless. "A snow leopard." Just as eager, but without faith, without security. Was this still the right answer?
    A hum of approval; a pause. "And what does that mean?"

    Ah. She knew the answer now. She knew it in her bones— it was at the core of everything she had ever been taught. She knew this like she knew the sun would fall and the moon would rise, like she knew winter would bring hot maple syrup and spring would bring young, tender meat to the table, like she knew her mother would keep her safe. "I am never afraid."

_____Such a short breath— not even a second, but her eyes opened, cold and green and focused. "Down." She announced in a clear, even tone, loud enough that all of these shifter-ears would hear her, and even if they didn't, her decision was made obvious as she leapt toward the river, accidentally meeting the eyes of the lynx as she launched herself forward, feeling the faintest twinge of regret. She had no qualms about continuing on her own, should she be left to herself— she was used to that— but choosing any direction other than down sounded like a death sentence to her, and she felt an innate connection to the fellow feline who had also clearly felt more comfortable as a snow cat than a person. It would be a shame to lose her to these tunnels. Not enough of a shame, of course, for Maveric to waste a moment in pursuing her own safety.
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misha | 002

Postby enby » Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:39 pm

𝑀𝐼𝑆𝐻𝐴 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    the coyotelocation: the catacombs | mentions: --- | tags: Vasily, Mave, Alex, Shifters
    Misha's eyes glanced down as Vasily handed them the jerky, a small smiling perking at the corners of their mouth as they looked up at him gently- their eyebrows frowned a bit as they looked into the darkness before them, Vasily's words tickling their ears and the back of their neck as they stared down at the darkness in front of them, anxiety filling them as if the darkness itself consumed their gut. They furrowed their eyebrows gently deciding to try and distract their mind by biting into the food they were given, they face tense and nervous.

    They forced themself forward, though, their eyes wide as they tried to see in front of them- they jumped at most noises that rung into their ears from the dripping of the water to squeaks of rats and the random noises that may come from the other shifters. They held their hands in front of their chest, grasping them tightly together with their shoulders raised into their cheeks. Despite the cold damp air around them, they were sweating the darkness and the small corridors weren't something they were fond of and they were missing being above ground with all the space they'd imagine. They flinched a bit as Mave shifted, watching her a bit and fluttering their eyes gently- they had realized quickly that they were probably the most nervous and finicky of the group, not as brave as the other counterparts, if they were shifted at the moment, their tail would most definitely be between their legs.

    Their attention was brought to Vasily again with the sound of a crunch, their eyebrows frowning gently, despite being someone that of course had hunted prey- they were docile and preferred letting others do it, death was a scary thing for them. They tensed up as Alex rushed past them, an expression of fear and confusion washed over their face watching the Lynx and Snow Leopard rush off with the sound of skittered claws, and growls growing closers to the group. They looked up at Vasily as he spoke, fear overcoming them as they froze up a bit- tears welling in their eyes a bit, they themself were a bit scared of water and they didn't know if they'd be personally willing to swim in gross water but they'd do what they'd have to. ''Uh..Vasily which way are you taking?'' They said quickly in a panicked voice, deciding to follow where he went, they weren't the best at making choices under a lot of pressure.
Last edited by enby on Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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alex - pst 3

Postby Crazycookiemonster » Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:37 pm

          ALEX schmitt27shifter - lynx ▪ located catacombs ▪ tagged shifters
            Alex had shifted without even thinking about it, which happens to her pretty often since she likes to spend most of her days a lynx rather then a person. Her instincts had kicked in to the point that she didn't even notice that no one had followed her and the path she had picked was smaller than expected. Originally she didn't want to go into the water, but the tunnel she was heading down wasn't looking like the best option. The air was damper and the water seemed to be seeping through the walls causing more of the sticky moss to be growing everywhere. After a moment or so Alex looked back while still moving and noticed she was very alone and it was now very dark. Not completely okay with that idea as the sound of the catacomb door closing rang in the back of her head as a bad memory, she began to wonder if she should turn back. As if the tombs were trying to send her a message, one of her big snow shoe paw got stuck under a jutting out rock causing Alex to flip. Alex is usually pretty agile, normally landing on her feet, but moving so fast, thinking about anything other then her surroundings sent the lynx to the side of the tunnel onto a patch of sticky moss then tumbling down into the stream of nasty water. Her eyes just looked down the tunnel she was barreling away from, she could only faintly hear the scratching, but now sticky, wet and alone, Alex was not having fun. Throwing her head against a rock, she let out a little growl, cursing the fact that she hadn't paid attention, that she had no idea where she was. Lifting a paw she touched the side of her face and the fur between her paw pulled away with a green sticky substance and Alex just let out a growl. This was not her day, and she was sure that the whole group had just went into the water since she couldn't sense any vibrations of noise from the direction she came in. So Alex sat in a puddle, half covered in a sticky green mess and dirt, facing the direction she had just come, trying to figure out a game plan, which was not her strong suit.
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Re: 𝐑 𝐄 𝐕 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐄 𝐒 [full - please pm if interested!]

Postby Stargazer3000 » Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:24 pm

location Wooden City
mentioned other creators
tagged Jaymes
    Jaymes’s suggestion of decorum at the old man’s passing evoked a shrug from Nym, the linguist making a non-committal noise in response as she busied herself with buckling the gleaming bass buttons on her coat, polished within an inch of their life thanks to the hours spend simply waiting. “I did try - though not very well it seems,” Nym murmured petulantly - the old man's death was sad, really, but try as she might she couldn’t quash down on her desire to get moving, get going.

    Nym finished her buttoning, her nimble fingers making short work of the task, initially rolling her eyes affectionately at the good doctor’s suggestion that the creators cover up, a bemused expression settling onto her features. Though, with each passing disease or ailment the anatomist listed, her expression openly morphed into one of shock, tinged with morbid intrigue, and by the time he was done, every inch of Nym’s exposed skin had been covered, complete with a tinted set of snow goggles - no rabid rats clawing at her eyes if she could help it.


    The snow was falling in thick fluffy piles as the creators slipped out of the tavern, and Nym reached up to adjust her fur tipped cap , though not quickly enough to stop it from being ripped away by the howling storm - she really should’ve known better by now. “No, no, it’s fine, I didn’t like that one’s color anyway,” she murmured mockingly to the wind. “You keep it - it’s more you.”

    Glancing down, it wasn’t difficult to pick up on a trail of faintly glowing blue footprints in the snow - whatever powder they’d spread beneath the dying man’s door was doing the trick, and their path had been laid. The plan was working. Or, at least it was until the wind heaved strongly, stirring the prints and obscuring the retreating backs of the city officials. “First my cap, now this? I’m seriously beginning to question our friendship,” Nym murmured skyward, hurrying off into the swirling snow, determined to not lose their lead.

    Quickly the tracking devolved into a came of catch-up, Nym not fully convinced that the body-movers weren’t using some sort of enhanced snow boots that cut through the snow drifts for them, or perhaps some kind of automatic shovel that cleared their way - no one should be able to move that quickly in that kind of weather. Following the glowing tracks before they were swallowed by the storm while keeping out of sight was a balancing act. On a razor-thin wire. Over a pool of alligators. With all of her hopes and dreams - and the lives of millions - in the balance.

    Nym couldn’t keep the grin off her face.

    Her heart pounded as they danced along handing walkways, slipped into intricately carved doorways, and wove beneath supporting pillars. The city, for all its oddities, was beautiful in the sheer bulk of life that it held supported by its wooden beams. Even as the sky darkened, indicating the oncoming night the bustle never ceased - vendors hawking brightly painted wooden figures, the spice of foreign (though never unknown) languages filtering out from buildings, people pulling water from carved wells in courtyards, open chimneys releasing pine scented smoke into the swirling winds - the new-ness widening Nym’s grin. It tasted like adventure.

    The indications that the city was beginning to buckle under the strain of the unrelenting winter began to show as the glowing trail led the creators deeper into the city; haggard beggars, wasting away to nothing beneath the thigh boughs of snow, every other house unlit, and a pervasive stillness obscured by the now-occasional bright widow marked their current path. Nym vaguely wondered what treasures - or bodies - lay buried beneath the snow.

    Deeper and deeper into the heart of the city the creators tracked the footprints, but by now they had faded to a dim glow, barely recognizable as night began to settle in full, thick falling flakes replacing the howling winds, inevitable and unforgiving. Like anyone that set foot outside in a pouring rainstorm, Nym’s grin and excitement had been dampened somewhat, but when the group rounded the corner and found the tracks gone completely, the smile slipped entirely from her face.

    They’d come upon a small courtyard, perhaps seven stories below the upper-most levels of the city, but this one was oddly unobscured. At the center lay an uncovered well, much like ones they’d passed above, bracketed in on all sides by buildings with shuttered windows. The exposed opening above the courtyard blanketed the whole scene in snow thick enough to reach the linguist’s knees, and if any tracks had been here, they were covered now by the rapidly falling powder.

    “No, no, please no,” Nym groaned as she stormed into the center of the courtyard by the well, turning this way and that to see if she could catch a glimpse of the city officials. When no amount of neck-craning produced a positive result, she scrunched up her face, frustration balling her hands into tight fists. It had taken weeks for that old man to die, and now - now, the chance to save the city, to get that damn council seat, to make Silcox really mean something was slipping away - with an exaggerated whine, Nym flung herself forward towards the well, nocking the long-empty bucket sitting on the side over the edge.

    “I swear to every god, every deity, every single one, if we have to wait for another old codger to die, I’m just going to get a pick-axe and make my own damn chute. I'm just going straight down, city planning be forgotten, and I don’t care whose house I have to go through, I’ll just go full mole person and…and…did anyone hear a splash?”

    Nym whirled to face the well, peering over the edge into…nothing. Getting to her feet she circled the well, kicking at the drifts of snow at the base and …there. It was faint, but the glowing residue was undeniable. Instantly Nym perked up, all traces of her former gloom gone in an instant as though swept away into the storm, forgotten. Once again leaning over the well to peer down, Nym cocked her head to the side, heavy concentration scrunching her nose as she murmured, half to herself, “So…while I love the idea of bucket rappelling, what’s the best way down?”

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003 ❅ Mave

Postby Cats&Cucumbers » Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:45 pm

Mave The Snow Leopard 26 Female The Catacombs (Beneath the Old Wooden City)
Tagged: Leo, Cyrus
Mentioned: All shifters

_____For all her swiftness in leaping from the onslaught of rats, Mave entered the deeper water with only the faintest of splashes, holding her tail higher and higher as she waded further, the ground sloping so steeply downward that within only feet from the entrance she was already forced to push off and swim, her tail then slipping below the dark surface of the water. And for a moment, it was almost near-black— or might have been if she were in human form, with the meager light from the torch largely cut off by the narrow cave entrance, but her feline eyes easily picked up on a new, much cooler-hued light up ahead. Her strong, broad paws cut cleanly through the water, propelling her silently forward, and around her on the catacomb walls, little spots of bright blue-green began to appear.
_____A huff of disbelief, with maybe the faintest, most suppressed hint of awe, escaped her. Within moments, between one support arc to the next, the cave was transformed into an aquarium dreamworld. From exotic travelers in the city, she had once or twice heard about the underwater cities of the elementals, and she wondered if this might be what they looked like. All over the walls was what looked like algae and lichen, growing inches thick at some places, glowing with an ethereal, bioluminescent light so bright it hurt her eyes, so adjusted they were to the darkness of the underground. It was... beautiful; in the most bizarre way she had ever experienced. Simultaneously disconcerting, so completely unfamiliar to her prior experiences, and being potentially poisonous or disease-ridden or god-knows-what else, given the only other inhabitants of these catacombs she had encountered thus far, but she couldn't deny a tightness in her throat that felt like something terribly akin to excitement, and she stifled it as soon as it made itself known. Of course, it would have faded quite swiftly regardless, as nearly as quickly as the tunnel had become beautiful, it was growing smaller and smaller, until there was only enough space for her head to fit above the water at the apex of the curved ceiling, and even there, she had to bend her head back to keep her muzzle out of the water, her fluffy ears flattened to her head in concentration.
_____Behind her, she could hear the splashes of at least some of the party behind her, and she was faintly aware of a dull, fiery roar, but she had bigger issues to contend with. The water might have been pleasantly cool, after the trek through the relatively warm tunnels (compared to what she was built for, at least), if it didn't reek. It smelled putrid, of rotting plant matter and stagnation, and she was only glad that the air was still too cold to cultivate the mosquitos that would have thrived here in warmer temperatures. The smell, though, was quickly becoming the least of her worries, as the tunnel was sloping still deeper, and she now had to briefly submerge her head to get under the support arches in the ceiling, always relieved to find the air pocket continued on the other side. After what could be an exhausting swim for a less water-friendly form, if not for the length (it couldn't have been more than 30 seconds of fast-paced swimming), then for the awkward head position required to maintain airflow, she saw in the distance an end to their trek. Unfortunately, it was a dead end.

_____Her forward progress slowed minutely and a pit of dread settled in her stomach. For those behind her, it would be a couple more moments before they grew close enough to realize their folly, but she was not looking forward to taking the blame when they did. At the end of the tunnel, Mave could see, clearer with every passing moment, there had been a cave-in of the catacomb wall, crumbled stone sealing their fates. Of course, it's not like she had urged them on— they followed completely of their own accord, she reasoned to herself, ignoring the sense of something heavy she felt in the base of her throat, something a more sympathetic creature might recognize as guilt. When she grew close enough to the collapse, she struggled for purchase on the stones beneath her paws, her neck tilted back as far as it could go to maintain access to air, her eyes narrowing in the darkness as she analyzed her situation. A quick glance and a taste of the air (in which she was able to parse out Leo and Cyrus' scents from the utter muck of a stench which obscured almost everything else) told her that Vasily, Misha, and Alex had either not made it or were not following, and she could only assume that whatever had given the rats pause would not hold them for long. She certainly didn't think it was long enough for her to go back and change her course without getting a death sentence by foaming mouth. So going back wasn't an option. Fine. That meant she would go forward.
_____Her hind foot slipped from its purchase, dislodging the mossy rock it had been gripping and sending her under the water with a louder splash and gasp than she would have preferred to make. She let out a muffled snarl of surprise beneath the water, sending bubbles floating up to the surface, and her eyes popped open to see an underwater world of green. Teals, turquoises, and cobalts, refracted by the water and made into a hazy, muddled display of aqua color. But what her eyes zeroed in on was the one spot of plain rock, where her foothold, which now lay upturned on the watery floor, had been resting only moments ago. Another bubble escaped her broad nose, and the snowy cat righted herself under the glowing river and swam closer to the wall, where she could see a few areas within a general radius where the massive pieces of wall and ceiling making up most of the collapse gave way to smaller boulders and stones. She anchored herself with her claws into the mossy floor and used a front paw to wedge out one of these smaller rocks, about the size of her head. It, too, fell to the ground, its bare underbelly exposed and leaving yet another algae-free cavity in the wall. Perhaps... Feeling a rush of determination— or maybe closer to desperation— sweep through her, she began tearing into the rocks beneath the surface, her claws scratching out the smaller pebbles and rocks quickly, and then tackling the larger rocks. Some of them, like the two she had initially moved, she could handle. But others were nearly the size of herself, and the water hindered her strength to such an extent that, as she desperately scrabbled for purchase in the hefty rock, a sense of panic began to overtake her. Fighting to remain calm— fearless, strong, survivor, fearless, strong, survivor— she finally succumbed to the burning in her lungs and pushed herself back to the surface, taking in a huge, gulp of air with relief. No longer caring if she made noise— in fact, she hardly remembered there were others around at all— she allowed herself a few, ragged breaths, before plunging back down into the water again, returning to the bottom of the collapse and resuming her efforts to free one of the large rocks from its place. As her desperation mounted, she told herself it was the dirty water making her eyes sting. Fearless, strong, survivor, fearless, strong, fearless... She wondered how long she had until the rats would reach her. How many of them she might be able to kill, if she would be able to swim under them... all the while hooking her claws into every millimeter of catch she could find on the unmoving stone, tearing at least one claw out in the process, adrenaline blinding her to the pain as the red blood floated purple in the blue light.
Last edited by Cats&Cucumbers on Wed Feb 09, 2022 2:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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nala | 001

Postby enby » Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:05 am

ℕ𝔸𝕃𝔸 𝕀ℝ𝕄𝔸 ⸻⸻⸻ they/she | the mechanic
    tags; nym, jaymes | mentions; other creators | location; wooden city 』
    Their cheeks were wet with their own tears as they had made their way through the halls to the room that the other creators were residing, her hands pressing hard against her cheeks as she wiped her tears away- mourning the life of the man that was going to help them, not because it was their only way for getting around but because she felt bad, well, of course, anyone would right? Of course, there really wasn't much they could have done, they weren't a doctor and all they could do was hope for the best, and despite Jaymes being a doctor he wasn't a miracle worker. They shook their head gently and tucked some hair behind their ear, looking at themself in a mirror for a moment to collect themself before they were to head inside to speak with the others- fixing their hair and trying their best to make it look like they weren't just crying, although it wasn't easy to hide red cheeks and puffy eyes; they let out a shaky sigh, either way, shaking their head gently as they made their way to the room.

    They gently opened the door, quietly shifting inside, being hit in the face automatically by Nym's loud chattering- a soft noise escaped from their lips as their raised their eyebrows gently. ''Hello Jaymes, and Nym.'' She said with a gentle smile spread across her soft and plump cheeks. ''I hope everything's alright, I've been having a hard time with... The death that happened.'' She shook her head a bit and gently made her way over to get her bag ready and situated, packing everything she needed and getting into a proper outfit, pulling up the scarf that hung around her neck to keep her safe from anything that they'd run it, slipping gloves on as well just to be extra safe- they were an extremely anxious and cautious person so they took the most measures possible for their safety. They slid on the boots, thick and worn- and swung their old bag over their shoulder. ''I'm ready, we have to be careful! It's dangerous and we don't know what we'll run into.'' They pressed, a stressed gleam flashing in their eye a bit as their eyebrows frowned.
    Nala shivered gently as the cold wind and snow hit her exposed skin of her upper face, her eyebrows furrowing gently as she pulled her hood up and pulled the strings of her jacket gently. ''Slow down Nym..'' They spoke quietly as they followed after, raising their shoulders gently and squinting through the heavy snow that fell before them ''We do have to be careful remember, let's not get caught..'' They sighed softly and rubbing their hands together a bit as they followed behind the group, staying back a little bit just in case but not far enough that they'd loose them or anything. They rubbed their forehead in mild stress, wishing things like this could be easier but they knew, that wasn't the way life was, and it was never that way for them, and they suppose it wouldn't be now either. They ignored the poor people that resided around them, feeling too terrible to pay too much mind, but couldn't help but toss some amount of coins to the beggars knowing they'd feel guilty and think about it if they didn't at least give something to benefit them in the possible last few days or hours of their life, Nala didn't know what would happen to them so they wanted to show them at least some kind of kindness.

    Nala huffed gently, as they picked up the pace to stay on track with the group, specifically Nym- despite the cold, a small amount of sweat building up on their brow as they squinted a bit, wiping their gloved hand against their forehead. Their face dropped gently as they realized they had lost the tracks ''Nym it's alright, I'm sure we'll figure out a way...'' She spoke quietly, rubbing her forehead gently and raising her shoulders as she looked around gently, following after the girl quietly as she headed toward the well. ''We just...We just need to think, together...Teamwork helps, so try not to get too-'' They stopped a bit as Nym, and themself heard a splash, and the glowing residue was noticed. ''Uhm...'' They murmured out quietly, as they stared down into the nothingness of the well. ''I mean, I might have something that could maybe work to help us? It's dangerous though! we don't know how deep that goes, or, or if...It's safe at all!'' They stressed, their eyes widened a bit with nervousness. ''My bag is full of stuff, but this is risky Nym..'' They frowned their eyebrows, hoping for a bit of support from the other creators, as they knew Nym could be a bit...Reckless at times.
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Re: 𝐑 𝐄 𝐕 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐄 𝐒 [closed - pm if still interested]

Postby `silver » Sat Feb 05, 2022 2:29 am

The catacombs swallowed them all in one fell swoop, laden with peat and impenetrable rock that wound in directionless tunnels that would’ve taken the sanity from any human that dared to traverse its corridors. Vas’s lantern provided little to no assistance as the darkness itself clouded their advances like a shroud, squinted eyes and outstretched arms struggling to light their path and allow them to rest their minds. Cyrus focused on trekking forward with his eyes closed, allowing his senses to travel further than where his vision could. The air being so stagnant nearly choked him whenever he’d accidentally focused on its musty strength, his hands simply reaching around himself blindly when the tunnels suddenly began to narrow in diameter, forcing them all to form a single file line. Moss lined the walls, their spongy masses partially comforting him in that at least something was surviving down in the roots of the very city itself.

The relief was short-lived though, his eyes snapped open as he caught the sound of scratching whilst everyone else had pushed on further until they reached a fork in their plans. Vas had just crunched something awful beneath his booth, Cyrus’s expression growing a little stonier so that he wouldn’t look at the pummeled remains. One opening sloped downwards as if a powerful source of water had carved into the earth itself at one point, it’s depths full of a sloshing expanse of water that they’d likely only be able to get through in their shifted forms if they weren’t to become sick like humans. The other option was angled skyward, another pit of darkness threatening to pull an onlooker in if they gazed at its threshold too long. The pace of the group stalled, if only momentarily, causing Cyrus to look towards where they’d just came from as the scratching he’d heard earlier was gradually turning into an uproar of some kind. It was loud as if it were close, but also muffled in that the heavy air and dampness of every which way they went was making it difficult for him to truly pinpoint how far whatever that noise was. His eyes suddenly flared with light as he realized that there wasn’t just scratching, something was squeaking, thousands of tiny paws were scrabbling against the underfoot they’d just flattened out. Rats.

Alex must’ve gotten the memo far earlier since she’d almost barreled straight into him in her animal form, his eyes wide in not only astonishment, but wonder. It wasn’t the time to marvel at the fact that there were real shifters out there though, she was sent running by the sound of the rats whom were apparently more hot on their tail than he’d thought. She’d swept past him enough that he’d caught her wave of emotions, anxiety churning dangerously with fear to make a powerful combination that only the instincts of their shift could drive them into a self-preservation type mode. It was understandable, but by the scents and sounds of it, Alex was throwing herself right into a natural trap if she wasn’t going to proceed with caution.

Cyrus set off to follow her, a booming tone telling everyone to get a move on paired with a sudden screech from the horde that was approaching causing him to wince at the unadjustable volume. His own animal form was a blur in the darkness, appearing more so like a silhouette as he trotted through the opening. A grunt sounded as he felt his antlers almost immediately score into the ceiling above, his ears pinning back with discomfort at how he had to lower his head in order to move forward. Mave’s scent was powerful in here as well. Had he taken a different route? He startled himself mentally at how a sudden wall of fear nearly had him backing away, another grunt coming from him as he had to fight himself for a moment when his own instincts threatened to halt his efforts. His mind was screaming about there being danger, even with the sound of the rats fading into the sticky depths. Moss fell in haphazard patches as he scraped his way through, his deer not allowing him to shift back out of fear and protection from whatever was now up ahead.

His legs dipped gracefully into the shallow stream of water that soon became one that engulfed past his hind quarters, churning through the water, his head was raised with effort in keeping it above the luminescent surface. It was too bright—he had to blink away the stars that floated around in his vision just to focus on swimming correctly, not to mention how the water smelt like straight sewage. It didn’t help that he had to get so close to it just to stop his antlers from scraping more earth and moss into the water and risk it splashing into his face.

A muffled cry struck fear into his deer heart, the snarl likely coming from some kind of predator yet what he could make out in terms of scent was that Mave was even closer than before. He thought he’d been following Alex’s trail, but it seemed that Mave was in more trouble than the latter. Mustering up some form of resolve, he forced himself to shift back into his human form after he caught a struggle happening beneath the surface, his eyes burning underneath the water but allowing him to see a snow leopard with a claw caught in the cleft of some rocks. Hooves would merely slip off the smooth surfaces, they had no traction here, but maybe if he used his hands to pull at the rocks she’d be freed, is what he thought.

Breaching the surface, he coughed at the scent of the putrid waters burning at his lungs, catching his breath as much as he could before diving straight for the wall of pebble and stone. If she lashed out at him, he’d have to do his best to dodge the powerful mittens that would be swung at him, but for now he gripped at the larger rocks and tossed them to the side. He worked his way around where Mave was being held, having to close his eyes half the time against the water in his eyes and it’s radiance.

There was only one problem though. The rocks were loosening yet there was a sudden current funneling into the area of attack. The tunnel probably connected to another area that would surely sweep them away but if he didn’t act fast enough then Mave would either drown or tear out her claw and likely get the wound infected from the water alone. Bubbles left Cyrus with each effort, his head breaching the surface a couple times before he managed to get the largest rocks to budge with Mave’s help. A sucking noise ensued and a current plunged them straight into the connecting tunnels. He choked on the water as he was whipped around, struggling for breath until damp air carried them all into open air. They were falling.
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-- the chemist

Postby vega. » Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:30 am

    the chemist | tagged: all creators | mentions:
    Verena already missed the warm smoky fire of the hearth in the Inn. She tucked her bright red nose into her collar, wrapping her arms with her shawl, wincing as the cold stung her eyes. A hushed voice urged Nym to slow and watch their step. Her eyes fell open the small frame trudging along the packed ice and snow beneath their feet, wondering if they wiped their tears from earlier before they froze to their cheeks.

    In the suite before they left, she watched from the wooden table, packing her things and disregarding Jaymes’ list of every possible way to die when they appeared from the other room. Their name was Nala, and the red under their eyes told her that their heart broke for the man who just passed in the room across the hall. Verena could empathize; he was a lonely man who died in a bed that wasn’t even his, any sort of family or friends separated by the harsh white of the winter storm outside. At least someone mourned his soul. She pursed her lips in hopes to control her own emotions, because seeing Nala react the way she did gave her a sense of the gravity of the situation. Instead, she thought about what came next. The old man was going to die anyway, so might as well make his life worth something.

    Nym’s sudden tirade pulled Verena up to the front of the group to investigate, seeing the creators fanning out around a well, contemplating options and trading reassurances. The linguist threw herself, albeit a little melodramatically, to the lip of the well and sent a metal buck glossed with ice crashing down into the void. Nala looked especially anxious, and rightfully so. Verena placed a gloved hand on the well next to Nym and shook her head in thought.

    “It is dangerous,” she agreed, “So if I didn’t get paid enough to risk it how would I get down?” She ruminated, shuffling her feet along the side of the well in wide arcs where they saw the chemiluminescent glow. One more swipe of her boot exposed the cobbled street below, along with a smooth rustic metal surface with a seam running along the edge of it.
    “There, it's a door.” She got on her knees and swiped away the remaining snow to reveal the rest of the entryway, giving the hatch tug with no avail. She sat back and sighed, her hot breath briefly visible before being blown away by the gusts of wind whipping through the wooden city. She looked up at the others through strands of disheveled hair, “It has to be a door right? Another way down for maintenance guys?”
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Postby borahae. » Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:27 am

    𝐋𝐄𝐎 ! ! ───────────

    wolf shifter ✩ twenty-five ✩ tag: mave and cyrus ✩ location: catacombs

      Following closely behind the brunette shifter as they traversed through the catacomb tunnels, silent as he strode through the dark and murky trails with an ever-growing frown (the invasive and putrid smells of rot and still water assaulting the wolf's already sensitive nose and further souring his mood), Leo kept his attention on their surroundings with childlike curiosity; passing room after room, his brows furrowed in distaste at the strong scents surrounding him but his eyes doe-like/starstruck as he took in the ornate walls and intricate burial traditions, the wolf continued at a steady pace but couldn't help but to wish that he could have lingered just a bit longer to take everything in. Inquisitive by nature, eager to learn and understand, Leo would have gladly stayed to investigate each room they'd passed if he didn't know the time-sensitive nature of their quest. So, with little indication of his internal struggles, the boy marched on and kept his ever-attentive eyes on their surroundings in hopes of catching a glimpse or an indication of what they were supposed to be finding in the first place.

      Relatively unbothered by the occasional spoken word or movement made by his fellow shifters, the bold female from before now traveling in her leopard form and a quiet conversation occurring somewhere behind him, Leo retained his quiet nature and stayed in his position in the lineup while bringing as little attention to himself as possible. It wasn't that he was wary or afraid of his companions, but he'd spent so long living on his own that conversation often became forced or awkward; so, while sociable at heart, the boy was better off keeping to himself.

      Pausing shortly after the snow leopard as she came to a sudden halt, only then noticing the fork in the path, Leo's brows furrowed as he considered the two path's; while down seemed logical, there was the inevitability of having to swim, and despite his wolf's innate abilities to swim he rather hated the feeling of wet clothes/fur. Going up, however, meant a level of uncertainty. Would it lead him to their destination? or would he end up miles off, only to have to back track and eventually swim regardless?
      Fortunately, the silver haired boy didn't have long to consider his options before a booming voice from behind him alerted him to the oncoming rabid rodents, whipping his head in their direction with widened eyes; while he was certainly the best tracker in the group, the mixing of scents and the depth of his thoughts had left him blind to the oncoming threat, something he'd never had happen before. So, with little hesitation (and an eagerness to get as far away from the rotting creatures as fast as possible), Leo shifted into his wolf and dove rather gracelessly into the stream, keeping just his head above the water as he paddled forward.

      Maintaining a small distance between himself and the leopard ahead of him, vaguely aware that the deer shifter had also passed him as he swam on and took in the mossy and earthy surroundings with a deep huff of disgust, the wolf only began to pick up his pace as the sound of the rats began to near and the smell of blood pierced through his nose. Registering that the blood was coming from the brunette, concentrating on reaching her in hopes of discovering what had happened and how to help, Leo spotted the snow leopard up ahead alongside the brown-haired deer shifter before the two of them were pulled below the water, having a brief moment of confusion as he paddled forward before following suit, the current tunneling him downwards into a different extension to the catacombs.
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Re: 𝐑 𝐄 𝐕 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐄 𝐒 [full - please pm if interested!]

Postby Stargazer3000 » Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:09 pm

location Wooden City
mentioned other creators
tagged Nala and Verena
    Nym stared down the empty well, eyes distant as she idly listened to her companions talk about the best way down. She’d been kidding about the bucket idea, but to her chagrin there doesn’t really seem to be any more…palatable options. Short of her aforementioned pickaxe idea, this was their only way forward and she was not returning to that tavern - not when they were so close. And not just because she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to retrace their path in the gathering night.

    As Nym peered over the edge attempting to calculate how difficult it’d be to use pressure to keep herself upright shimmying down, Verena’s call snagged her attention. “It certainly does look like a door,” Nym’s eyes light with newly relit interest as she knelt to examine the metal hatch, “Though I guess anything could be a door if you’re determined enough,” she continued somewhat absentmindedly. The majority of her attention rested on the potential way forward, and she pulled quickly on the handle, her lips curving into a grim smile when she confirmed that there was no give.

    Nym’s eyebrows furrowed as she glanced up at her companions, “I’m not sure my skill sets apply here - I’d be happy to try to talk the lock into opening, but something tells me ‘pretty please’ won’t cut it.”

    She huffed as she got to her feet, brushing snow off her now damp trousers before continuing, “Maybe some kind of a corrosive could eat through the door? Or how about some good ol’ fashioned lock picking? Either way, we should do it soon -” a glance to the darkening sky, “before it gets too dark to see. Or before I become the ‘World’s Cutest Icicle’ - whichever comes first, really.”
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