ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Akayuri » Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:27 pm

It was a cold autumn day. Cold like the trail of evidence that kept leading places nobody wanted to go. Cold like the heart of the killer Detective Lang and her partner had been chasing for the past month. She stood alongside her colleagues from the Jasper City Police Department as they came to pay their respects to the families of the recently deceased and help oversee the memorial service. It felt premature to be dedicating a tree to the victims of the recent serial killings while the killer still walked free. The streets of Jasper weren't safe anymore. After placing a modest bouquet of flowers at the base of the tree, Lang shoved her hands into the pockets of her long, black trench coat before they went numb from the chilly breeze that swept through the park. From the corner of her eye she watched one of the attendees snap at a news reporter rather wolfishly. She found it odd that someone would have such a violent reaction to a journalist, she figured most people would want to get mentioned in the local paper. Lang already had her share of mentions as one of the detectives actively investigating the case. For the most part, the JSD was keeping information on the murder cases under wraps given the delicate nature of werewolf-human relations in the United States. Nobody wanted to jump to conclusions, but all the evidence was pointing towards a local wolf being responsible for the murders. They had a few ideas as to the killer's possible motives but nothing that could be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. From where she stood, Lang had a pretty decent view of the memorial activities. There a few faces she recognized in the crowd, people she knew to keep an eye on.
║The island bathes in the sun's bright rays║

║Distant hills wear a shroud of grey║

║A lonely breeze whispers in the trees║

║Sole witness to history║

║Fleeting memories rise║

║From the shadows of my mind║

║Sing nonomori - endless corridors║

║Say nonomori - hopeless warriors║

║You were there ║
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:43 pm

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade |
tags; Benji, Blake, Jason

He smiled winningly, leaning back in his chair a little and sinking down a tad lower.
"Though I generally get left to tend to snares, to be honest. Got gored by a buck pretty badly a few years back - thank God it didn't scar and ruin my good looks," he joked feebly, "but yeah. Haven't been able to live it down since."
He smiled a little wider, then let the smile falter and shook his head. "Doesn't look like we'll be hunting this year, though. We were all horrified. One of my friends grew up near here. Said it was the safest place ever, then this happens."

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic I tags; Benji, Blake, Theo
Jason genuinely didn't know what to think. That wasn't saying a lot. Though his instincts were always good, he wasn't a great judge of character. The guy looked pretty harmless, and certainly wouldn't do anything in front of all these people, but it certainly was odd for people to visit the city before skiing season really got underway. But was that really much reason to assess he was dangerous?
Jason shot Benji a questioning look, deciding to just step back and let him deal with it.

Skylar Aleksandersen I Werewolf | Beta |
tags; Adam

Aleksandersen just rolled her eyes, but couldn't help laughing a little. "All of two miles, yeah. That is not even anything you could call a hike, exactly. Blair can really be lazy sometimes."
She pulled herself into the driver's seat of the thrumming vehicle and moved forward. Sure, it wasn't the most comfortable car, but considering the only" road" that came close to her home was an overgrown dirt track, the inherent toughness of the machine suited her just fine.
"So, what were you doing up here anyway?" She asked, glancing over at the guard beside her. "I mean, I didn't call a meeting or anything."

Blair Strong | Werewolf | Fighter | tags;

She finally reached the service. Pulling a make-up wipe from her crossover bag, she scrubbed at some of the engine oil on her arms for the fiftieth time and checked her yellow tee was well hidden under the thick velvet dress. She didn't want to look disrespectful.
Moving to the front, she laid the single rise she'd brought amongst the ranks of bouquets with shaking hands.
"I miss you guys so much," she whispered under her breath, then turned on her heel and searched the crowd for a familiar face. Any familiar face.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby FLYBOY » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:38 am

James || Human || Hunter || tags;; open!

    James hadn't originally planned on going to the memorial. After all, a memorial for a werewolf was rarely the best place for a hunter to show up, as it was bound to be absolutely crawling with the beasts in human form. The wider berth they gave the wolves when they weren't actively hunting them, the better. But as chilling as his terrifying encounter in the woods had been, it had left him with a persistent curiosity eating away at him. That was closer to town than they normally saw such blatant werewolf activity, and it likely meant either a rogue wolf was in the area, or the pack was getting bolder and starting to act out. If the pack was going to be giving them trouble, it was probably a good idea to start keeping an eye on them, take note of who was affiliated with them and who the most dangerous and reckless ones were.
    His hunting trip forgotten, James hurried home and got cleaned up, changing into a slightly more formal outfit for the occasion. The bloody deer carcass remained fresh in his mind's eye, making his hands feel clammy on the steering wheel as he drove towards the site of the memorial. He could come face-to-face with the thing that had done that when he walked into that memorial. What's worse, he might not even know it. But he knew the werewolves were restrained by society's expectations when they walked among humans. They couldn't act out, they couldn't put him in danger- not now, anyway. James knew he would have to keep his head down so they wouldn't come after him later.
    All too soon, he had parked and headed in, maneuvering through the crowds with muttered apologies and excuses. Finally, he had reached an opportune spot to watch, not far from the tree that was to be dedicated to the dead alpha. From here, he could easily keep an eye on the comings and goings of everyone nearby; and hopefully sight some suspicious behavior he and his fellow hunters could follow up on.

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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:23 am

(Bump for Spaceman :3)
Adrian D'Arc I Human | Blade | tags; Jin
Rian didn't look up from his papers, partially to hide the silent laughter on his face. He didn't laugh a lot. He never had. It wasn't a very "Agent D'Arc" thing to do. But, between Jin and Ford, he was learning.
"She must have some sense, then," he teased half-heartedly, finally looking up and sipping his own drink. "So, Mr Solo, you memorised the street plan yet?" He pointed to a four-by-five-foot paper map on the other end of the table. It was already covered in pencil scribbles and highlighter, but underneath the new graffiti it showed Jasper and the few homesteads in the woods around it. "Could you stick that up on the wall? Wherever you feel is most appropriate. That'd be great."
He placed a typed police report from two years previous - borrowed from the JPD servers - onto the "possible lead" pile.
"Then we need to start working on patrol routes. I think Ford marked the attack sites on there, but I didn't really want to leave something like this to Goof Street and Miss Vogue."

Emmelene Tersen | Werewolf | Hunter |
tags; open

Her heels were sinking into the grass. Urgh. Why didn't I wear wedges or something? She debated taking the pesky shoes off as she walked into the service, but doubted the Alpha would have approved. So Emmy kept them on as she moved towards the seats, only to back up and frown as she noticed there were hardly any left. She didn't want to sit down next to a total stranger. It wasn't like she could ask somebody to move, either.
Sighing gently, she walked to the back and took a place standing, idly staring off into space as she waited for the service to begin.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:00 am

↩ Adam Hale ↪
Species- Werewolf I Role: Guard I Tags- Skylar, the memorial I crush: open
A light scoff rumbled from my throat as i shook my head, arm resting on the door whilst watching the house become further and further in the rear-view mirror the sound of rocks below the tires filling most of the air between us. I had my can on my leg secured by my hand over the top to keep it from spilling, taking a sip and returning it to its prior position. As the girl beside me spoke of why i was here i glanced at her with a sigh, thinking over my answer before speaking aloud "i know ma'm, Last night was rather hard, thought some fresh air would help with the repercussions of my choices" i explained calmly as i turned to stair out the windshield once more, my green eyes hardend as i tried to push the memories of the night the alpha's were slaughtered to the back of my skull, nearing the memorial seemed to bring them back, and even though i knew this was for them i also knew i had a job, being amungst the towns people, out of the safety of our territory brought my guard up, i would protect the pack even out here, it was my job and it took it probably more seriously then most had. But i couldn't help it, i wouldn't dissapoint my family. Coming to the area where the memorial was being held i siged, running a hand over my face as my eyes scanned the crowd, most of the pack was now here, and most of the towns people as well. If only they knew just exactly how important the pair was. but alas they didn't, they couldn't because then everyone would know what we were, and as long as i was here, that wouldn't happen. Shaking my head to free me of my thoughts i jumped out of the jeep like car as the beta did, before rounding it and sticking by her side as i had done before our arrival.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:13 am

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; Theo, Jason

The man let out a soft snort at Theo's joke. From what Benji could see this guy was harmless, Blake had just been spooked by the word 'hunter' and he left himself get roweled up by her fear. "Yeah. Would be best to stay outta the woods for now. We all are shook up by everything happening. Sorry ya stopped by at such a sad time. This town is usually such a happy place." Placing Blake back on the ground, Benji let out a soft grunt as he stood up. "Nice meeting you. Hopefully your trip down here isn't a total bust." Grabbing Blake's hand Benji shuffled out of the aisles of seats and gave Theo a wave goodbye. Keeping a tight grip on Blake's hand the medic turned to Jason. "We're gunna pay our respects if ya wanna come." Looking at his niece he gave her a warm smile. "Come on sweetheart." The pair then made their way towards the tree.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Akayuri » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:47 pm

As Lang looked around, a newcomer to the memorial caught her eye, one of the young hunters she had made a note to keep an eye on. Normally when there were this many werewolves killed in such a short span of time it would suggest a werewolf hunter was responsible, usually someone young and ambitious who wanted to make a reputation for themselves. There were a few hunters that certainly fit that bill in Lang's eyes but there was no evidence to suggest anyone had purposely made the the victims look like they were killed by by a werewolf, yet. The department was still waiting on some lab work for the more recent deaths, but postmortem cover ups were not out of the question.

With her best "good cop" attitude she casually walked up to the young hunter and said, " I'm surprised to see you here. Not working at the shop today?"
║The island bathes in the sun's bright rays║

║Distant hills wear a shroud of grey║

║A lonely breeze whispers in the trees║

║Sole witness to history║

║Fleeting memories rise║

║From the shadows of my mind║

║Sing nonomori - endless corridors║

║Say nonomori - hopeless warriors║

║You were there ║
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:34 am

Skylar Aleksandersen | Werewolf I Beta |
tags; Adam

Skylar Aleksandersen did not cry. Some called her tough, others just cold hearted, but nobody appeared to doubt that the fighter - ex-fighter - was steel and ice. Only once she was sure nobody could see her did she let those tears fall. And she refused to let them fall here.
She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't.
Once she'd left the car and entered the park, she made it exactly ten yards before she snapped at a reporter, causing them to stumble backwards at the glacial fury behind the words, only for a more determined reporter to replace them.
"No comment," she repeated, pushing through. Her accent was already beginning to resurface as the crushing grief and the sharp, aching pain of failure hit her.
I won't cry. Not here.
Skylar was so distracted by the crowds that she didn't even realise Adam was still next to her, stuck fast to her side. She almost whirled on him, too - she did not need his protection - but instead, she found herself reaching for his arm, for support.
A seat had been reserved for her at the front, as closest relative of the deceased. Up among the ranks of her step-father's top executives and their families. Among people who frankly couldn't care less. She didn't want to sit there.
Can not we - can't we just... I don't... "
She shook her head and froze. The words wouldn't come.

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic I tags; Benji, Blake
He nodded appreciatively, touched deeply by the invitation. "Ok. Thanks," he replied. With a last glance at the stranger over his shoulder, he took this usual place on Benji's weaker side and matched his pace to his partner's with an apparent ease denoting practice, even if he was almost jogging to keep up. As they approached the stone slab, he was almost surprised by the sheer number of flowers there, and at how much the pair he had known as Greg and Mette had meant to the city. How much the people would miss all of the victims.
Crouching by the plaque, he carefully shifted a beautiful bouquet, so the names could be seen, and bowed his head in respect.

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade | tags; Aurora
He watched them go, his gaze lingering slightly on the limping one. He carried himself like a warrior, despite the leg.
And the reaction of the girl. That, he decided, was suspicious, too.
Theo sighed and shook his head. And suddenly became aware of a woman sitting a stone's throw away.
Normally, he paid little attention to females. It wasn't as if it was against the rules to talk to the ladies. It wasn't. But to love somebody was, in this line of work, to put them in possible danger. If they - the target - were smart and dangerous enough to be Blade targets in the first place, they would certainly be smart enough to track down a girlfriend. Or a wife. So, like the rest of his team, he kept his distance.
But this one - the pretty, alert blonde - caught his eye and held it. A fragile connection he didn't understand.
Theo tore his gaze away, shaking his head yet again. She was a stranger. He'd never seen her before. And once this job was finished, he'd never see her again. The agent wasn't dumb. He knew that.
But, closing his eyes, he made himself a promise to introduce himself. This one was different.

The ceremony still hadn't started. Standing up, he slipped through the remaining crowds - his seat was filled immediately - and, making a show of scanning the assembly for any raining seats, approached Aurora and gestured at the seat beside her.
"Uh, hi. Is it okay if I sit here?"

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby FLYBOY » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:31 pm

James || Human || Hunter || tags;; Detective Lang

    James looked somewhat surprised as he was spoken to, as if she had startled him out of some deep and introspective thought by approaching him. "Oh, hi," he said, somewhat nervously. He wasn't the most social person at the best of times, and he was still feeling rather shaken up by his grisly encounter in the woods earlier that morning. He was off his game, significantly so.
    Lang's face was familiar, though only vaguely so. James had probably seen her in passing once or twice, though he wouldn't say that he really knew her. He knew she was a detective, though, which hardly told him much. He could have gathered that just from glancing in the general direction of the crowd of officers and detectives she'd been milling about with a few minutes ago.
    "Yeah, 's my day off," he told her, rubbing the back of his head and ruffling up his hair. "I figured I should come out here, show our support and all that." It was ironic, really, having to feign a respectful attitude towards what he knew was just another mangy wolf that couldn't terrorize the human citizens any longer. Good riddance. But he was quite good at faking that sort of thing. It came with practice; whenever he and the other hunters brought down a wolf, someone in the community died or vanished under mysterious circumstances. They attended funerals and memorials, they bought flowers, they said their condolences, and they moved on to pick the next target. As James watched the scene, he couldn't help but wonder if the next to be hunted down was among the crowd right now.

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( ♚ ❝ shoot me down, but i won't fall !! ) 004

Postby hellb0und » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:47 pm

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // theo.
            "i am as deadly as fire itself."

      As cameras flash and reporters continue scurrying around, I leave my face completely wiped of emotions. In fact, I appear bored. Though my gaze shifts to an unfamiliar male as he awkwardly inquires if anyone was sitting next to me. After I turn towards him I look away, expecting him to take a hint. Thinking silently and to myself. I've never seen him before, though just seconds ago I overheard his voice. He was originally speaking to a few fellow pack members. What he said I am unable to pinpoint exactly, between the crowds and the news reporters it's rather hard to hear. Out of the corner of my eye I see him still standing there. Stifling a growl, I continue to not speak. Why did he care to sit next to me anyway? There were plenty of open seats. Plus, who knows, he could abruptly pull out a weapon and threaten to shoot. What his true intentions were remained a mystery, the possibilities really were endless. I remain in the dark on who this person is. I find myself grinding my teeth out of frustration that he's remained this entire time. Maybe he's just that stubborn. Either way I hold my ground as much as he does, not casting another glance his way.

      (May not be the greatest post ever, rather tired. Either way here it is.)
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