[ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

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[ ━♟ ] Huxler [ ♙━ iii.]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:35 am

      [age: twenty // nname: hux] - [location: lighthouse balcony] - [mentions: gabriel, ] // [tags: celestia, robert, tobias]
          Huxler swayed from one foot to the other, his particularly nasty case of ADHD making it impossible for the master of void to stand still for longer than half a minute. You'd think that he was capable of standing still as a rock if he needed to, but that just wasn't the case. Sometimes he wondered how he'd even become such a great thief. Before he'd matured into such a powerful entity of stupidity and emptiness, he relied on actual skill to pick wallets and locks. He developed a fanatic, almost fetish-like, thrill when it came to getting his hands on something that didn't belong to him. At first, it was food from stands at farmer's markets and his older brother frowned on it, but didn't say anything. Why would he? Huxler's sticky fingers were feeding the siblings that his drunk pill ridden mother kept spewing out like a geyser. Pleasant image? He thought so. However, from apples to loaves of bread to wallets to Rollex watches and then to keys and information. Not even people's houses were safe from his newfound hobby. Then Huxler got caught..... again.. for the fifth time. He was no longer a kid then and there'd been no room for a fifteen year old that was costing more in fines than he was worth. So, he left upon his brother's request which had been more of a threat at the time since Huxler, while he hadn't been rebellious at the time, hadn't been taking the situation seriously like always.

          By then he'd been tripping over air, and once or twice, he'd accidentally open up a rift. A couple months on his own and Huxler was experimenting with these weird phenomenons. He continued to do this until he met somebody who took an interest in him on the streets. The boy had been around Huxler's age, maybe even a little younger. The first time Huxler witnessed the potential of his element had been when Russell snapped his fingers and a wallet fell out of some invisible pocket in the air and into his hand. And that was pretty much it. Russell helped him grasp his powers and together they started pulling off bigger and bigger heists. A void user can do a lot when it comes to burglary. Two void users can do anything. But like everything, their party had to end at some point. The UNRD was becoming much more of a problem and power holders across the world were being taken in for 'questioning'. Hux imagined that most of the people here had had a similar experience before they were taken to Act V, or in some cases joined up willingly. Huxler wishes to this day that he'd never met Russell. Call it survivors guilt. Or maybe just plain old fashioned guilt. Whatever. Long time ago. Yada yada. Act V prevails. The end.

          And now he to deal with stupid people like Tobias saying stupid people things. The thief rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee, staring the man down with an admittedly brighter expression than he would have liked. "No, you idiot. Not friends with Act V. Friends with Gabriel. Look, I don't like Act V just as much as you don't. But that's because I don't like anybody, not a lot anyways. I don't like being stuck here. I actually hate being stuck here." He took his hardened gaze away from Tobias and turned to look at the ocean instead, pretty damn sure that his hair was stick up due to Tobias' electricity. Ignore it. He did the opposite of what his his conscience told him, like always, and brought a hand up to fix his admittedly curly hair, growling when the action made it worse. You were told to ignore it. Oh, shut up. Where had he been? Oh yeah. Dumb pointless speech. "Look, the point is. Gabriel's an idiot. He always has been. Why do you think I don't do anything he tells me too? And don't say that I don't do anything anybody tells me to do. I.. know that already. He's an idiot, but he's not the bad guy. Not our bad guy." Hux was specifically looking at the ocean because he didn't like looking at the expressions Tobias had begun capable of lately. Who would? Being around Tobias was like being around a dog who never stopped snarling. It was all it ever did so you never knew if it'd bite or it was just being stubbornly malicious for no real reason.

          Eventually though, when he heard the comment about a bank, Hux could grin back over at the man. "Come on, Tobias. Don't make fun of me like that. Give me a real challenge." Huxler had robbed countless banks in his life, especially when he'd been running around with Russell. It wasn't until just before the shatter point in his partnered career that the two had started going bigger than cash grabs. Talking information. Big business. Weapons. Anything life threatening and demanding perfect execution. That was Huxler's cup of tea. But while Russell had been a fighter, Hux was a runner. He'd always been a runner. Everything about Hux let him get from one place to another. From poor to rich. From free to imprisoned to free again. From here to there. So maybe that's why Huxler was so on edge while stuck here. He didn't know what to do with himself so he ended up thinking a lot. And people not designed to be thinkers should never have to get stuck in their own heads. Huxler looked up at Tobias and frowned when he noticed that the creeper was staring at him, no.. more like into him. "Hey, stop looking at me like that. You heard what I said about your powers. No thanks, man." he wondered how well he'd be able to counter Tobias' powers if the other were to really induce some sort of irrational anger within him. He didn't know because he'd never let that happen to him before. In fact, he was particularly good at getting out of range of people's powers. But Huxler was unnaturally empty and he wondered how well... wait, no. When it came to Tobias, Huxler was always able to reach deep in and pull out some anger. He sighed and felt his shoulders relax when a familiar voice brought him out of his head.

          "Oh thank God. Mum, this stranger keeps asking me if I want his candy. I don't want the bad man's candy, mum," he pouted dramatically and pointed at the big bad candy man before his face split into a grin. His mood always exponentially rose whenever Celestia popped into the picture. If he would find himself following anybody, it would be this woman. She understood him probably more than anybody did. You know, once upon a time he would have said that Tobias took that role to the next level but every day they had less and less in common. Huxler was getting better - hopefully - and it seemed the other guy was only getting worse. He fell in beside Robert and used the boy's shoulder as an arm rest. However, he ended up scowling and muttering something under his breath, "Freakishly tall lovable ba****d." Being easily the shortest guy on the island at 5'10", it wasn't practical to use any of the other guys as an arm rest. So, he moved over to the next best thing, giving Robert a friendly little dog-like pat on the head, before hopping over to Celestia and using the smaller girl for purposes previously described. Quiet and content to get off Tobias' radar for now, Hux listened to the girl nag at him. However, his mouth fell open and he covered his mouth in feigned offense. "She sounds nothing like me, Tobias. My voice is much more charming than Blaze's. Face it, Irish. Wins every bloody time."

          His eyes were enveloped in mischeif as he allowed a side of him to come out that always did when he was around the girl. By himself, he felt... too himself. And since he wasn't very fond of himself lately, he didn't know what he was doing half the time. This was more comfortable and there was no way his thoughts about Tobias would keep him in the mud. Nope, just bury the issues under copious amounts of obnoxious diatribe and pointless comments. He was about halfway done with his coffee and he did have to raise his finger pointedly one more time as he eyed the other with that piece of glass, or lightening, or whatever it was. His eyes narrowed and he cursed under his breath, wondering what the guy could possibly want with a dangerous piece of glass. "Oi, don't make me confiscate that. I'm serious even if my face doesn't do a very good job showing it. Stop picking fights, Tobias. You know how I feel about fighting and getting involved. Don't want to, but I will... Isn't change refreshing?" There was a certain amount of resentment in his voice as he mixed it with sarcasm and a bit of his humor. But he was also serious. And Huxler Washington hated being serious.
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Postby cyborgishly » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:40 am

gabriel ♙ king
    he's like a wall made of steel, too cold to touch but not much to feel
      location: ocean >> tagged: debs, tobias >> mentioned: hux, celestia, robert, tobias

        while the others were busy talking about his and tobias'...encounter, Gabriel was busy enjoying his fish salad sandwich. Hux filtered in and out of the small room, celestia and Robert left to go hike and debs was nowhere to found. At least she wasn't until she appeared in the kitchen. Gabriel didn't lift his head, assuming that she wasn't going to talk to him like the others. She washed her cup and he ate in silence, wincing as he lifted his arm. The jolt from Tobias hurt. Even with the cream on it, the burn was hot to the touch and stung badly. A slight frown was all he wore on his face, an expert at masking his pain, physical and emotional. The fish that Tobias decided to cook up was alright, tasting of the sea while also tasting charred. Gabriel didn't care; food was food. Gabriel liked growing his own food, liking the fresh taste over the processed charm of canned and store bought goods. He tried to be as healthy as possible, occasionally indulging in the luxuries of black coffee and tea, sometimes sugary sweets.

        Debs speaking to him came as pure shock to the leader, even more surprised at her joking attitude. His mouth twitched at the joke, the corners of his lips jerking into a small, quick smile. "Yeah, he tastes pretty okay though. I think all the fish left the shore for a while. Didn't want to suffer the same fate," he murmured, flicking his gaze over to her. He was grateful for the company she brought, feeling abandoned ever since they've arrived on the island. "I think hux likes to exaggerate," he retorted back, a small huff coming from his lips. He was surprised hux even made her check up on him. then again, she was probably only here because of hux.

        At the mention of the wound, he looked down. It spanned from near the top of his right shoulder, trailing down to just above his elbow until it moved just below his pectoral and across his ribs, stopping where his left ribs started. It was blistering red, even underneath the cream. He saw Debs' face trail to one of his many scars, his face frowning. "No, it's okay. You don't need to if you don't want to. I'll be okay," he murmured, his attention turning back to his breakfast. He highly doubted she wanted to heal him, and if she didn't want to, then he wouldn't want her to. Stubborn he was, but he wasn't going to make someone help him if they didn't want to, unless it benefitted the team. Healing his wound didn't really benefit anyone besides him. "If you could just get me a cool washcloth, that would be great." A cool washcloth would do him good, hopefully. Maybe it would take some of the sting and heat away. "Thanks for the offer," he added, looking back up at her. She didn't have to talk to him or offer to heal him. He appreciated it nonetheless.

        Not a split second later, Gabriel felt the earth shake. His gaze flicked over to where he left Tobias, a bright light emminating from the spot. A growl issued from his throat, his body tense. "I'll see you later, Debs," he murmured, leaving his breakfast at the table. The leader stormed from the lighthouse, feeling attacked. Tobias attacked the earth on purpose, Gabriel taking it as a personal offense. While he didn't like harming another living thing, Tobias wanted a fight, and he was going to get one.

        Gabriel stomped over to the croud of people on the beach, pushing his way in. "This your challenge of a fight, Tobias?" The leader growled, the ground beneath them shaking. He noticed the object in his hand, making sure that Tobias would come nowhere near to hitting him with it. "You attacked the earth, you attacked me. If a fight is what you want, a fight is what you'll get." His eyes were focused on none other than Tobias, ready for an attack.
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[ ━♟ ] Celestia [4] [ ♙━ ]

Postby lykos brethren » Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:18 pm

( nname ) blaze, winters & snow xxx ( role ) co-leader
xxx ( element ) pyrokinesis xxx ( speciality ) telekinesis and sensory deprivation

      celestia looked at the two and her gaze landed on Tobias as he spoke and chuckled. However, the feeling of the air sparking with more energy made her weary. Although, she had no real need to worry with the sense that she trusted tobias dearly, much like that of a sibling or older brother. ”Seems that way. I may need to give you some pointers.” she joked lightly as she unfolded her arms and let them loosely relax by her sides. Looking back at hux, she heard his comment about Robert being freakishly tall and laughed. ”Just cause you’re a shortass.” she poked at the thief. Her eyes locking onto him as a coy smirk played on her lips. She watched as he moved to her and shook her head, ”Hey, just because im shorter than you by two inches doesn’t mean you can use me to make your ego feel better,” she held her hands out in front of her and stepped back from hux. However, sighed as he came beside her anyways. She rolled her eyes and shoved him playfully like she usually did, but sometime innocent little shoves can end in her using her telekinesis to shove him pretty far. Nothing funnier than seeing hux’s reaction when she does. Always cracked her up, when she managed to catch him by surprise. It may not be often, but she still enjoyed it nonetheless.

      Looking at tobias, she saw him kneel down on the ground, she felt concern take over her emotions. She wanted to step forward but she knew how dangerous that can be with the electric sparks about. It would definitely cause from dangerous harm to her if she tried to step forward and help, let along place a hand on tobias’ shoulder. So, all she could do was stand back and watch. She knew that tobias could control it if he put his mind to it, she has watched him numerous of times. Not only that, but she has taught him in some aspects on how to contain and control it. Well, the best she could anyways, since she had a completely different ability to him. Nonetheless, the training seemed to be similar in some aspects. She watched as the ground below him glowed, and the smell of ozone was evident and caused her to scrunched up her nose. Wasn’t the greatest smells to say the least, nor the healthiest to smell. ”tobias, calm down.” she spoke calmly, as she mentally remembered that Gabriel controlled earth so would this harm him in some way? Hopefully not.

      Slowly, but surely, she saw tobias stand and hold what looked like glass? She couldn’t be too sure, or was it lightening since tobias controlled lightening/electricity. Ah who cares, all she cared was that it look didn’t look that…friendly. Hearing, tobias, comment then about her sounding like hux made her smile. But soon, heard hux protest in feigned offense, she rolled her eyes at him. It was funny to hear him say her nickname, but she didn’t mind he did or tobias by that matter. However, a lot of people she didn’t like when they called her blaze especially. ”does it count that I have ancient ancestors that were irish, and I can put on an accent?” she asked with a smirk before she spoke again, ”ah, what a fine lass we have here,” she spoke in a thick irish accent as she circled around hux and laughed lightly before standing by his side again. Her gaze looked at tobias and finally took in his intentions for the glass or whatever it was. The look on his face deathly serious and as though as she was about to kill someone. More specifically, Gabriel. oh no! she thought. I know that look she sighed mentally and cursed at the same time hux did. jink she thought with a small laugh. Hearing hux’s comment to the glass she crossed her arms over her chest, surprised at how serious hux was being. He wasn’t usually ever serious, seriously he wasn’t. ”come on, tobias, we don’t need these fights. I know Gabriel is a pain in the butt, but we got to focus on more important matters than him,” she tried to convince tobias calmly. Her arms falling by her arms and her facial expressions becoming soft in nature and a small tender smile on her lips. Something she usually never shows that side of her to anyone, only a select few do. Celestia opened her mouth and went to say something, but stopped herself. It wouldn’t be a good idea to bring up evie. She knew how tobias would react and she didn’t know if it would be anger or sadness. Celestia knew the other woman for the last few months of her days, and considered her a good friend. So she knew how tobias felt somewhat, well not to the extent like the way he was with her. But she did consider evie a good friend and one of the few she trusted. Since not many girls were in act v.

      Suddenly, hearing loud footsteps she turned her head and saw Gabriel stomp over to the small group straight to tobias. ”Oh great, this is just friggin frantastic!” she blurted and threw her hands up in the air. ”Why me?” she groaned as she face palmed. Why did boys have to be so egotistic with their overflow of testosterone? She looked at hux and Robert and sighed before moving over to the two. ”hey, cut it out. Stop being children and sort this out like rational human beings.” she spat in annoyance, why did she have to be the peacekeeper? Wasn’t a leader meant to be coolheaded and sort out these situations without resorting violence. ”Don’t make me block out your senses until you come around.” she threatened and crossed her arms over her chest as her silver gaze flickered between the two. Her eyes narrowed, ”and don’t you dare think I wont.” she growled lowly, ”im tired of dealing with this crap.” her eyes holding onto Gabriel for a bit before looking at tobias. Almost pleading for him to calm down and to not do anything rash. She trusted him to calm down more than Gabriel which clearly said how she felt about Gabriel. Her gaze then looked at Gabriel again, deathly serious and plain as a sheet of paper with no emotions to read. ”back down Gabriel.” her voice low and dangerous as she kept her gaze locked on him. Waiting to hear or see what he will do in response to her confronting him. let’s see how this goes down she thought with a small annoyance as she stood right inbetween the two males.

Last edited by lykos brethren on Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

Postby Bushranger » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:16 pm


    Name: Robert Alexander Floodxxx

    Nickname - Rob
    Gender - Male
    Role - The Brains
    Crush - Celestia


                  Robert stood rather silently as he listended to the conversation unfold. He could tell Tensions were rising between Tobias and Gabriel again, he could feel it in the air. The feeling of static had not left him since he had apprached the man, and it seemed to be only getting worse and worse. He sighed, and tried to keep his mind off the current events, as best he could atleast. With all this tension, and gabriels rather agressive demeanor, he wouldnt put it past the two of them to fight again when they each got the chance. He knew fighting was inevitable sometimes, but he wished it didnt have to boil down to rage and fights for show of dominance. Though, he knew not everyone was the same. Robert wondered for some moments, maybe that agressive side is somthing he needed. He wasnt sure, as he had his own strengths, that could in some cases make up for it. Looking towards the lighthouse, Robert saw Huxler move twards him, casualy trying to lean up against his shoulder. It was no use, he was to short. he heard his comment and rolled his eyes with a smile, before he saw him walk off to Celestia. He assumed he would do the same. He couldnt help but feel Jealous. He winced a little with distate and looked away.

                  Robert felt the electricity in the air begin to pick up, and he turned and watched as Tobias fell to his knees, discharging the static and electricity into the sand beneath him. Robert felt the airpressure rise, as the sand heated and rippled beneath his feet. Little bolts flew from Tobias' body, and robert stepped back to avoid catching one. He knew what he had done wasnt good. He could feel it. Turning towards the lighthouse again, he could feel that Gabiel had felt what happend. His powers gave him an insight into his emotions for some moments, and all he could feel was rage. Robert swallowed his fear, and turned to the others. He heard Tobias' comment, but he ignored it. He didnt want to deal with some petty comments at the moment. Right now, he was preparing for what would come next.

                  Taking a step towards the group, he looked down as he felt the ground rack beneath him. The surface of the sand had melted around Tobias, arcs of glass shot out of the ground where the electricity had fired it untill it meleted into form. It cracked and crunched beneath his feet. Hell, if thats what Tobias does to sand, i wonder how Gabriel survived he thought to himself, as he raised his Eyebrow. Robert heard Celestia and Huxler, as they tried to calm Tobias down somewhat. She was right, there were more important matters at hand at the moment than some petty battle between allies. Thats what they were, werent they? Allies?. He hoped the others felt the same way, but with this fighting recently, he was starting to second guess everyone.

                  Robert turned as he heard someone approaching, he could feel an aura of anger surround them as the man approached. It was Gabirel. And he was not a happy chappy. He heard the anger in his voice as he called for Tobias for a fight. Roberts heart dropped with dread as he could just feel what would come next. It was like one of those old western standoffs, the two duelers looking into eachothers eyes with malice as everyone stood back and watched silently. Robert wasnt going to just sit back for much longer. He tensed hsi body, and faced his palms towards the ground, and displaced the air below him, pushing his body upwards into the air. A cloud of dust replaced his spot on the ground, and he hovered above the others and Gabirel approached. Looking down at them, he knew somthing had to be done. Looking at Gabirel, as much as he disliked him sometimes, he felt he had to try and calm him down before someone got hurt. He conencted to his mind with his Telepathic powers, and was almost pushed out by his rage. Robert held his spot, and was able to talk. From the air above him, he spoke to him through their minds; a Neural Connection. "Gabirel, He said, as he heard his voice echo between their minds, "You dont want to do this. Someone will get hurt. We are allies!" he continued, his voice getting more and more drastic as he spoke. He knew what he said probably wouldnt get through to him, but he could only hope it would help.

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    [ ♙ // iii ]

    Postby rogue, » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:00 am

        ( ⚡⚡i//iTOBIAS REEVES
        [ gender || male ]xi[ age || twenty-two ]xi[ role || combat ]xi[ power || electrokinesis ]xi[ speciality || violence induc. & intuitive apt. ]
        [ location || beach shore ]xi[ tags || gabriel, huxler, celestia & robert ]xi[ mentions || deborah ]

        The electrical conduit couldn't help but to grin at Huxler's inability to stay still. While they were both jittery for two very different reasons, it seemed like they just couldn't stop the similarities they shared. Once upon a time, they'd been the perfect mirror of one another. Reckless, rebellious, and all of those things associated with the latter prince of void. Hadn't they planned to pull off a heist once or twice beforehand? Void and Electricity. Oh! The worlds they could have built between them! An empire. Huxler could have been the king, Tobias would've settled for a lesser title, perhaps a soldier, a knight with his very own queen alongside him. "Not friends," Toby reiterated. More like enemies. The poor little electric Tobias couldn't distinguish Gabriel from Act V, and that's where his problems seemed to originate from. Act V. He swore under his breath and curled his hand into a fist. "Then why don't you leave? You can, can't you? You could walk right off this island in your void. Stay there for weeks, months, hell, years. You could escape it all, Huxler!" after a brief pause, he shrugged his shoulders and hopped from foot to foot. "I mean, they'd kill you, but you could try." He had been about to call out the island, the things he felt in the atmosphere in the dense forests, but held his tongue for the sake of his sanity. The outward appearances spoke enough of his mental state, and he'd rather not have Huxler believing he had lost it completely. Why do you think I don't do anything he tells me too? Oh, because Hux was a rebellious character, wasn't he? "There are no good guys in this game, Hux," his head quirked at an unnatural angle, and his smile matched it. Not that the void prince would see; his eyes were elsewhere. On the ocean, and not focused on him.

        "You want a challenge?" Alcatraz. That was one. Free the criminals back when there were criminals. Fort Knox. That was another one. But no, Toby had other ideas. "This island. Can you take another in the void? Ever tried?" Sizing up his powers, perchance? No, because Tobias couldn't -- wouldn't -- go against Act V's orders to remain on his island paradise. He was too afraid. But not with his fellow friends. Except for Gabriel, Gabriel was most certainly not his friend. "Oh, Hux! You've never even seen it work, aren't you the least bit curious?" Well, Tobias was certainly curious as to the man's powers. How they worked, how did he manage to bend space and tear a hole through it? What did that entail? And just what did the void look like to him? Was it a black and white version of their world, or was it like walking in the darkness, where you had to judge your steps before you reappeared? Surely either option was disorientating enough, and he wondered how Hux wasn't sick at least ninety percent of the time. Though, he soon veered from his violence dial, and instead turned to his more visible element. "My electric? We're all made of chemical and electrical impulses," Tobias was happy to demonstrate, too. With a little fizzle of electricity aimed towards his arm. Nothing of the calibre of the power he'd unleashed upon Gabriel, though -- gods, no -- not enough for it to even hurt Huxler. Just enough for the hairs on his arm to raise and spike his heart rate for a heartbeat. His aim wasn't to hurt him. "But did you know, that it only takes one short circuit, one interruption for three whole seconds in that network to kill someone?" The smile was struck from his face, lips quivering. "Did you know that? I did." But it wasn't a threat, nor an intimidation tactic. No, Tobias sounded awfully hollow. Act V knew that. And Act V used him as a weapon. They used them all as weapons. To them, none of these people were human. If said organisation cared for them, why abandon them on an island full of creatures? To die, that's why. To kill one another, or die by those things that felt wrong. They had all outlived their usefulness. Left on the shelf for another day.

        Rather luckily, or unluckily depending on your persuasion, Huxler had taken to Robert and Celestia far more than him. Safe bet. The air around Toby wasn't a safe thing at the best of times. "Do tell, what tricks of the trade can you teach me?" scratching at his neck, he turned to Celestia, posing his question to her. They were happy among themselves, and more or less, didn't need Toby and his bloody self-pity right about now. When the conversation turned to their voices, he grinned, sharp-eyed and even more erratic than before. "She's the perfect replica of you." Her imitation was an amusing thing indeed, and oh, he had to be thankful for the light spin she always managed to put on things.

        What did he expect from the combat expert? He was forged from lightning to fight. It was in his damn blood to fight, the knowledge pressed into the dark corners of his scarred little heart. They each had their own talent, forte, if you will. Hux had his ways with stealth, Debs had her darkness, and Tobias had his fighting prowess. It was woven into his very soul, right alongside the electrical fuel source. Intemperate electrical conduit. Get it together, Reeves! "You want it? Take it, Hux," he growled at the serious tone Huxler had taken to. How self-righteous of him. Toby squeezed the branch of glass once more before tossing it at the man's feet in the sand. "You'll have more use for it, anyway. Besides, I don't need it. I only need, three, seconds." Counted them down on his fingers, curling his hand into a fist in the end. "I would love to calm down, Celestia," his body shook, "and yet--" he was interrupted by a growl he hadn't realised he'd emitted. A warning. She wanted to comfort him, he just knew it, but he didn't trust himself around another person susceptible to his powers, and he wanted her safe. They were like siblings, and with it, came a strange bond of loyalty between the two. Celestia helped him with his feelings, with his control of those violent powers and their sweet, sweet promises of darkness. In turn, he taught her battle techniques and strategies. They had a good thing going, and he wasn't looking to ruin it because of the urge to fry something. There was far too much electricity for him to contend with, dammit. And with nothing to ground him, no orders, no mission, no Evie, he was steadily losing his mind on this island. He wanted to just scream the pain away. Why didn't Celestia just drop him into that pit of oblivion? That would have been the easiest solution in this situation.

        You couldn't just lock people up on an island and expect them all to keep to themselves, did they? Fools. All of them. All of Act V.

        As usual, he felt Gabriel's presence through his extended energy. Fear, bitter and painful fear, alighted in the golds of his eyes and swirled in the far reaches of black. And through it, shone a pinprick of pure, untainted panic. The embodiment of Act V, here, in front of him and issuing him with a demand. "Is that an order?" he paced to the side, pivoted on his heel, and continued on his path. He needed to ground it, ground himself. And the only way he knew how was with the organised chaos of a fight. White teeth rattled in his skull as his heart flooded his blood with much-needed electric. Combat was Tobias' very own game; others were simply playing at it. But Gabriel? Act V? Trepidation gave way to a schism in his mind: and opened up that hidden well of volatility. A bolt fired from his palm into the nearest tree, scorching the life from it in no time. Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods. Tobias swore, louder this time around because he hadn't meant for that to happen, he hadn't, no, no, no. That... no, he didn't do that it wasn't him.

        That shouldn't have happened, Toby. But it did happen. Why did you let it happen, Toby? He didn't just let it, he embraced it. Where did your light go, Toby? Snuffed out, along with Evie. He roared at the hiss of air, at the sand-cloud puff that shot upwards in a horrid plume between the two adversaries. A trail of fragments followed the man in an odd, vertical line, left behind by Robert who now hovered in the air. Would you look at that. He shot up. Just like lightning. That was a thought and a half! Could Robert sense others, their feelings, emotions, whatever else, through the air the same way in which Toby could? The pretty light rays of his powers told him to just zap the man from the air and get rid of the hindrance in their way. He was an obstruction, and he needed to go. Maybe throw another one of those shimmering glass shards at him. Just what was that pious idiot up to?

        To hell with it all. Combat was his speciality. Let's see how well Act V's diligent little attack dog dealt with their weapon of choice, hmm? Tobias tuned in with Gabriel's inner anger, his levels of violence, grinning a wolfish grin. High enough. But, there was always room for improvement, wasn't there? Toby held the dial in his mind, and twisted it all the way up.
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    Postby cyborgishly » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:18 am

    gabriel ♙ king
      he's like a wall made of steel, too cold to touch but not much to feel
        location: ocean >> tagged: tobias, Celestia, Robert >> mentioned: celestia, robert

          "stop being so dramatic, Celestia," Gabriel snapped, cutting his eyes at her. "Like you know how a rational human being acts." His temper was short, even shorter now that Celestia kept talking. She could threaten him all she wanted, he didn't care. Tobias made an attack on him, purposely striking the ground, the the earth. Tobias made an attack solely for him and Gabriel wasn't going to let himself be walked all over. Today was not going to be the day the earth stood still. Today was the day the earth fought back. "Do it, then," he growled. "Take away my senses, Celestia. I dare you." He faced Tobias once more, growling at him. The sand was just a warning. He could do more damage to Tobias than Tobias did to him, but he chose not to. He didn't like harming others unless he had to, and this was a have to. "I'm not going to back away. If you were smart, you'd back away." Gabriel noticed Robert, or his replacement, hovering above them. He didn't care for the man whatsoever. He got his nose into things that he didn't need to get his nose into, making the leader annoyed. Celestia should find someone more suitable and someone less like him.

          The echo he heard in his mind was no voice other than Robert's. Telepathy was one power he couldn't stand. He tried, hard, to shut him out, but he still came through. Gabriel slammed his hands over his ears, bending over and squeezing his eyes shut. After a few words, Gabriel exploded.

          "Get out of my head!!!!" The leader roared, the ground shaking under them. Telepathy reminded him of his past, a part that he didn't want to remember. His hands were balled into fists, his breathing shallow. ""Someone did get hurt, you idiot!!! Tobias struck me first before he attacked the earth!!!!" He yelled, pointing to the burn on his body. "Allies??" The leader laughed at the thought. They weren't allies. Maybe Tobias, Robert, Hux, Debs and Celestia were allies, but he was cast on an island all his own. "We may fight as a team, but we aren't allies. You all have ganged up against me, Robert. You all decided that when you decided to hate me," he snapped, seconds away from yanking the male from the air and pounding him into sand. "Don't tell me that we are allies when, clearly, we are separated."

          Gabriel didn't notice the words Tobias murmured, too focused on the others, but he heard the sickening crack of lightning, setting the nearest tree aflame. Oh, Tobias was asking for it. He didn't care anymore. Tobias was going to get wrecked. Gabriel could feel the blood boiling in his system, the rage coursing through his veins. His body heated up, steam practically ebbing off his body. A meaty fist landed in Tobias' abdomen, a guttural growl emminating from his throat. Vines snapped up from the earth, snaking around tobias' ankles. Gabriel's pupils were dialated to the rim, his body tense. Violence stemmed from his limbs, almost acting like a wild animal. He sent a heavy rocks flying to hit the man, sending a couple of well placed fists as well. He didn't feel like himself, his rage magnified by ten. He didn't stop trying to attack Tobias, not thinking about his actions like he usually did. He was filled with rage that had bubbled over, unable to stop it.

          Soon Gabriel pinned the male to the ground, putting heavy mounds of rock on tobias' forearms. Tobias was going to pay. He wasn't going to get away with hurting him again. His teeth were bared and almost ready to clamp, ready to attack. Once he had Tobias pinned well, a vine snaked around his body, much like a snake. His face was inches from tobias', glaring at the other. The green snake roped around tobias' neck, daring to pull tighter. "Attack me again," the leader growled, his voice husky with rage. "That's an order."
    Last edited by cyborgishly on Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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    [ ━♟ ] Huxler [ ♙━ iv.]

    Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:26 pm

        [age: twenty // nname: hux] - [location: lighthouse balcony] - [mentions: robert] // [tags: celestia, tobias, gabriel]
            Huxler listened with a bright smile when Celestia shot back at him a response with what must have been the most beautiful Irish accent he'd heard in years. Simply because it was the only Irish accent he'd heard in years. He wasn't in Kansas anymore as this island would like him to believe. It was almost painfully reminiscent of his old home. He had to wonder if they were anywhere near the Emerald isle. Though he had no way of knowing. Homesickness didn't come often anymore, and he liked to joke about his old home more than he liked to talk about it. He liked to perpetuate Irish stereotypes by saying stupid things like 'Top O' the Mornin' to Ya' even though he'd never actually heard somebody other than a tourist trying to be cheeky say that. But he had to admit, her accent played nicely in his ears, and he jokingly clutched his hand to his heart, "Aye, a woman after my own heart, you are. If any of you'd like the secret on how to talk dirty to me," he said, waggling his eyebrows and shooting a glance over to the trio near him. He could only laugh at what Robert must be thinking. It was funny that things like crushes could exist on this island, and even though he couldn't see himself actually hooking up with his best friend, he figured that Robert would do her good. Especially after the train wreck relationship that had been her and Gabriel. He used this humor to momentarily distract himself from what was currently going on.

            But he had to be reminded that Tobias was still very capable of popping into a writhing mass of anger fueled hate fumes. He laughed at the image in his head of the taller mass of destruction rolling around, having a tantrum of sorts. Of course, it was only an image in his head. The reality of a Tobias tantrum was much scarier, and once upon a time, Huxler would have peaced himself out of the situation so quickly. His mind thought about Tobias' challenge. He hadn't answered. The mere alteration of atmosphere and space would likely cause any passenger of his' lungs to collapse or brain cells to burst. There was a curiosity in Toby's eyes that intrigued Hux, though. Did that grump really care what he was capable of? Huxler still didn't know for sure but he didn't want to make a mistake. Really bad things happened when he made mistakes with his element. It was absence itself. Devoid of life, molecules, and substance. It was a vacuous space that Huxler could only peek into when he dared step inside of it. But he was able to do a seemingly infinite amount of things because of that. All he needed was strength and motivation, something he rarely sought after. As of now, the thief could last merely seconds in a place as absent as the void. Huxler had been wondering how to prolong the amount of time he could survive there. In the end, he'd thought of at least five possible ways - each of which he was too scared to try for now. He'd have a one time shot at making it work, and if he failed, there's no telling what would happen to him. He'd probably just end up kicking the bucket. Still, if he was able to do what he thought he might be able to, it would serve as a possible means to take somebody into the void with him and have them come back out the other side - marginally in one piece. A challenge was something though, and he only stopped thinking about it when his head swiveled to attention.

            Hux's eyes bore into the jagged branch of glass, and he flinched when it landed at his feet. Though, Hux was soon to roll his eyes, and he couldn't help but glaring at the other. What's wrong with you? It was almost as if his mind was pleading words that he'd never spit out externally. Irrational bits of anger flared up from his person, and while he stood by to listen to Robert as the brains adopted his own say in the matter, he wasn't paying attention. He would have made some snarky comment but he was a bit too focused on everything around him. As expected, he saw Gabriel appear, and there was an anger in the leader's eyes that Hux couldn't even know was attainable. Still, if that was his leader. He didn't want to look at the guy who was already hollow and angry on a daily basis. But he did anyways, and he regretted it when the lad barked out words to accept Gabe's challenge. Should Hux have done something at the time when he knew exactly what was going on in Tobias' head? Huxler knew well enough what internal conflict was like. It was a battle that you would always be on the losing side of. No matter what you did. If you were alone, or if you felt alone, you would lose against the demons in your head. His fingers twitched as every ounce in his body decided whether he'd fight or take flight. It would be easier to run. It would be pointless to fight. So much of Hux knew how pointless everything was.

            People died. It was a thing that happened and it sucked. He would die someday, but he sure as hell had never wanted to die some stupid martyr. I guess that's why an admittedly clinically depressed master of the void was able to stay alive when so many other people had died. He thought that dying was just as pointless as living most days, and he filled it with things that would keep him preoccupied. He was empty inside and constantly looking to be filled. He still didn't believe that filling the empty bits with people that cared about him would fix anything, because people died too. He didn't want to make some stupid connection like Tobias had and end up the same angry hollow mess. He was fine with just being an obnoxious loudmouthed hollow mess, thank you very much. So fighting was stupid. Getting involved was stupid. Huxler was stupid. But as soon as Gabriel had Tobias pinned against the ground with rocks, and the vine snake coiled around his old friend's neck, Hux made his decision. In one movement he took one step at the speed of light to seemingly appear behind Gabriel. Then he gripped the back of Gabriel's bare neck, baring his teeth at an unknown pain he was feeling within himself. And at the same time, he began to allow his very personal void seep into Gabriels' body.

            Imagine it like this. The element is a hole that needs to be filled and whatever it touches, gets ultimately stolen and locked away in the plane that only void users are biologically capable of visiting. Huxler isn't being completely dramatic when he says that he feels empty. The void runs through him, and has become more and more a part of him as he grows older. His body has acclimatized to having this passive emptiness reside within him his whole life. It's as natural as his red blood cell count. The element moves through him like its own intangible bloodstream. Now, when he transfers that same void-like bloodstream into somebody else's body, they aren't capable of coexisting with such a vacuous element traveling through their blood. The cell sized beads of void that were usually within Huxler would sap at Gabriels' oxygenated blood cells until he would be rendered into a state of unconsciousness. This was the same move Huxler did when he needed to put a nosy guard to sleep on a heist. The process only needed a four second touch from Hux to be put into effect, but it wouldn't actually work on the other until three minutes came and went. He risked holding his hand to Gabriel's neck for a bit longer than four seconds to say, "You have three minutes to release your frustrations out on each other, hopefully just verbally. Either of you die, you'll both regret it you morons." And because Hux was all about fairness, he zipped past Gabriel and appeared kneeling by Tobias' forehead, doing the exact same thing by placing his hand there as if he were checking for a temperature. His rare piercing gaze fell on Tobias' and he shook his head resentfully as he witnessed the aggression hiding beneath the guy's surface. Idiot. Cosmic speed was definitely something he'd learned to take advantage of, especially when dealing with people who held powers much more destructive than him. But finally, he just had to zap away and stand neatly beside Celestia, staring at his fingernails in boredom, hiding his frustrations. Besides, how much more damage could these two guys do in three minutes?
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    Re: [ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

    Postby Bushranger » Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:36 pm


      Name: Robert Alexander Floodxxx

      Nickname - Rob
      Gender - Male
      Role - The Brains
      Crush - Celestia


                    Roberts brows furrowed as he was pushed out of Gabriels mind by blind anger and frustration. He could feel his emotions flow though his body, like a hot wave of energy. He heard his booming comments from his areal vantage point, and he stood his ground (or lack thereof). Gabriel bad a point, Tobias had struck first. They were both idiots. But that wasnt what he meant when he said someone would get hurt. Robert was afraid of them killing eachother, ripping eachother limb from limb. He knew they were capable of such acts, even Robert was if he was pushed to that extreme. Roberts heart pounded against the walls of his chest, adrenaline flowing through him. He sighed and calmed his breath. "I dont hate you, Gabriel", he started, "None of us hate you. We might not agree on everything, and have our differences, but we dont hate eachother." He floated down the the ground slowly, in an effort the show that he wanted to end this on calm terms. "Hate is reserved for the enemy, Gabriel". And Robert meant that. He didnt hate Gabriel. As much as he didnt agree with his agressive ways, and was jealous of his past with Celestia, he didnt hate the man. And he assumed that was the same for the others. They werent enamies. And as fare as robert was concerned, they were Allies, as much as Gabriel seemed to dispise the mere idea of it. They all needed to put their differnces aside, before they tore eachother apart. Maybe that was what Act V really wanted? To test how long a group of all powerfull superhumans could bare eachothers company.

                    Though Robert had hoped he could help end things calmy, he knew now that was not the case. He felt a sudden increase in rage from Gabriel, before he attacked Tobias. Things were getting out of hand. Rocks flew past them as Gabriel hurled them towards Tobias, the very ground shook beneath their feet, almost as though it was flowing back and forth like the waves of the ocean. Vines shot from the soil and sand, and Gabirel took hold of Tobias like a hound. If something didnt stop the two now, someone would die. Robert could tell. Then, he remembered Celestias sensory deprivation. She could do something to stop them, atleast for ashort time so that they could talk some sense into them. At this point, the adrenaline surging through their veins made them blind to logic and reason. All they felt now was anger and rage.

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      [ ━♟ ] Celestia [5] [ ♙━ ]

      Postby lykos brethren » Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:25 pm

      ( nname ) blaze, winters & snow xxx ( role ) co-leader
      xxx ( element ) pyrokinesis xxx ( speciality ) telekinesis and sensory deprivation

          celestia looked dealthy serious as she heard tobias and felt slightly annoyance. Before hearing Gabriel and felt her hands curl up into small fists. Her knuckles white as her hands began to warm. Her teeth grinding together as her silver eyes seemed to turn into storm clouds of anger and annoyance. She may be small but she was hell intimidating to a lot of people. Small but feisty and fierce as a lot would described the young woman. Hearing gabriel's comments only fired her up, "what is that suppose to mean?" she questioned lowly as her eyes stayed locked on him. Hearing his dare, only provoked her, she never used her sensory depreviation as she doesn't fully understand its limits. more so, if it harms anyone than anything. She grinded her teeth together and a small growl was emitted from her. Hearing his comment she shook her head, "I'm not backing away. We are a group, we look out for one another." her tone softened a little as she looked at Gabriel but it was merely for a second. It vanished quickly and was replaced with her stone hard glare.

          Her gaze looked at hux briefly before looking at Robert. Seeing the air current depart around them as he rose up int he air. She raised an eyebrow about why he was doing that before looking at Gabriel when he roared out a comment about getting o of his head. Robert. She thought instantly and looked at him. She wondered what he was doing but it soon clicked. Looking at Gabriel being to lose his cool, she frowned. What's he said was true, but Gabriel was the one to push him out of the group. He didn't try to help his case nor try to talk to the group or anything for that matter. It seemed like Gabriel didn't even care. "you could at least talk to the group, sort this out. Instead of just accepting it and make us believe that we should have never have trusted you." she snapped back as she watched him closely, her gaze inventive and calculating.

          Suddenly, without warning she saw the lightening strike and the tree and Gabriel react out of impulse. She saw him lashing out at tobias, pinning him down. A snake like vine wrapped around tobias' neck, as rocks were on tobias' arms. Hearing Gabriel, she sa show violent he had become and made her worry and feel slightly afraid. Only slightly and briefly. She stepped forward, feeling that sibling protectiveness take over her, "leave him alone, Gabriel!" her voice low and threatening a small flames flickered over her fingers and arms. "your both as bad as one another!" she growled as went to move forwards she saw hux move to Gabriel and yank him off tobias. She felt relief overwhelm her as the flames flickered out. Aiding huxler in holding Gabriel back, with her telekinesis, she pushed him back and held him in place while hux held his neck. She tilted her head curiously as she looked at what he was doing. what was he doing? she wondered curiously before hearing his speak. She didn't quite understand before she saw him do the same to tobias and come back to her side. Looking at hux, she sa whim look at his nails and gently touched his forearm, her fingers still warm from the flames earlier. His skin was cool to the touch compared to her which admittedly was nice. But she just hoped she didn't burn him or something. At the thought made her laugh at how she has done that a few times before.

          Her touch was only brief and simple before she looked at him, "what did you do?" she asked curiously as her eyes looked over his face. She studied him closely, knowing him well enough to tell what he is thinking. Well at times, sometimes he can be rather confusing. Turning her gaze, she looked at the two, sighing heavily. She pushed them back from each other with her telekinesis, bettee safe than sorry. She didn't want to deal with anymore injuries. "now, talk it out. Times ticking," her tone tired and really just over all this. She was hurt that tobias would be like this, she didn't care about what Gabriel did, well maybe she did. She didn't need know anymore. Either way, she just wanted it over and done with. If things did get out of hand, she could resort to using her sensory deprivation. However, she hoped they would at least talk it out. She was sick of fighting, it was exhausting.

          Looking at tobias, she couldn't bring herself to look at his face, where was the tobias, I use to know? she wondered quietly and sadly. She felt a burning sensation in her eyes and knew what would happened if she didn't stop it. Tear. Hot painfilled tears. They began to well in her eyes, and threatened to spill but she knew better than to show that side. After living with a house full of brothers, she learnt that crying was frowned upon and thought of as being weak. So she hides her emotions, only showing it when she is truly alone. She didn't trust anyone to see that side of her. She didn't want to appear weak. Not either. Now, she scolds herself my mentally and pushes the tears back as they still stayed welled in her eyes. However, she tried to hide them the best she could. She wasn't a damsel in distress, she was the knight. Celestia never will be weak or pathetic. She will always be the warrior she wants and wishes to be.

          Standing next to hux she felt like he was the only one to trust. And no offence to him, but that was saying something. Especially since the way hux can be as he is known to be a thief. And thieves are known to be untrusting. Sighing, she felt like everything was against her and there was no one in this world that was trust worthy. Like her father said, 'don't trust anyone but yourself, at the time she didn't believe it. And now...well those words seem to be real. Only people she could trust seemed to be hux, and Robert, and tobias. Well after today, she doesn't know about tobias. Once again, why was everything confusing? Sighing heavily, she looked at the ground and felt her eyes close as she felt her breathing become heavy. She would have to leave soon if she didn't get a handle over her emotions. She was usually so good at concealing everything, but today as seemed to hit so many nerves she wished never happened. Moving more towards huxler she frowned at the ground. Trying to distract her mind before lifting her gaze looking at the two males, Gabriel and tobias. It seemed three minutes would take forever. Hopefully it would go pass quickly and at least some of their...troubles...would be sorted. One could only hope.

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      [ ♙ // iv ]

      Postby rogue, » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:18 am

          ( ⚡⚡i//iTOBIAS REEVES
          [ gender || male ]xi[ age || twenty-two ]xi[ role || combat ]xi[ power || electrokinesis ]xi[ speciality || violence induc. & intuitive apt. ]
          [ location || beach shore ]xi[ tags || gabriel, huxler & robert ]xi[ mentions || celestia ]

          When Tobias fought, it was fluid movement. Like he was a simple stream of riverwater, able to dodge, deflect, slice and dice with ease. Half the time, a simple human, untaught and untrained in the arts of battle couldn't lay a hand on the electrical conduit, he was just that good. It was a dance. Everyone was out of step except for Tobias. Those skills of his weren't just down to his training in forms of combat -- krav maga, capoeira, things of the like -- but rather, it was his innate sense of intuition that gave him the edge. His intuitive aptitude told him exactly what to do, it saw all of Gabriel's movements beforehand, and laid them out on a lovely chart in front of him. But now? This time? Tobias didn't listen to it. He didn't bother to move out of the way. The first punch hit him right in the gut, propelling the poor electrical combat specialist back a step or two towards the treeline. He stumbled, but didn't fall, remaining on his shaking feet. Inhibitors rushed to soothe the ache before the pain could push him to his knees, and Tobias curled back his upper lip. "Was that supposed to hurt?" Electric already surged through his skin and the air; so each punch Gabriel could lay upon the man, would only result in him receiving a rather shocking bolt of recoil damage. He watched the vines snare his ankles, pinning him in place on the ground. An easy target for Gabriel. Or so you would think.

          "Speak for yourself, Robert," he sneered, spitting on the pristine sand-turned-glass. Oh, but, no. See, Tobias didn't hate Gabriel; he hated Act V. And unfortunately for the leader, he just so happened to be the closest thing to Act V here and now that Tobias could expel all of his pain upon. It was never Gabriel. It was always Act V.

          Again, he allowed each fist to land, needing the pain, the ache, the blood and the hurt to tell him that he was real. And so the leader would feel the collateral damage, in the form of lightning carving through his flesh. He felt his ribs bend under the impact of the next few hits, and fortunately, those lightning-reinforced bones had yet to fracture under the immense power of the leader -- but it was only a matter of time. He coughed up blood, splattering the contents of his veins on the sand. The back of his hand swiped at his mouth, smearing the blood across his lips in a mockery of his unhinged, sharp-toothed grins. Gabriel held strength, he'd give him that much. But it wasn't just fists flying in his direction anymore, no; it was colossal-sized hunks of rock. He took the brunt of the hits from the smaller offenders, and simply leant out of the way of the larger, far more deadly pieces. Tobias evaded the larger boulders with hardly any strenuous effort on his part. It didn't even seem to faze him. Didn't even need to use his electricity. "Put some power behind it, Act V! This isn't even a challenge," he huffed. So much anger in the leader, pent up and with nowhere to escape other than through violence. Tobias never added violence to a person, he simply amplified what was already there. A small, awful part of him hoped that his lack of interest would elicit further shots of aggression through Gabriel's bloodstream. "I expected more from Act V's attack dog, but it looks like I was wrong." His dark eyes flashed like lightning against a stormy backdrop.

          "There's nothing you can do to me that hasn't already been done." Toeing the line with Gabriel, perhaps, but he wasn't fighting back. Why? Because he didn't need to. Tobias wanted the others to turn on Act V, and they were already doing the work for him. Especially Celestia, who he saw was holding back her tears. His plan was to look like the victim here, and with the gathered crowd seemingly blaming Gabriel? It was all going wonderfully. Plus, each time Gabriel hit that electrical field around him, it would hurt. So he really needn't do anything. When did you become so vindictive? Take a bloody guess. Only had to manipulate his anger and that was it. Tobias' body already shrieked in pain, barking with each movement he made.

          Then came the earth king known as Gabriel. The impact jarred all of the bones in his back, Toby's spine arching in pain as it slammed against the unforgiving earth. He roared, body contorting horribly as those vines, slick and awful vines coiled around his form just like a sentient python. The feeling was sickening, his body throwing it's static to burn the things slowly cutting off his blood supply. Soon, between the vines and Gabriel, his extremities began to grow numb. He felt bile rise to the back of his throat as they crawled further and further towards his lifeblood, nestled low in his neck. And he convulsed with energy, the electric flaring at all angles in an attempt to save their owner. That wasn't his idea. No. Tobias bared his neck to the vines of Gabriel's creation. He could feel the red welts and bruising beginning to form around his soft throat, and he couldn't care less. "Go ahead," he hissed, "kill me, attack dog." Kill me just like Act V did her. His breaths were coming in gasps, Toby forced to fight just to fill his lungs with air. "Prove to them that you're a monster, Gabriel! All of you, Act V, you are all monsters."

          Before even Tobias' senses could detect the blur, Huxler was already there, hand against Gabriel. His eyes struggled to focus on the shape of light that flittered to and fro, and it took him far too long to register the cool hand of his atop his forehead. Took him even longer to react with a hiss. Hux had touched his skin, his electrified skin. He snarled at his friend, a little voice in the back of his mind telling him that Hux was here to help, to end things. He didn't believe it for as long as he would have liked too. Void seeped into his skin, into his blood, and he felt his electric try to fight it, only to baulk in fear as it instead consumed the small crackling bolts. He could do nothing about the current in his system now, but if Huxler could replace his blood cells with speckles of void, then Tobias sure as all nine hells would do the same; by pushing his own electricity through him. Curse him. Hux was already up and gone, back to safety away from Toby, tangled in vines with Gabriel above him, holding him in place. "Three minutes," Toby echoed, "Three minutes. What do you say, Act V?" But he was stopped dead in his tracks by the three words spoken by the leader. Three little words.

          That's an order.

          An order. An order, through Gabriel, directly given by Act V. With all of his flawed logic, that's all that he saw. An order from Act V. All of that fear almost stopped his heart, the poor organ constricting in his chest the way it always did when given a mission. Pain, fear and consequence. Consequence. He knew the consequences and refused to live through further heartache. Tobias had been conditioned through various means to follow those orders. It was built into his very person, just like his electricity. They were his damn life, those orders. They gave him a purpose. His thoughts drew to his necklace, to Evie and her pretty, pretty face he couldn't quite recall. Her scent that had long faded. Swallowing thickly, he replayed the words in his mind. That's an order. He couldn't refuse. Tobias didn't refuse an order. Around him, the air didn't just hum. It screamed. He didn't just want to rattle the leader. He wanted Act V, him, to feel something they loved die. And what had Gabriel just proved that he loved? Tobias landed his hands on the ground, bones in his wrists pinned, crushed, by the rocks, and he fired all of his electrical potential into the earth.
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